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OCTOBER,  1971 


Record  of 
The  University  of  North  Carolina 
At  Chapel  Hill 


January,  1969-December,  1970 


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in  2014 


Research:  A  Record  of  Scholarship  and  Publication  re- 
cords the  scholarly  and  creative  activities  of  the  faculty  and 
graduate  students  at  The  University  of  North  Carolina  at 
Chapel  Hill.  This  forty-third  issue  covers  the  period  from 
January  1,  1969  through  December  31,  1970. 

The  volume  is  divided  into  four  sections,  Part  I,  the  larg- 
est section  of  the  book,  reports  the  activities  of  the  regular 
academic  staff.  It  is  a  record  of  the  research  publications 
and  other  activities  of  the  academic  faculty  and  of  the  dis- 
sertations and  theses  directed  by  the  members  of  that  fac- 
ulty. Part  II  describes  the  nature  of  various  research 
organizations  in  the  University — specialized  laboratories, 
institutes,  and  centers — which  broaden  the  resources  and 
enrich  the  research  activities  of  the  various  academic  de- 
partments and  their  faculties.  In  some  cases,  publications  of 
members  of  institutes  are  included  here  rather  than  under  a 
department.  Part  III  summarizes  the  program  of  research 
societies  in  which  members  from  a  number  of  different  de- 
partments participate.  Part  IV  records  the  contents  of  a 
number  of  publications  sponsored  wholly  or  in  part  by  the 
University  and  also  lists  the  publications  of  the  University 
of  North  Carolina  Press. 

This  volume  was  prepared  in  the  Office  of  Eesearch  Ad- 
ministration with  the  valuable  assistance  of  Mrs.  Barbara 
Bitter  and  Mrs.  Jean  Madonna.  The  editor  also  wishes  to 
acknowledge  the  assistance  of  Mrs.  Mary  Johnson  whose 
editorial  skills  aided  greatly  in  the  preparation  of  this 

George  R.  Holcomb 

Dean  of  Research  Administration 



Part  I.  Kesearch  by  Departments   1 

Anatomy   1 

Anthropology   4 

Art   11 

Bacteriology  and  Immunology   18 

Biochemistry    22 

Botany   32 

Business  Administration,  School  of   40 

Chemistry   50 

City  and  Regional  Planning   64 

Classics    73 

Computer  Science   78 

Curriculum  in 

Comparative  Literature   83 

Genetics   85 

Recreation  Administration    87 

Dentistry,  School  of   89 

Dramatic  Art   103 

Economics    106 

Education,  School  of   Ill 

Education,  Physical   120 

English    121 

Extension  Division  Staff   151 

Geography    152 

Geology   155 

Germanic  Languages   164 

History   169 

Journalism,  School  of   191 

Law,  School  of   196 

Library  Science,  School  of   199 

Library  Staff   219 

Linguistics,  and  Non-Western  Languages   223 

Mathematics   226 

Medicine,  School  of   230 

Anesthesiology   230 

Family  Medicine   232 

Medicine    232 




Obstetrics  and  Gynecology   252 

Ophthalmology    255 

Pediatrics   257 

Physical  Therapy    261 

Psychiatry    262 

Kadiology    273 

Surgery   275 

Music   281 

Nursing,  School  of   285 

Pathology   289 

Pharmacology    298 

Pharmacy,  School  of    307 

Philosophy    311 

Physics    315 

Physiology    326 

Political  Science    330 

Psychology   341 

Psychometric  Laboratory   351 

Public  Health,  School  of   355 

Biostatistics    355 

Environmental  Sciences  and  Engineering   367 

Epidemiology   375 

Maternal  and  Child  Health   380 

Mental  Health   382 

Parasitology  and  Laboratory  Practice   383 

Health  Administration    388 

Health  Education   392 

Public  Health  Nursing    393 

Radio,  Television  and  Motion  Pictures   395 

Religion    397 

Romance  Languages   399 

Slavic  Languages    415 

Social  Work,  School  of   419 

Sociology    434 

Statistics   444 

Zoology    450 



Part  II.  Research  Organizations   458 

Carolina  Population  Center   458 

Center  for  Research  in  Pharmacology  and  Toxicology   460 

Child  Development  Institute   462 

Health  Services  Research  Center   463 

Institute  of  Marine  Sciences   465 

Institute  of  Government   468 

Institute  of  Outdoor  Drama   478 

Institute  for  Research  in  Social  Science   479 

The  Psychometric  Laboratory   482 

Social  Research  Section   484 

Research  Laboratories  of  Anthropology   485 

Part  III.  Research  Societies   486 

The  Elisha  Mitchell  Scientific  Society   486 

The  Philological  Club   486 

The  Society  of  the  Sigma  XI  . . .   487 

Part  IV.  Research  Publications   489 

The  Chapel  Hill  "Workshop  Reports   489 

The  High  School  Journal   493 

Estudios  de  Hispanofila   498 

Hispanofila   498 

The  James  Sprunt  Studies  in  History  and  Political  Science  500 

Journal  Abstracts   501 

Journal  of  the  Elisha  Mitchell  Scientific  Society   501 

The  North  Carolina  Law  Review   504 

Research  Previews   506 

Romance  Notes   507 

Social  Forces   515 

Southern  Economic  Journal   522 

Southern  Indian  Studies   528 

Studies  in  Philology   528 

The  University  of  North  Carolina  Press   532 

University  of  North  Carolina  Graduate  School  of  Business  535 
Studies  in  Economics  and  Business  Administration   535 




University  of  North  Carolina  Studies  in 

Comparative  Literature   536 

University  of  North  Carolina  Studies  in  the 

Germanic  Languages  and  Literature   536 

University  of  North  Carolina  Studies  in  the 

Romance  Languages  and  Literatures   537 




H.  Stanley  Bennett 

' 1  The  Cell  Surface :  Components  and  Configurations, ' '  in  Hand- 
look  of  Molecular  Cytology,  ed.,  A.  Lima-de-Faria.  Amsterdam: 
North-Holland  Publishing  Company,  1969.  Pp.  1263-93. 

' '  The  Cell  Surface :  Movements  and  Recombinations, ' '  in  Hand- 
book of  Molecular  Cytology,  ed.,  A.  Lima-de-Faria.  Amsterdam: 
North-Holland  Publishing  Company,  1969.  Pp.  1295-1319. 

"High-Voltage  Electron  Microscopy,"  Science,  168  (April  24, 
1970),  506-7. 

Ruth  Ellen  Bulger 

(With  B.  F.  Trump.)  ' 1  Ultrastructure  of  Granulated  Arteriolar 
Cells  (Juxtaglomerular  Cells)  in  Kidney  of  a  Fresh  and  a  Salt 
Water  Teleost,"  American  Journal  of  Anatomy,  124  (January 
1969),  77-87. 

(With  B.  F.  Trump.)  "A  Mechanism  for  Kapid  Transport  of 
Colloidal  Particles  by  Flounder  Renal  Epithelium,"  Journal  of 
Morphology,  127  (February  1969),  205-24. 

"The  Use  of  Potassium  Pyroantimonate  in  the  Localization  of 
Sodium  Ions  in  Rat  Kidney  Tissue,"  Journal  of  Cell  Biology,  40 
(January  1969),  79-94. 

(With  B.  F.  Trump.)  "Ca2+  and  K+  Ion  Effects  on  Ultra- 
structure  of  Isolated  Flounder  Kidney  Tubules,"  Journal  of  Ul- 
trastructure Research,  28  (August  1969),  301-19. 

(With  R.  B.  Nagle,  P.  W.  Kohnen,  G.  E.  Striker,  and  E.  P. 
Benditt.)  "Ultrastructure  of  Human  Renal  Obsolescent  Glomeruli," 
Laboratory  Investigation,  21  (December  1969),  519-26. 

(With  F.  Silverblatt  and  M.  Turck.)  ' 1  Cephaloridine  Nephro- 
toxicity; A  Light  and  Electron  Microscopic  Study  in  Rabbits," 
Journal  of  Infectious  Diseases,  122  (July- August  1970),  33-44. 

(With  F.  J.  Silverblatt.)  1  'Gap  Junctions  Occur  in  Vertebrate 
Renal  Proximal  Tubule  Cells,"  Journal  of  Cell  Biology,  47  (No- 
vember 1970),  513-15. 

Andrew  Derart  Dixon 

(See  entries  under  School  of  Dentistry.) 



Charles  Wright  Hooker 

"The  Intertubular  Tissue  of  the  Testis,"  in  The  Testis,  eds., 
A.  D.  Johnson  and  W.  R.  Gones.  New  York:  Academic  Press,  1970. 
Pp.  483-550. 

William  Edward  Koch 

(With  B.  A.  Koch  and  P.  A.  Ledbury.)  11  In  Vitro  Differentiation 
of  Tooth  Rudiments  of  Embryonic  Mice.  II.  Growth  of  Isolated 
Thirds  of  Embryonic  Mouse  Incisors,"  Anatomical  Record,  166 
(March  1970),  517-28. 

Eoyce  Lee  Montgomery 

(With  Michael  K.  Berkut.)  "A  Morphological  Study  of  Viscera 
in  Aged  Rats  with  Lesions  in  the  Limbic  System,"  Physiology  and 
Behavior,  5  (September  1970),  989-92. 

Eoy  Peach 

(See  entries  under  School  of  Dentistry.) 
William  Sprott  Pollitzer 

Editor,  American  Journal  of  Physical  Anthropology. 

(With  D.  S.  Phelps,  R.  E.  Waggoner,  and  W.  C.  Leysbon.) 
" Morphology,  Genetics,  and  History,"  in  Evolutionary  Anthropol- 
ogy: A  Reader  in  Human  Biology,  ed.,  H.  K.  Bleibtren.  Boston: 
Allyn  &  Bacon,  1969.  Pp.  429-46. 

(With  C.  H.  Bostian,  M.  Wittinghill,  and  L.  Muro.)  " Evidence 
of  Iris-earlobe  Linkage  in  a  Mosaic  Man, ' '  Journal  of  Heredity,  60 
(January-February  1969),  3-9. 

(With  W.  H.  Brown.)  ' 1  Survey  of  Demography,  Anthropometry, 
and  Genetics  in  the  Melungeous  of  Tennessee :  An  Isolate  of  Hybrid 
Origin  in  Process  of  Dissolution,"  Human  Biology,  41  (September 

1969)  ,  388-400. 

"Evaluation  of  the  Contribution  of  Parental  Populations  to 
Hybrids,"  Proceedings  of  the  Eighth  International  Congress  of 
Anthropological  and  Ethnological  Sciences,  1  (1970),  233-34. 

(With  D.  Rucknagel,  R.  Tashian,  D.  C.  Shreffler,  W.  C.  Leysbon, 
K.  Namboodiri,  and  R.  C.  Elston.)  "The  Seminole  Indians  of  Flor- 
ida: Morphology  and  Serology,"  American  Journal  of  Physical 
Anthropology,  32  (January  1970),  65-82. 

(With  K.  Namboodiri,  R.  C.  Elston,  W.  H.  Brown,  and  W.  C. 
Leysbon.)  "The  Seminole  Indians  of  Oklahoma:  Morphology  and 
Serology,"  American  Journal  of  Physical  Anthropology,  33  (July 

1970)  ,  15-30. 

"Blood  Groups  and  Anthropology,"  CRC  Critical  Reviews  in 
Clinical  Laboratory  Sciences,  1  (May  1970),  193-232. 



(With  E.  Boyle,  J.  Cornoni,  and  K.  Namboodiri.)  " Physical  An- 
thropology of  the  Negroes  of  Charleston,  S.  C,"  Human  Biology, 
42  (May  1970),  265-79. 

Review  of  S.  M.  Gam,  Readings  on  Race  (Springfield:  C.  C. 
Thomas,  1968),  in  American  Journal  of  Human  Genetics,  22  (July 
1970),  487-89. 

"Some  Interactions  of  Culture  and  Genetics,"  Current  Direc- 
tions in  Anthropology,  A  Special  Issue,  Bulletin  of  the  American 
Anthropological  Association,  ed.,  Ann  Fischer,  3  (November  1970), 

Mary  Clyde  Singleton 

(See  entries  under  Division  of  Physical  Therapy.) 

Walter  E.  Stumpf 

(With  L.  J.  Roth.)  Editor,  Autoradiography  of  Diffusible  Sub- 
stances. New  York :  Academic  Press,  1969.  Pp.  371. 

(With  L.  J.  Roth.)  "Autoradiography  Using  Dry-mounted 
Freeze-dried  Sections,"  in  Autoradiography  of  Diffusible  Sub- 
stances, eds.,  L.  J.  Roth  and  W.  E.  Stumpf.  New  York:  Academic 
Press,  1969.  Pp.  69-80. 

(With  E.  V.  Jensen,  E.  R.  DeSombre,  P.  W.  Jungblut,  and  L.  J. 
Roth.)  " Biochemical  and  Autoradiographic  Studies  of  3H  Estradiol 
Localization,"  in  Autoradiography  of  Diffusible  Substances,  eds., 
L.  J.  Roth  and  W.  E.  Stumpf.  New  York:  Academic  Press,  1969. 
Pp.  81-97. 

(With  D.  A.  Brown,  I.  M.  Diab,  and  L.  J.  Roth.)  "Assessment 
of  Autoradiographic  Resolution  Using  Soluble  Extracellular  Fluid 
Indicators,"  in  Autoradiography  of  Diffusible  Substances,  eds., 
L.  J.  Roth  and  W.  E.  Stumpf.  New  York:  Academic  Press,  1969. 
Pp.  161-82. 

(With  L.  J.  Roth.)  "Autoradiography  of  Drugs  at  Histologic 
Levels,"  in  Radioactive  Isotopes  in  Pharmacology,  eds.,  P.  G.  Waser 
and  B.  Glasson.  Sussex:  John  Wiley  and  Sons,  Ltd.,  1969.  Pp.  135- 

"Tissue  Preparation  for  the  Autoradiography  Localization  of 
Hormones,"  in  Introduction  to  Quantitative  Cytochemistry -II, 
eds.,  G.  L.  Wied  and  G.  F.  Bahr.  New  York :  Academic  Press,  1970. 
Pp.  507-26. 

(With  D.  A.  Brown  and  L.  J.  Roth.)  "Location  of  Radioactively 
Labelled  Extracellular  Fluid  Indicators  in  Nervous  Tissue  by  Auto- 
radiography,"  Journal  of  Cell  Science,  4  (January  1969),  265-88. 

"Too  Much  Noise  in  the  Autoradiogram ? "  Science,  163  (Feb- 
ruary 1969),  958-59. 



"  Nuclear  Concentration  of  3H  Estradiol  in  Target  Tissues. 
Dry-mount  Autoradiography  of  Vagina,  Oviduct,  Ovary,  Testis, 
Mammary  Tumor,  Liver  and  Adrenal,"  Endocrinology,  85  (July 
1969),  31-37. 

(With  S.  P.  Grossman.)  " Intracranial  Drug  Implants:  An 
Autoradiographic  Analysis  of  Diffusion,"  Science,  166  (December 

1969)  ,  1410-12. 

"Localization  of  Hormones  by  Autoradiography  and  other  His- 
tochemical  Techniques,  a  Critical  Review,"  Journal  of  Histochem- 
istry and  Cytochemistry,  18  (January  1970),  21-29. 

(With  M.  Sar  and  S.  Liao.)  "Nuclear  Concentration  of  An- 
drogens in  Rat  Seminal  Vesicles  and  Prostate  by  Autoradiography, ' ' 
Endocrinology,  86  (May  1970),  1008-11. 

"Estrogen-Neurons  and  Estrogen-Neuron  Systems  in  the  Peri- 
ventricular Brain,"  American  Journal  of  Anatomy,  129  (October 

1970)  ,  207-18. 

Review  of  William  D.  Gude,  Autoradiographic  Techniques 
(Englewood  Cliffs:  Prentice-Hall,  Inc.,  1968),  in  Journal  of  Histo- 
chemistry and  Cytochemistry,  17  (May  1969),  355. 


Donald  Leslie  Brockington 

1 '  Investigaciones  Arqueologicas  en  la  Costa  de  Oaxaca, ' '  Boletin 
del  Instituto  Nacional  de  Antropologia  e  Historia,  38  (Deciembre 
1969),  33-40. 

Review  of  Roman  Pina  Chan  and  Carlos  Navarette,  Archaeolog- 
ical Research  in  the  Lower  Grijalva  River  Region,  Tabasco  and 
Chiapas  (Provo:  Brigham  Young  University  and  New  World 
Archaeological  Foundation,  1967),  in  American  Antiquity,  35 
(July  1970),  398. 

Noel  David  Burleson 

"The  Time  is  Now:  Population  Education,"  in  International 
Development  1969,  Proceedings  of  the  Eleventh  World  Conference 
of  the  Society  for  International  Development,  ed.,  K.  B.  Madhava. 
Dobbs  Ferry,  New  York:  Oceana  Publications,  1970.  Pp.  235-39. 


Editor,  Southern  Indian  Studies. 

Editor,  Newsletter,  The  Archaeological  Society  of  North  Car- 



Associate  Editor,  Bulletin,  Southeastern  Archaeological  Con- 

Julia  Gorham  Crane 

Review  of  Archibald  W.  Singham,  The  Hero  and  the  Crowd  in  a 
Colonial  Polity  (New  Haven:  Yale  University  Press,  1968),  in 
American  Anthropologist,  72  (February  1970),  165-66. 

Robert  Edward  Daniels 

(With  R.  L.  Munroe  and  R.  H.  Munroe.)  '  'Effect  of  Status  and 
Values  on  Estimation  of  Coin  Size  in  Two  East  African  Societies,'7 
The  Journal  of  Social  Psychology,  77  (February  1969),  25-34. 

(With  R.  L.  Munroe,  R.  H.  Munroe,  and  S.  B.  Nerlove.)  " Effects 
of  Population  Density  on  Food  Concerns  in  Three  East  African 
Societies,"  Journal  of  Health  and  Social  Behavior,  10  (September 
1969),  161-71. 

' '  Cultural  Identities  Among  the  Oglala  Sioux, ' '  in  The  Modern 
Sioux:  Social  Systems  and  Reservation  Culture,  ed.,  E.  Nurge.  Lin- 
coln: University  of  Nebraska  Press,  1970.  Pp.  198-245. 

Peter  Randall  Goethals 

" Sumatra,"  Encyclopedia  Americana,  1970. 
"Gayo,"  Encyclopedia  Americana,  1970. 

Review  of  M.  B.  Hooker,  ed.,  A  Source  Book  of  Adat,  Chinese 
Law  and  the  History  of  Common  Law  in  the  Malayan  Peninsula, 
Special  Issue  of  Malaya  Law  Review  (Singapore:  University  of 
Singapore  Press,  1967),  in  Journal  of  Asian  Studies,  28  (April 
1969),  905-6. 

John  Gulick 

1 1  Village  and  City :  Cultural  Continuities  in  Twentieth  Century 
Middle  Eastern  Culture,"  in  Middle  Eastern  Cities,  ed.,  Ira 
Lapidus.  Berkeley  and  Los  Angeles :  University  of  California  Press, 
1969.  Pp.  122-58. 

" Village  and  City  Field  Work  in  Lebanon,"  in  Marginal  Na- 
tives: Anthropologists  at  Work,  ed.,  Morris  Freilich.  New  York: 
Harper  and  Row,  1970.  Pp.  123-52. 

"The  Anthropology  of  the  Middle  East,"  Bulletin  of  the  Middle 
East  Studies  Association,  3  (1969),  1-14. 

"The  Material  Base  of  a  Lebanese  Village,"  in  Peoples  and 
Cultures  of  the  Middle  East,  ed.,  A.  Shiloh.  New  York:  Random 



House,  1969.  Pp.  79-98.  (Reprinted  from  a  chapter  in  his  Social 
Structure  and  Cultural  Change  in  a  Lebanese  Village,  1955). 

" Conservatism  and  Change  in  a  Lebanese  Village,"  in  Read- 
ings in  Arab  Middle  Eastern  Societies  and  Cultures,  eds.,  Abdulla 
M.  Lutfiyya  and  Charles  W.  Churchill.  The  Hague  and  Paris: 
Mouton,  1970.  Pp.  314-27.  Reprinted  from  The  Middle  East  Jour- 
nal, 8  (Summer  1954),  295-307. 

' '  Two  Streams  into  One, ' '  in  Readings  in  Arab  Middle  Eastern 
Societies  and  Cultures,  eds.,  Abdulla  M.  Lutfiyya  and  Charles  W. 
Churchill.  The  Hague  and  Paris:  Mouton,  1970.  Pp.  339-44.  Re- 
printed from  Middle  East  Forum,  30  (1955),  12-13,  28-29. 

Review  of  G.  Breese,  ed.,  The  City  in  Newly  Developing  Coun- 
tries (Englewood  Cliffs:  Prentice-Hall,  1969),  in  Social  Forces,  48 
(March  1970),  429-30. 

John  Joseph  Honigmann" 

"  [Anthropological  Psychology],"  Educational  Encyclopedia 
(published  by  the  Ministry  of  Education  and  Culture  and  the 
Bialik  Institute,  Jerusalem),  1969,  pp.  80-82. 

"Anthropology,"  Britannica  Book  of  the  Year,  1969,  pp.  98-99. 

"Culture  Patterns  and  Human  Stress — a  Study  in  Social  Psy- 
chiatry," in  Toward  Self -Under standing :  Studies  in  Personality 
and  Adjustment,  ed.,  Lawrence  C.  Grebstein,  Glenview,  Illinois: 
Scott  Foresman  and  Company,  1969.  Pp.  206-14.  (A  reprint.) 

Kultur  und  Persoenlichkeit, "  in  Woerterbuch  der  Soziologie, 
ed.,  Wilhelm  Bernsdorf.  Stuttgart:  Ferdinand  Enke  Verlag,  1969. 
Pp.  611-15. 

" Middle- Class  Values  and  Cross- Cultural  Understanding,"  in 
Culture  Change,  Mental  Health,  and  Poverty,  ed.,  Joseph  C.  Finney. 
Lexington:  University  of  Kentucky  Press,  1969.  Pp.  1-19.  (Also 
reprinted  by  Clarion  Books,  New  York :  Simon  and  Schuster,  Inc., 

"Psychological  Anthropology,"  The  Annals  of  the  American 
Academy  of  Political  and  Social  Science,  383  (May  1969),  145-58. 

' 1  Toward  a  Distinction  Between  Psychiatric  and  Nonpsychiatric 
Judgments  of  Abnormality,"  in  Readings  in  the  Psychology  of 
Adjustment,  2nd  edition,  eds.,  Leon  Gorlow  and  Walter  Katkov- 
sky.  New  York:  McGraw-Hill  Book  Company,  1968.  Pp.  46-53. 
(Published  in  1969.) 

(With  Irma  Honigmann.)  Arctic  Townsmen.  Ottawa:  Canadian 
Research  Centre  for  Anthropology,  Saint  Paul  University,  1970. 
Pp.  xx,  303. 



"Education  in  the  Modernization  of  Cultures,"  in  Transactions 
of  the  Sixth  World  Congress  of  Sociology,  Evian,  4-11,  September, 
1966.  Vol.  3  (1970),  369-84. 

"Field  Work  in  Two  Northern  Canadian  Communities, ' '  in 
Marginal  Natives,  ed.,  Morris  Freilich.  New  York :  Harper  and  Kow, 
1970.  Pp.  39-72. 

Editor,  Modernization  and  Tradition  in  Central  European  Rural 
Cultures.  (Special  issue  of  Anthropologica,  n.s.  Vol.  12,  No.  1.)  Ot- 
tawa: The  Canadian  Eesearch  Centre  for  Anthropology,  St.  Paul 
University,  1970.  Pp.  148. 

"Personality  in  Culture,"  in  Readings  in  Introductory  An- 
thropology, Vol.  2,  ed.,  Richard  G.  Emerick.  Berkeley :  McKutchan 
Publishing  Corp.,  1970.  Pp.  246-66.  (Reprint.) 

1 1  Rationality  and  Fantasy  in  Styrian  Villagers, ' '  in  Moderniza- 
tion and  Tradition  in  Central  European  Rural  Cultures,  ed.,  John 
J.  Honigmann.  (Special  issue  of  Anthropologica,  n.s.  Vol.  12,  No.  1.) 
Ottawa :  The  Canadian  Research  Centre  for  Anthropology,  St.  Paul 
University,  1970.  Pp.  129-39. 

(With  A.  H.  Maslow.)  "Synergy:  Some  Notes  of  Ruth  Bene- 
dict," American  Anthropologist,  72  (April  1970),  320-33. 

Review  of  Craig  Mac  An  drew  and  Robert  B.  Edgerton,  Drunken 
Comportment:  A  Social  Explanation  (Chicago:  Aldine  Publishing 
Company,  1969),  in  Social  Forces,  46  (June  1970),  559-60. 

Review  of  5  films  produced  by  Quentin  Brown,  with  Asen 
Balikci  and  Guy  Mary-Rousselier  as  consultants.  Caribou  Hunters 
at  the  Crossing  Place,  Autumn  River  Camp,  I,  Autumn  River  Camp, 
II,  Winter  Sea  Ice  Camp,  I,  Winter  Sea  Ice  Camp,  III.  Photo- 
graphed 1963-1965  (New  York:  Modern  Learning  Aids),  in  Amer- 
ican Anthropologist,  72  (June  1970),  722-24. 

Review  of  Judith  Groch,  The  Right  to  Create  (Boston:  Little, 
Brown  and  Company,  1969),  in  Growth  and  Change,  1  (October 
1970),  51-52. 

Review  of  Nelson  H.  H.  Graburn,  Eskimos  without  Igloos:  So- 
cial and  Economic  Development  in  Sugluk  (Boston:  Little,  Brown 
and  Company,  1969),  in  American  Anthropologist,  72  (August 
1970),  886-87. 

Guy  Benton  Johnson 

(See  entries  under  Department  of  Sociology.) 

Bekton  H.  Kaplan 

(See  entries  under  School  of  Public  Health,  Department  of 



Dorothea  Cross  Leighton 

(See  entries  under  School  of  Public  Health,  Department  of 
Mental  Health.) 

Frederick  Dean  McEvoy 

' '  Traditional  and  Contemporary  Patterns  in  Sabo  Labor  Migra- 
tion," Liberian  Studies  Journal,  2  (Fall  1970),  153-67. 

Ralph  Clinton  Patrick 

(See  entries  under  School  of  Public  Health,  Department  of 

James  Lowe  Peacock  III 

(With  A.  Thomas  Kirsch.)  The  Human  Direction:  An  Evolu- 
tionary Approach  to  Cultural  and  Social  Anthropology.  New  York  s 
Appleton-Century  Crofts,  1970.  Pp.  xi,  334. 

"Mystics  and  Merchants  in  Fourteenth  Century  Germany:  A 
Reconstruction  of  Their  Psychological  Bond  and  Its  Implications 
for  Social  Change,"  Journal  for  the  Scientific  Study  of  Religion,  3 
(Spring  1969),  47-59. 

"Religion,  Communications,  and  Modernization:  A  Weberian 
Critique  of  Some  Recent  Views, ' '  Human  Organization,  28  ( Spring 
1969),  35-41. 

"Society  as  Narrative,"  in  Forms  of  Symbolic  Actions:  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  1969  Annual  Spring  Meeting  of  the  American  Ethno- 
logical Society.  Seattle:  University  of  Washington  Press,  1969. 
Pp.  167-78. 

"President  Sukarno  as  Myth  Maker,"  in  E change  et  Communi- 
cations: Melanges  efforts  ■ A  Claude  Levi-Stauss  A  L'  Occasion  De 
Son  60  Erne  Anniversaire,  Vol.  II,  eds.,  Jean  Pouillon  and  Pierre 
Maranda.  Hague-Paris:  Mouton  (Humanities  Press,  New  York), 
1970.  Pp.  122-29. 

Review  of  V.  Kavolis,  Artistic  Expression — A  Sociological 
Analysis  (Ithaca:  Cornell  University  Press,  1968),  in  Social  Forces, 
47  (June  1969),  513. 

Review  of  Hugh  D.  Duncan,  Symbols  in  Society  (New  York: 
Oxford  University  Press,  1968)  and  Communication  and  Social 
Order  (London  and  New  York:  Oxford  University  Press,  1968),  in 
American  Anthropologist,  71  (August  1969),  790-92. 

Steven  Polgar 

"Factors  Affecting  Contraceptive  Behavior — Attitudes,  Values, 
Mores  and  Beliefs — A  View  from  Anthropology, "  in  A  Report  for 
Nurse  Educators  in  Baccalaureate  Schools  of  Nursing,  ed.,  E.  M. 



Edmands.  Chapel  Hill:  Carolina  Population  Center  Monograph  7, 
1970.  Pp.  75-81. 

(With  R.  A.  Hatcher.)  " Contraception :  Sociocultural  Factors 
Affecting  Practice  in  Patients  and  Personnel,"  in  Manual  of  Con- 
traceptive Practice,  ed.,  M.  S.  Calderone.  Baltimore :  Williams  and 
Wilkins,  1970.  Pp.  221-31. 

(With  F.  Rothstein.)  "Family  Planning  and  Conjugal  Roles 
in  New  York  City  Poverty  Areas/'  Social  Science  and  Medicine,  4 
(July  1970),  135-39. 

Comments  on  D.  L.  Hochstrasser  and  J.  W.  Tapp,  Jr.,  "Social 
Medicine  and  Public  Health,"  in  Anthropology  and  the  Behavioral 
and  Health  Sciences,  eds.,  0.  von  Mering  and  L.  Kasdan.  Pittsburgh : 
University  of  Pittsburgh  Press,  1970.  Pp.  263-66. 

Review  of  B.  Berelson,  ed.,  Family  Planning  Programs — An 
International  Survey  (New  York:  Basic  Books,  1969),  in  Family 
Planning  Perspectives,  1  (Spring  1969),  46. 

Review  of  R.  M.  Prothero,  Migrants  and  Malaria  in  Africa 
(Pittsburgh:  University  of  Pittsburgh  Press,  1968),  in  American 
Anthropologist,  71  (October  1969),  992. 

Review  of  S.  J.  Behrman  et  al.,  eds.,  Fertility  and  Family  Plan- 
ning— A  World  View  (Ann  Arbor :  University  of  Michigan  Press, 
1969),  in  American  Sociological  Review,  35  (April  1970),  413-14. 

William  Sprott  Pollitzer 

(See  entries  under  Department  of  Anatomy.) 

Shirley  Hill  Witt 

"Nationalistic  Trends  Among  American  Indians,"  in  The 
American  Indian  Today,  eds.,  S.  Levine  and  N.  O.  Lurie.  Baltimore : 
Penguin  Books,  Inc.,  1970.  Pp.  93-127. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department: 

Thomas  Kay  Fitzgerald 

The  Social  Position  of  the  Maori  University  Graduate :  A  Recon- 
sideration of  Some  Theories  of  Acculturation  and  Identity.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  John  Joseph  Honigmann.) 

Richard  Howard  Bobbins 

Drinking  Behavior  and  Identity  Resolution.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  John  Joseph  Honigmann.) 



Evelyn  Mary  Todd 

A  Grammar  of  the  Ojibwa  Language:  The  Severn  Dialect. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Gulick.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 

Paul  Axelrod 

A  Social  and  Demographic  Comparison  of  Two  Nevada  Shoshoni 
Indian  Reservations.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Steven  Polgar.) 

Walter  Kenneth  Barger 

Adaptation  to  Town  in  Great  Whale  River.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  John  Joseph  Honigmann.) 

Katherine  Eleanor  Blossom 

Community  and  Leadership  Among  the  Fort  Chimo  Indians  of 
Schefferville,  Quebec.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  John  Joseph 

James  Torrence  Bond 

A  History  of  Social-Cultural  Adaption  and  Population  in  the 
Sertao  do  Sao  Francisco,  Pernambuco,  Brazil.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Steven  Polgar.) 

Dorothy  Caye  Clement 

Shango:  A  Modernizing  Cult  in  Trinidadian  Society.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Frank  Theodore  Cloak.) 

Boy  Selman  Dickents,  Jr. 

The  Pisgah  Culture  and  Its  Place  in  the  Prehistory  of  the 
Southern  Appalachians.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Joffre 
Lanning  Coe.) 

James  Young  Greene 

The  Eole  of  the  Group  in  the  Folk  Healing  Practice.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  James  Lowe  Peacock  III.) 

Janet  Carlson  Holley 

The  Problem  of  Type  in  North  American  Archaeology.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Joffre  Lanning  Coe.) 

Thomas  Cariell  Loftfield 

Shell  Midden  Sites  of  the  Harkers  Island-North  River  Area, 
North  Carolina.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Joffre  Lanning 



Tkude  Sellin  Lowenbach 

An  Exploratory  Study  of  Rural  Mexican  Health  Practices  in 
Transition.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Peter  Randall  Goeth- 

Olin  Foss  McCormick  III 

Archaeological  Resources  of  the  New  Hope  Reservoir  Area, 
North  Carolina.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Joffre  Lanning 

Helen  Lida  Phillips 

Shouting  for  the  Lord:  A  Black  Rite  of  Modernization.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  James  Lowe  Peacock  III.) 

James  Nelson  Riley 

Family  Organization  in  an  Urban  Port-of-Spain  Community. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Frank  Theodore  Cloak.) 

Jeannette  Runquist 

Archaeological  Skeletal  Material:  A  Study  in  the  Methods  of 
Excavation,  Preservation,  Reassembly  and  Analysis.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  William  Sprott  Pollitzer.) 

Karen  Li  Simpkins 

Terminology  Used  in  Selected  Local  Settings.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Mary  Sanches.) 

Carole  Warlick  Thorn 

The  Adaptation  of  the  Montagnais-Naskapi  Indians  to  Life  in 
Schefferville.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Joseph  Honig- 


Gloria  Jean  Wentowski 

Salt  as  an  Ecological  Factor  in  the  Prehistory  of  the  South- 
eastern United  States.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Joffre  Lan- 
ning Coe). 


Robert  John  Barnard 

Review  of  Geoffrey  Ashe,  ed.,  The  Quest  for  Arthur's  Britain 
(New  York  and  London:  Praeger,  1968),  in  Art  Education,  23 
(March  1970),  38. 



Review  of  Martin  Hardie,  Water-Colour  Painting  in  Britain, 
Volume  3,  The  Victorian  Period  (New  York:  Barnes  and  Noble, 

1969)  ,  in  Art  Education,  23  (April  1970),  39. 

Review  of  A.  J.  Finberg,  Turner's  Sketches  and  Drawings 
(New  York:  Schocken  Books,  1968),  in  Art  Education,  23  (June 

1970)  ,  27. 

Eighth  Annual  Exhibition,  UNC  School  of  Public  Health, 
Chapel  Hill,  February-December,  1970. 

Award  Winners  Exhibition,  North  Carolina  Museum  of  Art, 
Raleigh,  February,  1970. 

John  Wesley  Dixon,  Jk. 

(See  entries  under  Department  of  Religion.) 

Jaboslav  Folda 

1 1  Kreuzzuge, ' '  Lexikon  der  christlichen  Ikonographie,  Vol.  2 
(Freiburg  in  Breisgau:  Verlag  Herder,  1970),  cols.  656-57. 

"A  Crusader  Manuscript  from  Antioch,"  Bendiconti  delta 
Pontificia  Accademia  Bomana  di  Archeologia,  42  (1969-70),  283-98. 

* 1  Helena,  Mother  of  Constantinus  Magnus,"  Ancient  Portraits, 
Ackland  Art  Center  (Chapel  Hill,  April  5-May  17,  1970),  entry  24. 

"Manuscripts,"  First  Decade  of  Collecting  Exhibition,  Ackland 
Art  Center  (Chapel  Hill,  November  2-December  21,  1969),  p.  11, 
entries  106-11. 

Review  of  T.  S.  R.  Boase,  Castles  and  Churches  of  the  Crusading 
Kingdom  (London:  Oxford  University  Press,  1967),  in  Journal 
of  the  Society  of  Architectural  Historians,  29  (March  1970),  64. 

Review  of  Jon  D.  Longaker,  Art,  Style,  and  History  (Glen- 
view,  Illinois:  Scott,  Foresman  and  Company,  1970),  in  South- 
eastern  College  Art  Beview  and  Newsletter,  4  (1969-70),  14-15. 

Robert  A.  Howard 

Art  and  the  Artist,  St.  Andrews  Beview,  1  (Fall- Winter  1970), 


Thirty-third  Annual  North  Carolina  Artists  Exhibition,  North 
Carolina  Museum  of  Art,  Raleigh,  December- January,  1970-71. 

Eighth  Annual  Exhibition,  UNC  School  of  Public  Health, 
Chapel  Hill,  February-December,  1970. 

One  Man  Show,  St.  Andrews  College,  Vardel  Building,  Laurin- 
burg,  North  Carolina,  November  1969. 

One  Man  Show,  University  Art  Gallery,  Virginia  Polytechnic 
Institute,  Blacksburg,  Virginia,  October  1969. 

North  Carolina  Sculpture  Invitational,  Duke  University,  Dur- 



ham,  and  University  of  North  Carolina,  Chapel  Hill,  May- August, 

Contemporary  American  Painting  and  Sculpture  1969,  Kran- 
nert  Art  Museum,  University  of  Illinois,  Champaign,  Illinois, 
March-April,  1969. 

Saea  Andeeson  Immeewahe 

Co-editor,  Ancient  Portraits,  Ackland  Art  Center  (Chapel  Hill, 
April  5-May  17,  1970),  co-author  of  "Introduction,"  and  author  of 
"Head  of  a  Female  Wearing  Himation,"  entry  2. 

"A  New  Greek  Bronze  Head  in  the  Ackland  Museum,"  Ees- 
peria,  38  (1969),  150-56. 

"The  Pomegranate  Vase:  A  Mycenaean-Geometric  Link," 
American  Journal  of  Archaeology,  74  (1970),  197. 

"Ancient  Portraits,"  Archaeology,  23  (1970),  345. 

Review  of  C.  W.  Blegen  and  M.  Rawson,  The  Palace  of  Nestor 
at  Pylos  in  Western  Messenia  (Princeton:  Princeton  University 
Press,  1966),  in  American  Journal  of  Archaeology,  73  (1969),  83-85. 

Review  of  W.  Cullican,  The  First  Merchant  Venturers:  The 
Ancient  Levant  in  History  and  Commerce  (London:  Thames  and 
Hudson,  1966),  in  Archaeology,  23  (1970),  169. 

Geoege  Kacheegis 

Thirty-third  Annual  North  Carolina  Artists  Exhibition,  North 
Carolina  Museum  of  Art,  Raleigh,  North  Carolina,  December- 
January,  1970-71. 

One  Man  Exhibition,  McDonald  Art  Gallery,  Charlotte,  North 
Carolina,  1970. 

Gene  Kangas 

Glass  National  II,  Toledo  Museum,  1968 :  selected  pieces  in  the 
Smithsonian  Institution  Traveling  Exhibition  Service,  1969-1971. 

Young  Americans,  American  Crafts  Council,  New  York,  New 
York,  1970. 

Group  Show,  Royal  Marks  Gallery,  New  York,  New  York,  1970. 

Thirty-third  Annual  North  Carolina  Artists  Exhibition,  North 
Carolina  Museum  of  Art,  Raleigh,  North  Carolina,  December- 
January,  1970-71. 

Two  Man  Show  (with  Herb  Jackson),  Garden  Gallery,  Raleigh, 
North  Carolina,  November  1970. 

Group  Show,  Weatherspoon  Art  Gallery,  UNC,  Greensboro, 
North  Carolina,  May  1970. 

One  Man  Show,  Royal  Marks  Gallery,  New  York,  New  York, 
February  1970. 



Inaugural  Group  Show,  Pyramid  Gallery,  Washington,  D.  C, 
January  1970. 

UNO  Faculty  Show,  Ackland  Art  Center,  Chapel  Hill,  North 
Carolina,  September  1969. 

Group  Show,  Royal  Marks  Gallery,  New  York,  New  York, 
Summer,  1969. 

North  Carolina  Sculpture  Invitational,  Duke  University,  Dur- 
ham, North  Carolina,  and  University  of  North  Carolina,  Chapel 
Hill,  North  Carolina,  May-August,  1969. 


Thirty-third  Annual  North  Carolina  Artists  Exhibition,  North 
Carolina  Museum  of  Art,  Raleigh,  North  Carolina,  December- 
January,  1970-71. 

Invitational  Group  Show,  Washington  and  Lee  University,  Lex- 
ington, Virginia,  1970. 

Eighth  Annual  Exhibition,  UNC  School  of  Public  Health, 
Chapel  Hill,  North  Carolina,  February-December,  1970. 

Inaugural  Group  Show,  Pyramid  Gallery,  Washington,  D.  C, 

Thirty-second  Annual  North  Carolina  Artists  Exhibition,  North 
Carolina  Museum  of  Art,  Raleigh,  North  Carolina,  1969. 

Group  Show,  Corcoran  Gallery  of  Art,  Washington,  D.  C,  1969. 

Invitational  Small  Group  Show,  Carleton  College,  Northfield, 
Minnesota,  1969. 

North  Carolina  Sculpture  Invitational,  Duke  University,  Dur- 
ham, North  Carolina,  and  University  of  North  Carolina,  Chapel 
Hill,  North  Carolina,  May- August,  1969. 

Donald  B.  Kuspit 

" Utopian  Protest  in  Early  Abstract  Art,"  Art  Journal,  29 
(Summer  1970),  430-37. 

Review  of  Ingeborg  Heidemann,  Der  Begriff  des  Spieles  (Ber- 
lin: W.  deGruyter,  1968),  in  Philosophy  and  Phenomenological  Re- 
search, 30  (March  1970),  472-73. 

Paul  Magennis 

UNC  Faculty  Show,  Ackland  Art  Center,  Chapel  Hill,  North 
Carolina,  September  1969. 

Kenneth  Ness 

"Mona  Lisa  Rides  Again,"  Two  Star  Award,  Moviemakers  Ten 
Best  Competition,  London,  England,  1970. 

UNC  Faculty  Show,  Ackland  Art  Center,  Chapel  Hill,  North 
Carolina,  September  1969. 



Marvin  Saltzman 

International  Traveling  American  Print  Exhibition,  sponsored 
by  the  Oregon  State  University,  1970-71. 

Set  Design  for  UNO  Education  Television,  Channel  4,  Chapel 
Hill,  North  Carolina,  "The  Lion  in  Winter,"  1970,  "Cox  and 
Box,"  1970,  "Medium,"  1969. 

Purchase,  National  Collection  of  Fine  Arts,  Washington,  D.  C, 

One  Man  Show,  Davidson  College,  Davidson,  North  Carolina, 

Print  Techniques  Exhibition,  North  Carolina  Museum  of  Art, 
Ealeigh,  North  Carolina,  1969-70. 

One  Man  Show,  Art  Gallery  of  Chapel  Hill,  Chapel  Hill,  North 
Carolina,  1969. 

UNC  Faculty  Show,  Ackland  Art  Center,  Chapel  Hill,  North 
Carolina,  September  1969. 

G.  Kenneth  Sams 

1 '  The  Pottery  Industry  of  Gordion  at  the  time  of  the  Kimmerian 
Invasion,"  American  Journal  of  Archaeology,  73  (1969),  244-45. 

John  Martin  Schnorrenberg 

Editor,  The  Southeastern  College  Art  Review  and  Newsletter, 
vols.  3  (1968-69)  and  4  (1969-70). 

Joseph  Curtis  Sloane 

'  '  Arts  /Worth,"  A  Project  of  the  National  Council  of  the  Arts 
in  Education,  Symposium:  Journal  of  the  College  Music  Society, 
10  (Fall  1970),  21-30. 

" David,  Robespierre,  and  'The  Death  of  Bara,'  "  Gazette  des 
Beaux-Arts,  74  (September  1969),  143-60. 

"Baudelaire  as  Art  Critic,"  Bulletin  Baudelairien,  5  (August 
1969),  41-56. 

Dennis  Zaborowski 

Thirty-third  Annual  North  Carolina  Artists  Exhibition,  North 
Carolina  Museum  of  Art,  Raleigh,  North  Carolina,  December- 
January,  1970-71. 

Eighth  Annual  Exhibition,  First  Prize  Purchase  Award,  UNC 
School  of  Public  Health,  Chapel  Hill,  North  Carolina,  February- 
December,  1970. 

Thirty-third  Semi-Annual  Southeastern  Exhibit,  Gallery  of 
Contemporary  Art,  Winston-Salem,  North  Carolina,  1970. 



Fourth  Annual  James  River  Juried  Art  Exhibit,  Mariners  Mu- 
seum, Newport  News,  Virginia,  1970. 

Thirty-second  Annual  North  Carolina  Artists  Exhibition,  North 
Carolina  Museum  of  Art,  Raleigh,  North  Carolina,  1969. 

Spring  Mills  Art  Exhibition,  Lancaster,  South  Carolina,  1969. 

Two  Man  Show,  Art  Gallery  of  Chapel  Hill,  Chapel  Hill,  North 
Carolina,  1969. 

UNC  Faculty  Show,  Ackland  Art  Center,  Chapel  Hill,  North 
Carolina,  September  1969. 

Art  Festival  of  Atlanta,  Purchase  Prize  Award,  Atlanta,  Geor- 
gia, Summer  1969. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the 
direction  of  the  department : 

Christine  H.  McCorkel 

Page  Space  and  Picture  Space  as  Aspects  of  Naturalistic  Style 
in  English  Manuscripts  of  the  Early  Fourteenth  Century.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  John  Martin  Schnorrenberg.) 

Nancy  Ann  Rhyne 

The  Aegean  Animal  Style:  A  Study  of  the  Lion,  Griffin,  and 
Sphinx.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Sara  Anderson  Immer- 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department: 

Mayo  Mac  Boggs 

The  Development  of  My  Sculpture.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Robert  A.  Howard.) 

John  Crist  Bott 

Ideas  and  Concepts  Important  to  My  Work.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Richard  W.  Kinnaird.) 

John  Shepard  Cogswell 

The  Artist  and  the  Law.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Joseph 
Curtis  Sloane.) 

Joyce  Marie  Davis 

Duerer's  Animals:  A  Study  of  His  Drawings.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Philipp  P.  Fehl.) 



Frederick  Dail  Dixon,  Je. 

Notes  on  My  Work.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  A. 

Walter  Heebeet  Jackson 

My  Work  1965-1970.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Dennis 

Raymond  Robert  Kass 

Some  Notes  on  My  Painting.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
George  Kachergis.) 

Sudie  Katherine  Lochridge 

Japanese  Art's  Initial  Manifestations  and  Presence  in  England 
and  France  from  1850.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Joseph  Cur- 
tis Sloane.) 

Kyung  Sook  Kim 

Inherited  Quality  from  My  Background.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Paul  Magennis.) 

Harold  Richard  Mandell 

Notes  on  the  Development  of  My  Style  as  a  Painter.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Kenneth  Ness.) 

Marguerite  McPheeters  McKee 

The  Portraiture  of  Sebastien  Bourdon.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Frances  Huemer.) 

Gaillard  Fitzsimons  Ravenel  II 

The  Burton  Emmett  Print  Collection :  Six  Centuries  of  Graphic 
Arts — An  Exhibition  Project.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Joseph 
Curtis  Sloane.) 

Jean  Stark  Reuther 

" Degenerate  Art":  An  Annotated  Translation  of  the  Catalogue 
of  the  Exhibition  "Eutartete  Kunst,"  Munich,  1937.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Philipp  P.  Fehl.) 

Jerry  Brian  Sawers 

A  Reexamination  of  Cubist  Criticism:  ' 'Analysis"  and  "Syn- 
thesis." (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Joseph  Curtis  Sloane.) 

Arete  Bernice  Swartz 

The  Race  Horse  in  French  Nineteenth  Century  Art.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Joseph  Curtis  Sloane.) 



Nancy  Michelle  Wasell 

Jean  Louis  Forain,  the  Painter.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Joseph  Curtis  Sloane.) 

Philip  Waff  Whitley 

Introduction  to  My  Sculpture.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Robert  A.  Howard.) 


Wallace  Alexander  Clyde,  Jr. 

(See  entries  under  Department  of  Pediatrics.) 

James  Joseph  Crawford 

(See  entries  under  School  of  Dentistry.) 

William  James  Cromartie 

(With  S.  H.  Ohanian  and  J.  H.  Schwab.)  ' ' Relation  of  Rheu- 
matic-Like Cardiac  Lesions  of  the  Mouse  to  Localization  of  Group  A 
Streptococcal  Cell  Walls,"  Journal  of  Experimental  Medicine, 
129:  1  (January  1969),  37-49. 

Washington  Julio  DeAngelis 

(With  E.  G-.  Janzen,  J.  B.  Picket,  and  J.  W.  Happ.)  "Electron 
Spin  Resonance  Studies  of  Radical  Formation  in  Nucleophillic 
Addition  Reactions."  1.  Radical  Formation  and  Chemiluminescence 
in  the  Hydroxide  Ion  Addition  to  N,N'-Dimethyl-9,9'-biacridinium 
Dinitrate  (Lucigenin),  Journal  of  Organic  Chemistry,  35  (January 
1970),  88-95. 

Marshall  Hall  Edgell 

(With  C.  A.  Hutchison  and  R.  L.  Sinsheimer.)  "Large  Pore 
'Disc'  Electrophoresis  in  Progress  in  Separation  and  Purification," 
in  Modern  Separation  Methods  of  Macromolecules  and  Particles, 
Volume  2,  ed.,  Theo  Gerritsen.  New  York:  Wiley-Interscience,  1969. 
Pp.  1-22. 

(With  C.  A.  Hutchison  and  R.  L.  Sinsheimer.)  "The  Process  of 
Infection  with  Bacteriophage  <£>X174,"  Journal  of  Molecular  Biol- 
ogy, 42  (June  28,  1969),  547-57. 

(With  H.  Walter  and  C.  A.  Hutchison.)  "Separation  of  Bac- 
teriophage <£X174  Mutants  by  Countercurrent  Distribution  in  a 
Two-Polymer  Aqueous  Phase  System,"  Biochimica  et  Biophysica 
Acta,  204  (March  19,  1970),  248-51. 



Janet  Jordan  Fischer 

(See  entries  under  Department  of  Medicine.) 

Harry  Gooder 

(With  J.  W.  Lawson.)  "Growth  and  Development  of  Com- 
petence in  the  Group  H  Streptococci,"  Journal  of  Bacteriology,  102 
(June  1970),  820-25. 

(With  J.  R.  King.)  "Induction  of  Enterococcal  L-forms  by  the 
Action  of  Lysozyme,"  Journal  of  Bacteriology,  103  (September 
1970),  686-91. 

(With  J.  R.  King.)  "Reversion  to  the  Streptococcal  State  of 
Enterococcal  Protoplasts,  Spheroplasts  and  L-forms,"  Journal  of 
Bacteriology,  103  (September  1970),  692-96. 

"Cell  Wall  Composition  in  the  Classification  of  Streptococci," 
International  Journal  of  Systematic  Bacteriology,  20  (October 
1970),  475-82. 

Geoffrey  Haughton 

" Isoantigenic  Complexity:  A  Speculative  Essay,"  Folia  Bio- 
logica  (Praha),  15  (March  1969),  239-44. 

(With  D.  R.  Nash.)  "Specific  Immunosuppression  by  Minute 
Doses  of  Passive  Antibody,"  Transplantation  Proceedings,  1 
(March  1969),  616. 

(With  D.  R.  Nash.)  "Transplantation  Antigens  and  Viral 
Carcinogenesis,"  Progress  in  Medical  Virology,  11  (1969),  248- 

(With  M.  P.  McGehee.)  "Cytolysis  of  Mouse  Lymph  Node  Cells 
by  Alloantibody :  A  Comparison  of  Guinea-Pig  and  Rabbit  Com- 
plements," Immunology,  16  (April  1969),  447-61. 

(With  D.  O.  Adams.)  "Specific  Immunosuppression  by  Minute 
Doses  of  Passive  Antibody, ' '  II.  The  Site  of  Action,  Journal  of  the 
Reticuloendothelial  Society,  7:  4  (April  1970),  500-17. 

Clyde  A.  Hutchison 

(With  M.  H.  Edgell  and  R.  L.  Sinsheimer.)  "Large  Pore  'Disc' 
Electrophoresis  in  Progress  in  Separation  and  Purification,"  in 
Modern  Separation  Methods  of  Macromolecules  and  Particles, 
Volume  2,  ed.,  Theo  Gerritsen.  New  York:  Wiley-Interseience, 
1969.  Pp.  1-22. 

(With  M.  H.  Edgell  and  R.  L.  Sinsheimer.)  "The  Process  of 
Infection  with  Bacteriophage  $X174,"  Journal  of  Molecular  Biol- 
ogy, 42  (June  28,  1969),  547-57. 

(With  H.  Walter  and  M.  H.  Edgell.)  "Separation  of  Bacterio- 
phage <£X174  Mutants  by  Countercurrent  Distribution  in  a  Two- 



Polymer  Aqueous  Phase  System."  Biochimica  et  Biophysica  Acta, 
204  (March  19,  1970),  248-51. 

Geoege  Philip  Maniee 

(With  G.  Christoffersen.)  "The  Toxicity  of  Meningopneu- 
monitis  Organisms  (Chlamydia  psittaci)  at  Different  Stages  of  De- 
velopment," Journal  of  Immunology,  103:  5  (November  1969), 

(With  A.  Matsumoto.)  "Electron  Microscopic  Observations  on 
the  Effects  of  Penicillin  on  the  Morphology  of  Chlamydia  psit- 
taci," Journal  of  Bacteriology,  101:  1  (January  1970),  278-85. 

(With  A.  Matsumoto.)  "Electron  Microscopic  Observations  on 
the  Fine  Structure  of  Cell  Walls  of  Chylamydia  psittaci,"  Journal 
of  Bacteriology,  104:  3  (December  1970),  1332-37. 

Meihan  Nonoyama 

(With  Y.  Watanabe  and  A.  F.  Graham.)  "Defective  Particles 
of  Reovirus,"  Journal  of  Virology,  6  (August  1970),  226-36. 

(With  A.  F.  Graham.)  "Appearance  of  Defective  Virions  in 
Clones  of  Reovirus,"  Journal  of  Virology,  6  (November  1970), 

John  Haeris  Schwab 

(With  S.  H.  Ohanian  and  W.  J.  Cromartie.)  "Relation  of 
Rheumatic-Like  Cardiac  Lesions  of  the  Mouse  to  Localization  of 
Group  A  Streptococcal  Cell  Walls,"  Journal  of  Experimental 
Medicine,  129:  1  (January  1969),  37-49. 

(With  J.  M.  Jones.)  "Effects  of  Streptococcal  Cell  Wall  Frag- 
ments on  Phagocytosis  and  Tissue  Culture  Cells,"  Infection  and 
Immunity,  1:  3  (March  1970),  232-52. 

(With  J.  M.  Jones.)  "Effect  of  Injury  on  Antigenic  Composition 
of  Rabbit  Skin  (34888),"  Proceedings  of  the  Society  for  Experi- 
mental Biology  and  Medicine,  134:  3  (July  1970),  807-11. 

David  Goedon  Sharp 

(With  K.  S.  Kim  and  D.  Dalton.)  "Effect  of  Some  Proteolytic 
Enzymes  on  the  Plaque  Titer  of  Vaccinia  and  Rabbitpox  Viruses, ' ' 
Virology,  38 :  4  (August  1969),  503-11. 

(With  K.  S.  Kim.)  "The  Influence  of  DEAE-Dextran  on  Plain 
and  Synergistic  Plaque  Formation  by  Two  Poxviruses, ' '  Journal  of 
General  Virology,  4  (November  1969),  505-12. 

(With  Peter  M.  McGuire.)  "Spectrum  of  Physical  Properties 
Among  the  Virions  of  a  Whole  Population  of  Vaccinia  Virus  Par- 
ticles," Journal  of  Virology,  5  (March  1970),  275-81. 



Myron  S.  Silverman 

(See  entries  under  School  of  Dentistry.) 

Philip  Frederick  Sparling 

(See  entries  under  Department  of  Medicine.) 

John  Keith  Spitznagel 

(With  H.  I.  Zeya.)  "Cationic  Protein-Bearing  Granules  of 
Polymorphonuclear  Leukocytes:  Separation  from  Enzyme-Bich 
Granules,"  Science,  163  (February  1969),  1069-71. 

(With  A.  C.  Allison.)  "Mode  of  Action  of  Adjuvants:  Effects 
on  Antibody  Responses  to  Macrophage-Associated  Bovine  Serum 
Albumin,"  Journal  of  Immunology,  104: 1  (January  1970),  128-39. 

(With  A.  C.  Allison.)  "Mode  of  Action  of  Adjuvants:  Retinol 
and  Other  Lysosome-Labilizing  Agents  as  Adjuvants,"  Journal  of 
Immunology,  104:  1  (January  1970),  119-27. 

(With  J.  H.  Arnold  and  A.  V.  Scott.)  "Specificity  of  PPD 
Skin  Tests  in  Childhood  Tuberculin  Converters:  Comparison  with 
Mycobacterial  Species  from  Tissues  and  Secretions,"  The  Journal 
of  Pediatrics,  76:  4  (April  1970),  512-22. 

Akira  Tamura 

"Maturation  of  Chlamydia,' "  Advances  in  Virology  in  Japan, 
1969  edition,  200-21. 


(With  G.  L.  Liggins.)  "Enzymes  of  the  Tryptophan  Pathway 
in  Acinetooacter  calco-acetious,^  Journal  of  Bacteriology,  104  (Oc- 
tober 1970),  254-63. 

William  J.  Yount 

(See  entries  under  Department  of  Medicine.) 

Hasan  I.  Zeya 

(With  J.  K.  Spitznagel.)  "Cationic  Protein-Bearing  Granules 
of  Polymorphonuclear  Leukocytes:  Separation  from  Enzyme-Rich 
Granules,"  Science,  163  (February  1969),  1069-71. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department: 

Lawrence  Addison  Wilson,  Jr. 

The  Molecular  and  Ultrastructural  Damage  to  Escherichia  coli 



Produced  by  Antibody,  Complement  and  Lysozyme  Systems.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  John  Keith  Spitznagel.) 

Denise  Joyce  Dalton 

The  Effect  of  Multiple  Infection  on  the  Poxvirus-Cell  Relation- 
ship. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  David  Gordon  Sharp.) 

Christopher  Cowham  Field 

Arginine  Metabolism  and  Autolysis  of  Streptococcus  faecalis 
F24.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  William  Ringgold  Straughn, 

J oe  Maxey  Jones 

Immunological  Studies  of  Experimental  Connective  Tissue 
Lesions.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Harris  Schwab.) 

Peter  Michael  McGuire 

Some  Preliminary  Analyses  of  the  Physical,  Chemical  and  Bio- 
logical Properties  of  Whole  Vaccinia  Virus  Populations.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  David  Gordon  Sharpe.) 

Chang-Hsu  Yang 

Articular  Reaction  to  Cell  Wall  Components  of  Group  A  Strep- 
tococci and  Some  Related  Organisms.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
William  James  Cromartie.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 

Michael  Edwin  Baumann 

Drug-Induced  Suppression  of  the  Humoral  Response  to  H-2 
Antigens.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Geoffrey  Haughton.) 

Morris  Talmage  McMinn 

A  Consideration  of  Anaerobic  Bacteria  in  Systemic  Lesions 
Isolated  by  Improved  Techniques  and  the  Anaerobic  Bacteria  of 
the  Oral  Cavity.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  William  James 


Carl  Elmore  Anderson 

"  Preparation  of  Basic  Material  on  Nutritional  Status  of  Pop- 
ulation: India  and  Pakistan."  A  Brochure.  Topical  Investigation 



and  Analysis  of  Nutritional  Supplements  in  Family  Planning  Pro- 
grams in  North  Carolina  Research  Triangle  Institute  Publication, 
Michael  V.  E.  Rulison,  Ph.D.,  Project  Leader,  1970.  Pp.  iii-XIX, 

Review  of  L.  0.  Krampitz,  Thiamin  Diphosphate  and  Its  Cata- 
lytic Function  (Marcel  Dekker,  Inc.,  1970),  in  The  American 
Journal  of  Tropical  Medicine  and  Hygiene,  19  (1970),  895. 

Review  of  Geoffrey  H.  Bourne,  World  Review  of  Nutrition  and 
Dietetics,  Volume  10  (S.  Karger.  Ag.  Basel,  Switzerland),  in  The 
American  Journal  of  Tropical  Medicine  and  Hygiene,  19  (1970), 

(With  Vidula  Bangdiwala.)  "  Improved  Method  for  the  Isolation 
of  Ehrlich  Ascites  Tumor  Cell  Plasma  Membranes,"  Journal  of 
the  Elisha  Mitchell  Scientific  Society,  86  (Winter  1970),  165. 

Fred  E.  Bell 

"Specificity  of  the  Valyl  Ribonucleic  Acid  Synthetase  from 
Escherichia  coli  in  the  Binding  of  Valine  Analogues,"  Journal  of 
Biological  Chemistry,  245  (November  1970),  5515-23. 

Michael  Kalen  Beekut 

(With  R.  L.  Montgomery  and  H.  E.  Mayberry.)  "Effects  of 
Limbic  System  Lesions  on  Testes  of  Rats,"  Journal  of  the  Elisha 
Mitchell  Scientific  Society,  86  (Winter  1970),  166. 

(With  R.  L.  Montgomery,  D.  Westbrook,  and  F.  Grubb.)  "A 
Study  of  Humoral  Substances  in  Plasma  of  Brain -Lesioned  Rats," 
Journal  of  the  Elisha  Mitchell  Scientific  Society,  86  (Winter  1970), 

(With  R.  L.  Montgomery.)  "A  Morphological  Study  of  Viscera 
in  Aged  Rats  with  Lesions  in  the  Limbic  System,"  Physiology  and 
Behavior,  5  (March  1970),  989-92. 

Karl  F.  Blau 

(With  Harold  H.  Cameron  and  George  K.  Summer.)  "Diagnosis 
of  Phenylketonuria  by  Gas  Chromatography,"  in  Methods  in  Med- 
ical Research,  ed.,  R.  E.  Olson.  Chicago :  Year  Book  Medical  Pub- 
lishers, Inc.,  1970.  Pp.  100-5. 

"Aromatic  Acid  Excretion  in  Phenylketonuria  Analysis  of  the 
Unconjugated  Aromatic  Acids  Derived  from  Phenylalanine," 
Clinica  Chimica  Acta,  27  (January  1970),  5-18. 

Michael  Caplow 

"Carbamate  Formation  and  Breakdown — Kinetics  and  Mech- 
anism," in  C02:  Chemical,  Biochemical  and  Physiological  Aspects, 



eds.,  J.  T.  Edsall,  A.  B.  Otis,  and  F.  J.  W.  Roughton.  Washington: 
National  Aeronautics  and  Space  Administration,  1969.  Pp.  47-52. 

' ' Chyinotrypsin  Catalysis — Evidence  for  a  New  Intermediate," 
Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  91  (June  1969),  3639-45. 

"Biotin  Basicity,"  Biochemistry,  8  (June  1969),  2656-59. 

(With  Vishnu.)  "Substrate  Structure  Effects  on  the  pH  De- 
pendence of  Deacylation  of  Acyl-Chymotrypsins, "  Journal  of  the 
American  Chemical  Society,  91  (November  1969),  6754-58. 

Chi-Bom  Chae 

(With  A.  Williams,  H.  Krasny,  C.  Dobbins,  and  J.  L.  Irvin.) 
"Inhibition  of  Nucleic  Acid  and  Protein  Biosynthesis  by  a  Pyri- 
midine  Aldehyde,"  Proceedings  of  the  American  Association  for 
Cancer  Research,  11  (April  1970),  15. 

(With  A.  Williams,  H.  Krasny,  J.  L.  Irvin,  and  C.  Piantadosi.) 
"Inhibition  of  Thymidine  Phosphorylation  and  DNA  and  Histone 
Synthesis  in  Ehrlich  Ascites  Carcinoma,"  Cancer  Research,  30 
(November  1970),  2652-60. 

Edward  Glassman 

"Discussion:  Some  Considerations  of  the  Effects  of  Short  Term 
Learning  on  the  Incorporation  of  Uridine  into  KNA  and  Polysomes 
of  Mouse  Brain,"  in  The  Future  of  the  Brain  Sciences,  ed.,  S.  Bo- 
goch.  New  York :  Plenum  Press,  1969.  Pp.  281-91. 

"The  Use  of  Genetics  in  Behavioral  Research,"  in  Biological 
Training  in  the  Behavioral  Sciences,  ed.,  Gerald  E.  McClearn.  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  Second  Program  Directors  Meeting,  National  Insti- 
tute of  Mental  Health,  May  23-24,  1969,  Stanford  University. 

(With  John  E.  Wilson.)  "The  Effect  of  Short  Term  Experiences 
on  the  Incorporation  of  Uridine  into  RNA  and  Polysomes  of  Mouse 
Brain, ' '  in  Progress  in  Brain  Research,  Pituitary,  Adrenal  and  the 
Brain,  Volume  32,  eds.,  D.  de  Wied  and  J.  A.  W.  M.  Weijnen. 
Amsterdam,  London,  and  New  York :  Elsevier  Publishing  Company, 
1970.  Pp.  245-49. 

(With  John  W.  Zemp,  Linda  B.  Adair,  and  John  Eric  Wilson.) 
' '  The  Effect  of  Training  on  the  Incorporation  of  Radioactive  Pre- 
cursors into  RNA  of  Brain,"  in  Molecular  Approaches  to  Learning 
and  Memory,  ed.,  W.  L.  Byrne.  New  York :  Academic  Press,  1970. 
Pp.  41-51. 

(With  John  E.  Wilson.)  "The  Effect  of  Short  Experiences  on 
Macromolecules  in  the  Brain,"  in  Biochemistry  of  Brain  and  Be- 
havior, eds.,  Robert  E.  Bowman  and  Surinder  P.  Datta.  New  York: 
Plenum  Press,  1970.  Pp.  279-99. 

"The  Biochemistry  of  Learning:  An  Evaluation  of  the  Role  of 



Protein  and  Nucleic  Acids,"  Annual  Review  of  Biochemistry,  38 
(1969),  605-46. 

(With  James  F.  Collins.)  "A  Third  Locus  (Ipo)  Affecting 
Pyridoxal  Oxidase  in  Drosophila  melanog aster,"  Genetics,  61 
(April  1969),  833-39. 

(With  Ann  S.  Henderson.)  "A  Possible  Storage  Form  for 
Tyrosinase  Substrates  in  Drosophila  melanogaster,"  Journal  of 
Insect  Physiology,  15  (1969),  2345. 

(With  Ann  S.  Henderson,  Myra  Cordle,  H.  M.  Moon,  and  John 
E.  Wilson.)  "Brain  Function  and  Macromolecules.  V.  Effect  of 
Cycloheximide  and  Actinomycin  D  on  the  Behavior  of  the  Headless 
Cockroach,"  Nature,  225  (March  1970),  967-68. 

(With  Barry  E.  Kahan,  Martin  E.  Krigman,  and  John  E.  Wil- 
son.) "Brain  Function  and  Macromolecules.  VI.  Autoradiographic 
Analysis  of  the  Effect  of  a  Brief  Training  Experience  on  the  In- 
corporation of  Uridine  into  Mouse  Brain,"  Proceedings  of  the  Na- 
tional Academy  of  Sciences  (U.S.),  65  (February  1970),  300-3. 

(With  J.  F.  Collins  and  E.  J.  Duke.)  "Nutritional  Control  of 
Xanthine  Dehydrogenase.  I.  The  Effect  in  Adult  Drosophila 
melanogaster  of  Feeding  a  High  Protein  Diet  to  Larvae,"  Bio- 
chimica  et  Biophysica  Acta,  208  (1970),  294-303. 

(With  John  E.  Wilson.)  "The  Incorporation  of  Uridine  into 
Brain  EN  A  During  Short  Experiences,"  Brain  Research,  21  (July 
1970),  157-68. 

Jan  Hermans 

(With  D.  Ferro.)  "Nonbonded  Interatomic  Potential  Functions 
and  Crystal  Structure :  Non  Hydrogen-bonded  Organic  Molecules, ' ' 
in  Liquid  Crystals  and  Ordered  Fluids,  eds.,  J.  F.  Johnson  and  E.  S. 
Porter.  New  York:  Plenum  Press,  1970.  Pp.  259-75. 

(With  D.  Puett  and  G.  Acampora.)  "On  the  Conformation  of 
Denatured  Proteins,"  Biochemistry,  8  (1969),  22-30. 

(With  D.  Lohr  and  D.  Ferro.)  "Unfolding  and  Hydrogen  Ex- 
change of  Proteins:  The  Three-dimensional  Ising  Lattice  as  a 
Model,"  Nature,  224  (1969),  175-77. 

David  James  Holbrook,  Jr. 

(With  C.  E.  Morris,  L.  V.  Andrew,  and  L.  P.  Whichard.)  "The 
Binding  of  Antimalarial  Aminoquinolines  to  Nucleic  Acids  and 
Polynucleotides,"  Molecular  Pharmacology,  6  (May  1970),  240-50. 

(With  L.  P.  Whichard.)  "The  Effect  of  Chloroquine  on  the 
Enzymatic  Hydrolysis  of  Nucleic  Acids,"  Molecular  Pharmacology, 
6  (September  1970),  548-56. 



J.  Logan  Irvin 

(With  J.  T.  Bellair  and  K.  K.  Kuniaroo.)  "Chromatin  Fractions 
of  Liver  as  Templates  for  DNA  Synthesis,"  Federation  Proceed- 
ings, 28  (April  1969),  836. 

(With  Piantadosi  and  S.  C.  Kim.)  "Potential  Anticancer 
Agents  V :  The  Synthesis  and  Biochemical  Studies  of  5-Flnorinated 
Pyrimidine-6-carboxaldehydes  and  Derivatives,"  Journal  of  Phar- 
maceutical Sciences,  58  (July  1969),  821-26. 

(With  H.  Berger.)  "Changes  in  Physical  State  of  DNA  During 
Replication  in  Regenerating  Liver  of  the  Rat,"  Proceedings  of  the 
National  Academy  of  Sciences  (U.S.),  (January  1970),  152-59. 

(With  C-B.  Chae,  A.  Williams,  H.  Krasny,  and  C.  Dobbins.) 
"Inhibition  of  Nucleic  Acid  and  Protein  Biosynthesis  by  a  Pyri- 
midine  Aldehyde,"  Proceedings  of  the  American  Association  for 
Cancer  Research,  11  (April  1970),  15. 

(With  H.  W.  Strobel  and  H.  P.  Morris.)  "Effects  of  Exogenous 
Histones  Upon  the  Induction  of  Tryptophan  Pyrrolase  and  Tyro- 
sine Transaminase  in  Liver  and  Morris  Hepatomas,"  Cancer  Re- 
search, 30  (April  1970),  1075-80. 

(With  C-B.  Chae,  A.  Williams,  H.  Krasny,  and  C.  Piantadosi.) 
"Inhibition  of  Thymidine  Phosphorylation  and  DNA  and  Histone 
Synthesis  in  Ehrlich  Ascites  Carcinoma,"  Cancer  Research,  30 
(November  1970),  2652-60. 

(With  C.  Hong  and  C.  Piantadosi.)  "Potential  Anticancer 
Agents.  VI.  5-Substituted  Pyrimidine-6-carboxaldehydes, "  Journal 
of  Pharmaceutical  Sciences,  59  (November  1970),  1637-45. 

Mary  Ellen  Jones 

"Carbamyl  Phosphate,"  in  Methods  en  der  Enzymatischen 
Analyse,  ed.,  H-U.  Bergmeyer.  Weinheim:  Verlag  Chemie,  1969. 
Pp.  1701-9. 

"Vertebrate  Carbamyl  Phosphate  Synthetase  I  and  II.  Separa- 
tion of  the  Arginine-Urea  and  Pyrimidine  Pathways, ' '  in  Urea  and 
the  Kidney,  ed.,  Bodil  Schmidt-Nielson.  Amsterdam:  Excerpta 
Medica,  1970.  Pp.  35-47. 

(With  M.  Nakamura.)  "Ornithine  Transcarbamylase  of  Strep- 
tococcus faecalis  ATCC  8043,"  in  Methods  of  Enzymology  Me- 
tabolism of  Amino  Acids  and  Amines,  eds.,  C.  W.  and  H.  Tabor. 
New  York :  Academic  Press,  1970.  Pp.  286-94. 

(With  M.  Grassl  and  S.  McKinley.)  "Synthesis  and  Hydrox- 
ylaminolysis  of  N-Carboxymethyl-N-Acetyl-L-Glutamic  Acid  Di- 
methylester, "  Archives  of  Biochemistry  and  Biophysics,  129 
(1969),  98-105. 



(With  L.  Peng.)  "Effect  of  Avidin  on  Vertebrate  Carbamyl 
Phosphate  Synthetase,"  Biochemical  and  Biophysical  Besearch 
Communications,  34  (1969),  335-39. 

(With  L.  M.  Prescott.)  "The  Effect  of  Temperature  and  Anions 
on  the  Kinetic  Characteristics  of  Streptococcus  faecalis  Aspartate 
Transcarbamylase,"  Federation  Proceedings,  28  (1969),  889. 

(With  M.  R.  Bethell.)  "Molecular  Size  and  Regulation  Char- 
acteristics of  Bacterial  Aspartate  Transcarbamylase,"  Archives  of 
Biochemistry  and  Biophysics,  134  (1969),  352-65. 

(With  L.  M.  Prescott.)  "Modified  Methods  for  the  Determina- 
tion of  Carbamyl  Aspartate,"  Analytical  Biochemistry,  32  (1969), 

(With  W.  T.  Shoaf.)  "Carbonic  Anhydrase  of  Microorganisms," 
Archives  of  Biochemistry  and  Biophysics,  139  (1970),  130-42. 

(With  L.  M.  Prescott.)  "Streptococcus  faecalis  Aspartate 
Transcarbamylase.  I.  Purification  and  General  Properties,"  Bio- 
chemistry, 9  (1970),  3783-93. 

Ralph  Penniall 

(With  Nancy  McC.  Davidian  and  W.  B.  Elliott.)  "Origin  of 
Mitochondrial  Enzymes.  III.  Distribution  and  Synthesis  of  Cyto- 
chrome c  in  Rat  Liver  Tissue,"  Archives  of  Biochemistry  and 
Biophysics,  133  (September  1969),  345-58. 

(With  Nancy  McC.  Davidian.)  "Studies  of  Cytochrome  Syn- 
thesis in  Rat  Liver,"  Bioenergetics  Bulletin,  2  (November  1970), 

(With  Nancy  McC.  Davidian.)  "Studies  of  Cytochrome  c  Syn- 
thesis in  Rat  Liver,"  Journal  of  Cell  Biology,  47  (December  1970), 

Luisa  Raijman 

(With  R.  L.  Veech  and  H.  A.  Krebs.)  "Disequilibrium  in  the 
Triose  Phosphate  Isomerase  System  in  Rat  Liver,"  Biochemical 
Journal,  115  (December  1969),  837-42. 

(With  R.  L.  Veech  and  H.  A.  Krebs.)  "Equilibrium  Relations 
Between  the  Cytoplasmic  Adenine  Nucleotide  System  and  Nico- 
tinamide-Adenine Nucleotide  System  in  Rat  Liver,"  Biochemical 
Journal,  117  (April  1970),  499-503. 

Ronald  C.  Reitz 

(With  M.  El  Sheikh,  W.  E.  M.  Lands,  I.  A.  Ismail,  and  F.  D. 
Gunstone.)  "Effects  of  Ethylenic  Bond  Position  Upon  Acyltrans- 
ferase  Activity  with  Isomeric  cis-Octadenoyl  Coenzyme  A  Thiol 
Esters,"  Biochimica  et  Biophysica  Acta,  175  (1969),  480-90. 



Geoege  Kendeick  Summee 

(With  K.  Blau  and  H.  H.  Cameron.)  "Diagnosis  of  Phenyl- 
ketonuria by  Gas  Chromatography,"  in  Methods  in  Medical  Re- 
search, ed.,  R.  E.  Olson.  Chicago:  Year  Book  Medical  Publishers, 
Inc.,  1970.  Pp.  100-105. 

(With  M.  D.  Waters.)  "Prednisolone  Induction  of  Alkaline 
Phosphatase  in  Human  Skin  Fibroblasts,"  Biochimica  et  Biophysica 
Acta,  177  (January  1969),  650-52. 

(With  R.  E.  Exss  and  H.  D.  Hill.)  "Computer  Analysis  of 
Amino  Acid  Chromatograms,"  Journal  of  Chromatography,  22 
(April  1969),  442-51. 

(With  R.  E.  Exss  and  H.  D.  Hill.)  "Radioactive  Markers  in 
Analysis  of  Amino  Acid  Chromatograms,"  Separation  Science,  4 
(August  1969),  259-300. 

(With  M.  D.  Waters.)  "Regulation  of  Alkaline  Phosphatase 
in  Human  Skin  Fibroblasts,"  Proceedings  of  the  Society  for  Ex- 
perimental Biology  and  Medicine,  133  (March  1970),  926-30. 

(With  J.  T.  Cuttino,  Jr.  and  H.  D.  Hill,  Jr.)  "Treatment  of 
Eruptive  Xanthomas  in  Cori  Type  I  Glycogenosis,"  Archives  of 
Dermatology,  101  (April  1970),  469-71. 

(With  J.  T.  Cuttino,  Jr.,  H.  D.  Hill,  Jr.,  and  B.  J.  Mitchell.) 
"Response  to  Medium  Chain  Triglycerides  in  von  Gierke's  Dis- 
ease," Pediatrics,  46  (December  1970),  925-29. 

James  R.  White 

(With  K.  Ishizu,  H.  H.  Dearman,  and  M.  T.  Huang.)  "Interac- 
tion of  the  5-methylphenazinium  Cation  Radical  with  Deoxy- 
ribonucleic Acid,"  Biochemistry,  8  (1969),  1238-46. 

(With  H.  L.  White.)  "Hedamycin  and  Rubiflavin  Complexes 
with  Deoxyribonucleic  Acid  and  Other  Polynucleotides,"  Bio- 
chemistry, 8  (1969),  1030-42. 

John  Eeic  Wilson 

(With  J.  W.  Zemp,  L.  B.  Adair,  and  E.  Glassman.)  "The  Ef- 
fect of  Training  on  the  Incorporation  of  Radioactive  Precursors 
into  RNA  of  Brain,"  in  Molecular  Approaches  to  Learning  and 
Memory,  ed.,  W.  L.  Byrne.  New  York:  Academic  Press,  1970. 
Pp.  41-51. 

(With  E.  Glassman.)  "The  Effect  of  Short  Experiences  on 
Macromolecules  in  Brain, ' '  in  Biochemistry  of  Brain  and  Behavior, 
eds.,  R.  E.  Bowman  and  S.  P.  Dutta.  New  York:  Plenum  Press, 
1970.  Pp.  279-99. 

(With  E.  Glassman.)  "The  Effect  of  Short  Term  Experiences 
on  the  Incorporation  of  Uridine  into  RNA  and  Polysomes  of  Mouse 



Brain,"  in  Progress  in  Brain  Research,  Pituitary,  Adrenal  and 
Brain,  Volume  32,  eds.  D.  de  Wied  and  J.  A.  W.  M.  Weijnen.  Am- 
sterdam, London,  and  New  York:  Elsevier  Publishing  Company, 
1970.  Pp.  245-49. 

(With  E.  Glassman,  A.  Henderson,  M.  Cordle,  and  H.  M. 
Moon.)  " Brain  Function  and  Macromolecules.  V.  Effect  of  Cyclo- 
heximide  and  Actinomycin  D  on  the  Behavior  of  the  Headless  Cock- 
roach," Nature,  225  (March  1970),  967-68. 

(With  B.  E.  Kahan,  M.  K.  Krigman,  and  E.  Glassman.)  "Brain 
Function  and  Macromolecules.  VI.  Autoradiographic  Analysis  of 
the  Effect  of  a  Brief  Training  Experience  on  the  Incorporation 
of  Uridine  into  Mouse  Brain,"  Proceedings  of  the  National  Acad- 
emy of  Sciences  (U.S.),  65  (February  1970),  300-3. 

(With  E.  Glassman.)  "The  Incorporation  of  Uridine  into  Brain 
RNA  During  Short  Experiences,"  Brain  Research,  21  (July  1970), 

Eichaed  V.  Wolfenden 

"  Changes  in  Absorption  Spectrum  and  Crystal  Structure  of 
Triose  Phosphate  Isomerase  brought  about  by  2-Phosphoglycollate, 
a  Potential  Transition  State  Analogue,"  Journal  of  Molecidar 
Biology,  47  (1970),  93-100. 

(With  L.  Johnson.)  "Reversible  Changes  in  Triosephosphate 
Isomerase  Inducted  by  Inhibitors,"  Federation  Proceedings,  29 
(1970),  29. 

(With  L.  N.  Johnson  and  D.  C.  Phillips.)  " Crystallographic 
Studies  of  Triosephosphate  Isomerase,"  Fifth  Middle  Atlantic  Re- 
gional Meeting  of  the  American  Chemical  Society  (1970),  20. 

(With  Yasuko  Tomozawa.)  "Binding  of  GTP  and  ATP  by 
Rabbit  Muscle  AMP  Deaminase,"  Biochemistry,  9  (1970),  3400-3. 

"Binding  of  Substrate  and  Transition  State  Analogs  to  Trio- 
sephosphate Isomerase,"  Biochemistry,  9  (1970),  3404-7. 

(With  Ben  Evans.)  "A  Potential  Transition  State  Analog  for 
Adenosine  Deaminase,"  Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society, 
92  (1970),  4751-52. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the 
direction  of  the  department : 

Michael  Victor  Aylott 

A  Study  of  the  Sodium-Potassium  Activated  Adenosine  Tri- 
phosphatase of  the  Rat  Brain:  Isolation  and  Reaction  Kinetics. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  A.  R.  Krall.) 



Henry  Berger 

Studies  on  DNA  Synthesis  in  Vivo  and  in  Vitro  in  a  Mammalian 
System.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  J.  Logan  Irvin.) 

Mary  Sue  Coleman 

Incorporation  of  Radioactive  Precursors  into  Polysomes  and 
RNA  of  Mammalian  Brain  During  Short  Term  Behavioral  Ex- 
periences. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  John  E.  Wilson.) 

J ohn  Laurence  Davis 

Regulation  of  Mammalian  Serine  Metabolism.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Harold  J.  Fallon.) 

Eeinhard  E.  Exss 

Biochemical  and  Morphological  Studies  on  Neurofilaments  of 
Rabbit  Brain.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  G.  K.  Summer.) 

John  M.  Happy 

Studies  on  Factors  Affecting  the  in  Vivo  and  in  Vitro  Whole 
Body,  Brain  Area  and  Subcellular  Distribution  of  Chlorpromazine. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  A.  R.  Krall.) 

Leonard  J.  Heere 

Adenylate  Polymerizing  Enzymes  from  Rat  Liver  Cytoplasm. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  David  J.  Holbrook.) 

Mou-Tuan  Huang 

Antibacterial  Activity  of  5-Methylphenazinium  Methyl  Sulfate. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  James  R.  White.) 

Howard  M.  Jernigan 

Hedamycin  Complexes  with  Deoxyribonucleic  Acid,  Chromatin, 
Reconstituted  Histone-DNA  Complexes,  and  Polyriboguanylic  Acid. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  J.  Logan  Irvin  and  James  R.  White.) 

Robert  Brooke  Jones 

Effect  of  Hydrocortisone  on  Histone  Synthesis  and  Acetylation 
in  Regenerating  Rat  Liver.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  J.  Logan 

K.  K.  Kumaroo 

Studies  on  the  Role  of  Histones  in  DNA  Synthesis  in  Normal 
and  Regenerating  Liver  of  the  Rat.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
J.  Logan  Irvin.) 

Robert  G.  Lamb 

Studies  on  the  Esterification  of  SN-Glycerol-3-P  by  a  Rat  Liver 



Particulate  Fraction.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Harold  J.  Fal- 

Dennis  Evan  Lohe 

The  Three  Dimensional  Simple  Cubic  Ising  Lattice  as  a  Model 
for  Globular  Protein  Denaturation.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Jan  Hermans.) 

William  Scot  Morrow 

Studies  on  the  Proteins  of  Various  Chromatin  Fractions  of 
Normal  and  Regenerating  Liver  of  the  Rat.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  J.  Logan  Irvin.) 

Hin-Giok  Oey 

Effects  of  Potassium  Ions  on  the  Metabolism  of  Rat  Liver 
Mitochondria.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  A.  R.  Krall.) 

J.  David  Puett 

Helix  Formation  in  Proteins — an  Investigation  into  the  Relative 
Importance  of  Primary  and  Tertiary  Structure.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Jan  Hermans.) 

Henry  Willis  Strobel,  Jr. 

Effects  of  Histones  on  Enzyme  Induction  in  Liver  and  Hepa- 
tomas. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  J.  Logan  Irvin.) 

Michael  Dee  Waters 

Induction  of  Alkaline  Phosphatase  and  Collagen  Biosynthesis. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  G.  K.  Summer.) 

Benjamin  Chu-Ming  Wu 

Studies  on  the  Turnover  and  Base  Composition  of  Mouse  Brain 
RNA.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  John  E.  Wilson.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 

Mary  Catherine  Dobbins 

Studies  on  the  Inhibition  of  the  Ehrlich  Ascites  Carcinoma 
Thymidylate  Kinase  by  5-Chlorobenzyl  Pyrimidine  in  Vitro.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  C-B.  Chae  and  J.  Logan  Irvin.) 

Henry  Shelton  Earp  III 

Adenosine  3',5'-Monophosphate  as  the  Mediator  of  ACTH-In- 
duced  Ascorbic  Acid  Depletion  in  the  Rat  Adrenal.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Robert  Ney  and  J.  Logan  Irvin.) 



Harvey  Charles  Krasny 

Studies  on  the  Mechanism  of  Inhibitory  Action  Derivatives  of 
Pyrimidine-6-Carboxaldehyde  and  Phthalimido  Aldehydes.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  C-B.  Chae,  J.  Logan  Irvin,  and  C.  Pianta- 

Carl  Roderick  Morris 

Primaquine  and  8-Methyl  Ether  of  Xanthurenic  Acid:  In- 
teraction with  Nucleic  Acids  and  the  Effect  on  Aminoacylation 
of  Transfer  RNA.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  David  J.  Hol- 

Robert  K.  Williams,  Jr. 

The  Antibacterial  Effects  of  Some  Simple  Quinones.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  James  R.  White.) 


Edward  Gail  Barry 

"The  Diffuse  Diplotene  Stage  of  Meiotic  Prophase  in  Neuro- 
spora," Chromosoma  (Berl),  26  (February  1969),  119-29. 

(With  D.  D.  Perkins.)  "Position  of  Linkage  Group  V  Markers 
in  Chromosome  2  of  Neurospora  crassa,"  Journal  of  Heredity,  60 
(May-June  1969),  120-25. 

' '  Internuclear  and  Intranuclear  Allelic  Complementation  in 
Neurospora  crassa,"  Genetics,  64  (February  1970),  s5. 

C.  Ritchie  Bell 

Editor,  Basic  Library  List  for  the  Biological  Sciences.  Wash- 
ington: Commission  on  Undergraduate  Education  in  Biological 
Sciences,  Publication  22,  1969.  Pp.  48. 

"Variation  and  Selection  Pressure  in  Aquilegia  caerulea  James 
(Ranunculaceae),"  Association  of  Southeastern  Biologists  Bulletin, 
16  (April  1969),  44. 

"Pollination  Vectors  and  Floral  Variability  in  Aquilegia 
caerulea  and  A.  elegantula,"  Eleventh  International  Botanical  Con- 
gress Abstracts  (August  1969),  12. 

(With  R.  Ornduff  and  collaborators.)  "Index  to  Plant  Chromo- 
some Numbers  for  1967,"  Regnum  Vegetabile,  59  (February  1969), 

(With  R.  J.  Moore  and  collaborators.)  "Index  to  Plant  Chromo- 
some Numbers  for  1968,"  Regnum  Vegetabile,  68  (April  1970), 

B  0  T  A  N  T 


"Fertility  Patterns  in  Gerardia  L.  sensu  Fernaid,"  Association 
of  Southeastern  Biologists  Bulletin,  17  (April  1970),  30. 

''Seed  Distribution  (of  Phytolacca)  and  Germination  Experi- 
ment." in  A  Tropical  Bain  Forest,  eel..  H.  T.  Oduni.  Oak  Ridge: 
Division  of  Technical  Information,  United  States  Atomic  Energy 
Commission.  1970.  Pp.  D177-82. 

Review  of  F.  P.  Woodford,  ed..  Science  'Writing  for  Graduate 
Students,  A  CBE  Manual  (Xew  York:  Rockefeller  University 
Press,  1968),  in  Bioscience,  20  (May  1970),  576-77. 

Eichaed  Malcolm  Browx,  Je. 

"Observations  on  the  Relationship  of  the  Golgi  Apparatus  to 
Cell  Wall  Formation  in  the  Marine  Chrysophycean  Alga.  Pleuro- 
chrysis  scherfellii  Pringsheim.  Journal  of  Cell  Biology,  41  (April 
1969),  109-23. 

(With  W.  W.  Franke  and  S.  Krien.)  ••Simultaneous  Glutar- 
aldehyde- Osmium  Tetroxide  Fixation  and  Postosmication.  An  Im- 
proved Fixation  Procedure  for  Electron  Microscopy  of  Plant  and 
Animal  Cells,"  Hktochemie,  19  (July  1969  .  162-61. 

"Burnishing  Uncoated  Grids  before  Mounting  Iltrathin  Sec- 
tions :  A  Means  of  Assuring  Adhesion."  Stain  Technology.  44  May 
1969),  158. 

(With  R.  J.  McLean.)  "New  Taxonomic  Criteria  in  Classifica- 
tion of  Chlorococcum  Species.  II.  Pyrenoid  Fine  Structure.'*  Jour- 
nal of  Phycology,  5  (1969).  114-18. 

(With  J.  Stewart..)  "Cytophaga  That  Kills  or  Lyses  Al^ae." 
Science,  164  (June  1969),  1523-24. 

(With  C.  Van  Baalen.)  "  The  Ultrastructure  of  the  Marine  Blue- 
Green  Alga,  Trichodesmium  erythraeum,  with  Special  Reference 
to  the  Cell  Wall,  Gas  Vacuoles,  and  Cylindrical  Bodies,"  Archiv  fur 
Mikroliologie,  69  (December  1969),  79-91. 

(With  W.  W.  Franke,  H.  Falk,  H.  Kleinig.  and  P.  Sitte.; 
"Cellulosic  Wall  Component  Produced  by  the  Golgi  Apparatus," 
Science,  166  (November  1969),  894-96. 

"The  Role  of  the  Golgi  Apparatus  in  Wall  Formation  in  Pleuro- 
chrysis  scherfellii,''1  Eleventh  International  Botanical  Congress 
Abstracts  (August  1969),  23. 

(With  H.  J.  Arnott.)  "Structure  and  Function  of  the  Algal 
Pyrenoid.  I.  Ultrastructure  and  Cytochemistry  during  Zoosporo- 
genesis  of  Tetracystis  eccentrical  Journal  of  Phycology,  6  (1970), 

(With  W.  W.  Franke.  H.  Kleinig.  H.  Falk.  and  P.  Sitte. ) 
"Scale  Formation  in  Chrysophycean  Algae.  I.  Cellulosic  and  Xon- 



cellulosic  Wall  Components  Made  by  the  Golgi  Apparatus, ' '  Journal 
of  Cell  Biology,  45  (May  1970),  246-71. 

(With  C.  Van  Baalen.)  "Comparative  Ultrastructure  of  a 
Filamentous  Mutant  and  the  Wild  Type  of  Agmenellum  quad- 
ruplicatum"  Protoplasma,  70  (1970),  87-99. 

' '  Protoplasmic  Movements  and  Function  of  the  Golgi  Apparatus 
in  Cell  Wall  Formation,"  Journal  of  Cell  Biology,  47  (November 
1970),  237a. 

(With  D.  L.  Thomas.)  "New  Taxonomic  Criteria  in  the  Classi- 
fication of  Chlorococcum  Species.  III.  Isoenzyme  Analysis,"  Journal 
of  Phycology,  6  (1970),  293-99. 

(With  D.  L.  Thomas.)  "Isoenzyme  Analysis  and  Morphological 
Variation  of  Thirty-two  Isolates  of  Proto siphon,"  Phycologia,  9 
(December  1970),  285-92. 

William  Campbell  Dickison 

"Comparative  Morphological  Studies  in  Dilleniaceae,  V.  Leaf 
Anatomy,"  Journal  of  the  Arnold  Arboretum,  51  (January  1970), 

"Comparative  Morphological  Studies  in  Dilleniaceae,  VI.  Sta- 
mens and  Young  Stems,"  Journal  of  the  Arnold  Arboretum,  51 
(July  1970),  403-22. 

(With  E.  M.  Sweitzer.)  "The  Morphology  and  Relationships  of 
Barbeya  oleoides,"  American  Journal  of  Botany,  57  (April  1970), 

Aristotle  J.  Domnas 

(With  D.  Chen.)  "The  Behavior  of  Arginine  Cycle  Enzymes 
and  Amidohydrolases  in  Ordinary  Colorless  and  Pseudo-Resistant 
Sporangial  Cells  of  Blast ocladiella  emersonii," Journal  of  the  Elisha 
Mitchell  Scientific  Society,  85  (Winter  1969),  135-40. 

(With  N.  G.  Grant.)  "Cytochrome  Composition  of  Some  Mem- 
bers of  the  Actinoplanaceae, "  Journal  of  Bacteriology,  101  (Febru- 
ary 1970),  652-53. 

(With  T.  M.  Mclnnis.)  "Pigments  of  the  Actinoplanaceae  III. 
A  Spirillomycin-type  Pigment  from  Spirillospora  1309-b,"  Zeit- 
schrift  fur  Allgemeine  Microbiologic,  10  (1970),  129-36. 

Victor  August  Greulach 

Editor,  Journal  of  the  Elisha  Mitchell  Scientific  Society. 

Max  Hoyt  Hommersaot 

(With  S.  Earle.)  "A  New  Red  Alga  from  Juan  Fernandez 
Islands,  Eleventh  International  Botanical  Congress  Abstracts 
(August  1969),  94. 

B  0  T  A  N  T 


(With  D.  W.  Ott.)  "Development  of  the  Carposporoeyte  of 
Kallymenia  reniformis  (Turner)  J.  Ag.,"  Journal  of  Phycology,  6 
(December  1970),  322-31. 

William  Julian  Koch 

"Studies  of  the  Motile  Cells  of  Chytrids.  6.  The  Monoblephari- 
dales  and  Blastocladiales  Types  of  Posteriorly  Uniflagellate  Motile 
Cell,"  Mycologia,  61  (March-April  1969),  422-26. 

"Further  Aspects  of  Flagellar  Retraction  in  Fungi,'*  As- 
sociation of  Southeastern  Biologists  Bulletin,  16  (April  1969).  67. 

(With  C.  J.  Umphlett.)  "Two  New  Dentigerate  Species  of 
Phlyctochytrium  (Chytridiomycetes),"  Mycologia,  61  (November- 
December  1969),  1021-30. 

Review  of  John  S.  Karling,  The  Plasmodiophorales,  2nd  edition 
(New  York:  Hafner  Publishing  Company,  1968).  in  Mycologia,  62 
(May- June  1970),  615-17. 

Helmut  Lleth 

"Phenology  in  Productivity  Studies,"  in  Analysis  of  Temperate 
Forest  Ecosystems,  ed..  D.  Reichle.  Heidelberg:  Springer-Verlag, 
1969.  Pp.  29-46. 

(With  H.  P.  Blume,  E.  Zinnecker,  and  K.  H.  Papenfuss.) 
"Ecological  Investigations  in  the  Mato  Grosso.  Comparisons  of 
Edaphic  Factors  in  Various  Natural  and  Cultivated  Habitats  in 
the  G-leba  Arinos, "  in  Segundo  Simposio  De  La  Biologia  Tropical 
Amazonica,  ed.,  J.  M.  Idrobo.  Bogota :  Asociacion  Pro  Biologia 
Tropical,  1970.  Pp.  437-82. 

"El  Analisis  de  un  Ecosistema  como  Fue  Propuesto  en  el  PBI 
Programa  Internacional  de  Biologia  Discutido  con  Datos  Colec- 
tados  en  Lugares  Tropicales, "  in  Segundo  Simposio  De  La  Biologia 
Tropical  Amazonica,  ed.,  J.  M.  Idrobo.  Bogota :  Asociacion  Pro 
Biologica  Tropical,  1970.  Pp.  483-91. 

"Savanna,"  Encyclopedia  of  Science  and  Technology.  1970, 
volume  12,  pp.  60-62. 

Paul  Ceistoph  Maxgelsdoef 

"Donald  F.  Jones,"  Genetics.  65  (May  1970),  1-7. 

Review  of  P.  J.  Ucko  and  G-.  W.  Dimbleby,  eds..  The  Domestica- 
tion and  Exploitation  of  Plants  and  Animals  (London  :  Duckworth, 
1969),  in  Nature,  224  (November  1969),  927-28. 

J.  Feaxk  McCoealtck 

"Growth  and  Survival  of  the  Sierra  Palm  under  Radiation 
Stress  in  Natural  and  Simulated  Environments."  in  A  Tropical 



Rain  Forest,  ed.,  H.  T.  Odum.  Oak  Ridge :  Division  of  Technical 
Information,  United  States  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  1970. 
Pp.  D193-99. 

"  Direct  and  Indirect  Effects  of  Radiation  on  Seedling  Diversity 
and  Abundance  in  a  Tropical  Forest, "  in  A  Tropical  Rain  Forest, 
ed.,  H.  T.  Odum.  Oak  Ridge:  Division  of  Technical  Information, 
United  States  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  1970.  Pp.  D201-11. 

' '  Patterns  of  Radiation  Exposure  in  the  Tropical  Rain  Forest, ' ' 
in  A  Tropical  Rain  Forest,  ed.,  H.  T.  Odum.  Oak  Ridge :  Division 
of  Technical  Information,  United  States  Atomic  Energy  Commis- 
sion, 1970.  Pp.  C41-47. 

(With  H.  T.  Odum,  G.  Drewry,  C.  Schinhan,  E.  Morales,  P. 
Murphy,  and  J.  A.  Mclntyre.)  "Effects  of  Gamma  Irradiation  on 
the  Forest  at  El  Verde,"  in  A  Tropical  Rain  Forest,  ed.,  H.  T. 
Odum,  Oak  Ridge :  Division  of  Technical  Information,  United 
States  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  1970.  Pp.  D3-75. 

' 1  Effects  of  Ionizing  Radiation  on  a  Pine  Forest, ' '  in  Symposium 
on  Radioecology,  eds.,  D.  J.  Nelson  and  F.  C.  Evans.  Oak  Ridge: 
Division  of  Technical  Information,  United  States  Atomic  Energy 
Commission,  1969.  Pp.  78-87. 

(With  F.  Cumming,  C.  Mellinger,  and  R.  Sharitz.)  "Experi- 
mental Analysis  of  Community  Structure,"  Association  of  South- 
eastern Biologists  Bulletin,  16  (April  1969),  59-60. 

(With  R.  B.  Piatt.)  "A  Half  Century  of  Succession  in  an  Ap- 
palachian Forest  Following  the  Chestnut  Blight,"  Association  of 
Southeastern  Biologists  Bulletin,  17  (April  1970),  54. 

Norton  George  Miller 

"A  New  Species  of  Parietaria  (Urticaceae)  from  Northeastern 
Mexico,"  Journal  of  the  Arnold  Arboretum,  51  (October  1970), 

Lindsay  Shepherd  Olive 

"Reassignment  of  Gymnomycota, "  Science,  164  (May  1969), 

(With  Y.  Kitani.)  "Genetics  of  Sordaria  fimicola.  VII.  Gene 
Conversion  at  the  G  Locus  in  Interallelic  Crosses,"  Genetics,  62 
(May  1969),  23-66. 

(With  C.  Stoianovitch.)  "Monograph  of  the  Genus  Protosteli- 
um,"  American  Journal  of  Botany,  56  (October  1969),  979-88. 

(With  J.  S.  Furtado.)  " Ultrastructural  Studies  of  Protostelids: 
the  Amoebo-flagellate  Stage,"  Cytobiologie,  2  (September  1970), 

(With  J.  S.  Furtado.)  "Ultrastructural  Studies  of  Protostelids: 



the  Cyst  Stage  of  Cavostelium  bisporum,"  Protoplasma,  70  (1970), 

(With  J.  S.  Furtado.)  " Ultrastructure  of  Ascospore  Develop- 
ment in  Sordaria  fimicola,"  Journal  of  the  Elisha  Mitchell  Scien- 
tific Society,  86  (Fall  1970),  131-38. 

(With  Y.  Kitani.)  "  Alteration  of  Gene  Conversion  Patterns  in 
Sordaria  fimicola  by  Supplementation  with  DNA  Bases, ' '  Proceed- 
ings of  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences  (U.  S.),  66  (August 
1970),  1290-97. 

"The  Mycetozoa:  a  Revised  Classification,"  Botanical  Review, 
36  (January-March  1970),  59-89. 

Clifford  Bobert  Parks 

"A  Camellia  Research  Progress  Report  from  Chapel  Hill,  North 
Carolina,"  Camellia  Journal,  24  (November  1969),  24-29. 

(With  S.  S.  Sandhu  and  K.  R.  Montgomery.)  "The  Influence 
of  Environment  on  Petal  Flavonoids  in  Four  Species  of  Gossypi- 
um  L,"  Association  of  Southeastern  Biologists  Bulletin,  17  (April 
1970),  56. 

(With  K.  F.  Case.)  "Chromatographic  Evidence  for  the  Genetic 
Contamination  of  Camellia  saluenensis  in  Cultivation,"  1970,  Amer- 
ican Camellia  Society  Yearbook,  pp.  124-34. 

Albert  Ernest  Eadford 

Vascular  Plant  Systematics  Laboratory  and  Field  Guide  with 
Lecture  Supplements.  Chapel  Hill:  The  University  of  North  Car- 
olina Book  Exchange,  1970.  Pp.  95. 

Thomas  Keck  Scott 

(With  M.  B.  Wilkins.)  " Auxin  Transport  in  Roots  IV.  Effects 
of  Light  on  IAA  Movement  and  Geotropic  Responsiveness  in  Zea 
Roots,"  Planta  (Berl),  87  (September  1969),  249-58. 

(With  M.  B.  Wilkins.)  " Polar  Transport  of  Auxin  in  Zea 
Roots,"  Eleventh  International  Congress  of  Botany  Abstracts 
(August  1969),  194. 

Clyde  Jefferson  Umphlett 

(With  W.  J.  Koch.)  "Two  New  Dentigerate  Species  of  Phlycto- 
chytrium  (Chytridiomycetes),"  Mycologia,  61  (November-Decem- 
ber 1969),  1021-30. 

"Infection  Levels  of  Coelomomyces  punctatus,  an  Aquatic 
Fungus  Parasite,  in  a  Natural  Population  of  the  Common  Malaria 
Mosquito,  Anopheles  quadrimaculatus,"  Journal  of  Invertebrate 
Pathology,  15  (May  1969),  299-305. 



(With  C.  S.  Huang.)  " Lagenidium  culicidum  as  an  Agent  of 
Biological  Control  of  Mosquitoes,"  Association  of  Southeastern 
Biologists  Bulletin,  17  (April  1970),  68. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 

Philip  Carlton  Baker 

A  Systematic  Study  of  the  Genus  Vaccinium  L.,  Subgenus  Poly- 
codium  (Raf.)  Sleunier,  in  the  Southeastern  United  States.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  C.  Ritchie  Bell.) 

Charles  Everette  Bland 

Structure  and  Development  in  Some  Genera  of  the  Actino- 
planaceae.  (1968,  under  the  direction  of  John  Nathaniel  Couch.) 

Ross  Carlton  Clark 

A  Distributional  Study  of  the  Woody  Plants  of  Alabama.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Albert  Ernest  Radford.) 

John  Clay  Clatjsz 

Distribution  of  Propagules  of  Species  of  the  Saprolegniaceae  in 
the  North  Carolina  Botanical  Garden  Lake  and  Some  Possible 
Controlling  Factors.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Clyde  Jeffer- 
son Umphlett.) 

Donald  Edward  Culwell 

A  Taxonomic  Study  of  the  Section  Hypericum  in  the  Eastern 
United  States.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Albert  Ernest  Rad- 

Donald  Joseph  Drapalik 

A  Biosystematic  Study  of  the  Genus  Matelea  in  the  South- 
eastern United  States.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  C.  Ritchie 

Frederick  Charles  James 

The  Woody  Flora  of  Virginia.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Albert  Ernest  Radford.) 

Richard  Carlton  Leonard 

A  Physiological  Study  of  Pilimelia  terevasa  (Actinoplanaceae) . 
(1968,  under  the  direction  of  Aristotle  J.  Domnas.) 



Aeiel  Emilio  Lugo 

Energy,  Water  and  Carbon  Budgets  of  a  Granite  Outcrop  Com- 
munity. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  J.  Frank  McCormick.) 

William  Wallace  Martin 

A  Morphological  and  Cytological  Study  of  Coelomomyces  punc- 
tatus.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Clyde  Jefferson  Umphlett.) 

Peter  George  Murphy 

Ecological  Effects  of  Acute  Beta  Irradiation  from  Simulated 
Fallout  Particles  upon  a  Natural  Plant  Community.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  J.  Frank  McCormick.) 

Scott  West  Nixon 

Characteristics  of  Some  Hypersaline  Ecosystems.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Howard  Thomas  Odum.) 

Michael  Novy  Sears 

A  Study  of  Actinoplanes  and  Its  Urease.  (1970,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Aristotle  J.  Domnas.) 

Eebecca  Reyburn  Sharitz 

Population  Dynamics  of  Two  Competing  Plant  Species.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  J.  Frank  McCormick.) 

Donald  Richard  Windler 

Systematic  Studies  in  Crotalaria  sagittalis  L.  and  Related  Spe- 
cies in  North  America  (Leguminosae).  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  C.  Ritchie  Bell.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 

Fairman  Preston  Cumming 

An  Experimental  Design  for  the  Analysis  of  Community  Struc- 
ture. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  J.  Frank  McCormick.) 

Charles  Ronald  Dillon 

Distribution  and  Production  of  the  Macrobenthic  Flora  of  a 
North  Carolina  Estuary.  (1968,  under  the  direction  of  J.  Frank 

Joan  Reynolds  Gibson 

A  Flora  of  Alder  Run  Bog,  Tucker  County,  West  Virginia. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Albert  Ernest  Radford.) 



William  Frederick  Hinton 

The  Taxonomic  Status  of  Physalis  lanceolata  in  the  Carolina 
Sandhills.  (1968,  under  the  direction  of  C.  Ritchie  Bell.) 

Kenneth  Albert  Meyer 

Seasonal  Fluctuation  of  Phytoplankton  Composition,  Diversity 
and  Production  in  a  Freshwater  Lake.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
J.  Frank  McCormick.) 

Jerry  Lee  Michael 

The  Vascular  Flora  of  Bullhead  Mountain,  Alleghany  County, 
North  Carolina.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Albert  Ernest  Rad- 

Guy  Lane  Nesom 

Variation  in  Erigeron  flagellaris  Gray  and  Its  Presumed  Rela- 
tives Endemic  to  Southwestern  Utah.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
C.  Ritchie  Bell.) 

Margaret  Green  Nesom 

Observations  on  the  Distribution  of  Certain  Aquatic  Phycomy- 
cetes  in  Granite  Outcrop  Soil.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Clyde 
Jefferson  Umphlett.) 

George  Perry  Sawyer 

The  Vascular  Flora  of  William  B.  Umstead  State  Park,  Wake 
County,  North  Carolina.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Albert 
Ernest  Radford.) 

William  Daniel  Seaman 

A  Study  of  the  Vascular  Flora  of  Mecklenburg  County,  Vir- 
ginia. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Albert  Ernest  Radford.) 

Jerry  Allen  Snider 

A  Variation  Study  of  Agalinis  decemloba  (Greene)  Pennell  and 
Agalinis  ootusifolia  Raf.  in  the  Carolinas.  (1969,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  C.  Ritchie  Bell.) 


Jack  Newton  Behrman 

National  Interests  and  the  Multinational  Enterprise.  Englewood 
Cliffs:  Prentice-Hall,  1970.  Pp.  192. 

Some  Patterns  in  the  Rise  of  the  Multinational  Enterprise.  The 



University  of  North  Carolina  Graduate  School  of  Business  Ad- 
ministration Research  Paper  Series,  No.  18.  Chapel  Hill:  The 
Graduate  School  of  Business  Administration,  1969.  Pp.  180. 

"An  Essay  on  Some  Critical  Aspects  of  the  International  Cor- 
poration," Background  Study  to  the  Interim  Report  on  Competition 
Policy,  Economic  Council  of  Canada,  January  1970.  Pp.  53. 

"Multinational  Enterprise:  the  Way  to  Economic  Interna- 
tionalism?" Journal  of  Canadian  Studies,  4  (May  1969),  12-18. 
Reprinted  in  International  Business — 1970,  ed.,  Etienne  Cracco. 
Michigan  State  University  International  Business  and  Economic 
Series.  Lansing:  Michigan  State  University,  1970.  Pp.  39-46. 

"Assessing  the  Foreign  Investment  Control,"  Law  and  Con- 
temporary Problems,  34  (Winter  1969),  84-94. 

"International  Divestment:  Panacea  or  Pitfall?"  Looking 
Ahead,  18  (November/December  1970),  1-12.  (Publication  of  the 
National  Planning  Association.) 

"Multinational  Corporations  and  National  Sovereignty,"  Co- 
lumbia Journal  of  World  Business,  4  (March- April  1969),  15-22. 
Reprinted  in  World  Business,  ed.,  Courtney  Brown.  New  York: 
Macmillan,  1970.  Pp.  114-26. 

"Liscensing  Abroad  Under  Patents,  Trademarks  and  Know- 
How  by  U.  S.  Companies,"  in  Nurturing  New  Ideas:  Legal  Bights 
and  Economic  Boles,  ed.,  L.  James  Harris.  Washington,  D.  C. :  The 
Bureau  of  National  Affairs,  1969.  Pp.  412-55. 

Eugene  H.  Beooks,  Jr. 

(With  C.  T.  Horngren  and  others.)  "American  Accounting 
Association  Report  of  Committee  on  Managerial  Decision  Models, ' ' 
The  Accounting  Beview,  44  Supplement  (1969),  42-76. 

Review  of  G.P.E.  Clarkson,  ed.,  Managerial  Economics  (Balti- 
more: Penquin  Books,  1968),  in  The  Accounting  Beview,  45  (July 
1970),  600-01. 

R.  Lee  Brummet 

(With  E.  G.  Flamholtz  and  W.  C.  Pyle.)  "Human  Resource 
Management — A  Challenge  for  Accountants,"  in  Accounting  and 
Its  Behavioral  Implications,  eds.,  W.  J.  Bruns  and  D.  T.  DeCoster. 
New  York:  McGraw-Hill,  1969.  Pp.  421-28.  Reprinted  from  The 
Accounting  Beview,  43  (April  1968). 

(With  E.  G.  Flamholtz  and  W.  C.  Pyle.)  "Human  Resource 
Accounting — A  Tool  to  Increase  Managerial  Effectiveness,"  in 
Topics  in  Managerial  Accounting,  ed.,  L.  S.  Rosen.  New  York:  Mc- 
Graw-Hill, 1970.  Pp.  263-70.  Reprinted  from  Management  Account- 
ing, 51  (August  1969),  12-15. 



(With  E.  G.  Flamholtz  and  W.  C.  Pyle.)  "Accounting  for 
Human  Resources,"  Michigan  Business  Review,  21  (March  1969), 

(With  E.  G.  Flamholtz  and  W.  C.  Pyle.)  "Human  Resource 
Myopia,"  Monthly  Labor  Review,  92  (January  1969),  29-30. 

(With  E.  G.  Flamholtz  and  W.  C.  Pyle.)  "Human  Resource 
Accounting  in  Industry,"  Personnel  Administration,  32  (July- 
August  1969),  34-46. 

(With  E.  G.  Flamholtz  and  W.  C.  Pyle.)  "Accounting  Recog- 
nition for  Human  Resources,"  Synopsis  (Brussels),  12  (January- 
February  1970),  49-60. 

"Accounting  for  Human  Resources,"  New  York  Certified  Public 
Accountant,  40  (July  1970),  547-55.  Reprinted  in  Journal  of  Ac- 
countancy (December  1970),  62-66. 

"Human  Resource  Management,"  in  Exploring  the  Frontiers 
of  Administration,  ed.,  G.  A.  Edwards.  Distinguished  Lectures  in 
Administration  Series,  1969.  Toronto,  Canada  :  York  University 
Faculty  of  Administrative  Studies,  1970.  Pp.  25-32. 

Richard  Peecival  Calhoon 

"Factors  That  Attract  and  Repel  Office  Workers,"  The  Of- 
fice, 70  (December  1969),  41,  42. 

(With  Bernard  D.  Balas.)  "Problems  with  College  Graduates 
in  Business,"  Journal  of  College  Placement,  30  (October-November 
1969),  85-88. 

"Components  of  An  Effective  Executive  Appraisal  System," 
Personnel  Journal,  48  (August  1969),  617-22. 

"Niccolo  Machiavelli  and  the  Twentieth  Century  Administra- 
tor," Academy  of  Management  Journal,  12  (June  1969),  205-12. 

' 1  Is  Supervisory  Pay  Keeping  Pace  With  Inflation  ? ' '  Michigan 
Business  Review,  21  (May  1969),  9-11. 

Clyde  Cass  Carter 

Legal  Institutions  and  Business  Policy:  A  Syllabus,  revised 
edition.  Chapel  Hill:  School  of  Business  Administration,  1969.  Pp. 

Robert  Wayne  Clarke 

"Financial  Statements — Analysis  and  Interpretation,"  in  Ac- 
countants' Handbook,  5th  edition,  eds.,  Rufus  Wixen,  Walter  G. 
Kell,  and  Norton  M.  Bedford.  New  York:  The  Ronald  Press  Com- 
pany, 1970.  Pp.  3.1-3.44. 

"Extending  the  Auditor's  Role  in  Corporate  Reporting," 
Michigan  Business  Review,  22  (January  1970),  12-19. 



11  Extending  the  Auditor's  Role  in  Corporate  Reporting," 
Michigan  CPA,  21  (May- June  1970),  7-15. 

Thomas  Buskirk  Crabill 

Optimal  Control  of  a  Queue  with  Variable  Service  Bates.  Tech- 
nical Reports,  No.  75.  Ithaca,  New  York :  Department  of  Operations 
Research,  Cornell  University,  1969.  Pp.  114. 

(With  W.  J.  Brown  and  B.  V.  Dean.)  Futures  Trading  Using 
Mechanical  Trading  Rules.  Technical  Memorandum  No.  209.  Cleve- 
land, Ohio:  Department  of  Operations  Research,  Case  Western 
Reserve  University,  1970.  Pp.  64. 

(With  W.  L.  Maxwell.)  "Single  Machine  Sequencing  with  Ran- 
dom Processing  Times  and  Random  Due-Dates,"  Naval  Research 
Logistics  Quarterly,  16  (December  1969),  549-54. 

Robert  Bigelow  DesJardins 

Second  Economic  Analysis  of  the  Data  Processing  Service  In- 
dustry. New  York :  Association  of  Data  Processing  Service  Organ- 
izations, Inc.,  1969.  Pp.  23. 

(With  R.  I.  Levin.)  Theory  of  Games  and  Strategies.  Scranton, 
Pennsylvania :  International  Textbook  Company,  1970.  Pp.  132. 

Third  Annual  Industry  Study.  New  York:  Association  of  Data 
Processing  Service  Organization,  Inc.,  1970.  Pp.  32. 

(With  W.  B.  Lee.)  "A  Corporate  Simulation  Model  of  a  Small 
Manufacturing  Firm,"  in  Corporate  Simulation  Models,  ed.,  Al- 
bert N.  Schrieber.  Seattle:  Graduate  School  of  Business  Admin- 
istration of  the  University  of  Washington,  1970.  Pp.  264-91. 

"The  Objectives  and  Content  of  the  Course  in  Management 
Systems,"  The  Southern  Journal  of  Business,  34  (October  1968), 

Douglas  Allen  Elvers 

"Determination  of  Optimal  Monitoring  Frequency  for  Critical 
Path  Schedules,"  in  Proceedings  of  the  First  Annual  Meeting  of 
the  American  Institute  for  Decision  Sciences.  Baton  Rouge:  Di- 
vision of  Research,  College  of  Business  Administration,  Louisiana 
State  University,  for  the  American  Institute  of  Decision  ScienceSj 
1970.  Pp.  204-12. 

John  Parkhill  Evans 

"Duality  in  Markov  Decision  Problems  with  Countable  Action 
and  State  Spaces,"  Management  Science,  15  (July  1969),  626-38. 

"On  Constraint  Qualifications  in  Nonlinear  Programming," 
Naval  Research  Logistics  Quarterly,  17  (September  1970),  281-86. 



(With  K.  0.  Kortanek.)  " Asymptotic  Lagrange  Regularity: 
Infimum  not  Assumed,"  Cahiers  du  Centre  d'Etudes  de  Recherche 
Operationelle,  12:  2  (1970),  76-94. 

(With  F.  J.  Gould.)  '  'Stability  in  Nonlinear  Programming." 
Operations  Research,  18  (January-February  1970),  107-18. 

Claude  Swanson  George,  Jk. 

Management  for  Business  and  Industry.  Englewood  Cliffs,  New 
Jersey:  Prentice-Hall,  Inc.,  1970.  Pp.  xiii,  642. 

Thomas  Harlan  Jerdee 

Review  of  Blair  J.  Kolasa,  Introduction  to  Behavioral  Science 
for  Business  (New  York:  John  Wiley  and  Sons,  Inc.,  1969),  in 
Personnel  Psychology,  23  (Summer  1970),  289-91. 

Review  of  Morrell  Heald,  The  Social  Responsibilities  of  Business: 
Company  and  Community,  1900-1960  (Cleveland:  The  Press  of 
Case  Western  Reserve  University,  1970),  in  Monthly  Labor  Re- 
view, 93  (December  1970),  56-57. 

Charles  Atkinson  Kirkpatrick 

(With  R.  I.  Levin.)  Quantitative  Approaches  to  Management. 
Chinese  Translation.  Taipai,  Formosa :  The  New  China  Publishing 
Company,  1970.  Pp.  357.  Translation  of  Quantitative  Approaches 
to  Management.  New  York :  McGraw-Hill,  1965. 

(With  R.  I.  Levin.)  PERT  ve  CPM  He  Planlama  ve  Denetim. 
Ankara,  Turkey:  idari  ilimler  Fakultesi,  Orta  Dogu  Teknik  Uni- 
versitesi,  1969.  Pp.  184.  Translation  of  Planning  and  Control  with 
PERT /CPM.  New  York:  McGraw-Hill,  1966. 

(With  J.  E.  Littlefield.)  Advertising :  Mass  Communication  in 
Marketing.  3rd  edition.  Boston:  Houghton  Mifflin,  1970.  Pp.  xii, 

Clifton  Holland  Kreps,  Jr. 

Associate  editor,  The  Southern  Journal  of  Business. 

(With  E.  F.  Gee.)  Analyzing  Financial  Statements.  4th  edition. 
New  York:  American  Institute  of  Banking,  1970.  Pp.  xiv,  578. 

The  New  Consumerism:  Implications  for  Business.  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. :  Chamber  of  Commerce  of  the  United  States,  1969.  Pp.  i, 

(With  R.  F.  Wacht.)  "  State  Banking  Structure  and  Economic 
Growth/'  The  Southern  Journal  of  Business,  5  (July  1970),  11-20. 

Harold  Quentin  Langenderfer 

(With  J.  B.  Bower.)  Income  Tax  Procedure.  1969  edition.  Cin- 
cinnati :  South- Western  Publishing  Company,  1969.  Pp.  406. 



(With  J.  B.  Bower.)  Income  Tax  Procedure.  1970  edition.  Cin- 
cinnati :  South- Western  Publishing  Company,  1970.  Pp.  434. 

(With  E.  B.  Yager.)  C.P.A.  Examination:  A  Comprehensive  Re- 
view— Problems.  Columbus:  Charles  B.  Merrill,  1969.  Pp.  815. 

(With  E.  B.  Yager.)  C.P.A.  Examination:  A  Comprehensive 
Review — Solutions.  Columbus:  Charles  E.  Merrill,  1969.  Pp.  565. 

(With  J.  C.  Eobertson.)  "A  Theoretical  Structure  for  Indepen- 
dent Audits  of  Management,"  The  Accounting  Review,  44  (October 
1969),  777-87. 

Review  of  Glenn  A.  Welsch,  Charles  T.  Zlatkovich,  and  John 
Arch  White,  Intermediate  Accounting,  revised  edition  (Homewood, 
Illinois:  Richard  D.  Irwin,  Inc.,  1968),  in  The  Accounting  Review, 
44  (July  1969),  663-65. 

Henry  Allen  Latane 

(With  D.  L.  Tuttle.)  Security  Analysis  and  Portfolio  Manage- 
ment.  New  York :  The  Ronald  Press,  1970.  Pp.  xiv,  752. 

(With  D.  L.  Tuttle  and  C.  P.  Jones.)  "E/P  Ratios  v.  Changes 
in  Earnings  in  Forecasting  Future  Price  Changes,"  Financial 
Analysts  Journal,  25  (January-February  1969),  1-5. 

"  Interest  Rates,  Returns  on  Real  Assets,  and  Returns  on  Fi- 
nancial Assets,"  Southern  Journal  of  Business,  36  (April  1970), 

(With  0.  M.  Joy  and  C.  P.  Jones.)  "  Quarterly  Data,  Sort-Rank 
Routines,  and  Security  Evaluation,"  Journal  of  Business,  43  (Oc- 
tober 1970),  427-38. 

"A  Note  on  Monetary  Policy,  Interest  Rates  and  Income  Ve- 
locity," The  Southern  Economic  Journal,  36  (January  1970), 

(With  W.  E.  Young.)  "Test  of  Portfolio  Building  Rules," 
Journal  of  Finance,  24  (September  1969),  595-612. 

Joseph  Finley  Lee,  Je. 

The  Role  of  Investment  Companies  in  Portfolio  Planning. 
Bryn  Mawr,  Pennsylvania:  The  American  College  of  Life  Under- 
writers, 1969.  Pp.  22. 

(With  William  M.  Whitaker.)  The  Demand  for  Life  Insurance. 
Tallahassee:  The  Florida  Insurance  Education  Foundation,  1970. 
Pp.  38. 

(With  John  R.  Lewis.)  Marketing  Dynamics  in  Property- 
Liability  Insurance :  The  Florida  Report.  Tallahassee :  The  Florida 
Insurance  Education  Foundation,  1970.  Pp.  x,  78. 

(With  William  M.  Whitaker.)  The  Demand  for  Life  Insurance: 



An  Annotated  Bibliography.  Philadelphia :  The  McCahan  Founda- 
tion, 1970.  Pp.  xi,  9. 

(With  Glenn  L.  Wood.)  Mutual  Funds:  A  Contemporary  Anal- 
ysis of  Nature,  Growth,  Performance,  and  Environment.  Bryn 
Mawr,  Pennsylvania :  The  American  College  of  Life  Underwriters, 
1970.  Pp.  26. 

(With  Glenn  L.  Wood.)  " Mutual  Funds  and  Variable  An- 
nuities: Consumer  Purchase  Decisions,"  The  Journal  of  the  Amer- 
ican Society  of  Chartered  Life  Underwriters,  23  (January  1969), 

' '  The  Major  Conclusions  of  the  Stanford  Keport :  Prospects  for 
the  Property-Liability  Industry,"  The  Annals,  23  (March  1970), 

(With  John  R.  Kerr.)  "The  Management  of  Innovation:  Poten- 
tial of  Equity  Products,"  The  Journal  of  the  American  Society  of 
Chartered  Life  Underwriters,  24  (March  1970),  26-34. 

"The  Competitive  Role  of  the  Associated  Factory  Mutuals," 
The  Journal  of  Risk  and  Insurance,  36  (September  1969),  401-19. 

Richard  Ivor  Levin 

(With  R.  B.  DesJardins.)  Theory  of  Games  and  Strategies. 
Scranton,  Pennsylvania:  International  Textbook  Company,  1970. 
Pp.  132. 

The  Turkish  Administrator :  A  Cultural  Survey.  Ankara,  Tur- 
key: United  States  Department  of  State,  The  Agency  for  Inter- 
national Development,  1969.  Pp.  303. 

(With  R.  P.  Lamone.)  Quantitative  Disciplines  in  Management 
Decisions.  Belmont,  California:  Dickinson  Publishing  Company, 
1969.  Pp.  209. 

(With  C.  A.  Kirkpatrick.)  Quantitative  Approaches  to  Manage- 
ment. Chinese  Translation.  Taipai,  Formosa :  The  New  China  Pub- 
lishing Company,  1970.  Pp.  357.  Translation  of  Quantitative  Ap- 
proaches to  Management.  New  York :  McGraw-Hill,  1965. 

(With  C.  A.  Kirkpatrick.)  PERT  ve  CPM  He  Planlama  ve 
Denetim.  Ankara,  Turkey:  idari  ilimler  Fakultesi,  Orta  Dogu 
Teknik  Universitesi,  1969.  Pp.  184.  Translation  of  Planning  and 
Control  with  PERT /CPM.  New  York:  McGraw-Hill,  1966. 

"Who's  on  First,"  in  Sales  Strategy,  eds.,  E.  M.  Smith  and 
R.  F.  Gwinner.  New  York:  Appleton-Century-Crofts,  1969.  Pp. 

"The  Management  Discipline,  Direction  for  the  '70 's,"  Southern 
Journal  of  Business,  5  (Spring  1970),  37-41. 

"Credit  Scoring,  Make  It  Flexible,"  Credit  and  Collection 
Management,  309  (May  1969),  2-3. 



James  Edward  Littlefield 

(With  W.  P.  Glade,  W.  A.  Strang,  and  J.  G.  Udell.)  Marketing 
in  a  Developing  Nation.  Lexington,  Massachusetts:  D.  C.  Heath 
and  Company,  1970.  Pp.  vii,  248. 

(With  C.  A.  Kirkpatrick.)  Advertising :  Mass  Communication 
in  Marketing.  3rd  edition.  Boston :  Houghton  Mifflin,  1970.  Pp.  xii, 

(With  W.  A.  Strang.)  "The  Marketing  Concept:  Problems  of 
Transferral  to  a  Developing  Economy,"  Mississippi  Valley  Journal 
of  Business  and  Economics,  5  (Winter  1970),  41-50. 

Clement  Searl  Logsdon 

Economic  Development  Indicators  for  North  Carolina  Counties 
and  Regions.  University  of  North  Carolina  Graduate  School  of 
Business  Administration  Technical  Paper  Series,  No.  9.  Chapel  Hill : 
Graduate  School  of  Business  Administration,  1969.  Pp.  13. 

Clarence  Henry  McGregor 

(With  P.  C.  Chakonas.)  Retail  Management  Problems.  4th  edi- 
tion. Homewood,  Illinois:  Kichard  D.  Irwin,  Inc.,  1970.  Pp.  xii, 

Curtis  Perry  McLaughlin 

(With  A.  P.  Sheldon  and  F.  Baker.)  Editor,  Systems  and  Med- 
ical Care.  Cambridge,  Massachusetts:  Massachusetts  Institute  of 
Technology  Press,  1970.  Pp.  320. 

" Systems  Analysis  for  Health,"  in  Systems  and  Medical  Care, 
eds.,  A.  P.  Sheldon,  F.  Baker,  and  C.  P.  McLaughlin.  Cambridge, 
Massachusetts:  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  Press,  1970. 
Pp.  230-67. 

1  1  Health  Operations  Kesearch  and  Systems  Analysis  Literature, ' ' 
in  Systems  and  Medical  Care,  eds.,  A.  P.  Sheldon,  F.  Baker,  and 
C.  P.  McLaughlin.  Cambridge,  Massachusetts :  Massachusetts  Insti- 
tute of  Technology  Press,  1970.  Pp.  27-48. 

(With  S.  S.  Lee.)  '  'Changing  Views  of  Public  Health  Services 
as  a  System,"  in  Systems  and  Medical  Care,  eds.,  A.  P.  Sheldon, 
F.  Baker,  and  C.  P.  McLaughlin.  Cambridge,  Massachusetts,  Massa- 
chusetts Institute  of  Technology  Press,  1970.  Pp.  126-42. 

(With  E.  S.  Trainer.)  Quantitative  Evaluations  of  Family  Plan- 
ning Proposals  and  Programs:  A  Systems  Approach.  Carolina  Popu- 
lation Center  Monograph  Series.  Chapel  Hill :  Carolina  Population 
Center,  1970.  Pp.  32. 



" Medical  Computing  and  the  Process  of  Medical  Care,"  Social 
Sciences  and  Medicine,  4  (December  1970),  681-87. 

Review  of  Martin  S.  Feldstein,  Analysis  for  Health  Service  Ef- 
ficiency (Amsterdam:  New  Holland  Publishing  Company,  1967),  in 
Social  Science  and  Medicine,  3  (April  1970),  708-10. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  school : 

Robert  Ballard  Conrad 

Intermittent  Interference  with  Pseudo-Repetitive  Operations 
and  Its  Effect  on  Standard  Time  and  the  Learning  Curve.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Richard  Ivor  Levin.) 

Robert  Austin  Daily 

A  Study  of  the  Feasibility  of  Reporting  Forecasted  Information 
to  the  Investor.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Harold  Quentin 

John  Spears  Ellett  II 

Interstate  Corporation  Income  Taxation  of  Truckers  and  Movers. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Harold  Quentin  Langenderfer.) 

William  Paul  Green 

A  Study  of  Commercial  Bank  Size  and  Small  Business  Financ- 
ing. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Clifton  Holland  Kreps,  Jr.) 

Herbert  Ransom  Hahn 

The  Effect  of  Interest  Rate  Restrictions  on  the  Flow  of  Mort- 
gage Funds.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Avery  Berlow  Cohan.) 

John  William  Holsinger 

EDP  Implementation:  An  Analysis  of  Constraints.  (1969,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Richard  Ivor  Levin.) 

Charles  Packer  Jones 

The  Value  of  Quarterly  Information  in  Predicting  Future  Stock 
Price  Changes.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Henry  Allen 



Okie  Maukice  Joy 

The  Value  of  Limited  Monthly  Information  in  Forecasting  Air- 
line Price  Relatives.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Henry  Allen 

Lawrence  Albert  Lang 

A  Heuristic  Order  Selection  Allocation  Procedure.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Richard  Ivor  Levin.) 

Robert  Hermann  Litzenberger 

Allocation  of  Corporate  Capital  Under  Uncertainty.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Donald  Latham  Tuttle.) 

Richard  Wolcott  McEnally 

Seasonal  Variations  in  Price  Changes  and  Holding  Period 
Returns  of  Common  Stocks.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Henry 
Allen  Latane.) 

Lawrence  Lee  McNitt 

Generating  Decision  Networks.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Robert  Bigelow  DesJardins.) 

Dennis  Wayne  Organ 

Some  Factors  Influencing  the  Behavior  of  Boundary  Role  Per- 
sons. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  J.  Stacy  Adams.) 

Jack  Clark  Robertson 

A  Theoretical  and  Structural  Design  for  Independent  Audits  of 
Management  Representations.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Harold 
Edgar  Wyman.) 

William  Buchanan  Seale 

Certain  Problems  of  Shopping  Center  Development.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Clarence  Henry  McGregor.) 


Technological  and  Human  Factors  as  Determinants  of  Work- 
Assignment  in  Multi-Machine  Systems  with  Specific  Application 
to  Loom- Assignment.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Bige- 
low DesJardins.) 

Ergun  Yener 

Financial  and  Capital  Market  Development  in  Turkey:  Prob- 
lems and  Prospects.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Clifton  Hol- 
land Kreps,  Jr.) 




Maurice  Brookhart 

(With  H.  G.  Riehey,  Jr.,  J.  D.  Nichols,  P.  G.  Gassman,  A.  F. 
Fentiraan,  S.  Winstein,  and  R.  K.  Lustgarten.)  "A  Classical 
7-Norbornenyl  Cation:  Competition  Between  Aryl  and  Alkenyl 
Functions  in  Stabilizing  7- Aryl-7-Norbornenyl  Cations,"  Journal 
of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  92  (June  1970),  3783-84. 

(With  R.  K.  Lustgarten,  S.  Winstein,  P.  G.  Gassman,  D.  S. 
Patton,  H.  G.  Richey,  Jr.,  and  J.  D.  Nichols.)  "Evidence  for  Sym- 
metrical Bridging  in  Methylated  7-Norbornenyl  Cations,"  Tetra- 
hedron Letters  (April  1970),  1699-1702. 

(With  E.  R.  Davis.)  "Direct  Observation  of  the  Cyclooc- 
tatrienyliron  Tricarbonyl  Cation  and  Its  Electrocyclic  Ring  Clo- 
sure," Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  92  (December 
1970),  7622-23. 

Richard  Pierson  Buck 

"Diffuse  Layer  Charge  Relaxation  at  the  Ideally  Polarized 
Electrode,"  Journal  of  Electroanalytical  Chemistry,  23  (Novem- 
ber 1969),  219. 

(With  M.  M.  Bursey.)  "An  Assignment  of  Approximate  In- 
ternal Energy  Distributions  Through  Substituent  Effects  of  Ions 
Produced  by  Electron  Impact,"  Organic  Mass  Spectrometry,  3 
(March  1970),  387-93. 

(With  E.  C.  Toren.)  " Potentiometric  Titrations,"  Analytical 
Chemistry,  42:5  (April  1970),  284R. 

Maurice  Moyer  Bursey 

(With  T.  A.  Elwood  and  P.  F.  Rogerson.)  "Tetrahedral  C4+R4 
in  the  Mass  Spectral  Fragmentation  of  Thionessal  Dioxide, ' '  Tetra- 
hedron Letters,  25  (February  1969),  605-11. 

"The  Influence  of  Steric  Inhibition  of  Resonance  on  Ion  In- 
tensities in  Mass  Spectra,"  Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  So- 
ciety, 91  (March  1969),  1861-62. 

(With  T.  A.  Elwood  and  P.  F.  Rogerson.)  "A  Comment  on  the 
Generality  of  Mass  Spectral  Labeling  Techniques.  Scrambling  of 
the  p-Fluoro  Label  in  Tetraphenylfuran  and  Tetraphenylthio- 
phene,"  Journal  of  Organic  Chemistry,  34  (April  1969),  1138-39. 

(With  H.  F.  Holtzclaw,  Jr.,  R.  L.  Lintvedt,  H.  E.  Baumgarten, 
R.  G.  Parker,  and  P.  F.  Rogerson.)  "Mass  Spectra  of  Metal  Chelates. 
I.  Substituent  Effects  on  Ionization  Potentials  and  Fragmentation 
Patterns  of  Some  l-Methyl-3-alkyl-l,3-dione-Copper  (II)  Chelates," 
Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  91  (July  1969),  3774-78. 



(With  T.  A.  Elwood,  M.  K.  Hoffman,  P.  F.  Rogerson,  E.  H. 
Palczewski,  and  D.  Rosenthal.)  "Variable  Apparent  Charge  Sep- 
aration in  Large  Metastable  Bipositive  Ions  in  the  Mass  Spec- 
trometer," Organic  Mass  Spectrometry,  2  (July  1969),  761-63. 

(With  T.  A.  Elwood.)  ' ' Tetrahedral  Structures  of  Unexpected 
Stability.  On  Distinguishing  Randomization  Mechanisms  in  the 
Mass  Spectral  Fragmentation  of  Substituted  Cyclopentadienols, ' ' 
Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  91  (July  1969),  3812-16. 

(With  M.  K.  Hoffman.)  "Some  'Steric  Effects'  of  Methyl  in 
Mass  Spectral  Fragmentations,"  Journal  of  the  American  Chemical 
Society,  91  (August  1969),  5023-27. 

"The  Steric  Effect  as  a  Mechanistic  Tool  in  Mass  Spectral  De- 
compositions. Comments  on  the  Activated  Complex  for  the  Loss 
of  NO  from  Substituted  Nitrobenzenes, "  Organic  Mass  Spec- 
trometry, 2  (September  1969),  907-14. 

(With  F.  E.  Tibbetts  III,  W.  F.  Little,  M.  D.  Rausch,  and  G.  A. 
Moser.)  "Alteration  of  the  Benzene  Molecular  Ion  and  Substituted 
Benzene  Molecular  Ions  by  Their  Mode  of  Formation  in  the  Mass 
Spectrometer,"  Tetrahedron  Letters  (September  1969),  3469-72. 

(With  C.  G.  Pitt  and  P.  F.  Rogerson.)  "Catenates  of  the  Group 
IV  Elements.  Correlation  of  a  Electron  Energies,"  Journal  of  the 
American  Chemical  Society,  92  (February  1970),  519-22. 

(With  M.  K.  Hoffman  and  R.  E.  K.  Winter.)  "Selection  Rules 
for  Mass  Spectrometry.  An  Example  of  a  Photochemical  Analogy, ' ' 
Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  92  (February  1970), 

"Labeling  by  Substituent  Effects  for  Mass  Spectral  Fragmenta- 
tions," American  Chemical  Society,  Petroleum  Division,  Reprints, 
15  (1970),  D33-D40. 

(With  F.  E.  Tibbetts  III,  and  W.  F.  Little.)  "7r-Cyclobutadi- 
eneiron  Ions  in  the  Mass  Spectrometer.  Evidence  from  Labeling," 
Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  92  (March  1970),  1087- 

(With  P.  F.  Rogerson.)  "The  Electron-Impact  Ionization  Po- 
tentials of  Successively  Substituted  Acetylacetonates  of  Chromium 
(III),"  Inorganic  Chemistry,  9  (March  1970),  676-78. 

(With  T.  A.  Elwood.)  "Fragmentation  without  Rearrangement 
of  the  p-Fluoro  Label  in  the  Mass  Spectra  of  Some  Six-Membered 
Heterocycles, "  Journal  of  Organic  Chemistry,  35  (March  1970), 

(With  R.  P.  Buck.)  "An  Assignment  of  Approximate  Internal 
Energy  Distributions  through  Substituent  Effects  to  Ions  Produced 
by  Electron-Impact,"  Organic  Mass  Spectrometry,  3  (March  1970), 



(With  P.  T.  Kissinger.)  "The  Significance  of  Hammett  Corre- 
lations in  Mass  Spectral  Decompositions,"  Organic  Mass  Spec- 
trometry, 3  (March  1970),  395-98. 

(With  F.  E.  Tibbetts  III,  W.  F.  Little,  M.  D.  Rausch,  and  G.  A. 
Moser.)  "Alteration  of  Eeaetivity  of  Arenes  in  the  Mass  Spec- 
trometer by  7r  Complexation  to  Chromium.  Scrambling  of  Deu- 
terium in  Complexed  Styrene,"  Tetrahedron  Letters  (April  1970), 

(With  C.  E.  Twine,  Jr.)  "The  Additivity  of  Mass  Spectral 
Substituent  Effects.  Cleavage  of  Benzophenones, "  Journal  of  Or- 
ganic Chemistry,  35  (June  1970),  2012-14. 

(With  T.  A.  Elwood,  K.  H.  Dudley,  J.  M.  Tesarek,  and  P.  F. 
Rogerson.)  "  The  Mass  Spectra  of  Some  Isomeric  Naphthoquinones, 
Lapachol,  Isolapachol,  and  Related  Compounds,"  Organic  Mass 
Spectrometry,  3  (July  1970),  841-61. 

(With  M.  K.  Hoffman,  T.  A.  Elwood,  J.  M.  Tesarek,  P.  F. 
Rogerson,  and  D.  Rosenthal.)  "Fragmentation  of  Arylated  Medi- 
um-Ring Compounds.  The  Question  of  Rearrangement  in  Molecular- 
Ion  Precursors  to  C4R4+',"  Organic  Mass  Spectrometry,  3  (July 
1970),  891-98. 

(With  T.  A.  Elwood,  M.  K.  Hoffman,  T.  A.  Lehman,  and  J.  M. 
Tesarek.)  "Analytical  Ion  Cyclotron  Resonance  Spectrometry. 
Acetylation  as  a  Chemical  Ionization  Technique, ' '  Analytical  Chem- 
istry, 42  (1970),  1370-74. 

(With  M.  K.  Hoffman,  T.  A.  Elwood,  and  T.  A.  Lehman.) 
"Mechanism  of  Acetyl  Transfer  to  Oxygen  Bases  in  Ion-Molecule 
Reactions  of  2,3-Butanedione, "  Tetrahedron  Letters  (1970),  4021- 

(With  T.  A.  Lehman,  T.  A.  Elwood,  and  M.  K.  Hoffman.) 
"Dehydration  of  the  Protonated  Butane-2,3-dione-ethanol  Ion 
[(CH3CO-CO-CH3)(C2H5OH)H+]  in  the  Gaseous  Phase,"  Jour- 
nal of  the  Chemical  Society,  Section  B  (1970),  1717-19. 

(With  W.  B.  Nixon.)  "Relative  Nitryl  Ion  Affinities  of  Some 
Gaseous  Oxygen  Lewis  Bases  by  Ion  Cyclotron  Resonance, ' '  Tetra- 
hedron Letters  (1970),  4389-92. 

(With  S.  A.  Benezra  and  M.  K.  Hoffman.)  "Electrophilic  Aro- 
matic Substitution  Reactions.  An  Ion  Cyclotron  Resonance  Study, ' ' 
Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  92  (December  1970). 

(With  D.  G.  Whitten,  M.  T.  McCall,  W.  E.  Punch,  M.  K.  Hoff- 
man, and  S.  A.  Benezra.)  "Mass  Spectral-Photochemical  Correla- 
tions. Persistent  McLafferty  Rearrangements  in  Defiance  of  Their 
Photochemical  Analogies,"  Organic  Mass  Spectrometry,  4  (1970). 



(With  P.  F.  Rogerson  and  J.  M.  Bursey.)  "Quadruply  Charged 
Ions  in  the  Mass  Spectrum  of  Ovalene,"  Organic  Mass  Spectro- 
metry, 4  (1970),  615-17. 

James  Logan  Coke 

(With  F.  B.  McFarlane,  M.  C.  Mourning,  and  M.  G.  Jones.) 
"Carbonium  Ions  II.  Mechanism  of  Acetolysis  of  2-Phenylethyl 
Tosylate,"  Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  91  (Febru- 
ary 1969),  1154-61. 

(With  M.  G.  Jones.)  "Carbonium  Ions  III,  Acetolysis  of  2- 
Arylethyl  Tosylates,"  Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society, 
91  (July  1969),  4284-85. 

Henry  Hursell  Dearman 

(With  F.  T.  Lang  and  W.  C.  Neely.)  "Energy  Transfer  in 
Polymer  Films:  The  Nylon  66 — Proflavine  System/'  Journal  of 
Polymer  Science,  Part  A-2,  7  (March  1969),  497-513. 

(With  K.  Ishizu,  M.  T.  Huang,  and  J.  B.  White.)  "Interaction 
of  the  5-Methylphenazinium  Cation  Radical  with  Deoxyribonucleic 
Acid,"  Biochemistry,  8  (March  1969),  1238-46. 

(With  K.  Akasaka.)  "Solubilization  of  a  Neutral  Phenazyl 
Free  Radical  by  DNA,"  Biochemical  and  Biophysical  Research 
Communications,  35  (1969),  377-82. 

John  Henry  Harrison  IV 

(With  Eugene  Michael  Gregory.)  "Structural  Studies  of  Por- 
cine Malate  Dehydrogenase:  Selective  Chemical  Modification," 
Biochemical  and  Biophysical  Research  Communications,  40  (July 
1970),  995-1001. 

William  Emerson  Hatfield 

(With  R.  Whyman.)  "  Copper  Complexes,"  in  Transition  Metal 
Chemistry,  Volume  5,  ed.,  R.  L.  Carlin.  New  York :  Marcel  Dekker, 
Inc.,  1969.  Pp.  47-179. 

(With  F.  L.  Bunger.)  "Tridentate  Schiff  Base  Complexes  of 
Copper(II),"  Inorganic  Chemistry,  8  (May  1969),  1194-95. 

(With  G.  W.  Inman,  Jr.)  " Spin-Spin  Coupling  in  Magnetically 
Condensed  Complexes.  IX.  Exchange  Coupling  for  Tetranuclear 
Schiff's  Base  Complexes  of  Copper (II),"  Inorganic  Chemistry,  & 
(June  1969),  1376-78. 

(With  L.  E.  Warren  and  J.  M.  Flowers.)  "Electron  Paramag-- 
netic  Resonance  of  Bis  (thiosemicarbazone) copper (II)  Complexes," 
Journal  of  Chemical  Physics,  51  (August  1969),  1270-71. 



(With  E.  R.  Jones,  Jr.)  "The  Magnetic  Properties  of  Hexa- 
amminecobalt(III)  Pentachlorocuprate(II),"  Inorganic  Chemis- 
try, 9  (June  1970),  1502-4. 

(With  J.  F.  Villa.)  "An  Electron  Paramagnetic  Resonance 
Study  of  Tetrakis- ( dimethylglyoximato ) dicopper ( II )  in  Glasses," 
Inorganic  and  Nuclear  Chemistry  Letters,  6  (May  1970),  511-15. 

(With  D.  J.  Hodgson,  P.  K.  Hale,  and  J.  A.  Barnes.)  "A  Five- 
Coordinate  Copper  Dimer :  The  Structure  and  Magnetic  Properties 
of  the  /x?iL(.-dichloro-bis(trichlorocuprate(II) )  Anion,  [Cu2Cl8]4-," 
Chemical  Communications  (1970),  786-87. 

(With  G.  0.  Carlisle.)  "The  Importance  of  Out-of -Plane  Bond- 
ing in  the  Dimer  N,N-Ethylenebis(salicylideneiminato)  copper 
(II),"  Inorganic  and  Nuclear  Chemistry  Letters,  6  (July  1970), 

(With  G.  W.  Inman,  Jr.)  "Exchange  Coupling  Constants  for 
Tetrametallic  Complexes,"  Inorganic  Chemistry,  9  (1970),  2379-80. 

(With  J.  A.  Barnes,  D.  Y.  Jeter,  R.  Whyman,  and  E.  R.  Jones, 
Jr.)  "Triplet  Ground  State  in  the  Dimer  Bis  (pyridine  N-oxide) 
copper (II)  Nitrate,"  Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society, 
92  (August  1970),  4982-84. 

(With  J.  F.  Villa  and  J.  M.  Flowers.)  "The  Half  Field  Line  of 
Tetrakis  (dimethyl-lyoximat  glyoximato) dicopper (II)  in  Glasses," 
Spectroscopy  Letters,  3  (August-September  1970),  201-5. 

(With  L.  E.  Warren.)  "Low  Temperature  Magnetism  and  EPR 
of  Diacetylbis-(thiosemicarbazone) copper (II),"  Chemical  Physics 
Letters,  7  (1970),  371-73. 

(With  J.  A.  Barnes  and  D.  J.  Hodgson.)  "The  Magnetic  and 
Spectral  Properties  of  the  Di-/x-chlorobis  trichlorocuprate(II)  An- 
ion [Cu2Cl8]4-,"  Chemical  Physics  Letters,  7  (1970),  374-76. 

(With  J.  A.  Barnes  and  D.  J.  Hodgson.)  "The  Magnetic  Prop- 
erties to  4.2°K  of  the  Complex  Di-/x-hydroxybis(dipyridyl)  copper 
(II)  Sulfate  Pentahydrate, "  Chemical  Communications  (1970), 

Jait  Josef  Hermans 

"The  Application  of  Density  Gradient  Centrifugation  to  the 
Problem  of  Compositional  Distribution  in  Polymers,"  Annals  of 
the  New  York  Academy  of  Sciences,  164  (November  1969),  122-29. 

(With  T.  S.  Chow.)  "The  Elastic  Constants  of  Fiber  Reinforced 
Materials,"  Journal  of  Composite  Materials,  3  (July  1969),  382-96. 

(With  T.  S.  Chow.)  "The  Effect  of  Dry  Friction  on  the  Os- 
cillatory Behavior  of  Fabrics,"  Textile  Research  Journal,  40  (No- 
vember 1970),  982-85. 

(With  John  H.  Dumbleton.)  "Capillary  Instability  of  a  Thin 



Annular  Layer  of  Liquid  Around  a  Solid  Cylinder, "  I  &  EC  Funda- 
mentals, 9  (August  1970),  466-69. 

(With  John  H.  Dumbleton.)  "  Capillary  Stability  of  a  Hollow 
Inviscid  Cylinder,"  The  Physics  of  Fluids,  13  (January  1970), 

(With  A.  Nakazawa.)  "The  Width  of  the  Molecular  Weight 
Distribution  of  a  Polymer  as  Determined  by  Density  Gradient  Cen- 
trif ugation, ' '  Proceedings  of  the  Royal  Academy  of  Amsterdam, 
B73,  No.  4,  334-41. 

(With  J.  M.  Peterson.)  "The  Dielectric  Constant  of  Non-Con- 
ducting Suspensions, "  Journal  of  Composite  Materials,  3  (April 
1969),  338-54. 

Richard  Grant  Hiskey 

(With  R.  L.  Smith,  A.  M.  Thomas,  J.  T.  Sparrow,  and  W.  C. 
Jones,  Jr.)  "Synthesis  of  a  Tns-Cystine  Peptide,"  Peptides.  North- 
Holland  Publishing  Company,  Amsterdam,  1968  [1969].  Pp.  209-16. 

(With  A.  M.  Thomas,  R.  L.  Smith,  and  W.  C.  Jones,  Jr.)  "Sul- 
fur-Containing Polypeptides.  XI.  A  Synthetic  Route  to  fns-Cystine 
Peptides,"  Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  91  (Decem- 
ber 1969),  7525-26. 

(With  J.  T.  Sparrow.)  "Sulfur-Containing  Polypeptides.  IX. 
The  Use  of  the  S-Isobutyloxy methyl  Protective  Group,"  Journal 
of  Organic  Chemistry,  35  (January  1970),  215-20. 

(With  R.  A.  Upham,  G.  M.  Beverly,  and  W.  C.  Jones,  Jr.)  "Sul- 
fur-Containing Polypeptides.  X.  A  Study  of  ^-Elimination  of  Mer- 
captides  from  Cysteine  Peptides,"  Journal  of  Organic  Chemistry,  35 
(February  1970),  513-15. 

(With  B.  F.  Ward,  Jr.)  "Sulfur-Containing  Polypeptides.  XII. 
Studies  on  the  Scope  and  Limitations  of  the  Sulfenylthiocyanate 
Method  as  a  Route  to  Cystine  Peptides,"  Journal  of  Organic  Chem- 
istry, 35  (April  1970),  1118-21. 

Derek  John  Hodgson 

(With  P.  K.  Hale,  J.  A.  Barnes,  and  W.  E.  Hatfield.)  "A  Five- 
Coordinate  Copper  Dimer :  The  Structure  and  Magnetic  Properties 
of  the  ^-dichloro-bis  (trichlorocuprate(II) )  Anion,  [Cu2Cl8]4-," 
Chemical  Communications  (July  1970),  786-87. 

(With  J.  A.  Barnes  and  W.  E.  Hatfield.)  "The  Magnetic  and 
Spectral  Properties  of  the  Di-/x-chlorobis  (trichlorocuprate(II) ) 
Anion,  [Cu2Cl8]4-,"  Chemical  Physics  Letters,  7  (November  1970), 

(With  J.  A.  Barnes  and  W.  E.  Hatfield.)  "The  Magnetic  Prop- 
erties to  4.2°K  of  the  Complex  Di-ja-hydroxybis(dipyridyl)dicop- 



per (II)  Sulfate  Pentahydrate, "  Chemical  Communications  (No- 
vember 1970),  1593-94. 

Richard  Calvin  Jarnagin 

(With  Peter  Holzman.)  "Triplet  Energy  Migration  in  Pure 
Fluids,"  Journal  of  Chemical  Physics,  51  (August  1969),  2251-53. 

(With  Nathan  Houser.)  "Electron  Ejection  from  Triplet  State 
in  Fluid  Solutions,' '  Journal  of  Chemical  Physics,  52  (February 
1970),  1069-77. 

Charles  Sidney  Johnson,  Jr. 

(With  Myong-Ku  Ahn.)  "Nuclear  Spin  Kelaxation  in  Acetylene 
Gas,"  The  Journal  of  Chemical  Physics,  50  (January  1969),  641- 

"Some  Comments  on  the  Calculation  of  NME  Line  Shapes  for 
Exchanging  AB  Spin  Systems,"  Journal  of  Magnetic  Resonance,  1 
(January  1969),  98-104. 

(With  Myong-Ku  Ahn.)  "Electron  Spin  Relaxation  in  the 
N,N'-Dimethylpyrazine  Cation  Radial,"  The  Journal  of  Chemical 
Physics,  50  (January  1969),  632-40. 

(With  J.  B.  Holz.)  "Errors  in  the  Measurement  of  Electron- 
Transfer  Rates  by  Means  of  Electron  Spin  Resonance, "  The  Journal 
of  Chemical  Physics,  50  (May  1969),  4420-24. 

(With  H.  M.  Mclntyre  and  T.  B.  Cobb.)  "Intermediate  Resolu- 
tion NMR  Spectra  of  Solids  by  Means  of  Magnetic  Dilution," 
Chemical  Physics  Letters,  4  (January  1970),  585-86. 

(With  T.  B.  Cobb.)  "Magnetic  Resonance  Line  Shapes  in  Solids : 
The  Rotating  Three-Spin  Groups,"  The  Journal  of  Chemical 
Physics,  52  (June  1970),  6224-31. 

(With  T.  B.  Cobb.)  "Erratum :  Magnetic  Resonance  Line  Shapes 
in  Solids:  The  Rotating  Three-Spin  Group,"  The  Journal  of  Chem- 
ical Physics,  53  (November  1970),  4122. 

William  Frederick  Little 

(With  Maurice  M.  Bursey  and  Fred  E.  Tibbetts.)  "tt-CvcIo- 
butadiene-ion  in  the  Mass  Spectrometer,  Evidence  by  Labeling," 
Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  92  (March  1970), 

(With  Maurice  M.  Bursey  and  Fred  E.  Tibbetts.)  "Alteration 
of  the  Benzens  Molecular  Ion  and  Substituted  Benzene  Molecular 
Ions  By  Their  Mode  of  Formation  in  the  Mass  Spectrometer," 
Tetrahedron  Letters,  40  (September  1969),  3469-72. 



Robert  Lambert  McKee 

(With  Kenneth  H.  Dudley,  H.  W.  Miller,  and  Peter  Schneider^ 
''Potential  Naphthoquinone  Antimalarials.  2-Acylhydrazino-l,4- 
naphthoquinones  and  Related  Compounds,"  Journal  of  Organic 
Chemistry,  34  (September  1969),  2750-55. 

(With  Doug  Han  Kim.)  "Synthesis  of  an  Isomer  of  Pteroic 
Acid.  4  [  (2-Amino-4-hydroxypyrimido  [5,4-d]  pyrimidin-6-ylmethyl)  - 
amino]  benzoic  Acid,"  Journal  of  Organic  Chemistry,  35  (Febru- 
ary 1970),  455-57. 

Thomas  Judy  Meyer 

(With  E.  C.  Johnson  and  Neil  Winterton.)  "The  Oxidation  of 
[(7r-C5H5)-Fe(CO)2]2  by  Anhydrous  Ferric  Perchlorate  in  Ace- 
tone: A  General  Route  to  Complexes  of  the  Types  [(7r-C5H5)Fe 
(CO)2L]+  and  (7r-C5H5)Fe(CO)2X,"  Chemical  Communications, 
(1970),  934-35. 

(With  John  B.  Godwin  and  Neil  Winterton.)  "The  Reversible 
Conversion  of  Co-ordinated  Nitrosyl  into  Co-ordinated  Nitrite  in 
2,2'-Bipyridyl  Complexes  of  Ruthenium  (II),"  Chemical  Com- 
munications, (1970),  872. 

John  Charles  Morrow  III 

(With  C.  C.  Stephenson,  R.  L.  Potter,  and  T.  G.  Maple.)  "The 
Thermodynamic  Properties  of  Elementary  Phosphorus.  The  Heat 
Capacities  of  Two  Crystalline  Modifications  of  Red  Phosphorus, 
of  a  and  /?  White  Phosphorus,  and  of  Black  Phosphorus  from  15  to 
300°K,"  Journal  of  Chemical  Thermodynamics,  1  (January  1969), 

Eoyce  Wilton  Murray 

Associate  editor,  Journal  of  Electrochemistry . 

(With  F.  N.  Collier,  Jr.  and  R.  H.  Kherlopian.)  Quantitative 
Laboratory  Experiments  for  General  Chemistry.  Dubuque,  Iowa: 
Kendall-Hunt  Publishing  Company,  1969.  Pp.  175. 

(With  L.  K.  Hiller,  Jr.,  and  J.  R.  Cockrell.)  "Dilithium  Com- 
plexes of  /?-Diketonates  in  Acetonitrile  Solvent,"  Journal  of  In- 
organic and  Nuclear  Chemistry,  31  (March  1969),  765-70. 

(With  J.  N.  Burnett  and  L.  K.  Hiller,  Jr.)  "  Supporting  Electro- 
lyte Effects  in  Electrochemistry:  Copper  and  Mercury  Acetyl- 
acetonates  in  Acetonitrile  Solvent,"  Journal  of  Electrochemical 
Society,  117  (August  1970),  1028-32. 

(With  T.  E.  Neal.)  " Autocatalysis  of  the  Kinetic  Wave  of 
Acetylacetone  in  Acetonitrile  Solvent,"  Analytical  Chemistry,  42 
(November  1970),  1654-56. 



Lee  Grant  Pedeesen 

"  Possible  Contributing  Structures  of  Polywater,"  Chemical 
Physics  Letters,  4  (November  1969),  280-82. 

(With  M.  T.  McCall  and  D.  G.  Whitten.)  "Excited  States  in 
N-Heteroeyclic  Molecules,"  Chemical  Physics  Letters,  3  (August 
1969),  569-72. 

"The  Barrier  to  Internal  Rotation  of  O2F2,"  Journal  of  Mo- 
lecular Structure,  3  (July  1969),  510-13. 

(With  R.  Griffin.)  "On  the  Structure  of  the  Li-Naphthalenide 
Anion,"  Chemical  Physics  Letters,  5  (May  1970),  373-76. 

"The  Structure  of  the  Triatomic  Free  Radicals  HCO,  HON-, 
and  FCO,"  Journal  of  Molecular  Structure,  5  (February  1970), 

Charles  Norwood  Beilley 

Editor,  Advances  in  Analytical  Chemistry  and  Instrumentation. 

(With  R.  W.  Creekmore.)  "Nuclear  Magnetic  Resonance  De- 
termination of  Hydration:  Numbers  of  Electrolytes  in  Concen- 
trated Aqueous  Solutions,"  Journal  of  Physical  Chemistry,  73 
(May  1969),  1563. 

(With  P.  C.  Jurs,  B.  R.  Kowalski,  and  T.  L.  Isenhour.)  "Com- 
puterized Learning  Machines  Applied  to  Chemical  Problems:  In- 
vestigation of  Convergence  Rate  and  Predictive  Ability  of  Adaptive 
Binary  Pattern  Classifiers,"  Analytical  Chemistry,  41  (May  1969), 

(With  B.  R.  Kowalski,  P.  C.  Jurs,  and  T.  L.  Isenhour.)  "Com- 
puterized Learning  Machines  Applied  to  Chemical  Problems :  Mul- 
ticategory  Pattern  Classification  by  Least  Squares,"  Analytical 
Chemistry,  41  (May  1969),  695-700. 

(With  Floyd  F.  L.  Ho.)  "Conformational  Studies  of  Chelated 
Ethylenediamines  by  Nuclear  Magnetic  Resonance:  Paramagnetic 
Nickel  (II)  Complexes  of  N-Alkylethylenediamines, "  Analytical 
Chemistry,  41  (November  1969),  1835^ 

(With  Peter  T.  Kissinger.)  "  Specular  Reflectance  in  Thin -Layer 
Electrochemistry,"  Analytical  Chemistry,  42  (January  1970),  12. 

(With  James  D.  Carr.)  "Kinetics  of  Ligand  Exchange  Reaction 
of  Ethylenediaminetetraacetate  Ion  with  Ethylenediaminetetra- 
acetatonickel(II),"  Analytical  Chemistry,  42  (January  1970),  51. 

(With  Floyd  F.  L.  Ho.)  "Conformational  Studies  of  Chelated 
Ethylenediamines  by  Nuclear  Magnetic  Resonance:  Tris-(ethyl- 
enediamine) Nickel (II)  Ion  in  Aqueous  Solution,"  Analytical 
Chemistry,  42  (May  1970),  600. 

(With  R.  W.  Creekmore.)  "Nuclear  Magnetic  Resonance  Study 



of  Ion-Exchange  Resins/'  Analytical  Chemistry,  42  (May  1970), 

(With  F.  F.  L.  Ho,  L.  E.  Erickson,  and  S.  R.  Watkins.)  "Nu- 
clear Magnetic  Resonance  Studies  of  Configuration  and  Ligand 
Conformation  in  Paramagnetic  Octahedral  Complexes  of  Nickel 
(II).  Ill:  Amino  Acid  and  Mixed  Ethylenediaminediacetic  Acid- 
Amino  Acid  Complexes,"  Inorganic  Chemistry,  9  (May  1970), 

(With  L.  E.  Erickson  and  F.  F.  L.  Ho.)  "Nuclear  Magnetic 
Resonance  Studies  of  Configuration  and  Ligand  Conformation  in 
Paramagnetic  Octahedral  Complexes  of  Nickel  (II).  IV:  Iminodi- 
acetic Acid,  N-Methyliminodiacetic  Acid,  and  Nitrilotriacetic  Acid 
Complexes,"  Inorganic  Chemistry,  9  (May  1970),  1148. 

(With  B.  R.  Kowalski,  P.  C.  Jurs,  and  T.  L.  Isenhour.)  "Com- 
puterized Learning  Machines  Applied  to  Chemical  Problems:  In- 
terpretation of  Infrared  Spectrometry  Data,"  Analytical  Chem- 
istry, 41  (December  1969),  1945. 

(With  P.  C.  Jurs,  B.  R.  Kowalski,  and  T.  L.  Isenhour.)  "An  In- 
vestigation of  Combined  Patterns  from  Diverse  Analytical  Data 
Using  Computerized  Learning  Machines,"  Analytical  Chemistry,  41 
(December  1969),  1949. 

(With  R.  W.  Creekmore.)  "Nuclear  Magnetic  Double  Resonance 
Study  of  Water  Movement  in  an  Ion  Exchange  Resin  System," 
Analytical  Chemistry,  42  (June  1970),  725. 

"Computerized  Learning  Machines  Applied  to  Chemical  Prob- 
lems: Molecular  Structure  Parameters  from  Low  Resolution  Mass 
Spectrometry,"  Analytical  Chemistry,  42  (1970),  1387-94. 

Oscar  Knefleb  Eice 

Electronic  Structure  and  Chemical  Binding,  reprint,  paperback. 
New  York:  Dover  Publications,  Inc.,  1969.  Pp.  xviii,  511. 

(With  Do-Ren  Chang.)  "The  Thermal  Decomposition  of 
Azomethene-d6, "  International  Journal  of  Chemical  Kinetics,  1 
(March  1969),  171-91. 

"Some  Remarks  on  the  Foundations  of  Thermodynamics  and 
Statistical  Mechanics,"  Journal  of  the  Physical  Society  of  Japan, 
26  (Supplement  1969),  219-20. 

' '  On  the  Motion  of  a  Sphere  in  a  Perfect  Fluid,  with  Applica- 
tion to  Liquid  Helium,"  Proceedings  of  the  National  Academy  of 
Sciences  (U.S.,  63  (August  1969),  1055-62. 

"Statistical  Thermodynamics  of  the  A  Transition  in  Liquid 
Helium,"  Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society.  91  (Decem- 
ber 1969),  7682-84. 



Beuben  Dennis  Eieke 

(With  N.  A.  Moore.)  "The  Cyclic  Addition  of  Alkoxyl  Radicals. 

I.  Cyclic  Additions  of  4-Pentenoxyl  Radical,"  Tetrahedron  Letters, 
(May  1969),  2035-38. 

(With  P.  Hudnall.)  " Benzocyclobutadiene  Radical  Anion," 
Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  91  (June  1969),  3678- 

(With  W.  E.  Rich  and  T.  H.  Ridgway.)  "Ring  Strain  Effects 
on  Half -Wave  Reduction  Potentials,"  Tetrahedron  Letters  (Oc- 
tober 1969),  4381-84. 

(With  S.  E.  Bales,  P.  M.  Hudnall,  and  C.  F.  Meares.)  "Ben- 
zocyclobutene  Radical  Anion,"  Journal  of  the  American  Chemical 
Society,  92  (1970),  1418-20. 

(With  W.  E.  Rich.)  "Ring  Strain  Effects  on  Spin  Densities. 

II.  An  Electronic  Spin  Resonance  Study  of  the  Anion  Radicals  of 
a  Series  of  Naphtho-l,4-quinones, ' '  Journal  of  the  American  Chem- 
ical Society,  92  (December  1970),  7349-53. 

Henry  Carrison  Thomas 

(With  Adrien  E.  Cremers.)  "Electrical  Conductivity  of  Sus- 
pensions of  Conducting  Colloidal  Particles,"  Journal  of  Physical 
Chemistry,  74  (March  1970),  1072-75. 

David  George  Whitten 

(With  T.  L.  Penner  and  G.  S.  Hammond.)  "Radiation  Induced 
Reactions  of  1,3-Cyclohexadiene, "  Journal  of  the  American  Chem- 
ical Society,  92  (May  1970),  2861-68. 

(With  P.  D.  Wildes  and  I.  G.  Lopp.)  "Ligand  Photoisomeriza- 
tion  in  Metalloporphyrin  Complexes.  A  Possible  Case  of  Photo- 
catalysis,"  Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  91  (June 
1969),  3393-95. 

(With  J.  C.  N.  Yau.)  "Photochemical  Electron  Transfer:  Re- 
duction of  Tin  Porphyrins  in  the  Presence  of  Stannous  Chloride," 
Tetrahedron  Letters  (August  1969),  3077-81. 

(With  L.  G.  Pedersen  and  M.  T.  McCall.)  "Excited  States  of 
N-Heterocyclic  Molecules:  Nitrogen  Containing  Analogs  of  Stil- 
bene,"  Chemical  Physics  Letters,  3  (August  1969),  569-72. 

(With  M.  T.  McCall.)  " Radiationless  Processes  in  the  Photo- 
chemistry of  Stilbazoles  and  1,2-Bispyridylethylenes, "  Journal  of 
the  American  Chemical  Society,  91  (August  1969),  5097-5104. 

(With  M.  T.  McCall.)  "Novel  Photoaddition  Reactions  of 
Acyclic  Olefins.  Nucleophilic  Photohydration, "  Journal  of  the 
American  Chemical  Society,  91  (September  1969),  5681-82. 

(With  Y.  J.  Lee.)  "Reactions  of  Hidden  n,?r*  Excited  States  in 



N-Heteroaromatics.  Photoreduction  and  Photoaddition, ' '  Journal 
of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  92  (1970),  415-16. 

(With  W.  E.  Punch.)  " Excited  State  Carbonyl-Phenyl  Inter- 
actions in  Non-Conjugated  Aryl  Ketones,"  Molecular  Photochem- 
istry, 2  (January  1970),  77-80. 

(With  M.  M.  Bursey,  M.  T.  McCall,  W.  E.  Punch,  M.  K.  Hoff- 
man, and  S.  A.  Benezra.)  ' ' Mass  Spectral-Photochemical  Correla- 
tions. Persistent  McLafferty  Rearrangements  in  Defiance  of  Their 
Photochemical  Analogies,"  Organic  Mass  Spectroscopy,  4  (1970), 

(With  J.  W.  Happ,  G.  L.  B.  Carlson,  and  M.  T.  McCall.) 
1 1  Mechanisms  of  Excited  State  Deactivation.  Quenching  of  Excited 
Singlets  by  Nucleophiles, "  Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  So- 
ciety, 92  (June  1970),  3499-3500. 

(With  I.  G.  Lopp,  R.  W.  Hendren,  and  P.  D.  Wildes.)  "  Ex- 
cited State  Donor-Acceptor  Complexes.  Olefin  Isomerization  as  a 
Probe  to  Monitor  Decay  Processes,"  Journal  of  the  American 
Chemical  Society,  92  (November  1970),  6440-47. 

(With  P.  D.  Wildes.)  "Reversible  Energy  Transfer  in  Metal- 
loporphyrin  Complexes.  A  Mechanism  for  Photocatalysis, ' '  Journal 
of  the  American  Chemical  Society,  92  (December  1970),  7609-10. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 

James  Aleord  Barnes 

Ferromagnetism  in  Multimetallic  Clusters.  (1970,  under  the  di- 
rection of  William  Emerson  Hatfield.) 

Lowrie  Miller  Beacham  III 

Synthetic  Approaches  to  Insulin.  A  Synthetic  Route  to  the 
A6-i3  Sequence.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  Grant 

George  Harrison  Britton,  Jr. 

Stereochemistry  of  Hofmann  Eliminations  in  Substituted  Cyclo- 
pentyl  Systems.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  James  Logan  Coke.) 

Fred  Lee  Bunger 

The  Magnetic  Properties  of  Some  Tridentate  Setoff's  Base 
Copper (II)  Complexes.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  William 
Emerson  Hatfield.) 



J udith  Ann  Ceissman 

A  Study  of  Copper  (II)  Complexes  of  N,N'-ethylenebis(salicyl- 
aldimines)  and  N-methylsalicylaldimines.  (1969,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  William  Emerson  Hatfield.) 

Ingo  Haetmut  Doetsch 

An  Investigation  of  the  Ionic  Transport  of  Sodium  and  Cesium 
in  Equilibrated  Agar  Gels  at  25°  By  Self-Diffusion,  Conductance, 
and  Adsorption  Studies.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Henry  Gar- 
rison Thomas.) 

Feank  Maeion  Hausee  IV 

Mechanism  of  Chloride  Elimination  in  Cyclic  Systems.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  James  Logan  Coke.) 

Nathan  Housee 

Photoejection  of  Electrons  from  Molecules  in  Liquid  Solutions. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  Calvin  Jarnagin.) 

Alice  Chan  Ho 

Theoretical  and  Experimental  Studies  of  Radiationless  Transi- 
tions. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Henry  Hursell  Dearman.) 

William  Book  Huggins,  Jr. 

Temperature  Dependence  of  Radiationless  Transitions.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Henry  Hursell  Dearman.  ) 

Mills  Godwin  Jones 

Acelolysis  of  2-aeylethyl  p-Toluenesulfonates.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  James  Logan  Coke.) 

Waeeen  Candlee  Jones,  Je. 

Synthetic  Studies  of  Model  Insulin  Peptides.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Richard  Grant  Hiskey.) 

Myeon  Thomas  McCall 

Photochemistry  of  the  Stilbazoles  and  Bispyridylethylenes  and 
Their  Methyl  Iodide  Salts.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  David 
George  Whitten.) 

Hendeeson  Michael  McIntyee 

NMR  Lineshapes  in  Solids.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Charles  Sidney  Johnson,  Jr.) 



Robert  Lewis  McNeely 

I.  Inhibition  of  Electrochemical  Reactions  by  Electrode  Adsorp- 
tion of  Lead  Halides.  II.  A  Stopped-Flow  Reaction  Rate  Determina- 
tion of  an  Electrochemical  Catalytic  Reaction  Model  System.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Royce  Wilton  Murray.) 

Peter  Jeffery  Nassiff 

The  Structural  and  Bonding  Variations  in  the  Hexafluoro- 
titanate(III)  Ion.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  William  Emerson 

Thomas  Edward  Neal 

I.  Non-Aqueous  Electrochemistry  of  Acetylacetonate  and  An- 
ionic Organic  Bases.  II.  Transmission  Spectra  Determination  of 
First-Order  Post-Kinetic  Electrode  Processes  for  Current  Step 
Semi-Infinite  Diffusion  Conditions.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Royce  Wilton  Murray.) 

Gerald  Peter  Pfeiffer 

The  Preparation  of  Some  Dihydroxy-4-Quinazolones  and  Their 
Oxidation  to  Quinazoline  Quinones.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Robert  Lambert  McKee.) 

Pairoje  Pojanagaroon 

The  Synthesis  and  Some  Reactions  of  2-Amino-5-cyano-6-hy- 
droxy-3-pyridine-carboxylic  Acid  and  the  Synthesis  of  6-Amino-2- 
hydroxy-3-pyridinecarboxylic  Acid.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Robert  Lambert  McKee.) 

Peter  Freeman  Rogerson 

Ionization  Potentials  of  Silicon  Compounds  and  Substituted 
Transition  Metal  Acetylacetonates.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Maurice  Moyer  Bursey.) 

Max  Errol  Safdy 

Synthesis  and  Study  of  Cysteine  Peptides.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Richard  Grant  Hiskey.) 

Alexander  Walker  Teass 

The  Synthesis  of  Some  Pyrazino  [2,3-6]  quinoxalines.  (1969,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Robert  Lambert  McKee.) 

Alford  Mitchell  Thomas 

Synthesis  of  Tris-Gystme  Peptides.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Richard  Grant  Hiskey.) 



Katsuhiko  Tomibe 

Sulfur-Containing  Polypeptide  Bis-Cystine  Peptide  Derivatives. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  Grant  Hiiskey.) 

Benjamin  Franklin  Ward,  Jr. 

Synthesis  and  Cleavage  of  Unsymmetrical  Cystine  Derivatives. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  Grant  Hiskey.) 

Peter  Drury  Wildes 

Reversible  Intramolecular  Energy  Transfer.  Metalloporphyrin 
Triplets  as  Photocatalysts.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  David 
George  Whitten.) 

Edmond  Brady  Williams 

Synthesis  of  &is-Cystine  Peptides:  An  Active  Esterase  Model. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  Grant  Hiskey.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 

Judith  Anne  O'Connor 

Purification  and  Kinetic  Studies  on  TPN-Isocitric  Dehydro- 
genase from  Porcine  Heart.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  John 
Henry  Harrison  IV.) 

Judith  Johnston  Scott 

Reductive  Cleavage  of  Some  Cyclopropanes.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  James  Logan  Coke.) 

Charles  Frederick  Smith 

The  Stereochemistry  of  Bimolecular  Eliminations  of  Cyclopentyl 
Tosylates.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  James  Logan  Coke.) 

Elizabeth  Wilson  Williams 

Purification  and  Characterization  Studies  of  Separated  Iso- 
zymes of  Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate  Dehydrogenase  from  Turtle 
Heart.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Henry  Harrison  IV.) 


Michael  Paul  Brooks 

"Implications  of  Human  Resource  Planning  on  Current  Plan- 
ning Practice,"  in  Regional  Planning:  Challenge  and  Prospects,  ed., 
Maynard  M.  Hufschmidt.  New  York:  Frederick  A.  Praeger,  1969. 
Pp.  282-89. 



1  'Advocate  Planning  and  Social  Policy  Planning,"  in  Proceed- 
ings  of  the  1969  Frontiers  of  Urban  Planning  Conference,  Bureau 
of  Government  Research  and  University  Extension  Division,  Rut- 
gers University — The  State  University  of  New  Jersey,  March  25, 
1969.  Pp.  1-45. 

Social  Planning  and  City  Planning,  Planning  Advisory  Service 
Report  No.  261.  Chicago:  American  Society  of  Planning  Officials, 
September  1970.  Pp.  61. 

Raymond  Joseph  Burby  III 

The  Bole  of  Reservoir  Owner  Policies  in  Guiding  Reservoir 
Land  Development.  Report  No.  29.  Raleigh :  Water  Resources  Re- 
search Institute  of  the  University  of  North  Carolina,  November 
1969.  Pp.  iii,  56. 

(With  S.  F.  Weiss.)  Public  Policy  and  Shoreline  Landowner  Be- 
havior. Report  No.  38.  Raleigh:  Water  Resources  Research  Institute 
of  the  University  of  North  Carolina,  July  1970.  Pp.  ad,  126. 

(With  T.  G.  Donnelly  and  S.  F.  Weiss.)  Factors  Influencing  the 
Residential  Utilization  of  Reservoir  Shorelands  in  the  Southeast. 
Report  No.  44.  Raleigh:  Water  Resources  Research  Institute  of 
the  University  of  North  Carolina,  December  1970.  Pp.  ix,  50. 

"Environmental  Aspects  of  Municipal  Policy  Outputs:  Plan- 
ning and  Growth-Related  Policies,"  The  Review  of  Regional 
Studies,  1  (1969),  103-16. 

(With  S.  F.  Weiss  and  E.  J.  Kaiser.)  "Toward  a  Linked  De- 
cision Model  of  the  New  Town  Development  Process,"  Research 
Previews,  16  (April  1969),  12-20. 

(With  T.  G.  Donnelly,  S.  F.  Weiss,  and  E.  J.  Kaiser.)  "Environ- 
mental Innovation:  Acceptance  and  Utilization  by  the  Residential 
Development  Industry,"  Research  Previews,  16  (November  1969), 

(With  E.  J.  Kaiser,  S.  F.  Weiss,  and  T.  G.  Donnelly.)  "Neigh- 
borhood Environment  and  Residential  Satisfaction:  A  Survey  of 
the  Occupants  and  Neighborhoods  of  166  Single-Family  Homes  in 
Greensboro,  North  Carolina,"  Research  Previews,  17  (November 
1970),  11-25. 

Francis  Stuart  Chapiu,  Jr. 

(With  E.  W.  Butler,  G.  C.  Hemmens,  E.  J.  Kaiser,  M.  A.  Steg- 
man,  and  S.  F.  Weiss.)  Moving  Behavior  and  Residential  Choice: 
A  National  Survey.  National  Cooperative  Highway  Research  Pro- 
gram Report  81.  Washington,  D.C. :  Highway  Research  Board,  Na- 
tional Academy  of  Sciences,  1969.  Pp.  129. 



(With  T.  H.  Logan.)  " Patterns  of  Time  and  Space  Use,"  in 
The  Quality  of  the  Urban  Environment,  ed.,  H.  S.  Perloff.  Balti- 
more :  The  Johns  Hopkins  Press,  1969.  Pp.  305-32. 

(With  R.  K.  Brail.)  "Human  Activity  Systems  in  the  Metro- 
politan United  States,"  Environment  and  Behavior,  1  (December 
1969),  107-30. 

"Daily  Activity  Patterns  and  Moving  Habits  in  the  Black  Com- 
munity," Research  Previews,  17  (April  1970),  8-12. 

Sidney  Cohn 

"Simulating  the  Architectural  Control  Process,"  in  Response 
to  Environment,  eds.,  G.  J.  Coates  and  K.  M.  Moffet.  Raleigh :  North 
Carolina  State  University,  1969.  Pp.  11-37. 

"Architectural  Controls  in  Northern  Europe,"  Exchange  Bib- 
liography No.  64.  Monticello,  Illinois:  Council  of  Planning  Li- 
brarians, 1969.  Pp.  9. 

(With  H.  Sarnoff.)  Edra  I:  Proceedings  of  the  Environmental 
Design  Research  Association  Annual  Conference.  Raleigh:  North 
Carolina  State  University,  1970.  Pp.  366. 

Review  of  Clifford  B.  Moller,  Architecture  and  Our  Mental 
Health  (New  York:  Horizon  Press,  1968),  in  Journal  of  the  Amer- 
ican Institute  of  Planners,  36  (September  1970),  367-69. 

Review  of  Allison  Smithson,  Team  10  Primer  (Cambridge: 
Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  Press,  1968),  in  Journal 
of  the  American  Institute  of  Planners,  36  (September  1970),  365- 

David  Eobinson  Godschalk 

Editor,  Journal  of  the  American  Institute  of  Planners. 

(With  W.  E.  Mills.)  "A  Collaborative  Approach  to  Planning 
through  Urban  Activities,"  reprinted  in  Urbanism,  Urbanization, 
and  Change,  eds.,  P.  Meadows  and  E.  H.  Mizruchi.  Reading,  Mas- 
sachusetts: Addison  Wesley,  1969.  Pp.  513-25. 

Professional  Bibliography:  Selected  Readings  on  Planning 
Theory  and  Practice.  Washington :  American  Institute  of  Planners, 

1969.  Pp.  36. 

"NEGOTIATE:  An  Experimental  Planning  Game,"  in  Edra 
I:  Proceedings  of  the  Environmental  Design  Research  Association 
Annual  Conference.  Raleigh:  North  Carolina  State  University, 

1970.  Pp.  345-49. 

Review  of  Edward  Allen,  Stone  Shelters  (Cambridge:  Massa- 
chusetts Institute  of  Technology  Press,  1969),  in  New  York  Plan- 
ning Review  (Winter  1970),  B-8,  B-21. 



George  Charles  Hemmens 

Urban  Development  Modeling.  The  George  Washington  Univer- 
sity Program  of  Policy  Studies  in  Science  and  Technology,  Mono- 
graph No.  6.  Washington,  D.C.:  The  George  Washington  Univer- 
sity, 1970.  Pp.  34.  Also  reprinted  in  Analytical  Techniques  in  Plan- 
ning. Chicago:  American  Society  of  Planning  Officials,  1970.  Pp. 

(With  E.  W.  Butler,  F.  S.  Chapin,  Jr.,  E.  J.  Kaiser,  M.  A. 
Stegman,  and  S.  F.  Weiss.)  Moving  Behavior  and  Residential 
Choice:  A  National  Survey.  National  Cooperative  Highway  Research 
Program  Report  81.  Washington,  D.C. :  Highway  Research  Board, 
National  Academy  of  Sciences,  1969.  Pp.  129. 

"Models  in  Planning:  Comment,"  in  Edra  I:  Proceedings  of 
the  Environmental  Design  Research  Association  Annual  Confer- 
ence. Raleigh:  North  Carolina  State  University,  1970.  Pp.  292-93. 

"Analysis  and  Simulation  of  Urban  Activity  Patterns,"  Journal 
of  Socio-Economic  Planning  Sciences,  4  (1970),  53-66. 

Maynard  Michael  Htjfschmidt 

Editor,  Regional  Planning:  Challenge  and  Prospects.  New  York : 
Praeger,  1969.  Pp.  xxv,  396. 

"Perspectives  and  Goals  for  Water-Resource  Planning," 
Journal,  Water  Pollution  Control  Federation,  41  (July  1969), 

"Water-Resource  Planning  in  the  Urban-Metropolitan  Con- 
text," Proceedings,  Seminar  on  Resource  Systems  Models  in  De- 
cision Making.  Lafayette :  Purdue  University  School  of  Civil  Engi- 
neering, 1970. 

(With  J.  Gerin.)  "Systematic  Errors  in  Cost  Estimates  for 
Public  Investment  Projects,"  in  The  Analysis  of  Public  Output, 
ed.,  J.  Margolis.  New  York:  National  Bureau  of  Economic  Re- 
search, 1970.  Pp.  267-315. 

(With  H.  W.  Knox  and  F.  H.  Parker.)  "A  Policy  Analysis 
Approach  to  Coastal  Zone  Management,"  Symposium  on  Manage- 
ment Systems  for  the  Resources  of  the  Coastal  Zone.  Clemson : 
Clemson  University,  1970.  Pp.  149-66. 

Contributor,  Nuclear  Power  in  the  South.  Report  of  the  Gov- 
ernors' Task  Force  on  Nuclear  Power  Policy,  Southern  Governors' 
Conference,  Atlanta,  1970. 

The  Metropolitan  Planning  Process:  An  Exploratory  Study. 
Chapel  Hill :  Department  of  Housing  and  Urban  Development  Ur- 
ban Planning  Research  and  Development  Project  No.  N.C.  PD-3, 
1970.  Pp.  202. 




Edward  John  Kaiser 

(With  E.  W.  Butler,  F.  S.  Chapin,  Jr.,  G.  C.  Hemmens,  M.  A. 
Stegman,  and  S.  F.  Weiss.)  Moving  Behavior  and  Residential 
Choice:  A  National  Survey.  Washington,  D.C.:  Highway  Research 
Board,  National  Research  Council,  National  Academy  of  Sciences, 
1969.  Pp.  129. 

(With  S.  F.  Weiss.)  "Public  Policy  and  the  Residential  De- 
velopment Process,"  Journal  of  the  American  Institute  of  Planners, 
36  (January  1970),  30-37. 

(With  S.  F.  Weiss  and  R.  J.  Burby.)  "Toward  a  Linked  De- 
cision Model  of  the  New  Town  Development  Process,"  Research 
Previews,  16  (April  1969),  12-20. 

(With  S.  F.  Weiss.)  "Some  Components  of  a  Linked  Model  for 
the  Residential  Development  Decision  Process, ' '  Proceedings  of  the 
Association  of  American  Geographers,  1  (August  1969),  75-79. 

(With  S.  F.  Weiss.)  "Decision  Agent  Models  of  the  Residential 
Development  Process,"  Traffic  Quarterly,  23  (October  1969),  597- 

(With  T.  G.  Donnelly,  S.  F.  Weiss,  and  R.  J.  Burby.)  "En- 
vironmental Innovation:  Acceptance  and  Utilization  by  the  Resi- 
dential Development  Firm,"  Research  Previews,  16  (November 

1969)  ,  30-37. 

"A  Decision  Agent  Modeling  Approach  to  Planning  for  Urban 
Residential  Growth,"  in  Edra  I:  Proceedings  of  the  Environmental 
Design  Research  Association  Annual  Conference.  Raleigh:  North 
Carolina  State  University,  1970.  Pp.  280-91. 

"The  Natural  Landscape  and  Housing  Location  Decisions," 
Landscape  Architecture,  60  (January  1970),  105-8.  Reprinted  in 
The  Master  Builder,  5  (May  1970),  8-9,  14. 

(With  S.  F.  Weiss,  R.  J.  Burby,  and  T.  G.  Donnelly.)  "Neigh- 
borhood Environment  and  Residential  Satisfaction:  A  Survey  of 
the  Occupants  and  Neighborhoods  of  166  Single-Family  Homes  in 
Greensboro,  North  Carolina,"  Research  Previews,  17  (November 

1970)  ,  11-25. 

Review  of  A.  G.  Wilson,  ed.,  Environment  and  Planning  (Lon- 
don: Pion  Ltd.,  1969),  in  Journal  of  Regional  Science,  40  (Decem- 
ber 1970),  424-25. 

Hugh  Winants  Knox 

(See  entries  under  Economics  and  School  of  Business  Admin- 



Malcolm  Douglas  MacNair 

(With  F.  Hendricks.)  "Concepts  of  Environmental  Quality 
Standards  Based  Upon  Life  Styles,"  EJcistics,  30  (August  1970), 

Emil  Ernest  Malizia 

Regional  Wealth  Accounting  as  a  Means  of  Quantitative  Eval- 
uation of  Regional  Resources.  Cornell  University  Dissertation  Se- 
ries, Department  of  City  &  Regional  Planning.  Ithaca,  New  York : 
Cornell  University,  1969.  Pp.  439. 

(With  S.  Czamanski.)  "Applicability  and  Limitations  in  the 
Use  of  National  Input-Output  Tables  for  Regional  Studies,"  Pa- 
pers and  Proceedings,  Regional  Science  Association,  23  (1969), 

David  Humphreys  Moreau 

"Weekly  and  Monthly  Flows  in  Synthetic  Hydrology,"  Water 
Resources  Research,  6  (February  1970),  53-61. 

"Concepts  of  Mathematical  Models,"  in  Modeling  the  Eutrophi- 
cation  Process.  Gainesville :  University  of  Florida,  College  of  Engi- 
neering. Pp.  1-21. 

Francis  Heywood  Parker 

Assistant  editor,  Journal  of  the  American  Institute  of  Planners. 

(With  M.  M.  Huf schmidt  and  H.  W.  Knox.)  "A  Policy  Analysis 
Approach  to  Coastal  Zone  Management:  Objectives,  Alternative 
Development  Strategies  and  Econometric  Models,"  Proceedings, 
Management  Systems  for  the  Resources  of  the  Coastal  Zone  (June 
1970),  149-66. 

Michael  Allen-  Stegman 

(With  E.  W.  Butler,  F.  S.  Chapin,  Jr.,  G.  C.  Hemmens,  E.  J. 
Kaiser,  and  S.  F.  Weiss.)  Moving  Behavior  and  Residential  Choice: 
A  National  Survey.  National  Cooperative  Highway  Research  Pro- 
gram Report  81.  Washington,  D.C.:  Highway  Research  Board, 
National  Academy  of  Sciences,  1969.  Pp.  129. 

"Kaiser,  Kerner  and  Douglas  on  Low  Income  Housing  Policy," 
Journal  of  the  American  Institute  of  Planners,  35  (November 

1969)  ,  422-27. 

"Accessibility  Models  and  Residential  Location,"  Journal  of 
the  American  Institute  of  Planners,  35  (January  1969),  22-29. 
"The  New  Mythology  of  Housing,"  Trans-Action  (January 

1970)  ,  55-62. 



"The  Myth  of  the  Slumlord,"  Journal  of  the  American  Insti- 
tute of  Architects,  39  (March  1970),  45-49. 

"Slum  Housing:  Cash  Flow,  Maintenance  and  Management," 
Proceedings  of  the  Conference  on  American  Real  Estate  and  Ur- 
ban Economics  Association,  December  1969.  Pp.  231-52. 

Shirley  Feiedlandee  Weiss 

(With  E.  W.  Butler,  F.  S.  Chapin,  Jr.,  G.  C.  Hemmens,  E.  J. 
Kaiser,  and  M.  A.  Stegman.)  Moving  Behavior  and  Residential 
Choice:  A  National  Survey.  National  Cooperative  Highway  Re- 
search  Program  Report  81.  Washington,  D.C. :  Highway  Research 
Board,  National  Academy  of  Sciences,  1969.  Pp.  129. 

(With  R.  J.  Burby.)  Public  Policy  and  Shoreline  Landowner 
Behavior.  Raleigh :  Water  Resources  Research  Institute  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  North  Carolina,  1970.  Pp.  xi,  126. 

(With  R.  J.  Burby  and  T.  G.  Donnelly.)  Factors  Influencing 
the  Residential  Utilization  of  Reservoir  Shor elands  in  the  South- 
east. Raleigh :  Water  Resources  Research  Institute  of  the  University 
of  North  Carolina,  1970.  Pp.  ix,  48. 

"New  Town  Development  in  the  United  States:  Public  Policy 
and  Private  Entrepreneurship, "  SAIPA  Journal  for  Public  Ad- 
ministration, 4  (June  1969),  185-97. 

"New  Towns — Transatlantic  Exchange,"  Town  &  Country  Plan- 
ning, 38  (September  1970),  374-81. 

(With  E.  J.  Kaiser.)  "A  Linked  Model  for  the  Residential 
Development  Decision  Process,"  Proceedings  of  the  Association 
of  American  Geographers,  1  (1969),  75-79. 

(With  E.  J.  Kaiser  and  R.  J.  Burby)  "Toward  a  Linked  De- 
cision Model  of  the  New  Town  Development  Process,"  Research 
Previews,  16  (April  1969),  12-20. 

(With  E.  J.  Kaiser.)  "Decision  Agent  Models  of  the  Residential 
Development  Process,"  Traffic  Quarterly,  23  (October  1969),  597- 

(With  T.  G.  Donnelly,  R.  J.  Burby,  and  E.  J.  Kaiser.)  "En- 
vironmental Innovation:  Acceptance  and  Utilization  by  the  Res- 
idential Development  Industry,"  Research  Previews,  16  (Novem- 
ber 1969),  21-28. 

(With  E.  J.  Kaiser.)  "Public  Policy  and  the  Residential  De- 
velopment Process,"  Journal  of  the  American  Institute  of  Plan- 
ners, 36  (January  1970),  30-37. 

(With  E.  J.  Kaiser.)  "Decision  Agent  Models  of  the  Residential 
Development  Process — A  Review  of  Recent  Research, ' '  The  Review 
of  Regional  Studies,  1  (Fall  1970),  73-101. 



(With  E.  J.  Kaiser,  R.  J.  Burby,  and  T.  G.  Donnelly.)  "Neigh- 
borhood Environment  and  Eesidential  Satisfaction:  A  Survey  of 
the  Occupants  and  Neighborhoods  of  166  Single-Family  Homes  in 
Greensboro,  North  Carolina,"  Research  Previews,  17  (November 
1970),  11-25. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 

Richard  Kenneth  Brail 

Activity  System  Investigations:  Strategy  for  Model  Design. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Francis  Stuart  Chapin,  Jr.) 

Michael  Paul  Brooks 

Social  Policy  in  Cities :  Toward  a  Theory  of  Urban  Social  Plan- 
ning. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Michael  Allen  Stegman.) 

Karl  Douglas  Elfers 

Adapting  Water  Resource  Planning.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Maynard  Michael  Hufschmidt.) 

Gerald  Alfred  Gutenschwager 

Awareness,  Culture  and  Change:  A  Study  of  Modernization 
in  Greece.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Francis  Stuart  Chapin, 

George  Harold  Hagevik 

Reducing  Theory  to  Practice  in  Air  Quality  Management: 
Selected  Experience.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Maynard 
Michael  Hufschmidt.) 

John  Raymond  Hitchcock 

Urbanness  and  Daily  Activity  Patterns.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Francis  Stuart  Chapin,  Jr.) 

George  Adams  McBride 

A  Plan  Formulation  Methodology  for  the  Appalachian  De- 
velopment Highway  System.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Maynard 
Michael  Hufschmidt.) 




Francis  Haywood  Parker 

Strategy  and  Effectiveness  of  Planning  in  State  Government. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Maynard  Michael  Hufschmidt.) 

Daniel  Shefer 

Economics  of  Urban  Agglomeration:  A  Production  Function 
Analysis  of  Economics  of  Scale.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Maynard  Michael  Hufschmidt.) 

Stephen  Sidney  Skjei 

Information  for  Collective  Action.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Maynard  Michael  Hufschmidt.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department: 

Earl  Junior  Cline 

Community  Facility  Relationships:  Studying  Convenience,  as 
an  Aspect  of  Liveability.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  James 
Murray  Webb.) 

James  Anthony  Daire 

A  Comparison  of  Two  Methods  for  Estimating  Outdoor  Recrea- 
tion Attendance  at  a  Proposed  Reservoir  in  the  Minnesota  River 
Basin.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Maynard  Michael  Huf- 

Eonald  Wayne  Massie 

A  System  of  Linked  Models  for  Forecasting  Urban  Residential 
Growth.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Edward  John  Kaiser.) 

Roger  Allen  Matson 

The  Use  of  Economic  Projections  in  Water  Resource  Planning. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Maynard  Michael  Hufschmidt.) 

Harry  Jack  Palmer 

The  Planning  Process  and  Community  Conflict:  Toward  a 
Theory  of  Reciprocal  Process.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Pear- 
son Haslam  Stewart.) 

George  Anthony  Reif 

Old  Salem  North  Carolina  and  the  Preservation  Movement: 
A  Case  Study  of  Community's  Decision  to  Preserve  its  Historic 
Fabric.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  James  Murray  Webb.) 




Waltee  Allen,  Je. 

(With  the  Martial  Seminar,  Fall  1968.)  "Martial:  Knight, 
Publisher,  and  Poet,"  Classical  Journal,  65  (1970),  345-57. 

(With  the  Horace  Seminar,  Fall  1967.)  "The  Addresses  in 
Horace's  First  Book  of  Epistles,"  Studies  in  Philology.  67  (1970), 

Thomas  Eobeet  Shannon  Beottghton 

"Ancient  History,"  (Bibliographical  lists  of  articles)  Amer- 
ican Historical  Review,  74  (1968-69),  790-94.  1133-37.  1403-6.  75 
(1969-70),  247-54,  628-33,  1217,  1221,  1823-28. 

"Lily  Ross  Taylor,"  Gnomon,  42  (1970),  734-35. 

Review  of  C.  E.  Brand,  Roman  Military  Law  (Austin:  Univer- 
sity of  Texas  Press,  1968),  in  American  Historical  Review.  74 
(1968-69),  1591-92. 

Review  of  B.  Leviek,  Roman  Colonies  in  Southern  Asia  Minor 
(Oxford:  Clarendon  Press),  in  Gnomon,  41  (1969),  210-12. 

Review  of  H.  H.  Scullard,  The  Etruscan  Cities  and  Rome  (Lon- 
don: Thames  and  Hudson,  1967),  in  Archaeology,  23  (1970),  358- 

Review  of  E.  T.  Salmon,  Samnium  and  the  Samnites  (New  York : 
Cambridge  University  Press.  1967),  in  University  of  Toronto 
Quarterly,  40  (1970),  105-7. 

Review  of  J.  P.  V.  D.  Baldson,  Life  and  Leisure  in  Ancient 
Rome  (New  York:  McGraw-Hill  Book  Company,  1969),  in  Amer- 
ican Historical  Review,  75  (1969-70),  1707-8. 

Review  of  Sir  Ronald  Syme,  Ammianus  and  the  Historia  Au- 
gusta (Oxford:  Clarendon  Press.  1968),  in  Classic-al  Journal,  66 
(1970-71),  187-88. 

Peeston  Heeschel  Epps 

Thoughts  from  the  Greeks.  Columbia:  University  of  Missouri 
Press,  1969.  Pp.  v,  166. 

Heney  Rudolph  Immeewahe 

Review  of  Ancient  Society  and  Institutions.  Studies  Presented 
to  Victor  Ehrenberg  on  his  75th  Birthday  (Xew  York:  Barnes  and 
Noble,  1967),  in  American  Journal  of  Philology.  90  (1969),  469-73. 

Review  of  H.  D.  Westlake,  Individuals  in  Thucydides  (New 
York:  Cambridge  University  Press,  1968).  in  American  Historical 
Review,  75  (1969-70),  825-26. 



Review  of  D.  Kagan,  The  Outbreak  of  the  Peloponnesian  War 
(Ithaca:  Cornell  University  Press),  in  American  Historical  Re- 
view, 75  (1969-70),  2022-23. 

Review  of  H.  F.  Bornitz,  Herodot-Studien:  Beitrage  zum  Ver- 
standnis  der  Einheit  des  Geschichtswerks  (Berlin:  de  Gruyter, 
1968),  in  Journal  of  Hellenic  Studies,  90  (1970),  207-9. 

George  Alexander  Kennedy 

(With  Juliette  Ernst.)  Co-editor,  L'Annee  Philologique. 

Quintilian.  New  York :  Twayne  Publishers,  1969.  Pp.  155. 

Review  of  M.  Fuhrmann,  Anaximenis  Ars  Rhetorica  (Leipzig: 
B.  G.  Teubner,  1966),  in  American  Journal  of  Philology,  90  (1969), 

Review  of  Richard  F.  Wevers,  Isaeus:  Chronology,  Prosopog- 
raphy,  and  Social  History  (The  Hague  and  Paris:  Morton  and 
Company,  1969),  in  Classical  World,  63  (1969-70),  200. 

Review  of  K.  J.  Dover,  Lysias  and  the  Corpus  Lysiacum  (Berke- 
ley and  Los  Angeles:  University  of  California  Press,  1968),  in 
American  Journal  of  Philology,  91  (1970),  495-97. 

Review  of  Guilelmus  Ballaira,  Tiberii  De  Figuris  Demosthenicis 
Libellus  cum  Deperditorum  Operum  Fragmentis  (Rome :  Athenae- 
um, 1968),  in  Classical  World,  64  (1970-71),  87-88. 

Gerhard  Koeppel 

(With  Sara  A.  Immerwahr  and  Emeline  H.  Richardson.)  An- 
cient Portraits.  A  Show  of  Greek,  Etruscan  and  Roman  Sculptured 
Portraits  in  Honor  of  the  Seventieth  Birthday  of  T.  R.  S.  Brough- 
ton,  Paddison  Professor  of  Classics.  Ackland  Art  Center,  Univer- 
sity of  North  Carolina  at  Chapel  Hill,  April  5-May  17,  1970. 

"Profectio  und  Adventus,"  Bonner  Jahrbucher,  169  (1969), 

Berthe  Marie  Marti 

"The  Structure  of  the  Pharsalia,"  Entretiens  sur  Vantiquite 
classique,  IX  (Fondation  Hardt,  Vandoeuvres-Genere,  1970),  3-38. 

"Sinn  und  Bedentung  des  Pharsalia,"  Weg  der  Forschung, 
Lucan  (Darmstadt:  Wisserschaftliche  Buchgesellschaft,  1970),  103- 

Brooks  Otis 

' '  The  Originality  of  the  Aeneid, ' '  in  Virgil,  ed.,  R.  Dudley.  Lon- 
don: Routledge  and  Kegan  Paul,  1969.  Pp.  27-66. 

Ovid  as  an  Epic  Poet.  2nd  edition.  Cambridge :  Cambridge  Uni- 
versity Press,  1970.  Pp.  430. 



Keview  of  F.  Klinger,  ed.,  Virgili  Bucolica,  Georgica,  Aeneis 
(Zurich:  Artemis- Verlag,  1967),  in  Gnomon,  41  (1969),  554-74. 

Keview  of  E.  J.  Bembeck,  Beobachtungen  zur  Darstellungsart  in 
Ovids  Metamorphosen  (Munich:  Beck,  1967),  in  Gnomon,  42 
(1970),  135-44. 

Kenneth  Joseph  Beckford 

Horace.  New  York:  Twayne  Publishers,  1969.  Pp.  171. 

Emeline  Hill  Kichardson 

(With  Sara  A.  Immerwahr  and  Gerhard  Koeppel)  Ancient  Por- 
traits. A  Show  of  Greek,  Etruscan  and  Roman  Sculptured  Portraits 
in  Honor  of  the  Seventieth  Birthday  of  T.  B.  S.  Br  ought  on,  Pad- 
dison  Professor  of  Classics.  Ackland  Art  Center,  University  of 
North  Carolina  at  Chapel  Hill,  April  5-May  17,  1970. 

Keview  of  Hugh  Hencken,  Tarquinia  and  Etruscan  Origins 
(Ancient  Peoples  and  Places  62)  (New  York  and  Washington: 
Frederick  A.  Praeger,  1968),  in  Classical  World,  62  (1969),  285. 

Review  of  Hugh  Hencken,  Tarquinia,  Villanovans  and  Early 
Etruscans  (Cambridge:  Peabody  Museum),  in  American  Journal 
of  Archaeology,  73  (1969),  483. 

Review  of  H.  H.  Scullard,  The  Etruscan  Cities  and  Borne.  As- 
pects of  Greek  and  Roman  Life  (London:  Thames  and  Hudson, 
1967),  in  American  Journal  of  Philology,  90  (1969),  481-82. 

Philip  Austin  Stadter 

Editor  for  Roman  Studies,  Greek,  Boman  and  Byzantine 

William  Custis  West  III 

Collaborator,  L'Annee  Philologique,  39  (1968).  Paris:  Les 
Belles  Lettres,  1970.  Pp.  xxx,  776. 

1 1  The  Trophies  of  the  Persian  Wars,"  Classical  Philology,  64 
(1969),  7-19. 

Review  of  H.-F.  Bornitz,  Herodot  Studien.  Beitrage  zum  Yer- 
stdndnis  der  Einheit  des  Geschichtswerks  (Berlin:  Walter  de 
Gruyter,  1968),  in  Classical  Journal,  65  (1969),  137-39. 

Douglas  C.  C.  Young 

St.  Andrews:  Town  and  Gown,  Boyal  and  Ancient.  London: 
Cassell  and  Company,  1969.  Pp.  viii,  264. 

"Minoan  Woolgathering:  A  Rejoinder,"  Kadmos,  8  (1969), 



Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department: 

Thomas  B.  Curtis 

The  Judicial  Oratory  of  Hyperides.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  George  Alexander  Kennedy.) 

Cynthia  Kent  King 

Weapons  and  Warfare  in  Homer  and  on  Attic  Geometric 
Vases.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Henry  Eudolph  Immerwahr.) 

William  J.  King 

Comparison  and  Contrast  in  the  Short  Poems  of  Catullus. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Kenneth  Joseph  Reckford.) 

Jane  Phillips  Packard 

Official  Notices  in  Livy's  Fourth  Decade.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Thomas  Robert  Shannon  Broughton.) 

Daniel  J oseph  Sheerin 

John  of  Salisbury's  Entheticus.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Berthe  Marie  Marti.) 

Jane  M.  Snyder 

Word  Play  in  Lucretius'  De  Berum  Natura.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Kenneth  Joseph  Reckford.) 

Lewis  A.  Sussman 

The  Elder  Seneca  as  a  Critic  of  Rhetoric.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  George  Alexander  Kennedy.) 

Herman  W.  Taylor,  Jr. 

An  Introduction  and  Commentary  to  Book  III  of  Quintilian's 
Institutio  Oratorio.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Charles  Hen- 
derson, Jr.) 

Donald  W.  Wade 

The  Roman  Auxiliary  Units  and  Camps  in  Dacia.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Thomas  Robert  Shannon  Broughton.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department: 



Karla  K.  Blakey 

Building  Imagery  in  Plays  of  Plautus.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Berthe  Marie  Marti.) 

Waed  Wright  Briggs,  Jr. 

Aspects  of  Horace,  Odes  3-19.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
George  Alexander  Kennedy.) 

Susan  Carlson 

A  Study  of  the  Method  of  Adapting  Borrowing  from  Ancient 
History  in  the  Faits  des  Bomains,  Part  I.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Berthe  Maehe  Marti.) 

Nicholas  Hanford  Claud y 

The  Homeric  Dual  in  the  Embassy  Scenes  of  the  Iliad.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Henry  Rudolph  Immerwahr.) 

Brendan  J.  Curtin 

Deception  in  Virgil's  Aeneid.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
George  Alexander  Kennedy.) 

Hugh  McCommun  Fincher  III 

The  Pot  Image  in  Persius'  Third  Satire.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Kenneth  Joseph  Keckford.) 

Anne  Tesch  French 

The  Cantica  of  Plautus.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Philip 
Austin  Stadter.) 

Mary  Smythe  Goldsberry 

Local  Government  in  Eoman  Sicily.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Thomas  Robert  Shannon  Broughton.) 

Shirley  Brad  way  Harmon 

Popular  Views  of  the  Sophists  in  5th  Century  Athens.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Kenneth  Joseph  Reckford.) 

Virginia  N.  Jones 

A  Study  of  the  Book  Endings  of  Virgil's  Aeneid.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  James  Robert  Bradley.) 

Hugh  L.  Mace 

The  Neolithic  and  Bronze  Age  Megaron,  A  Catalogue.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Gerhard  Koeppel.) 



Juliana  Pendleton 

Satirical  Elements  in  Three  Odes  of  Horace.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Kenneth  Joseph  Reckford.) 

Jolie  Theeese  Siebold 

Alcyone  and  Ceyx  in  Greek  and  Latin  Literature.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Edwin  Louis  Brown.) 

Sarah  Margaret  Ward 

The  Composition  of  the  Banquet  Scene  in  Etruscan  Tombs. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Emeline  Hill  Richardson.) 

Ann  Adams  Zener 

Plato's  Phaedrus:  Manifestations  of  an  Heroic  Journey.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Henry  Rudolph  Immerwahr.) 


Frederick  Phillips  Brooks,  Jr. 

(With  K.  E.  Iverson.)  Automatic  Data  Processing,  System/360 
Edition.  New  York :  John  Wiley,  1969.  Pp.  466. 

' '  Computer-Man  Communication :  Using  Computer  Graphics  in 
the  Instructional  Process, "  in  Advances  in  Computers,  ed.,  W. 
Freiberger.  New  York:  Academic  Press,  1970.  Pp.  149-73. 

"Mass  Memory  in  Computer  Systems,"  IEEE  Transactions  on 
Magnetics,  MAG-5  (September  1969),  635-39. 

(With  Paul  Oliver.)  "Evaluation  of  an  Interactive  Display 
System  for  Teaching  Numerical  Analysis,"  AFIPS  Conference 
Proceedings,  35  (November  1969),  525-33. 

(With  James  K.  Ferrell  and  Thomas  M.  Gallie.)  "Organiza- 
tion, Financial,  and  Political  Aspects  of  a  Three-University  Com- 
puting Center, ' '  in  Information  Processing,  68.  Amsterdam :  North- 
Holland  Publishing  Company,  1969.  Pp.  923-27. 

(With  Louis  T.  Parker,  Jr.,  Thomas  M.  Gallie,  and  James  K. 
Ferrell.)  "Introducing  Computing  to  the  Smaller  Colleges  and 
Universities — A  Progress  Report,"  Communications  of  the  ACM,  12 
(June  1969),  319-23. 

(With  Jan  S.  Prokop.)  "Decision  Making  with  Computer 
Graphics  in  an  Inventory  Control  Environment,"  AFIPS  Confer- 
ence Proceedings,  37  (November  1970),  599-607. 



Peter  Calingaert 

Principios  de  Computacao.  Rio  de  Janeiro :  Ao  Livro  Tecnico, 
1969.  Pp.  ix,  224. 

Review  of  David  F.  Martin  and  Gerald  Estrin,  "Path  Length 
Computations  on  Graph  Models  of  Computations,"  IEEE  Trans. 
Computers,  C-18  (June  1969),  in  Computing  Reviews,  11(2)  (Feb- 
ruary 1970),  115. 

Erwin  Martin  Danziger 

(With  J.  L.  Parrish.)  Review  of  William  J.  Carlin,  "The  Role 
of  EDP  Equipment  in  the  Accounting  System  of  the  Commonwealth 
of  Pennsylvania, ' 1  Computers  and  Automation,  (August  1969),  in 
Computing  Reviews,  11(12)  (December  1970),  653-54. 

Review  of  John  a  Guerrieri,  "A  Suggested  University-Level 
Curriculum  for  Business-Computer  Systems, ' '  Computers  and  Auto- 
mation (September  1969),  in  Computing  Reviews,  11(2)  (February 
1970),  72. 

Review  of  Donald  L.  Raun,  An  Introduction  to  COBOL  Com- 
puter Programming  for  Accounting  and  Business  Analysis  (Bel- 
mont, California:  Dickenson  Publishing  Company,  1966),  in  Com- 
pleting Reviews,  11(1)  (January  1970),  14-15. 

Martin  Dillon 

(See  entries  under  School  of  Library  Science.) 

Howard  Anthony  Elder 

"On  the  Feasibility  of  Voice  Input  to  an  On-Line  Computer 
Processing  System,"  Communications  of  the  ACM,  13(6)  (June 
1970),  339-46. 

James  David  Foley 

"Evaluation  of  Small  Computers  and  Display  Controls  for 
Computer  Graphics,"  IEEE  Computer  Group  News  (January 
1970),  8-22. 

"Optimum  Systems  Design  of  Computer  Driven  Graphics 
Terminals,"  Proceedings  of  the  1970  International  Symposium 
on  Computer  Graphics  (April  1970). 

Gyula  Mago 

"Asynchronous  Sequential  Circuits  with  (2,1)  Type  State  As- 
signments," IEEE  Conference  Record  of  1970  Eleventh  Annual 
Symposium  on  Switching  and  Automata  Theory  (Santa  Monica, 
October  1970),  109-13. 



Stephen  M.  Pizer 

(With  A.  B.  Ashare,  A.  B.  Callahan,  and  G.  L.  Brownell.) 
" Fourier  Transform  Analysis  of  Tracer  Data,"  in  Concepts  and 
Models  of  Biomathematics,  eds.,  F.  Heinmets  and  L.  D.  Cady.  New 
York:  Marcel  Dekker,  Inc.,  1970.  Pp.  105-29. 

("With  H.  G.  Vetter.)  "Processing  Quantum  Limited  Images," 
in  Picture  Processing  and  Psychopictorics.  New  York:  Academic 
Press,  1970.  Pp.  165-76. 

(With  Henri  G.  Vetter.)  " Perception  of  Quantum  Limited 
Images,"  Photogrammetric  Engineering  (November  1970),  1179- 

(With  S.  Wilensky,  A.  Ashare,  G.  L.  Brownell,  and  H.  Little- 
boy.)  "Computer  Processing  and  Display  of  Radioisotope  Scienti- 
graphs,"  Biomedical  Science  Instrumentation,  7  (1969),  262-65. 

(With  S.  Wilensky,  A.  B.  Ashare,  B.  Hoop,  Jr.,  and  G.  L. 
Brownell.)  "Computer  Processing  and  Display  of  Positron  Scinti- 
grams and  Dynamic  Function  Curves,"  Medical  Radioisotope  Scin- 
tigraphy, 1  (1969),  815-27. 

(With  A.  G.  Vetter.)  "Processing  Radioisotope  Scans,"  Journal 
of  Nuclear  Medicine,  101  (4)  (April  1969),  150-54. 

Victor  L.  Wallace 

(With  K.  B.  Irani  and  J.  H.  Jackson.)  "Conversational  De- 
sign of  Stochastic  Service  Systems  from  a  Graphical  Terminal," 
Proceedings  of  Computer  Graphics  70  International  Symposium. 
Uxbridge,  England:  Brunell  University,  April  1970.  Section  4, 
Appendix  B,  16-25. 

Stephen  Fredrick  Weiss 

"Syntax  in  Text  Analysis,"  in  Information  Storage  and  Re- 
trieval. Ithaca:  The  National  Science  Foundation,  Scientific  Re- 
port No.  ISR-16,  September  1969.  Pp.  V-l-V-18. 

"Template  Analysis  and  its  Application  to  Natural  Language 
Processing."  Ithaca:  The  National  Science  Foundation,  Scientific 
Report  No.  ISR-16,  September  1969.  Pp.  VI-l-VI-52. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 

Vijay  Ahu JA 

Signal  Sampling  Approximation  and  Display.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Frederick  Phillips  Brooks,  Jr.) 



Hendrik  Johannes  Beaujon 

An  Interactive,  Graphical  Display  System  for  Illustrating  Ele- 
mentary Properties  of  Statistical  Distributions.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Peter  Calingaert.) 

William  Fred  Beyer  III 

A  Graphic  System  for  Pole-Zero  Map  Analysis.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Peter  Calingaert.) 

Rodger  Charles  Blair 

A  Parser  for  a  Restricted  Arbitrary  Phrase  Structure  Grammar. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  David  B.  Benson.) 

Thomas  Carl  Brown,  Jr. 

An  Analysis  of  the  Recognizer-Construction  Problem  for  Two 
Theories  of  Transformational  Grammar.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  David  B.  Benson.) 

Edward  Hazelton  Brownlee,  Jr. 

Pamela:  An  Interactive  Assembler  System  for  the  IBM  System/ 
360  Computer.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Peter  Calingaert.) 

George  Lindsay  Cleveland,  Jr. 

PL/I — Fortran  Interface  System.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Frederick  Phillips  Brooks,  Jr.) 

Mitchell  Davis,  Jr. 

A  Comparative  Survey  of  Two  Fast  Fortran  Compilers.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  David  B.  Benson.) 

Griffith  Askew  Hamlin,  Jr. 

A  Multicomponent  Exponential  Data  Interactive  Computer 
System.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Stephen  F.  Pizer.) 

Sharon  Jamieson  Harris 

A  Comparison  of  System  Commands  and  Editing  Facilities  in 
Conversational  Time  Sharing  Systems.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Peter  Calingaert.) 

William  George  Hickok 

An  Application  of  the  MaGee-Boodman  Model  for  Inventory 
and  Production  Control.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Frederick 
Phillips  Brooks,  Jr.) 



William  Sands  Holloway  Hobgood,  Jk. 

A  Three  Dimension  Computer  Graphics  Display  Using  a  Vari- 
focal  Mirror.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Frederick  Phillips 
Brooks,  Jr.) 

William  Jennings  Jordan,  Jr. 

ISIS — Inquiry  Servicing  Information  System.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Frederick  Phillips  Brooks,  Jr.) 

Pamela  Ann  McKee 

Analysis  of  Job  Management  Functions  in  Multiprogramming 
Computer  Operating  Systems.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Peter 

Eobert  James  Scott,  Jr. 

An  Adaption  of  A.  L.  Samuel's  Checkers-Playing  Program  to 
the  Game  of  Generalized  Tick-Tack-Toe.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Donald  F.  Stan  at.) 

Katherine  Soule 

The  Loop  Traffic  Simulator.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Don- 
ald F.  St  AN  AT.) 

William  Stephen  Woodward 

The  Design  Implementation  of  An  On-Line  Data  Acquisition 
and  Analysis  System.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  David  B.  Ben- 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department: 

Henry  William  Buttelmann  III 

Syntax  Semantics  Systems  as  Structure  Manipulation  Systems : 
Phrase  Structure  Grammars  and  Generalized  Finite  Automata. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  David  B.  Benson.) 

Alfred  Oliver 

A  Measurement  of  the  Effectiveness  of  an  Interactive  Display 
System  in  Teaching  Numerical  Analysis.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Frederick  Phillips  Brooks,  Jr.) 



Jan  Stuart  Prokop 

An  Investigation  of  the  Effects  of  Computer  Graphics  on 
Executive  Decision  Making  in  an  Inventory  Control  Environment. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Frederick  Phillips  Brooks,  Jr.) 


William  Joseph  DeSua 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Romance  Languages.) 

Eugene  Hannes  Falk 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Romance  Languages.) 

Werner  Paul  Friederich 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Germanic  Languages.) 

Osborne  Bennett  Hardison,  Jr. 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  English.) 

Robert  Stephen  Mayo 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Germanic  Languages.) 

Aldo  Domenico  Scaglione 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Romance  Languages.) 

Siegfried  Wenzel 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  English.) 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  Curriculum: 

Diana  Bronte 

An  Influence  of  Oscar  Wilde  in  the  Life  and  Prose  Fiction  of 
Andre  Gide.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Eugene  Hannes  Falk.) 

Frederick  A.  DeArmas 

The  Four  Interpolated  Stories  in  the  Roman  Comiqae:  Their 
Sources,  Purpose,  and  Influence.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
George  Bernard  Daniel.) 


Catherine  Vreeland  Broderick 

A  Comparative  Thematic  Study  of  Francois  Mauriac 's  Genitrix 
and  Anais  Nin's  The  Four-Chambered  Heart.  (1970,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Eugene  Hannes  Falk.) 

Margaret  Hart  Cannon 

The  Sole  Survivor:  A  Romantic  Motif.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  William  Joseph  DeSua.) 

William  James  Cloonan 

The  Development  of  the  Unity  of  Action  in  the  Theater  of 
Eacine  from  La  Thebaide  to  Berenice.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  George  Bernard  Daniel.) 

Martha  Kellogg- Clarke  Day 

Spee,  Fleming,  and  Gryphius;  Three  German  Baroque  Poets. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Werner  Paul  Friederich.) 

Paul  Lambert  Priest 

Dante  and  The  Song  of  Songs.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Aldo  Domenico  Scaglione.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  Curriculum: 

Florine  Burch 

Destiny  in  the  Works  of  Maeterlinck  and  Synge.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Alfred  Garvin  Engstrom.) 

Linda  Sue  Eubank 

St.  Francois  de  Sales'  Introduction  a  la  vie  devote  and  Francisco 
de  Quevedo  y  Villegas:  Another  Instance  of  the  Literary  Interac- 
tion Between  France  and  Spain  in  the  Seventeenth  Century.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  George  Bernard  Daniel.) 

Marcel  Paul  Fortin 

The  Sense  of  the  Personal  Voice  in  the  Essay :  Montaigne,  Corn- 
wallis  and  Bacon.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  George  Bernard 
Daniel.  ) 

Martha  Carden  Johnson 

Variations  on  the  Quest  Theme  in  Selected  Plays  of  Albee  and 
Ionesco.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Eugene  Hannes  Falk.) 



Allan  Edwaed  Morgan,  Jr. 

Comic-pathos  in  Gide's  Les  Caves  du  Vatican  and  Salinger's 
Catcher  in  the  Bye.  (1969,  nnder  the  direction  of  Eugene  Hannes 

Linda  Murren  Reich 

Jorge  Luis  Borges :  The  Mirror  Motif,  as  Compared  to  the  Mir- 
ror Motifs  of  William  Butler  Yeats,  Antonio  Machado,  Andre 
Gide,  Federico  Garcia  Lorca,  and  Hermann  Hesse.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Maria  Antonia  Salgado.) 


Rafael  Alberti's  El  Adefesio.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Janet  Winecofp  Diaz.) 

Randolph  Preston  Shaffner 

Of  Human  Bondage  and  Wilhelm  Meisters  Lehrjahre :  Two  Steps 
in  an  Apprenticeship  to  Life.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Eu- 
gene Hannes  Falk.) 


Edward  Gail  Barry 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Botany.) 

Michael  Alan  Bleyman 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Zoology.) 

Marshall  Hall  Edgell 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Bacteriology  and  Im- 

Bruce  Kent  Eckland 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Sociology.) 

Robert  Claude  Elston 

(See  entries  under  the  School  of  Public  Health,  Department  of 

Edward  Glassman 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Biochemistry.) 


Hakry  Gooder 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Bacteriology  and  Im- 

Robert  Andrew  Goyer 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Pathology.) 

John  Borden  Graham 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Pathology.) 

Geoffrey  Haughton 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Bacteriology  and  Im- 

Clyde  A.  Hutchinson 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Bacteriology  and  Im- 

Henry  Neil  Kirkman 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Pediatrics.) 

Thomas  Carlyle  Long 

(See  entries  under  the  Departments  of  Botany  and  Zoology.) 

John  Charles  Lucchesi 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Zoology.) 

Clifford  Eobert  Parks 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Botany.) 

William  Sprott  Pollitzer 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Anatomy.) 

Maurice  Whittinghill 

(See  entries  under  the  Department  of  Zoology.) 


The  following  doctoral  dissertation  was  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  curriculum : 

Baymond  Joseph  Kelleher,  Jr. 

Genetic,  Physiological  and  Biochemical  Studies  in  Bacillus 
Subtilis.  I.  Competence  for  Deoxyribonucleic  Acid-Mediated  Trans- 
formation. II.  Enzymatic  Pathway  for  the  Be  Novo  Bioxynthesis 
of  Pyrimidines.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Harry  Gooder.) 




Hanson  Douglas  Sessoms 

(With  Harold  D.  Meyer  and  Charles  K.  Brightbill.)  Com- 
munity Recreation.  4th  edition.  Englewood  Cliffs:  Prentice-Hall, 
1969.  Pp.  456. 

(With  Herbert  Brantley.)  Editor,  Recreation:  Issues  and 
Perspectives.  Columbia:  Wing  Publishing  Company,  1969.  Pp.  173. 

(With  Peter  J.  Verhoven.)  Recreation  Program  Leadership  and 
the  Community  College.  Washington:  American  Association  of 
Junior  Colleges,  1970.  Pp.  32. 

(With  Sidney  Oakley.)  "Recreation,  Leisure  and  the  Alco- 
holic," Journal  of  Leisure  Research,  1  (Winter  1969),  21-32. 

"The  Emerging  Roles  of  Recreation  Leadership  for  Older 
Americans,"  The  Gerontologist,  9  (Summer  1969),  151-53. 

"The  Manpower  Crisis:  As  Others  See  Us,"  Park  and  Recre- 
ation, 5  (January  1970),  39-41,  55-56. 

"Recreation,  The  Use  of  the  Ocean,"  Vital  Speeches,  36  (March 
15,  1970),  349-52. 

"The  Impact  of  the  RSA  Recreation  Trainee  Program,  1963- 
1968,"  Therapeutic  Recreation  Journal,  4  (April  1970),  23-29. 

"Research  and  the  Recreation  Practitioner,"  North  Carolina 
Recreation  and  Park  Review,  23  (July- August  1970),  13,  17. 

"Human  Values  in  a  Leisure  Society,"  Highlights,  1970  Con- 
gress for  Recreation  and  Parks  (1970),  138-48. 

"A  Philosophy  and  Definition  of  the  Recreation  Movement," 
The  Encyclopedia  of  Education,  1970. 

"Recreation  Provisions  in  Environmental  Planning,"  Encyclo- 
pedia of  Social  Work,  1970. 


The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  curriculum : 

Emma  Lou  Brown 

An  Analysis  of  the  Manpower  Needs  for  Recreation  and  Park 
Personnel  in  Virginia  for  1970,  1972,  and  1975.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Hanson  Douglas  Sessoms.) 

Shirley  Murray  Campbell 

Study  of  the  Value  of  Theories  of  Play  and  Play  Therapy  in 
Diagnosing  and  Treating  a  Child  Emerging  From  Early  Infantile 
Autism.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Hanson  Douglas  Sessoms.) 



Florence  Pitts  Fake 

A  History  of  the  Recreation  Department  at  Dorothea  Dix  Hos- 
pital (1950  to  1969).  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Hanson  Doug- 
las Sessoms.) 

Jimmy  Davys  Hemphill 

Comparative  Study  of  Motor  Skill  Performance  of  Mongoloids 
in  the  Community  and  the  Institutional  Setting.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Hanson  Douglas  Sessoms.) 

Bill  Lee  Knibbs 

Social  and  Educational  Factors  Influencing  the  Choice  of  Rec- 
reation as  a  Profession.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Hanson 
Douglas  Sessoms.) 

Zella  Mozel  Michael 

A  Descriptive  Study  of  a  Cultural  Recreation  Center.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Hanson  Douglas  Sessoms.) 

Ronald  Leslie  Packabd 

A  Study  of  the  Factors  Affecting  the  Development  of  a  Public 
Recreation  Program  in  Chapel  Hill,  North  Carolina,  from  1923- 
1961.  (1968,  under  the  direction  of  Hanson  Douglas  Sessoms.) 

James  Lynn  Ryan,  Jk. 

The  Recreator  and  the  Psychotic  Child.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Hanson  Douglas  Sessoms.) 


Recreation  Administration  of  the  Bangkok  Municipality.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Hanson  Douglas  Sessoms.) 

Kay  Pbeston  Petebs 

An  Analysis  of  the  Components  of  Selected  Recreation  Ac- 
tivities as  Perceived  by  Alcoholics  at  the  North  Carolina  Alcoholic 
Rehabilitation  Center.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Hanson  Doug- 
las Sessoms.) 

DeWitt  C.  Thompson 

A  Study  of  North  Carolina  County  Participation  in  Parks  and 
Recreation  Activity.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Hanson  Doug- 
las Sessoms.) 



Howard  Pearson  West 

Perceptions  of  the  Role  of  Recreational  Therapy  in  Psychiatric 
Facilities.  (1970,  nnder  the  direction  of  Hanson  Douglas  Ses- 



George  Douglas  Allen 

" Temporal  Structure  in  Speech  Production,"  The  Journal  of 
the  Acoustical  Society  of  America,  47  (January  1970),  58. 

"  Acoustic  Intensity  and  Vocal  Effort  as  Cues  for  the  Loudness 
of  Speech,"  The  Journal  of  the  Acoustical  Society  of  America,  48 
(July  1970),  95. 

Roger  Evans  Barton 

(With  Richard  E.  Richardson.)  Co-editor,  The  Dental  Assistant, 
4th  edition.  New  York :  McGraw-Hill  Book  Company,  1970.  Pp.  xv, 

"Impression  Materials,  Dental  Waxes,  and  Synthetic  Resin 
Materials,"  "Dental  Cements,"  "Golds  and  Other  Metals,"  "In- 
vestments and  Casting  Procedures,"  and  "Instruments,  Equip- 
ment, and  Their  Care,"  in  The  Dental  Assistant,  eds.,  R.  E.  Richard- 
son and  R.  E.  Barton.  New  York:  McGraw-Hill  Book  Company, 
1970.  Pp.  231-67,  277-350. 

James  Wyatt  Bawden 

(With  E.  G.  Cranford,  Jr.,  C.  D.  Greeson,  and  D.  C.  Chandler, 
Jr.)  "Evidence  of  Thyrocalcitonin  in  Guinea  Pigs  and  its  Effect 
on  Maternal-Fetal  Calcium  Relationships,"  Journal  of  Dental  Re- 
search, 48  (April  1969),  307-9. 

(With  D.  C.  Chandler,  Jr.,  and  D.  E.  Schrum.)  "Fetal  Death 
Due  to  Vascular  Shunting  in  Guinea  Pigs,"  Journal  of  Dental 
Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  238. 

Doris  Parker  Bradley 

(With  H.  S.  Lillywhite.)  Communication  Problems  in  Mental 
Retardation.  New  York:  Harper  and  Row,  1969.  Pp.  196. 

"Congenital  and  Acquired  Velopharyngeal  Insufficiency,"  in 
Cleft  Lip  and  Palate,  eds.,  William  C.  Grabb,  Shelton  W.  Rosen- 
stein,  and  Kenneth  B.  Bzoch.  New  York:  Little  and  Company, 
1970.  Pp.  76-91. 

(With  M.  T.  Wood  and  D.  W.  Warren.)  "Respiratory  Volumes 



in  Normal  and  Cleft  Palate  Speech/'  The  Cleft  Palate  Journal,  6 
(1969),  449-60. 

' '  Muscular  Functions  of  the  Dentof  acial  Milieu :  Speech, ' '  Amer- 
ican Speech  and  Hearing  Association  Reports,  5  (1970),  750-800. 

(With  D.  W.  Warren  and  D.  J.  Hall.)  "Glottal  Activity  and 
Intra-Oral  Pressures  During  Stop-Consonant  Production,"  Amer- 
ican Speech  and  Hearing  Association,  12  (1970),  43. 

Ernest  Jefferson  Burkes 

"In  Vitro  Growth  Response  of  Cells  to  Changes  in  Light  Ex- 
posure," Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  (March  1970),  190. 

(With  R.  M.  Courtney.)  "Carcinoma  of  the  Maxillary  Antrum: 
Report  of  a  Case,"  The  Journal  of  the  North  Carolina  Dental 
Society,  53  (January  1970),  18-22. 

(With  D.  A.  Kerr  and  R.  M.  Courtney.)  "Multiple  Idiopathic 
Root  Resorption,"  Oral  Surgery,  Oral  Medicine  and  Oral  Pathol- 
ogy, 29  (1970),  552-65. 

David  William  Chambers 

"Managing  the  Anxieties  of  Young  Dental  Patients,"  Journal 
of  Dentistry  for  Children,  37  (September  1970),  363-67,  370-74. 

James  Cecil  Coffey,  Jr. 

"The  Incorporation  of  Tritiated  Estradiol  by  Moniliformis 
dubius  Following  its  Administration  to  the  Ovariectomized  Rat 
Host,"  Dissertation  Abstracts,  31  (1970),  2448-B. 

Clifton  Earl  Crandell 

(With  J.  T.  Whitlock,  G.  T.  Lathrop,  M.  Davis,  W.  T.  Blair, 
M.  E.  Douglas,  and  F.  Fernandez.)  "Linear  Programming  and 
the  Total  Patient  Care  Concept  in  Clinical  Dental  Education," 
Journal  of  Dental  Research,  48  Supplement  (March  1969),  185. 

Editor,  Proceedings  of  the  Conference  on  Comprehensive  Care 
in  Clinical  Dental  Education.  Chapel  Hill,  North  Carolina ;  Univer- 
sity of  North  Carolina  Duplicating  Department,  1969.  Pp.  94. 

(With  J.  S.  Whitlock,  G.  T.  Lathrop,  W.  T.  Blair,  and  J.  Fer- 
nandez.) "Linear  Programming  and  Total  Patient  Care:  Clinical 
Phase,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970), 

"Linear  Programming  in  Clinical  Dental  Education,"  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  1970  Joint  Computer  Conference,  American  Federa- 
tion of  Information  Processing  Societies,  36  (1970),  485-86. 

"The  American  Academy  of  Dental  Radiology  Training  Re- 



quirements  in  Radiology  for  the  Dental  Assistant,"  The  Dental 
Assistant,  39  (August  1970),  21-22. 

''Training  Requirements  in  Dental  Radiology  for  Hygienists, ' ' 
Journal  of  the  American  Dental  Hygienists  Association,  4,4:  (Fourth 
Quarter  1970),  49-50. 

James  Joseph  Crawford 

"Sterilization  and  Disinfection,"  in  The  Dental  Assistant,  eds., 
R.  E.  Richardson  and  R.  E.  Barton.  New  York:  McGraw-Hill  Book 
Company,  1970.  Pp.  145-47. 

(With  M.  T.  McMinn.)  "Recovery  of  Anaerobic  Microorganisms 
from  Clinical  Specimens  in  Prereduced  Media  vs.  Recovery  by  Rou- 
tine Clinical  Laboratory  Methods,"  Applied  Microbiology,  19  (Feb- 
ruary 1970),  207-13. 

(With  R.  Shern  and  W.  K.  Swing.)  "Prevention  of  Plaque 
Formation  by  Organic  Fluorides,"  Journal  of  Oral  Medicine,  25 
(July-September  1970),  93-97. 

(With  D.  A.  Woolweaver  and  R.  L.  Lundblad.)  "Oral  Leuko- 
cytes— A  Qualitative  and  Quantitative  Study,"  Journal  of  Dental 
Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  168. 

(With  W.  K.  Swing  and  R.  J.  Shern.)  "Inhibition  of  Plaque- 
Forming  Streptococci  by  Organic  and  Inorganic  Fluorides," 
Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  124. 

Miles  Aubrey  Crenshaw 

(With  Jerry  M.  Neff.)  "The  Soluble  Matrix  from  Clam  Shell. 

I.  Chemical  Characterization,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  48 
Supplement  (March  1969),  51. 

(With  Jerry  M.  Neff.)  "The  Soluble  Matrix  from  Clam  Shell. 

II.  Calcium  Binding  Characteristics,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research, 
48  Supplement  (March  1969),  51. 

(With  Jerry  M.  Neff.)  "Decalcification  at  the  Mantle-Shell 
Interface,"  American  Zoologist,  9  (1969),  881-85. 

(With  Norimitsu  Watabe.)  "The  Muscle  Attachment  to  the 
Shell  of  Mercenaria  mercenaria,' '  American  Zoologist,  9  (1969), 

(With  Gerald  L.  Mechanic.)  "The  Intracrystalline  Protein 
Matrix  of  Mercenaria,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  Supple- 
ment (March  1970),  117. 

Andrew  Derart  Dixon 

(With  J.  C.  Hart  and  G.  R.  Smiley.)  "Sagittal  Growth  of  the 
Craniofacial  Complex  in  Normal  Embryonic  Mice,"  Archives  of 
Oral  Biology,  14  (August  1969),  995-98. 



"Fine  Structure  of  Nerve  Terminals  in  the  Palate  Epithelium," 
Anatomical  Record,  163  (April  1969),  299-300. 

"Fine  Structure  of  Peripheral  Nerve  in  the  Palate  Mucosa," 
Journal  of  Dental  Research,  48  Supplement  (March  1969),  145. 

(With  J.  P.  Mazza.)  "  Chromatolytic  Cell  Groups  in  the  Tri- 
geminal Ganglion,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  48  Supplement 
(March  1969),  62. 

(With  G.  R.  Smiley.)  "Axon-Schwann  Cell  Relationships  in 
Developing  Palatine  Nerves,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  Sup- 
plement (March  1970),  210. 

(With  R.  J.  Vanek  and  G.  R.  Smiley.)  "Coronal  Growth  of 
the  Craniofacial  Complex  During  Secondary  Palatal  Formation," 
Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  158. 

(With  G.  R.  Smiley.)  "Fine  Structure  of  Trigeminal  Nerve 
Fibers  in  Neonatal  Mice,"  Anatomical  Record,  166  (February 
1970),  299. 

(With  J.  S.  Hanker  and  L.  Hammarstrom.)  "Enzyme  Histo- 
chemistry of  the  Developing  Nervous  System  of  the  Rat, ' '  Journal 
of  Dental  Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  236. 

(With  J.  P.  Mazza.)  "Distribution  and  Reactivity  of  Mast  Cells 
in  the  Trigeminal  Ganglion,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  Sup- 
plement (March  1970),  145. 

"Fine  Structure  of  Trigeminal  Sensory  Receptors,"  Ninth  In- 
ternational Congress  of  Anatomists,  Leningrad.  Abstracts  of  pa- 
pers, (August  1970),  31. 

(With  Dell  Dorgan.)  "Contractile  Elements  in  Peripheral  Sen- 
sory Receptors,"  Journal  of  Cell  Biology,  47  (November  1970), 

"Myelin  Sheath  Formation  in  the  Trigeminal  Nerve,"  Micro- 
scopic Electronique,  3  (September  1970),  743-44. 

(With  W.  J.  Babula  and  G.  R.  Smiley.)  "The  Role  of  the 
Cartilaginous  Nasal  Septum  in  Mid-Facial  Growth,"  American 
Journal  of  Orthodontics,  58:  3  (September  1970),  250-65. 

Claude  W.  Drake 

"Dental  Needs  of  the  Cronically  111  and  Aged,"  Journal  of 
PuUic  Health  Dentistry,  30  (Fall  1970),  239-43. 

"Service  and  Cost  Analysis  of  a  Head  Start  Dental  Program  in 
a  Public  Clinic,"  The  Journal  of  the  North  Carolina  Dental  Society, 
53  (August  1970),  19-21. 

Jacob  Sylvanus  Hanker 

Histochemical  Demonstration  of  the  Induction  of  Mitochondrial 
Oxidative  Enzymes  by  the  Carcinogens  3,4-Benzpyrene  and  3- 



Methylcholanthrene.  Ann  Arbor:  University  Microfilms,  1969.  Pp. 
xvi,  101. 

(With  A.  M.  Rutenberg,  H.  Kim,  J.  W.  Fischbein,  H.  L.  Was- 
serkrug,  and  A.  M.  Seligman.)  ' '  Histochemieal  and  Ultrastructural 
Demonstration  of  Gamma-Glutamyl  Transpeptidase  Activity," 
Journal  of  Histochemistry  and  Cytochemistry,  17  (August  1969), 

(With  L.  B.  Hammarstrom  and  A.  D.  Dixon.)  " Enzyme  Histo- 
chemistry of  the  Developing  Nervous  System  of  the  Rat, ' '  Journal 
of  Dental  Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  236. 

(With  A.  M.  Seligman,  T.  Kawashima,  H.  Ueno,  and  L.  Katzoff.) 
"  Histochemieal  Demonstration  of  Acid  and  Alkaline  Phosphatase 
Using  2-Naphthylthiolphosphate  as  Substrate  and  Osmiophilic  De- 
rivatives as  End  Products,"  Acta  Histochemica  et  Cytochemica,  3 
(June  1970),  1-12. 

(With  A.  M.  Seligman,  H.  L.  Wasserkrug,  T.  Seito,  and  R.  E. 
Plapinger.)  "Membranous  Ultrastructural  Demonstration  of 
Aminopeptidase  and  Gamma-Glutamyl  Transpeptidase  Activities 
With  a  New  Diazonium  Salt  That  Yields  a  Lipophobic,  Osmiophilic 
Azo  Dye,"  Journal  of  Histochemistry  and  Cytochemistry,  18  (Au- 
gust 1970),  542-51. 

(With  C.  J.  Kusyk,  D.  H.  Clapp,  and  P.  E.  Yates.)  "Effect  of 
Dimethylsulf oxide  (DMSO)  on  the  Histochemieal  Demonstration 
of  Dehydrogenases,"  Journal  of  Histochemistry  and  Cytochemis- 
try, 18  (September  1970),  673. 

(With  S.  U.  Toverud  and  L.  E.  Hammarstrom.)  "Anabolic 
Acid  Phosphatase  Isoenzymes,"  Journal  of  Histochemistry  and 
Cytochemistry,  18  (September  1970),  679. 

(With  L.  E.  Hammarstrom  and  W.  J.  Waddell.)  "Enzymatic 
Activity  in  Ameloblasts  at  Different  Stages  of  Enamel  Formation, ' ' 
Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  108. 

Earl  Preston  Hicks 

(With  C.  W.  Cooper  and  W.  J.  Waddell.)  "Whole-Body  Auto- 
radiography of  the  Distribution  of  125I-Thyrocalcitonin  in  Mice," 
Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  114. 

Grover  Cleveland  Hunter,  Jr. 

"Microbiology"  and  "Dental  Pathology,"  in  The  Dental  As- 
sistant, eds.,  R.  E.  Richardson  and  R.  E.  Barton.  New  York:  Mc- 
Graw-Hill Book  Company,  1970.  Pp.  123-144,  158-175. 



Ltttheb  Hill  Hutchens,  Jk. 

(With  M.  A.  Clarke  and  E.  W.  Sagebiel.)  ''Oral  Epithelial 
Dendritic  Cells  of  the  Macaca  Mulatto,"  Journal  of  Dental  Re- 
search, 49  Supplement  (March  1970),  143. 

(With  M.  A.  Clarke  and  R.  W.  Sagebiel.)  "The  Fine  Structure 
of  Dendritic  Cells  in  Monkey  Oral  Epithelium, ' '  Journal  of  Dental 
Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  143. 

Ealph  Albeet  Latham 

"The  Septopremaxillary  Ligament  and  Maxillary  Develop- 
ment," Journal  of  Anatomy,  104  (1969),  584. 

"The  Pathogenesis  of  the  Skeletal  Deformity  Associated  with 
Unilateral  Cleft  Lip  and  Palate,"  Cleft  Palate  Journal,  6  (1969), 

"Maxillary  Development  and  Growth:  the  Septopremaxillary 
Ligament,"  Journal  of  Anatomy,  107  (1970),  471-78. 

"A  Newly  Postulated  Factor  in  the  Early  Growth  of  the  Human 
Middle  Face  and  the  Theory  of  Multiple  Assurance,"  Archives  of 
Oral  Biology,  15  (1970),  1097-1100. 

Roy  Laweence  Lindahl 

"Federal  Task  Force  on  Medicaid,"  Ohio  Dental  Journal,  44 
(May  1970),  182-84. 

James  Feedeeick  Lubkee 

1 1  Aerodynamic  and  Ultrasonic  Assessment  Techniques  in  Speech- 
Den  tofacial  Research,"  ASH  A  Reports  #5.  Speech  and  the  Dento- 
facial  Complex:  The  State  of  the  Art  (1970),  207-23. 

"Velopharyngeal  Orifice  Area :  A  Replication  of  Analog  Experi- 
mentation," The  Journal  of  Speech  and  Hearing  Research,  12 
(March  1969),  218-22. 

(With  P.  J.  Parris.)  "Simultaneous  Measurements  of  Intraoral 
Pressure,  Force  of  Labial  Contact,  and  Labial  Electromyographic 
Activity  during  Production  of  the  Stop  Consonant  Cognates  /p/ 
and  /b/,"  The  Journal  of  the  Acoustical  Society  of  America,  47 
(1970),  625-33. 

(With  J.  Lindqvist.)  "Mechanisms  of  Stop  Consonant  Produc- 
tion," Speech  Transmission  Laboratory  Quarterly  Progress  Status 
Report,  1/70  (1970),  1-2. 

(With  J.  W.  Schweiger.)  "Nasal  Airflow  as  an  Index  of  Suc- 
cess of  Prosthetic  Management  of  Cleft  Palate,"  Journal  of  Dental 
Research  (May- June  1969),  368-75. 

(With  P.  J.  Parris.)  "Simultaneous  Measurement  of  Intraoral 



Pressure.  Labial  Pressure,  aud  Labial  Electromyographic  Activity 
During  Production  of  the  Bilabial  Stoops  ,/p f—  /b/,"  The  Journal 
of  the  Acoustical  Society  of  America.  47  (January  1970).  104. 

(With  J.  W.  Schweiger  and  H.  L.  Morris.)  1 1  Xasal  Airflow  Char- 
acteristics during  Speech  in  Prosthetically  Managed  Cleft  Palate 
Speakers."  The  Journal  of  Speech  and  Searing  Research,  13 
(1970),  326-38. 

Roger  L.  Luxdblad 

(With  E.  W.  Davie  and  C.  Hougie.)  "Mechanisms  of  Blood 
Coagulation,"  in  Recent  Advances  in  Blood  Coagulation,  ed.  L.  Pol- 
ler. London  -  J  and  A  Churchill  Ltd.,  1969.  Pp.  13-28. 

(With  W.  H.  Stein.)  "On  the  Reaction  of  Diazoacetyl  Com- 
ponents with  Pepsin/'  Journal  of  Biological  Chemistry.  244  (Jan- 
uary 10,  1969),  154-60. 

(With  F.  A.  Pitlick  and  E.  W.  Davie.;  "The  Role  of  Heparin 
in  Intrinsic  Blood  Coagulation."  Journal  of  Biomedical  Materials 
Research,  3  (February  1969),  95-106. 

(With  S.  Moore.)  "Studies  on  the  Solubilization  of  2'.3'-Cyclic 
Nucleotide  3'-Phosphohydrolase  from  Bovine  Brain."  Brain  Re- 
search, 12  (February  1969),  227-29. 

(With  G.  M.  Puryear.)  "Studies  on  the  Salivary  Proeoag- 
ulant,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research.  49  Supplement  (March  1970), 

(With  D.  A.  Woolweaver,  J.  J.  Crawford,  and  H.  W.  Shoulars.) 
"Oral  Leukocytes — A  Qualitative  and  Quantitative  Study,"'  Jour- 
nal of  Dental  Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  168. 

Walter  T.  McFall,  Je. 

"Oral  Histology,"  in  The  Dental  Assistant,  eds.,  R.  E.  Richard- 
son and  R.  E.  Barton.  Xew  York:  McGraw-Hill  Book  Companv. 
1970.  Pp.  112-22. 

(With  R.  A.  Came  vale.)  "Cytological  Evaluation  of  Physio- 
therapy After  Gingivectomy, ' ?  Journal  of  Dental  Research.  48 
(July- August  1969),  600. 

(With  J.  H.  Rosenbaum.)  "A  Histological  Evaluation  of  Auto- 
genous Marrow  Transplants  in  Rat  Maxilla.'"  Journal  of  Dental 
Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  103. 

Frank  Thomas  McIveb 

"The  Effect  of  Head  Positioning  on  Panoramic  Radiograph 
Tooth  Image  Width,"'  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  48  Supplement 
(March  1969),  93. 



Gail  Hagamait  McLean 

Eeview  of  Walter  J.  Pelton,  John  B.  Dunbar,  Russell  S.  Mc- 
Mellan,  Palmi  Moller,  and  Albert  E.  Wolff,  The  Epidemiology 
of  Oral  Health  (Cambridge:  Harvard  University  Press,  1969), 
in  The  Journal  of  the  American  Dental  Hygienists'  Association,  44 
(Third  Quarter  1970),  60. 

Gerald  L.  Mechanic 

' 1  Stable  Intermoleeular  Crosslinks  in  Collagen  after  Reduction, ' ' 
in  Chemistry  and  Molecular  Biology  of  the  Intercellular  Matrix, 
ed.,  E.  Balazs.  New  York:  Academic  Press,  1970.  Pp.  305-11. 

(With  M.  L.  Tanzer.)  "Isolation  of  Lysinonorleucine  from 
Collagen,"  Biochemical  and  Biophysical  Research  Communications, 
39  (April  1970),  183-89. 

(With  P.  M.  Gallop  and  M.  L.  Tanzer.)  "Isolation  of  Hydro- 
lylysinonorleucine  and  Its  Lactone  from  Reconstituted  Collagen 
Fibrils,"  Biochimica  et  Biophysica  Acta,  207  (June  1970),  548-52. 

(With  M.  L.  Tanzer.)  "Biochemistry  of  Collagen  Crosslinking : 
Isolation  of  a  New  Crosslink,  Hydroxylysinohydroxynorleucine, 
and  Its  Reduced  Precursor,  Dihydroxynorleucine,  from  Bovine 
Tendon,"  Biochemical  and  Biophysical  Research  Communications, 
41  (June  1970),  1597-1604. 

(With  O.  de  Luque  and  M.  L.  Tanzer.)  "Isolation  of  Peptides 
Containing  the  Crosslink,  Hydroxylysinonorleucine,  from  Recon- 
stituted Collagen  Fibrils,"  Biochemistry,  9  (December  1970), 

Jerry  Michael  Neff 

"Mineral  Regeneration  by  Serpulid  Polychaete  Worms,"  Bio- 
logical Bulletin,  136  (1969),  76-90. 

"  infrastructure  of  the  Ventral  Shield  Epithelium  of  the  Ser- 
pulid Pomatoceros  caeruleus  Schmarda,"  American  Zoologist,  9 
(1969),  613. 

(With  M.  A.  Crenshaw.)  "Decalcification  at  the  Mantle  Shell 
Interface  in  Molluscs,"  American  Zoologist,  9  (1969),  881-85. 
(With  M.  A.  Crenshaw.)  "The  Soluble  Matrix  from  Clam  Shell. 

I.  Chemical  Characterization,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  48 
Supplement  (March  1969),  42. 

(With  M.  A.  Crenshaw.)  The  Soluble  Matrix  from  Clam  Shell. 

II.  Calcium-Binding  Characteristics,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research, 
48  Supplement  (March  1969),  43. 



Eoy  Peach 

"The  Fine  Structure  of  Cell  Types  Within  the  Trigeminal 
Ganglion,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  48  Supplement  (March 

1969)  ,  118. 

' '  The  Existence  of  Light  and  Dark  Cells  Within  the  Trigeminal 
Ganglion,"  Anatomical  Record,  163  (February  1969),  319-20. 

' '  Fixative  Osmolality  and  the  Fine  Structure  of  the  Trigeminal 
Ganglion,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  Supplement  (March 

1970)  ,  210. 

"A  Simple  Apparatus  for  Vascular  Perfusion  of  Fixative  for 
Electron  Microscopy,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  (July- 
August  1970),  891. 

Rechaed  Edgewoeth  Eichaedson 

Co-Editor  (with  Roger  E.  Barton.),  The  Dental  Assistant.  4th 
edition.  New  York:  McGraw-Hill  Book  Company,  1970.  Pp.  xv,  617. 

Dixie  C.  S coles 

" Dental  Hygiene  in  Switzerland,"  The  Canadian  Dental  Hy- 
gienist,  (Spring  1970),  13-16. 

Hudson  Wilson  Shoulaes,  Je. 

(With  D.  A.  Woolweaver,  J.  J.  Crawford,  and  R.  L.  Lundblad.) 
1 1  Oral  Leukocytes — A  Qualitative  and  Quantitative  Study,"  Jour- 
nal of  Dental  Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  168. 

Myeon  S.  Silveemaet 

(With  F.  A.  Hodge.)  1  'The  Effects  of  a  Radioprotective  Drug, 
n-Decylaminoethane  Thiosulfuric  Acid,  on  Susceptibility  to  Infec- 
tion with  Live  Pasteurella  tularensis  Vaccine,"  Radiation  Effects,  1 
(1969),  145-49. 

(With  F.  A.  Hodge  and  W.  Lief.)  "Susceptibility  to  Infection 
with  Pasteurella  tularensis  and  the  Immune  Response  of  Mice  Ex- 
posed to  Continuous  Low  Dose  Rate  y  Radiation,"  Journal  of  In- 
fectious Diseases,  120  (1969),  356-65. 

(With  A.  E.  McGee,  K.  Hadley,  V.  Greenman,  and  F.  A.  Hodge.) 
"The  Cellular  Response  to  Respiratory  Infection  with  Pasteurella 
tularensis  (LVS)  in  Mice  Exposed  to  Continuous  Low  Dose  Rate  y 
Radiation,"  Journal  of  Infectious  Diseases,  120  (1969),  366-71. 

(With  J.  F.  Pribnow.)  "Studies  on  the  Radiosensitive  Phase  of 
Antibody  Response  in  Rabbits.  II.  Recovery  and  the  Secondary 
Response,"  Journal  of  Immunology,  103  (1969),  276-81. 

"The  Macrophage  in  Cellular  and  Humoral  Immunity,"  RES, 
The  Journal  of  the  Reticuloendothelial  Society,  8  (1970),  105-23. 



Gary  Ray  Smiley 

(With  J.  C.  Hart  and  A.  D.  Dixon.)  "Sagittal  Growth  of  the 
Craniofacial  Complex  in  Normal  Embryonic  Mice,"  Archives  of 
Oral  Biology,  14  (August  1969),  995-98. 

* '  Fine  Structure  of  the  Developing  Palate, ' '  Journal  of  Dental 
Research,  48  Supplement  (March  1969),  77. 

(With  J.  C.  Hart.)  "Growth  of  the  Craniofacial  Complex  in 
Normal  and  Bilateral  Spontaneous  Cleft  A/Jax  Mice,"  Journal 
of  Dental  Research,  48  Supplement  (March  1969),  78. 

(With  R.  J.  Vanek.)  "Width  of  the  Oral  Cavity  During  Closure 
of  the  Secondary  Palate  in  Mice,"  Anatomical  Record,  163  (Feb- 
ruary 1969),  329. 

' '  Fine  Structure  of  Embryonic  Palatal  Epithelium  Prior  to  and 
After  Midline  Fusion,"  Archives  of  Oral  Biology,  15  (April  1970), 

(With  W.  J.  Babula  and  A.  D.  Dixon.)  "The  Role  of  the  Car- 
tilaginous Nasal  Septum  in  Midfacial  Growth,"  American  Journal 
of  Orthodontics,  58  (September  1970),  250-65. 

(With  A.  D.  Dixon.)  "Fine  Structure  of  the  Trigeminal  Nerve 
Fibers  in  Neonatal  Mice,"  Anatomical  Record,  166  (February 
1970),  299. 

(With  W.  E.  Koch.)  "Fine  Structure  of  In  Vitro  Palatal  and 
Palate-Tongue  Fusion,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  Supple- 
ment (March  1970),  158. 

(With  A.  D.  Dixon.)  "Axon-Schwann  Cell  Relationships  in  De- 
veloping Palatine  Nerves, ' '  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  Supple- 
ment, (March  1970),  210. 

(With  W.  E.  Koch.)  "An  Electron  Microscope  Study  of  Palate 
and  Glossopalatine  Fusion  in  Organ  Culture,"  Cleft  Palate  Journal, 
7  Supplement,  (April  1970),  14. 

Review  of  S.  L.  Horowitz  and  E.  H.  Hixon,  The  Nature  of  Or- 
thodontic Diagnosis  (St.  Louis:  The  C.  V.  Mosby  Company,  1966), 
in  Cleft  Palate  Journal,  6  (April  1969),  175-76. 

John  Bright  Sowter 

(With  J.  J.  Gorman  and  H.  Q.  Langenderfer.)  "Orientation, 
Ethics  and  Business  Management, ' ?  Dental  Laboratory  Technology. 
Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1969.  Pp.  209. 

William  D.  Strickland 

"Operative  Dentistry,"  in  The  Dental  Assistant,  eds.,  R.  E. 
Richardson  and  R.  E.  Barton.  New  York:  McGraw-Hill  Book  Com- 
pany, 1970.  Pp.  420-69. 




(With  R.  Oledzka.)  ''Bone  Mineral  Dissolution  in  Vitro:  Effects 
of  Cell  Destruction  Methods, "  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49 
Supplement  (March  1970),  68. 

(With  J.  S.  Hanker  and  L.  E.  Hammarstrom.)  " Anabolic 
Acid  Phosphatase  Isoenzymes,"  Journal  of  Histochemistry  and 
Cytochemistry,  18  (September  1970),  67. 

William  Joseph  Waddell 

(With  S.  Ullberg  and  C.  Marlowe.)  "Localization  of  the  Bi- 
carbonate and  Carbonate  Pools  by  Whole-Body  Autoradiography, ' ' 
Archives  Internationales  de  Physiologie  et  de  Biochemie,  77  (Feb- 
ruary 1969),  1-9. 

(With  C.  Marlowe.)  "A  Hydraulic  Powered  Microtome  in  a 
Commercial  Freezer;  An  Improved  Cryostat  for  Large  Sections." 
Stain  Technology,  44  (March  1969),  81-85. 

(With  C.  Marlowe.)  "Accumulation  of  Cortisone-14C  in  the 
Uterine  Lumen  of  Pregnant  A/JAX  Mice,"  Journal  of  Dental 
Research,  48  Supplement  (March  1969),  169. 

(With  R.  G.  Bates.)  "Intracellular  pH,"  Physiological  Re- 
views, 49  (April  1969),  285-329. 

(With  C.  Marlowe.)  "The  Distribution  of  Teratogenic  Agents 
in  Pregnant  Mice,"  Teratology,  2  (August  1969),  273. 

(With  K.  H.  Palmer,  M.  S.  Fowler,  M.  E.  Wall,  L.  S.  Rhodes, 
and  B.  Baggett.)  "The  Metabolism  of  R  (  +  )  and  RS  Pentobar- 
bital," Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental  Therapeutics, 
170  (December  1969),  355-63.  ~ 

(With  H.  E.  Mayberry,  J.  L.  Van  den  Brande,  and  J.  J.  Van 
Wyk.)  "Autoradiographic  Distribution  of  125I-Labeled  Human 
Growth  Hormone  in  Immature,  Hypophysectomized  Rats,"  The 
Anatomical  Record,  166  (February  1970),  347. 

(With  L.  Hammarstrom  and  J.  S.  Hanker.)  "Enzymatic  Ac- 
tivity in  Ameloblasts  at  Different  Stages  of  Enamel  Formation," 
Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  108. 

(With  E.  P.  Hicks  and  C.  W.  Cooper.)  "Whole-Body  Auto- 
radiography of  the  Distribution  of  125I-Thyrocalcitonin  in  Mice," 
Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  77. 

"Uses  of  Labeled  Compounds;  International  Conference  on 
Radioactive  Isotopes  in  Pharmacology,"  Science,  168  (April  1970), 

Donald  W.  Wareen 

(With  L.  F.  Dynay  and  N.  D.  Fischer.)  "Nasal  Airway  Resis- 



tance  in  Normal  and  Cleft  Palate  Subjects,"  Cleft  Palate  Journal, 
6  (April  1969),  134-40. 

(With  M.  T.  Wood.)  "Respiratory  Volumes  in  Normal  Speech: 
A  Possible  Reason  for  Intraoral  Pressure  Differences  Among  Voiced 
and  Voiceless  Consonants,"  Journal  of  the  Acoustical  Society  of 
America,  45  (February  1969),  466-69. 

(With  D.  J.  Hall  and  D.  P.  Bradley.)  "Intraoral  Pressure  Dif- 
ferences Among-  Voiced  and  Voiceless  Consonants,"  Journal  of 
Dental  Research,  48  Supplement  (March  1969),  135. 

(With  M.  T.  Wood  and  D.  P.  Bradley.)  "Respiratory  Volumes 
in  Normal  and  Cleft  Palate  Speech,"  Cleft  Palate  Journal,  6  (Oc- 
tober 1969),  449-60. 

(With  D.  J.  Hall  and  D.  P.  Bradley.)  "Glottal  Activity  and 
Intraoral  Pressures  During  Stop  Consonant  Productions, ' '  Journal 
of  Dental  Research,  49  Supplement  (March  1970),  225. 

(With  D.  P.  Bradley  and  R.  Williams.)  "Nasal  Airway  Tur- 
bulence in  Normal  and  Cleft  Subjects,"  Journal  of  Dental  Re- 
search, 49  Supplement  (March  1970),  154. 

"Restorative  Treatment  of  the  Dento-Facial  Complex,"  Amer- 
ican Speech  and  Hearing  Association  Reports,  5  (October  1970), 

"William  Phillip  Webstek 

(With  G.  D.  Penick,  E.  E.  Peacock,  P.  Hutchin,  and  C.  F. 
Zukoski.)  "Organ  Transplantation  in  Animal  Hemophilia,"  in 
Hemophilia  and  New  Hemorrhagic  States,  ed.,  Kenneth  M.  Brink- 
hous.  Chapel  Hill :  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1970.  Pp.  97- 

(With  Erie  E.  Peacock,  Jr.,  G.  D.  Penick.  John  W.  Madden, 
and  Peter  Hutchin.)  "Transplantation  of  the  Spleen,"  Transplan- 
tation Proceedings,  1  (March  1969),  239-45. 

(With  H.  R.  Roberts.)  "Dental  Treatment  of  Patients  with 
Hemorrhagic  Disorders,"  Bibliotheca  Haematologica,  34  (1970), 

(With  Campbell  W.  McMillan,  Harold  R.  Roberts,  and  Wil- 
liam B.  Blythe.)  "Continuous  Intravenous  Infusion  of  Factor  VIII 
in  Classic  Hemophilia,"  British  Haematology,  18  (1970),  659-67. 

(With  Charles  F.  Zukoski,  Peter  Hutchin,  and  G.  Penick.) 
"Synthesis  and  Control  of  Antihemophilic  Globulin  (Plasma  Fac- 
tor VIII),"  Surgical  Forum,  21  (1970),  370-71. 

(With  Campbell  W.  McMillan,  Harold  R.  Roberts  and  William 
B.  Blythe.)  "Continuous  Intravenous  Infusion  of  Factor  VIII  in 
Classic  Hemophilia,"  Proceedings  of  39th  Annual  Meeting  of  the 
Society  for  Pediatric  Research  (1969),  158. 



(With  C.  F.  Zukoski  and  P.  Hutchin.)  "  Multivisceral  Control 
of  Factor  VIII,"  Federation  Proceedings,  29  (1970),  624. 

(With  C.  F.  Zukoski,  P.  Hutchin,  and  G.  D.  Penick.)  "Hepatic 
and  Extrahepatic  Synthesis  of  Factor  VIII,"  Proceedings  of  Thir- 
teenth International  Congress  of  Hematology,  Munich,  Germany 
(August  1970),  222. 


The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  school : 

Walter  John  Babula 

A  Comparative  Study  of  Growth  of  the  Nasal  Septum  in  Normal 
and  Bilateral  Cleft  Lip/Palate  Mouse  Fetuses.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Gary  Ray  Smiley.) 

Cyrus  William  Bazemore,  Jr. 

Cephalometric  Comparison  of  the  Be  org,  Jarabak,  and  Tweed 
Orthodontic  Treatment  Results.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Robert  Mellinger  Nelson.) 

John  William  Bradshaw,  Jr. 

A  Comparison  of  Mandibular  Dimensions  in  Class  I  and  Class 
II,  Division  1  Malocclusion.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Lester 


Antonio  Kafael  Busquets,  Jr. 

Comparison  of  Radiation  Resulting  From  Various  Radiographic 
Techniques  Using  Thermoluminescent  Dosimetry.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Theodore  Richard  Oldenburg.) 

Edward  Harvie  Hill 

Development  of  the  Peripheral  Trigeminal  System.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Andrew  Derart  Dixon.) 

James  Dudley  Kaley 

The  Early  Development  of  the  Facial  Suture  System  in  the 
Mouse.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Andrew  Derart  Dixon.) 

James  Charles  Kelly 

Gingival  Recession  Following  Full  Coverage  Preparation.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Duane  Francis  Taylor.) 



Rupert  E.  Kuhne,  Jr. 

A  Comparison  of  the  Oronasal  Region  in  Normal  and  Cleft  Lip 
and  Palate  Neonatal  A/Jax  Mice.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Gary  Eay  Smiley.) 

Frederick  Bland  Lopp 

Observations  on  the  Strength  of  Secondary  Healing  Wounds. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Walter  Thompson  McFall,  Jr.) 

George  Eugene  Lyman 

An  Autoradiographic  Investigation  of  the  Volumes  of  the 
Water  Compartments  and  pH  Values  in  the  Developing  Teeth  of 
Young  Mice.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  William  Joseph  Wad- 

Jorge  Huerta  M. 

Clinical  and  Microbiological  Evaluation  of  the  Oral  Condition 
of  23  Young  Children — A  Pilot  Study  for  Dental  Research  at  the 
Frank  Porter  Graham  Child  Development  Center.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Roy  Lawrence  Lindahl.) 

Frank  Thomas  McIver 

Prediction  of  Unerupted  Tooth  Crown  Width  Employing 
Panoramic  and  Long  Cone  Radiographs.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  William  Frederick  Via,  Jr.) 

George  Ernest  Monasky 

A  Study  of  the  Effect  of  Variations  in  Porcelain  Finishing 
Techniques  on  the  Amount  of  Wear  Produced  on  Opposing  Enamel 
and  Gold.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Duane  Francis  Taylor.) 

James  Boykin  Newman 

Effects  of  Masticatory  Pattern  Alteration  on  Central  Tongue 
Thrusting.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doris  Parker  Bradley.) 

Franklin  D.  Pattishall 

A  Comparison  of  the  Mechanical  Properties  of  Solder  Joints 
Formed  on  Stainless  Steel  and  Green  Elgiloy  Wires  using  Electric 
and  Flame  Soldering  Techniques.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Duane  Francis  Taylor.) 

Thomas  Harmon  Sears,  Jr. 

A  Graphic  and  Histologic  Study  of  Differential  Tooth  Move- 
ment in  the  Dog.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Gordon  Bert  Hel- 



Eoald  John  Sheen 

Development  of  a  Caries  Activity  Profile.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  James  Joseph  Crawford.) 

Frederick  Bowen  Smith 

Connective  Tissue  Keaction  to  a  Porous  Dental  Implant  Ma- 
terial. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Duane  Francis  Taylor.) 

Warren  Kirkland  Smith,  Jr. 

Overbite  Relapse.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Gordon  Bert 

Walter  Pennington  Witherspoon,  Jr. 

A  Cephalometric  Evaluation  of  Correcting  Deep  Anterior  Over- 
bite with  the  Begg  Technique.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Robert 
Mellinger  Nelson.) 

David  Allen  Wool  weaver 

Oral  Leukocytes  and  Periodontal  Disease:  A  Quantitative  and 
Differential  Study.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  James  Joseph 


Clark  McCormack  Rogers 

"Appia's  Theory  of  Acting,"  in  Total  Theatre,  A  Critical  An- 
thology, ed.,  E.  T.  Kirby.  New  York:  E.  P.  Dutton  and  Company, 
1969.  Pp.  20-28. 

"Dalcroze  Eurhythmies,"  The  Southern  Speech  Journal,  35 
(Spring  1970),  225-37. 

Review  of  John  W.  Zorn,  The  Essential  Delsarte  (Metuchen, 
New  Jersey:  The  Scarecrow  Press,  1968),  in  The  Southern  Speech 
Journal,  35  (Fall  1969),  95-96. 

Samuel  Selden 

(Assisting  Walter  Spearman.)  The  Carolina  Playmakers :  The 
First  Fifty  Years.  Chapel  Hill :  The  University  of  North  Carolina 
Press,  1970.  Pp.  ix,  178. 

John  Christopher  Whitty,  Jr. 

1  'Carolina  Playmakers  Golden  Anniversary,"  Southern  Theatre, 
13  (Spring  1969),  11-15. 



'  'The  Half-Price  Riots  of  1763,"  Theatre  Notebook,  24  (Autumn 
1969),  25-32. 

"Memoriam  to  Harry  Ellerbe  Davis,"  Unto  These  Hills  Souve- 
nir Program  (Summer  1969),  2. 


The  following  theses  and  full-length  original  plays  were  completed 
under  the  direction  of  the  department : 

Richard  Alan  Baker 

Harold  Pinter — Research.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Kai 

Douglas  Lee  Barger 

Costumes — Henry  VI,  Part  One.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Tommy  Anthony  Rezzuto,  Jr.) 

Nelson  Roberts  Batson 

Miramar.  An  original  play.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  John 
William  Parker.) 

Chester  Jay  Burton  III 

The  Staging  of  the  Wakefield  Pageants  in  the  Towne  Cycle. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Christopher  Whitty,  Jr.) 

Guilbert  Alfred  Daley 

So  Help  You  God.  An  original  play.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  John  William  Parker.) 

Robert  Rand  Ihle 

The  Jester  Song.  An  original  play.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Thomas  McEvoy  Patterson.) 

John  Crawford  Irvine 

From  Poetic  Stylization  to  Realism:  A  Study  of  T.  S.  Eliot's 
Dramatic  Idiom.  (1968,  under  the  direction  of  Russell  Brigg 

Jim  Gayle  Lewis 

An  Annotated  Calendar  of  the  Augustus  Thomas  Manuscript 
Collection  in  the  University  of  North  Carolina  Library.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Clark  McCormack  Rogers.) 



Nancy  Amanda  Meiggs  Loessin 

The  Association  of  Producing  Artists :  The  First  Five  Years — 
1960-1965.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  William  Parker.) 

Barbara  West  Page 

The  Growing  Season.  An  original  play.  (1969,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Thomas  McEvoy  Patterson.) 

John  B.  Salz 

Toe  Nails  in  the  Grass.  An  original  play.  (1969,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Thomas  McEvoy  Patterson.) 

Hitoshi  Sato 

A  Hundred  Minus  Five.  An  original  play.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Thomas  McEvoy  Patterson.) 

Joseph  Cole  Simmons 

Industrial  Show  Business.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  John 
Christopher  Whitty,  Jr.) 

Bodnal  Hunter  Skaggs 

A  Study  of  Student  Attitudes  in  the  Department  of  Dramatic 
Art  and  the  Department  of  Radio,  Television  and  Motion  Pictures. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Clark  McCormack  Rogers.) 

Grace  Evageline  Tate 

An  Examination  of  Suspense  in  Harold  Pinter's  A  Slight  Ache. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Christopher  Whitty,  Jr.) 

Betty  Atchison  Setzer 

The  Wonderful  Wizard  of  Oz.  An  original  play.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Thomas  McEvoy  Patterson.) 

Jean  Herring  Spearman 

Shakespeare 's  Concept  of  Ideal  Love  as  Exemplified  By  Rosalind 
in  As  You  Like  It.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Kai  Jurgensen.) 

Elizabeth  Thomas  Tanner 

69 Across.  An  original  play.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Thomas  McEvoy  Patterson.) 

Jeannie  White  Van  Hulsteyn 

The  Storm.  An  original  play.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Thomas  McEvoy  Patterson.) 



J oseph  Wayne  Walkee 

The  Egg.  An  original  play.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Kai 

Linda  Colleen  Wright 

Marriage  Relationships  in  William  Inge's  Come  Back  Little 
Sheba  and  Dark  At  The  Top  of  the  Stairs.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Clark  McCormack  Rogers.) 


Sydney  N.  Afriat 

"Regression  and  Projection,"  in  Economic  Models,  Estimation 
and  Bisk  Programming :  Essays  in  Honor  of  Gerhard  Tintner,  eds., 
Karl  A.  Fox,  G.V.L.  Narasmham,  and  Jati  K.  Sengupta.  Berlin: 
Springer- Verlag,  1969.  Pp.  277-301. 

"The  Method  of  Limits  in  the  Theory  of  Index  Numbers," 
Metroeconomica,  21  (April  1969),  141-65. 

"The  Progressive  Support  Method  for  Convex  Programming," 
Journal  of  Numerical  Analysis,  7  (September  1970),  444-57. 

Arthur  Benavie 

"The  Economics  of  the  Maximum  Principle,"  Western  Eco- 
nomic Journal,  8  (December  1970),  426-30. 

(With  F.  J.  Gould.)  "The  Discrete  Maximum  Principle— A 
Correction,"  Western  Economic  Journal,  8  (September  1970), 

Review  of  G.  Natona  and  E.  Mueller,  Consumer  Response  to  In- 
come Increases  (Washington,  D.  C. :  The  Brookings  Institution, 
1968),  in  Journal  of  Finance,  24  (September  1969),  746-48. 

Dudley  Johnstone  Cowden 

(With  F.  E.  Croxton  and  B.  W.  Bolch.)  Practical  Business  Sta- 
tistics, revised.  4th  edition.  Englewood  Cliffs:  Prentice-Hall,  1969. 
Pp.  xvi,  444. 

George  Warren  Douglas 

"Risk  in  the  Equity  Markets:  An  Empirical  Appraisal  of 
Market  Efficiency,"  Yale  Economic  Essays,  9  (Spring  1969),  3-45. 

Alfred  Joseph  Field,  Jr. 

(With  Erik  Thorbecke.)  "Relationships  Between  Agriculture, 
Nonagriculture,  and  Foreign  Trade  in  the  Development  of  Argen- 



tina  and  Peru,"  in  The  Bole  of  Agriculture  in  Economic  Develop- 
ment, ed.,  Erik  Thorbecke.  New  York:  The  National  Bureau  of 
Economic  Research,  1969.  Pp.  165-218. 

Robert  Emil  Gallman 

Managing  Editor,  Southern  Economic  Journal  (to  July  1969). 

Editor,  Journal  of  Economic  History  (from  September  1969). 

"The  Social  Distribution  of  Wealth  in  the  United  States  of 
America,' '  in  Third  International  Conference  of  Economic  History, 
Volume  I.  Paris:  Mouton,  1968.  Pp.  313-34. 

"Trends  in  the  Size  Distribution  of  Wealth  in  the  Nineteenth 
Century :  Some  Speculations, ' '  in  Six  Papers  on  the  Size  Distribu- 
tion of  Wealth  and  Income,  ed.,  L.  Soltow.  Studies  in  Income  and 
Wealth,  Vol.  33.  New  York:  National  Bureau  of  Economic  Re- 
search, 1969.  Pp.  1-30. 

(With  Thomas  J.  Weiss.)  "The  Service  Industries  in  the  Nine- 
teenth Century,' '  in  Production  and  Productivity  in  the  Service 
Industries,  ed.,  V.  R.  Fuchs.  Studies  in  Income  and  Wealth,  Vol.  34. 
New  York:  National  Bureau  of  Economic  Research,  1969.  Pp.  287- 

"  Self-Sufficiency  in  the  Cotton  Economy  of  the  Antebellum 
South,"  Agricultural  History,  44  (January  1970),  5-23.  Published 
simultaneously  in  The  Structure  of  the  Cotton  Economy  of  the 
Antebellum  South,  ed.,  William  N.  Parker.  Washington,  D.  C. :  The 
Agricultural  History  Society,  1970.  Pp.  5-23. 

George  Eobert  Iden 

"Wage  Increases  in  the  Construction  Industry,"  Western  Eco- 
nomic Journal,  8  (December  1970),  30-39. 

"Perspectives  on  Wage  Changes  in  the  Construction  Industry," 
University  of  Akron  Business  Review,  1  (Spring  1970),  431-36. 

David  Theodore  Lapkin 

Money,  Banking  and  the  Nation's  Income.  Austin,  Texas :  Busi- 
ness Publications,  Inc.,  1969.  Pp.  xii,  420. 

Henry  Allen  Latane 

(With  D.  L.  Tuttle.)  Security  Analysis  and  Portfolio  Manage- 
ment. New  York :  The  Ronald  Press,  1970.  Pp.  xiv,  752. 

(With  D.  L.  Tuttle  and  C.  P.  Jones.)  "E/P  Ratios  v.  Changes 
in  Earnings  in  Forecasting  Future  Price  Changes,"  Financial 
Analysts  Journal,  25  (January-February  1969),  1-5. 

"Interest  Rates,  Returns  on  Real  Assets,  and  Returns  on  Fi- 
nancial Assets,"  Southern  Journal  of  Business,  36  (April  1970), 



(With  0.  M.  Joy  and  C.  P.  Jones.)  "  Quarterly  Data,  Sort- 
Bank  Routines,  and  Security  Evaluation, ' '  Journal  of  Business,  43 
(October  1970),  427-38. 

"A  Note  on  Monetary  Policy,  Interest  Bates  and  Income  Ve- 
locity/ '  The  Southern  Economic  Journal,  36  (January  1970),  328- 

(With  W.  E.  Young.)  "Test  of  Portfolio  Building  Rules," 
Journal  of  Finance,  24  (September  1969),  595-612. 

C.  A.  Knox  Lovell 

"Biased  Technical  Change  and  Factor  Shares  in  United  States 
Manufacturing, ' '  Quarterly  Review  of  Economics  and  Business,  IX 
(Autumn  1969),  17-34. 

Review  of  George  R.  Feiwel,  The  Soviet  Quest  for  Economic 
Efficiency  (New  York:  Frederick  A.  Praeger,  1967),  in  Kyklos,  22, 
Fasc.  1  (1969),  175-77. 

Review  of  John  W.  Kendrick,  ed.,  The  Industrial  Composition 
of  Income  and  Product  (New  York:  Columbia  University  Press, 

1968)  ,  in  Kyklos,  23,  Fasc.  2  (1970),  387-89. 

James  L.  Murphy 

"An  Appraisal  of  Repeated  Predictive  Tests  on  an  Econometric 
Model,"  The  Southern  Economic  Journal,  35  (April  1969),  293-307. 

Thomas  James  Orsagh 

"Lohne  in  Deutschland  1871-1913 :  Neuere  Literatur  und  weitere 
Ergebnisse,"  Zeitschrift  fur  die  Gesamte  Staatswissenschaft,  125 
(1969),  476-83. 

(With  P.  J.  Mooney.)  "A  Model  for  the  Dispersion  of  the 
Migrant  Labor  Force  and  Some  Results  for  the  United  States, 
1880-1920/ '  The  Review  of  Economics  and  Statistics,  52  (1970), 

Ralph  William  Pfouts 

'  'Measuring  the  Currents,"  Southern  Journal  of  Business,  4 
(January  1969),  65. 

1 ' Beyond  Full  Employment,"  International  Economic  Review, 
11  (June  1970),  349-65. 

Review  of  Robert  Theobald,  ed.,  Committed  Spending:  A  Route 
to  Economic  Security  (New  York:  Doubleday  &  Co.,  Inc.,  1968),  in 
Monthly  Labor  Review,  92  (January  1969),  85-86. 

Review  of  Laurence  Klein,  ed.,  Growth  and  Change:  A  Journal 
of  Regional  Development  (Lexington:  University  of  Kentucky, 

1969)  ,  in  Monthly  Labor  Review,  93  (August  1970),  89. 



Thomas  Ivan  Ribich 

' 1  Education  and  Poverty/'  in  Educational  Investment  in  an 
Urban  Society:  Costs,  Benefits  and  Public  Policy,  eds.,  M.  R.  Levin 
and  A.  Shank.  New  York:  Columbia  University  Teachers  College 
Press,  1970.  Pp.  172-204. 

" Negative  Income  Taxes  and  Education,"  in  A  Comprehensive 
Analysis  of  the  Issues  for  Research,  Demonstration,  and  Experi- 
mentation in  Income  Maintenance,  ed.,  R.  Hollister.  Volume  2. 
Madison:  The  University  of  Wisconsin  Institute  for  Research  on 
Poverty,  1969.  Pp.  498-525. 

Review  of  Charles  Schultz,  The  Politics  and  Economics  of  Pub- 
lic Spending  (Washington,  D.  C. :  The  Brookings  Institution,  1963), 
in  The  Southern  Economic  Journal,  37  (July  1970),  112-13. 

Charles  Edward  Eichter 

"The  Impact  of  Industrial  Linkages  on  Geographic  Associ- 
ation," Journal  of  Regional  Science,  9  (April  1969),  19-28. 

"Systematic  Relationships  Between  Industrial  Linkages  and 
the  Agglomeration  of  Manufacturing  Industries,"  The  Review  of 
Regional  Studies,  1  (Fall  1970),  37-48. 

Review  of  Walter  D.  Fisher,  Clustering  and  Aggregation  in 
Economics  (Baltimore:  The  Johns  Hopkins  Press,  1969),  in  South- 
ern Economic  Journal,  36  (January  1970),  340-41. 

Robert  P.  Strauss 

Discrimination  against  Negroes  in  the  Labor  Market:  The  Im- 
pact of  Monopoly  Power  on  Negro  Male  Employment  Patterns. 
Institute  for  Research  on  Poverty  Discussion  Papers.  Madison, 
Wisconsin :  Institute  for  Research  on  Poverty,  1970.  Pp.  72. 

Vincent  Joseph  Tarascio 

Managing  Editor,  Southern  Economic  Journal. 

' 1  Paretian  Welfare  Theory :  Some  Neglected  Aspects, ' '  Journal 
of  Political  Economy,  11  (January/February  1969),  1-20. 

1 1  The  Monetary  and  Employment  Theories  of  Vilf redo  Pareto, ' ' 
History  of  Political  Economy,  1  (Spring  1969),  101-22. 

"A  Theoretical  Integration  of  Production  and  Wage  Theory," 
Western  Economic  Journal,  1  (December  1969),  371-78. 

Review  of  Lord  Robbins,  The  Theory  of  Economic  Development 
(New  York:  St.  Martins  Press,  1968),  in  Journal  of  Economic 
Issues,  3  (September  1969),  75-77. 



Roger  Neil  Watjd 

"  Public  Interpretation  of  Federal  Reserve  Discount  Rate 
Changes:  Evidence  on  the  'Announcement  Effect,'  "  Econometrica, 
38  (March  1970),  231-50. 

"The  Demand  for  Real  Money  Balances  and  the  Complete 
Keynesian  System:  A  Graphical  Exposition,"  The  Indian  Eco- 
nomic Journal,  Special  Number  in  Monetary  Economics,  17  (April/ 
June  1970)  ,  438-53. 

"Inflation,  Unemployment,  and  Economic  Welfare,"  American 
Economic  Review,  60  (September  1970),  631-41. 

Douglas  William  Webbink 

' 1  How  Not  to  Measure  the  Value  of  a  Scarce  Resource :  The  Land 
Mobile  Controversy,"  Federal  Communications  Bar  Journal,  23:  3 
(1969),  202-09. 

"The  Impact  of  UHF  Promotion:  The  All-Channel  Television 
Receiver  Law,"  Law  and  Contemporary  Problems,  34  (Summer 
1969),  531-61. 

James  Andrew  Wilde 

Review  of  Tax  Institute,  Federal-State-Local  Fiscal  Relation- 
ships (Princeton:  Tax  Institute,  1968),  in  Journal  of  Finance,  24 
(June  1969),  795-97. 

Review  of  James  M.  Buchanan,  The  Demand  and  Supply  of  Pub- 
lic Goods  (Chicago:  Rand  McNally  and  Company,  1968),  in  South- 
ern Economic  Journal,  35  (April  1969),  384-85. 

Review  of  Selma  J.  Mushkin  and  John  F.  Cotton,  Sharing  Fed- 
eral Funds  for  State  and  Local  Needs:  Grants-in-Aid  and  PPB  Sys- 
tems (New  York:  Frederic  A.  Praeger  Publications,  1969),  in 
Journal  of  Finance,  25  (September  1970),  995-96. 


The  following'  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 

Ralph  James  Charkins 

The  Theory  of  Economic  Integration  in  a  Development  Set- 
ting: East  Africa.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Dennis  Ray  Ap- 
ple yard.) 

William  L.  Hostetler 

Speculation  and  Stability  in  a  System  of  Flexible  Exchange 
Rates.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Dennis  Ray  Appleyard.) 



Thomas  Joseph  Mooke 

Workmen's  Compensation  in  North  Carolina.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Paul.  Newman  Guthrie.) 

Gauri-Vrinda  Govind  Mudholkar 

The  Entrepreneurial  and  Technical  Cadres  of  the  Bombay  Cot- 
ton Textile  Industry  Between  1854  and  1914:  A  Study  of  the  In- 
ternational Transmission  and  Diffusion  of  Techniques.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Kobert  Emil  Gallman.) 

Charles  Chau-Fei  Ou 

Commercial  Banks'  Demand  for  Short-term  Foreign  Assets  and 
the  Monetary  Dependence  of  German  Economy,  1960-67.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  James  Carlton  Ingram.) 

Arnold  H.  Packer 

Adaptive  Modeling  Procedures.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Arthur  Benavie.) 

Julius  Carlyle  Poindexter,  Jr. 

Asset  Shifts  Involving  Currency  and  the  Strength  of  Monetary 
Controls.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Arthur  Benavie.) 

Jess  Eugene  VanDer walker 

The  Supply  and  Demand  for  Publicly  Provided  Goods  and 
Services.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  James  Andrew  Wilde.) 


John  C.  Brantley 

"A  Kepeated  Estimate  Effect  in  Line  Drawing,"  Perceptual 
Motor  Skills,  24  (1969),  1054. 

Richard  H.  Coop 

An  Instructor's  Guide  to  Accompany  McCandless'  Adolescence: 
Behavior  and  Development.  Hinsdale,  Illinois :  The  Dryden  Press, 
1970.  Pp.  135. 

(With  L.  D.  Brown.)  < 1  The  Effects  of  Cognitive  Style  and  Teach- 
ing Method  on  Categories  of  Achievement, ' '  Journal  of  Educational 
Psychology,  61  (October  1970),  400-405. 

("With  M.  D.  Wyne  and  D.  Brookhouse.)  "Information  Process- 
ing in  Young  Educable  Mentally  Ketarded  Children,"  American 
Journal  of  Mental  Deficiency,  75  (November  1970),  371-75. 




' 1  Community  Service  Through  'Great  Decisions,'  "  Junior  Col- 
lege Journal,  40  (1970),  41-44. 

Eoy  E.  Hakkik 

''The  Principal  as  Mediator,"  High  School  Journal,  53  (March 
1970),  333-43. 

R.  Sterling  Hennis,  Jr. 

"Language:  A  New  Emphasis,"  High  School  Journal,  52  (April 
1969),  352-60. 

Samuel  M.  Holton 

Understanding  the  American  Public  High  School.  Boston: 
Allyn  and  Bacon,  Inc.,  1969.  Pp.  505. 

"Education  in  the  Changing  South,"  High  School  Journal,  53 
(October  1970),  41-54. 

William  Willis  Kit  chin 

"Influences  on  Adult  Learning  in  the  Evening  College,"  The 
University  of  North  Carolina  Extension  Bulletin,  49  (1970),  1-79. 

"The  Relevance  of  Some  Recent  Research  in  Sensory  Depriva- 
tion to  Education,"  High  School  Journal,  52  (March  1969),  419-26. 

Bobbie  B.  Lubker 

(With  R.  L.  Webster  and  S.  Schumacher.)  "Changes  in  Stut- 
tering Frequency  as  a  Function  of  Various  Intervals  of  Delayed 
Auditory  Feedback,"  Journal  of  Abnormal  Psychology,  75  (Febru- 
ary 1970),  45-49. 

Marlys  Marie  Mitchell 

"A  Graduate  Level  Practicum:  A  Practical  Model,"  Education 
and  Training  of  the  Mentally  Retarded,  4  (February  1969),  17-19. 

"Special  Education  Clinic:  An  Instructional  Core,"  Education 
and  Training  of  the  Mentally  Retarded,  5  (October  1970),  146-50. 

(With  K.  Cansler.)  "Use  of  Color  Cues  in  Teaching  Reading," 
The  Pointer,  15  (Winter  1970),  18-20. 

(With  G.  Hyatt.)  "Teacher-Pupil  Verbal  Interaction,"  Journal 
for  Special  Educators  of  the  Mentally  Retarded,  7  (Fall  1970), 

Review  of  M.  S.  Karlin  and  R.  Berger,  Successful  Methods  for 
Teaching  the  Slow  Learner  (West  Nyack,  New  York :  Parker  Pub- 
lishing Company,  1969),  in  High  School  Journal,  53  (May  1970), 



Richard  C.  Phillips 

"A  New  Sociology  Course  for  Senior  High  Schools,"  The  Social 
Studies  (March  1969),  125-28. 

"Implications  of  Political  Socialization  Research  for  the  Social 
Studies  Curriculum,"  High  School  Journal,  53  (November  1969), 

David  H.  Reilly 

"School  Psychology,"  High  School  Journal,  53  (March  1969), 

D wight  Carroll  Rhyne 

Editor,  Adult  Education,  A  Journal  of  Research  and  Theory  in 
Adult  Education. 

Hanson  Douglas  Sessoms 

(See  entries  under  Curriculum  in  Recreation  Administration.) 

Gary  B.  Stuck 

(With  M.  Wyne.)  "How  Children  Learn  the  Concept  of  Weight : 
S-R  Training  Versus  Equilibration  Training,"  Science  Education, 
54  (1970),  373-78. 

Review  of  Robert  D.  Strom,  Psychology  for  the  Classroom 
(Englewood  Cliffs:  Prentice-Hall,  1969),  in  High  School  Journal, 
53  (December  1969),  201-2. 

Gerald  Unks 

"What  College  Professors  of  History  Have  to  Say  About  the 
High  School  History  Course,"  Tar  Heel  Social  Studies  Journal, 
17  (Spring  1970),  1-6. 

Barbara  Wasik 

(With  K.  Senn,  R.  N.  Welch,  and  B.  R.  Cooper.)  "Behavior 
Modification  with  Culturally  Deprived  School  Children :  Two  Case 
Studies,"  Journal  of  Applied  Behavioral  Analysis,  2  (1969), 

"The  Effects  of  Fixed  Ratio  and  Contingent  Time  on  Human 
Lever-pressing  Behavior,"  Psychological  Record,  19  (1969),  95-104. 

(With  K.  Senn  and  A.  Epanchin.)  "Sharing  and  Cooperation 
in  Culturally  Deprived  Children, "  Psychonomic  Science,  17  (1969), 

"The  Application  of  Premack's  Generalization  on  Reinforce- 
ment to  the  Management  of  Classroom  Behavior,"  Journal  of  Ex- 
perimental Child  Psychology,  10  (1970),  33-43. 



Eugene  Ray  Watson 

" Encounter  Groups  and  Sensitivity  Training,"  North  Carolina 
Personnel  and  Guidance  Journal,  1  (December  1970),  43-46. 

' ' Group  Communications  and  Developmental  Processes,"  High 
School  Journal,  52  (May  1969),  431-40. 

' '  Interpersonal  Changes  Through  Immediate  Feedback  Ap- 
proaches, ' '  Adult  Education,  A  Journal  of  Research  and  Theory,  19 
(Summer  1969),  251-67. 

Kinnard  Paul  White 

(With  D.  Owen.)  " Locus  of  Evaluation  for  Classroom  Work 
and  the  Development  of  Creative  Potential,"  Psychology  in  the 
Schools,  7  (1970),  292-95. 

(With  J.  Howard.)  "The  Relationship  of  Achievement  Respon- 
sibility to  Instructional  Treatments,"  Journal  of  Experimental 
Education,  39  (1970),  78-82. 

Marvin  D.  Wyne 

(With  P.  Skjei.)  "Counseling  and  Guidance  for  Exceptional 
Pupils:  A  Critical  Review,"  Personnel  and  Guidance  Journal,  48 
(1970),  828-35. 

(With  R.  Coop  and  D.  Brookhouse.)  "Information  Processing 
in  Young  Mildly  Retarded  Children, ' '  American  Journal  of  Mental 
Deficiency,  75  (1970),  371-75. 

(With  G.  Stuck.)  "How  Children  Learn  Concepts  of  Weight: 
S-R  Versus  Equilibration  Training,"  Science  Education,  54  (1970), 


The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  school : 

Harvey  Addison  Allen 

A  Study  of  Social  Factors  Related  to  the  Educational  Achieve- 
ment of  Elementary  School  Students  in  a  Rural  County  in  North 
Carolina.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Samuel  Melanchton  Hol- 

Charles  Alexander  Asbury,  Jr. 

Factors  associated  with  Discrepant  Achievement  in  Rural  Eco- 
nomically Deprived  White  and  Negro  First  Graders.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Roy  Elmer  Sommerfeld.) 



Charlotte  Stumph  Bennett 

Relationship  Between  Selected  Personality  Variables  and  Im- 
provement in  Academic  Achievement  for  Underachieving  Eighth 
Grade  Boys  in  a  Residential  School.  (1969,  nnder  the  direction 
of  William  Decatur  Perry.) 

Elizabeth  Ann  Bordeaux 

Auditory  and  Visual  Readiness  Factors  Related  to  Reading 
Achievement  in  First  Grade  Based  on  Three  Methods  of  Instruction. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Annie  Lee  Jones.) 

Grier  A.  Bradshaw 

Minimum  Standards  for  Accreditation  of  Elementary  Schools  in 
the  Fifty  States.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Donald  Gentry 

Vivian  Mayo  Bundy 

An  Analysis  of  Desegregation  Activities  Carried  Out  Under 
Title  IV  of  the  Civil  Rights  Act  of  1964  in  Eight  Selected  North 
Carolina  Administrative  School  Units,  1960-1968.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Neal  Herred  Tracy.) 

William  Wade  Burley 

An  Investigation  and  Comparison  of  Environmental  Influences 
at  the  University  of  North  Carolina  at  Chapel  Hill  as  Perceived  by 
the  Student  Body,  the  Faculty,  and  Various  Student  Groups. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Luther  Raymond  Taef.) 

David  Stuart  Butts 

A  Psycho-Sociological  Comparison  of  Project  Head  Start  Par- 
ticipating and  Nonparticipating  Culturally  Deprived  and  Non- 
culturally  Deprived  First  Graders  in  Durham,  North  Carolina. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Donald  Gentry  Tarbet.) 

Helen  Louise  Carter 

An  Investigation  of  Two  Methods  of  Short-term  Group  Counsel- 
ing with  White  Preadolescents  Rated  Low  on  Social  Status  by  their 
Peers.  (1970,  under  direction  of  Luther  Raymond  Taff.) 

Richard  G.  Coleman 

An  Operant  Technique  for  Elementary  Classrooms.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  David  H.  Reilly.) 



Benjamin  Fleming  Currin 

A  Survey  and  Comparison  of  the  Views  of  Selected  Groups  on 
Major  Educational  Issues  in  Xorth  Carolina.  (1970.  under  the 
direction  of  Donald  Gentry  Tarbet.) 

Leroy  Joseph  Dare 

A  Study  of  Remedial  Programs  in  Public  Two-Year  Colleges. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Samuel  Melanchton  Holton.) 

Charles  James  Dyer 

A  Model  for  Supplementary  Early  Grade  Assistance  by  Non- 
professionals for  the  Culturally  Disadvantaged  Child.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  David  H.  Reilly.) 

J ohn  Alsa  Eberhart 

An  Investigation  of  Secondary  Teachers'  and  Principals'  Role 
Orientations  and  Their  Expectations  for  the  Principal's  Role  Be- 
havior. (1970.  under  the  direction  of  Xeal  H.  Tracy.) 

Jenny  Eose  Ellis 

Variables  Related  to  the  Identification  of  Underaehievers.  (1969. 
under  the  direction  of  Roy  Elmer  Sommerfeld.) 

Zaher  Erik  Farag 

The  Intra-Organizational  Diffusion  of  an  Innovation:  A  Case 
Study  of  the  Itinerary  of  an  Innovation  Within  a  Public  School 
System.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Neal  Herred  Tracy.) 

Mary  Evelyn  Fortune 

An  Exploratory  Study  of  the  Personal  and  Professional  Char- 
acteristics of  Park  and  Recreation  Educators  in  Colleges  and  Uni- 
versities. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  William  Decatur  Perry.) 

Melville  W.  Fuller,  Jr. 

The  Development  and  Status  of  Science  Centers  and  Museums 
for  Children  in  the  United  States.  (1970.  under  the  direction  of 
Paul  Barryman  Hounshell.) 

Martha  Howell  Gourley 

The  Effects  of  Individual  Counseling.  Group  Guidance,  and 
Verbal  Reinforcement  of  the  Academic  Progress  of  Underaehievers. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Luther  Raymond  Taff.) 



Rufus  R.  Hackney,  Jr. 

The  History  of  the  Dixie  Conference  and  a  Comparative  Study 
of  the  Athletic  Departments  of  the  Member  Institutions.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  William  H.  Peacock.) 

Edwina  E.  Hubert 

The  Development  of  an  Inventory  of  Leisure  Interests.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  William  Decatur  Perry.) 

Ronald  Wesley  Hyatt 

A  Follow  Up  Study  of  High  Potential  Underachieving  Students 
at  the  North  Carolina  Advancement  School  from  1964-1965  to  De- 
termine Their  Academic  Progress  and  Persistance  in  North  Car- 
olina Public  Schools  and  Their  Future  Academic  Aspirations. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  William  H.  Peacock.) 

Frankford  Milam  Johnson 

An  Experiment  in  the  Teaching  of  Programming  Language/ 
One  Using  Computer  Assisted  Instruction.  (1969,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Samuel  Melanchton  Holton.) 

Richard  Hanna  Kherlopian 

Factors  Influencing  Faculty  Attraction  and  Retention  in  North 
Carolina  Community  Colleges.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Paul 
Barryman  Hounshell.) 

William  Willis  Kitchin 

Relationships  of  Autonomy  and  Succorance  to  Adult  Students' 
Preferences,  Satisfactions,  and  Performance  in  University  Evening 
College  Classes.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Eugene  R.  Watson.) 

James  Henry  Knight 

The  Interpersonal  Values  and  Aspiration  Levels  of  Negro  Sen- 
iors in  Totally  Integrated  and  Segregated  Southern  High  Schools. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Luther  Raymond  Taff.) 

Robert  Austin  Lassiter 

The  Growth  of  the  Vocational  Rehabilitation  Program  in  North 
Carolina.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  William  Decatur  Perry.) 

William  Lee  Latham 

The  Relationship  of  Limited  Training  in  the  Use  of  the  Flanders 
System  of  Interaction  Analysis  to  Selected  Factors  in  the  Junior 
Laboratory  Program  at  Western  Carolina  University.  (1969,  under- 
the  direction  of  Luther  Raymond  Taff.) 



Geokge  Smith  McSwain,  Jk. 

A  Study  of  Non-Wage  Benefits  Prescribed  in  the  Written 
Policies  of  Southern  Association  Accredited  Junior  Colleges.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Neal  Herred  Tracy.) 

Jerome  H.  Melton 

An  Investigation  of  the  Influence  of  Environmental  Factors 
in  the  Home  on  School  Achievement  among  Grade  Six  Children. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Neal  Herred  Tracy.) 

Jean  Bellingrath  Mobley 

The  Experimental  Evaluation  of  the  Modern  Approach  as  Op- 
posed to  the  Traditional  in  the  Teaching  of  College  Freshman 
Mathematics  (on  the  Level  of  College  algebra).  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Neal  Herred  Tracy.) 

James  Mack  Morrow,  Jr. 

Satisfaction  with  Choice  of  College  Major:  A  Test  of  Holland's 
Theory  of  Vocational  Choice.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Wil- 
liam Decatur  Perry.) 

Frederick  Otto  Mueller 

An  Epidemiological  Study  Involving  the  Role  of  the  Profes- 
sional Educator  with  Injury  Prevention  in  North  Carolina  High 
School  Athletic  Programs.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Carl  S. 

Boyd  Lee  Newnam 

A  Study  of  the  Personality  of  Male  College  Freshman  Students 
in  Adaptive  Physical  Education.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
William  H.  Peacock.) 

Anne  Spivey  Paschall 

The  Preparation  and  Qualifications  of  Persons  Involved  in  Bead- 
ing Programs  in  the  Public  Elementary  Schools  of  North  Carolina. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Donald  Gentry  Tarbet.) 

Charles  Crawford  Poindexter,  Jr. 

Degrees  and  Dropouts:  A  Profile  of  Student  Characteristics  in 
North  Carolina  Community  Colleges.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Donald  Gentry  Tarbet.) 

James  Milton  Robey 

An  Epidemiologic  Approach  to  the  Study  of  Athletic  Injuries. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Carl  S.  Blyth.) 



Mohammad  Yasin  Saaed 

A  Comparison  of  the  Views  of  Afghan  and  American  Educators 
on  the  Structure  of  the  University.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Samuel  Melanchton  Holton.) 

Ernest  William  Schwaez 

The  Effects  of  a  Movement  Exploration  Program  on  Educa- 
tionally Retarded  Boys  and  Girls  in  Grades  One  Through  Four. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  William  H.  Peacock.) 

Don  Graves  Shane 

The  Use  of  a  Specific  Instructional  Treatment  Method  with 
Young  Educable  Mentally  Retarded  Children.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  David  L.  Lillie.) 

Ira  George  Shapiro 

A  History  of  the  Professionalization  of  Recreation  Administra- 
tion from  1930-1970.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Samuel  Me- 
lanchton Holton.) 

Samuel  Ballou  Skinner 

A  Study  of  the  Effect  of  the  St.  Andrews  Presbyterian  College 
Natural  Science  Course  Upon  Critical  Ability.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Paul  Barryman  Hounshell.) 

Gilbert  Elwood  Smith 

Unit  Achievement  Tests  in  Distributive  Education.  (1969,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Neal  Herred  Tracy.) 

Grover  A.  Smith 

A  Study  of  Attitudes  of  a  Sample  Population  of  Chapel  Hill, 
North  Carolina,  on  Racial  Transition  in  the  Local  Public  Schools, 
Summer  1966.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Samuel  Melanchton 

Daniel  N.  Stallings 

An  Analysis  of  the  Characteristic  Differences  Between  Success- 
ful and  Unsuccessful  Technical  Mathematics  Students.  (1969,  un- 
der the  direction  of  John  Bryant  Chase,  Jr.) 

William  Lamont  Stubbs 

Equity  Theory  and  Its  Application  in  the  Public  Schools  in 
the  Performance  of  an  Academic  Task  of  Short  Duration.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  William  Decatur  Perry.) 




Thai  Elementary  School  Teachers — A  Study  of  Their  Health 
Knowledge  and  Attitudes  Toward  Teaching  of  Health.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Roy  Elmer  Sommerfeld.) 

Allen  Peatt  Wadsworth,  Jr. 

Social  and  Personality  Factors  Associated  with  Drop-out  from 
the  Pastorate.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Luther  Raymond 

Carole  Teplitz  West 

The  Informal  Education  of  Southern  Children  as  Revealed  in 
the  Literature  of  the  Period  1830-1860.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Samuel  Melanchton  Holton.) 

Eobert  Travis  Williams 

An  Analysis  of  the  Supply  and  Demand  of  Workers  for  Se- 
lected Occupations  in  North  Carolina,  1966-1970.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Neal  Herred  Tracy.) 


Carl  S.  Blyth 

(With  D.  H.  Arnold.)  "Thirty-Seventh  Annual  Survey  of  Foot- 
ball Fatalities  1931-1968,"  The  Proceedings  of  the  American  Foot- 
hall  Coaches  Association  (January  1969),  130-46. 

(With  D.  H.  Arnold.)  "Thirty-Eighth  Annual  Survey  of  Foot- 
ball Fatalities  1931-1969,"  The  Proceedings  of  the  American  Foot- 
hall  Coaches  Association  (January  1970),  127-43. 

"Sports  Medicine — The  Matrix,"  The  Academy  Papers,  4 
(October  1970),  31-38. 

Paul  Dunham,  Jr. 

"Effects  of  Serial  Versus  Sequence  Practice  on  Performance 
Level,"  Perceptual  and  Motor  Skills,  29  (March  1969),  554. 

"Specificity  and  Extended  Practice,"  The  Research  Quarterly 
AAHPER,  41:  4  (December  1970),  384-88. 

"Teaching  Motor  Skills  to  the  Mentally  Retarded,"  Exceptional 
Children,  35:  9  (May  1969),  739-44. 



Ronald  Wesley  Hyatt 

" Intramural  Sports  Program  for  Junior  and  Senior  High," 
Coach  and  Athlete  (June  1970),  34. 


The  following  master's  thesis  was  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  Department  of  Physical  Education : 

John  Barry  Haynes 

The  Effects  of  Ability  Grouping  in  Physical  Education  Upon 
Self  Concept.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  William  H.  Peacock.) 


Christopher  Mead  Armitage 

Keview  of  Stanley  Cooperman,  World  War  I  and  the  American 
Novel  (Baltimore:  Johns  Hopkins  Press,  1969),  in  South  Atlantic 
Quarterly,  68  (Winter  1969),  123-24. 

Keview  of  Michael  Thorpe,  Siegfried  Sasson:  A  Critical  Study 
(London:  Oxford  University  Press,  1967),  in  South  Atlantic 
Quarterly,  68  (Winter  1969),  140-41. 

Daphne  Athas 

1  'Daphne  Athas,  an  Interview  with  Leon  Rooke,"  Anvil,  2 
(March  29,  1969),  2,  6. 

"The  Hitchhiker,"  Carolina  Quarterly,  21  (Spring  1969),  42-55. 

"Ode  to  Vivien  Leigh,"  The  South  Carolina  Review,  2  (May 
1970),  70. 

Laurence  Green  Avery 

A  Catalogue  of  the  Maxwell  Anderson  Collection.  Austin :  Uni- 
versity of  Texas  Press,  1969.  Pp.  vi,  175. 

"Addenda  to  the  Maxwell  Anderson  Bibliography:  The  Mea- 
sure/1 Papers  of  the  Bibliographical  Society  of  America,  63  (First 
Quarter,  1969),  31-36. 

"Maxwell  Anderson  and  Both  Your  Houses,"  North  Dakota 
Quarterly,  38  (Winter  1970),  5-24. 

James  Osler  Bailey 

The  Poetry  of  Thomas  Hardy:  A  Handbook  and  Commentary. 
Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1970.  Pp.  xxviii, 



"  Heredity  as  Villain  in  the  Poetry  and  Fiction  of  Thomas 
Hardy,"  The  Thomas  Hardy  Yearbook  (Mount  Durad,  St.  Peter 
Port,  Guernsey,  C.  L,  1970),  9-19. 

Review  of  H.  C.  Webster,  After  the  Trauma:  'Representative 
British  Novels  Since  1920  (Lexington:  University  of  Kentucky 
Press,  1970),  in  English  Literature  in  Transition,  13:  4  (1970), 

Doris  Betts 

"The  Glory  of  His  Nostrils,"  Appalachian  Harvest,  1  (Spring 
1970),  40-55. 

"Necromancer,"  Longview  Journal  (December  1970),  135-50. 
"Still  Life  with  Fruit,"  Bed  Clay  Reader,  7  (1970  Annual 
Issue),  4-11. 

"Arlington  Program,"  Prairie  Press  Books  (Winter  1970),  8. 

"A  Classic  Case,"  United  Poets  (Winter  1970),  16. 

"Put  Them  All  Together,  They  Spell  Mother,"  Greensboro  Re- 
view,  4  (Winter  1969),  4-20. 

"The  Bald  Pigeon,"  Carolina  Quarterly,  21  (Winter  1969), 

"Burning  the  Bed,"  The  South  Carolina  Review,  1  (May  1969), 

"The  Ugliest  Pilgrim,"  Red  Clay  Reader,  6  (November  1969). 

Joseph  Leo  Blotter 

"  'Ivy  Day  in  the  Committee  Room':  Death  Without  Resurrec- 
tion," in  James  Joyce's  Dubliners:  A  Critical  Handbook,  eds., 
James  R.  Baker  and  Thomas  F.  Staley.  Belmont,  California :  Wads- 
worth  Publishing  Company,  1969.  Pp.  139-46. 

"William  Faulkner,  Committee  Chairman,"  in  Themes  and 
Directions  in  American  Literature:  Essays  in  Honor  of  Leon  How- 
ard, eds.,  Ray  B.  Browne  and  Donald  Pizer.  Lafayette,  Indiana: 
Purdue  University  Studies,  1969.  Pp.  200-19. 

Review  of  William  Faulkner,  A  Fable  (New  York:  Random 
House,  1954),  in  New  York  Times  Book  Review  (May  25,  1969), 
2  ff. 

John  Christopher  Brookhouse 

Scattered  Light.  Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North  Carolina 
Press,  1970.  Pp.  65. 

"Imagery  and  Theme  in  Launcelot,"  in  Edwin  Arlington  Rob- 
inson Centenary  Essays,  ed.,  Elksworth  Barnard.  Athens:  Uni- 
versity of  Georgia  Press,  1969.  Pp.  120-29. 



Georgia  B.  Christopher 

"Homeopathic  Physic  and  Natural  Renovation  in  Samson 
Agonist  es,"  English  Literary  History,  37  (1970),  361-73. 

James  Ashton  Devereux,  S.  J. 

"The  Object  of  Love  in  Ficino's  Philosophy,"  Journal  of  the 
History  of  Ideas,  30  (1969),  161-70. 

"The  Collects  of  the  First  Book  of  Common  Prayer  as  Works 
of  Translation,"  Studies  in  Philology,  66  (1969),  719-38. 

Dennis  George  Donovan 

Editor,  Renaissance  Bibliography  for  1968,  Studies  in  Philology, 
64  (May  1969),  225-569. 

Editor,  Renaissance  Papers  1970. 
Assistant  editor,  Renaissance  Papers  1969. 

Andrew  Marvell,  1927-1968:  A  Checklist.  Elizabethan  Bibliog- 
raphies Supprement,  12.  London:  Nether  Press,  1969.  Pp.  60. 

John  Evelyn  1920-1968:  Samuel  Pepys  1933-1968:  A  Checklist. 
Elizabethan  Bibliographies,  18.  London :  Nether  Press,  1970.  Pp.  64. 

Norman  Ellsworth  Eliason 

"Deor — A  Beggin  Poem?"  in  Medieval  Literature  and  Civiliza- 
tion, eds.,  D.  A.  Pearsall  and  R.  A.  Waldron.  London :  The  Athlone 
Press,  1969.  Pp.  55-61. 

"The  Arrival  at  Heorot,"  in  Studies  in  Language,  Literature 
and  Culture  of  the  Middle  Ages  and  Later,  eds.,  E.  B.  Atwood  and 
A  A.  Hill.  Austin:  University  of  Texas  Press,  1969.  Pp.  235-42. 

Review  of  Robert  D.  Stevick,  Supraseg mentals,  Meter,  and  the 
Manuscript  of  Beowulf  (The  Hague,  Mouton,  1968),  in  Speculum, 
45  (January  1970),  175-78. 

Review  of  John  C.  Pope,  Homilies  of  AElfric,  A  Supplemen- 
tary Collection,  II  (London:  Oxford  University  Press,  1968),  in 
Speculum,  45  (January  1970),  157. 

Review  of  Edward  B.  Irving,  Jr.,  A  Reading  of  Beowulf  (New 
Haven:  Yale  University  Press,  1968),  in  Modern  Philology,  67 
(August  1969),  80-81. 

Review  of  A.  Cambell,  ed.,  AEthelwulf :  Be  Abbatibus  (Oxford: 
Clarendon  Press,  1967),  in  Modern  Language  Review,  64  (April 
1969),  381-83. 

Joseph  Martin  Flora 

William  Ernest  Henley.  New  York:  Twayne  Publisher,  Inc., 
1970.  Pp.  171. 



"The  Structure  of  The  Silver  Stallion,"  Kalki:  Studies  in 
Branch  Cabell,  4  (1970),  38-41. 

"Vardis  Fisher  and  James  Branch  Cabell:  A  Postscript,"  The 
Cabellian,  3  (Autumn  1970),  7-9. 

"Vardis  Fisher  and  Wallace  Stegner :  Teacher  and  Student," 
Western  American  Literature,  5  (Summer  1970),  121-28. 

"Index,"  American  Literary  Scholarship:  An  Annual  1968, 
ed.,  J.  Albert  Robbins.  Durham :  Duke  University  Press,  1970.  Pp. 

"Index,"  Fifteen  Modern  American  Authors,  ed.,  Jackson  E. 
Bryer.  Durham:  Duke  University  Press,  1969.  Pp.  463-93. 

"Index,"  American  Literary  Scholarship:  An  Annual  1967. 
Durham:  Duke  University  Press,  1969.  Pp.  311-29. 

"Vardis  Fisher  and  the  Mormons,"  Dialogue:  A  Journal  of 
Mormon  Thought,  4  (Autumn  1969),  48-55. 

"Hemingway's  'Up  in  Michigan,'  "  Studies  in  Short  Fiction,  6 
(Summer  1969),  465-66. 

"Vardis  Fisher  and  James  Branch  Cabell:  An  Essay  on  In- 
fluence and  Reputation,"  The  Cabellian,  2  (Fall  1969),  12-16. 

Review  of  Helmut  Gerber,  ed.,  The  English  Short  Story  in 
Transition,  1880-1920  (New  York:  Western  Publishing  Company, 
1967),  in  Studies  in  Short  Fiction,  6  (Spring  1969),  352-53. 

Review  of  Roland  Starke,  Something  Soft  (New  York:  Double- 
day  and  Company,  1966),  in  Studies  in  Short  Fiction,  7  (Summer 
1970),  484-86. 

Richard  Haeter  Fogle 

The  Imagery  of  Keats  and  Shelley.  Chapel  Hill:  University  of 
North  Carolina  Press,  1969.  Pp.  x,  296. 

Haivthorne's  Imagery.  Norman:  University  of  Oklahoma  Press, 
1969.  Pp.  xv,  178. 

"Literary  History  Romanticized,"  New  Literary  History,  1:  2 
(Winter  1970),  237-47. 

"Limericks  in  American  Literature,"  Laurel  Review,  10  (Fall 
1970),  46-47. 

"Keats'  'Ode  to  a  Nightingale.'  "  in  Englische  Lyrik  von 
Shakespeare  bis  Dylan  Thomas,  ed.,  Willi  Herzgraber.  Darmstadt : 
Wissenschaftliche  Buchgesellschaft,  1969.  Pp.  277-93. 

"Nathaniel  Hawthorne:  The  House  of  the  Seven  Gables,"  in 
Landmarks  of  American  Writings,  ed.,  Hennig  Cohan.  New  York 
and  London:  Basic  Books,  Inc.,  1969.  Pp.  111-20. 

"Beauty  and  Truth:  John  Middleton  Murry  on  Keats,"  D.  H. 
Lawrence  Review,  2  (1969),  68-75. 



"Hawthorne's  Pictorial  Unity,"  Emerson  Society  Quarterly 
(Summer  1969),  71-76. 

1 1  The  Light  and  the  Dark, ' '  The  Recognition  of  Nathaniel  Haw- 
thorne, ed.,  B.  B.  Cohen.  Ann  Arbor:  University  of  Michigan 
Press,  1969.  Pp.  211-18. 

Eeview  of  K.  N.  Cameron,  ed.,  The  Shelley  Circle,  Volumes  3 
and  4  (Cambridge:  Harvard  University  Press),  in  Virginia  Quar- 
terly Review,  46  (Summer  1970),  525-28. 

Review  of  Donald  Reiman,  Percy  Bysshe  Shelley  (New  York: 
Twayne  Publishers,  1969),  in  South  Atlantic  Quarterly,  69  (Au- 
tumn 1970),  548-49. 

Review  of  John  F.  Lynen,  The  Design  of  the  Present  (New 
Haven:  Yale  University  Press,  1969)  and  Joel  Porte,  The  Romance 
in  America  (Middletown,  Connecticut:  Wesleyan  University  Press, 
1969),  in  Nineteenth  Century  Fiction,  25  (June  1970),  109-10, 

Review  of  Albert  Gerard,  English  Romantic  Poetry  (Berkeley 
and  Los  Angeles:  University  of  California  Press,  1968),  in  Keats- 
Shelley  Journal,  18  (1969),  111-12. 

Robert  Louis  Haig 

Review  of  Charles  Child  Walcutt,  Man's  Changing  Mask: 
Modes  and  Methods  of  Characterization  in  Fiction  (Minneapolis: 
University  of  Minnesota  Press,  1966),  in  Modern  Philology,  65 
(February  1968-69),  279-80. 

Review  of  Solomon  Lutnick,  The  American  Revolution  and  the 
British  Press,  1775-1783,  in  William  and  Mary  Quarterly,  26 
(1969),  305-6. 

William  Ruth  Harmon 

Treasury  Holiday.  Middletown,  Connecticut:  Wesleyan  Uni- 
versity Press,  1970. 

"from  William  Tecumseh  Sherman"  and  "Lady,"  Red  Clay 
Reader,  6  (1969),  61,  68-78. 

"The  Intussusception  of  Miss  Mary  America,"  Kayak,  18 
(Spring  1969),  20-28. 

"Four  Poems,"  Carolina  Quarterly,  22  (Fall  1970),  35-40. 

"The  Thresher,"  Hiram  Poetry  Review,  6  (Spring  1969),  10. 

"Being  Stung  by  a  Bee,"  Southern  Poetry  Review,  9  (Spring 
1969),  18-19. 

"Junkfish  by  the  Millions,"  Kayak,  22  (Spring  1970),  34-35. 
"Contemporary  Politics  Blues,"  Kayak,  24  (Autumn  1970),  64. 
"The  House  in  the  River  Valley, "  Folio,  6  (Summer  1970),  8. 



C.  Carroll  Hollis 

"The  Oratorical  Stance  and  Whitman's  Early  Poetry,"  Papers 
on  Walt  Whitman.  University  of  Tulsa  Monograph  Series,  1970. 
Pp.  56-79. 

C.  Hugh  Holman 

Co-editor,  The  Southern  Literary  Journal. 
Co-editor,  Southern  Literary  Classics. 

(With  Walter  Sullivan  and  Louis  D.  Rubin,  Jr.)  Southern  Fic- 
tion Today:  Renascence  and  Beyond,  ed.,  G.  C.  Core.  Athens, 
Georgia:  University  of  Georgia  Press,  1969.  Pp.  16-32. 

"Agrarian  Dream  and  Industrial  Nightmare,"  in  American 
Dreams,  American  Nightmares,  ed.,  David  Madden.  Carbondale: 
Southern  Illinois  University  Press,  1970.  Pp.  149-57. 

"Steinbeck,  John  (Ernst),"  The  Americana  Annual  (1969), 

"General  Works  on  Southern  Literature,"  "William  Crafts," 
"William  Gilmore  Simms,"  in  A  Bibliographical  Guide  to  the 
Study  of  Southern  American  Literature,  ed.,  Louis  Rubin,  Jr. 
Baton  Rouge :  Louisiana  State  University  Press,  1969.  Pp.  11-17, 
182,  284-88. 

"Thomas  Wolfe,"  in  Fifteen  Modern  American  Authors:  A 
Survey  of  Research  and  Criticism,  ed.,  J.  R.  Bryer.  Durham :  Duke 
University  Press,  1969.  Pp.  425-56. 

' '  Characterization, "  "  Classicism, "  "  Comedy, "  "  Conceit, 1 ' 
"Literary  Criticism,"  "William  Faulkner,"  The  Encyclopedia 
Americana,  1969.  Volume  VI,  291-292;  VII,  23-24;  VII,  263;  VII, 
497;  VIII,  221-223;  XI,  62-63 

Arthur  Palmer  Hudson 

Review  of  Thomas  G.  Burton  and  Ambrose  N.  Manning,  eds., 
The  East  Tennessee  State  University  Collection  of  Folklore:  Folk- 
song  II  (Johnson  City,  Tennessee,  1969),  in  North  Carolina  Folk- 
lore, 17  (November  1969),  67-68. 

Review  of  Herbert  Shellans,  ed.,  Folk  Songs  of  the  Blue  Ridge 
Mountains,  in  North  Carolina  Folklore,  17  (November  1969),  68-69. 

Blyden  Jackson 

"The  Negro's  Negro  in  Negro  Literature,"  in  Black  Literature 
in  America:  A  Casebook,  eds.,  Peter  Fellowes  and  Ramon  K.  Singh. 
New  York:  Thomas  Y.  Crowell,  1970.  Pp.  299-308. 

"A  Word  about  Simple,"  in  Five  Black  Writers,  ed.,  Donald 
Gibson.  New  York :  New  York  University  Press. 



Wallace  V.  Kaufman 

("With  Jessie  Bheder.)  The  Act  of  Writing.  New  York:  Odyssey 
Press,  1969.  Pp.  xvii,  333. 

"  A  Road  She  Didn't  Know,"  in  A  Duke  Miscellany,  ed.,  William 
Blackburn.  Durham:  Duke  University  Press,  1970. 

"Balance  of  Power,"  Abraxas,  2:  2  (June  1970),  14. 

"Fire,"  and  "Mid-Ocean  Dark,"  Southern  Review  (Autumn 
1970),  1144-45. 

"Second  Father,"  and  "Song  of  Growing  Up  in  Queens,  N.Y.," 
Southern  Poetry  Review  (Spring  1970),  25-26. 

"Song  of  Growing  Up  in  Queens,  N.Y.,"  The  Nation  (April  13, 
1970),  443. 

"Mid-Ocean  Dark,"  in  A  Duke  Miscellany,  ed.,  William  Black- 
burn. Durham :  Duke  University  Press,  1970.  P.  93. 

"1944,"  "Ashes,"  "Sleep,"  "Leukemia,  Age  3,"  "From  Wind 
and  Storm,"  Agenda  (Spring  1969),  16-22. 

Edwaed  Donald  Kennedy 

"Malory's  Use  of  Hardyng's  Chronicle,"  Notes  and  Queries,  16 
(1969),  167-70. 

"Arthur's  Rescue  in  Malory  and  the  Spanish  'Tristan,'  "  Notes 
and  Queries,  17  (1970),  6-10. 

"Malory  and  the  Marriage  of  Edward  IV,"  Texas  Studies  in 
Literature  and  Language,  12  (1970),  155-62. 

James  Kimball  King 

Editor,  In  Ole  Virginia.  Southern  Literary  Classics  Series. 
Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1969.  Pp.  ix-xxxvi, 

Editor,  Southern  Atlantic  States,  American  Literary  Manu- 
scripts Project,  Modern  Language  Association. 

"Modern  Southern  Drama"  and  "Thomas  Nelson  Page,"  in 
Bibliography  of  Southern  Literature,  ed.,  Louis  D.  Rubin,  Jr.  Baton 
Rouge :  Louisiana  State  University  Press,  1970.  Pp.  633-987 ;  100- 

"Recent  Articles  in  American  Literature"  and  "Research  in 
Progress,"  American  Literature,  41  (January  1970),  42  (March 
1970),  42  (May  1970),  42  (November  1970),  630-39;  125-237; 
278-87 ;  445-55. 

Lewis  Leaey 

Editor,  Articles  on  American  Literature,  1950-1968.  Durham: 
Duke  University  Press,  1970.  Pp.  xxii,  751. 



Editor,  The  Awakening  and  Other  Stories  by  Kate  Chopin. 
New  York:  Holt,  Rinehart  and  Winston,  1970. 

Editor,  The  Autobiography  of  Benjamin  Franklin.  New  York: 
Collier  Books,  1969. 

Editor,  Motive  and  Method  in  the  Cantos  of  Ezra  Pound.  3rd 
edition.  New  York:  Columbia  University  Press,  1969.  Pp.  123. 

Mark  Twain's  Correspondence  with  Henry  Huttleston  Rogers, 
1893-1909.  Berkeley  and  Los  Angeles :  University  of  California 
Press,  1969. 

"  Preface"  to  Anthology  of  New  Netherland,  ed.,  Henry  C. 
Murphy.  New  York:  Garrett  Press,  Inc.,  1970.  Pp.  iii-iv. 

"Foreword"  to  American  Short  Fiction:  Readings  and  Criti- 
cism, eds.,  James  K.  Bowen  and  Richard  Van  De  Beets.  Indian- 
apolis and  New  York:  Bobbs-Merrill,  1970.  P.  iii. 

"Foreword"  to  Hanker  chief  s  from  Paul,  ed.,  Kenneth  B.  Mur- 
doch New  York:  The  Garrett  Press,  Inc.,  1970.  Pp.  3-4. 

"Foreword"  to  The  Literary  Remains  of  Joseph  Brown  Ladd. 
New  York:  The  Garrett  Press.  Inc.,  1970.  Pp.  3-14. 

"The  First  Published  Poem  of  Thomas  Paine  of  Boston:  A 
Note  on  the  Generation  Gap  in  1786,"  New  England  Quarterly,  43 
(March  1970),  130-35. 

"More  on  the  Quaker  City,"  American  Literature,  42  (May 
1970),  197-203. 

"Mark  Twain  Among  the  Malefactors,"  in  Sense  and  Sensibility 
in  Twentieth-Century  Writings,  ed..  Brom  Weber.  Carbondale  and 
Edwardsville :  Southern  Illinois  University  Press,  1970.  Pp.  109-17. 

"Washington  Irving."  in  Six  Classic  American  Authors,  ed., 
Sherman  Paul.  Minneapolis:  University  of  Minnesota  Press,  1970. 
Pp.  47-92. 

"Samuel  Low:  New  York's  First  Poet,"  Bulletin  of  the  New 
York  Public  Library,  74  (September  1970),  468-80. 

"Pound- Wise,  Penny  Foolish:  Correspondence  on  Getting  To- 
gether a  Volume  of  Criticism,"  St.  Andrews  Review,  1  (Fall-Win- 
ter 1970),  5-10. 

"Kate  Chopin.  Liberationism?"  Southern  Literary  Journal,  3 
(Fall  1970),  138-44. 

"Kate  Chopin  and  Walt  Whitman,"  Walt  Whitman  Review. 
16  (December  1970),  120-23. 

"Rhapsody  for  Two,'-'  The  Little  Magazine,  4  (Spring  1970),  23. 

"On  a  Half -Acre  in  North  Carolina,"  The  Thoreau  Journal,  2 
(July  15,  1970),  16. 

"For  Wallace  Stevens,"  The  Little  Magazine,  4  (Fall  1970),  19. 

"Sherwood  Anderson:  The  Man  Who  Became  a  Boy  Again," 



Literature  Und  Sprache  der  Yereinigten  Stoat  en.  Heidelberg:  Carl 
Winter,  Universitatsverlag,  1969.  Pp.  135-43. 

"Introduction"  to  Apollo  Handbook  of  Faulkner  by  Dorothy 
Tuck.  New  York:  Thomas  Y.  Crowell  Company,  1969.  Pp.  vii-xx. 

"Introduction,"  to  Poems  on  Several  Occasions  by  Nathaniel 
Evans.  New  York:  Garrett  Press,  1970.  Pp.  vii-xiv. 

Eeview  of  William  Gilmore  Simms.  Centennial  Edition,  Volume 
I,  Voltmeier:  or  The  Mountain  Men  (Columbia  University  of  South 
Carolina  Press,  1969),  in  American  Literature,  42  (March  1970), 

Eeview  of  P.  W.  Stallman,  Stephen  Crane:  A  Biography  (New 
York:  George  Braziller,  1968),  in  Sewanee  Review,  76  (Spring 

1969)  ,  294-300. 

Review  of  Carlos  Baker,  Ernest  Hemingway:  A  Life  Story  (New 
York:  Chester  Scribers,  1969),  in  South  Atlantic  Quarterly,  68 
(Autumn  1969),  556-58. 

Geokge  Stephan  Lensing,  Jr. 

"Wallace  Stevens'  Letters  of  Rock  and  Water,"  in  Essays  in 
Honor  of  Esmond  Linworth  Marilla,  eds.,  Thomas  A.  Kirby  and 
John  Olive.  Baton  Rouge :  Louisiana  State  University  Press,  1970. 
Pp.  320-30. 

"The  Consistency  of  Robert  Lowell,"  Southern  Review  (Win- 
ter 1971),  338-44. 

"  'Mere  Facts'  and  the  Biography  of  Wallace  Stevens,"  The 
Stevens  Newsletter  (October  1970),  17-18. 

"  'Memorias  of  West  Street  and  Lepke':  Robert  Lowell's  As- 
sociative Mirror,"  Concerning  Poetry,  (Fall  1970),  23-26. 

Review  of  James  Dickey,  The  Eye-Beaters,  Blood,  Victory,  Mad- 
ness, Buckhead  and  Mercy  (New  York:  Doubleday,  1970),  in  Car- 
olina Quarterly,  (Spring  1970),  90-91. 

Charles  Townsend  Ludin-gton",  Jr. 

"Protest  and  Anti-protest:  Ralph  Ellison,"  Southern  Hu- 
manities Review,  4  (Winter  1970),  31-39. 

Review  of  Richard  Weiss,  The  American  Myth  of  Success  (New 
York:  Basic  Books,  1969),  in  American  Quarterly,  22  (Summer 

1970)  ,  325. 

Review  of  James  Burkhart  Gilbert,  Writers  and  Partisans:  A 
History  of  Literary  Radicalism  in  America  (New  York:  John  Wiley 
and  Sons,  1968),  in  American  Quarterly,  21  (Summer  1969),  370-71. 

Clifford  Pierson  Lyons 

"Shakespeare's  Plays:  'devis'd  and  play'd  to  take  spectators' — 



Some  Critical  Implications,"  in  Renaissance  Meeting  in  the  South- 
eastern States,  Renaissance  Papers  1968  (1969),  55-63. 

Review  of  Robert  H.  West,  Shakespeare  and  the  Outer  Mystery 
(Lexington:  University  of  Kentucky  Press,  1968),  in  South  At- 
lantic Bulletin,  35  (March  1970),  59-62. 

William  Ashley  McQueen 

Editor,  The  Latin  Poetry  of  Andrew  Marvel.  Reprint.  New 
York:  The  Johnson  Reprint  Corporation,  Inc.,  1969.  Pp.  89. 

"  'The  Hateful  Siege  of  Contraries':  Satan's  Interior  Mono- 
logues in  Paradise  Lost,"  Milton  Quarterly,  4  (December  1970), 

Review  of  John  M.  Wallace,  Destiny  His  Choice:  The  Loyalism 
of  Andrew  Marvell  (Cambridge:  Cambridge  University  Press, 
1968),  in  Journal  of  English  and  Germanic  Philology,  68  (1969), 

Jerry  Leath  Mills 

Associate  editor,  Studies  in  Philology. 

Contributing  editor,  The  Spenser  Newsletter. 

"Satan  as  Cormorant,  Paradise  Lost,  IV,  No.  196,"  Notes  and 
Queries,  New  Series  17  (November  1970),  414-15. 

"Symbolic  Tapestry  in  The  Faerie  Queen,  II.  ix.  33,"  Philolog- 
ical Quarterly,  49  (October  1970),  568-69. 

Review  of  F.  P.  Wilson  and  G.  K.  Hunter,  The  English  Drama, 
1485-1585  (New  York  and  Oxford:  Oxford  University  Press,  1969), 
in  South  Atlantic  Quarterly,  68  (1969),  441-42. 

Eonald  Wesson  Moran 

(With  Vasa  D.  Mihailovich.)  Translator  of  sixty-four  poems  by 
various  hands  in  The  Bridge:  Postwar  Croatian  Poetry,  19/20. 
Zagreb,  Yugoslavia,  1970. 

"Lorraine  and  the  Sirens:  Courtesans  in  Two  Poems  by  E.  A. 
Robinson,"  in  Essays  in  Honor  of  Esmond  Linworth  Marilla,  eds., 
Thomas  Austin  Kirby  and  William  John  Olive.  Baton  Rouge: 
Louisiana  State  University,  1970.  Pp.  312-19. 

"The  Jacket,"  Southern  Poetry  Review,  10  (Spring  1970),  38. 

"  'Walt  Whitman  at  Bear  Mountain'  and  the  American  Il- 
lusion," Concerning  Poetry,  2  (Spring  1969),  5-9. 

"The  Octaves  of  E.  A.  Robinson,"  Colby  Library  Quarterly,  7 
(September  1969),  363-70. 

"The  Octaves  of  E.  A.  Robinson,"  in  Appreciation  of  Edwin 



Arlington  Robinson,  ed.,  Bichard  Cary.  Waterville,  Maine :  Colby 
College  Press,  1969.  Pp.  315-21. 

" Taking  Leave,"  Laurel  Review,  9  (Spring  1969),  19. 

"Shift  of  Person,  The  Grammar  of  Disavowal,"  The  Carolina 
Quarterly,  21  (Winter  1969),  25. 

"The  Fine  Art,"  Discourse,  12  (Spring  1969),  57. 

"The  Customer's  Story,"  The  South  Carolina  Review,  1  (May 
1969),  47. 

"The  Tips  of  Her  Fingers  Were  Dark  with  Print,"  The  North 
American  Review,  254  (Summer  1969),  21. 

"The  Pickerel,"  The  Arlington  Quarterly,  2  (Summer  1969), 

Daniel  Watkins  Patterson 

"  'Bearing  for  the  Dead':  A  Shaker  Belief  and  Its  Impress  on 
the  Shaker  Spiritual,"  The  Shaker  Quarterly,  8  (1968-69),  116-28. 

"Folklore,"  in  A  Bibliographical  Guide  to  the  Study  of  South- 
ern Literature,  ed.,  Louis  D.  Rubin.  Baton  Rouge :  Louisiana  State 
University  Press,  1969.  Pp.  102-18. 

Review  of  Sandy  Paton  and  Lee  B.  Haggerty,  The  Traditional 
Music  of  Beech  Mountain,  North  Carolina,  Vol.  1,  The  Older  Bal- 
lads and  Sacred  Songs,  Vol.  2,  The  Later  Songs  and  Hymns  in 
Ethnomusicology,  13  (May  1969),  413. 

Julius  Eowan  Raper  III 

"Winter  Wrappings,"  South  Carolina  Review,  1  (November 
1969),  38-48. 

Forrest  Eead 

Editor,  Pound/ Joyce:  The  Letters  of  Ezra  Pound  and  James 
Joyce,  with  Pound's  Essays  on  Joyce.  London:  Faber  and  Faber. 
Ltd.,  1969.  Pp.  314. 

"Pound,  Joyce  und  Flaubert — Nacfaren  des  Odysseus,"  Ak- 
zente,  (June  1970),  266-86. 

"  '76:  The  Cantos  of  Ezra  Pound,"  St.  Andrews  Review,  (Oc- 
tober 1970),  11-16. 

"Pound,  Joyce  and  Flaubert:  The  Odysseans,"  in  New  Ap- 
proaches to  Ezra  Pound,  ed.,  Eva  Hesse.  London :  Faber  and  Faber, 
Ltd.  and  UCLA  Press,  1969.  Pp.  125-44. 

"  'Stoncamente  Joyce'  (1930:  Ezra  Pound's  First  Italian  Es- 
say," "Historically  Joyce  (and  Censorship),"  translated,  Tri- 
Quarterly,  15,  (Spring  1969),  100-107,  108-14. 



Mark  Lafayette  Eeed 

" Blake,  Wordsworth,  Lamb,  Etc.:  Further  Information  from 
Henry  Crabb  Robinson,"  Blake  Newsletter,  3:  4  (May  1970),  76- 

"Wordsworth's  Contacts  with  America,"  in  William  Words- 
ivorth  1770-1970.  Dove  Cottage  Trustees,  1970.  Pp.  32-36. 

Review  of  J.  A.  W.  Hefferman,  Wordsworth's  Theory  of  Poetry. 
The  Transforming  Imagination  (Ithaca:  Cornell  University  Press, 
1969),  in  Western  Humanities  Review,  24:  4  (Autumn  1970), 

Review  of  Jonathan  Wordsworth,  The  Music  of  Humanity 
(London:  Thomas  Nelson  and  Sons,  1969),  in  Journal  of  English 
and  Germanic  Philology,  69  :  3  (July  1970),  528-33. 

Louis  Decimus  Rubin,  Jr. 

Co-editor,  Southern  Literary  Journal. 
Editor,  A  Biographical  Guide  to  the  Study  of  Southern  Lit- 
erature. Baton  Rouge:  Louisiana  State  University  Press,  1969. 
Pp.  368. 

Editor,  The  Yemassee  Lands:  Poems  of  Beatrice  Ravenel. 
Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1969.  Pp.  101. 

Editor,  The  Experience  of  America:  A  Book  of  Readings.  New 
York:  Macmillan,  1969.  Pp.  429. 

George  W.  Cable:  The  Life  and  Times  of  a  Southern  Heretic. 
New  York:  Pegasus,  Inc.,  1969.  Pp.  304. 

(With  Richard  B.  Davis  and  C.  Hugh  Holman.)  Southern 
Writings,  1585-1920.  New  York :  Odyssey  Press,  1970.  Pp.  633-987. 

"Southern  Literature:  A  Piedmont  Art,"  Mississippi  Quar- 
terly, 23  (Winter  1969-1970),  1-16. 

"Everything  Brought  Out  in  the  Open:  Eudora  Welty's  Losing 
Battles,"  Hollins  Critic,  7:  3  (June  1970),  1-12. 

' '  Black  Poets  in  Search  of  a  Language, ' '  The  Bookmark :  Friends 
of  the  University  of  North  Carolina  Library,  40  (September  1970), 

"Southern  Local  Color  and  the  Black  Man,"  Southern  Re- 
view, 6,  New  Series  (Autumn  1970),  1011-30. 

"Introduction"  to  Mellowed  by  Time  by  Elizabeth  O'Neill 
Verner.  Charleston,  South  Carolina:  Tradd  Street  Press,  1970. 
Pp.  xi-xiv. 

"Second  Thoughts  on  the  Old  Gray  Mare:  The  Continuing 
Relevance  of  the  Southern  Literary  Issue,"  in  Southern  Fiction 
Today:  Renascence  and  Beyond,  ed.,  George  Core.  Athens:  Uni- 
versity of  Georgia  Press,  1969.  Pp.  33-50. 



Review  of  George  Core,  ed.,  Regionalism  and  Beyond:  Essays 
of  Randall  Stewart  (Nashville:  Vanderbilt  University  Press,  1968), 
in  Kenyon  Review,  123  (1969),  135-36. 

Review  of  Paul  M.  Gaston,  "The  New  South  Creed,"  in  Vir- 
ginia Magazine  of  History  and  Biography,  78  (October  1970),  492- 

Review  of  "Three  Installments  of  Mark  Twain,"  in  Sewannee 
Review,  78  (Autumn  1970),  678-84. 

Richard  Dil worth  Rust 

Glory  and  Pathos:  Responses  of  Nineteenth-Century  American 
Authors  to  the  Civil  War.  Boston:  Holbrook  Press,  1970.  Pp.  xxi, 

"Mark  Twain's  'The  Turning-Point  of  My  Life,'  "  American 
Literature,  40  (January  1969),  524-35. 

Maxwell  Steele 

Board  of  Selectors,  American  Literary  Anthology  No.  3,  eds., 
George  Plimpton  and  Peter  Ardery.  New  York :  Viking  Press,  1970. 
Pp.  xviii,  417. 

The  Cat  and  the  Coffee  Drinkers.  New  York:  Harper  and  Row, 
1969.  Pp.  42. 

"The  Long  Vacation,"  Cosmopolitan  Magazine  (November 
1969),  160-68. 

"Oratiuncula  Pellecta  et  Pervulgata,"  Publications  of  the 
Modern  Language  Association,  75:  4  (September  1970),  927. 

"Introduction,"  to  the  letters  of  Mac  Hyman,  Love,  Boy,  ed., 
William  Blackburn.  Baton  Rouge:  Louisiana  State  University 
Press,  1969.  Pp.  xiii-xix. 

"Color  the  Daydream  Yellow,"  in  Prize  Stories  1969:  The 
O 'Henry  Awards,  ed.,  William  Abraham.  New  York:  Doubleday, 
1969.  Pp.  237-51. 

Thomas  Anthony  Stumpf 

"Pope's  To  Cobham,  To  A  Lady  and  the  Traditions  of  Incon- 
stancy," Studies  in  Philology,  67  (July  1970),  339-58. 

Ernest  William  Talbert 
Editor,  Studies  in  Philology. 

(With  S.  H.  Thomson,  et  al.)  A  Manuel  of  the  Writings  in 
Middle  English,  1050-1500,  II,  gen.  ed.,  Burke  Severs.  Connecticut 
Academy  of  Arts  and  Sciences,  1970.  Pp.  x,  339-668. 

(With  R.  A.  Kaske,  et  al.)  Critical  Approaches  to  Six  Major 
English  Works:  Beowulf  through  Paradise  Lost,  gen.  eds.,  R.  M. 



Lumiansky  and  Herschel  Baker,  reissue,  paperback.  Philadelphia: 
University  of  Pennsylvania  Press,  1970.  Pp.  viii,  266. 

Weldon  Thornton 

"The  Allusive  Method  in  Ulysses,"  in  Approaches  to  Ulysses, 
eds.,  Thomas  Staley  and  Bernard  Benstock.  Pittsburgh :  University 
of  Pittsburgh  Press,  1970.  Pp.  235-43. 

Siegfried  Wenzel 

"Two  Notes  on  Chaucer  and  Grosseteste, "  Notes  and  Queries, 
New  Series,  17  (December  1970),  449-51. 

Review  of  F.  Broomfield,  ed.,  Thomae  de  Chobham  Summa  Con- 
fessorum  (Louvain:  Analecta  Mediaevalia  Namurcensia,  1968),  in 
Medium  Aevum,  39  (1970),  53-56. 

Sylvia  Wilkinson 

"Growing  Up  in  the  South,"  Mademoiselle,  (April  1969). 
"A  Maypop  from  Merton,"  Bed  Clay  Reader,  1969. 

J oseph  Sylvester  Wittig 

"  'Homiletic  Fragment  IF  and  the  Epistle  to  the  Ephesians," 
Traditio,  25  (1969),  358-63. 

"The  Aeneas — Dido  Allusion  in  Cretien's  Erec  et  Enide," 
Comparative  Literature,  20  (1970),  237-53. 

Charles  David  Wright 

"Clearing  Away,"  Southern  Poetry  Review,  9  (Spring  1969), 


Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 

Dock  Wilson  Adams 

John  W.  De  Forest  and  the  Search  for  a  Rational  Order:  A 
Study  in  Ambiguity.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  C.  Carroll 

John  Alexander  Aleord 

Piers  Plowman  and  the  Tradition  of  Biblical  Imitatio.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Siegfried  Wenzel.) 

Charles  Altieri 

Yeats  and  the  Tradition  of  the  Literary  Ballad.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Forrest  Read.) 



Joanne  Altleri 

Shakespeare's  Comic  Prose  Style.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Peter  G.  Phial  as.) 

Eael  Franklin  Bargainnier 

W.  S.  Gilbert  and  Nineteenth  Century  Drama.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  J.  0.  Bailey.) 

William  Alfred  Bauer 

The  Letter  Device  in  the  Early  English  Essay  Journal.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Richmond  P.  Bond.) 

Lucy  Moore  Brashear 

Character  and  Prosody  in  Shakespeare's  Measure  for  Measure. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Ernest  W.  Talbert.) 

May  Elizabeth  Campbell 

The  Winter's  Tale:  A  Study  in  Shakespeare's  Late  Plays  with 
Special  Reference  to  Guarini's  Theory  of  Tragicomedy.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Ernest  W.  Talbert.) 

Michael  J.  Campbell 

Animals  in  the  Works  of  Thomas  Hardy.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  J.  0.  Bailey.) 

D.  Allen  Carroll 

A  Critical  Edition  of  Everard  Guilpin's  Skialetheia  or,  A 
Shadowe  of  Truth,  In  Certaine  Epigrams  and  Sa-tyres  (1958). 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  O.  B.  Hardison,  Jr.) 

Janet  Green  Catlin 

The  Public  Non-Parliamentary  Speeches  of  Queen  Elizabeth  I : 
An  Annotated  Bibliography  and  Commentary.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Ernest  W.  Talbert.) 

Robert  Gene  Coffeen 

Naming  Techniques  in  Whitman's  Leaves  of  Grass:  A  Study 
in  Problems  of  Power.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  C.  Carroll 

Arthur  Leroy  Colby 

Brian  Melbancke's  Philotimus  (1583)  :  A  Critical  Edition. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  William  Wells.) 



James  Glenn  Collier,  Jr. 

Thomas  Hardy's  The  Famous  Tragedy  of  the  Queen  of  Corn- 
wall: Its  Artistry  and  Relation  to  his  Life,  Thought,  and  Works. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  J.  0.  Bailey.) 

Charles  George  Davis 

Satire  on  the  Reader  in  the  Novels  of  Henry  Fielding.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Albrecht  B.  Strauss.) 

William  Sanford  Doxey 

Characterization  in  the  Prose  Fiction  of  Dr.  Oliver  Wendell 
Holmes.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Daniel  Patterson.) 

Jean  MacLean  Edgerton 

Woman  Manquie  and  Woman  Triumphant  in  the  Poetry  of  Ran- 
dall Jarrell.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Lyman  A.  Cotten.) 

Elizabeth  Evans 

Alexander  Hill  Everett:  Man  of  Letters.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  C.  Hugh  Holman.) 

Mary  Davis  Farnham 

Henry  James  on  Three  Victorian  Novelists:  Concepts  of  the 
Novel.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  C.  Hugh  Holman.) 

Patricia  Anne  Pinch 

Cape  Fear  County:  The  Novels  of  Guy  Owen.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Louis  D.  Rubin,  Jr.) 

Kenneth  James  Galbraith,  S.  J. 

Henry  More's  Divine  Dialogues:  A  Critical  Analysis.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  William  Wells.) 

Nancy  Lenz  Harvey 

The  Morality  Play  and  Tudor  Tragedy:  A  Study  of  Certain 
Features  of  the  Morality  Play  and  Their  Relationship  to  English 
Tragedy  Through  Marlowe.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Ernest 
W.  Talbert.) 

Isabel  Lockwood  Hawley 

Elizabeth  Madox  Roberts :  Her  Developments  as  Self-Conscious 
Narrative  Artist.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Daniel  W.  Pat- 



Eugene  Hollahan 

Thackeray's  Barry  Lyndon:  A  Study  of  Genre,  Structure, 
Background,  and  Meaning.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  H.  K. 
Russell.  ) 

Eeid  Deberry  Huntley 

Thomas  Wolfe's  Idea  of  the  Imagination:  Similarities  to  the 
Views  of  the  Nineteenth  Century  English  Romantic  Poets  and 
Critics.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  C.  Hugh  Holman.) 

Donald  Dodge  Johnson 

The  Structure  of  Athelston.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Sieg- 
fried Wenzel.) 

Catherine  Elizabeth  Moore 

The  Literary  Career  of  Anna  Laetitia  Barbauld.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  H.  K.  Russell.) 

Deanna  Collingwood  Nash 

The  Webb  as  an  Organic  Metaphor  in  The  Marble  Faun,  Middle- 
march:  A  Study  of  'Provincial  Life,  and  The  Golden  Bowl:  The 
Growth  of  Contextualism  as  an  Aesthetic  Theory  in  the  Nineteenth 
Century.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  C.  Hugh  Holman.) 

J  on  Eric  Nelson 

Religious  Experience  in  the  Fiction  of  Ernest  Hemingway. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Weldon  Thornton.) 

James  Richard  Nichols 

Theme  and  Technique  in  Henry  Handell  Richardson.  A  Dis- 
cussion of  the  Relationship  between  Theme  and  Technique  in  the 
Major  Novels  of  Henry  Handel  Richardson.  (1969,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Charles  Edge.) 

Michael  Ray  Paull 

The  Figure  of  Mahomet  in  Middle  English  Literature.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Siegfried  Wenzel.) 

William  G.  Provost 

The  Structure  of  Chaucer's  Troilus  and  Criseyde.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Normon  E.  Eliason.) 

J oel  W.  Ray 

George  Herbert:  The  Building  of  The  Temple.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Robert  B.  Yoitle.) 



Margaret  Raynal 

A  Study  of  Sarah  Fielding's  Novels.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Charles  E.  Edge.) 

James  Aldrich  Wyman  Rembert 

Swift's  Digression  on  Madness:  A  Metaphysical  Cobweb  Prob- 
lem. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Dougald  MacMilian.) 

William  Elford  Eogers 

Image  and  Abstraction:  Six  Middle  English  Religious  Lyrics. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Siegfried  Wenzel.) 

Charles  D.  Sherrer,  C.S.C. 

The  Unity  of  Shakespeare's  History  Cycle.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  0.  B.  Hardison.) 

William  Howard  Shurr 

The  Symbolic  Structure  of  Herman  Melville's  Clarel.  (1969,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Richard  H.  Fogle.) 

Matthew  V.  Skulicz 

A  Descriptive  Syntax  of  JElfric's  First  Series  of  Catholic 
Homilies,  MS  Royal  7  C  xii.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Norman 
E.  Eliason.) 

John  Bristow  Smith 

A  Computer  Assisted  Analysis  of  Imagery  in  Joyce's  A  Por- 
trait of  the  Artist.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Weldon  Thorn- 

Patricia  Carol  Stephens 

Jonathan  Swift's  Poetry.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Al- 
brecht  B.  Strauss.) 

Peter  A.  Stitt 

The  Poetry  of  Agrarianism:  A  Study  of  Donald  Davidson, 
John  Crowe  Ransom,  Allen  Tate,  and  Robert  Penn  Warren.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Louis  Rubin.) 

David  George  Stratman 

Matthew  Arnold  and  Wallace  Stevens:  Imagination  as  Value. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  H.  Fogle.) 



George  Andrew  von  Glahn 

Natural  Eloquence  and  the  Democratic  Gospel :  The  Idea  of  an 
American  Rhetoric  from  the  Second  Great  Awakening  to  Cooper's 
Natty  Bumppo.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Daniel  W.  Patter- 

Lawrence  A.  Walz 

From  the  Heroic  Age :  The  Theme  of  Decline  Through  Time  in 
the  Fiction  of  Joseph  Conrad.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Fred 
C.  Thomson.) 

Thomas  Clayton  Ware 

George  Moore's  Theory  and  Practice  of  the  Novel.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  H.  K.  Russell.) 

David  Mardsen  Wells 

A  Critical  Edition  of  the  Old  English  Genesis  A  With  a  Trans- 
tion.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Norman  E.  Eliason.) 

Mary  Cameron  Williams 

Unifying  Methods  in  Jonson's  Early  Comedy.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Ernest  W.  Talbert.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department: 

Susan  Henderson  Abney 

The  Middle  English  Lullaby.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Siegfried  Wenzel.) 

Janice  Karen  Albrecht 

Elements  of  the  Dramatic  Monologue  in  John  Donne's  Songs 
and  Sonnets.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Dennis  G.  Donovan.) 

Hannah  Wheeler  Andrews 

O'Neill's  Morning  Becomes  Electro,:  A  Technical  and  Philo- 
sophical Exploration.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Kimball 

William  Leake  Andrews 

Romeo  and  the  Tragic  Process.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Peter  G.  Phialas.) 

Christopher  Paul  Baker 

The  Conceit  in  Donne's  Meditations.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  R.  B.  Voitle.) 




Beverly  Lake  Barge 

A  Catalog  of  the  Collected  Papers  and  Manuscripts  of  Robert 
C.  Ruark.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Dennis  G.  Donovan.) 

David  B.  Bare 

The  Thematic  Significance  of  Animal  Imagery  in  the  Miranda 
Stories.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Weldon  Thornton.) 

Walter  Hartwell  Bennett,  Jr. 

An  Examination  of  William  Stvron's  The  Confessions  of  Nat 
Turner:  Interpretation  and  Criticism.  (1969.  under  the  direction 
of  Louis  Rubin.) 

Susan  V.  Berman 

A  Reading  of  William  Cowper's  Task:  A  Detachment-Involve- 
ment Dialectic.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Haig.) 

Sarah  Louise  Bernard 

Melville's  ' 'The  Lightning-Rod  Man"  :  A  Happy  Failure.  (1969., 
under  the  direction  of  Daniel  W.  Patterson.) 

Virginia  Claire  Blakeney 

A  Classification  and  Explanation  of  Similes  and  Metaphors  in 
Selected  Novels  of  Daniel  Defoe.  (1969.  under  the  direction  of 
Robert  Haig.) 

William  H.  Blanton 

The  Two  Modes  of  Vision  in  Flannery  O'Connor's  Short  Fic- 
tion. (1969.  under  the  direction  of  Weldon  Thornton.) 

Elizabeth  Ann  Bodenheimer 

The  Birthday  Party  Motif  in  20th  Century  Drama.  (1969,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Kimball  King.) 

Dorothy  Hensley  Bolch 

Hardy's  Jude  and  Dreiser's  Clyde:  The  Spiritual  and  the 
Materialistic  Approach  to  Naturalism.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  J.  0.  Bailey.) 

Shirley  B.  Bourne 

Joyce's  Malachi  Mulligan:  His  Roles  and  His  Relationship  with 
Stephen  Dedalus  and  Leopold  Bloom.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Howard  Harper.) 



Fkances  Douglass  Bridgers 

The  Vocabulary  of  the  Peterborough  Chronicle,  1122-1154. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Norman  E.  Eliason.) 

Margaret  Berer  Bruckner 

The  Love  Poetry  of  W.  H.  Auden.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  George  S.  Lensing.) 

Cynthia  Kay  Wallace  Bullock 

Affirmation  and  Coherence  in  Virginia  Woolf's  The  Years. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Howard  M.  Harper.) 

Dorothea  D.  Burkhart 

An  Analysis  of  D.  H.  Lawrence's  "The  Woman  Who  Rode 
Away."  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Weldon  Thornton.) 


Character  in  Amelia.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Albrecht 

Clelia  Stone  Casey 

Matthew  Arnold  and  the  French  Revolution.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  J.  0.  Bailey.) 

Franklin  Bradsher  Chacey 

Affective  Structure  in  D.  H.  Lawrence's  The  Plumed  Serpent 
and  Women  in  Love.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  H.  K.  Russell.) 

Robert  Leo  Cherry 

Browning's  History  of  the  Development  of  Religious  Ideas. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  J.  O.  Bailey.) 

Carolyn  Marie  Christensen 

E.  A.  Robinson's  Early  Use  of  Fixed  Form.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  C.  Hugh  Holman.) 

Thomas  Arthur  Clere 

Joyce  Cary's  Philosophy  as  Exemplified  in  Charley  Is  My  Dar- 
ling. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Joseph  M.  Flora.) 

Carole  Petit  Cole 

The  Role  of  the  Artist:  William  Blake  and  Gulley  Jimson. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  H.  Fogle.) 



William  Eoy  Colquitt,  Jk. 

This  Great  State  of  Fools:  A  Study  of  King  Lear.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Dennis  Donovan.) 

Maky  Elizabeth  Culp 

A  Critical  History  of  "The  Garden."  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Dennis  G.  Donovan.) 

Margaret  Gale  Davis 

The  Emergence  of  the  Image  in  Early  Poetry  of  William  Car- 
los Williams.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  George  Lensing.) 

Joseph  William  Dougherty 

The  Spiritual  Journal  of  the  Narrator  in  the  Middle  English 
Poem,  Pearl.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  J.  Christopher  Brook- 

Richard  Howard  Fabacher 

Samuel  Johnson  and  Satire.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Den- 
nis G.  Donovan.) 

Nancy  R.  Finn 

Modern  Irish  Drama:  A  Study  of  Irish  Drama  Since  1926. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Kimball  King.) 

Bruce  M.  Firestone 

A  Study  of  Waiting  for  Godot.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Kimball  King). 

Benjamin  Sands  Forkner  III 

Language  and  Character  in  Joyce's  A  Portrait  of  the  Artist. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Weldon  Thornton.) 

John  Edmund  Foss 

The  Significance  of  the  Sexual  Act  after  the  Fall  in  Paradise 
Lost.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  J.  A.  Devereux.) 

Carole  Lenore  France 

Saul  Bellow's  Eerzog:  A  Living  Novel.  (1969,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Howard  Harper.) 

James  Dickson  Gault,  Jr. 

A  Structural  and  Thematic  Analysis  of  Saul  Bellow's  Herzog. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Howard  Harper.) 



John  C.  Giacoletti 

An  Investigation  of  the  Manuscript,  The  Most  Auntient  History 
of  God  and  Man.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Dennis  G.  Dono- 

Arthur  Edward  Gowran 

The  Gradual  Artistic  Maturity  of  Milton,  Humanist  Poet. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Dennis  G.  Donovan.) 

Mary  Charmian  Green 

A  Study  of  the  Uses  of  Language  in  Thomas  Wolfe  's  A  Portrait 
of  Bascom  Eawke.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  C.  Hugh  Holman.) 

Daniel  V.  Gribbin 

William  Faulkner's  Portrait  of  Jason  in  The  Sound  and  the 
Fury.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Weldon  Thornton.) 

Lucinda  Clay  Hardwick 

George  Eliot 's  Moral  Psychology :  A  Study  of  Method  and  De- 
sign in  Middlemarch.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Charles  Edge.) 

Elizabeth  Johnson  Hart 

Approaches  to  Tragedy  in  Contemporary  American  Drama. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Kimball  King.) 

Marion  Lynne  Hawkins 

The  Function  of  the  Physicians  in  Macbeth.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Peter  G.  Phialas.) 

Carole  Lynn  Hecht 

" Rabbit "  Angstrom's  Spiritual  Homelessness.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Howard  Harper.) 

Margaret  Mary  Heffernan 

Late  Sixteenth  and  Early  Seventeenth  Century  Nativity  Poems. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Dennis  G.  Donovan.) 

Carol  Eeed  Holder 

Red  and  Green  in  James  Joyce's  A  Portrait  of  the  Artist  as  a 
Young  Man.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Weldon  Thornton.) 

Clarence  P.  Huggins,  Jr. 

The  Recurrent  Situation  as  an  Exploratory  Device  in  Three 
Works  by  D.  H.  Lawrence.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Weldon 



Sandra  Ann  Hunt 

John  Barth:  The  Novel  of  Fiction.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Howard  Harper.) 

David  E.  Ingold 

The  Sound  and  the  Fury  and  Southern  Romanticism.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Howard  Harper.) 

Steven  Lewis  James 

Rogue  Personae  in  Sixteenth  Century  Drama:  An  Historical 
Perspective.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Dennis  G.  Donovan.) 

Ben  Hell  Jennings 

The  Religious  Themes  in  John  Updike's  Couples.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Howard  Harper.) 

Marietta  Lenear  Julienne 

Confrontation  and  Redemption  in  Flannery  O'Connor's  A 
Good  Man  is  Hard  to  Find.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Howard 

Eichard  Allen  Keithley 

The  Dual  Function  of  the  City  in  Saul  Bellow's  Novels.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  H.  K.  Russell.) 

Margaret  Lee  Kent 

The  Novels  of  Walker  Percy.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Kimball  King.) 

Chung  Sook  Kim 

Criticism  of  The  Vicar  of  Wakefield  in  the  Twentieth- Century. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Charles  E.  Edge.) 

Margaret  Fontaine  King 

John  Phillips  Marquand  and  Ellen  Glasgow :  the  Individual  in 
a  Traditional  Society.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Kimball  King.) 

Pamela  Patterson  Kirkpatrick 

Some  Aspects  of  the  Fall  in  Andrew  Marvell's  Pastoral  Lyrics. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Dennis  G.  Donovan.) 

Katharine  Northern  Land 

Poetry  and  Myth  as  Devices  of  Structure  in  Four  Plays  by 
Archibald  MacLeish.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Kimball  King.) 



William  Eveeett  Lasher 

A  Grammar  of  the  Subjunctive  Mood  in  Dependent  Clauses  of 
Edmund  Spenser's  Faerie  Queene.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
James  R.  Gaskin.) 

Margaret  Ledford  Lawson 

Critics  of  Keats'  Hyperion:  1820  to  1967.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Richard  H.  Fogle.) 

Thomas  James  Leach 

Mysticism  in  Robinson  Jeffers'  Short  Poems.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Joseph  M.  Flora.) 

Judith  Ann  Leary 

The  Plays  of  John  Millington  Synge:  A  Study  in  Dramatic 
Development.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Kimball  King.) 

Tae  Dong  Lee 

Hardy's  Attitude  Toward  War  as  Expressed  in  The  Dynasts. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  J.  0.  Bailey.) 

Barbara  Ann  Lilly 

Stylistic  Changes  in  Robert  Lowell's  Poetry.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Ronald  Moran.) 

Erika  Caroline  Dorothea  Lindemann 

The  Meter  of  Piers  Plowman.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Norman  E.  Eliason.) 

Gayle  Ponder  Lloyd 

A  Study  of  D.  H.  Lawrence's  Ideas  in  The  Boy  in  the  Bush. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Charles  E.  Edge.) 

Helen  Heusner  Lojek 

Faulkner's  Use  of  History  in  Absalom,  Absalom!  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  C.  Hugh  Holman.) 

Annie  Fay  Lomax 

Arthur  Miller's  The  Crucible:  A  Reassessment.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Joseph  M.  Flora.) 

Rosalyn  Fleming  Lomax 

Metamorphosis  in  Robert  Herrick's  Hesperides.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Robert  Voitle.) 



Christopher  Bruce  Martin 

Hemingway's  In  Our  Time:  1  'Pretty  Good  Unity."  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Howard  Harper.) 

Elizabeth  Lumsden  Martin 

"So  Long!":  An  Extended  Footnote  on  Walt  Whitman's 
Valedictory  Poem.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Lewis  Leary.) 

James  Eobert  Martin 

The  Pilgrim's  Regress:  C.  S.  Lewis's  Pathway  to  Belief.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  H.  K.  Russell.) 

Leroy  Martin,  Jr. 

An  Analyst  of  the  Be  +  En  Construction  in  Macbeth  and  Othel- 
lo. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  James  R.  Gasein.) 

Daniel  Graig  Masters 

"Looking  Toward  What  We  Are":  A  Study  of  Theodore 
Roethke's  Praise  To  The  End.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  George 

Nancy  Jane  McCaskey 

Southwestern  Humor:  British  and  American  Prose  Styles. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  C.  Carroll  Hollis.) 

Ronald  Joseph  Mikulak 

A  Study  of  the  Narrative  Structure  of  Lolita.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Howard  M.  Harper.) 

Horst  Mueller 

The  Stage  Plays  of  Harold  Pinter.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Kimball  King.) 

June  Rhyne  Mullen 

F.  Scott  Fitzgerald's  Flashback  Technique:  A  Study  of  Six 
Short  Stories.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  H.  K.  Russell.) 

Louise  Trent  Oliver 

The  Evolution  of  the  Mailer  Hero  Figure.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  James  Bryan.) 

Geraldine  Marie  Otremba 

Tennessee  Williams:  Techniques  of  Revision.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Kimball  King.) 



Phillip  Lamar  Owens 

The  Oedipal  Conflict  in  the  Novels  of  John  Updike.  (1969,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Howard  M.  Harper.) 

Bess  Holland  Oxendine 

A  Psychological  Interpretation  of  Jack  London's  Martin  Eden. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Howard  M.  Harper.) 

Eobert  Anthony  Page 

Gerard  Manley  Hopkins  and  the  Language  of  Poetry.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  J.  0.  Bailey.) 

Linda  Susanne  Pannill 

Bad  Boy  and  Satan :  Cub  and  Pilot  in  Life  On  the  Mississippi. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Louis  D.  Kubin,  Jr.) 

Helen  Nethercutt  Parker 

William  Golding's  The  Brass  Butterfly:  An  Analysis.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Howard  M.  Harper.) 

Michele  M.  S.  Patterson 

Keats'  Fall  of  Hyperion  as  Tour-De-Force.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  K.  H.  Fogle.) 

Linda  Sellars  Peavy 

The  Playwrights'  Theater.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Lau- 
rence G.  Avery.) 

Joan  Evelyn  Phillips 

The  Critical  Keception  of  Henry  James's  The  Princess  Casa- 
massima.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Lewis  Leary.) 

Ann  Rose  Plyler 

A  Study  of  Farquhar 's  The  Constant  Couple  and  Sir  Harry  Wil- 
dair.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Thomas  A.  Stumpf.) 

Todd  M.  Poland 

The  Style  of  E.  M.  Forster's  Howards  End,  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  C.  Hugh  Holman.) 

Lynda  Cole  Price 

The  Family  Face :  A  Study  of  Heredity  in  the  Novels  of  Thomas 
Hardy.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  J.  O.  Bailey.) 



William  McCrea  Eamsey 

Character  Stereotypes  in  the  Novels  of  Charles  Waddell  Ches- 
nutt.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Louis  Rubin.) 

Inez  Poe  Ray 

The  Women  in  Shakespeare's  Histories:  A  Study  of  His  Chang- 
ing Representation  of  the  Female.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Peter  G.  Phialas.) 

Pamela  G-.  Richardson 

Search  for  Identity  in  the  Characters  of  James  Baldwin's 
Novels.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Kimball  King.) 

Ann  McLarty  Roberts 

The  Relationship  Between  Ben  and  Eugene  in  Look  Homeward, 
Angel.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  H.  K.  Russell.) 

Patricia  J.  Robertson 

Shelley  and  Hawthorne:  A  Comparison  of  Imagery  and  Sensi- 
bility in  Some  Later  Works.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Richard 

H.  FOGLE.) 

Leonard  W.  Rogoff 

The  Untypical  Typography  of  Tristram  Shandy.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Albrecht  B.  Strauss.) 

Elizabeth  Travis  Rose 

The  Motif  of  Birds  in  A  Portrait  of  the  Artist  as  a  Young  Man 
by  James  Joyce.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Louis  Rubin.) 

Catharine  Ellen  Roth 

Henry  Roth's  Call  It  Bleep:  The  Rhyme  of  Opposition.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Lewis  Leary.) 

Anne  Ervin  Rowe 

William  Styron:  Approaches  to  Violence.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  H.  K.  Russell.) 

Donald  Clinton  Samson 

Woe  and  Wonder  in  Hamlet.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Ernest  W.  Talbert.) 

Bonnie  Kime  Scott 

Conrad's  Techniques  of  Narration  in  Three  Tales  of  Imitation. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Charles  E.  Edge.) 




The  Protest  Novels  of  Chester  Bomar  Himes.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Louis  Rubin.) 

Robert  Thomas  Self 

The  End  of  the  Genteel  Era :  Barrett  Wendell,  Teacher,  Critic, 
Literary  Historian.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  C.  Carroll 

Peter  Kent  Shea 

Thomas  Randolph's  Conceited  Pedler:  Edited,  with  an  Intro- 
duction. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Dennis  G.  Donovan.) 

Norma  Kay  Shellenberger 

Boswell  and  the  Novelists :  Descriptive  Techniques  in  The  Life  of 
Johnson.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Albrecht  B.  Strauss.) 

Judy  Frances  Shelton 

Henry  James  and  Jane  Austen :  A  Comparison  of  The  Portrait 
of  a  Lady  and  Emma.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  C.  Carroll 

Joseph  Michael  Smith 

Balthasar  Gracian  in  the  History  of  Criticism.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  0.  B.  Hardison.) 

Ronnie  Kay  Smith 

Three  Kinds  of  Golding  Characters.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Howard  Harper.) 

Janet  Aucremann  Snipes 

The  Function  of  Ideas  in  the  Poetry  of  W.  B.  Yeats.  (1969,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Ronald  Moran.) 

John  Clement  Stalker 

Sir  John  Cheke's  Translation  of  the  Gospel  According  to  Mat- 
thew. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  0.  B.  Hardison.) 

William  Anthony  Stanton 

Man  Divided:  The  Dualistic  Concept  of  Nature  in  the  Poetry 
of  John  Donne.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Dennis  G.  Donovan.) 

J ames  Edgar  Tanner,  Jr. 

Anticipation  of  The  Great  Gatsly  in  All  the  Sad  Young  Men. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  H.  K.  Russell.) 



David  Otis  Tomlinson 

Sidney  Lanier  and  Agrarianism.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Daniel  W.  Patterson.) 

William  Randolph  Tukner 

Mules,  Horses,  and  Buggies  in  William  Faulkner's  The  Earn- 
let.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  H.  K.  Russell.) 

Marie-Louise  Steinbach 

The  Use  of  the  Infinitive  in  Beowulf.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Norman  E.  Eliason.) 


Imagery,  Event,  and  Reality  in  Pericles  and  The  Tempest. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Peter  G.  Phialas.) 

Mary  Poe  Twitchell 

The  ' '  Storyteller ' '  in  John  Barth :  The  Floating  Opera  and  The 
Sot-Weed  Factor.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Louis  Rubin.) 

James  Van  Cleave 

Versions  of  Percy.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Kimball  King.) 

Milton  Spangler  Van  Hoy 

An  Examination  of  Matthew  Prior  and  Charles  Montagu's  The 
Hind  and  the  Panther  Transvers'd  to  the  Story  of  the  Country 
Mouse  and  the  City  Mouse.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Robert 

James  T.  Watt 

Blake's  Use  of  Paradise  Lost  in  Milton.  (1969,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Robert  Kirkpatrick.) 

Christian  William  Willerton 

Henry  and  William  James  on  Consciousness.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Robert  A.  Bain.) 

Marvin  Lynn  Witherspoon 

The  "Other"  Societies:  A  Study  of  William  Golding's  Lord  of 
the  Flies  and  The  Inheritors.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  C.  T. 

George  Hubert  Wolfe 

The  Structure  of  the  Heraldic  Universe  and  Its  Relation  to 
Artistic  Consciousness  in  Lawrence  Durrell's  Alexandria  Quartet. 
{1969,  under  the  direction  of  Howard  M.  Harper.) 



John  Martin  Woodside  III 

Buck  Mulligan :  The  Structure  and  Significance  of  His  Conflict 
with  Stephen  in  Ulysses.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Weldon 

Peter  Lawrence  Yeager 

A  Heading  Sequence  for  the  Sonnets  of  Sir  Thomas  Wyatt. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  James  A.  Devereux,  S.J.) 

Audiovisual  Bureau 

Kenneth  Murchison  McIntyre 

Terminal  Report  on  Institute  in  Educational  Media  for  College 
and  University  Personnel.  University  of  North  Carolina,  Bureau  of 
Audiovisual  Education,  Chapel  Hill,  1969.  Pp.  40  and  appendix. 

Final  TV  Supplement  for  Institute  in  Educational  Media  for 
College  and  University  Faculty  Personnel,  TELEVISION  PRO- 
University  of  North  Carolina,  Bureau  of  Audiovisual  Education, 
Chapel  Hill,  1969.  Pp.  38  and  appendix.  An  Overview:  Applications 
of  Educational  Technology  to  Higher  Education;  Multi-Media  Tech- 
niques  for  Instruction;  16  mm  Films:  Utilization  and  Curriculum 
Examples;  16  mm  Films:  Sources  and  Selection;  Overhead  Trans- 
parencies: Utilization  and  Curriculum  Examples;  Overhead  Trans- 
parencies: Production;  Slides  and  Filmstrips:  Production  and 
Utilization;  Learning  Laboratories  and  Dial  Access;  Media  in  Indi- 
vidualized Instruction  and  the  Continuous  Progress  Concept;  8  mm 
Films  and  Loops:  Equipment  and  Format;  Closed  Circuit  Tele- 
vision and  Video  Tapes  for  Instruction;  Computer  Assisted  Instruc- 
tion; Communication  in  the  Professions  and  Industry. 

D wight  Carroll  Ehyne 
Editor,  Adult  Education. 

"An  Analysis  of  the  Extension  Division  of  the  University  of 
North  Carolina  at  Chapel  Hill,"  From  the  Dean's  Desk.  Association 
of  University  Evening  Colleges  (February  1970),  1-17. 

Norfleet  Hardy 

Editor,  NCAEA  Notes,  North  Carolina  Adult  Education  As- 

1 '  Community  Service  Through  '  Great  Decisions, '  '  ■  Junior  Col- 
lege Journal,  40  (March  1970),  41-44  . 



"William  Willis  Kitchix 

"The  Relevance  of  Some  Recent  Research  in  Sensory  Depriva- 
tion to  Education."  The  High  School  Journal  22  March  1969). 

Influences  on  Adult  in  the  Evening  College.  The  Uni- 
versity of  Xorth  Carolina  Extension  Bulletin.  Volume  XLIX.  Xo.  2. 
Chapel  Hill:  Creative  Printers.  1970.  Pp.  79. 


Stephen  Shaw  Bledsall 

"The  Spatial  Context  for  Research  on  Rural  African  Marketing 
Patterns."  in  Besearch  in  Sural  Africa,  ed..  X.  X.  Miller.  East  Lan- 
sinsr:  African  Studies  Center.  Michigan  State  University.  1969. 
Pp.  291-96. 

•"Preliminary  Analysis  of  the  1965  Wallace  Vote  in  the  South- 
east." Southeastern  Geographer.  9  (Xovember  1969).  55-66. 

Clyde  Eugexe  Beo w>oxg 

A  Bibliography  of  Dissertations  in  Geography :  1901  to  1969. 
Studies  in  Geography  Xo.  1.  Chapel  Hill:  Department  of  Geog- 
raphy. University  of  Xorth  Carolina.  1970.  Pp.  106. 

"The  State  Capitals:  Meaningful  Geographic  Analysis  vs. 
Memorization."  Journal  of  Geography.  69  (January  1970'.  40-45. 

Review  of  B.  T.  Robson.  Zr:  :.n  Ana',  y  sis:  A  $:udy  City  Stn  :- 
::,t--  B efer -:y.:e  ::  > :  :  d e   r.  n  a    Ca:v_br::ige  :  Cambridge 

University  Press.  1969  .  in  The  Prc  'essi:  nal  Geographer.  22  (March 
1970}.  112. 

Johx  Douglas  Eyee 

Guest  Editor.  Southeastern  Geographer,  Xovember  1969. 

•"Development  Trends  in  the  Japanese  Electric  Power  Industry, 
1963-65."  The  Professional  Geographer.  22  (January  1970}.  26-30. 

"City-County  Territorial  Competition:  The  Portsmouth.  Vir- 
ginia Case."  Southeastern  Geographer.  9  (Xovember  1969'.  26-35. 

' *Keepinsr  Up  With  Japan."  Geographical  Review.  60  April 
1970}.  264-67. 

Aetelte  Johx  Havtlet 

Guest  editor.  Southeastern  Ge:c  '  v  .  \  Xovember  1970. 
(With  David  W.  Bunn.)  •'Irrigation  in  the  South.  1919-1964." 
Soyitheastern  Geographer.  10  (Xovember  1970}.  39-46. 



Keview  of  Jen-Hu  Chang,  Climate  and  Agriculture:  An  Eco- 
logical Survey  (Chicago:  Aldine  Publishing  Company,  1968),  in 
Geographical  Review,  59  (July  1969),  455-57. 

Richard  Joseph  Kopec 

"  Further  Observations  of  the  Urban  Heat  Island  in  a  Small 
City,"  Bulletin  of  the  American  Meteorological  Society,  51  (July 
1970),  602-6. 

Richard  Ellis  Lonsdale 

Editor,  Southeastern  Geographer. 

(With  James  R.  Anderson,  et  al.)  Geography  in  the  Two-Year 
Colleges.  Washington:  Association  of  American  Geographers,  1970. 
Pp.  90. 

" Rural  Labor  as  an  Attraction  for  Industry,"  A.I.D.C.  Journal, 
4  (October  1969),  11-17. 

1 1  Barriers  to  Rural  Industrialization  in  the  South,"  Proceedings 
of  the  Association  of  American  Geographers,  1  (1969),  84-88. 

Review  of  Emilo  Stanley,  Regional  Distribution  of  Soviet  Indus- 
trial Manpower:  1940-60  (New  York:  Frederick  A.  Praeger,  1968), 
in  Economic  Geography,  45  (July  1969),  280-81. 

Barry  Martin  Moriarty 

"A  Test  of  Alternative  Hypotheses  of  Urban  Residential 
Growth,"  Proceedings  of  the  Association  of  American  Geographers, 
2  (1970),  97-101. 

Peter  J ohn  Robinson 

(With  J.  A.  Davies.)  "A  Simple  Energy  Balance  Approach  to 
the  Moisture  Balance  Climatology  of  Africa,"  in  Environment 
and  Land  Use  in  Africa,  eds,,  M.  F.  Thomas  and  G.  W.  Whitting- 
ton.  London:  Methuen,  1969.  Pp.  23-56. 

(With  J.  A.  Davies  and  M.  Nunez.)  Radiation  Measurement 
over  Lake  Ontario  and  the  Determination  of  Emissivity.  Contract 
No.  HO  81276,  Report  1.  Ottawa:  Department  of  Energy,  Mines  and 
Resources,  Canada,  1970.  Pp.  85. 

(With  J.  A.  Davies  and  M.  Nunez.)  Grimsby  Tower  Radiation 
Data.  Contract  No.  HO  81276,  Report  2.  Ottawa :  Department  of 
Energy,  Mines  and  Resources,  Canada,  1970.  Pp.  148. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 



Hikmat  Omar  Al-Hadithi 

Selecting  New  Plant  Locations :  A  Case  Study  of  Decision  Mak- 
ing by  a  Major  Textile  Firm.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Richard 
Ellis  Lonsdale.) 

James  William  Clay 

Water-Related  Problems  and  Their  Effects  on  the  Spatial  Ar- 
rangement of  Agricultural  Production  in  the  Mexicali-San  Luis 
Valley  of  Northwest  Mexico.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  David 
Giovanni  Basile.) 

James  Fredrick  Hamburg 

The  Influence  of  Railroads  on  the  Processes  and  Patterns  of 
Settlement  in  South  Dakota.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Richard 
Grey  Smith.) 

Douglas  Milton  Orr,  Jr. 

Congressional  Redisricting:  The  North  Carolina  Experience. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  John  Douglas  Eyre.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department: 

Carroll  Breyard  Arndt 

Locational  Considerations  in  the  North  Carolina  Broiler  Indus- 
try. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Dayid  Giovanni  Basile.) 

Louise  Dow  Bailey 

The  Problems  Associated  with  the  Establishment  of  a  Branch 
Plant  in  a  Largely  Rural  Area  of  the  South.  (1970,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Richard  Ellis  Lonsdale.) 

Dayid  Eugene  Bartlett 

Local  Development  Corporations  as  a  Factor  in  Industrial  Lo- 
cation. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  Ellis  Lonsdale.) 

Gabriel  Franklin  Buntzman 

Negro  Voting  in  the  Electoral  Geography  of  Raleigh,  North 
Carolina.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Douglas  Eyre.) 

John  Bledsoe  Cole 

A  Regression  Analysis  Gravity  Model  Approach  to  Commuting 
Behavior.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  Ellis  Lonsdale.) 



Robert  Forsyth  Ellis 

A  Spatial  Analysis  of  the  Potential  Shift  of  Flue-Cured  Tobacco 
Allotments  in  North  Carolina.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Ar- 
thur John  Hawley.) 

Walter  Joseph  Gomez 

The  1966  North  Carolina  Legislative  Reapportionment:  A 
Geographical  Appraisal.  (1970.  under  the  direction  of  John 
Douglas  Eyre.) 

Jan  Westerik 

Urban  Ethnic  Enclaves  and  the  Retail  Business  Structure:  A 
Study  in  Geographical  Association.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Clyde  Eugene  Browning.) 

Roger  Wiringa  White 

Commuting,  Labor  Supply,  and  Locational  Equilibrium :  A 
Weberian  Gravity  Model  for  Plant  Location,  with  a  Partial  Cali- 
bration for  Eastern  North  Carolina.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Richard  Ellis  Lonsdale.) 


James  Robert  Butler 

' '  Origin  of  Precambrian  Granitic  Gneiss  in  the  Beartooth  Moun- 
tains, Montana  and  Wyoming,"  in  Igneous  and  Met  amorphic  Ge- 
ology, eds.,  Leonard  Larsen,  Vincent  Manson,  and  Martin  Prinz. 
Geological  Society  of  America,  Memoir  115,  1969.  Pp.  73-101. 

(With  P.  C.  Ragland.)  "Petrology  and  Chemistry  of  Meta- 
Igneous  Rocks  in  the  Albemarle  Area,  North  Carolina  Slate  Belt," 
American  Journal  of  Science,  267  (1969),  700-726. 

(With  P.  C.  Ragland.)  "A  Petrochemical  Survey  of  Plutonic 
Intrusions  in  the  Piedmont,  Southeastern  Appalachians,  U.S.A.," 
Contributions  to  Mineralogy  and  Petrology,  24  (1969),  164-90. 

"Field  and  Petrographic  Relationships  Among  Intrusive  Rocks 
of  the  Carolina  Piedmont,"  Geological  Society  of  America,  Ab- 
stracts with  Programs,  1:  4  (1969),  12. 

(With  P.  C.  Ragland.)  "Differentiation  Trends  in  the  In- 
trusive Rocks  of  the  Carolina  Piedmont,"  Geological  Society  of 
America,  Abstracts  with  Programs,  1 :  4  (1969),  66. 

"Brevard  Zone  and  Adjacent  Rocks  East  of  Asheville,  North 
Carolina,"  Geological  Society  of  America,  Abstracts  with,  Pro- 
grams, 2  (1970),  198-99. 



John  Manley  Dennison 

Tioga  Bentonite  and  Other  Isochronous  Units  in  the  Devonian 
Oriskany  to  Tully  Interval  of  the  Appalachian  Basin,"  Geological 
Society  of  America,  Abstracts  With  Programs,  1:  1  (1969),  13. 

(With  A.  J.  Boucot.)  " Little  War  Gap  at  Clinch  Mountain  Has 
Most  Nearly  Complete  Devonian  Section  in  Eastern  Tennessee," 
Geological  Society  of  America,  Abstracts  With  Programs,  1 :  4 

(1969)  ,  17-18. 

(With  W.  A.  Oliver,  Jr.,  W.  deWitt,  D.  M.  Hoskins,  and  J.  W. 
Huddle.)  "Correlation  of  Devonian  Kock  Units  in  the  Appalachian 
Basin,"  United  States  Geological  Survey,  Oil  and  Gas  Investiga- 
tions Chart,  OC-64  (1969). 

"Earth  Sciences,"  1970  Britannica  Yearbook  of  Science  and 
the  Future,  1969,  158-60. 

"Statistical  Meaning  in  Geological  Field  Work,"  Geological 
Society  of  America,  Abstracts  With  Programs,  1 :  7  (1969),  45-46. 

(With  D.  A.  Textoris.)  "Devonian  Tioga  Tuff  in  Northeastern 
United  States,"  in  Symposium  on  Volcanoes  and  Their  Boots,  Ox- 
ford: International  Association  of  Volcanology  and  Chemistry  of 
the  Earth's  Interior,  1969.  Pp.  222-23. 

(With  R.  W.  Johnson.)  "Effects  of  Tertiary  Intrusions  and  the 
Thirty-eighth  Parallel  Fracture  Zone  in  Virginia  and  West  Vir- 
ginia," Geological  Society  of  America,  Abstracts  With  Programs,  2 

(1970)  ,  205. 

(With  D.  A.  Textoris.)  "Petrology  of  Devonian  Tioga  Ben- 
tonite," Geological  Society  of  America,  Abstracts  With  Programs,  2 
(1970),  243-44. 

"Petroleum  Related  to  Middle  and  Upper  Devonian  Deltaic 
Facies  in  Central  Appalachians,"  American  Association  Petroleum 
Geologists  Bulletin,  54  (1970),  844. 

(With  M.  L,  Jones.)  "Oriented  Fossils  as  Paleocurrent  Indi- 
cators in  Paleozoic  Lutites  of  Southern  Appalachians, ' '  Journal  of 
Sedimentry  Petrology,  40  (1970),  642-49. 

"  Stratigraphic  Divisions  of  Upper  Devonian  Greenland  Gap 
Group  ("Chemung  Formation")  along  Allegheny  Front  in  West 
Virginia,  Maryland,  and  Highland  County,  Virginia,"  Southeastern 
Geology,  12  (1970),  53-82. 

"Earth  Sciences,"  1971  Britannica  Yearbook  of  Sciences  and 
the  Future,  1970,  pp.  175-78. 

(With  T.  R,.  Worsley.)  " Sedimentology  of  Whites  Creek  Delta 
in  Watts  Bar  Lake,  Tennessee,"  Geological  Society  of  America, 
Special  Paper,  121  (1969),  476. 

"Silurian  Stratigraphy  and  Sedimentary  Tectonics  of  South- 



ern  "West  Virginia  and  Adjacent  Virginia,"  Appalachian  Geolog- 
ical Society,  Field  Conference  Guidebook  (1970),  2-33. 

(With  D.  A.  Textoris.)  "Devonian  Tioga  Tuff  in  Northeastern 
United  States,"  Bulletin  Volcanologique,  34  (1970),  289-94. 

Review  of  John  I.  Piatt  and  John  Challinor,  Simple  Geological 
Structures  (London:  Thomas  Murby  and  Company,  4th  ed.,  1968), 
in  Journal  of  Geological  Education,  17  (1969),  110. 

David  Evan  Dunn 

(With  P.  J.  Roper.)  Geology  of  the  Tamassee,  Satolah,  Cashiers 
Quadrangles,  Oconee  County,  South  Carolina.  South  Carolina  De- 
velopment Board,  Division  of  Geology,  MS-16.  Columbia:  South 
Carolina  Division  of  Geology,  1970.  Pp.  55. 

(With  P.  W.  Weigand.)  1 ' Geology  of  the  Pilot  Mountain  and 
Pinnacle  Quadrangles,  North  Carolina,"  North  Carolina  Division 
of  Mineral  Resources,  Geologic  Map  Series,  1  (1969). 

(With  J.  R.  Butler,  P.  W.  Weigand,  and  P.  S.  Justus.)  "Lithol- 
ogy  and  Structural  Style  of  the  Brevard  Zone,  North  Carolina," 
Geological  Society  of  America,  Special  Paper,  121  (1969),  433-34. 

(With  J.  E.  Fish  and  W.  R.  Muehlberger. )  "Crustal  Structure 
of  the  Central  Texas  Gulf  Coastal  Plain,"  Geological  Society  of 
America,  Abstracts  with  Programs,  2  (1970),  284. 

(With  P.  J.  Roper.)  "  Structural  Evolution  of  Northwestern 
South  Carolina,"  Geological  Society  of  America,  Abstracts  with 
Programs,  2  (1970),  284. 

(With  P.  J.  Roper.)  "Structural  Evolution  of  Northwestern 
South  Carolina,"  Geological  Society  of  America,  Abstracts  with 
Programs,  2  (1970),  239-40. 

Paul  David  Fullagar 

(With  R.  V.  Dietrich  and  M.  L.  Bottino.)  "K-Ar  and  Rb-Sr 
Dating  of  Tectonic  Events  in  the  Appalachians  of  Southwestern 
Virginia,"  Geological  Society  of  America  Bulletin,  80  (1969), 

(With  M.  L.  Bottino.)  "Tertiary  Rb-Sr  Age  of  a  Felsite  In- 
trusion in  the  Valley  and  Ridge  Province,  Virginia,"  Geological 
Society  of  America,  Special  Paper,  121  (1969),  437. 

(With  M.  L.  Bottino.)  "Tertiary  Felsite  Intrusions  in  the  Val- 
ley and  Ridge  Province,  Virginia,"  Geological  Society  of  America 
Bulletin,  80  (1969),  1853-58. 

(With  M.  L.  Bottino,  H.  W.  Fairbairn,  W.  H.  Pinson,  Jr.,  and 
P.  M.  Hurley.)  "Rubidium-Strontium  Study  of  the  Blue  Hills 



Igneous  Complex  and  the  Wamsutta  Formation  Rhyolite,  Massa- 
chusetts," Geological  Society  of  America,  Special  Paper,  121 
(1969),  423. 

(With  M.  L.  Bottino.)  "Rubidium-Strontium  Age  Study  of 
Middle  Devonian  Tioga  Bentonite,"  Southeastern  Geology,  10 
(1969),  247-56. 

"Whole-Rock  Rubidium-Strontium  Ages  of  the  Liberty  Hill 
Pluton,  South  Carolina  and  the  Salisbury  Pluton,  North  Carolina, ' ' 
Geological  Society  of  America,  Abstracts  with  Programs,  1 :  4 

(1969)  ,  26. 

(With  M.  L.  Bottino.)  "Sulfide  Mineralization  and  Anomalous 
Rb-Sr  Whole-Rock  Ages,"  Geological  Society  of  America,  Abstracts 
with  Programs,  1:  7  (1969),  72-73. 

(With  M.  L.  Bottino.)  " Rudibium-Strontium  Age  Study  of 
Middle  Devonian  Tioga  Bentonite,"  Geological  Society  of  America, 
Abstracts  with  Programs,  1:  4  (1969),  27. 

(With  M.  L.  Bottino.)  "Rb-Sr  Whole-Rock  Ages  of  Silurian- 
Devonian  Volcanics  from  Eastern  Maine,"  Maine  Geological  Sur- 
vey Bulletin,  23  (1970),  49-52. 

(With  M.  L.  Bottino.)  "Sulfide  Mineralization  and  Rubidium- 
Strontium  Geochronology  at  Ore  Knob,  North  Carolina,  and  Duck- 
town,  Tennessee,"  Economic  Geology,  65  (1970),  541-50. 

(With  M.  L.  Bottino,  H.  W.  Fairbairn,  W.  H.  Pinson,  Jr.,  and 
P.  M.  Hurley.)  "The  Blue  Hills  Igneous  Complex,  Massachusetts: 
Whole-Rock  Rb-Sr  Open  Systems,"  Geological  Society  of  America 
Bulletin,  81  (1970),  3739-46. 

(With  M.  L.  Bottino.)  "Weathering's  Effect  on  Rb-Sr  Whole- 
Rock  Ages,"  Geological  Society  of  America,  Abstracts  with  Pro- 
grams, 2  (1970),  210-11. 

(With  M.  L.  Bottino  and  B.  M.  French.)  "Rb-Sr  Study  of 
Shock-Metamorphosed  Inclusions  from  the  Onaping  Formation, 
Sudbury,  Ontario,"  American  Geophysical  Union  Transactions,  51 

(1970)  ,  433. 

1 '  Age  and  Origin  of  Plutonic  Intrusions  in  the  Piedmont  of  the 
Southeastern  Appalachians,"  Geological  Society  of  America,  Ab- 
stracts with  Programs,  2  (1970),  556-57. 

(With  A.  L.  Odom.)  "Isotopic  Evidence  for  Late  Devonian 
Movement  Along  the  Brevard  Zone,"  Geological  Society  of  Amer- 
ica, Abstracts  with  Programs,  2  (1970),  638-39. 

(With  M.  L.  Bottino,  C.  C.  Schnetzler,  and  J.  A.  Philpotts.) 
"On  the  Cryptic  Component  of  the  Apollo  12  Soil,"  American 
Geophysical  Union  Transactions,  51  (1970),  772. 



Roy  Lee  Ingram 

(With  P.  A.  Thayer  and  D.  S.  Kirstein.)  Stratigraphy,  Sedi- 
mentology,  and  Economic  Geology  of  the  Dan  River  Basin,  North 
Carolina.  Field  Trip  Guidebook,  Carolina  Geological  Society,  1970. 
Pp.  44. 

(With  T.  E.  Pickett.)  "The  Modern  Sediments  of  Pamlico 
Sound,  North  Carolina/'  Southeastern  Geology,  11  (1969),  53-83. 

(With  D.  E.  Owens.)  "A  Practical  Comparison  of  Methods  of 
Computing  Grain-Size  Parameters,"  American  Association  of  Pe- 
troleum Geologists  Bulletin,  53  (1969),  735. 

Benjamin  Jeffry  Korgen 

(With  G.  Bodvarsson  and  L.  D.  Kulm.)  "Current  Speeds  Near 
the  Ocean  Floor  West  of  Oregon,"  Deep-Sea  Research,  17  (1970), 

Paul  Clyde  Ragland 

(With  J.  R.  Butler.)  "A  Petrochemical  Survey  of  Plutonic 
Intrusions  in  the  Piedmont,  Southeastern  Appalachians,  U.S.A.," 
Contributions  to  Mineralogy  and  Petrology,  24  (1969),  164-90. 

(With  J.  R.  Butler.)  "Petrology  and  Chemistry  of  Meta-igneous 
Rocks  in  the  Albemarle  Area,  North  Carolina  Slate  Belt,"  Amer- 
ican Journal  of  Science,  267  (1969),  700-726. 

(With  G.  K.  Billings.)  "Atomic  Absorption  Spectrometry: 
Geochemical  Techniques  and  Problems,"  Canadian  Spectroscopy, 
14  (1969),  1-7. 

(With  G.  K.  Billings.)  "Geochemical  and  Mineralogical  Aspects 
of  Modern  Carbonate  Sediments:  British  Honduras,"  Geological 
Society  of  America,  Special  Paper,  121  (1969),  422. 

(With  J.  R.  Carpenter.)  "Distribution  of  Transition  Metals  in 
the  Western  Stock  of  the  Farrington  (North  Carolina)  Complex," 
Geological  Society  of  America,  Abstracts  with  Programs,  1 :  4 
(1969),  13. 

(With  R.  V.  Dietrich  and  M.  R.  Hall.)  "Differentiation  within 
the  Mount  Airy  'Granite,'  "  Geological  Society  of  America,  Ab- 
stracts with  Programs,  1:  4  (1969),  19. 

(With  J.  D.  Johnson  and  D.  A.  Dobbins.)  "Chemical  Interac- 
tions between  Solid  and  Aqueous  Phases  in  an  Estuarine  Environ- 
ment," Geological  Society  of  America,  Special  Paper,  121  (1969), 

"  Alpha-autoradiography  and  Morphology  of  Accessory  Zircon 
Suites,"  Southeastern  Geology,  11  (1969),  1-19. 



(With  J.  R.  Butler.)  "Differentiation  Trends  in  the  Intrusive 
Rocks  of  the  Carolina  Piedmont,"  Geological  Society  of  America, 
Abstracts  with  Program,  1:  4  (1969),  66. 

(With  0.  H.  Pilkey  and  B.  W.  Blackwelder. )  "Comparison  of 
the  Sr/Ca  Ratio  of  Fossil  and  Recent  Mollusc  Shells,"  Nature, 
224  (1969),  1223-24. 

(With  J.  J.  W.  Rogers  and  P.  S.  Justus.)  "Chemical  Composi- 
tion of  Triassic  Dolerite  Magmas  from  North  Carolina  and  their 
Possible  Tectonic  Significance,"  Geological  Society  of  America, 
Special  Paper,  121  (1969),  244. 

(With  H.  D.  Wagener.)  "Chemical  Fractionation  in  the  Far- 
rington  Igneous  Complex,  North  Carolina,"  Geological  Society  of 
America,  Special  Paper,  121  (1969),  472. 

(With  R.  V.  Dietrich  and  M.  R.  Hall.)  "Damming  Action  of 
Xenoliths  in  the  Mt.  Airy  1  Granite,'  North  Carolina,"  Southeastern 
Geology,  11  (1970),  205-14. 

(With  D.  A.  Dobbins  and  J.  D.  Johnson.)  "Water-clay  Interac- 
tions in  North  Carolina's  Pamlico  Estuary,"  Environmental  Sci- 
ence and  Technology,  4  (1970),  743-48. 

"Composition  and  Structural  State  of  the  Potassic  Phase  in 
Perthites  as  Related  to  Petrogenesis  of  a  Granitic  Pluton, ' '  Lithos,  3 
(1970),  167-89. 

"Subsolidus  Unmixing  and  Inversion  of  Potassium  Feldspars 
from  a  Granitic  Pluton,"  Geological  Society  of  America,  Abstracts 
with  Programs,  2  (1970),  239. 

(With  P.  W.  Weigand.)  "Geochemistry  of  Mesozoic  Dolerite 
Dikes  from  Eastern  North  America,"  Contributions  to  Mineralogy 
and  Petrology,  29  (1970),  195-214. 

Daniel  Andrew  Textoris 

(With  J.  M.  Dennison.)  "Devonian  Tioga  Tuff  in  Northeastern 
United  States,"  in  Symposium  on  Volcanoes  and  their  Boots,  Ox- 
ford: International  Association  of  Volcanology  and  Chemistry  of 
Earth's  Interior,  1969.  Pp.  222-23. 

"Lack  of  Void-Filling  Sparry  Calcite  in  Some  Pelsparites, " 
Geological  Society  of  America,  Special  Paper,  121  (1969),  470. 

"Petrology  of  Middle  Ordovician  Supratidal  Carbonates  and 
Associated  Facies,  Black  River  Group  of  New  York,"  Geological 
Society  of  America,  Abstracts  with  Programs,  1:  1  (1969),  58-59. 

"Porosity  Control  by  Original  Skeletal  Mineralogy  in  Mesozoic 
and  Tertiary  Carbonates,"  Geological  Society  of  America,  Special 
Paper,  121  (1969),  295. 



"Supratidal  Origin  of  Appalachian  Basin  Dolostone,"  Geolog- 
ical Society  of  America,  Special  Paper,  121  (1969),  470-71. 

(With  J.  E.  Cunliffe.)  " Petrology  of  Cretaceous  Peedee  For- 
mation and  Eocene  Castle  Hayne  Limestone,  North  Carolina," 
Geological  Society  of  America,  Special  Paper,  121  (1969),  428. 

(With  J.  M.  Dennison.)  1  'Devonian  Tioga  Tuff  in  Northeastern 
United  States,"  Bulletin  Volcanologique,  34  (1970),  289-94. 

(With  J.  M.  Dennison.)  ' 'Petrology  of  Devonian  Tioga  Ben- 
tonite,"  Geological  Society  of  America,  Abstracts  with  Programs, 
2  (1970),  243-44. 

(With  D.  L.  Falls.)  "Size,  Grain  Type,  and  Mineralogical  Re- 
lationships in  Recent  Marine  Calcareous  Beach  Sands,"  Geological 
Society  of  America,  Abstracts  with  Programs,  2  (1970),  208. 

Review  of  Otto  P.  Majewske,  Recognition  of  Invertebrate  Fossil 
Fragments  in  Bocks  and  Thin  Sections  (Leiden:  E.  J.  Brill,  1969), 
in  American  Association  of  Petroleum  Geologists  Bulletin,  54 
(1970),  1760-61. 

J oel  Smith  Watkins 

Associate  Editor,  Geophysics. 

(With  G.  P.  Eaton.)  "The  Use  of  Seismic  Refraction  and  Grav- 
ity Methods  in  Hydrogeological  Investigations,"  in  Mining  and 
Groundwater  Geophysics,  Economic  Geology  Report  Number  26, 
ed.,  L.  W.  Morley,  Ottawa:  Canadian  Geological  Survey,  1970. 
Pp.  544-68. 

(With  B.  D.  McAllister,  James  Kerr,  John  Zimmer,  and  R.  L. 
Kovach.)  "A  Seismic  Refraction  System  for  Lunar  Use,"  Trans- 
actions of  the  Institute  of  Electrical  and  Electronics  Engineers, 
GE-7  (July  1969),  164-71. 

(With  J.  H.  Whitcomb,  E.  L.  Weeks,  T.  J.  Graves,  R.  L.  Kovach, 
and  R.  H.  Godson.)  "A  Lunar  Engineering  Seismic  System," 
Bulletin  of  the  Association  of  Engineering  Geologists,  6  (1969), 

"Lunar  Traverse  Geophysics  in  the  Post-Apollo  Time  Frame," 
American  Astronautical  Society,  Operations  Research  Society  Joint 
National  Meeting,  1969,  155. 

(With  D.  M.  Best,  W.  H.  Geddes,  T.  C.  Hu,  and  D.  H.  Walz.), 
"Gravity  Investigation  of  the  Contact  between  the  Carolina  Slate 
Belt  and  the  Charlotte  Belt  in  Central  North  Carolina,"  Geolog- 
ical Society  of  America,  Abstracts  with  Programs,  2  (1970),  195-96. 

(With  Thomas  Huggett),  "Evidence  of  Middle  Paleozoic  Sea- 
Floor  Spreading  in  the  Southern  Appalachians,"  Transactions, 
American  Geophysical  Union,  51  (1970),  824. 



Walter  Hall  Wheeler 

Physical  Geology.  A  Correspondence  Course  Manual  for  Geology 
11  for  the  Extension  Division  of  the  University  of  North  Carolina, 
1969.  Pp.  102. 

Historical  Geology.  A  Correspondence  Course  Manual  for  Ge- 
ology 42  for  the  Extension  Division  of  the  University  of  North 
Carolina,  1970.  Pp.  89. 

(With  W.  C.  Fallaw.)  4 'Marine  Fossiliferous  Pleistocene  De- 
posits in  Southeastern  North  Carolina/'  Southeastern  Geology,  10 
(1969),  35-54. 

(With  H.  A.  Curran.)  1 1  Confirmation  of  Cretaceous  Age  of  Some 
Indurated  Strata  near  Castle  Hayne,  North  Carolina,"  Geological 
Society  of  America,  Abstracts  with  Programs,  1:  4  (1969),  86-87. 

(With  A.  P.  Kandazzo  and  W.  Swe.)  "A  Study  of  Tectonic  In- 
fluence on  Triassic  Sedimentation — The  Wadesboro  Basin,  Central 
Piedmont,"  Journal  of  Sedimentary  Petrology,  40  (1970),  998- 

William  Alexander  White 

The  Geomorphology  of  the  Florida  Peninsula.  Geological  Bulle- 
tin No.  51,  Bureau  of  Geology,  Florida  Department  of  Natural 
Eesources,  1970.  Pp.  164. 

"Erosion  of  Cirques,"  Journal  of  Geology,  78  (1970),  123-26. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 

Tillman  Webb  Cooley,  Jr. 

Stratigraphy  and  Sedimentology  of  Surficial  Deposits,  South 
Central  North  Carolina.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Walter 
Hall  Wheeler.) 

Frank  Kenneth  McKinney 

Trepostomatous  Ectoprocta  of  Lower  Chicakamauga  Group, 
Wills  Valley,  Alabama.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Joseph  St. 
Jean,  Jr.) 

Daniel  David  Michalek 

Fanlike  Features  and  Related  Periglacial  Phenomena  of  the 
Southern  Blue  Ridge.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  William 
Alexander  White.) 



Vaneaton  Price,  Jr. 

Distribution  of  Trace  Elements  in  Plutonic  Rocks  in  the  South- 
eastern United  States.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Paul  Clyde 

Paul  James  Eoper 

Geology  of  the  Tamassee  and  Parts  of  the  Satolah  and  Cashiers 
Quadrangles  in  Northwestern  South  Carolina.  (1970,  under  the  di- 
rection of  David  Evan  Dunn.) 

Ronald  John  Scrudato 

Kaolin  and  Associated  Sediments  of  East-Central  Georgia. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Daniel  Andrew  Textoris.) 

Gerry  Lewis  Stirewalt 

Structural  Analysis  of  the  Sauratown  Mountain  Anticlinorium 
and  the  Brevard  Zone,  North  Carolina.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  David  Evan  Dunn.) 

Henry  Dickerson  Wagener 

Petrology  of  the  Adamellites,  Granites  and  Related  Meta- 
morphic  Rocks  of  the  Winnsboro  Quadrangle,  South  Carolina. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  James  Robert  Butler.) 

John  Dennis  Waskom 

Geology  and  Geophysics  of  the  Lilesville  Granite  Batholith, 
North  Carolina.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  James  Robert  But- 

Peter  Woolson  Weigand 

Petrochemistry  of  Mesozoic  Dolerites  in  the  Eastern  United 
States.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Paul  Clyde  Ragland.) 

Augustus  O  'Hara  Wilson,  Jr. 

Sedimentary  Petrology  of  the  Middle  Ordovician  Chickamauga 
Limestone,  Northeastern  Alabama.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Daniel  Andrew  Textoris.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 

David  Malcolm  Best 

Determining  Best-Fit  Two-Dimensional  Gravity  Anomaly  Mod- 
els by  Partial  Derivatives.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Joel  Smith 



Joseph  John  Cabaup 

Origin  and  Differentiation  of  the  Gabbro  in  the  Concord  Ring 
Dike.  North  Carolina  Piedmont.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Paul 
Clyde  Ragland.) 

Richard  George  Chalcraft 

Petrography  and  Geophysics  of  the  Rock  Hill  Gabbro  Pluton, 
York  County,  South  Carolina.  (1989,  under  the  direction  of  James 
Robert  Butler.) 

Darryl  Lee  Falls 

Inter-Parametric  Relationships  in  Recent  Marine  Calcareous 
Sands.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Daniel  Andrew  Textoris.) 

Michael  Wayne  Hansen 

Petrography  of  Wisconsinan  Loesses  of  West-Central  Illinois. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Daniel  Andrew  Textoris.) 

Jo  Wilson  Helwig 

Statistical  Analyses  of  Grain-Size  Parameters.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Roy  Lee  Ingram.) 

Robert  Edgar  Lemmon 

Chemical  Trends  in  the  Salisbury  Granitic  Pluton,  Rowan 
County,  South  Carolina.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Paul  Clyde 

William  Arthur  Pirkle 

The  Offset  Course  of  the  St.  Johns  River.  (1970,  under  the  di- 
rection of  William  Alexander  White.) 

Albert  Clieeord  Staheli 

Surface  Beach  Ridge  Sagging  as  an  Indicator  to  Sub-Surface 
Limestone  Solution  in  Central  Peninsular  Florida.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  William  Alexander  White.) 

Peter  Woolson  Weigand 

The  Geochemistry  of  Some  Felsic  Rocks  in  the  Albemarle,  North 
Carolina  Area.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Paul  Clyde  Rag- 


Walter  Karl  Francke 

"Put  a  Grimm  in  your  Oral  ' Nacherzahlung, '  "  Die  Unter- 
richtspraxis  (1969),  34-38. 



Werner  Paul  Friederich 

The  Challenge  of  Comparative  Literature  and  Other  Addresses. 
The  University  of  North  Carolina  Studies  in  Comparative  Litera- 
ture, No.  51.  Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North  Carolina  Press, 
1970.  Pp.  xxiii,  152. 

John  Gotthold  Kunstmann 

"Versuch  einer  Deutung  von  CGM  4997,  Folio  683  Recto, 
Strophe  XIX-XX,"  Vergleichen  und  verdndern.  Festschrift  fur 
Helmut  Motekat.  Hg.  von  Albrecht  Goetze  und  Gunther  Pflaum. 
Munehen,  Max  Hueber  Verlag,  1970.  Pp.  1-16. 

' i  On  Tubs  and  Whales :  From  the  Psalmist  and  Alexander  the 
Great  to  Heinrich  von  Kleist,"  in  Medieval  and  Renaissance 
Studies,  Proceedings  of  the  Southeastern  Institute  of  Medieval  and 
Renaissance  Studies.  Summer,  1968,  ed.,  John  L.  Lievsay.  Medieval 
and  Renaissance  Series,  No.  4.  Durham,  North  Carolina:  Duke 
University  Press,  1970.  Pp.  82-110. 

"Nineteenth-Century  and  Early  Twentieth-Century  Interpreta- 
tions of  the  Yogelhochzeit,"  in  Studies  in  German  Literature  of  the 
Nineteenth  and  Twentieth  Centuries.  Festschrift  for  Frederic  E. 
Coenen,  ed.,  Siegfried  E.  Mews.  University  of  North  Carolina 
Studies  in  the  Germanic  Languages  and  Literatures,  No.  67.  Chapel 
Hill:  The  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1970.  Pp.  1-10. 

George  Sherman  Lane 

1 '  The  Inflection  of  Sanskrit  Nouns  found  in  Tocharian  Texts, ' 7 
Journal  of  the  American  Oriental  Society,  89  (July-September 

1969)  ,  541-47. 

"Tocharian:  Indo-European  and  Non-Indo-European  Relation- 
ships," in  Indo-European  and  Indo-Europeans,  eds.,  George  Car- 
dona  et  al.  Philadelphia:  University  of  Pennsylvania  Press,  1970. 
Pp.  73-88. 

Review  of  Winfred  P.  Lehmann,  A  Reader  in  Nineteenth  Cen- 
tury Historical  Linguistics  (Bloomington :  Indiana  University 
Press,  1967),  in  Language,  Journal  of  the  Linguistic  Society  of 
America,  45  (March  1969),  132-35. 

Review  of  Otto  J.  Zitzelsberger,  The  Two  Versions  of  Sturlangs 
Saga  Starfsama:  a  Decipherment,  Edition,  and  Translation  of  a 
Fourteenth  Century  Icelandic  Mythical-Heroic  Saga  (Dusseldorf : 
Michael  Triltsch  Yerlag,  1969),  in  Scandinavian  Studies,  42  (May 

1970)  ,  206-8. 

Robert  Stephen  Mayo 

Herder  and  the  Beginnings  of  Comparative  Literature.  The  Uni- 



versity  of  North  Carolina  Studies  in  Comparative  Literature,  No. 
48.  Chapel  Hill:  The  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1969. 
Pp.  160. 

Review  of  Franz  H.  Mautner,  Lichteriberg.  Geschichte  seines 
Geistes  (Berlin:  Walter  de  Gruyter  and  Co.,  1968),  in  Germanic 
Notes,  1:4  (1970),  30-32. 

Siegfried  Ernst  Mews 

Editor,  University  of  North  Carolina  Studies  in  the  Germanic 
Languages  and  Literatures. 

Editor,  Studies  in  German  Literature  of  the  Nineteenth  and 
Twentieth  Centuries,  Festschrift  for  Frederic  E.  Coenen.  Univer- 
sity of  North  Carolina  Studies  in  the  Germanic  Languages  and 
Literatures,  No.  67.  Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North  Carolina 
Press,  1970.  Pp.  xx,  250. 

' 1  German  Reception  of  American  Writers  in  the  Late  Nine- 
teenth Century,"  South  Atlantic  Bulletin,  34:  2  (March  1969), 

"Sensationalism  and  Sentimentality:  Minor  Victorian  Prose 
Writers  in  Germany,"  Modern  Language  Notes,  84  (1969),  776-78. 

"Foreign  Literature  in  German  Magazines,  1870-1890,"  Year- 
hook  of  Comparative  and  General  Literature,  18  (1969),  36-47. 

"Zur  Funktion  der  Literatur  in  Kellers  Die  Leute  von  Seld- 
wyla,"  The  German  Quarterly,  43  (1970),  394-405. 

"  'Pack  den  Tiger  in  dem  Tank'  The  American  Press  and  the 
German  Language,"  Die  Unterrichtspraxis  (1970),  18-21. 

Review  of  Horst  Brunner,  Die  Poetische  Insel.  Inseln  und  In- 
selvorstellungen  in  der  deutschen  Literatur  (Stuttgart:  J.  B.  Metz- 
lersche  Verlagsbuchhandlung,  1967),  in  Journal  of  English  and 
Germanic  Philology,  68  (1969),  368-70. 

Review  of  Helmut  Kreuzer,  Die  Boheme.  Beitrage  zu  ihrer 
Beschreibung  (Stuttgart:  J.  B.  Metzlersche  Verlagsbuchhandlung, 
1968),  in  Journal  of  English  and  Germanic  Philology,  69  (1970), 

Review  of  Donald  Ray  Richards,  The  German  Bestseller  in  the 
20th  Century.  A  Complete  Bibliography  and  Analysis  1915-1940 
(Bern:  Herbert  Lang,  1968),  in  Journal  of  English  and  Germanic 
Philology,  69  (1970),  507-10. 

Herbert  William  Reichert 

"Symbolism  in  Gottfried  Keller's  Sinngedicht,"  in  Studies 
in  German  Literature  of  the  Nineteenth  and  Twentieth  Centuries. 
Festschrift  for  Frederic  E.  Coenen,  ed.,  Siegfried  E.  Mews.  Uni- 



versity  of  North  Carolina  Studies  in  the  Germanic  Languages  and 
Literatures,  No.  67.  Chapel  Hill :  The  University  of  North  Carolina 
Press,  1970.  Pp.  111-25. 

Review  of  Walter  Benjamin,  Illuminations,  trans.,  Harry 
Zohn  (New  York:  Schocken  Books,  1969),  in  Monatshefte,  62 
(1970),  409-10. 

Review  of  Helmut  Heissenbiittel  and  Heinrieh  Vorweg,  Brief- 
wechsel  uber  Literatur  (Berlin:  Luchterhand  Verlag,  1969),  in 
Books  Abroad,  44  (Summer  1970),  467-68. 

Review  of  Manfred  Durzak,  Hermann  Brock.  Der  Dichter  und 
seine  Zeit  (Stuttgart,  1968),  in  Monatshefte,  62  (Summer  1970), 

Review  of  Kaspar  Loeher,  Gottfried  Keller.  Der  Weg  zur 
Beife  (Bern  und  Miinchen,  1969),  in  Monatshefte,  62  (1970), 

Review  of  Ernst  May,  Gottfried  Kellers  Sinngedicht  (Bern 
und  Miinchen,  1969),  in  Journal  of  English  and  Germanic  Phil- 
ology, 69  (1970),  368-71. 

Review  of  Dorrit  C.  Cohn,  The  Sleepwalkers.  Elucidation  of 
Hermann  Broch's  Trilogy,  in  Monatshefte,  61  (1969),  86-87. 

Christoph  Eugen  Schweitzer 

Editor,  Nathan  der  Weise  by  Gotthold  Ephraim  Lessing.  New 
York:  McGraw-Hill  Book  Company,  1970.  Pp.  xii,  196. 

Review  of  Georg  Christoph  Lichtenberg,  Gedankenbucher ,  ed., 
Franz  H.  Mautner,  (Heidelberg:  Lothar  Stiehm  Verlag,  1967),  in 
Monatshefte,  61  (1969),  293-94. 

Review  of  Manfred  Karnick,  (Wilhelm  Meisters  Wander  jahre' 
oder  die  Kunst  des  Mittelbaren:  Studien  zum  Problem  der  Ver- 
standigung  in  Goethes  Altersepoche  (Miinchen:  Wilhelm  Fink 
Verlag,  1968),  in  Monatshefte,  62  (1970),  391-92. 

Review  of  Hanna  Fischer-Lamberg,  ed.,  Der  junge  Goethe. 
Neu  bearbeitete  Ausgabe  in  filnf  Banden,  Vol.  IV,  Januar-Dezem- 
ber  1774  (Berlin:  "Walter  De  Gruyter  and  Company,  1968),  in 
Journal  of  English  and  Germanic  Philology,  69  (1970),  145. 

Review  of  Harold  Jantz,  The  Mothers  in  Faust.  The  Myth  of 
Time  and  Creativity  (Baltimore:  The  Johns  Hopkins  Press,  1969), 
in  Journal  of  English  and  Germanic  Philology,  69  (1970),  146-47. 

Review  of  Gerda  Roder,  Gluck  und  gliickliches  Ende  im 
deutschen  Bildungsroman:  Eine  Studie  zu  Goethes  e  Wilhelm  Mei- 
ster'  (Miinchen:  Max  Hueber  Verlag,  1968),  in  The  German  Quar- 
terly, 43  (1970),  284-85. 



Sidney  Rtjftjs  Smith 

"Orthographical  Criteria  in  Eggert  Olafsson's  '  Rettritabok, '  " 
Scandinavian  Studies,  41  (August  1969),  231-42. 

"German:  The  Language  "We  Neglect,"  North  Carolina  Educa- 
tion. 1:  1  (New  Series)  (September  1970),  12-14. 

"Teaching  the  Modified- Adjective  Construction,"  Die  TJnter- 
richtspraxis,  3:  2  (Fall  1970),  52-55. 

Review  of  Vemund  Skard,  Norsk  spraakhistorie,  hind  I:  til  1523 
(Oslo:  Universitetsforlaget,  1967),  in  Scandinavian  Studies,  42 
(August  1970),  358-61. 

Ria  Stambaugh 

TeufeTbucher  in  Auswahl.  Vol.  1 :  Ludwig  Milichius:  Zauberteu- 
fel.  Schrapteufel.  Ausgaben  Deutscher  Literatur  des  XV.  bis 
XVIII.  Jahrhunderts,  Berlin:  Walter  De  Gruyter,  1970.  Pp.  495. 

(With  William  L.  Boletta.)  "Literature  of  the  Renaissance 
in  1968:  A  Bibliography  Germanic,"  Studies  in  Philology,  66 
(May  1969).  323-91. 

"Proverbial  and  Human  Corruption  and  Other  Distortions 
of  Popular  Sayings,"  Festschrift  for  Archer  Taylor,  Proverbium, 
15  (1970),  115-19. 

Peteus  Wilhelmus  Tax 

4)  "Neidhart  von  Reuental";  5)  "Noker  (Memento  Mori)"; 
6)  "Osterspiel  von  Muri";  7)  "Otfrid,"  in  Moderne  Encyclo- 
pedic der  Wereldliteratuur,  volume  VI  (Hilversum,  The  Nether- 
lands, 1970). 

Review  of  Gisela  Hollandt,  Die  Eauptgestalten  in  Gottfrieds 
Tristan  (Berlin,  1966),  in  Zeitschrift  fur  deutsche  Philologie,  88 
(1969),  108-12. 

Review  of  David  Blamires,  Characterization  and  Individuality 
in  Wolfram's  Parzival  (Cambridge,  1966),  in  Zeitschrift  fur 
deutsche  Philologie,  89  (1970),  117-20. 

Review  of  Edgar  Papp,  ed.,  Die  altdeutsche  Genesis  (Miinchen, 
1968),  in  Speculum,  45  (1970),  154-56. 

Review  of  Fachliteratur  des  Mittelalters.  Festschrift  fur  Ger- 
hard Eis  (Stuttgart,  1968),  in  Bulletin  of  the  History  of  Medicine, 
44  (1970),  282-83. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 




The  Almanacs  of  Gotthold  Friedrich  Staudlin  1782-1787  and 
1792-1793  with  Special  Emphasis  on  Their  Significance  for  Fried- 
rich  Schiller  and  Friedrich  Holderlin.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Werner  Paul  Friederich.) 

Walter  Leroy  Robbins 

The  German-American  Custom  of  Wishing  in  and  Shooting 
in  the  New  Year.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  John  Gotthold 


The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 

Hansford  M.  Epes,  Jr. 

Brecht's  Use  of  Split  and  Ambivalent  Characters.  (1969,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Herbert  William  Reichert.) 

Ilse  Hildegard  Friedrich 

Numinose  Element  in  Volkssagen  und  Volksballaden.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Lutz  Rohrich.) 

Dorothy  Pegg  Harris 

Recurrent  Symbols  in  Three  Novels  of  Heinrich  Boll.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Herbert  William  Reichert.) 

Anne  Lansing  Keeler 

A  Dramatist  of  Transition :  Jakob  Reinhold  Lenz,  A  Pioneer  of 
Modern  Tragicomedy  in  Germany.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Werner  Paul  Friederich.) 


Josef  Anderle 

"History"  [Czechoslovakia],  in  East  Central  Europe:  A  Guide 
to  Basic  Publications,  ed.,  Paul  L.  Hoercky.  Chicago :  The  Univer- 
sity of  Chicago  Press,  1969.  Pp.  197-240. 

Review  of  Richard  Felix  Staar,  The  Communist  Regimes  of  East- 
ern Europe:  An  Introduction  (Stanford:  The  Hoover  Institution 
on  War,  Revolution  and  Peace,  1967),  in  Jahrbuch  fur  die  Ges- 
chichte  Mittel-und  Ostdeutschlands,  18  (1969),  404-5. 

Review  of  Radomir  Luza,  The  Transfer  of  the  Sudeten  Germans: 



A  Study  of  Czech-German  Relations,  1933-1962  (New  York:  The 
New  York  University  Press,  1964),  in  Jahrbuch  fur  die  Geschichte 
Mittel-und  Ostdeutschlands,  18  (1969),  552-53. 

Stephen  Bartow  Baxter 

"William  III :  The  Protestant  Hope,"  in  History  of  the  English 
Speaking  Peoples,  ed.,  Richard  Humble.  London :  BPC  Publishing 
Ltd.,  1970.  Pp.  1852-59. 

Review  of  J.  S.  Bromley  and  E.  H.  Kossman,  eds.,  Britain  and 
the  Netherlands  in  Europe  and  Asia:  Papers  Delivered  to  the  Third 
Anglo-Dutch  Historical  Conference  (New  York:  St.  Martin's  Press, 

1968)  ,  in  The  American  Historical  Review,  75  (December  1969), 

Review  of  John  Carswell,  The  Descent  on  England:  A  Study  of 
the  English  Revolution  of  1688  and  Its  European  Background  (New 
York:  John  Day  Company,  1969),  The  American  Historical  Re- 
view, 75  (October  1970),  1721-22. 

Review  of  P.  G.  M.  Dickson,  The  Financial  Revolution  in  Eng- 
land: A  Study  in  the  Development  of  Public  Credit  (New  York: 
St.  Martin's  Press,  1967),  in  Journal  of  Modern  History,  41  (June 

1969)  ,  237-38. 

Review  of  Henry  Horwitz,  Revolution  Politicks:  The  Career  of 
Daniel  Finch,  Second  Earl  of  Nottingham,  1647-1730  (New  York: 
Cambridge  University  Press,  1968),  in  Journal  of  Modern  History, 
42  (March  1970),  139-40. 

Review  of  John  J.  Murray,  George  I,  the  Baltic  and  the  Whig 
Split  of  1717  (Chicago:  University  of  Chicago  Press,  1969),  in 
Journal  of  Modern  History,  42  (September  1970),  396-97. 

Frederick  Otten  Behrends 

"Two  Spurious  Letters  in  the  Fulbert  Collection,"  Revue 
Benedictine,  80  (1970),  253-75. 

Harold  A.  Bierck 

The  United  States  and  Latin  America:  From  the  Good  Neigh- 
bor Policy  to  the  Alliance  for  Progress.  New  York:  The  Macmil- 
lan  Company,  1969.  Pp.  92. 

"The  Impact  of  Inter-American  Trade  on  the  United  States 
Economic  System  to  1815,"  Secolas  Annals,  1  (March  1970),  5-16. 

Henry  Charles  Boren 

The  Gracci.  New  York:  Twayne  Publishers,  Inc.,  1968.  Pp.  146. 



Lamar  John  Ryan  Cecil 

"The  Creation  of  Nobles  in  Prussia,  1871-1918,"  American 
Historical  Review,  75  (February  1970),  757-95. 

Review  of  Gerhard  Ritter,  Staatskunst  und  Kriegshandwerk. 
Volume  III.  Die  Tragbdie  der  Staatskunst :  Bethmann  Hollweg  als 
Kriegskanzler,  1914-1917  (Munich:  R.  Oldenbourg,  1964),  in 
Canadian  Journal  of  History,  4  (September  1969),  120-21. 

Review  of  Jonathan  Steinberg,  Yesterday's  Deterrent:  Tirpitz 
and  the  Birth  of  the  German  Battle  Fleet  (New  York:  The  Mac- 
millan  Company,  1966),  in  Jahrbuch  fur  die  Geschichte  Mitt  el-  und 
Ostdeutschlands,  18  (1969),  394-95. 

Review  of  Egmont  Zechlin,  Die  Deutsche  Politik  und  die  Juden 
im  Ersten  Weltkrieg  (Gottingen:  Vandenhoeck  &  Ruprecht,  1969), 
in  Journal  of  Modern  History,  42  (December  1970),  696-98. 

Gilliam  Townsend  Cell 

English  Enterprise  in  Newfoundland,  1577-1660.  Toronto: 
University  of  Toronto  Press,  1969.  Pp.  xi,  181. 

James  Isaac  Copeland 

Editor,  Democracy  in  the  Old  South  and  Other  Essays  by 
Fletcher  Melvin  Green.  Nashville:  Vanderbilt  University  Press, 
1969.  Pp.  xx,  322. 

Review  of  John  M.  Jennings,  The  Library  of  the  College  of  Wil- 
liam and  Mary  in  Virginia,  1693-1793  (Charlottesville:  The  Uni- 
versity Press  of  Virginia,  1968),  in  Journal  of  Library  History,  5 
(April  1970),  189-90. 

Review  of  Philip  C.  Brooks,  Research  in  Archives:  The  Use  of 
Unpublished  Primary  Sources  (Chicago:  University  of  Chicago 
Press,  1969),  in  Journal  of  Southern  History,  35  (November  1969), 

Elisha  Peairs  Douglass 

Review  of  Robert  C.  Alberts,  The  Golden  Voyage:  The  Life 
and  Times  of  William  Bingham  (Boston:  Houghton  Mifflin  Com- 
pany, 1969),  in  American  Historical  Review,  75  (June  1970) 

Review  of  William  A.  Benton,  Whig  Loyalism:  An  Aspect  of 
Political  Ideology  in  the  American  Revolution  (Rutherford,  New 
Jersey:  Fairleigh-Dickinson  University  Press,  1969),  in  Journal 
of  American  History,  56  (March  1970) ,  899-900. 

Review  of  John  M.  Head,  A  Time  to  Rend:  An  Essay  on  the 
Decision  for  Independence  (Madison:  State  Historical  Society  of 



Wisconsin,  1968),  in  North  Carolina  Historical  Review,  46  (Win- 
ter 1969),  73-74. 

Peter  Gabriel  Filene 

"An  Obitnary  for  'The  Progressive  Movement/  "  American 
Quarterly,  22  (Spring  1970),  20-34. 

"Self-Grading:  An  Experiment  in  Learning, "  Journal  of  High- 
er Education,  40  (Jnne  1969),  451-58. 

(With  Donald  W.  Oliver.)  "History  in  the  High  School,"  The 
Educational  Forum,  34  (November  1969),  71-79. 

Clifford  McClain  Foitst 

Muscovite  and  Mandarin:  Russia's  Trade  with  China  and  its 
Setting,  1727-1805.  Chapel  Hill :  The  University  of  North  Carolina 
Press,  1969.  Pp.  xvi,  424. 

James  Logan  Godfrey 

"Review  of  North  Carolina  Nonfiction,  1967-1968,"  North  Car- 
olina Historical  Review,  46  (Spring  1969),  106-12. 

Review  of  Max  Beloff,  Imperial  Sunset.  Volume  I,  Britain's  Lib- 
eral Empire,  1897-1921  (New  York:  Alfred  A.  Knopf,  1970),  in 
Virginia  Quarterly  Review,  56  (Summer  1970),  499-502. 

Review  of  Roger  Fulford,  ed.,  Dearest  Mama:  Letters  Between 
Queen  Victoria  and  the  Crown  Princess  of  Prussia,  1861-1864  (New 
York:  Holt,  Rinehart  and  Winston,  1969),  in  American  Historical 
Review,  75  (December  1969),  484-85. 

Review  of  W.  K.  Hancock,  Smuts:  The  Fields  of  Force,  1919- 
1950  (New  York:  Cambridge  University  Press,  1968),  in  American 
Historical  Review,  74  (February  1969),  1059-60. 

David  Mark  Griffiths 

"Nikita  Panin,  Russian  Diplomacy,  and  the  American  Revolu- 
tion," Slavic  Review,  28  (March  1969),  1-24. 

"American  Commercial  Diplomacy  in  Russia,"  William  and 
Mary  Quarterly,  27  (July  1970),  379-410. 

John  Miles  Headley 

Editor,  Responsio  ad  Lutherum.  Text  with  Introduction  and 
Commentary.  Yale  Edition  of  the  Complete  Works  of  St.  Thomas 
More.  Volume  5.  New  Haven  and  London :  Yale  University  Press, 
1969.  Pp.  1025. 

' '  Thomas  More  and  Luther 's  Revolt, ' '  Archiv  fur  Reformation- 
geschichte,  60  (1969),  145-60. 

"A  Commentator's  Report  on  the  St.  Thomas  More  Symposi- 
um," Moreana,  27-28  (December  1970),  146-48. 



Review  of  S.  H.  Steinberg,  The  Thirty  Years  War  and  the  Con- 
flict for  European  Hegemony,  1600-1660  (New  York :  W.  W.  Norton 
and  Company,  1966),  in  Jahrbuch  fur  die  Geschichte  Mitt  el-  und 
Ostdeutschlands,  18  (1969),  369. 

Robert  Don"  Higginbotham 

"The  First  Americans,"  in  History  of  the  English  Speaking 
Peoples,  ed.,  Richard  Humble.  London :  BPC  Publishing  Ltd.,  1970. 
Pp.  2308-13. 

Review  of  Gordon  S.  Wood,  The  Creation  of  the  American  Re- 
public 1776-1787  (Chapel  Hill:  The  University  of  North  Carolina 
Press,  1969),  in  North  Carolina  Historical  Review,  47  (Winter 
1970),  106-7. 

Review  of  Norine  Dickson  Campbell,  Patrick  Henry:  Patriot 
and  Statesman  (New  York:  Devin-Adair  Company,  1969),  in  Amer- 
ican Historical  Review,  75  (December  1970),  2125. 

Review  of  Alan  Valentine,  Lord  Stirling  (New  York:  Oxford 
University  Press,  1969),  in  American  Historical  Review,  75  (De- 
cember 1969),  578-79. 

Review  of  James  T.  Flexner,  George  Washington:  In  the  Amer- 
ican Revolution,  1775-1783  (Boston:  Little,  Brown  and  Company, 
1968),  in  William  and  Mary  Quarterly,  25  (April  1969),  302-4. 

Lawrence  Devlin  Kessler 

"Ethnic  Composition  of  Provincial  Leadership  During  the 
Ch'ing  Dynasty,"  Journal  of  Asian  Studies,  28  (May  1969),  489- 

Hugh  Talmage  Lefler 

Editor,  James  Sprunt  Studies  in  History  and  Political  Science. 
Volume  51.  Chapel  Hill:  The  University  of  North  Carolina  Press, 

1969.  Pp.  viii,  180.  Volume  52,  1970.  Pp.  viii,  168. 

A  Guide  to  the  Study  and  Reading  of  North  Carolina  History. 
3rd  edition,  revised  and  enlarged.  Chapel  Hill:  The  University  of 
North  Carolina  Press,  1969.  Pp.  viii,  280. 

''North  Carolina,"  The  Americana  Annual,  1969,  pp.  480-81; 

1970,  pp.  510-11. 

"North  Carolina,"  Collier's  Year  Book,  1969,  p.  400;  1970,  pp. 

Donald  Gene  Mathews 

"The  Methodist  Schism  of  1844  and  the  Popularization  of 
Antislavery  Sentiment,"  Mid-America,  51  (January  1969),  3-23. 



' '  The  Second  Great  Awakening  as  an  Organizing  Process,  1780- 
1830:  An  Hypothesis,"  American  Quarterly,  21  (Spring  1969), 

Review  of  James  F.  Findlay,  Jr.,  Dwight  L.  Moody:  American 
Evangelist,  1837-1899  (Chicago:  University  of  Chicago  Press, 
1969),  in  Civil  War  History,  16  (December  1970),  353-54. 

Review  of  Richard  Hofstadter  and  Seymore  M.  Lipset,  eds., 
Turner  and  the  Sociology  of  the  Frontier  (New  York:  Basic  Books, 
1968),  in  Social  Forces,  48  (September  1969),  121-22. 

Review  of  Robert  Meredith,  The  Politics  of  the  Universe:  Ed- 
ward Beecher,  Abolition,  and  Orthodoxy  (Nashville:  Vanderbilt 
University  Press,  1968),  in  Wisconsin  Magazine  of  History,  52 
(Summer  1969),  353-54. 

Review  of  Lorman  Ratner,  Powder  Keg:  Northern  Opposition 
to  the  Antislavery  Movement,  1831-1840  (New  York  and  London: 
Basic  Books,  Inc.,  1968),  in  Journal  of  Southern  History,  35  (Feb- 
ruary 1969),  90-92. 

Michael  Eogees  McVaugh 

"Quantified  Medical  Theory  and  Practice  at  Fourteenth-Cen- 
tury Montpellier, ' '  Bulletin  of  the  History  of  Medicine,  43  (Sep- 
tember-October 1969),  397-413. 

"Arnald  of  Villanova,"  Dictionary  of  Scientific  Biography,  1 
(1970),  pp.  289-91. 

Review  of  Seyyed  Hossein  Naar,  Science  and  Civilization  in 
Islam  (Cambridge:  Harvard  University  Press,  1968),  in  Amer- 
ican Scientist,  57  (Summer  1969),  123A-24A. 

Review  of  Gundolf  Keil,  et  al.,  eds.,  Fachliteratur  des  Mittelal- 
ters  (Stuttgart:  J.  B.  Mezler,  1968),  in  Isis,  60  (Fall  1969),  406-7. 

Robert  Moats  Miller 

Review  of  Numan  V.  Bartley,  The  Rise  of  Massive  Resistence: 
Race  and  Politics  in  the  South  During  the  1950's  (Baton  Rouge: 
Louisiana  State  University  Press,  1969),  in  North  Carolina  His- 
torical Review,  47  (Summer  1970),  329-31. 

Review  of  Alan  D.  Harper,  The  Politics  of  Loyalty:  The  White 
House  and  the  Communist  Issue,  1946-1952  ( Westport,  Connecticut : 
Greenwood  Publishing,  1970),  in  Annals  of  the  American  Academy 
of  Political  and  Social  Science,  392  (November,  1970),  189-90. 

Review  of  Howard  B.  Radest,  Toward  Common  Ground:  The 
Story  of  the  Ethical  Societies  in  the  United  States  (New  York: 
Frederick  Ungar,  1969),  in  American  Historical  Review,  75  (Feb- 
ruary 1970),  938-39. 



George  E.  Mo  wry 

(With  John  D.  Hicks  and  Robert  E.  Burke.)  A  History  of 
American  Democracy.  4th  edition.  New  York:  Houghton  Mifflin 
Company,  1970.  Pp.  838.  Also  first  paper  edition,  2  volumes,  1970. 

(With  John  D.  Hicks  and  Robert  E.  Burke.)  The  Federal  Union. 
5th  edition.  New  York:  Houghton  Mifflin  Company,  1970.  Pp.  729. 

"Preface"  to  Richard  G.  Hewlett  and  Francis  Duncan,  Atomic 
Shield,  1947-1952:  A  History  of  the  United  States  Atomic  Energy 
Commission.  Volume  2.  University  Park:  Pennsylvania  State  Uni- 
versity Press,  1969. 

"The  Progressive  Movement,"  in  Interpreting  American  His- 
tory: Conversations  with  Historians,  ed.,  John  A.  Garraty.  New 
York :  The  Macmillan  Company,  1970.  Pp.  99-120. 

' '  The  Progressive  Profile, ' '  in  The  American  Past,  eds,,  Sidney 
Fine  and  Gerald  S.  Brown.  3rd  edition.  New  York:  The  Macmillan 
Company,  1970.  Pp.  250-66.  Reprinted  from  The  Era  of  Theodore 
Roosevelt.  New  York :  Harper  and  Row,  1958.  Pp.  65-105. 

"Theodore  Roosevelt"  and  "The  United  States  of  America — 
Early  Twentieth  Century,"  Encyclopedia  Britannica,  1969,  pp. 
19,  606-11 ;  22,  660-73. 

John  Kendall  Nelson 

Review  of  Richard  L.  Bushman,  From  Puritan  to  Yankee: 
Character  and  the  Social  Order  in  Connecticut,  1690-1765  (Cam- 
bridge, Massachusetts:  Harvard  University  Press,  1967),  in  The 
William  and  Mary  Quarterly,  26  (October  1969),  607-9. 

James  Welch  Patton 

"Francis  B.  Simkins,  the  Historian,"  in  Francis  Butler  Sim- 
kins,  1897-1966,  Historian  of  the  South,  ed.,  Augustus  T.  Graydon. 
Columbia,  South  Carolina:  The  State  Printing  Company,  1969. 
Pp.  27-33. 

Review  of  Lerone  Bennett,  Black  Power,  U.  S.  A.:  The  Human 
Side  of  Reconstruction,  1867-1877  (Chicago:  Johnson  Publishing 
Company,  Inc.,  1967),  in  North  Carolina  Historical  Review,  46 
(Winter  1969),  71-72. 

Review  of  Stanley  K.  Folmsbee,  Robert  E.  Corlew,  and  Enoch 
L.  Mitchell,  Tennessee:  A  Short  History  (Knoxville:  University 
of  Tennessee  Press,  1969),  in  North  Carolina  Historical  Review, 
48  (Summer  1970),  318-19. 

Richard  William  Pfaff 

New  Liturgical  Feasts  in  Later  Medieval  England.  Oxford: 
The  Clarendon  Press,  1970.  Pp.  xix,  143. 



Review  of  G.  J.  Cuming,  A  History  of  Anglican  Liturgy  (New 
York:  St.  Martin's  Press,  1969),  in  The  Living  Church,  159  (Au- 
gust 24,  1969),  13. 

Review  of  F.  A.  Norwood,  Strangers  and  Exiles:  A  History  of 
Religious  Refugees  (Nashville:  Abingdon-Cokesbury  Press,  1969), 
in  The  Living  Church,  160  (April  19,  1970),  30-31. 

Review  of  R.  M.  Grant,  Augustus  to  Constantine:  The  Thrust 
of  the  Christian  Movement  into  the  Roman  World  (New  York: 
Harper  and  Row,  1970),  in  The  Living  Church,  161  (October  11, 
1970),  20-21. 

Review  of  Frank  Baker,  John  Wesley  and  the  Church  of  En- 
gland (Nashville:  Abingdon-Cokesbury  Press,  1970),  in  The  Living 
Church,  161  (November  22,  1970),  28-29. 

William  Stevens  Powell 

(See  entries  under  Library  Staff.) 

John  Erwin  Semonche 

Ray  Stannard  Baker:  A  Quest  for  Democracy  in  Modern  Amer- 
ica, 1870-1918.  Chapel  Hill:  The  University  of  North  Carolina 
Press,  1969.  Pp.  ix,  350. 

Review  of  Frederick  Bernays  Wiener,  Civilians  under  Military 
Justice:  The  British  Practice  since  1689,  Especially  in  North 
America  (Chicago:  The  University  of  Chicago  Press,  1967),  in 
William  and  Mary  Quarterly,  26  (January  1969),  152-54. 

Review  of  Leon  Friedman  and  Fred  L.  Israel,  eds.,  The  Jus- 
tices of  the  United  States  Supreme  Court,  1789-1969:  Their  Lives 
and  Major  Opinions,  4  volumes  (New  York:  R.  R.  Bowker  Company 
in  association  with  Chelsea  House  Publishers,  1969),  and  William  F. 
Swindler,  Court  and  Constitution  in  the  20th  Century:  The  Old 
Legality,  1889-1932  (Indianapolis:  The  Bobbs-Merrill  Company, 
Inc.,  1969),  in  North  Carolina  Law  Review,  48  (April  1970),  719-27. 

John  Leslie  Snell,  Jr. 

"The  World  of  German  Democracy,  1789-1914,"  The  Historian, 
31  (August  1969),  521-38. 

' '  The  Living  Legacy :  Hajo  Holborn  as  a  Teacher  of  Power  and 
Responsibility,"  Central  European  History,  3  (March-June  1970), 

Review  of  Peter  Paret,  Yorck  and  the  Era  of  Prussian  Reform, 
1807-1815  (Princeton:  Princeton  University  Press,  1966),  in  Jahr- 
buch  fur  die  Geschichte  Mittel-und  Ostdeuschlands,  18  (1969), 

Review  of  J.  C.  G.  Rohl,  Germany  Without  Bismarck:  The  Crisis 



of  Government  in  the  Second  Reich,  1890-1900  (Berkeley  and  Los 
Angeles:  The  University  of  California  Press,  1967),  in  Jahrbuch 
fur  die  Geschichte  Mittel-und  Ostdeuschlands,  18  (1969),  393-94. 

Keview  of  Udo  Bermbach,  Vorformen  Parlamentarischer  Kab- 
inettsbildung  in  Deutschland:  Der  Interfrahtionelle  Ausschuss 
1917/18  und  Me  Parlamentarisierung  der  Beichregierung  (Co- 
logne: Westdeusscher  Verlag,  1967),  in  American  Historical  Re- 
view, 75  (June  1970),  1477-78. 

Richard  Allen  Soloway 

Prelates  and  People.  Ecclesiastical  Social  Thought  in  England, 
1783-1852.  London  and  Toronto :  Routledge  and  Kegan  Paul,  1969. 
Pp.  464. 

George  Brown  Tindall 

"The  Burden  of  Change,"  The  Furman  University  Magazine, 
17  (May  1969),  10-17. 

' '  The  Campaign  for  the  Disfranchisement  of  Negroes  in  South 
Carolina."  Indianapolis:  The  Bobbs-Merrill  Keprint  Series  in 
Black  Studies,  1970.  Pp.  23.  Reprinted  from  The  Journal  of  South- 
ern History,  15  (May  1949),  212-34. 

"The  Liberian  Exodus  of  1878."  Indianapolis:  The  Bobbs-Mer- 
rill Reprint  Series  in  Black  Studies,  1970.  Pp.  13.  Reprinted  from 
The  South  Carolina  Historical  Magazine,  53  (July  1952),  133-45. 

"The  Question  of  Race  in  the  South  Carolina  Constitutional 
Convention  of  1895,"  in  The  Making  of  Black  America,  eds.,  Au- 
gust Meier  and  Elliott  Rudwick.  New  York:  Atheneum,  1969. 
Pp.  ii,  37-55.  Reprinted  from  the  The  Journal  of  Negro  History,  37 
(July  1952),  277-303. 

"The  Color  Line,"  in  The  American  Past,  eds.,  Sidney  Fine  and 
Gerald  S.  Brown.  3rd  edition.  New  York :  The  Macmillan  Company, 
1970.  Pp.  55-63.  Reprinted  from  South  Carolina  Negroes.  Columbia : 
University  of  South  Carolina  Press,  1952.  Pp.  291-302. 

"Mythology  and  Symbolism  of  Race,"  in  The  South:  A  Central 
Theme f,  ed.,  Monroe  L.  Billington.  New  York:  Holt,  Rinehart 
and  Winston,  1969.  Pp.  14-22.  Reprint  of  "The  Central  Theme 
Revisited"  in  The  Southerner  as  American,  ed.,  Charles  G.  Sellers. 
Chapel  Hill:  The  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1960.  Pp. 

Review  of  Hugh  C.  Bailey,  Edgar  Gardner  Murphy:  Gentle 
Progressive  (Coral  Gables:  University  of  Miami  Press,  1968),  in 
Pacific  Northwest  Quarterly,  51  (January  1970),  59. 

Review  of  Paul  M.  Gaston,  The  New  South  Creed:  A  Study  in 



Southern  Mythmaking  (New  York:  Alfred  A.  Knopf,  1970),  in 
Virginia  Quarterly  Review,  46  (Summer  1970),  506-9. 

Review  of  Willard  B.  Gatewood,  Jr.,  Controversy  in  the  Twen- 
ties: Fundamentalism,  Modernism,  and  Evolution  (Nashville:  Van- 
derbilt  University  Press,  1969),  in  The  Georgia  Review,  24  (Sum- 
mer 1970),  244-45. 

Review  of  Sheldon  Hackney,  Populism  to  Progressivism  in  Ala- 
bama (Princeton:  Princeton  University  Press,  1969),  in  American 
Historical  Review,  75  (June  1970),  1537-38. 

Review  of  John  Temple  Kirby,  Westmoreland  Davis:  Virginia 
Planter-Politician,  1859-1942  (Charlottesville:  University  Press  of 
Virginia,  1968),  in  Journal  of  American  History,  56  (June  1969), 

Review  of  Benjamin  Muse,  The  American  Negro  Revolution: 
From  Nonviolence  to  Black  Power,  1963-1967  (Bloomington  and 
London:  Indiana  University  Press,  1968),  in  Journal  of  Southern 
History,  35  (August  1969),  447-48. 

Review  of  T.  Harry  Williams,  Huey  Long  (New  York:  Alfred 
A.  Knopf,  1969)  and  Hugh  Davis  Graham,  Huey  Long  (Englewood 
Cliffs,  New  Jersey:  Prentice-Hall,  1970),  in  American  Historical 
Review,  75  (October  1970),  1792-94. 

Samuel  Fogle  Wells,  Jr. 

Review  of  Marilyn  B.  Young,  Rhetoric  of  Empire:  American 
China  Policy,  1895-1901  (Cambridge:  Harvard  University  Press, 
1968),  in  Canadian  Historical  Review,  51  (March  1970),  98-99. 

Joel  Budolph  Williamson 

"The  Meaning  of  Freedom"  in  Reconstruction:  An  Anthology 
of  Revisionist  Writings,  eds.,  Kenneth  M.  Stampp  and  Leon  F. 
Litwack.  Baton  Rouge:  Louisiana  State  University  Press,  1969. 
Pp.  193-219.  Reprinted  from  After  Slavery:  The  Negro  in  South 
Carolina  During  Reconstruction,  1861-1877.  Chapel  Hill :  The  Uni- 
versity of  North  Carolina  Press,  1965.  Pp.  32-63. 

"A  New  World  of  Freedom,"  in  The  Segregation  Era,  1863- 
1954,  eds.,  Allen  Weinstein  and  Frank  Otto  Gatell.  New  York :  Ox- 
ford University  Press,  1970.  Pp.  31-40.  Reprinted  from  After 
Slavery:  The  Negro  in  South  Carolina  During  Reconstruction. 
Chapel  Hill:  The  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1965.  Pp. 
32-63  passim. 

"The  Separation  of  the  Races,"  in  The  American  Past,  eds., 
Sidney  Fine  and  Gerald  S.  Brown.  3rd  edition.  New  York:  The 
Macmillan  Company,  1970.  Pp.  65-84.  Reprinted  from  After  Slav- 
ery: The  Negro  in  South  Carolina  During  Reconstruction,  1861- 



1877.  Chapel  Hill :  The  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1965. 
Pp.  274-99. 

Eeview  of  Winthrop  D.  Jordan,  White  Over  Black:  American 
Attitudes  Toward  the  Negro,  1550-1812  (Chapel  Hill:  University 
of  North  Carolina  Press,  1968),  in  The  American  Scholar,  38 
(Spring  1969),  339-41. 

Ealph  Lee  Woodward,  Jr. 

Robinson  Crusoe's  Island,  A  History  of  the  Juan  Fernandez 
Islands.  Chapel  Hill:  The  University  of  North  Carolina  Press, 
1969.  Pp.  xxviii,  267. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 

Michael  Van  Cleve  Alexander 

A  Biography  of  Sir  Eichard  Weston,  First  Earl  of  Portland 
(1577-1635)  until  His  Appointment  as  Lord  Treasurer  in  July 
1628.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Stephen  Bartow  Baxter.) 

Gloria  Beth  Baker 

Dissenters  in  Colonial  North  Carolina.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Elisha  Peairs  Douglass.) 

John  Luther  Bell, Jr. 

Constitutions  and  Politics :  Constitutional  Kevision  in  the  South 
Atlantic  States,  1864-1902.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Fletcher 
Melvtn  Green.) 

Francis  Wayne  Binning 

Henry  Clay  Warmoth  and  Louisiana  Reconstruction.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  George  Brown  Tindall.) 

Betty  Jane  Brandon 

Alexander  Jeffrey  McKelway:  Statesman  of  the  New  Order. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  George  Brown  Tindall.) 

Mary  Jo  Jackson  Bratton 

John  Esten  Cooke:  The  Young  Writer  and  the  Old  South, 
1830-1861.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Frank  Wysor  Kling- 




Blaine  Allison  Brownell 

The  Urban  Mind  in  the  South :  The  Growth  of  Urban  Conscious- 
ness in  Southern  Cities,  1920-1927.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
direction  of  George  E.  Mo  wry.) 

Augustus  Merrimon  Burns  III 

North  Carolina  and  the  Negro  Dilemma,  1930-1950.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Frank  Wysor  Klingberg.) 

Dougald  Thomas  Calnoun 

The  Deputies  and  the  Eevolution :  New  Views  of  French  Revolu- 
tionary Problems,  1789-1791.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  George 
Vanderbeck  Taylor.) 

Harry  Eandall  Dosher 

The  Concept  of  the  Ideal  Prince  in  French  Political  Thought, 
800-1760.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Frederick  Otten  Beh- 

James  Perry  Elder,  Jr. 

Henry  Coventry:  Statesman  and  Politician  in  the  Reign  of 
Charles  II.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Stephen  Bartow  Bax- 

Nancy  Lou  Erickson 

The  Early  Colonial  Humorist.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Hugh  Talmadge  Lefler.) 

Albert  Carl  Gay 

The  Daladier  Administration,  1938-1940.  (1970,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Carl  Hamilton  Pegg.) 

Joseph  Abraham  Goldenberg 

The  Shipbuilding  Industry  in  Colonial  America.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Elisha  Peairs  Douglass.) 

Elston  J ohn  Hill 

Buchman  and  Buchmanism.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
George  E.  Mo  wry.) 

Carolyn  Barbara  Huff 

The  Politics  of  Idealism:  The  Political  Abolitionists  of  Ohio  in 
Congress,  1840-1866.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Frank  Wysor 



John  Jeter  Hurt 

The  Parlement  of  Brittany  in  the  Reign  of  Louis  XIV.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  George  Vanderbeck  Taylor.) 

David  Noel  Jones 

M.  V.  Lomonosov:  The  Formative  Years,  1711-1742.  (1969,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Clifford  McClain  Foust.) 

William  Henry  Longton 

Some  Aspects  of  Intellectual  Activity  in  Ante-Bellum  South 
Carolina,  1830-1860:  An  Introductory  Study.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Joel  Rudolph  Wdlliamson.) 

Joseph  Buford  Mahan,  Jr. 

Identification  of  the  Tsoyaha  Waeno,  Builders  of  the  Temple 
Mounds.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Hugh  Talmage  Lefler.) 

James  Walton  Marcum 

Semen  R.  Varontsov:  Minister  to  the  Court  of  St.  James's  for 
Catherine  II,  1785-1795.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Clifford 
McClain  Foust.) 

John  Stanley  Mattson 

Charles  Grandison  Finney  and  the  Emerging  Tradition  of  ' 1  New 
Measure"  Revivalism.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Moats 

Jamie  Wallace  Moore 

The  Logic  of  Isolation  and  Neutrality:  American  Foreign  Pol- 
icy, 1833-1935.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Samuel  Fogle  Wells, 

Thomas  Sellers  Morgan,  Jr. 

A  Step  Toward  Altruism:  Relief  and  Welfare  in  North  Car- 
olina, 1930-1938.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  George  Brown 

Gordon  Herbert  Mueller 

The  Road  to  Rapallo:  Germany's  Relations  with  Russia,  1919- 
1924.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Carl  Hamilton  Pegg.) 

Louis  Eugene  Schmier  i 

Martin  Bormann  and  the  Nazi  Party,  1941-1945.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Carl  Hamilton  Pegg.) 



William  Frederick  Sharp 

Forgotten  but  for  Gold:  An  Economic  Study  of  Slavery  and 
Mining  in  the  Colombian  Choco,  1680-1810.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Harold  Alfred  Bierck.) 

Robert  Glenn  Sherer,  Jr. 

Let  Us  Make  Man:  Negro  Education  in  Nineteenth  Century 
Alabama.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  George  Brown  Tindall.) 

Sudie  Duncan  Sides 

"Women  and  Slaves:  An  Interpretation  Based  on  the  Writings 
of  Southern  Women.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Frank  Wysor 

Lewis  Frederick  Snow,  Jr. 

The  Paez  Years:  Venezuelan  Economic  Legislation,  1830-1846. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Harold  Alfred  Bierck.) 

Diffee  William  Standard 

De  Bow's  Review,  1846-1880:  A  Magazine  of  Southern  Opinion. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Fletcher  Melvin  Green.) 

George  Vaughn  Strong 

Nationalism  and  Socialism:  A  Study  in  the  Attitudes  of  the 
German-Austrian  Social  Democratic  Party  to  the  Nationality 
Question,  1907-1918,  with  Special  Attention  to  the  Czechs  and 
South  Slavs.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Josef  Anderle.) 

George  Wesley  Troxler 

The  Homefront  in  Kevolutionary  North  Carolina.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Hugh  Talmage  Lefler.) 

Walter  Burdette  Weare 

Black  Business  in  the  New  South :  The  North  Carolina  Mutual 
Life  Insurance  Company,  1891-1935.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
George  Brown  Tindall.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 

"Henry  Sweets  Ackerman 

A  History  of  the  Maria  Moors  Cabot  Prizes:  Experiment  in 
Inter- American  Journalism,  1938-1956.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Ralph  Lee  Woodward,  Jr.) 



Anne  Lorene  Adams 

Some  English  and  North  American  Views  of  Mendoza  in  the 
Nineteenth  Century.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Ealph  Lee 
Woodward,  Jr.) 

Alice  Carol  Almond 

The  Woman's  Movement  in  1920-1926:  A  Study  Focusing  on 
Women  and  Their  National  Legislative  Lobby.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  George  E.  Mo  wry.) 

Stephen  Marc  Appell 

The  Fight  for  the  Constitutional  Convention :  The  Development 
of  Political  Parties  in  North  Carolina  During  1867.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Raymond  H.  Pulley.) 

Sandra  Porter  Babb 

The  Battle  of  the  Giants:  The  Gubernatorial  Election  of  1876 
in  North  Carolina.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  George  Brown 

John  Denver  Ball 

Origins  of  the  Mexican  War.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Robert  Moats  Mdller.) 

Kathleen  Cushman  Barber 

Marshall  McLuhan.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Frank  Wink- 
ler Ryan,  Jr.) 

Harold  Tyler  Blethen  III 

The  Early  Political  Career  of  John  Williams,  1621-1625.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Stephen  Bartow  Baxter.) 

Beverly  Arnold  Blois 

E.  A.  Preobrazhenskii  and  the  NEP.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Clifford  McClain  Foust.) 

Bichard  Anthony  Bochinski 

English  Relief  Legislation  in  the  Sixteenth  Century,  with  Spe- 
cial Reference  to  the  County  of  Lincoln.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Stephen  Bartow  Baxter.) 

Clarence  Ray  Cannon 

Mathew  Carey  and  the  American  Museum:  A  Study  in  Em- 
bryonic American  Nationalism.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Elisha 
Peairs  Douglass.) 



Alice  McDevitt  Cleland 

The  Regime  of  Admiral  Kolchak:  Reportage  from  American 
Observers  in  Siberia.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Clifford  Mc- 
Clain  Foust.) 

Theodoee  Whaley  Cart 

The  Federal  Fisheries  Service,  1871-1940.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Elisha  Peairs  Douglass.) 

Lewis  Milton  Chere 

The  Intentions  of  William  Barlow  in  the  Consecration  of  Mat- 
thew Parker.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Stephen  Bartow  Bax- 

Wayne  Addison  Clark 

An  Analysis  of  Southern  Response  to  McCarthyism.  (1969,  un- 
der the  direction  of  George  E.  Mowry.) 

James  Pressly  Cole 

The  British  Labor  Party  and  the  Policy  of  Non-intervention. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  James  Logan  Godfrey.) 

Richard  Alexander  Cooper 

England's  Return  to  Gold:  The  Resumption  of  Cash  Payments 
After  the  Napoleonic  Wars.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Richard 
Allen  Soloway.) 

William  Glenn  Cornell 

The  Life  and  Thought  of  John  Edward  Bruce.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Frank  Wysor  Klingberg.) 

Roberta  Dunlap  Counihan 

The  Political  Philosophy  of  Volney:  Case  History  of  French 
Revolutionary  Intellectualism.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  George 
Vanderbeck  Taylor.) 

Maryke  Christine  Cramerus 

The  Political  Thought  of  Pierre  Nicole.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  John  Miles  Headley.) 

Johnny  Leon  Crossno 

Austria  Views  the  Bund :  Austrian  Opinion  on  the  Place  of  the 
Habsburg  Monarchy  in  the  German  Confederation,  1859-1866. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Josef  Anderle.) 



Lois  Beady  Cucullu 

Georges  Maurice  Paleologue,  French  Ambassador  to  Russia, 
1914-1917.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Carl  Hamilton  Pegg.) 

Mary  Katherine  Davis 

Sarah  Morgan  Dawson,  A  Renunciation  of  Southern  Society. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Raymond  H.  Pulley.) 

Carol  June  de  Vita 

Rock  Music  and  Social  Change  in  the  United  States  in  the  1960 's. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Frank  Winkler  Ryan,  Jr.) 

Suellen  Dowse 

The  Bubonic  Plague  and  London,  1558-1600.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Stephen  Bartow  Baxter.) 

Arthur  Spurgeon  Drake 

The  Struggle  for  Freedom  of  the  Press  in  the  German  Empire, 
1871-1874.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Enno  E.  Kraehe.) 

Mary  Pauline  Fin  an 

Medical  Practice  and  Disease  Among  the  Eighteenth  Century 
North  Carolina  Moravians.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Hugh 
Talmage  Lefler.) 

Louise  van  Winkle  Fox 

Negroes  in  Crisis:  An  Examination  of  Harlem  Renaissance 
Novels,  1923-1929.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Joel  Rudolph 

Patrick  George  Friel 

Ataman  Semenov:  Civil  War  and  Intervention  in  Eastern  Si- 
beria, 1917-1921.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Clifford  McClain 

Dorothy  Ann  Gay 

Crisis  of  Identity:  The  Negro  Community  in  Raleigh,  North 
Carolina,  1865-1900.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Joel  Rudolph 

Renee  Hope  Gledhill 

Henry  Ossian  Flipper:  Black  Man  in  Blue,  1856-1882.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Joel  Rudolph  Williamson.) 



Donald  Jesse  Goeoff 

James  Hudson  Maurer:  Socialist  Labor  Leader.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Raymond  H.  Pulley.) 

Stephen  Heeman  Halkiotis 

Efforts  by  the  Mexican  Government  to  Attract  European  Immi- 
grants, 1857-1910.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Ralph  Lee  Wood- 
ward, Jr.) 

Lewis  Wardlaw  Hamilton 

Kondratii  Fedorovich  Ryleev:  Poet-Decembrist.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Clifford  McClain  Foust.) 

Margaret  Edgar  Herrman 

Beaufort,  North  Carolina,  1800-1830.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Hugh  Talmage  Lefler.) 

Elvira  Lenore  Heybey 

The  German  Liberal  Parties  in  the  Kulturkampf,  1871-1876. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Leslie  Snell,  Jr.) 

Eachel  Youngblood  Holt 

Edwin  Michael  Holt— 1807-1884.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  James  Welch  Patton.) 

David  Ambrose  Hoza 

A  Survey  of  the  London  Press  Reaction  to  the  Bulgarian  Unifi- 
cation Crisis,  September,  1885-April,  1886.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Josef  Anderle.) 

Dorothy  Dahlenburg  Hozza 

The  Failure  of  Franco-Soviet  Friendship :  Events  and  Opinion 
in  France  Leading  to  the  Decline  of  the  Franco-Soviet  Pact  of 
May  2,  1935,  until  its  Ratification  on  March  12,  1936.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Josef  Anderle.) 

Carl  Haller  Huffman 

French  Reaction  to  the  Anglo-German  Naval  Treaty  of  June  18, 
1935.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Carl  Hamilton  Pegg.) 

Elke  R.  Ingram 

Political  Ideas  and  Activities  of  Conservative  and  Monarchist 
Austrian  Immigrants  in  the  United  States,  1938-1943.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Carl  Hamilton  Pegg.) 



John  Alexander  Jackson,  Jr. 

United  States  Policy  and  the  Cuban  Election  of  1916.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Harold  Alfred  Bierck.) 

Byron  Frank  Jewell 

The  Eole  of  the  Duke  of  Newcastle  in  English  Government: 
October,  1746,  to  June,  1751.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Stephen 
Bartow  Baxter.) 

Edward  Eugene  Kelly 

The  Relationship  of  Louis  XVI  and  the  Leaders  of  the  Emigra- 
tion from  1789  to  1792.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  George 
Vanderbeck  Taylor.) 

Ellen  Catharine  Kennedy 

Images  of  the  City  in  the  American  Novel  from  1885  to  the 
Present.  (1969,  "under  the  direction  of  Frank  Wysor  Klingberg.) 

Philip  Clyde  Kimball 

Education  for  Negroes  in  Kentucky,  1865-1871 :  A  Study  in 
Political  History,  Institutional  Development,  and  Race  Relations. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Joel  Rudolph  Williamson.) 

Richard  Irving  Korman 

German  Nationalist  Reaction  to  Locarno,  October  16-Novem- 
ber  23,  1925.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Carl  Hamilton  Pegg.) 

Ealph  Edlin  Luker 

The  Northern  Social  Gospel  Prophets  and  the  Negro,  1890- 
1917.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Moats  Miller.) 

Donald  Roy  Lyman 

The  Hoover  Administration  and  Cuba.  (1969,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Samuel  Fogle  Wells,  Jr.) 

William  Jerry  MacLean 

John  Adams  and  Reform.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Elisha 
Peairs  Douglass.) 

Michael  Glover  Martin,  Jr. 

Joseph  Hewes : ' '  Reluctant  Revolutionary  ? "  A  Study  of  a  North 
Carolina  "Whig  and  the  War  for  American  Independence  (1730- 
1779).  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Hugh  Talmage  Lefler.) 



Robert  Francis  Martin 

The  Fellowship  of  Southern  Churchmen.  (1970,  under  the  di- 
rection of  George  Brown  Tindall.) 

Charles  Harper  McArver 

The  Role  of  Private  American  Economic  Interests  in  the  De- 
velopment of  Cerro  De  Pasco,  1877-1907.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Harold  Alfred  Bierck.) 

Kathryn  Slate  McDorman 

The  Durham  Mission  and  Report:  Contemporary  Opinion. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  James  Logan  Godfrey.) 

Patricia  Gay  Bufeington  McGee 

The  Philosophy  of  Bronson  Alcott.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Elisha  Peairs  Douglass.) 

Alexander  Torrey  McLean 

The  Fort  Fisher  and  Wilmington  Campaign:  1864-1865.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Frank  Wysor  Klingberg.) 

Whitney  Harwood  Menning 

The  Cultural  Policies  of  the  French  in  Illyria,  1806-1813.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Josef  Anderle.) 

Estelle  Lemelin  Momrow 

The  Napoleonic  Nobility.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  George 
Vanderbeck  Taylor.) 

William  Allen  Morgan 

The  Panama  Canal  Tolls  and  Anglo-American  Relations.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Samuel  Fogle  Wells,  Jr.) 

William  Transou  Moye 

The  North  Carolina  Senatorial  Primary  of  1900  Between  F.  M. 
Simmons  and  Julian  S.  Carr.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Ray- 
mond H.  Pulley.) 

Margaret  Lee  Neustadt 

Miss  Lucy  of  the  CIO  :  Lucy  Randolph  Mason,  1882-1959.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  George  Brown  Tindall.) 



Addison  Grant  Noble 

The  Origins  of  the  Korean  War:  The  Soviet  Union's  Involve- 
ment in  the  Responsibility  for  the  Failure  of  Peaceful  Unification 
of  North  and  South  Korea.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Clifford 
McClain  Foust.) 

Peter  Kent  Opper 

- i  Old  Jane  Seems  to  Be  a  Coming  Too ' ' :  A  History  of  the  Mi- 
gration, Emigration,  and  Colonization  of  the  North  Carolina  Ne- 
gro, 1816-1836.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Joel  Rudolph  "Wil- 
liamson. ) 

Donna  Jeanne  Paoli 

Marion  Butler's  View  of  the  Negro,  1889-1901.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Joel  Rudolph  Williamson.) 

Claire  Atkins  Pittman 

Josiah  Turner,  Jr.,  and  the  Raleigh  Sentinel,  1868-1876  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Frank  Wysor  Klingberg.) 

William  Solomon  Price 

The  Fee  System  in  Colonial  North  Carolina.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Hugh  Talmage  Lefler.) 

Debris  Lea  Eaper 

The  Effects  of  David  Walker's  Appeal  and  Nat  Turner's  In- 
surrection on  North  Carolina.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Frank 
Wysor  Klingberg.) 

Sara  Jo  Eichardson 

Communism  in  the  Thought  of  Petr  Alekseevich  Kropotkin. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Clifford  McClain  Foust.) 

Boyce  Morris  Bobbins 

Richard  Hathaway  Edmonds  and  the  New  South.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Frank  Wysor  Klingberg.) 

Elaine  Earhart  Salmon 

A  City  in  Transition:  A  Study  of  Selected  Characteristics  of 
Moscow  Between  1871  and  1902.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Clif- 
ford McClain  Foust.) 

Anne  Humphrey  Sanders 

Hermann  Goering  and  the  Austrian  Anschluss.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Carl  Hamilton  Pegg.) 



Katherine  Davis  Savage 

Promise  of  Greatness:  Senator  Hugo  Black's  Major  Contribu- 
tion to  the  New  Deal.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  George  Brown 

Gary  Thomas  Scott 

The  Kappa  Alpha  Order,  1865-1897 :  How  It  Came  to  Be  and 
How  It  Came  to  Be  Southern.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  George 
Brown  Tindall.) 

Helen  Seawell  Sharpe 

World  Federalism  in  North  Carolina,  1940-1953.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Hugh  Talmage  Lefler.) 

Edwina  Carol  Smith 

Two  Conservative  Approaches  to  Politics  in  the  1890 's :  Nelson 
W.  Aldrich  and  Orville  H.  Piatt.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
George  E.  Mo  wry.) 

Louis  Boycroft  Smith,  Jr. 

South  Carolina  Indian  Trade  Regulations,  1670-1756.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Hugh  Talmage  Lefler.) 

Maria  Hall  Temple 

Sir  Edward  Grey  and  the  Outbreak  of  World  War  I.  (1969y 
under  the  direction  of  Carl  Hamilton  Pegg.) 

Francenia  Laird  Tracy 

The  Development  of  Joseph  de  Maistre's  Social  Thought,  1774- 
1817 :  A  Conservative  View  of  the  Old  Regime,  the  Revolution,  and 
the  Restoration.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  George  Vanderbeck 
Taylor.  ) 

Robena  Lee  Weaver 

Three  Black  Men.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Joel  Rudolph 

Robert  Alexander  Whitesides 

Protestantism  in  Revolutionary  Mexico,  1910-1925.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Harold  Alfred  Bierck.) 

Hessie  Severt  Williams 

A  Comparative  Analysis  of  Ex-Slaves'  Thoughts  Concerning 
Their  Masters,  United  States  Army,  and  Freedom.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Frank  Wysor  Klingberg.) 



James  Bodney  Young 

The  South  and  Malaria,  1900-1930 :  Social  and  Economic  Con- 
sequences. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Hugh  Talmage  Lefler.) 


John  Berry  Adams 

" Needed:  Greater  Research  Output,  Increased  Data  Retrieval 
and  Dissemination,"  in  International  Communication  as  a  Field 
of  Study,  ed.,  James  W.  Markham.  Iowa  City:  International  Com- 
munication Division,  Association  for  Education  in  Journalism, 
1970.  Pp.  132-34. 

(With  James  J.  Mullen  and  Harold  M.  Wilson.)  "News  Dif- 
fusion of  a  '  Minor '  Population  Family  Planning  Story :  A  Nation- 
wide Study,"  in  Dissemination  of  Information,  ed.,  Donald  L.  Shaw. 
Chapel  Hill:  Carolina  Population  Center,  1969.  Pp.  1-20. 

"Access  to  News:  Some  New  Dimensions,"  Popular  Govern- 
ment, 35  (June  1969),  7-8. 

(With  James  J.  Mullen  and  Harold  M.  Wilson.)  "Diffusion  of 
a  ' Minor'  Foreign  Affairs  Event,"  Journalism  Quarterly,  46  (Au- 
tumn 1969),  545-51. 

"Free  Press/Fair  Trial:  A  New  Era  Begins,"  Popular  Govern- 
ment, 36  (December  1969),  15-16. 

Review  of  James  W.  Markham,  International  Images  and  Mass 
Communication  Behavior:  A  Five-Year  Study  of  Foreign  Students, 
1959-1964  (Iowa  City:  University  of  Iowa  School  of  Journalism, 
1969),  in  Journalism  Quarterly,  46  (Summer  1969),  378. 

Review  of  Claude  Bellanger,  Jacques  Godechot,  Pierre  Guiral, 
Fernand  Terrou,  eds.,  Histoire  Generale  de  la  Presse  Frangaise, 
Volume  1  (Paris:  Presses  Universitaires  de  France,  1969),  in  Jour- 
nalism Quarterly,  47  (Spring  1970),  178-79. 

Review  of  Claude  Bellanger,  Jacques  Godechot,  Pierre  Guiral, 
Fernand  Terrou,  eds.,  Histoire  Generale  de  la  Presse  Frangaise, 
Volume  2  (Paris:  Presses  Universitaires  de  France,  1969),  in  Jour- 
nalism Quarterly,  47  (Autumn  1970),  585-86. 

Michael  Edward  Bishop 

(With  James  J.  Mullen.)  1970  In-Depth  Attitudinal  Research 
Survey.  Raleigh:  Atlantic  States  Bankcard  Association,  1970.  P. 

(With  Mary  Junck.)  "Media  Use,  Credibility  and  Psycholog- 



ieal  Orientations  in  Chapel  Hill,  North  Carolina."  No.  3,  Carolina 
Communication  Study.  P.  23. 

"Relating  Information-Seeking  to  Political  Knowledge:  A 
Preliminary  Report,"  Research  Previews,  17  (April  1970),  26-30. 

(With  Andrew  J.  Schorr.)  "The  Forgotten  Newsman:  A  Look 
at  Some  of  Radio's  Foreign  Correspondents,"  RTVNDA  Bulletin, 
24  (December  1970),  24-25. 

Kenneth  Rhodes  Byeely 

"The  Prospering  Press  of  North  Carolina,"  North  Carolina, 
(November  1969),  120-21,  272. 

"The  Nation's  Weeklies:  1969  Annual  Review,"  The  American 
Press,  (January  1969),  27-28. 

"The  Nation's  Weeklies:  1970  Annual  Review,"  The  American 
Press,  (February  1970),  38. 

"Cashing  in  on  Co-op  Advertising,"  The  Publishers'  Auxiliary, 
(February  1970),  56-57. 

Maxwell  E.  McCombs 

(With  Zoe  McCombs.)  "Descriptive  Style  of  Deaf  Children," 
Yolta  Review,  71  (January  1969),  23-26. 

"New  Sources  of  News:  Exploiting  Local  Data,"  ANPA  News 
Research  Bulletin  (February  1969),  7-9. 

"Verbal  and  Object  Availability  in  the  Acquisition  of  Lan- 
guage: Implications  for  Audio-Visual  Communication,"  Journal 
of  Communication,  19  (March  1969),  54-63. 

(With  John  M.  Smith.)  "Perceptual  Selection  and  Communica- 
tion," Journalism  Quarterly,  46  (Summer  1969),  352-55. 

(With  John  W.  Slater.)  "Some  Aspects  of  Broadcast  News 
Coverage  and  Riot  Participation,"  Journal  of  Broadcasting,  13 
(Fall  1969),  367-70. 

"A  Scientific  Method  for  Reporting,"  Journalism  Quarterly, 
47  (Winter  1970),  757-59. 

"New  Tools  in  Perfecting  Coverage,"  Arizona  Journalist,  2 
(Spring  1970),  4-5. 

Joseph  L.  Moeeison 

"Found— The  Missing  Editorship  of  W.  J.  Cash,"  North  Car- 
olina Historical  Review,  47  (January  1970),  40-50. 

James  Joseph  Mullen 

How  the  Electronic  Industry  Buys.  New  York:  Hayden  Pub- 
lishing Company,  1969.  Pp.  56. 

(With  Michael  E.  Bishop.)  1970  In-Depth  Attitudiiial  Research 



Survey.  Raleigh:  Atlantic  States  Bankcard  Association,  1970.  P. 

"The  Congruity  Principle  and  Television  Commercials,"  in 
Consumer  Behavior:  Contemporary  Research  in  Action,  eds.,  R.  J. 
Holloway,  R.  A.  Mittelstaedt,  and  M.  Venkatesan.  New  York: 
Houghton  Mifflin,  1970.  Pp.  149-54. 

(With  John  B.  Adams  and  Harold  M.  Wilson.)  "News  Dif- 
fusion of  a  '  Minor '  Population  Family  Planning  Story :  A  Nation- 
wide Study,"  in  Dissemination  of  Information,  ed.,  Donald  L.  Shaw. 
Chapel  Hill:  Carolina  Population  Center,  1969.  Pp.  1-20. 

(With  John  B.  Adams  and  Harold  M.  Wilson.)  "Diffusion  of  a 
t Minor'  Foreign  Affairs  Event,"  Journalism  Quarterly,  46  (Au- 
tumn 1969),  545-51. 

"Being  Understood,"  in  Proceedings  of  the  Seventeenth  In- 
ternational Technical  Communications  Conference,  1970,  E5-1. 

Donald  Lewis  Shaw 

Editor,  Journalism  Abstracts:  Abstracts  of  M.A.,  M.S.,  and 
Ph.D.  Theses  in  Journalism  and  Communication.  Volume  7  (1969) 
and  Volume  8  (1970). 

Editor,  Dissemination  of  Information.  Chapel  Hill:  Carolina 
Population  Center,  1969.  Pp.  63. 

(With  Stephen  W.  Brauer.)  "Press  Freedom  and  War  Con- 
straints: Case  Testing  Siebert's  Proposition  II,"  Journalism  Quar- 
terly, 46  (Summer  1969),  243-54. 

"Surveillance  vs.  Constraint:  Press  Coverage  of  a  Social  Is- 
sue," Journalism  Quarterly,  46  (Winter  1969),  707-12. 

"Symbols  of  Southern  Community:  1820-1860,"  Research  Pre- 
views, 17  (April  1970),  13-14. 

Combined  review  of  Arthur  Krock,  Memoirs:  Sixty  Years  on 
the  Firing  Line  (New  York:  Funk  and  Wagnalls,  1968),  and  Hugh 
Sidey,  A  Very  Personal  Presidency :  Lyndon  Johnson  in  the  White 
House  (New  York:  Atheneum,  1968),  in  Journalism  Quarterly,  46 
(Spring  1969),  175-76. 

Review  of  Porter  A.  Stratton,  The  Territorial  Press  of  New  Mex- 
ico, 1834-1912  (Albuquerque:  University  of  New  Mexico  Press, 
1969),  in  Journalism  Quarterly,  47  (Winter  1970),  774. 

Review  of  James  L.  Crouthamel,  James  Watson  Webb:  A  Biog- 
raphy (Middletown,  Connecticut:  Wesley  an  University  Press, 
1969),  in  Journalism  Quarterly,  47  (Summer  1970),  381-82. 

Combined  review  of  J.  Cutler  Andrews,  The  South  Reports  the 
Civil  War  (Princeton:  Princeton  University  Press,  1970),  and 
Hodding  Carter,  Their  Words  Were  Bullets:  The  Southern  Press 



in  War,  Reconstruction  and  Peace  (Athens :  University  of  Georgia 
Press,  1969),  in  Journalism  Quarterly,  47  (Autumn  1970),  578-80. 

Review  of  Meyer  Weinberg,  ed.,  W.  E.  B.  DuBois:  A  Reader 
(New  York:  Harper  and  Row,  1970),  in  Journalism  Quarterly,  47 
(Winter  1970),  581-82. 

Eugene  Francis  Shaw 

Student  Power  on  a  Catholic  Campus.  Milwaukee:  Marquette 
University,  1969.  P.  60. 

" Student  Power  at  Marquette  University,"  in  Theology  in 
Revolution,  ed.,  George  Devine.  New  York:  Alba  House,  1970.  Pp. 

' '  Communication  Development :  A  Modest  Proposal, ' '  Gazette,  16 
(Fall  1970),  231-39. 

Review  of  Ira  A.  Greenberg,  Psychodrama  and  Audience  Atti- 
tude Change  (Beverly  Hills:  Thyrsus  Publishing  Company,  1970), 
in  American  Sociological  Review,  35  (February  1970),  163-64. 

Review  of  Seymour  Freidin  and  George  Bailey,  The  Experts 
(New  York:  The  Macmillan  Company,  1968),  in  The  Journal  of 
Communication,  20  (March  1970),  95-96. 

Walter  Smith  Spearman 

The  Carolina  Playmakers:  The  First  Fifty  Years.  Chapel  Hill: 
The  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1970.  P.  178. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  school : 

Richard  M.  Brown 

United  States  Propaganda  Performance  in  Crisis,  1960-1965. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Berry  Adams.) 

John  David  Dupree 

International  Communication:  View  from  "A  Window  on  the 
World."  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  John  Berry  Adams.) 

Cletis  Graden  Pride 

How  Seven  Commonwealth  Newspapers  Reported  Foreign  Af- 
fairs, 1956-1968:  A  Content  Analysis.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Wayne  Allen  Danielson.) 



Samuel  Gr.  Eiley 

The  Free  Press-Fair  Trial  Controversy.  A  Discussion  of  the  Is- 
sues Involved  and  an  Examination  of  Pretrial  Publicity  by  Survey 
Kesearch.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Berry  Adams.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  school : 

Margrethe  Plum  Ahlschwede 

Pre-testing  a  Publication  for  Low  Income  Negro  Homemakers. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Maxwell  E.  McCombs.) 

Thomas  Joseph  Baskind 

Conflict  as  a  Simplifying  Keporting  Technique :  A  Question  of 
Press  Responsibility.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Berry 

William  Allen  Brant 

Army  Times  in  Support  of  the  Soldier,  1960-1965 :  An  Analysis 
of  Editorial  Content.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  John  Berry 
Adams.  ) 

Dale  Martin  Chodorow 

A  Measurement  of  Cognitive  Style.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Maxwell  E.  McCombs.) 

Linda  Myers  Dove 

Actual  Malice:  The  Application  of  a  Judicial  Doctrine.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  John  Berry  Adams.) 

James  Robert  Duncan 

An  Evaluation  of  News  Article  Characteristics.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  John  Berry  Adams.) 

Diane  Hanna  Earl 

The  Status  of  Color  Television  As  An  Advertising  Medium. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  James  Joseph  Mullen.) 

Ndubisi  Joe  Chukadibia  Egemonye 

Coverage  of  Nigeria-Biafra  War  in  Five  United  States  Prestige 
Newspapers  from  January,  1967,  to  January,  1970,  Inclusive. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Berry  Adams.) 

Jacqueline  J.  Harris 

Information-seeking  and  the  Eeligious  Press.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Maxwell  E.  McCombs.) 



Charlene  Julia  Haykel 

Television's  Effect  on  the  Southern  Rural  Negro  Child's  Aware- 
ness of  Middle-class  Norms.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  James 
Joseph  Mullen.) 

Barry  Gilston  Jacobs 

The  Press  in  the  Election  of  1832.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Norval  Neil  Luxon.) 


William  Brantley  Aycock 

"  Introduction  to  Certain  Members  of  the  Federal  Question 
Family,"  North  Carolina  Law  Review,  49  (December  1970),  1-47. 

Herbert  Ralph  Baer 

Admiralty  Law  of  the  Supreme  Court.  2nd  edition.  Charlottes- 
ville: The  Michie  Company,  1969.  Pp.  xiv,  653. 

Henry  Parker  Brandis 

1970  Cumulative  Supplement  to  Stansbury,  North  Carolina 
Evidence.  Charlottesville  :  The  Michie  Company,  1970.  Pp.  252. 

Kenneth  S.  Broun 

" Authentication  and  Contents  of  "Writings,"  Law  and  the  So- 
cial Order:  Arizona  State  Law  Journal,  4  (1969),  611-34. 

(With  D.  G.  Kelly.)  "Playing  the  Percentages  of  the  Law  of 
Evidence,"  University  of  Illinois  Law  Forum,  1  (1970),  23-48. 

Donald  Francis  Clifford,  Jr. 

(Part  I  with  K.  M.  Smith.)  "A  Comparison  of  the  North  Car- 
olina Blue  Sky  Laws  and  the  Uniform  Securities  Act. ' '  Chapel  Hill : 
The  University  of  North  Carolina  Institute  of  Civic  Education, 
1970.  Pp.  153. 

(With.  K.  M.  Smith.)  Review  of  Nordstrom  and  Lattin,  "Sales 
and  Secured  Transactions:  Problems  and  Materials,"  Texas  Law 
Review,  48  (March  1970),  862-88. 

John  Percy  Dalzell 

"Credit  Card  Law,"  North  Carolina  Central  University  Law 
Journal,  2  (Spring  1970),  43-54. 



Dan  Bybon  Dobbs 

"  Trespass  to  Land  in  North  Carolina — Part  II,  Remedies  for 
Trespass,"  The  North  Carolina  Law  Review,  47  (February  1969), 

Condensation  of  "Law  and  the  Sick  Room,"  Saturday  Review 
(August  3,  1968),  43,  in  Consultant  (February  1969),  41. 

David  Gustav  Epstein 

"Bank  Participation  Agreements  as  Securities,"  Banking  Law 
Journal,  87  (1970),  99-109. 

"Security  Transfers  by  Secured  Parties,"  Georgia  Law  Review, 
4  (1970),  527-40. 

"The  Scienter  Requirement  in  Actions  Under  Rule  10b-5," 
North  Carolina  Law  Review,  48  (1970),  482-504. 

"  'Proceeding'  Under  the  Uniform  Commercial  Code,"  Ohio 
State  Law  Journal,  30  (1969),  787-808. 

Abnold  Hebbebt  Loewy 

"Punishing  Flag  Desecrators:  The  Ultimate  in  Flag  Desecra- 
tion," North  Carolina  Law  Review,  49  (December  1970),  48-86. 

"The  Warren  Court  as  Defender  of  State  and  Federal  Criminal 
Laws :  A  Reply  to  Those  Who  Believe  that  the  Court  is  Oblivious  to 
the  Needs  of  Law  Enforcement,"  The  George  Washington  Law  Re- 
view, 37  (July  1969),  1218-50. 


Statutes,  Rules  and  Regulations,  Canons  of  Ethics  and  Opinions 
including  Rules  of  the  Board  of  Bar  Examiners,  Issued  oy  the  Coun- 
cil of  the  North  Carolina  State  Bar.  Raleigh :  Capital  Press,  1970. 
Pp.  412. 

Review  of  John  J.  Kennelly,  Litigation  and  Trial  of  Air  Crash 
Cases  (Chicago:  Callaghan  and  Company,  1968),  in  North  Carolina 
Law  Review,  48  (December  1969),  194-95. 

Walteb  D.  Navin,  Jb. 

"Waiver  of  Defense  Clauses  in  Consumer  Contracts,"  North 
Carolina  Law  Review,  48  (April  1970),  505-51. 

J.  Dickson  Phillips 

Mcintosh,  North  Carolina  Practice  and  Procedure  (1970  Sup- 
plement). St.  Paul:  West  Publishing  Company,  1970.  P.  445. 



Daniel  Hubbard  Pollitt 

11  Haircuts  and  School  Expulsions,"  Free  Speech  Yearbook: 
1970,  Speech  Communication  Association,  1970.  Pp.  82-95. 

"Impeachment  of  Federal  Judges:  A  Historical  Overview," 
North  Carolina  Law  Review,  49  (December  1970),  87-121. 

Thomas  John  Schoenbaum 

"The  Growth  of  Judicial  Power  in  the  European  Economic  Com- 
munity," North  Carolina  Law  Review,  48  (December  1969),  33-55. 

John  Erwin  Semonche 

(See  entries  under  Department  of  History.) 

Richard  Mttldrow  Smith 

(Part  I  with  D.  K.  Clifford.)  "A  Comparison  of  the  North  Car- 
olina Blue  Sky  Laws  and  the  Uniform  Securities  Act. ' '  Chapel  Hill : 
The  University  of  North  Carolina  Institute  of  Civic  Education, 
1970.  Pp.  153. 

(With  D.  F.  Clifford.)  Review  of  Nordstrom  and  Lattin,  "Sales 
and  Secured  Transactions:  Problems  and  Materials,"  in  Texas 
Law  Review,  48  (March  1970),  862-88. 

Frank  Ransom  Strong 

Principal  editor,  Problems  and  Materials  for  Legal  Process,  ten 
units,  approximately  500  pages  (1970). 

"Dilemmic  Aspects  of  the  Doctrine  of  'Constitutional  Fact,'  " 
North  Carolina  Law  Review,  47  (February  1969),  311-33. 

"Fifty  Years  of  'Clear  and  Present  Danger':  From  Schenck 
to  Brandenburg — And  Beyond,"  The  Supreme  Court  Review 
(1969),  41-80. 

"The  Time  Has  Come  to  Talk  of  Major  Curtailment  in  the 
Supreme  Court's  Jurisdiction,"  North  Carolina  Law  Review,  48 
(December  1969),  1-31. 

William  Laurens  Walker 

"Foreign  Corporation  Laws:  A  Current  Account,"  North  Car- 
olina Law  Review,  47  (June  1969),  733-60. 

' '  Foreign  Corporation  Laws :  Re-Examining  Woods  v.  Interstate 
Realty  Co.  and  Reopening  the  Federal  Courts,"  North  Carolina 
Law  Review,  48  (December  1969),  56-78. 

"Foreign  Corporation  Laws:  "Source  and  Support  for  Re- 
form," Duke  Law  Journal,  1969  (December  1969),  1145-69. 



Seymour  Walter  Wuefel 

" Aircraft  Piracy — Crime  or  Fun?"  William  and  Mary  Law 
Review,  10  (Summer  1969),  820-73. 

"Conflict  of  Laws — Choice  of  Law  in.  North  Carolina,"  North 
Carolina  Law  Review,  48  (February  1970),  243-308. 

Eeview  of  Thomas  Buergenthal,  Law  Making  in  the  Interna- 
tional Civil  Aviation  Organization  (Syracuse  :  Syracuse  University 
Press,  1969),  in  Fordham  Law  Review,  38  (March  1970),  608-13. 


Bay  L.  Carpenter 

The  Public  Library  Executive.  Washington,  D.  C. :  Educational 
Resources  Information  Center,  1969.  Pp.  99. 

"The  Intellectual  and  the  Administration  of  Social  Change," 
Research  Previews,  16  (November  1969),  5-9. 

(With  Patricia  A.  Carpenter.)  "The  Doctorate  in  Librarianship 
and  an  Assessment  of  Graduate  Library  Education,"  Journal  of 
Education  for  Librarianship,  11  (Summer  1970),  3-45. 

Review  of  David  L.  Sills,  ed.,  International  Encyclopedia  of 
the  Social  Sciences  (New  York:  Macmillan  Company  and  the  Free 
Press,  1968),  in  The  Booklist,  65  (June  1,  1969),  1085-94. 

Review  of  Social  Sciences  and  Humanities  Index  (New  York: 
H.  W.  Wilson  Company,  1907+),  in  The  Booklist,  65  (June  15, 
1969),  1133-38. 

Review  of  Leon  Friedman  and  Fred  L.  Israel,  eds.,  The  Justices 
of  the  United  States  Supreme  Court,  1789-1969:  Their  Lives  and 
Major  Opinions  (New  York  and  London :  Chelsea  House,  in  associ- 
ation with  R.  R.  Bowker  Company,  1969),  in  The  Booklist,  66 
(July  15,  1970),  1347-49. 

Martin  Dillon 

"  Preliminary  Design  Considerations  of  a  Language  Analysis 
Support  Package, ' '  in  Automated  Analysis  of  Language  Style  and 
Structure.  Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North  Carolina,  1970.  Pp. 

(With  P.  Michael  Jenkins  and  Mary  J.  O 'Brian.)  "An  Ap- 
proach to  Matrix  Generation  and  Report  Writing  for  a  Class  of 
Large-Scale  Linear  Programming  Models,"  in  Applications  of 
Mathematical  Programming  Techniques.  London:  1970.  Pp.  171-84. 

"The  Structure  and  Content  of  Scientific  Discourse,"  Research 
Previews,  17  (November  1970),  1-5. 



Budd  Leslie  Gambee 

"Best  Foot  Forward;  Representation  of  American  Librarian- 
ship  at  World's  Fairs,  1853-1904,"  in  Library  History  Seminar 
No.  3,  Proceedings,  1968,  ed.,  Martha  Zane  K.  Zachert.  Tallahas- 
see :  Florida  State  University  School  of  Library  Science,  1968.  Pub- 
lished in  1969.  Pp.  137-74. 

"Standards  for  School  Media  Programs,  1920:  A  Lesson  from 
History,"  American  Libraries,  1  (May  1970),  483-85. 

Review  of  David  I.  McLeod,  Carnegie  Libraries  in  Wisconsin 
(Madison:  State  Historical  Society  of  Wisconsin,  1968),  in  Journal 
of  American  History,  56  (June  1969),  160-61. 

Review  of  Peter  C.  G.  Isaac,  William  Davison  of  Alnwick, 
Pharmacist  and  Printer,  1781-1855  (Oxford:  Clarendon  Press, 

1968)  ,  in  Journal  of  Library  History,  4  (October  1969),  379-81. 
Review  of  Jean  Key  Gates,  Introduction  to  Librarianship  (New 

York:  McGraw-Hill  Book  Company,  1968),  in  Journal  of  Library 
History,  4  (October  1969),  353-55. 

Feances  Hunt  Hall 

"The  Law  of  Software — Second  Annual  Conference,"  Com- 
puter Studies  in  the  Humanities  and  Verbal  Behavior,  2  (October 

1969)  ,  166-69. 

Doealyn  Joanne  Hickey 

Managing  Editor,  Library  Resources  &  Technical  Services. 

Editor,  Purchasing  Library  Materials  in  Public  and  School  Li- 
braries, by  Evelyn  D.  Hensel  and  Peter  D.  Veillette.  Chicago :  Amer- 
ican Library  Association,  1969.  Pp.  ix,  150. 

"Machines  and  the  Humanization  of  Library  Service,"  Bice 
University  Studies,  55  (Fall  1969),  25-35. 

"Systems  Analysis  and  the  Theological  Library,"  Theological 
Education,  6  (Autumn  1969),  34-42. 

Review  of  J.  L.  Dolby,  V.  J.  Forsyth,  and  H.  L.  Resnikoff,  Com- 
puterized Library  Catalogs:  Their  Growth,  Cost,  and  Utility  (Cam- 
bridge, Massachusetts,  and  London :  The  Massachusetts  Institute  of 
Technology  Press,  1969),  in  School  Libraries,  19  (Summer  1970), 

Review  of  Cass  Canfield,  The  Publishing  Experience  (Philadel- 
phia: University  of  Pennsylvania  Press,  1969),  in  Journal  of  Li- 
brary History,  5  (October  1970),  385-87. 

Review  of  Susan  Grey  Akers,  Simple  Library  Cataloging  (Me- 
tuchen,  New  Jersey:  The  Scarecrow  Press,  1969),  in  School  Li- 
braries, 19  (Spring  1970),  39-41. 

Review  of  The  Use  of  the  Library  of  Congress  Classification 



(Chicago:  American  Library  Association,  1968),  in  Library  Quar- 
terly, 39  (July  1969),  294-96. 

Gertrude  London 

1 '  Glossary-based  Classed  Thesauri  as  the  Core  of  a  Modular  Ref- 
erence  System,"  in  International  Forum  on  Informatics,  volume  2. 
Moscow :  All-Union  Institute  for  Scientific  and  Technical  Informa- 
tion, 1969.  Pp.  286-317. 


The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  school: 

Martha  Sue  Bean 

A  History  and  Profile  of  the  Yiking  Press.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Louise  Lesher  La  Croix 

Feasibility  of  Weeding  Older  Books  Classified  in  973.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Fred  John  Heinritz.) 

Final  Research  Papers 

The  following  research  papers  were  completed  by  master's  degree 
candidates  under  the  direction  of  the  school: 

Meredith  Treene  Altshuler 

Medical  Anthropology:  A  Case  Study  of  Inter-disciplinary  In- 
formation Needs.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Ray  L.  Carpenter.) 

Evelyn  Grimsley  Andrews 

The  Translation  of  the  North  Carolina  Historical  Commission 
into  a  Full-Fledged  Archival  Agency.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Frances  Hunt  Hall.) 

Eebecca  Boone  Ash 

Mergers  and  the  Publishing  Industry.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Natalie  V.  M.  Bell 

An  Examination  of  the  Adolescent  Peer  Group.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 



Karen  Marie  Berg 

A  Study  of  Bibliographic  Services  in  the  Social  Sciences.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Ray  L.  Carpenter.) 

Anne  Margaret  Billeter 

Student  Use  of  Public  Libraries.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Kenneth  Ernst  Bishop 

A  Name  List  for  the  United  Church  of  Christ.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Kay  Bowling 

Presidential  Libraries,  with  Particular  Reference  to  the  James 
Monroe  Law  Office-Museum  and  Memorial  Library.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Dennis  Luther  Bruce 

Annual  Reports  of  Libraries  Serving  Their  State's  Highest 
Court.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Frances  Hunt  Hall.) 

Marguerite  B.  Burgess 

The  Story  of  Lady  Three  Flint  in  the  Codex  Nuttall.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Peggie  Calhoun  Byars 

Possible  Use  of  Title-Words  (KWIC  Indexing)  Instead  of  Sub- 
ject Cataloging  of  Books  in  the  Sciences,  Especially  in  Chemistry. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Alexandra  E.  Campbell 

The  Development  of  Books  and  Libraries  in  the  Roman  Re- 
public and  Empire.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred 

Elizabeth  Knight  Campbell 

The  Classification  of  Psychology  Literature  for  Storage  and  Re- 
trieval in  the  United  States.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Dora- 
lyn Joanne  Hickey.) 

Jill  Game  Carraway 

Edwin  Hatfield  Anderson:  Contributions  to  Modern  Library 
Science.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslus  Gambee.) 



Linda  Diane  Caeroll 

Strengthening  Service  for  the  Blind  and  Physically  Handi- 
capped: Recent  Trends  at  the  Library  of  Congress.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Alexnder  Burton  Carver 

Esteban  Martin,  the  First  Printer  in  the  Western  Hemisphere : 
Being  an  Examination  of  Documents  and  Opinion  Relating  to  His 
Printing  Activities  and  to  the  Publication  of  the  First  American 
Incunabulum.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Mil- 

Jane  Statham  Carver 

Prospects  for  African  National  Bibliography :  A  Study  of  Bib- 
liographical Trends  in  Six  New  Nations  of  Tropical  Africa.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Isaac  Chao 

A  Survey  of  English  Bibliographies  on  China.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Betty  Anne  Chapman 

Young  Adult  Publishing.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Mar- 
garet Ellen  Kalp.) 

Nancy  Jewel  Clark 

A  Survey  of  the  Revised  Curriculum  in  the  School  of  Library 
Science  at  the  University  of  North  Carolina  at  Chapel  Hill  as 
Viewed  by  Its  Graduates,  1964-1969.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Doralyn  Joanne  Hiceey.) 

Betty  Pickell  Cleaver 

A  Survey  of  Religious  Publishing,  1957-1967.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Susan  Carol  Cockrell 

Charles  Martel  and  the  Library  of  Congress  Classification. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Ariel  Florence  Colburn 

Censorship  in  Public  Libraries  by  Right  Wing  Pressure  Groups : 
1960-1967.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 



Paula  G-.  Cole 

Young  Adult  Service  to  Culturally  Disadvantaged  Youth  in  the 
Ghetto.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Mary  Sue  Comstock 

Examination  of  the  Goals  of  the  U.S.I.A.  and  its  Information 
Libraries  and  Their  Relationship  to  Book  Selection  Policy.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Susan  Cowilich 

Alleged  Price  Fixing  by  Publishers  and  Wholesalers.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Frances  Hunt  Hall.) 

June  Daly 

Profile  of  a  Typical  Library  School  Student  Enrolled  at  the 
University  of  North  Carolina  During  the  Spring  Semester  of  1970. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Ray  L.  Carpenter.) 

Frances  C.  Davis 

Hannah  Packard  James,  1835-1903,  a  Representative  Public 
Librarian  of  the  Last  Quarter  of  the  Nineteenth  Century.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Joyce  Edley  Dean 

Implications  of  Automation  and  Data  Processing  for  the  Public 
Library.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Edith  Bachelor  de  Mik 

A  Study  of  the  Adequacy  of  Reviews  in  Selected  Journals  for 
Selection  and  Use  of  Reference  Books  in  an  Academic  Library  Ref- 
erence Department.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Frances  Hunt 

Barbara  Franklin  DeWeerd 

Psychiatric  Fiction  in  America :  Two  Annotated  Bibliographies. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Myrl  Lua-Frances  Ebert.) 

Jo  Ann  Sikes  Dick 

Analysis  of  the  Dispersion  of  Classification  Assignments  As- 
sociated with  Subject  Headings.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Harvey  Taylor  Dixon 

Burton  Egbert  Stevenson  (1872-1962)  :  Ohio  Librarian  and  Au- 
thor. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 



Lynn  Louise  Dodge 

John  Franklin  Jameson  and  the  Founding  of  the  National  Ar- 
chives. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Mattie  U.  Eussell.) 

Herbert  Paul  Dove,  Jr. 

Extra-Institutional  Sources  of  Income  for  Libraries  in  Pri- 
vately Supported  Colleges  and  Universities.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Frances  Hunt  Hall.) 

Carolyn  Ann  Duesing 

A  Comparative  Study  of  Methods  of  Instruction  in  the  Use  of 
the  Library  for  College  and  University  Students.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Kenneth  D.  Shearer,  Jr.) 

Christina  Jordan  Dunn 

An  Analysis  of  the  First  Nine  Volumes  of  Studies  in  Bibliog- 
raphy: Papers  of  the  Bibliographical  Society  of  the  University  of 
Virginia.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

John  Richard  Dykstra  II 

Trends  in  Library  Instruction  in  American  Colleges  and  Uni- 
versities, 1945-1965.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Jo- 
anne Hickey.) 

Mary  Jamil  Fasheh 

Analysis,  Transliteration,  and  Cataloging  of  the  Arabic  Names. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Marialice  Wilson  Ferguson 

John  Farquhar  Fulton  and  His  Contributions  to  Medical  His- 
tory and  Medical  Bibliography.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Myrl  Lua-Frances  Ebert.) 

Mary  Caldwell  Flowe 

A  Study  of  Curriculum  Materials  Centers  in  North  Carolina 
Colleges  and  Universities.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret 
Ellen  Kalp.) 

Eebecca  McGrady  Floyd 

An  Analysis  of  Eeviews  of  Books  about  Negroes  and  Pace  Re- 
lations for  Older  Children  and  Young  People.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 




Linda  W.  Folda 

Bibliographic  Research  in  the  Rare  Book  Room:  Aids  for  the 
Librarian  Cataloging  Books  Printed  1500-1800.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Charles  H.  Fox 

A  Study  of  the  Operation  of  the  North  Carolina  State  Library 
Processing  Center  and  Problems  Arising  From  Increased  Future 
"Workloads.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne 

Nancy  Eobison  Frazier 

The  Underground  Newspaper  in  Libraries.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Donna  Jean  Gant 

An  Introduction  to  the  World  of  Jewish  Literature:  An  An- 
notated Bibliography  for  the  Public  Library.  (1970,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Ruth  Elizabeth  G-ault 

The  Role  of  the  High  School  Librarian  in  the  Independent  Study 
Program.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Alice  Ella  Gerald 

A  Survey  of  Book  Wagons  and  Early  Bookmobiles  in  the  United 
States  Down  to  1942.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Frances  Hunt 

Judy  Anne  Getz 

Characteristics  of  the  Research  Literature  of  Library  Science: 
A  Citation  Analysis.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Ray  L.  Carpen- 

Sue  O.  Gilkerson 

Individual  Instruction  for  the  Average  Student  with  Particular 
Reference  to  the  Small  Liberal  Arts  Junior  College  and  Its  Li- 
brary. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Barbara  Eobin  Glasser 

The  National  Bibliography  of  Israel.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Marian  Goodman 

The  Organization  and  Administration  of  Library  Service  to 



Patients  in  the  General  Hospital.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Myrl  Lua-Frances  Ebert.) 

Thomas  F.  Gordon,  Jr. 

My  Life  in  Detective  Fiction;  or,  the  Detective  Novel  in 
England  and  America  Since  World  War  II,  including  a  Backward 
Look,  Recent  Trends,  and  an  Annotated  List  of  the  Best  Novels 
published  since  1945.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred 

Mary  Elizabeth  Graff 

Current  Trends  in  School  Library  Services  for  the  Culturally 
Deprived  Child.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen 

Emily  Geddie  Graham 

The  Feasibility  of  Centralized  Processing  for  the  Cumberland 
County  Public  Schools.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret 
Ellen  Kalp.) 

Martha  Anna  Graham 

The  "Nouveau  Roman"  in  English  Translation:  An  Introduc- 
tion and  Annotated  Bibliography.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

James  Eber  Gray 

Methods  of  Teaching  Library  Skills  in  the  Elementary  School 
Library:  a  Literature  Search,  1959-1969.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Martha  Anne  Hagadorn 

John  Shaw  Billings,  Creator  of  the  National  Medical  Library 
and  Compiler  of  its  Index  Catalogue  and  Index  Medicus ;  and  First 
Director  of  the  New  York  Public  Library.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Myrl  Lua-Frances  Ebert.) 

Mary  Anna  Hall 

Theoretical  Foundations  for  Fine  Arts  Programs  in  Public  Li- 
braries. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Margaret  Emily  Halliday 

American  Public  Library  Adult  Education,  1953-1968;  The 
Ideal  and  the  Real  Situation.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Ken- 
neth D.  Shearer,  Jr.) 



Carol  Ann  Hallman 

A  Comparison  of  the  State  of  Technical  Services  in  India  and 
Latin  America.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne 

Howard  Stanley  Harris 

A  Statistical  Analysis  of  Reference  Questions  Asked  at  Duke 
University  During  the  Year  1968-69.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Kenneth  D.  Shearer,  Jr.) 

William  L.  Harrison 

The  Contribution  of  Lloyd  Pearsall  Smith  to  Librarianship. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

George  B.  Hellen,  Jr. 

An  Inquiry  into  Library  of  Congress  Cataloging  Delays.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Jean  Ann  Hemmens 

The  Public  Library  and  the  Model  Cities  Program.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Ray  L.  Carpenter.) 

Lynn  Dixon  Herrick 

Army-oriented  Reader  Interest  Surveys  and  Their  Applications 
to  Book  Selection  for  Special  Services  Libraries.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Ray  L.  Carpenter.) 

William  Morton  Hill 

Library  Technical  Assistants  in  North  Carolina  i  Their  Training 
and  Use.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Lenora  Irene  Hines 

Religion  as  an  Interdisciplinary  Study:  Implications  for  Eval- 
uation of  Academic  Library  Collections.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Darrell  L.  Hodgins,  Jr. 

Evaluation  of  Primary  Historical  Source  Materials  Concerning 
the  Medical  Societies  of  the  State  of  North  Carolina.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Myrl  Lua-Frances  Ebert.) 

Mary  Milon  Horres 

MEDLARS :  A  Literature  Analysis  and  Retrieval  Tool  for  the 
General  Practitioner.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Myrl  Lua- 
Frances  Ebert.) 



June  Claude  Hubbard 

The  Teaching  of  Library  Skills  in  Grades  4-6.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Dorothy  Potter  Jackson 

The  Treatment  of  the  Church  in  Selected  Teen-Age  Fiction  of 
the  Sixties.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Ann  T.  H.  Jefferson 

Medical  Book  Publishing  in  America.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Martha  MacKenzie  Jernigan 

Alfred  A.  Knopf,  Publisher.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Budd 
Leslie  Gambee.) 

Katharine  E.  Johnson 

The  Effect  of  World  War  II  on  Adult  Services  in  Public  Li- 
braries in  the  United  States.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Robert 
Alfred  Miller.) 

Larry  Lee  Johnson 

The  Public  Library  and  the  Disadvantaged  Teenager :  A  Survey 
of  Contemporary  Programs,  Methods,  and  Materials  Employed  by 
Selected  Public  Libraries.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Kenneth 
D.  Shearer,  Jr.) 

Daniel  Edward  Jones 

The  Henkel  Press:  1806-1851.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Jane  Todd  Jones 

Treatment  of  Paperbacks  in  School  Libraries  with  Special  Ref- 
erences to  Practices  Followed  in  Greenville  County,  South  Car- 
olina. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Marcella  Ann  Jordan 

James  Francis  Ballard:  A  Pioneer  in  Medical  Librarianship. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Myrl  Lua-Frances  Ebert.) 

James  Lee  Justice 

A  Study  of  the  Operation  of  North  Carolina  Community  Col- 
leges Library  Services,  May  31, 1962-May  31,  1968.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 



Anne  Whittington  Kablek 

A  Use  Study  of  Two  Departmental  Libraries.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Ray  L.  Caepenter.) 

Ridley  Roland  Kessler,  Jr. 

The  Growth  and  Development  of  the  Australian  National  Li- 
brary and  its  Bibliographic  Services.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Paul  Frederick  King 

Right- Wing  Book  and  Periodical  Literature :  An  Analysis  of  the 
Content  of  the  Field  and  a  Selected  Annotated  Bibliography.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Mary  P.  Klontz 

The  Role  of  the  Media  Center  in  the  Education  of  Disadvantaged 
Children.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Frances  Gayle  Knibb 

Thespian  Archives:  The  New  York  Public  Library  Theatre 
Collection.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Mattie  U.  Russell.) 

Young  He  Koh 

An  Analysis  of  Non-Fiction  Children's  Books  Describing 
Japan,  1960-1969.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen 

Kristin  Ann  Krause 

High  Pornography :  A  Survey  of  Views  and  a  Study  of  Reviews, 
1964-1969.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Barbara  Helen  Krueger 

The  Influence  of  Charles  Francis  Adams,  Jr.  and  Samuel  Swett 
Green  on  the  Establishment  of  Co-operation  Between  Public  Li- 
braries and  Public  Schools,  1876-1900.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Fred  Lester  Lambert,  Jr. 

North  Carolina  Bibliography,  A  Critical  History.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 


The  Acquisition  of  African  Publications :  A  Case  Study  of  the 
Duke  University  Library.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn 
Joanne  Hickey.) 



Bruce  Eaele  Langdon 

Automatic  Processing  of  Legislative  Information:  A  Study  of 
the  Bill  Status  and  History  System  and  the  Subject  Search  Sys- 
tem of  the  Legislation  for  the  1969  North  Carolina  General  As- 
sembly. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Eva  Frances  Lee 

The  Student  Assistant  in  the  School  Library.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Sandra  B.  Lehnen 

Factors  Affecting  Library  Use :  A  Case  Study  of  Sixth  Graders 
at  the  Durham  Academy.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret 
Ellen  Kalp.) 

Verna  Sigmon  Lomax 

A  Survey  of  Cataloging  Practices  in  North  Carolina  Schools  of 
Nursing  Libraries.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne 

Juanita  McCarthy 

Marketing  Information  for  the  Corporate  Library.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Frances  Hunt  Hall.) 

Margaret  Lynn  McCarthy 

A  Comparison  of  Biographical  Methods:  Early  19th  Century 
and  Contemporary  Writers  of  Biography  Compared.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Elizabeth  McElwee 

The  Administration  of  Maps  in  the  Libraries  and  Record  Re- 
positories in  the  United  States.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Mat- 
tie  U.  Russell.) 

Jane  Elizabeth  McFarland 

A  Survey  of  Reference  Questions  at  Yale  Divinity  Library,  Sep- 
tember 15,  1968-May  31,  1969.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Dora- 
lyn Joanne  Hickey.) 

Sarah  Louise  McLaughlin 

A  Comparative  Study  of  Classifications  for  Medical  Literature. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 



Elise  Petteey  McWhorter 

The  Role  of  the  Librarian  in  the  Instructional  Materials  Center 
of  the  Elementary  School.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret 
Ellen  Kalp.) 

Rebecca  L.  Marlin 

Conrad  Gesner:  Physician,  Bibliographer,  and  Naturalist  of 
the  Sixteenth  Century.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Al- 
fred Miller.) 

Margaret  Kennie  Mattis 

Unesco  and  Bibliographic  Control:  Concerns  and  Accomplish- 
ments. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

H.  Spencer  Means,  Jr. 

An  Evaluation  of  Record-Reviewing  Media  as  Aids  to  the  Li- 
brarian in  Selecting  Classical  Music  Recordings.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Rochelle  Elaine  Messinger 

The  Disadvantaged:  Public  Library  Programs  for  Spanish- 
Speaking  Americans.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Frances  Hunt 

Mary  Jane  Miller 

A  Comparison  of  the  Selling  Practices  of  Law  and  Medical 
Publishers  and  the  Problems  These  Cause  in  Law  and  Medical 
Libraries.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Kathleen  McNiece  Moore 

Public  Library  Services  for  the  Pre-School  Child.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Mary  Grace  Moore 

The  Adequacy  of  the  Library  of  Congress  Catalog,  Books:  Sub- 
jects as  an  Index  to  the  Library  of  Congress  Classification  System. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Evelyn  D.  Moss 

A  Study  of  Soviet  Libraries ;  Purposes,  Organization,  Facilities 
and  Services.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Linda  Jean  Murphy 

The  Universal  Decimal  Classification :  Past,  Present,  and  Future. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 



Albeet  A.  Nelius 

A  Selected  and  Annotated  List  of  Basic  Religious  and  Theolog- 
ical Periodicals  to  Support  Non-denominational  Undergraduate 
Studies  in  Eeligion.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Jo- 
anne Hickey.) 

Janice  Graham  Nicholson 

Selection  Aids  for  High  School  Science  Books.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Margaret  Virginia  Ogilvy 

Chemical  Titles,  B.A.S.I.C.,  and  The  Philosopher's  Index:  A 
Discussion  of  Keyword  Indexes,  with  an  Evaluation  by  Their  Users. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Nancy  O'Neal 

Commercial  Nonbook  Cataloging:  A  Critical  Evaluation  of 
Contemporary  Approaches  to  the  Newer  Media.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Charles  B.  Osburn 

A  Critical  Bibliography  of  Nineteenth-Century  Periodicals  Im- 
portant in  the  Study  of  French  Language  and  Literature.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Kobert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Andrea  Pearlman 

The  Historical  Records  Survey  of  the  "Work  Projects  Admin- 
istration. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Mattie  U.  Russell.) 

Carolyn  Brock  Peters 

A  Questionnaire  Survey  on  the  Job  Attitudes  of  Public  Library 
Shelvers  and  Pages.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Kenneth  D. 
Shearer,  Jr.) 

Lynn  Shearin  Phillips 

Influence  of  Television  Viewing  on  Book  Reading.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Kenneth  D.  Shearer,  Jr.) 

Jane  Pickett 

Papermaking  and  Papermakers  in  the  American  Colonies,, 
1690-1776.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Celia  DiCostanzo  Poe 

"World  Atlases  as  a  Source  of  Map  Reference  Information. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Frances  Hunt  Hall.) 



Emily  Laurence  Potter 

The  Contributions  of  Beatrix  Potter  to  the  Field  of  Children's 
Literature.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Harriet  Lenora  Price 

The  Development  and  Current  Status  of  Archival  Education  in 
American  Colleges  and  Universities.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Mattie  U.  Kussell.) 

Mary  Lynn  Eaines 

The  Impact  of  the  Demonstration  School  Libraries  Project  on 
the  Abingdon,  Virginia,  Elementary  School  Library.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

James  E.  Raper,  Jr. 

The  Serials  Project  at  the  Library  of  the  University  of  North 
Carolina  at  Chapel  Hill  and  a  Subject  Analysis  of  its  Serial  Title 
Holdings.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Dewey  Clifton  Brock.) 

Robin  Lee  Richards 

Presidential  Libraries.  Functions  and  Problems.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Mattie  U.  Russell.) 

Alice  Setzler  Richmond 

A  Study  of  North  Carolina  Public  Library  Facilities  and  Ser- 
vices for  Young  Adults.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret 
Ellen  Kalp.) 

Daria  Nebeluk  Rivela 

A  Study  of  the  Extent  and  Treatment  of  Violence  in  Young 
People's  Literature,  1954-68.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Mar- 
garet Ellen  Kalp.) 

Patricia  Sandra  Rocca 

Some  Effects  of  Membership  in  the  North  Carolina  State  Li- 
brary Processing  Center  on  the  Catalogs  of  Three  Member  Libraries. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Edwina  Rooker 

A  Survey  of  High  School  Libraries  Services  to  Remedial  Read- 
ers, 1958-1968.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen 



Susan  Stkuplee  Rose 

The  Public  Eelations  Program  of  the  Durham  (North  Carolina) 
Public  Library  and  the  Olivia  Raney  Public  Library  (Raleigh, 
North  Carolina).  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne 

Mildred  Washington  Sanders 

Book  Catalog  Production :  A  Study  of  Methods  and  Procedures 
in  an  Attempt  to  Find  a  Suitable  Method  for  Producing  a  Book 
Catalog  for  the  James  B.  Duke  Memorial  Library  of  Johnson  C. 
Smith  University.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne 

Nellie  McNeill  Sanders 

Pettigrew  Regional  Library:  Its  Users  and  Its  Services.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Kenneth  D.  Shearer,  Jr.) 

Elizabeth  Ann  Schadel 

The  Response  of  the  Individual  to  Influences  of  Salient  Groups 
as  Revealed  in  Selected  Novels  Recommended  for  Young  Adults. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Helen  Leonard  Seagraves 

"Bad"  Children's  Books:  1875-1900.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Joyce  Elaine  Shields 

A  Study  of  the  Effect  of  Books  for  College  Libraries  on  Amer- 
ican Reprint  Publishing  and  Out-of -Print  Book  Dealers.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Wilbur  Montgomery  Sims 

George  Parker  Winship ;  Rare  Book  Librarian.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Ann  Shattuck  Smith 

Recent  Trends  in  Scientific  and  Technical  Publishing.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Nathalene  Eobinson  Smith 

A  Multi-Media  Bibliography  of  Non-Book  Materials  on  Black 
People  in  Contemporary  America.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 



Sandra  Dru  cilia  Smith 

The  Image  of  the  Librarian:  A  Comparison  of  the  Views  of 
South  Mecklenburg  High  School  Students  and  Library  Assistants. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Rickey  C.  Stith 

The  British  School  Library  from  1944  to  the  Present.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Ann  Fuller  Stone 

A  Comparison  of  Reserve  Book  Practices  in  Nine  University 
Libraries.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Sara  C.  Stone 

A  Study  of  the  Nature  of  the  National  Archives  and  the  Role 
of  the  Archivist  Compared  to  the  Role  of  the  Librarian.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Madelyn  Wheeler  Strange 

Leisure  Reading  Interests  of  Graduate  Students  at  the  Univer- 
sity of  North  Carolina:  A  Comparative  Study.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Ray  L.  Carpenter.) 

Eun-Ja  Kang  Suhr 

Korean  Collections  in  American  University  Libraries.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Priscilla  Heath  Stjtcliffe 

A  Study  of  Assistance  for  Catalog  Users  in  a  Large  University 
Library.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Judith  Kay  Sutton 

A  Qualitative  Analysis  of  the  Book  Reviews  of  Five  Non-Fiction 
Best  Sellers,  1965-1969.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie 

Mary  Lee  Sweat 

Young  Adult  Public  Library  Programs.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Dolores  Holland  Swindell 

A  Study  and  Comparison  of  Subject  Indexing  Vocabularies 
Used  for  Geological  Literature.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 



Sheila  Terrill 

The  United  States  Book  Exchange.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Frances  Hunt  Hall.) 

Carol  Diane  Terry 

Methods  of  Instruction  in  Library  Use  for  College  and  Univer- 
sity Students.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Ray  L.  Carpenter.) 

Marcia  Ewlng  Treleass 

The  Selection  and  Acquisition  of  Historical  Records  in  the  United 
States.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Mattie  U.  Russell.) 

Carol  Koenig  Triplette 

The  Ecole  des  Chartes:  Archival  Training  in  France.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Carmen  Irma  Turner 

A  Study  of  Large  Print  Books,  with  Attention  to  Their  Occur- 
rence and  Use  in  North  Carolina  Public  Libraries.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Kenneth  D.  Shearer,  Jr.) 

Mary  Sue  Turner 

The  Early  Lyceum,  the  Chautauqua  Literary  and  Scientific 
Circle,  and  the  Free  Public  Library  Movement :  Their  Development 
and  Interrelationship  in  Nineteenth  Century  America.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Christine  Graves  Underwood 

The  Use  of  the  Computer  in  the  Technical  Processing  of  Serials. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 

Henri  Charles  Veit 

Proposed  Criteria  for  the  Selection  of  Art  Books  in  Public 
Libraries.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

George  Brookins  Viele 

A  Study  of  Collective  Bargaining  and  Its  Relationship  to  the 
Field  of  Librarianship.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Ray  L.  Car- 

Nellie  Laird  Waltner 

The  Impact  of  Technology  on  the  Concept  of  Fair  Use  in  Copy- 
right: An  Annotated  Bibliography  with  Analysis  and  Index.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 



Jeanne  Ward  Walton 

The  Value  of  Summer  Reading  Programs  in  Public  Libraries. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Judith  Lynn  Walton 

The  University  Press  and  the  Trade  Press;  Areas  of  Conflict. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Budd  Leslie  Gambee.) 

Julie  Elizabeth  Wanner 

An  Overview  of  the  Utilization  of  Microforms  in  Information 
Retrieval  Systems.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Warren  Philip 

Lynn  Morrow  Ward 

The  Family  as  Presented  in  a  Selected  Sample  of  Children's 
Literature.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Margaret  Ellen  Kalp.) 

Susan  Leay  Ward 

An  Examination  of  the  Reasons  Why  Juan  Pablos,  and  Not 
Esteban  Martin,  Came  to  Be  Considered  the  New  World's  First 
Printer.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Alfred  Miller.) 

Ann  Marie  Werz 

A  History  and  Bibliography  of  the  Myers  Collection,  A  Private 
Library  in  Norfolk,  Virginia.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Robert 
Alfred  Miller.) 

Peggy  Whale n 

Public  Library  Use  Studies,  1958-1969.  (1969,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Kenneth  D.  Shearer,  Jr.) 

Susan  B.  White 

Current  Book  Selection  Principle  and  Practice:  A  Survey. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Kenneth  D.  Shearer,  Jr.) 

Daniel  Anthony  Yanchisin 

For  Carolina's  Sake:  A  Case  Study  in  Special  Librarianship. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Mattie  IT.  Russell.) 

Araby  Suzanne  Young 

Nonmetric  Multidimensional  Scaling  of  Population  Studies 
Journals.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Doralyn  Joanne  Hickey.) 



Betty  Irene  Young 

Josephus  Nelson  Larned.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Budd 
Leslie  Gambee.) 

Phyllis  M.  Young 

Congress  and  Federal  Public  Library  Legislation.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Ray  L.  Carpenter.) 


Harry  Bergholz 

"Peer  Gynt's  Redemption,"  Edda,  69  (Oslo:  Universitets- 
forlaget,  1969),  10-20. 

Review  of  Walter  Berendsohn,  Brief e  an  Strindberg  (Lawrence, 
Kansas:  SASS,  1969),  in  Scandinavian  Studies,  41,  367-69. 

Dewey  Clifton  Brock,  Jr. 

The  Literature  of  Political  Science:  A  Guide  for  Students,  Li- 
brarians, and  Teachers.  New  York:  R.  R.  Bowker  Company,  1969. 
Pp.  xii,  232. 

Lawrence  Hsing — Hisia  Chen 

China  Forum — A  Grand  Table  of  Contents.  Bibliographical 
series  on  China,  1.  Washington,  D.  C. :  Center  for  Chinese  Research 
Materials,  Association  of  Research  Libraries,  1969.  Pp.  vi,  24. 

James  Isaac  Copeland 

Editor,  Democracy  in  the  Old  South  and  Other  Essays  by 
Fletcher  Melvin  Green.  Nashville:  Vanderbilt  University  Press, 

1969.  Pp.  xx,  322. 

Review  of  John  M.  Jennings,  The  Library  of  the  College  of 
William  and  Mary  in  Virginia,  1693-1793  (Charlottesville :  The  Uni- 
versity Press  of  Virginia,  1968),  in  Journal  of  Library  History,  5 
(April  1970),  189-90. 

Review  of  Philip  C.  Brooks,  Research  in  Archives:  The  Use  of 
Unpublished  Primary  Sources  (Chicago:  University  of  Chicago 
Press,  1969),  in  Journal  of  Southern  History,  35  (November  1969), 

Myrl  Lua-Frances  Ebert 

Introduction  to  the  Literature  of  the  Medical  Sciences.  3rd  edi- 
tion. Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North  Carolina  Student  Stores, 

1970.  Pp.  125. 



Archie  Beid  Fields 

"Zip  Shelf  Reading,  A  Qualified  Success,"  The  Southeastern 
Librarian,  19  (Spring  1969),  36. 

Louise  McGwigan  Hall 

"Bibliographical  Control  of  Microforms,"  The  Southeastern 
Librarian,  20  (Winter  1970),  258-66. 

Margaret  C.  Johnson 

"Nursing:  What  it  is  and  What  it  is  Not.  A  History  of  Nursing 
Exhibit,"  Tar  Heel  Nurse,  32:  3  (September  1970),  26. 

Jerrold  Orne 

Editor,  The  Southeastern  Librarian. 

"The  Place  of  the  Library  in  the  Evaluation  of  Graduate 
Work,"  College  and  Research  Libraries,  30  (January  1969),  25-31. 

"Financing  and  Cost  of  University  Library  Buildings,"  Li- 
brary Trends,  18  (October  1969),  150-65. 

"Academic  Library  Building  in  1969,"  Library  Journal,  94 
(December  1969),  4364-68.  Also  in  Bowker  Annual  of  Library  and 
Book  Trade  Information:  1970.  New  York:  Bowker  Company,  1970. 
Pp.  215-21. 

"The  Place  of  Standards  in  Libraries  of  the  Future,"  Ken- 
tucky Library  Association  Bulletin,  34  (January  1970),  5-10. 

"The  Undergraduate  Library,"  Library  Journal,  95  (June 
1970),  2230-33. 

"Library  Standards,"  Law  Library  Journal,  63  (November 
1970),  532-37,  550. 

"Architects'  Fees:  Their  Place  in  Library  Planning,"  Library 
Journal,  95  (December  1970),  4099-4106. 

"Academic  Library  Building  in  1970,"  Library  Journal,  95 
(December  1970),  4107-12. 

Keview  of  Ralph  E.  Ellsworth,  Planning  the  College  and  Univer- 
sity Library  Building  (Pruett,  1968),  in  Library  Journal,  94  (Oc- 
tober 1969),  3628. 

Review  of  Bernard  Houghton,  Standardization  for  Documenta- 
tion (Hamden,  Connecticut:  Archon  Books,  1969),  in  Journal  of 
Library  Automation,  2  (December  1969),  276. 

Review  of  Ralph  E.  Ellsworth,  The  Economics  of  Book  Storage 
in  College  and  University  Libraries  (New  York:  Scarecrow,  1969), 
in  Library  Journal,  95  (April  1970),  1299. 

Review  of  Irene  A.  Braden,  The  Undergraduate  Library  (Chi- 
cago: American  Library  Association,  1970),  in  Library  Journal,  95 
(June  1970),  2105. 



Review  of  Michael  Brawne,  Libraries:  Architecture  and  Equip- 
ment (New  York:  Praeger,  1970),  in  Library  Journal,  95  (June 
1970),  2106. 

Charles  B.  Osbukn" 

" Research  Library  Development — Present  and  Future,"  South- 
eastern Librarian,  19  (Winter  1969),  212-16. 

"A  Note  on  Aids  to  Research  in  Balzac  Studies,"  French 
Studies,  24  (January  1970),  37-42. 

"  A  Critical  Bibliography  of  Nineteenth  Century  Periodicals  Im- 
portant in  the  Study  of  French  Language  and  Literature, ' '  Reper- 
toire Analytique  de  Litterature  Frangaise,  1:  4  (1970),  7-35. 

Review  of  Jacques  Morel,  Botrou  dramaturge  de  Vambiguite 
(Paris:  Colin,  1968),  in  Studi  Francesi,  38  (1969),  300-302. 

William  Stevens  Powell 

The  North  Carolina  Colony.  New  York:  Crowell-Collier  Press, 
1969.  Pp.  154. 

Higher  Education  In  North  Carolina,  revised  edition.  Raleigh : 
State  Department  of  Archives  and  History,  1970.  Pp.  84. 

"  North  Carolina  Bibliography,  1967-1968,"  North  Carolina 
Historical  Review,  46  (April  1969),  171-77. 

"  North  Carolina  Bibliography,  1968-1969,"  North  Carolina 
Historical  Review,  47  (April  1970),  205-13. 

" Speaker  John  Pory,"  Virginia  Cavalcade,  19  (Summer  1969), 

Review  of  Lately  Thomas,  The  First  President  Johnson  (New 
York:  William  Morrow,  1968)  in  North  Carolina  Historical  Re- 
view, 46  (April  1969),  192-93. 

Review  of  William  Strachey,  For  the  Colony  in  Virginia 
Britannia  Laws  Divine,  Morall  and  Martiall,  Etc.  (Charlottesville: 
University  Press  of  Virginia,  1969),  in  North  Carolina  Historical 
Review,  47  (January  1970),  91-92. 

Review  of  Philip  L.  Barbour,  ed.,  The  Jamestown  Voyages  Un- 
der the  First  Charter  (Cambridge,  England:  Published  for  the 
Hakluyt  Society,  1969),  in  Journal  of  Southern  History,  36  (Feb- 
ruary 1970),  82-83. 

Review  of  James  C.  Wheat  and  Christian  F.  Brun,  Maps  and 
Charts  Published  in  America  Before  1800  (New  Haven :  Yale  Uni- 
versity Press,  1969),  in  Journal  of  Southern  History,  36  (Februarv 
1970),  135. 

Review  of  Henry  Laurens,  The  Papers  of  Henry  Laurens,  1746- 
1755  (Columbia:  University  of  South  Carolina  Press,  1968),  in 
Library  Journal,  94  (January  15,  1969),  189. 



Review  of  George  A.  Billias,  ed.,  George  Washington's  Op- 
ponents: British  Generals  and  Admirals  in  the  American  Revolu- 
tion (New  York:  William  Morrow,  1969),  in  Library  Journal,  94 
(March  1,  1969),  989-90. 

Review  of  Clifford  Dowdey,  The  Virginia  Dynasties:  The 
Emergence  of  "King"  Carter  and  the  Golden  Age  (Boston:  Little, 
Brown,  1969),  in  Library  Journal,  94  (April  1,  1969),  1493. 

Review  of  Thomas  J.  Fleming,  The  Man  from  Monticello :  An 
Intimate  Life  of  Jefferson  (New  York:  William  Morrow,  1969),  in 
Library  Journal,  94  (July  1969),  2598. 

Review  of  John  D.  Stark,  Damned  V pcountryman :  William 
Watts  Ball,  A  Study  in  American  Conservatism  (Durham:  Duke 
University  Press,  1969),  in  Library  Journal,  94  (July  1969),  2600. 

Review  of  Philip  L.  Barbour,  ed.,  The  Jamestown  Voyages  Under 
the  First  Charter  (Cambridge,  England:  Published  for  the  Hakluyt 
Society,  1969),  in  Library  Journal,  94  (October  15,  1969),  3644. 

Review  of  William  A.  Benton,  Whig-Loyalism:  An  Aspect  of 
Political  Ideology  in  the  American  Revolutionary  Era  (Ruther- 
ford, New  Jersey:  Fairleigh  Dickinson  University  Press,  1969),  in 
Library  Journal,  94  (October  15,  1969),  3644. 

Review  of  James  H.  Brewer,  The  Confederate  Negro:  Virginia's 
Craftsmen  and  Military  Laborers,  1861-1865  (Durham:  Duke  Uni- 
versity Press,  1969),  in  Library  Journal,  94  (November  15,  1969), 

Review  of  Franklin  Wickwire  and  Mary  Wickwire,  Cornwallis: 
The  American  Adventure  (Boston:  Houghton  Mifflin,  1970),  in  Li- 
brary Journal,  95  (January  1,  1970),  63. 

Review  of  Otis  K.  Rice,  Trans-Allegheny  Frontier:  West  Vir- 
ginia Beginnings,  1730-1830  (Lexington:  University  Press  of  Ken- 
tucky, 1970),  in  Library  Journal,  95  (February  15,  1970),  95. 

Review  of  Irwin  S.  Rhodes,  The  Papers  of  John  Marshall:  A 
Descriptive  Calendar  (Norman:  University  of  Oklahoma  Press, 

1969)  ,  in  Library  Journal,  95  (March  1,  1970),  95. 

Review  of  James  H.  Johnston,  Race  Relations  in  Virginia  and 
Miscegenation  in  the  South,  1776-1860  (Amherst:  University  of 
Massachusetts  Press,  1970),  in  Library  Journal,  95  (July  1970),  95. 

Review  of  Lawrence  H.  Gipson,  The  British  Empire  Before  the 
American  Revolution:  A  Guide  to  Manuscripts  Relating  to  the 
History  of  the  British  Empire,  1748-1776  (New  York:  Knopf, 

1970)  ,  in  Library  Journal,  95  (August  1970),  2652. 

Review  of  Clifford  Dowdey,  The  Golden  Age:  A  Climate  for 
Greatness,  Virginia,  1732-1775  (Boston:  Little,  Brown,  1970),  in 
Library  Journal,  95  (September  15,  1970),  2912. 



James  Wokkell  Pruett 

Music  Review  Editor,  Notes — The  Quarterly  Journal  of  the 
Music  Library  Association. 

Editor,  Studies  in  Musicology.  Essays  in  the  History,  Style,  and 
Bibliography  of  Music  in  Memory  of  Glen  Haydon.  Chapel  Hill: 
The  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1969.  Pp.  286. 

A  Checklist  of  Music  Bibliographies  in  Progress  and  Unpub- 
lished. Ann  Arbor:  Music  Library  Association,  1969.  Pp.  28. 

Clyde  Norman  Wilson,  Jr. 

(With  Susan  S.  Blosser  et  al.)  The  Southern  Historical  Collec- 
tion: A  Guide  to  Manuscripts.  Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North 
Carolina  Library,  1970.  Pp.  317. 

"The  Antifederalist,"  National  Review,  22  (August  11,  1970), 

"Five  Men  in  a  Dilemma,"  Civil  War  Times  Illustrated,  9 
(October  1970),  20-27. 

"The  Freedom  and  Responsibility  of  the  Press,"  Intercol- 
legiate Review,  6  (Spring  1970),  113-21. 

"Griffith  John  McRee:  An  Unromantic  Historian  of  the  Old 
South,"  North  Carolina  Historical  Review,  47  (January  1970), 

"The  Jeffersonian  Conservative  Tradition,"  Modern  Age:  A 
Quarterly  Review,  14  (Winter  1969/70),  36-47.  (Abstracted  in  In- 
ternational Political  Science  Abstracts,  20). 

"Liberty's  Lawyer,"  National  Review,  22  (January  27,  1970), 



Julio  Cortes 

Review  of  Daud  Atiyeh  Abdo,  A  Course  in  Modern  Standard 
Arabic  (Beirut:  Khayats,  1962-64),  in  Boletin  de  la  Asociacion 
Espanola  de  Orientalist  as,  5  (1969),  276. 

Review  of  Daud  A.  Abdo  and  Salwa  H.  Abdo,  Modern  Standard 
Arabic,  Elementary  Level  (Urbana,  1967),  in  Boletin  de  la  Asoci- 
acion Espanola  de  Orientalist  as,  5  (1969),  275-76. 

Review  of  A.  J.  Arberry,  Aspects  of  Islamic  Civilization,  As 
Depicted  in  the  Original  Texts  (Ann  Arbor:  The  University  of 
Michigan  Press,  1967),  in  Boletin  de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de 
Orientalistas,  5  (1969),  266-67. 



Review  of  A.  F.  L.  Beeston,  Written  Arabic:  An  Approach  to 
the  Basic  Structures  (Cambridge:  University  Press,  1968),  in 
Boletin  de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de  Orientalist  as,  6  (1970),  282. 

Review  of  James  A.  Bellamy,  Ernest  N.  McCarus  and  Adil  I. 
Yacoub,  eds.,  Contemporary  Arabic  Readers,  IV  Short  Stories. 
(Ann  Arbor:  The  University  of  Michigan  Press,  1967),  in  Boletin 
de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de  Orientalistas,  6  (1970),  284. 

Review  of  A.  G.  Chejne,  The  Arabic  Language,  Its  Bole  in 
History  (Minneapolis:  University  of  Minnesota  Press,  1969),  in 
Boletin  de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de  Orientalistas,  6  (1970),  283. 

Review  of  J.  Hans,  Dynamik  und  Dogma  im  Islam  (Leiden :  E.  J. 
Brill,  1968),  in  Boletin  de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de  Orientalistas, 
5  (1969),  266. 

Review  of  Mohand-ou-Mhand,  Les  isefra.  Poemes  de  Si  Mohand- 
ou-Mhand,  tr.,  Mouloud  Mammeri  (Paris:  Maspero,  1969),  in  Books 
Abroad  (Autumn  1970),  707. 

Review  of  Haim  B.  Rosen,  A  Textbook  of  Israeli  Hebrew,  with 
an  Introduction  to  the  Classical  Language,  2nd  Corrected  Edition 
(Chicago  and  London:  The  University  of  Chicago  Press,  1966), 
in  Boletin  de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de  Orientalistas,  6  (1970), 

Review  of  Maria  Tsiapera,  A  Descriptive  Analysis  of  Cypriot 
Maronite  Arabic  (The  Hague  and  Paris:  Mouton,  1969),  in  Boletin 
de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de  Orientalistas,  6  (1970),  283-84. 

Robert  Chaeles  Hollow,  Jr. 

"A  Note  on  Assiniboine  Phonology,"  International  Journal  of 
American  Linguistics,  36:  4  (October  1970),  296-98. 

Jerome  P.  Seaton 

"On  Lu  Hsiin,"  Critique,  Studies  in  Modern  Fiction,  12:  1 
(Spring  1970),  72-78. 

Translator,  "West  Lake  Poem,"  by  Ou-yang  Hsiu,  St.  Andrews 
Review,  1:  1  (Fall  1970),  20. 

Translator,  "San-ch'u,"  by  Ts'eng  Jui,  St.  Andrews  Review, 
1:  1  (Fall  1970),  63. 

Review  of  L.  C.  and  D.  B.  Walmsley,  Wang  Wei  the  Painter- 
Poet  (Rutland  and  Tokyo:  Charles  E.  Tuttle  and  Company,  Inc., 
1968),  in  St.  Andrews  Review,  1:  1  (Fall  1970),  57-59. 

Maria  Tsiapera 

A  Descriptive  Analysis  of  Cypriot  Maronite  Arabic.  The  Hague 
and  Paris:  Mouton,  1969.  P.  70. 


"Palatalization  in  Cretan  and  Cypriot  Greek,"  Tapers  in  Lin- 
guistics, 1:  3  (December  1969),  593-98. 

"The  Phonology  of  a  Cypriot  Dialect,"  Proceedings  of  the 
Tenth  International  Congress  of  Linguistics,  4  (December  1970), 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 

Connie  Clare  Eble 

Noun  Inflection  in  Royal  7  C.  XII,  Aelfric's  First  Series  of 
Catholic  Homilies.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Norman  Ells- 
worth Eliason.) 

Kevin  Michael  McCarthy 

The  Linguistic  Adaptation  of  Loanwords  in  Modern  Standard 
Turkish.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Maria  Tsiapera.) 

Harry  Hill  Walsh 

The  Early  Development  of  the  Concept  of  Phonemes  in  Russian 
Linguistic  Science.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Maria  Tsiapera.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department: 

David  Tsao  Fu 

A  Psycho-Social  Linguistic  Approach  to  Problems  in  Language 
Learning:  A  Chinese-English  Case  Study.  (1969,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  W.  Herman  Bell,  Jr.) 

Ltjcretia  Kinney 

Commentary  on  Papiamento.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  W. 
Herman  Bell,  Jr.) 

Shuang-Fu  Lin 

The  Pronunciation  Problems  of  Hakka  Speakers  in  Learning 
English:  With  Suggested  Remedies.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Maria  Tsiapera.) 

Greta  D.  Little 

Lexical  Similarities  in  Ethiopic  and  Nubian  Languages.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Maria  Tsiapera.) 



Cecilia  Shu-Huei  Sun 

The  Phonological  Systems  of  Mandarin  and  Taiwanese.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Anita  Marten.) 


Arnold  Richard  Bolstein 

(With  L.  de  Branges.)  "  Jacobi  Spaces  of  Entire  Functions," 
Journal  of  Mathematical  Analysis  and  Applications,  29  (1970), 

Review  of  L.  de  Branges,  Hilbert  Spaces  of  Entire  Functions 
(Englewood  Cliffs:  Prentice-Hall,  1968),  in  Zentralblatt  fur  Mathe- 
matik,  157  (1969),  433-34. 

Alfred  Theodore  Brauer 

(With  H.  Rohrbach.)  "Einige  Anwendung  der  Matrizentheorie 
auf  algebraische  Gleichungen, ' '  Journal  fur  die  reine  und  ange- 
wandte  Mathematik,  239  (1969),  11-25. 

1 1  Combinatorial  Methods  in  the  Distribution  of  k  th  Power  Resi- 
dues," in  Combinatorial  Mathematics  and  its  Applications,  eds., 
R.  C.  Bose  and  T.  A.  Dowling.  Chapel  Hill :  The  University  of  North 
Carolina  Press,  1969.  Pp.  14-37. 

"K-Sequences  with  Small  Divisors,  Solution  of  Problem  E 
2182,"  American  Mathematical  Monthly,  77  (1970),  407-8. 

Joseph  Anthony  Cima 

(With  J.  Pfaltzgraff.)  "The  Hornich  Topology  for  Functions 
Meromorphic  in  the  Disk,"  Journal  fur  die  reine  und  angewandte 
Mathematik,  235  (1969),  207-20. 

"On  the  Dual  of  Hornich 's  Space,"  Proceedings  of  the  Amer- 
ican Mathematical  Society,  22  (1969),  102-3. 

(With  J.  Pfaltzgraff.)  "A  Banach  Space  of  Locally  Univalent 
Functions,"  Michigan  Mathematical  Journal,  17  (1970),  321-34. 

(With  A.  Cover.)  "Some  Results  on  Hp(D2),"  Journal  d: Anal- 
yse Mathematique,  22  (1969),  333-41. 

Robert  L.  Davis 

"Order  Algebras,"  Bulletin  of  the  American  Mathematical  So- 
ciety, 76  (1970),  83-87. 

' '  Notes  sur  les  relations  dif onctionelles, ' '  Rendiconti  Accademia 
Nazionale  dei  Lincei  (Roma),  48  (1970),  80-82. 

"Algebras  Defined  by  Patterns  of  Zeros,"  Journal  of  Com- 
binatorial Theory,  9  (1970),  257-60. 



Donald  Alfred  Eisenman 

(With  L.  Taylor.)  Editor,  Proceedings  of  the  Carolina  Confer- 
ence on  Holomorphic  Mappings  and  Minimal  Surfaces  (1970). 

"Intrinsic  Measures  on  Complex  Manifolds  and  Holomorphic 
Mappings,"  Memoirs  of  the  American  Mathematical  Society,  96 
(1970),  1-80. 

"Holomorphic  Mappings  into  Tight  Manifolds,"  Bulletin  of 
the  American  Mathematical  Society,  76  (1970),  46-48. 

"Hyperbolic  Complex  Spaces,  Intrinsic  Measures,  and  the  Ex- 
panding Set  Theorem,"  Proceedings  of  the  Carolina  Conference  on 
Holomorphic  Mappings  and  Minimal  Surfaces  (1970),  61-76. 


"Exponential  [Representations  of  the  Canonical  Commutation 
Eelations,"  Communications  in  Mathematical  Physics,  19  (1970), 

Ladnob  D.  Geissingeb 

(With  W.  Graves.)  "An  Explicit  Local  Norm  Residue  Symbol," 
Journal  of  Number  Theory,  2  (1970),  143-51. 

"Primary  Components  of  the  List-Restriction  Sequence,"  Ar- 
chiv  der  Mathematik,  20  (1969),  254-57. 

William  H.  Gbaves 

"Divisibility  of  the  Group  of  Divisor  Classes  of  Degree  Zero  of 
a  Function  Field  of  Genus  One,"  Duke  Mathematical  Journal,  36 
(1969),  715-20. 

(With  L.  Geissinger.)  "An  Explicit  Local  Norm  Residue  Sym- 
bol," Journal  of  Number  Theory,  2  (1970),  143-51. 

Robebt  G.  Heyneman 

(With  M.  E.  Sweedler.)  "Affine  Hopf  Algebras,  I,"  Journal  of 
Algebra,  13  (1969),  192-241. 

(With  M.  E.  Sweedler.)  "Affine  Hopf  Algebras,  II,"  Journal 
of  Algebra,  16  (1970),  271-97. 

William  Elliott  Jenneb 

"On  Zeta  Functions  of  Number  Fields,"  Duke  Mathematical 
Journal,  36  (1969),  669-71. 

"On  Dirichlet  Series  Associated  with  Rational  Algebras," 
Journal  of  the  Elisha  Mitchell  Scientific  Society,  85  (1969),  76-77. 

"Truncation  Algebras,"  Journal  of  the  Elisha  Mitchell  Scien- 
tific Society,  86  (1970),  196-97. 



Ancel  Clyde  Mewboen 

A  Programmed  Course  in  Algebra.  Addison-Wesley,  1969.  Pp. 
xvii,  647. 

(With  C.  N.  Winton.)  "  Orders  in  Self-Injective  Semiperfect 
Rings,"  Journal  of  Algebra,  13  (1969),  5-9. 

' '  Some  Conditions  on  Commutative  Semiprime  Rings, ' '  Journal 
of  Algebra,  13  (1969),  422-31. 

Kakl  Endel  Petersen 

"Disjointedness  and  Weak  Mixing  of  Minimal  Sets,"  Transac- 
tions of  the  American  Mathematical  Society,  24  (1970),  278-80. 

"A  Topologically  Strongly  Mixing  Symbolic  Minimal  Set," 
Transactions  of  the  American  Mathematical  Society,  148  (1970), 

Billy  James  Pettis 

"  Cluster  Sets  of  Nets,"  Proceedings  of  the  American  Math- 
ematical Society,  22  (1969),  386-91. 

"On  Nikaido's  Proof  of  the  Invariant  Mean  Value  Theorem," 
Studio,  Mathematics  33  (1969),  193-96. 

John  Andrew  Pfaltzgraff 

(With  J.  A.  Cima.)  "The  Hornich  Topology  for  Meromorphic 
Functions  in  the  Disk,"  Journal  fur  die  reine  und  angeiuandte 
Mathematik,  235  (1969),  207-20. 

(With  B.  Pinchuk.)  "Constrained  Extremal  Problems  for 
Classes  of  Meromorphic  Functions,"  Bulletin  of  the  American 
Mathematical  Society,  75  (1969),  379-84. 

(With  J.  A.  Cima.)  "A  Banach  Space  of  Locally  Univalent 
Functions,"  Michigan  Mathematical  Journal,  17  (1970),  321-34. 

William  Walker  Smith 

"Projective  Ideals  of  Finite  Type,"  Canadian  Journal  of  Math- 
ematics, 21  (1969),  1057-61. 


"On  Sets  with  Two  Elements,"  Archiv  der  Mathematik,  20 
(1969),  225-27. 

Robert  Moffatt  Stephenson,  Jr. 

"Minimal  First  Countable  Topologies,"  Transactions  of  the 
American  Mathematical  Society,  138  (1969),  115-27. 



"Product  Spaces  for  which  the  Stone- Weierstrass  Theorem 
Holds/'  Proceedings  of  the  American  Mathematical  Society,  21 
(1969),  284-88. 

"Two  Minimal  First  Countable  Hausdorff  Spaces,"  Mathe- 
matische  Zeitschrift,  108  (1969),  171-72. 

"A  Countable  Minimal  Urysohn  Space  is  Compact,"  Proceed- 
ings of  the  American  Mathematical  Society,  22  (1969),  625-26. 

"Non-cut  Points  and  Modified  Compactness  Conditions,"  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  American  Mathematical  Society,  23  (1969),  266-72. 

Jerry  Eugene  Vaughan 

"Note  on  a  Theorem  of  J.  Nagata,"  Compositio  Mathematica,  21 
(1969),  4-6. 

"Linearly  Ordered  Collections  and  Paraeompactness, "  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  American  Mathematical  Society,  24  (1970),  186-92. 

"Spaces  of  Countable  and  Point-Countable  Type,"  Transactions 
of  the  American  Mathematical  Society,  151  (1970),  341-51. 

"Perfect  Mappings  and  Spaces  of  Countable  Type,"  Canadian 
Journal  of  Mathematics,  22  (1970),  1208-10. 

Warren  Ronald  Wogen 

"On  Generators  for  von  Neumann  Algebras,"  Bulletin  of  the 
American  Mathematical  Society,  75  (1969),  95-99. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department: 

Andrew  Allan  Blanchard 

A  Categorical  Study  of  Mathematical  Structures.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Johann  Sonner.) 

Barbara  Ann  Greim 

The  Algebraic  Structure  of  Semigroup  Rings.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Ancel  Clyde  Mewborn.) 

Robert  Edward  Huff 

Invariant  Functionals  and  Fixed  Points.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Billy  James  Pettis.) 

David  Eugene  Radford 

Rationality  and  the  Theory  of  Coalgebras.  (1970,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Robert  G-.  Heyneman.) 



Eobeet  Charles  Shock 

Rings  with  Finiteness  Conditions.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Ancel  Clyde  Mewborn.) 

Samuel  Augusta  Truitt,  Jr. 

Some  Locally  Convex  Topologies  on  the  Space  of  Bounded 
Holomorphic  functions.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Joseph 
Anthony  Cima.) 

Charles  Newton  Winton 

Derived  Quotient  Modules  and  Orders  in  Quasi-Frobenius  Rings. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Ancel  Clyde  Mewborn.) 

The  following  master's  thesis  was  completed  under  the  direction  of 
the  department: 

Charles  Newton  Winton 

Quasi-Frobenius  Rings.  (1968,  under  the  direction  of  Ancel 
Clyde  Mewborn.) 

Department  of  Anesthesiology 

George  Douglas  Blenkarn 

"Hyperbaric  Oxygenation:  Limitations  and  Current  Applica- 
tions," Canadian  Family  Physician,  15  (1969),  63. 

(With  S.  M.  Shanberg  and  H.  A.  Saltzman.)  "Cerebral  Amines 
and  Acute  Hyperbaric  Oxygen  Toxicity,"  Journal  of  Pharmacol- 
ogy and  Experimental  Therapeutics,  166  (1969),  346. 

' 1  Hyperbaric  Therapy :  Report  of  Its  Utilization  at  the  Toronto 
General  Hospital,"  Canadian  Medical  Association,  120  (1970), 

(With  J.  V.  Salzano,  H.  A.  Saltzman,  and  J.  A.  Kylstra.)  "Pul- 
monary Gas  Exchange,  Heart  Rate  and  Blood  Pressure  When 
Breathing  Dense  Gas,"  The  Physiologist,  13  (1970),  300. 

(With  J.  Hayes.)  "Bilateral  Lung  Lavage  with  Hyperbarically 
Oxygenated  Saline  in  Dogs,"  Journal  of  Applied  Physiology,  29 
(1970),  786. 



Robert  A.  Mueller 

(With  H.  Thoenen  and  J.  Axelrod.)  "  Compensatory  Increase  in 
Adrenal  Tyrosine  Hydroxylase  Activity  After  Chemical  Sympathec- 
tomy/' Science,  163  (1969),  468-69. 

(With  H.  Thoenen  and  J.  Axelrod.)  " Increased  Tyrosine  Hy- 
droxylase Activity  After  Drug-Induced  Alteration  of  Sympathetic 
Transmission,"  Nature,  221  (1969),  1264. 

(With  J.  de  Champlain  and  J.  Axelrod.)  "Sub  cellular  Local- 
ization of  Monoamine  Oxidase  in  Rat  Tissues,"  Journal  of  Phar- 
macology, 166  (1969),  339-45. 

(With  H.  Thoenen  and  J.  Axelrod.)  "Inhibition  of  Transynap- 
tic  Tyrosine  Hydroxylase  Induction  by  Cycloheximide  and  Ac- 
tinomycin  D,"  Molecular  Pharmacology,  5  (1969),  463-69. 

(With  J.  de  Champlain  and  J.  Axelrod.)  "Turnover  and  Syn- 
thesis of  Norepinephrine  in  Experimental  Hypertension  in  Rats," 
Circulation  Research,  25  (1969),  285-91. 

(With  H.  Thoenen  and  J.  Axelrod.)  "Increase  in  Tyrosine 
Hydroxylase  Activity  After  Reserpine  Administration,"  Journal 
of  Pharmacology,  169  (1969),  74-79. 

(With  H.  Thoenen  and  J.  Axelrod.)  " Trans-synaptic  Induction 
of  Adrenal  Tyrosine  Hydroxylase,"  Journal  of  Pharmacology,  169 

(1969)  ,  249-54. 

(With  H.  Thoenen  and  J.  Axelrod.)  "Trans-synaptic  Induc- 
tion of  Adrenal  Phenylethanolamine-N-Methyltransf erase,"  Bio- 
chemical Pharmacology  (1969),  669. 

(With  H.  Thoenen  and  J.  Axelrod.)  "Phase  Difference  in  the 
Induction  of  Tyrosine  Hydroxylase  in  Cell  Body  and  Nerve  Ter- 
minals of  Sympathetic  Neurones,"  Proceedings  of  the  National 
Academy  of  Science,  65  (1970),  58-62. 

(With  H.  Thoenen  and  J.  Axelrod.)  "Effect  of  Pituitary  and 
ACTH  on  the  Maintenance  of  Basal  Tyrosine  Hydroxylase  Ac- 
tivity in  the  Rat  Adrenal  Gland,"  Journal  of  Endocrinology,  86 

(1970)  ,  751-55. 

(With  H.  Thoenen  and  J.  Axelrod.)  "Inhibition  of  Neuronally 
Induced  Tyrosine  Hydroxylase  by  Nicotine  Receptor  Blockade," 
European  Journal  of  Pharmacology,  10  (1970),  51-56. 

Kenneth  Sugioka 

(With  H.  H.  Loeschcke.)  "pH  of  Cerebrospinal  Fluid  in  Cis- 
terna  Magna  and  on  the  Surface  of  the  Choroid  Plexus  of  the  4th 
Ventricle  and  Its  Effect  on  Ventilation  in  Experimental  Distur- 
bance of  Acid  Base  Balance.  Transients  and  Steady  States," 
Pflugers  Archive,  312  (1969),  161-88. 



Department  of  Family  Medicine 

William  L.  Fleming 

(With  W.  J.  Brown,  J.  F.  Donohue,  and  D.  W.  Branigan.) 
"  National  Survey  of  Venereal  Disease  Treated  by  Physicians  in 

1968,  "  Journal  of  the  American  Medical  Association,  211  (March 
16,  1970),  1827-30. 

Chairman,  Editorial  Committee,  Today's  V.  D.  Control  Problem, 

1969,  1970. 

Robert  Smith 

''Family  Medicine  in  the  Academic  and  Community  Setting," 
The  Practitioner,  205  (August  1970),  226-29. 

Department  of  Medicine 

Marjorte  Elizabeth  Marion  Allison 

(With  E.  M.  Lipham,  W.  E.  Lassiter,  and  C.  W.  Gottschalk.) 
"The  Acutely  Reduced  Kidney,"  Abstracts,  Fourth  Annual  Meet- 
ing of  the  American  Society  of  Nephrology  (1970),  3. 

Domingos  Otavio  Lorenzo  d  'Avtla 

(With  W.  B.  Blythe,  H.  J.  Gitelman,  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Ev- 
idence for  a  Humoral  Natriuretic  Factor,"  Clinical  Research,  17 
(April  1969),  425. 

(With  W.  B.  Blythe,  H.  J.  Gitelman,  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Ev- 
idence for  a  Humoral  Natriuretic  Factor,"  Proceedings  of  the 
Fourth  International  Congress  of  Nephrology  (June  1969),  370. 

Thomas  Buchanan  Barnett 

(With  B.  Rasmussen.)  "Ventilatory  Responses  to  Hypoxia  and 
Hypercapnia  with  External  Airway  Resistance,"  Acta  Physiologica 
Scandinavica,  80  (December  1970),  538-51. 

Mario  Cesare  Battigelli 

"Particulates:  Air  Quality  Criteria  Based  on  Health  Effects," 
Air  Quality  Monograph  #69-2.  New  York:  American  Petroleum 
Institute,  1969.  Pp.  1-15. 

"Experimental  Studies  on  the  Mechanism  of  Pulmonary  In- 
jury from  Air  Pollutants,"  Journal  of  Environmental  Science,  12 
(March  and  April  1970),  25-27. 

(With  H.  M.  Cole,  D.  A.  Fraser,  and  R.  A.  Mah.)  "Long-Term 



Effects  of  Sulfur  Dioxide  and  Graphite  Dust  on  Rats,"  Archives 
of  Environmental  Health,  18  (April  1969),  602-8. 

William  Beevaed  Blythe 

(With  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Cations:  Calcium,  Magnesium,  Barium, 
Lithium,  and  Ammonium, ' '  in  The  Pharmacological  Basis  of  Thera- 
peutics, eds.,  L.  S.  Goodman  and  A.  Gilman.  New  York :  The  Mac- 
millan  Company,  1970.  Pp.  805-18. 

(With  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Anions:  Phosphates,  Iodide,  Fluoride, 
and  Other  Anions,"  in  The  Pharmacological  Basis  of  Therapeutics, 
eds.,  L.  S.  Goodman  and  A.  Gilman.  New  York:  The  Macmillan 
Company,  1970.  Pp.  819-30. 

(With  D.  O.  D'Avila,  H.  J.  Gitelman,  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Ev- 
idence for  a  Humoral  Natriuretic  Factor,"  Clinical  Research,  17 
(April  1969),  425. 

(With  C.  H.  Cole  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Lack  of  Correlation 
Between  Diuretic  Action  and  Inhibition  of  Ouabain-Sensitive 
ATPase,"  Journal  of  Clinical  Investigation,  48  (June  1969),  17a. 

(With  D.  O.  D'Avila,  H.  J.  Gitelman,  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Ev- 
idence for  a  Humoral  Natriuretic  Factor,"  Proceedings  of  the 
Fourth  International  Congress  of  Nephrology  (June  1969),  370. 

(With  C.  H.  Cole  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Lack  of  Correlation 
Between  Diuretic  Action  and  Inhibition  of  Ouabain-Sensitive 
ATPase,"  Proceedings  of  the  Fourth  International  Congress  of 
Nephrology  (June  1969),  202. 

(With  G.  Johnson.)  "Hemodynamic  Effects  of  Arteriovenous 
Fistulas  Used  for  Hemodialysis,"  Program  of  the  Southern  Sur- 
gical Association  (December  1969),  7. 

(With  C.  W.  McMillan,  W.  P.  Webster,  and  H.  R.  Roberts.) 
"Continuous  Intravenous  Infusion  of  Factor  VIII  in  Classic 
Hemophilia,"  Proceedings  of  the  Thirtieth  Annual  Meeting  of 
the  Society  for  Pediatric  Research  (1969),  158. 

(With  G.  Johnson,  P.  Hutchin,  and  E.  O.  Terino.)  "Manage- 
ment of  Fluids  and  Electrolytes  in  Surgical  Patients,"  Review  of 
Surgery,  27  (March- April  1970),  87-94. 

(With  G.  Johnson.)  "Hemodynamic  Effects  of  Arteriovenous 
Shunts  Used  for  Hemodialysis,"  Annals  of  Surgery,  171  (May 
1970),  715-23. 

(With  C.  W.  McMillan,  W.  P.  Webster,  and  H.  R.  Roberts.) 
"Continuous  Intravenous  Infusion  of  Factor  VIII  in  Classic 
Hemophilia,"  British  Journal  of  Eaematology,  18  (June  1970), 

"Hemodialysis,"  Laboratory  Medicine,  1  (October  1970),  29-32. 



Robert  Alan  Briggaman 

(With  C.  E.  Wheeler,  Jr.,  and  R.  R.  Henderson.)  "Discrimina- 
tion Between  Two  Strains  (Types)  of  Herpes  Simplex  Virus  by 
Various  Modifications  of  the  Neutralization  Test,"  Journal  of  Im- 
munology, 102  (May  1969),  1179-92. 

(With  C.  E.  Wheeler,  Jr.)  "Growth  of  Herpes  Simplex  Virus 
in  Adult  Human  Skin  Organ  Cultures,"  Proceedings  of  the  So- 
ciety for  Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine,  132  (November 
1969),  405-8. 

(With  B.  A.  Cohn  and  C.  E.  Wheeler,  Jr.)  "Scleredema  Adul- 
torum  of  Buschke  and  Diabetes  Mellitus,"  Archives  of  Dermatology, 
101  (January  1970),  27-35. 

James  Alexander  Bryan  II 

(With  C.  B.  Brett  and  H.  R.  Roberts.)  "Experience  with  Serum 
Hepatitis  in  a  Hemophilic  Population,"  Clinical  Research,  17  (Jan- 
uary 1969),  29. 

Bruce  Alan  Cohn 

(With  R.  A.  Briggaman  and  C.  E.  Wheeler,  Jr.)  "Scleredema 
Adultorum  of  Buschke  and  Diabetes  Mellitus,"  Archives  of  Derma- 
tology, 101  (January  1970),  27-35. 

Craig  Harcourt  Cole 

(With  W.  B.  Blythe  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Lack  of  Correlation 
Between  Diuretic  Action  and  Inhibition  of  Ouabain-Sensitive 
ATPase,"  Journal  of  Clinical  Investigation,  48  (June  1969),  17a. 

(With  W.  B.  Blythe  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Lack  of  Correlation 
Between  Diuretic  Action  and  Inhibition  of  Ouabain-Sensitive 
ATPase,"  Proceedings  of  the  Fourth  International  Congress  of 
Nephrology  (June  1969),  202. 

Romulo  Ernesto  Colindres 

(With  R.  A.  Kramp  and  C.  W.  Gottschalk.)  "Effect  of  Collec- 
tion Technic  on  the  Osmolality  of  Distal  Tubular  Fluid  of  the  Rat," 
Abstracts,  Fourth  Annual  Meeting  of  the  American  Society  of 
Nephrology  (1970),  44. 

Ernest  Craige 

"Gallop  Rhythm,"  in  Physical  Diagnosis  in  Cardiovascular 
Disease,  ed.,  C.  K.  Friedberg.  New  York:  Grune  and  Stratton. 
1969.  Pp.  140-55. 

(With  W.  P.  Hood,  Jr.,  and  R.  Sutton.)  "Comparison  of 



Noninvasive  and  Invasive  Measures  of  Left  Ventricular  Perfor- 
mance," American  Journal  of  Cardiology,  25  (January  1970),  132. 

(With  P.  Hutchin  and  R.  Sutton.)  "  Impaired  Function  of 
Cloth-Covered  Starr-Edwards  Mitral  Valve  Prosthesis:  Detection 
by  Phonocardiography,"  Circulation,  41  (January  1970),  141-48. 

(With  W.  P.  Hood,  Jr.,  and  R.  Sutton.)  "  Correlation  of  Pre- 
election Period  with  Left  Ventricular  Ejection  Fraction,"  Clinical 
Research,  18  (January  1970),  28. 

(With  G.  C.  Sutton  and  T.  A.  Prewitt.)  "  Relationship  Between 
Quantitated  Precordial  Movement  and  Left  Ventricular  Function, ' ' 
Circulation,  41  (February  1970),  179-90. 

Louis  Raymond  Dueresne 

(With  C.  H.  Wallas  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Intracellular  Sodium 
Concentration  and  the  Rate  of  Sodium  Exchange  Diffusion  in  the 
Erythrocyte,"  Clinical  Research,  17  (April  1969),  248. 

(With  H.  J.  Gitelman  and  C.  W.  Cooper.)  LiIn  vivo  Suppression 
of  Parathyroid  Gland  ATP  Content  by  Hypercalcemia,"  Clinical 
Research,  18  (April  1970),  358. 

(With  H.  J.  Gitelman.)  "A  Semi- Automated  Procedure  for  the 
Determination  of  Adenosine  Triphosphate,"  Analytical  Biochem- 
istry, 37  (October  1970),  402-8. 

Harold  Joseph  Fallon 

(With  R.  M.  Helman  and  M.  H.  Temko.)  "Alcoholic  Hepatitis: 
Natural  History  and  Evaluation  of  Therapy, ' '  Clinical  Research,  17 
(January  and  April  1969),  26,  304. 

(With  R.  G.  Lamb.)  "Synthesis  of  Monoaeylglycerophosphate 
(MAGP)  from  Sn-Glycerol-3-P  (GP)  by  Rat  Liver  Microsomes," 
Federation  Proceedings,  28  (March- April  1969),  595. 

(With  P.  M.  Gertman  and  E.  L.  Kemp.)  "The  Effects  of 
Ethanol  Ingestion  and  Choline  Deficiency  on  Hepatic  Lecithin 
Biosynthesis  in  the  Rat,"  Biochimica  et  Biophysica  Acta,  187  (July 
1969),  94-104. 

"Management  of  Lipid  Disorders  Associated  with  Liver  Dis- 
ease," Modern  Treatment,  6  (November  1969),  1352-59. 

(With  L.  L.  Adams  and  W.  W.  Webb.)  "Inhibition  of  Hepatic 
Triglyceride  Synthesis  by  Clofibrate,"  Clinical  Research,  18  (Jan- 
uary 1970),  50. 

(With  R.  G.  Lamb.)  "The  Formation  of  Monoacylglycerophos- 
phate from  Sn-Glycerol-3-P  by  a  Rat  Liver  Particulate  Prepara- 
tion," Journal  of  Biological  Chemistry,  245  (June  1970),  3075-83. 

(With  J.  L.  Davis.)  "Studies  on  the  Role  of  3-P-Glycerate 
Dehydrogenase  in  the  Regulation  of  Serine  Biosynthesis  in  Rat 



Liver,"  Journal  of  Biological  Chemistry,  245  (November  1970), 

(With  J.  L.  Davis  and  H.  P.  Morris.)  "Two  Enzymes  of  Serine 
Metabolism  in  Rat  Liver  and  Hepatomas, "  Cancer  Research,  30 
(December  1970),  2917-20. 

Thomas  Wohlsen  Farmer 

"Peripheral  Nerve  Injuries,"  in  Current  Therapy,  ed.,  H.  F. 
Conn.  Philadelphia:  W.  B.  Saunders  Company,  1969.  Pp.  751-52. 

(With  G.  R.  Wise.)  "Subdural  Empyema  in  Infants,"  in  Mod- 
ern Neurology.  Papers  in  Tribute  to  Derek  Denny-Brown,  ed., 
S.  Locke.  Boston.  Little,  Brown  and  Company,  1969.  Pp.  515-26. 

(With  H.  J.  Halsey,  Jr.,  and  T.  R.  Scott.)  "Adult  Hereditary 
Cerebelloretinal  Degeneration,"  in  Progress  in  N euro-Genetics, 
Volume  1.  Proceedings  of  the  Second  International  Congress  of 
Neuro-Genetics  and  Neuro-Ophthalmology  (1969),  768-71. 

(With  J.  N.  Allen.)  "Hereditary  Proximal  Amyotrophic  Lateral 
Sclerosis, ' '  Transactions  of  the  American  Neurological  Association, 
94  (1969),  140-44. 

Janet  Jordan  Fischer 

(With  J.  B.  Kirkman,  Jr.,  and  J.  S.  Pagano.)  "A  Microtiter 
Plate  Technique  for  the  Agglutination  Typing  of  Diplococcus 
pneumoniae,"  Journal  of  Infectious  Diseases,  121  (February  1970), 

Christopher  Columbus  Fordham  III 

(With  a  Committee  of  the  Faculty  of  the  University  of  North 
Carolina  School  of  Medicine.)  Manual  for  the  Examination  of  Pa- 
tients, revised  edition.  Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North  Carolina 
Book  Exchange,  1969.  Pp.  v,  139. 

(With  J.  Haseman,  R.  M.  Boerner,  R.  R.  Durrett,  and  R.  R. 
Robinson.)  "Renal  Biopsy  in  the  Nephrotic  Syndrome,"  Archives 
of  Internal  Medicine,  124  (August  1969),  177-78. 

Clovis  Eoberto  de  Magalhaes  Franctsconi 

1 '  Electroencephalographic  Control  of  Anti-Rabies  Vaccination, ' ' 
Boletin  de  la  Oftcina  Sanitaria  Panamericana,  57  (December  1969), 
486-92.  [Publication  of  the  World  Health  Organization.] 

Hillel  Jonathan  Gitelman 

(With  A.  D.  Care,  J.  Bruce,  and  L.  E.  Vowles.)  "Thyroid  Cal- 
citonin and  Cyclic  AMP,"  in  Parturient  Hypocalcemia,  ed.,  J.  J.  B. 
Anderson.  New  York:  Academic  Press,  1969.  Pp.  15-24. 



(With  C.  H.  Wallas,  J.  C.  Parker,  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  " Relation- 
ships Between  Erythrocyte  Active  Transport  of  Sodium,  Lactate 
Production  and  Erythrocyte  Sodium  Concentration,"  Clinical  Re- 
search, 17  (January  and  April  1969),  55  and  452. 

(With  A.  D.  Care  and  R.  F.  L.  Bates.)  "The  Role  of  Glucagon 
in  the  Release  of  Thyrocalcitonin, ' '  Journal  of  Endocrinology,  43 
(February  1969),  lv-lvi. 

(With  W.  B.  Blythe,  D.  0.  D'Avila,  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Evidence 
for  a  Humoral  Natriuretic  Factor,"  Clinical  Research,  17  (April 
1969),  425. 

(With  W.  B.  Blythe,  D.  0.  D'Avila,  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Evidence 
for  a  Humoral  Natriuretic  Factor,"  Proceedings  of  the  Fourth 
International  Congress  of  Nephrology  (June  1969),  370. 

(With  A.  D.  Care  and  C.  W.  Cooper.)  "Effect  of  Cycloheximide 
on  Calcitonin  Release  and  Activity,"  Acta  Endocrinologica  Sup- 
plement, 138  (June- July  1969),  182. 

(With  J.  B.  Graham  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  "A  Familial  Disorder 
Characterized  by  Hypokalemia  and  Hypomagnesemia,"  Annals  of 
the  New  York  Academy  of  Science,  162  (August  1969),  856-64. 

(With  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Magnesium  Deficiency,"  Annual  Review 
of  Medicine,  20  (1969),  233-42. 

(With  H.  S.  Earp,  R.  L.  Ney,  R.  Richman,  and  H.  F.  DeLuca.) 
"Effects  of  25-OH  Vitamin  D3  in  Familial  Vitamin  D  Resistant 
Rickets,"  Clinical  Research,  18  (January  1970),  52. 

(With  L.  R.  Dufresne  and  C.  W.  Cooper.)  " In  vivo  Suppression 
of  Parathyroid  Gland  ATP  Content  by  Hypercalcemia,"  Clinical 
Research,  18  (April  1970),  358. 

(With  A.  D.  Care  and  R.  F.  L.  Bates.)  "A  Possible  Role  for  the 
Adenyl  Cyclase  System  in  Calcitonin  Release,"  Journal  of  Endo- 
crinology, 48  (September  1970),  1-15. 

(With  H.  S.  Earp,  R.  L.  Ney,  R.  Richman,  and  H.  F.  DeLuca.) 
1 f  The  Effects  of  25-Hydroxycholecalcif erol  in  Patients  with  Familial 
Hypophosphatemia  and  Vitamin  D  Resistant  Rickets,"  New  En- 
gland Journal  of  Medicine,  283  (September  1970),  627-30. 

(With  L.  Dufresne.)  "A  Semi- Automated  Procedure  for  the 
Determination  of  Adenosine  Triphosphate,"  Analytical  Biochem- 
istry, 37  (October  1970),  402-8. 

"Uremic  Toxins  and  Mineral  Metabolism:  Potential  Sites  of 
Interaction,"  Archives  of  Internal  Medicine,  126  (November  1970), 

Robert  Michael  Glasser 

(With  J.  C.  Herion,  J.  G.  Palmer,  and  R.  I.  Walker.)  "Eosino- 



phil  Kinetics  in  Two  Patients  with  Marked  Eosinophilia,"  Clinical 
Research,  17  (January  1969),  70. 

(With  R.  I.  Walker,  J.  C.  Herion,  and  J.  G.  Palmer.)  "  Eosino- 
phil Kinetics,"  Blood,  34  (December  1969),  845. 

(With  R.  I.  Walker  and  J.  C.  Herion.)  "The  Significance  of 
Hematologic  Abnormalities  in  Patients  with  Tuberculosis,"  Ar- 
chives of  Internal  Medicine,  125  (April  1970),  691-95. 

(With  R.  I.  Walker,  J.  C.  Herion,  and  J.  G.  Palmer.)  "Eosino- 
phil Kinetics  in  Two  Patients  with  Eosinophilia,"  Blood,  36  (Sep- 
tember 1970),  361-70. 

(With  R.  I.  Walker,  E.  W.  Cole,  J.  G.  Palmer,  and  J.  C.  Herion.) 
"Leukocyte  Kinetics:  Cyclic  Fluctuations  in  the  DNA  Specific 
Activity  of  Circulating  Granulocytes,"  Blood,  36  (December  1970), 

Israel  David  Goldman 

"Transport  Energetics  of  the  Folic  Acid  Analogue,  Metho- 
trexate, in  L1210  Leukemia  Cells:  Enhanced  Accumulation  with 
Metabolic  Inhibitors,"  Journal  of  Biological  Chemistry,  244  (July 

1969)  ,  3779-85. 

(With  N.  S.  Lichtenstein  and  V.  T.  Oliverio.)  "Characteristics 
of  Folic  Acid  Transport  in  the  L1210  Leukemia  Cell,"  Biochimica 
et  Biophysica  Acta,  193  (October  1969),  456-67. 

"Methotrexate-Folate  Interactions  in  the  L1210  Leukemia  Cell: 
A  Model  System  for  the  Study  of  Exchange  Diffusion, ' 1  Biophysical 
Society  Annual  Meeting  (1969),  9-A229. 

(With  N.  S.  Lichtenstein.)  "Riboflavin-methotrexate  Interac- 
tions: (1)  Photochemical  Reaction  and  (2)  Competition  for 
Transport  in  the  L1210  Mouse  Leukemia  Cell,"  Biochemical  Phar- 
macology, 19  (April  1970),  1229-39. 

(With  D.  L.  Lilien  and  J.  L.  Spivak.)  "Chromate  Transport  in 
Human  Leukocytes,"  Journal  of  Clinical  Investigation,  49  (August 

1970)  ,  1551-57. 

1 '  Inorganic  and  Organic  Anions  Inhibit  Folate  Influx  in  Ehrlich 
Ascites  and  L1210  Tumor  Cells:  A  Possible  Mechanism  for  Uphill 
Transport,"  The  Physiologist,  13  (August  1970),  207. 

Carl  William  Gottschalk 

(With  E.  E.  Arrizurieta  de  Muchnik  and  E.  M.  Lipham.) 
* '  Form  and  Function  in  Normal  and  Hypertrophied  Nephrons, ' '  in 
Compensatory  Renal  Hypertrophy.  New  York:  Academic  Press, 
1969.  Pp.  29-44. 

(With  M.  L.  Kauker  and  W.  E.  Lassiter.)  "  Micropuncture 



Study  of  the  Effects  of  Urea  on  Proximal  Reabsorption  in  the  Rat, ' ' 
Clinical  Research,  17  (April  1969),  434. 

(With  E.  E.  Arrizurieta  de  Muchnik,  W.  E.  Lassiter,  and  E.  M. 
Lipham.)  "  Micropuncture  Study  of  Glomerulotubular  Balance 
in  the  Rat  Kidney,"  Nephron,  6  (May-June  1969),  418-36. 

(With  R.  Kramp,  J.  Oliver,  and  M.  MacDowell.)  "Micro- 
puncture  and  Microdissection  Studies  of  Damaged  Rat  Kidneys," 
Clinical  Research,  18  (January  and  April  1970),  92  and  544. 

(With  M.  L.  Kauker  and  W.  E.  Lassiter.)  "Micropuncture 
Study  of  Net  Transtubular  Movement  of  Urea  and  Water  in  Rats 
Expanded  with  Isotonic  Saline,"  Proceedings  of  the  Society  for  Ex- 
perimental Biology  and  Medicine,  133  (January  1970),  216-21. 

(With  M.  L.  Kauker  and  W.  E.  Lassiter.)  "Micropuncture 
Study  of  Effects  of  Urea  Infusion  on  Tubular  Reabsorption  in  the 
Rat,"  American  Journal  of  Physiology,  219  (July  1970),  45-50. 

"Dr.  A.  N.  Richards  and  Kidney  Micropuncture,"  Annals  of 
Internal  MedAcine,  71,  Supplement  8  (November  1969),  28-37. 

(With  M.  E.  M.  Allison,  E.  M.  Lipham,  and  W.  E.  Lassiter.) 
"The  Acutely  Reduced  Kidney,"  Fourth  Annual  Meeting  of  the 
American  Society  of  Nephrology  (1970),  3. 

(With  R.  A.  Kramp  and  R.  E.  Colindres.)  "Effect  of  Collection 
Technic  on  the  Osmolality  of  Distal  Tubular  Fluid  of  the  Rat," 
Fourth  Annual  Meeting  of  the  American  Society  of  Nephrology 
(1970),  44. 

(With  R.  A.  Kramp  and  W.  E.  Lassiter.)  "Mechanism  of  Urate 
Reabsorption  in  Rat  Proximal  Tubule,"  Fourth  Annual  Meeting 
of  the  American  Society  of  Nephrology  (1970),  44. 

Tommy  Brewer  Griffin 

(With  M.  B.  Sulzberger.)  "Induced  Miliaria,  Postmiliarial  Hy- 
pohidrosis,  and  Some  Potential  Sequelae,"  Archives  of  Dermatol- 
ogy, 99  (February  1969),  145-51. 

William  David  Heizer 

(With  B.  Bulkley,  S.  E.  Goldfinger,  K.  J.  Isselbacher,  and  N.  R. 
Shulman.)  "Distinctions  in  Chronic  Active  Hepatitis  Based  on 
Circulating  Hepatitis-Associated  Antigen,"  Lancet,  2  (December 
1970),  1323-26. 

Richard  Martin  Helmaet 

(With  M.  H.  Temko  and  H.  J.  Fallon.)  "Alcoholic  Hepatitis: 
Natural  History  and  Evaluation  of  Therapy,"  Clinical  Research, 
17  (January  and  April  1969),  26  and  304. 



J ohn  Caeeoll  Heeion 

(With  H.  I.  Saba,  R.  I.  Walker,  and  H.  R.  Roberts.)  ^Granulo- 
cytic Pyrogen:  A  New  Biological  Activity,"  Clinical  Research,  17 
(January  1969),  34. 

(With  R.  M.  Glasser,  J.  G.  Palmer,  and  R,  I.  Walker.)  ' 4 Eosino- 
phil Kinetics  in  Two  Patients  with  Marked  Eosinophilia,"  Clinical 
Research,  17  (January  1969),  70. 

(With  D.  L.  Crocker  and  R.  I.  Walker.)  "A  Morphologic  Study 
of  Granulocyte  Induced  Red  Cell  Lysis,"  Clinical  Research,  17 
(January  1969),  72. 

(With  H.  I.  Saba,  R,  I.  Walker  and  H.  R,  Roberts.)  "Granulo- 
cytic Pjrrogen:  Partial  Purification  and  Demonstration  of  Anti- 
coagulant Action,"  American  Journal  of  Physiology,  217  (Sep- 
tember 1969),  720-27. 

(With  H.  I.  Saba  and  H.  R.  Roberts.)  "The  Effect  of  Lysoso- 
mal Cationic  Proteins  from  Granulocytes  on  the  Coagulation  and 
Fibrinolytic  Systems,"  Blood,  34  (December  1969),  835. 

(With  R.  I.  Walker,  R.  M.  Glasser,  and  J.  G.  Palmer.)  "Eosino- 
phil Kinetics,"  Blood,  34  (December  1969),  845. 

(With  R.  M.  Glasser  and  R,  I.  Walker.)  "The  Significance  of 
Hematologic  Abnormalities  in  Patients  with  Tuberculosis,"  Ar- 
chives of  Internal  Medicine,  125  (April  1970),  691-95. 

(With  D.  L.  Crocker  and  R,  I.  Walker.)  "A  Study  of  Red  Cell 
Fragmentation,"  Clinical  Research,  18  (April  1970),  401. 

(With  R.  A.  Rudders.)  "Multiple  Myeloma  Associated  with  a 
Basic  Abnormal  Protein  and  Unusual  Plasma  Cell  Inclusions." 
American  Journal  of  Clinical  Pathology,  53  (May  1970),  652-58. 

(With  R.  M.  Glasser,  R.  I.  Walker,  and  J.  G.  Palmer.)  "Eosino- 
phil Kinetics  in  Two  Patients  with  Eosinophilia,"  Blood,  36  (Sep- 
tember 1970),  361-70. 

(With  R.  I.  Walker.  E.  W.  Cole  III,  R.  M.  Glasser,  and  J.  G. 
Palmer.)  "Leukocyte  Kinetics:  Cyclic  Fluctuations  in  the  DNA 
Specific  Activity  of  Circulating  Granulocytes,"  Blood,  36  (Decem- 
ber 1970),  827. 

Edwaed  Leo  Hogan 

(With  K.  C.  Joseph  and  G.  Schmidt.)  "Composition  of  Cerebral 
Lipids  in  Murine  Sudanophilic  Leucodystrophy :  The  Jimpy  Mu- 
tant," Journal  of  N  euro  chemistry,  17  (January  1970),  75-83. 

(With  J.  P.  Hurt  and  M.  R.  Krigman.)  "Subacute  Necrotic 
Myelopathy:  Isolation  of  a  Virus,  Light  and  Electron  Microscopic 
Studies,"  Journal  of  Neuropathology  and  Experimental  Neurol- 
ogy, 29  (January  1970),  131. 



(With  K.  C.  Joseph.)  " Cerebral  Lipid  Composition  in  Murine 
Genetic  Leucodystrophy, "  Neurology,  20  (April  1970),  416. 

(With  K.  C.  Joseph,  J.  P.  Hurt,  and  M.  R.  Krigman.)  "  Scol- 
der's Disease :  Study  of  Myelinoclastic  Demyelination  by  Light  and 
Electron  Microscopy,  and  Assay  of  Lipid  Composition,"  Amer- 
ican Journal  of  Pathology,  59  (June  1970),  5a. 

(With  K.  C.  Joseph.)  "Composition  of  Cerebral  Lipids  in  Mu- 
rine Leucodystrophy:  The  Quaking  Mutant,"  Journal  of  N euro- 
chemistry,  17  (August  1970),  1209-14. 

William  Plexico  Hood,  Jk. 

(With  C.  E.  Rackley,  B.  R.  Wilcox,  and  R.  M.  Peters.)  "Quanti- 
tation of  Myocardial  Function  in  Valvular  Heart  Disease,"  in 
Prosthetic  Heart  Valves,  ed.,  L.  Brewer.  Springfield:  Charles  C. 
Thomas,  1969.  Pp.  342. 

(With  E.  L.  Rolett.)  "Dynamic  Geometry  in  the  Normal  and 
Abnormal  Human  Left  Ventricle,"  Clinical  Research,  17  (January 
and  April  1969),  17  and  247. 

(With  W.  H.  Thomson,  C.  E.  Rackley,  and  E.  L.  Rolett.)  "Com- 
parison of  Calculations  of  Left  Ventricular  Wall  Stress  in  Man  from 
Thin-Walled  and  Thick- Walled  Ellipsoidal  Models,"  Circulation 
Research,  24  (April  1969),  575-82. 

(With  E.  L.  Rolett.)  "Patterns  of  Contraction  in  the  Human 
Left  Ventricle,"  Circulation,  Supplement  3,  40  (October  1969), 

(With  R.  Sutton  and  E.  Craige.)  "Comparison  of  Noninvasive 
and  Invasive  Measures  of  Left  Ventricular  Performance,"  Amer- 
ican Journal  of  Cardiology,  25  (January  1970),  132. 

(With  R.  Sutton  and  E.  Craige.)  "Correlation  of  Pre-ejection 
Period  with  Left  Ventricular  Ejection  Fraction,"  Clinical  Research, 
18  (January  1970),  28. 

(With  C.  E.  Rackley,  F.  G.  Dalldorf,  and  B.  R.  Wilcox.)  "Sarco- 
mere Length  and  Left  Ventricular  Function  in  Chronic  Heart 
Disease,"  American  Journal  of  Medical  Sciences,  259  (February 
1970),  90-96. 

(With  C.  E.  Rackley,  E.  L.  Rolett,  and  D.  T.  Young.)  "Left 
Ventricular  End-Diastolic  Pressure  in  Chronic  Heart  Disease," 
American  Journal  of  Medicine,  48  (March  1970),  310-19. 

Michael  Lajos  Kauker 

(With  W.  E.  Lassiter  and  C.  W.  Gottschalk.)  "  Micropuncture 
Study  of  the  Effects  of  Urea  on  Proximal  Reabsorption  in  the  Rat, ' ' 
Clinical  Research,  17  (April  1969),  434. 

(With  W.  E.  Lassiter  and  C.  W.  Gottschalk.)  "Micropuncture 



Study  of  Net  Transtubular  Movement  of  Urea  and  Water  in  Rats 
Expanded  with  Isotonic  Saline,"  Proceedings  of  the  Society  for  Ex- 
perimental Biology  and  Medicine,  133  (January  1970),  216-21. 

(With  W.  E.  Lassiter  and  C.  W.  Gottschalk.)  ' ' Micropuncture 
Study  of  Effects  of  Urea  Infusion  on  Tubular  Reabsorption  in  the 
Rat,"  American  Journal  of  Physiology,  219  (July  1970),  45-50. 

Ronald  Arthur  Kramp 

(With  C.  W.  Gottschalk,  J.  Oliver,  and  M.  MacDowell.)  "Micro- 
puncture  and  Microdissection  Studies  of  Damaged  Rat  Kidneys," 
Clinical  Research,  18  (January  and  April  1970),  92  and  544. 

(With  R.  E.  Colindres  and  C.  W.  Gottschalk.)  "Effect  of  Col- 
lection Technic  on  the  Osmolality  of  Distal  Tubular  Fluid  of  the 
Rat,"  Fourth  Annual  Meeting  of  the  American  Society  of  Nephrol- 
ogy (1970),  44, 

(With  W.  E.  Lassiter  and  C.  W.  Gottschalk.)  "Mechanism  of 
Urate  Reabsorption  in  Rat  Proximal  Tubule,"  Fourth  Annual 
Meeting  of  the  American  Society  of  Nephrology  (1970),  44. 

Robert  George  Lamb 

(With  H.  J.  Fallon.)  "Synthesis  of  Monoacylglycerophosphate 
(MAGP)  from  Sn-Glycerol-3-P  (GP)  by  Rat  Liver  Microsomes," 
Federation  Proceedings,  28  (March-April  1969),  595. 

(With  H.  J.  Fallon.)  "The  Formation  of  Monoacylglycero- 
phosphate  from  Sn-Glycerol-3-P  by  a  Rat  Liver  Particulate  Prep- 
aration," Journal  of  Biological  Chemistry,  245  (June  1970),  3075- 

William  Edmund  Lassiter 

"The  Renal  Excretion  of  Urea,"  in  Progress  in  Nephrology. 
Proceedings,  V.  Symposium  der  Gesellschraft  fur  Nephrologie, 
Lausanne,  Switzerland,  September  21-23,  1967,  eds.,  G.  Peters  and 
F.  Roch-Ramel.  Berlin:  Springer- Verlag,  1969.  Pp.  11-22. 

"Urea  Transport  in  the  Mammalian  Nephron,"  in  Urea  and 
the  Kidney.  Proceedings  of  an  International  Colloquy  held  at 
Sarasota,  Florida,  September  9-12,  1968,  ed.,  B.  Schmidt-Nielsen. 
Amsterdam:  Excerpta  Medica  Foundation,  1970.  Pp.  206-15. 

(With  M.  L.  Kauker  and  C.  W.  Gottschalk.)  " Micropuncture 
Study  of  the  Effects  of  Urea  on  Proximal  Reabsorption  in  the 
Rat,"  Clinical  Research,  17  (April  1969),  434. 

(With  E.  E.  Arrizurieta  de  Muchnik,  E.  M.  Lipham,  and  C.  W. 
Gottschalk.)  "Micropuncture  Study  of  Glomerulotubular  Balance 
in  the  Rat  Kidney,"  Nephron,  6 (May-June  1969),  418-36. 



(With  M.  L.  Kauker  and  C.  W.  Gottschalk. )  "  Micropuncture 
Study  of  Net  Transtubular  Movement  of  Urea  and  Water  in  Rats 
Expanded  with  Isotonic  Saline,"  Proceedings  of  the  Society  for 
Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine,  113  (January  1970),  216-21. 

(With  M.  L.  Kauker  and  C.  W.  Gottschalk.)  ' 1  Micropuncture 
Study  of  Effects  of  Urea  Infusion  on  Tubular  Reabsorption 
in  the  Rat,"  American  Journal  of  Physiology,  219  (July  1970), 

(With  M.  E.  M.  Allison,  E.  M.  Lipham,  and  C.  W.  Gottschalk.) 
"The  Acutely  Reduced  Kidney,"  Fourth  Annual  Meeting  of  the 
American  Society  of  Nephrology  (1970),  3. 

(With  R.  A.  Kramp  and  C.  W.  Gottschalk.)  "Mechanism  of 
Urate  Reabsorption  in  Rat  Proximal  Tubule, ' '  Fourth  Annual  Meet- 
ing of  the  American  Society  of  Nephrology  (1970),  44. 

Eleanor  McGurn  Lipham 

(With  E.  E.  Arrizurieta  de  Muchnik  and  C.  W.  Gottschalk.) 
"Form  and  Function  in  Normal  and  Hypertrophied  Nephrons," 
in  Compensatory  Renal  Hypertrophy.  New  York :  Academic  Press, 
1969.  Pp.  29-44. 

(With  E.  E.  Arrizurieta  de  Muchnik,  W.  E.  Lassiter,  and  C.  W. 
Gottschalk.)  "Micropuncture  Study  of  Glomerulotubular  Balance 
in  the  Rat  Kidney,"  Nephron,  6  (May-June  1969),  418-36. 

(With  M.  E.  M.  Allison,  W.  E.  Lassiter,  and  C.  W.  Gottschalk.) 
"The  Acutely  Reduced  Kidney,"  Fourth  Annual  Meeting  of  the 
American  Society  of  Nephrology  (1970),  3. 

Charles  Elliot  Morris 

(With  T.  W.  Farmer.)  "Multiple  Sclerosis  and  Related  Dis- 
orders," in  Tice's  Practice  of  Medicine.  Hagerstown:  Hoeber  Med- 
ical Division,  Harper  and  Row,  Inc.,  1969.  Pp.  1-20. 

Robert  Leo  Ney 

"The  Anterior  Pituitary  Gland,"  in  Duncan's  Diseases  of 
Metabolism,  ed.,  P.  Bondy.  Philadelphia :  W.  B.  Saunders  Company, 
1969.  Pp.  718-52. 

(With  L.  D.  Garren,  W.  W.  Davis,  G.  N.  Gill,  H.  L.  Moses, 
and  R.  M.  Crocco.)  "Studies  on  the  Mode  of  Action  of  ACTH,"  in 
Progress  in  Endocrinology.  Amsterdam :  Excerpta  Medica  Founda- 
tion, 1969.  Pp.  102-15. 

"Cushing's  Syndrome,"  in  Current  Therapy,  ed.,  H.  F.  Conn. 
Philadelphia:  W.  B.  Saunders  Company,  1970.  Pp.  407-11. 

(With  H.  S.  Earp  and  B.  Watson.)  "Adenosine  3',5'-Monophos- 
phate  (Cyclic  AMP)  as  the  Mediator  of  ACTH  Induced  Depletion 



of  Ascorbic  Acid  in  the  Adrenal  Cortex,"  Clinical  Research,  17 
(January  1969),  22. 

"Effects  of  Dibutyryl  Cyclic  AMP  on  Adrenal  Growth  and 
Steroidogenic  Capacity,"  Endocrinology,  84  (January  1969),  168- 

(With  N.  J.  Hochella,  D.  G.  Grahame-Smith,  K.  N.  Dexter,  and 
R.  W.  Butcher.)  "Abnormal  Regulation  of  Adenosine  3',5'-Mono- 
phosphate  and  Corticosterone  Formation  in  an  Adrenocortical  Car- 
cinoma," Journal  of  Clinical  Investigation,  48  (September  1969). 

(With  J.  Walton  and  B.  Watson.)  "Comparison  of  Metabolic 
Parameters  During  Alternate-Day  and  Frequent  Interval  Corti- 
costeroid Administration,"  Program  of  51st  Meeting  of  the  Endo- 
crine Society  (1969),  197. 

(With  H.  S.  Earp,  H.  Gitelman,  R.  Richman,  and  H.  F.  De- 
Luca.)  "Effects  of  25-OH  Vitamin  D3  in  Familial  Vitamin  D  Re- 
sistant Rickets,"  Clinical  Research,  18  (January  1970),  52. 

(With  D.  Mahaffee  and  B.  Watson.)  "Relationship  Between 
Nucleotide  Structure  and  the  Stimulation  of  Adrenal  Steroidog- 
nesis,"  Clinical  Research,  18  (January  1970),  73. 

(With  H.  S.  Earp  and  B.  Watson.)  "  Adenosine-3',5'-Monophos- 
phate  as  the  Mediator  of  ACTH-Induced  Ascorbic  Acid  Depletion 
in  the  Rat  Adrenal,"  Endocrinology,  87  (July  1970),  118-23. 

(With  H.  S.  Earp,  H.  J.  Gitelman,  R.  Richman,  and  H.  F. 
DeLuca.)  "The  Effects  of  25-Hydroxycholecalciferol  in  Patients 
with  Familial  Hypophosphatemia  and  Vitamin-D-Resistant  Ric- 
kets," New  England  Journal  of  Medicine,  283  (September  1970), 

(With  J.  Walton  and  B.  Watson.)  "Alternate-Day  Versus 
Shorter-Interval  Steroid  Administration,"  Archives  of  Internal 
Medicine,  126  (October  1970),  601-7. 

(With  R.  N.  Dexter  and  L.  M.  Fishman.)  "Stimulation  of 
Adrenal  Cholesterol  Uptake  from  Plasma  by  Adrenocorticotro- 
phin,"  Endocrinology,  87  (November  1970),  836-46. 

(With  D.  Mahaffee.)  "Effects  of  Nucleotides  Possessing  a  3',5'- 
Cyclic  Monophosphate  on  Adrenal  Steroidogenesis,"  Metaoolism, 
19  (December  1970),  1104-8. 

(With  I.  Schorr,  B.  McMillan,  and  D.  Mahaffee.)  "Regulation 
and  Subcellular  Distribution  of  Adenyl  Cyclase  and  Guanyl  Cy- 
clase in  the  Normal  and  Neoplastic  Adrenal, ' '  Program  of  the  52nd 
Meeting  of  the  Endocrine  Society  (1970),  48. 

David  Ainswoeth  Ontjes 

(With  C.  B.  Anfinsen.)  "Solid  Phase  Synthesis  of  a  Polypeptide 



Sequence  from  Staphylococcal  Nuclease,"  in  Proceedings  of  the 
First  American  Peptide  Symposium,  New  Haven.  New  York :  Mar- 
cel Dekker,  1969.  Pp.  79-98. 

(With  C.  B.  Anfinsen.)  " Solid  Phase  Synthesis  of  a  42-Residue 
Fragment  of  Staphylococcal  Nuclease:  Properties  of  a  Semi-Syn- 
thetic Enzyme,"  Proceedings  of  the  National  Academy  of  Science, 
64  (October  1969),  428-35. 

(With  A.  Eastlake,  M.  Ohno,  and  C.  B.  Anfinsen.)  "  Synthesis 
of  a  Fully  Protected  Carboxy  Terminal  Tetradecapeptide  Sequence 
of  Staphylococcal  Nuclease,"  Journal  of  the  American  Chemical 
Society,  91  (November  1969),  6842-47. 

(With  C.  B.  Anfinsen.)  " Synthetic  Studies  of  Structure- 
Function  Relationships  in  Staphylococcal  Nuclease,"  Journal  of 
Biological  Chemistry,  244  (December  1969),  6316-22. 

(With  G.  S.  Omenn  and  C.  B.  Anfinsen.)  1 1  Immunochemistry 
of  Staphylococcal  Nuclease.  I.  Physical,  Enzymatic  and  Immuno- 
logical Studies  of  Chemically  Modified  Derivatives,"  Biochemistry, 
9  (January  1970),  304-12. 

(With  G.  S.  Omenn  and  C.  B.  Anfinsen.)  " Immunochemistry 
of  Staphylococcal  Nuclease.  II.  Inhibition  and  Binding  Studies 
with  Sequence  Fragments,"  Biochemistry,  9  (January  1970),  313- 

Joseph  Stephen-  Pagano 

Editorial,  * ' Type  3  Poliovirus  Vaccine,"  Journal  of  Pediatrics, 
75  (July  1969),  162-63. 

"Assay  of  Infectious  DNA,"  in  Basic  Techniques  in  Virology, 
eds.,  K.  Habel  and  N.  Salzman.  New  York:  Academic  Press,  1969. 
Pp.  184-97. 

(With  J.  B.  Kirkman,  Jr.,  and  J.  J.  Fischer.)  "A  Microtiter 
Plate  Technique  for  the  Agglutination  Typing  of  Diplococcus 
Pneumoniae ,"  Journal  of  Infectious  Diseases,  121  (February  1970), 

(With  M.  K.  Estes.)  1 1  Studies  of  the  Nucleoprotein  and  Capsid 
Proteins  of  Simian  Virus  40,"  Bacteriological  Proceedings  (1970), 

"Biologic  Activity  of  Isolated  Viral  Nucleic  Acids,"  Progress 
in  Medical  Virology,  12  (1970),  1-48. 

Jefeeess  Gary  Palmer 

(With  R.  M.  Glasser,  J.  C.  Herion,  and  E.  I.  Walker.)  "Eosino- 
phil Kinetics  in  Two  Patients  with  Marked  Eosinophilia,"  Clinical 
Research,  17  (January  1969),  70. 



(With  R.  I.  Walker,  R.  M.  Glasser,  and  J.  C.  Herion.)  " Eosino- 
phil Kinetics,"  Blood,  34  (December  1969),  845. 

(With  J.  C.  Herion,  R.  M.  Glasser,  and  R.  I.  Walker.)  "Eosino- 
phil Kinetics  in  Two  Patients  with  Eosinophilia, "  Blood,  36  (Sep- 
tember 1970),  361-70. 

(With  R.  I.  Walker,  E.  W.  Cole,  R.  M.  Glasser,  and  J.  C. 
Herion.)  "Leukocyte  Kinetics:  Cyclic  Fluctuations  in  the  DNA 
Specific  Activity  of  Circulating  Granulocytes,"  Blood,  36  (Decem- 
ber 1970),  827. 

John  Cuktis  Parker 

"Nucleotide  Permeability  of  Human  Red  Blood  Cells,"  Clinical 
Research,  17  (January  1969),  33. 

"The  Influence  of  2,3-Diphosphoglycerate  Metabolism  on  Na-K 
Permeability  in  Human  Red  Blood  Cells:  Studies  with  Bisulfite 
and  Other  Redox  Agents,"  Clinical  Research,  17  (January  1969), 

"Influence  of  2,3-Diphosphoglyeerate  Metabolism  on  Sodium- 
Potassium  Permeability  in  Human  Red  Blood  Cells:  Studies  with 
Bisulfite  and  Other  Redox  Agents,"  Journal  of  Clinical  Investiga- 
tion, 48  (January  1969),  117-25. 

"Metabolism  of  Extracellular  Adenine  Nucleotides  by  Human 
Red  Blood  Cells,"  Clinical  Research,  17  (April  1969),  338. 

' '  Influence  of  Metabolic  State  on  Water  Content  of  Human  Red 
Blood  Cells,"  Clinical  Research,  18  (April  1970),  413. 

(With  C.  H.  Wallas,  H.  J.  Gitelman,  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Rela- 
tionships Between  Active  Transport  of  Sodium,  Lactate  Produc- 
tion, and  Sodium  Concentration  in  Erythrocytes,"  Clinical  Re- 
search, 18  (April  1970),  413. 

(With  G.  Atwood,  K.  Orme,  G.  Kelly,  K.  Brandel,  and  R.  Bres- 
ler.)  "Glucose  Metabolism  in  the  Isolated  Perfused  Hypothermic 
Heart,"  Clinical  Research,  18  (April  1970),  523. 

"Metabolism  of  External  Adenine  Nucleotides  by  Human  Red 
Blood  Cells,"  American  Journal  of  Physiology,  218  (June  1970), 

Harold  Ross  Eoberts 

Associate  editor,  "Plasma  Fractions  for  Treatment  of  Hemo- 
philia. Anticoagulant  Therapy :  Standardization  of  Tests, ' '  Throm- 
bosis et  Diathesis  Haemorrhagica,  Supplement  35,  1969.  Pp.  1-287. 

Associate  editor, ' '  Fibrinogen :  Structural,  Metabolic,  and  Patho- 
physiologic Aspects,"  Thrombosis  et  Diathesis  Haemorrhagica, 
Supplement  39,  1970.  Pp.  1-464. 

(With  K.  M.  Brinkhous.)   "Hemophilia  and  Hemophilioid 



States.  Method  of  H.  R.  Roberts  and  K.  M.  Brinkhous,"  in  Cur- 
rent Therapy,  ed.,  H.  F.  Conn.  Philadelphia:  W.  B.  Saunders 
Company,  1969.  Pp.  249-53. 

(With  M.  R.  Knowles,  T.  L.  Jones,  and  C.  W.  McMillan.)  "Use 
of  Factor  VIII  Inhibitors,"  in  Hemophilia  and  New  Hemorrhagic 
States,  ed.,  K.  M.  Brinkhous.  Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North 
Carolina  Press,  1970.  Pp.  152-63. 

(With  J.  A.  Bryan  and  C.  B.  Brett.)  "Experience  with  Serum 
Hepatitis  in  a  Hemophilic  Population,"  Clinical  Research,  17 
(January  1969),  29. 

(With  H.  I.  Saba,  R.  I.  Walker,  and  J.  C.  Herion.)  "Granulo- 
cytic Pyrogen:  A  New  Biological  Activity,"  Clinical  Research,  17 
(January  1969),  34. 

(With  H.  I.  Saba,  R.  I.  Walker,  and  J.  C.  Herion.)  "Granulo- 
cytic Pyrogen:  Partial  Purification  and  Demonstration  of  Anti- 
coagulant Action,"  American  Journal  of  Physiology,  217  (Sep- 
tember 1969),  720-27. 

(With  H.  I.  Saba  and  J.  C.  Herion.)  "The  Effect  of  Lysosomal 
Cationic  Proteins  from  Granulocytes  on  the  Coagulation  and  Fi- 
brinolytic Systems,"  Blood,  34  (December  1969),  835. 

(With  R.  H.  Wagner,  W.  P.  Webster,  E.  Shanbrom,  and  K.  M. 
Brinkhous.)  " Glycine-Precipitated  Antihemophilic  Factor  Con- 
centrates and  Their  Clinical  Use, ' '  Thrombosis  et  Diathesis  Haem- 
orrhagica,  Supplement  35  (1969),  41-48. 

(With  C.  W.  McMillan,  W.  P.  Webster  and  W.  B.  Blythe.) 
"Continuous  Intravenous  Infusion  of  Factor  VIII  in  Classic 
Hemophilia,"  British  Journal  of  Haematology,  18  (June  1970), 

(With  W.  P.  Webster.)  "Dental  Treatment  of  Patients  with 
Hemorrhagic  Disorders,"  Bibliotheca  Haematologica,  34  (1970), 

Ellis  Laweence  Eolett 

(With  K.  R.  Voellm.)  "Calibration  of  Dye-Dilution  Curves  by  a 
Dynamic  Method,"  Journal  of  Applied  Physiology,  26  (January 
1969),  147-50. 

(With  W.  P.  Hood,  Jr.)  "Dynamic  Geometry  in  the  Normal 
and  Abnormal  Human  Left  Ventricle,"  Clinical  Research,  17  (Jan- 
uary and  April  1969),  17  and  247. 

(With  W.  P.  Hood,  Jr.,  W.  J.  Thomson,  and  C.  E  Rackley.) 
"Comparison  of  Calculations  of  Left  Ventricular  Wall  Stress  in 
Man  from  Thin-Walled  and  Thick- Walled  Ellipsoidal  Models," 
Circulation  Research,  24  (April  1969),  575-82. 

(With  W.  P.  Hoodr  Jr.)  "Patterns  of  Contraction  in  the  Human 



Left  Ventricle,"  Circulation,  Supplement  3,  40  (October  1969), 
iii,  109. 

"Surgical  Management  of  Ventricular  Aneurysm,"  Journal  of 
the  American  Medical  Association,  210  (October  1969),  122-25. 

(With  C.  E.  Rackley,  W.  P.  Hood,  Jr.,  and  D.  T.  Young.)  "Left 
Ventricular  End-Diastolic  Pressure  in  Chronic  Heart  Disease," 
American  Journal  of  Medicine,  48  (March  1970),  310-19. 

(With  K.  R.  Voellm.)  "Effects  in  Increasing  Afterload  on  Left 
Ventricular  Performance,"  Clinical  Research,  18  (April  1970),  326. 

Philip  Frederick  Sparling 

"Kasugamycin  Resistance:  30S  Ribosomal  Mutation  with  an 
Unusual  Location  on  the  Escherichia  Coli  Chromosome,"  Science, 
167  (January  1970),  56-58. 

Richard  Sutton 

(With  W.  P.  Hood,  Jr.,  and  E.  Craige.)  "Comparison  of  Non- 
invasive and  Invasive  Measures  of  Left  Ventricular  Performance, ' ' 
American  Journal  of  Cardiology,  25  (January  1970),  132. 

(With  P.  Hutchin  and  E.  Craige.)  "Impaired  Function  of 
Cloth-Covered  Starr-Edwards  Mitral  Valve  Prosthesis:  Detection 
by  Phonocardiography,"  Circulation,  41  (January  1970),  141-48. 

(With  W.  P.  Hood,  Jr.,  and  E.  Craige.)  "Correlation  of  Pre- 
election Period  with  Left  Ventricular  Ejection  Fraction,"  Clinical 
Research,  18  (January  1970),  28. 

Klaus  Rudolph  Voellm 

(With  E.  L.  Rolett.)  "Calibration  of  Dye-Dilution  Curves  by  a 
Dynamic  Method,"  Journal  of  Applied  Physiology,  26  (January 
1969),  147-50. 

(With  E.  L.  Rolett.)  "Effect  in  Increasing  Afterload  on  Left 
Ventricular  Performance,"  Clinical  Research,  18  (April  1970), 

Richard  Isley  Walker 

(With  H.  I.  Saba,  J.  C.  Herion,  and  H.  R.  Roberts.)  "Granulo- 
cytic Pyrogen:  A  New  Biological  Activity,"  Clinical  Research,  17 
(January  1969),  34. 

(With  R.  M.  Glasser,  J.  G.  Palmer,  and  J.  C.  Herion.)  "Eosino- 
phil Kinetics  in  Two  Patients  with  Marked  Eosinophilia, "  Clinical 
Research,  17  (January  1969),  70. 

(With  D.  L.  Crocker  and  J.  C.  Herion.)  "A  Morphologic  Study 
of  Granulocyte  Induced  Red  Cell  Lysis,"  Clinical  Research,  17 
(January  1969),  72. 



(With  K.  M.  Glasser.)  "Transitions  Among  the  Myeloprolifer- 
ative Disorders,"  Annals  of  Internal  Medicine,  71  (August  1969), 

(With  H.  I.  Saba,  J.  C.  Herion,  and  H.  R.  Roberts.)  "Granulo- 
cytic Pyrogen:  Partial  Purification  and  Demonstration  of  Anti- 
coagulant Action,"  American  Journal  of  Physiology,  217  (Sep- 
tember 1969),  720-27. 

(With  J.  C.  Herion,  R.  M.  Glasser,  and  J.  G.  Palmer.)  "Eosino- 
phil Kinetics,"  Blood,  34  (December  1969),  845. 

(With  R.  M.  Glasser  and  J.  C.  Herion.)  "The  Significance  of 
Hematologic  Abnormalities  in  Patients  with  Tuberculosis,"  Ar- 
chives of  Internal  Medicine,  125  (April  1970),  691-95. 

(With  D.  L.  Crocker  and  J.  C.  Herion.)  "A  Study  of  Red  Cell 
Fragmentation,"  Clinical  Research,  18  (April  1970),  401. 

(With  J.  C.  Herion,  R.  M.  Glasser,  and  J.  G.  Palmer.)  "Eosino- 
phil Kinetics  in  Two  Patients  with  Eosinophilia,"  Blood,  36  (Sep- 
tember 1970),  361-70. 

(With  E.  W.  Cole,  R.  M.  Glasser,  J.  G.  Palmer,  and  J.  C.  Heri- 
on.) "Leukocyte  Kinetics:  Cyclic  Fluctuations  in  the  DNA  Spe- 
cific Activity  of  Circulating  Granulocytes,"  Blood,  36  (September 
1970),  827. 

Charles  Henry  Wallas 

(With  J.  C.  Parker,  H.  J.  Gitelman,  and  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Rela- 
tionships Between  Erythrocyte  Active  Transport  of  Sodium,  Lac- 
tate Production  and  Erythrocyte  Sodium  Concentration,"  Clinical 
Research,  17  (January  and  April  1969),  55  and  452. 

(With  L.  G.  Welt  and  L.  R.  Dufresne.)  "Intracellular  Sodium 
Concentration  and  the  Rate  of  Sodium  Exchange  Diffusion  in  the 
Erythrocyte,"  Clinical  Research,  17  (April  1969),  428. 

(With  L.  G.  Welt.)  "Relationship  of  Phosphoglycerate  Kinase 
(PGK)  to  Hypermetabolism  in  Erythrocytes  in  Uremia,"  Clinical 
Research,  18  (January  and  April  1970),  66  and  519. 

Louis  Gordon  Welt 

Guest  editor,  "Symposium  on  Uremic  Toxins.  Introductory  and 
Closing  Remarks,"  Archives  of  Internal  Medicine,  7  (November 
1970),  773-916. 

"Agents  Affecting  Volume  and  Composition  of  Body  Fluids," 
in  The  Pharmacological  Basis  of  Therapeutics,  eds.,  L.  S.  Goodman 
and  A.  Gilman.  New  York:  The  Macmillan  Companv,  1970.  Pp. 

(With  W.  B.  Blythe.)  "Cations:  Calcium,  Magnesium,  Barium, 
Lithium,  and  Ammonium, ' '  in  The  Pharmacological  Basis  of  Thera- 



peutics,  eds.,  L.  S.  Goodman  and  A.  Gilman.  New  York :  The  niac- 
millan  Company,  1970.  Pp.  805-18. 

(With  W.  B.  Blythe.)  "Anions:  Phosphates,  Iodide,  Fluoride, 
and  Other  Anions,"  in  The  Pharmacological  Basis  of  Therapeutics, 
eds.,  L.  S.  Goodman  and  A.  Gilman.  New  York:  The  Macmillan 
Company,  1970.  Pp.  819-30. 

"Edema,"  in  Principles  of  Internal  Medicine,  eds.,  T.  E.  Harri- 
son, et  al.  New  York:  McGraw-Hill,  1970.  Pp.  213-18. 

"Oliguria,  Polyuria  and  Nocturia,"  in  Principles  of  Internal 
Medicine,  eds.,  T.  E.  Harrison,  et  al.  New  York:  McGraw-Hill,  1970. 
Pp.  272-76. 

"Disorders  of  Fluids  and  Electrolytes,"  in  Principles  of 
Internal  Medicine,  eds.,  T.  E.  Harrison,  et  al.  New  York :  McGraw- 
Hill,  1970.  Pp.  1357-71. 

"Acidosis  and  Alkalosis,"  in  Principles  of  Internal  Medicine, 
eds.,  T.  E.  Harrison,  et  al.  New  York :  McGraw-Hill,  1970.  Pp.  1371- 

"A  Further  Evaluation  of  Erythrocyte  Sodium  Transport," 
Clinical  Research,  17  (January  1969),  87. 

(With  C.  H.  Wallas,  J.  C.  Parker,  and  H.  J.  Gitelman.)  "Bela- 
tionships  Between  Erythrocyte  Active  Transport  of  Sodium,  Lac- 
tate Production  and  Erythrocyte  Sodium  Concentration,"  Clinical 
Research,  17  (January  and  April  1969),  55  and  452. 

"Medical  Education  ■  Preparation  for  Tomorrow,"  Rhode  Island 
Medical  Journal,  70  (February  1969),  110-11. 

(With  W.  B.  Blythe,  D.  O.  D'Avila,  and  H.  J.  Gitelman.)  "Ev- 
idence for  a  Humoral  Natriuretic  Factor,"  Clinical  Research,  17 
(April  1969),  425. 

(With  L.  E.  Dufresne  and  C.  Wallas.)  "Intracellular  Sodium 
Concentration  and  the  Eate  of  Sodium  Exchange  Diffusion  in  the 
Erythrocyte,"  Clinical  Research,  17  (April  1969),  428. 

"A  Further  Evaluation  of  Erythrocyte  Sodium  Transport  in 
Control  Subjects  and  Patients  with  Uremia,"  Nephron,  6  (May- 
June  1969),  406-17. 

(With  C.  Cole  and  W.  B.  Blythe.)  "Lack  of  Correlation 
Between  Diuretic  Action  and  Inhibition  of  Ouabain-Sensitive 
ATPase,"  Journal  of  Clinical  Investigation,  48  (June  1969),  17a. 

"Bed  Cell  Sodium  Pump  and  Uremia,"  Symposium  on  Uremic 
Toxicity,  Proceedings  of  the  Fourth  International  Congress  of 
Nephrology  (June  1969),  46. 

(With  C.  Cole  and  W.  B.  Blythe.)  "Lack  of  Correlation 
Between  Diuretic  Action  and  Inhibition  of  Ouabain-Sensitive 
ATPase,"  Proceedings  of  the  Fourth  International  Congress  of 
Nephrology  (June  1969),  202. 



(With  W.  B.  Blythe,  D.  0.  D'Avila,  and  H.  J.  Gitelman.)  "Ev- 
idence for  a  Humoral  Natriuretic  Factor,"  Proceedings  of  the 
Fourth  International  Congress  of  Nephrology  (June  1969),  370. 

(With  R.  Whang,  J.  Oliver,  and  M.  MacDowell.)  "Renal  Lesions 
and  Disturbance  of  Renal  Function  in  Rats  with  Magnesium  De- 
ficiency," Annals  of  the  New  York  Academy  of  Science,  162  (Au- 
gust 1969),  766-74. 

(With  H.  J.  Gitelman  and  J.  B.  Graham.)  "A  Familial  Disorder 
Characterized  by  Hypokalemia  and  Hypomagnesemia,"  Annals  of 
the  New  York  Academy  of  Science,  162  (August  1969),  856-64. 

(With  H.  J.  Gitelman.)  " Magnesium  Deficiency,"  Annual  Re- 
view of  Medicine,  20  (1969),  233-42. 

(With  C.  H.  Wallas.)  "Relationship  of  Phosphoglycerate  Kinase 
(PGK)  to  Hypermetabolism  in  Erythrocytes  in  Uremia,"  Clinical 
Research,  18  (January  and  April  1970),  66  and  519. 

(With  E.  K.  M.  Smith.)  "The  Red  Blood  Cell  as  a  Model  for 
the  Study  of  Uremic  Toxins,"  Archives  of  Internal  Medicine,  126 
(November  1970),  827-30. 

Clayton  Eugene  Wheeler,  Jr. 

(With  R.  A.  Briggaman  and  R.  R.  Henderson.)  "Discrimination 
Between  Two  Strains  (Types)  of  Herpes  Simplex  Virus  by  Various 
Modifications  of  the  Neutralization  Test,"  Journal  of  Immunology, 
102  (May  1969),  1179-92. 

(With  R.  A.  Briggaman.)  "Growth  of  Herpes  Simplex  Virus 
in  Adult  Human  Skin  Organ  Cultures,"  Proceedings  of  the  Society 
for  Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine,  132  (November  1969), 

(With  B.  A.  Cohn  and  R.  A.  Briggaman.)  1 ' Schleredema  Adul- 
torum  of  Buschke  and  Diabetes  Mellitus,"  Archives  of  Dermatology, 
101  (January  1970),  27-35. 

James  Watson  Woods 

"Interrelationships  of  Oral  Contraceptives  and  Hypertension," 
in  Metabolic  Effects  of  Gonadal  Hormones  and  Contraceptive 
Steroids,  eds.,  Salhanick,  Kipnis  and  Vande  Wiele.  New  York: 
Plenum  Press,  1969.  Pp.  471-75. 

(With  G.  W.  Liddle,  E.  G.  Stant,  Jr.,  A.  M.  Michelakis,  and 
A.  B.  Brill.)  "Antihypertensive  Effects  of  an  Adrenal  Inhibitor, 
Aminogluthetimide,  in  Patients  with  'Essential'  Hypertension  and 
Subnormal  Renin,"  Clinical  Research,  17  (January  1969),  67. 

(With  A.  M.  Michelakis,  G.  W.  Liddle,  and  E.  C.  Klatte.)  "A 
Predictable  Error  in  Use  of  Renal  Vein  Renin  in  Diagnosing  Hy- 



p er tension, "  Archives  of  Internal  Medicine,  123  (April  1969), 

(With  G.  W.  Liddle,  E.  G.  Stant,  Jr.,  A.  M.  Michelakis,  and  A.  B. 
Brill.)  " Effect  of  an  Adrenal  Inhibitor  in  Hypertensive  Patients 
with  Suppressed  Renin,"  Archives  of  Internal  Medicine,  123  (April 
1969),  366-70. 

Daniel  Test  Young 

(With  W.  P.  Hood,  Jr.,  C.  E.  Eackley,  and  E.  L.  Rolett.)  "Left 
Ventricular  End-Diastolic  Pressure  in  Chronic  Heart  Disease," 
American  Journal  of  Medicine,  48  (March  1970),  310-19. 

William  Jay  Yotjnt 

(With  R.  Hong,  M.  Seligmann,  R.  Good,  and  H.  G.  Kunkel.) 
"Imbalances  of  Gamma  Globulin  Subgroups  and  Gene  Defects  in 
Patients  with  Primary  Hypogammaglobulinemia, ' '  Journal  of  Clin- 
ical Investigation,  49  (November  1970),  1957-66. 

Department  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology 

William  E.  Beennee 

(With  C.  H.  Hendricks  and  G.  Kraus.)  "The  Normal  Cervical 
Dilatation  Pattern  in  Late  Pregnancy  and  Labor, ' '  American  Jour- 
nal of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  106  (April  1970),  1065-82. 

(With  C.  H.  Hendricks.)  "Cardiovascular  Effects  of  Oxytocic 
Drugs  Used  Post-Partum, "  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and 
Gynecology,  108  (November  1970),  751-60. 

"Krukenberg  Tumor,"  Ob-Gyn  Collected  Letters  of  the  Inter- 
national Correspondence  Society  of  Obstetricians  and  Gynecol- 
ogists, Series  11  (November  1970),  187-88. 

Takey  Ceist 

"Surgical  Management  of  Tubal  Pregnancy:  Effect  on  Subse- 
quent Fertility,"  Southern  Medical  Journal,  62  (1969),  954. 

(With  W.  E.  Roberson.)  " Urethro vesical  Needle  Suspension: 
Post-operative  Loss  of  Vesical  Neck  Support  Demonstrated  by  Chain 
Cystography,"  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  34  (1969),  489. 

"Coronary  Artery  Aneurysms,"  North  Carolina  Medical  Jour- 
nal, 30  (1969),  326. 

(With  J.  F.  Hulka.)  "The  Influence  of  Maternal  Epinephrine 
on  Behavior  of  the  Offspring,"  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and 
Gynecology,  106  (1970),  687. 



William  Ewakt  Easteelixg,  Jr. 

(With  L.  M.  Talbert  and  W.  E.  Roberson.)  "Urinary  Estriol 
in  the  Management  of  Complicated  Pregnancies,"  Southern  Med- 
ical Journal,  62  (1969),  1090. 

(With  L.  M.  Talbert.)  "Estriol  Excretion  in  Normal  and  Com- 
plicated Pregnancies,"  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and  Gyne- 
cology, 107  (June  1970),  417. 

John  I.  Fishburne,  Je. 

(With  L.  Palnmbo  and  G.  G.  Koch.)  "Primary  Carcinoma  of 
the  Vagina,"  Southern  Medical  Journal.  62  (September  1969), 

Charles  H.  Hexdeicks 

"Management  of  Dysfunctional  Labor,"  in  Controversy  in  Ob- 
stetrics and  Gynecology,  eds.,  D.  Reid  and  T.  Barton.  Philadelphia : 
W.  B.  Saunders  Company,  1969.  Pp.  165-69. 

"The  Physiologic  Response  to  Uterine  Contractions,"  in  Pre- 
natal Life,  ed.,  H.  Mack.  Detroit:  Wayne  State  University  Press, 
1970.  Pp.  55-75. 

"The  Reproductive  Capacity  of  an  Infertile  Population,"  Fer- 
tility and  Sterility,  20  (March- April  1969),  289. 

"Uterine  Contractility  in  the  First  Day  of  the  Peuperium," 
American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology.  103  (January 
1969),  238. 

"Changes  in  Uterine  Blood  Flow  During  Uterine  Contrac- 
tions," American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  103  (April 
1969),  1108. 

"Effect  of  Ergot  Derivatives  and  Sparteine  Sulfate  upon  the 
Human  Uterus,"  Lying-in.  3  (March  1969),  147. 

"The  Importance  of  Uterine  Blood  Flow  Change  in  the  Initi- 
ation of  Labor:  A  New  Hypothesis,"  American  Journal  of  Ob- 
stetrics and  Gynecology,  105  (October  1969),  535. 

"Dysfunctional  Labor  Due  to  Fecal  Impaction:  Report  of  a 
Case,"  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  34  (October  1969),  502. 

"Is  an  Internship  Necessary?"  The  Journal  of  Reproductive 
Medicine,  4c  (May  1970),  162. 

"Studies  of  Human  Tubal  Motility  in  vivo."  American  Journal 
of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  106  (January  1970),  79. 

"The  Control  of  Labor,"  Gynecologic  Investigation.  Volume  1. 
Supplement  (1970),  38. 

(With  W.  E.  Brenner.)  "Normal  Cervical  Dilatation  Pattern 
in  Pregnancy  and  Labor,"  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and 
Gynecology,  106  (April  1970),  1065. 



''Intrauterine  Resting  Pressure  in  the  Nonpregnant  Uterus, " 
American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  108  (October 
1970),  450. 

(With  W.  E.  Brenner.)  "Cardiovascular  Effects  of  Oxytocic 
Drugs  Used  Postpartum,"  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and 
Gynecology,  108  (November  1970),  751. 

Jaroslav  F.  Hulka 

"Ovarian  Transplantation:  Graft-Host  Interactions  in  Corneal 
Encapsulated  Homograf ts, "  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and 
Gynecology,  103  (1969),  78. 

"A  Mathematical  Model  Study  of  Contraceptive  Efficiency  and 
Unplanned  Pregnancies,"  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and 
Gynecology,  104  (June  1969),  443. 

(With  K.  F.  Omran.)  "The  Uterine  Cervix  as  a  Potential  Local 
Antibody  Secretor,"  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecol- 
ogy, 104  (June  1969),  440. 

(With  K.  Mohr.)  "Placental  Hormones  and  Graft  Rejection," 
American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  104  (July  1969), 

"Tubal  Ligation  as  Part  of  Family  Planning  in  India,"  Amer- 
ican Journal  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  105  (October  1969),  434. 

"Other  Methods  of  Conception  Control,"  in  Family  Planning 
Today,  ed.,  A.  Rubin.  Philadelphia:  F.  A.  Davis  and  Company, 
1969.  Pp.  73-86. 

(With  T.  Crist.)  "The  Influence  of  Maternal  Epinephrine  on 
Fertility,  Newborn  Weight  and  Behavior  of  the  Offspring, ' '  Amer- 
ican Journal  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  106  (March  1970),  687. 

"Elective  Vasectomy  by  American  Urologist  in  1967,"  Fertility 
and  Sterility,  21  (August  1970),  615. 

Leonard  Palumbo,  Jr. 

(With  J.  I.  Fishburne  and  G.  G.  Koch.)  "Primary  Carcinoma 
of  the  Vagina,"  Southern  Medical  Journal,  62  (September  1969), 

(With  W.  C.  Fowler.)  "Ureteral  Strictures  Following  Therapy 
for  Carcinoma  of  the  Cervix,"  Cancer,  24  (July  1969),  77. 

(With  W.  C.  Fowler  and  G.  G.  Koch.)  "Carcinoma  of  the 
Vulva;  Influence  of  Radical  Operation  on  Cure  Rate,"  Obstetrics 
and  Gynecology,  35  (January  1970),  1. 

M.  Steven  Piver 

' '  Simple  Removal  of  Cerclage  Suture  for  Incompetent  Cervix, ' 7 
Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  33  (1969),  435. 



' '  Clinical  Evaluation  of  Hypertension  Six  "Weeks  Post  Partum, ' ' 
Southern  Medical  Journal,  62  (1969),  559. 

' 1  The  Ke-evaluation  of  Multiple  Cesarean  Sections, ' '  Obstetrics 
and  Gynecology,  34  (1969),  690. 

" Influence  of  Luteal  Cysts  on  Menstrual  Function,"  Obstetrics 
and  Gynecology,  35  (1970),  740. 

Robert  A.  Ross 

"Repetitive  Premature  Labor,"  in  Controversy  in  Obstetrics  and 
Gynecology,  eds.,  D.  Reid  and  T.  Barton.  Philadelphia:  W.  B. 
Saunders  Company,  1969.  Pp.  79-84. 

"Sexual  Problems  in  Clinical  Practice,"  The  West  Virginia 
Medical  Journal,  65  (January  1969),  16. 

"Vaginal  Prolapse  and  Stress  Urinary  Incontinence,"  The 
West  Virginia  Medical  Journal,  65  (March  1969),  77. 

Luther  M.  Talbert 

(With  W.  E.  Easterling,  Jr.,  and  W.  E.  Roberson.)  "Urinary 
Estriol  in  the  Management  of  Complicated  Pregnancies,"  Southern 
Medical  Journal,  62  (1969),  1090. 

Discussion  of  paper  by  R.  P.  Rankin,  "Prolonged  Anovulation 
Subsequent  to  Oral  Progestins,"  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics 
and  Gynecology,  130  (1969),  919. 

(With  W.  E.  Easterling,  Jr.)  "Estriol  Excretion  in  Normal 
and  Complicated  Pregnancies,"  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics 
and  Gynecology,  107  (June  1970),  417. 

"Hyperthyroidism  in  Pregnancy,"  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology, 
36  (1970),  5. 

Department  of  Ophthalmology 

Leslie  Morgan  Hale 

"Betadine  in  Experimental  Herpes  Infections,"  Proceedings  of 
Annual  Staff  Meeting,  Department  of  Ophthalmology,  7  (1969), 

"The  Treatment  of  Corneal  Ulcer  with  Povidone-Iodine  (Beta- 
dine),"  North  Carolina  Medical  Journal,  30  (Februarv  1969), 

"  Orbito-Cerebral  Phycomycosis, "  Southern  Medical  Journal,  63 
(August  1970),  886-90. 

"Pseudotumor  of  the  Orbit,"  Proceedings  of  Annual  Staff 
Meeting,  Department  of  Ophthalmology,  8  (1970),  21-24. 



Samuel  Dace  McPherson",  Jr. 

"Introduction  to  Section  on  Surgery,"  in  Year  Book  of 
Ophthalmology,  ed.,  William  F.  Hughes.  Chicago :  Year  Book  Med- 
ical Publishers,  1969.  Pp.  364-65  . 

(With  C.  McCulloch  and  G.  Mackenson.)  "Report  of  the  Com- 
mittee on  Suture  Materials,"  in  Advances  in  Ophthalmology,  eds., 
M.  J.  Koper-Hall,  H.  Sautter,  and  E.  B.  Streiff.  Basel,  Switzer- 
land: S.  Karger,  1970.  Pp.  31-34. 

(With  L.  W.  Moore,  Jr.,  J.  K.  Crawford,  and  R.  G.  Michels.) 
"Original  Investigations  on  Corneal  Suture  Material,"  in  Ad- 
vances in  Ophthalmology,  eds.,  M.  J.  Roper-Hall,  H.  Sautter,  and 
E.  B.  Streiff.  Basel,  Switzerland:  S.  Karger,  1970.  Pp.  49-57. 

"Microsurgery  for  Glaucoma,"  in  Advances  in  Ophthalmol- 
ogy, eds.,  M.  J.  Roper-Hall,  H.  Sautter,  and  E.  B.  Streiff.  Basel, 
Switzerland :  S.  Karger,  1970.  Pp.  166-70. 

' '  Summary  of  the  Suture  Material  Development, ' '  in  Advances 
in  Ophthalmology,  eds.,  M.  J.  Roper-Hall,  H.  Sautter,  and  E.  B. 
Streiff.  Basel,  Switzerland:  S.  Karger,  1970.  Pp.  274-75. 

"Introduction  to  Section  on  Surgery,"  in  Year  Book  of 
Ophthalmology,  ed.,  William  F.  Hughes.  Chicago :  Year  Book  Med- 
ical Publishers,  1970.  Pp.  346-48. 

"Nylon  Sutures  in  Anterior  Segment  Surgery,"  Proceedings 
of  Annual  Staff  Meeting,  Department  of  Ophthalmology,  7  (1969), 

(With  J.  J.  Johnson  and  F.  W.  Stocker.)  "Full  Thickness  in 
Deep  Lamellar  Beds,"  North  Carolina  Medical  Journal,  30  (March 
1969),  89-94. 

Discussion  of  "Ocular  Microsurgery  with  Special  Reference  to 
Traumatic  and  Senile  Cataract,"  by  Joel  B.  Pollard  and  George 
M.  Haik,  Southern  Medical  Journal,  62  (June  1969),  638. 

"Annual  Staff  Meeting,  University  of  North  Carolina,"  Amer- 
ican Journal  of  Ophthalmology,  68  (September  1969),  520-22. 

(With  L.  W.  Moore.)  "A  Statistical  Analysis  of  Microsurgery 
in  Cataract  Extraction,"  Ophthalmic  Surgery,  1  (1970),  39-42. 

(With  J.  R.  Crawford.)  "The  Use  of  Nylon  Sutures  in  Anterior 
Segment  Surgery,"  Eye,  Ear,  Nose  and  Throat  Monthly,  49  (Sep- 
tember 1970),  420-23. 

Lawrence  Wright  Moore,  Jr. 

"Statistical  Evaluation  of  Microsurgery,"  Proceedings  of  An- 
nual Staff  Meeting,  Department  of  Ophthalmology,  7  (1969),  67-75. 
"A  Comparison  of  Basal  and  Peripheral  Radial  Iridotomy," 



Proceedings  of  Annual  Staff  Meeting,  Department  of  Ophthalmol- 
ogy, 8  (1970),  75-78. 

Department  of  Pediatrics 

Wallace  Alexander  Clyde,  Je. 

"  Biophysical  Characteristics  of  the  Mycoplasmas,"  in  The  My- 
coplasmatales  and  the  L-Phase  of  Bacteria,  ed.,  L.  Hayflick.  New 
York:  Appleton-Century-Crofts,  1969.  Pp.  349-63. 

" Diseases  Due  to  Cell  Wall-Deficient  Organisms,"  in  Brenne- 
mann-Kelly  Practice  of  Pediatrics,  Volume  2,  ed.,  Vincent  C.  Kelly. 
Hagerstown,  Maryland:  Harper  and  Kow,  1970.  Pp.  1-7. 

" Prevention  of  Disease  Due  to  Mycoplasma  pneumoniae,"  Jour- 
nal of  Infectious  Diseases,  120  (1969),  255. 

(With  R.  P.  Lipman.)  ''The  Interrelationship  of  Virulence, 
Cytadsorption  and  Peroxide  Formation  in  Mycoplasma  pneu- 
moniae," Proceedings  of  the  Society  for  Experimental  Biology  and 
Medicine,  113  (1969),  1163. 

(With  R.  P.  Lipman  and  F.  W.  Denny.)  "Characteristics  of 
Virulent,  Attenuated  and  Avirulent  Mycoplasma  pneumoniae 
Strains,"  Journal  of  Bacteriology,  100  (1969),  1037. 

(With  A.  M.  Collier  and  F.  W.  Denny.)  "Biologic  Effects  of 
Mycoplasma  pneumoniae  and  Other  Mycoplasmas  from  Man  on 
Hamster  Tracheal  Organ  Culture,"  Proceedings  of  the  Society  for 
Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine,  132  (1969),  1153. 

(With  G.  W.  Fernald.)  "Protective  Effects  of  Vaccines  in  Ex- 
perimental Mycoplasma  pneumoniae  Disease,"  Infection  and  Im- 
munity, 1  (1970),  559. 

Albert  M.  Collier 

(With  W.  A.  Clyde,  Jr.,  and  F.  W.  Denny.)  "Biologic  Effects 
of  Mycoplasma  pneumoniae  and  Other  Mycoplasma  from  Man  on 
Hamster  Tracheal  Organ  Culture,"  Proceedings  of  the  Society  for 
Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine,  132  (1969),  1153. 

Floyd  Wolfe  Denny,  Jr. 

"The  Replete  Pediatrician  and  the  Etiology  of  Lower  Res- 
piratory Tract  Infections,"  Pediatric  Research,  3  (1969),  463-70. 

(With  A.  M.  Collier  and  W.  A.  Clyde,  Jr.)  "Biologic  Effects  of 
Mycoplasma  pneumoniae  and  other  Mycoplasmas  from  Man  on 
Hamster  Tracheal  Organ  Culture,"  Proceedings  of  the  Society  for 
Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine,  132  (1969),  1153. 

(With  R.  P.  Lipman  and  W.  A.  Clyde,  Jr.)  "Characteristics  of 



Virulent,  Attenuated  and  Avirulent  Mycoplasma  pneumoniae 
Strains,"  Journal  of  Bacteriology,  100  (1969),  1037. 

(With  W.  Paul  Glezen  and  F.  A.  Loda.)  "A  Field  Evaluation 
of  Inactivated,  Zonal  Centrifuged  Influenza  Vaccines  in  Children 
in  Chapel  Hill,  North  Carolina,  1968-1969,"  Bulletin  of  the  World 
Health  Organization,  41  (1970),  566-69. 

Maeilyn  Tarasiewicz  Erickson 
(See  entries  under  Psychiatry.) 

Gerald  W.  Fernald 

"Immunologic  Aspects  of  Experimental  Mycoplasma  pneu- 
moniae Infection,"  Journal  of  Infectious  Diseases,  119  (1969),  255. 

(With  W.  A.  Clyde,  Jr.)  "Protective  Effect  of  Vaccines  in  Ex- 
perimental Mycoplasma  pneumoniae  Disease,"  Infection  and  Im- 
munity, 599  (1970),  1. 

Frank  Sikes  French 

(With  A.  L.  Strickland,  J.  A.  Macfie,  and  J.  J.  Van  Wyk.) 
"Ectopic  Thyroids  Simulating  Thyroglossal  Duct  Cysts:  Hypo- 
thyroidism Following  Surgical  Excision,"  Journal  of  the  Amer- 
ican Medical  Association,  208  (1969),  307-10. 

(With  G.  J.  Antony,  J.  J.  Van  Wyk,  R.  P.  Weaver,  G.  S.  Dug- 
ger,  R.  L.  Timmons,  and  J.  F.  Newsome.)  "The  Influence  of  Pi- 
tuitary Stalk  Section  on  Growth  Hormone,  Insulin  and  TSH  Se- 
cretion in  Women  with  Metastatic  Breast  Cancer,"  Journal  of 
Clinical  Endocrinology  and  Metabolism,  29  (1969),  1238-50. 

(With  J.  A.  Macfie,  B.  Baggett,  T.  F.  Williams,  and  J.  J.  Van 
Wyck.)  "Cushing's  Syndrome  with  a  Paradoxical  Response  to 
Dexamethasone, "  American  Journal  of  Medicine,  47  (1969),  619-24. 

(With  A.  L.  Strickland.)  "Absence  of  Response  to  Dihydro- 
testosterone  in  Complete  Testicular  Feminization,"  Journal  of 
Clinical  Endocrinology  and  Metabolism,  29  (1969),  1284-86. 

(With  A.  L.  Strickland  and  S.  N.  Nayfeh.)  "Conversion  of 
Cholesterol  to  Testosterone  and  Androstanediol  in  Testicular  Ho- 
mogenates  of  Immature  and  Mature  Rats,"  Steroids,  15  (1970, 

William  Paul  Glezen 

(With  F.  A.  Loda.)  "Viral  Infections  of  the  Respiratory  Tract," 
in  Brenneman-Kelley  Practice  of  Pediatrics,  Volume  2,  ed.,  Vincent 
C.  Kelly.  Hagerstown,  Maryland:  Harper  and  Row,  1970.  Pp.  1-21. 

(With  R.  H.  McCollough,  G.  A.  Lamb,  and  T.  D.  Y.  Chin.) 
"Booster  Effect  of  Oral  Poliovaccine  Trials  in  Persons  Previously 



Immunized  with  Inactivated  Vaccine,"  American  Journal  of 
Diseases  of  Children,  117  (1969),  161-68. 

(With  R.  H.  McCollough,  G.  A.  Lamb,  and  T.  D.  Y.  Chin.) 
"  Quantitative  Relationship  of  Preexisting  Homotypic  Antibodies 
to  the  Excretion  of  Poliovirus  Types  1,  2  and  3  Following  the 
Feeding  of  Trivalent  Attenuated  Poliovirus  Vaccine,"  American 
Journal  of  Epidemiology,  90  (August  1969),  146. 

(With  F.  A.  Loda  and  F.  W.  Denny.)  "A  Field  Evaluation  of 
Inactivated,  Zonal  Centrifuged  Influenza  Vaccines  in  Children  in 
Chapel  Hill,  North  Carolina,  1968-1969,"  Bulletin  of  the  World 
Health  Organization,  41  (1970),  566-69. 

Herbert  Spencer  Harned,  Jr. 

" Respiration  and  the  Respiratory  System,"  in  Physiology  of 
the  Perinatal  Period,  Volume  1,  ed.,  U.  Stave.  New  York:  Appleton- 
Century-Crofts,  Inc.,  1970.  Pp.  43-107. 

(With  R.  T.  Herrington  and  J.  Ferreiro.)  "The  Effects  of 
Immersion  and  Temperature  on  the  Respiration  of  Newly  Born 
Lambs, ' '  Pediatrics,  45  (April  1970) ,  598-605. 

Robert  Thomas  Herrington 

"Pulmonary  Function,"  in  Physiology  of  the  Perinatal  Period, 
ed.,  U.  Stave.  New  York:  Appleton-Century-Crofts,  Inc.,  1970.  Pp. 

(With  H.  S.  Harned,  Jr.,  and  J.  Ferreiro.)  "The  Effects  of 
Immersion  and  Temperature  on  the  Respiration  of  Newly  Born 
Lambs,"  Pediatrics,  45  (April  1970),  598-605. 

A.  Myron  Johnson 

(With  C.  A.  Alper.)  "Deficiency  of  Alphai-antitrypsin  in  Child- 
hood Liver  Disease,"  Pediatrics,  46  (1970),  921. 

(With  C.  A.  Alper.)  " Alphai-antitrypsin  Deficiency  and  Dis- 
ease," Pediatrics,  46  (1970),  837. 

Henry  Neil  Kirkman 

"Dominant  Mutations-biochemical  Basis  for  Phenotype,"  in 
Congenital  Malformations,  eds.,  F.  C.  Clarke  and  V.  A.  McKusick. 
Amsterdam:  Excerpta  Medica  Foundation,  1970.  Pp.  209. 

(With  L.  L.  Eng.)  "Variants  of  Glucose-6-phosphate  Dehydro- 
genase in  Indonesia,"  Nature,  221  (1969),  959. 

(With  B.  Ramot  and  J.  T.  Lee.)  "Altered  Aggregational  Prop- 
erties in  a  Genetic  Variant  of  Human  Glucose-6-phosphate  De- 
hydrogenase," Biochemical  Genetics,  3  (1969),  137. 



Fkank  Aloysius  Loda,  Je. 

(With  W.  P.  Glezen.)  "Viral  Infections  of  the  Respiratory 
Tract,"  in  Brennemann-Kelly  Practice  of  Pediatrics,  Volume  2, 
ed.,  Vincent  C.  Kelly.  Hagerstown,  Maryland:  Harper  and  Row, 
1970.  Pp.  1-21. 

(With  W.  P.  Glezen  and  F.  W.  Denny.)  "A  Field  Evaluation 
of  Inactivated,  Zonal-Centrifuged  Influenza  Vaccines  in  Children 
in  Chapel  Hill,  North  Carolina,  1968-1969,"  Bulletin  of  the  World 
Health  Organization,  41  (1970),  566-69. 

Campbell  White  McMillan 

" Sickle  Cell  Anemia,"  in  Current  Therapy,  ed.,  Howard  F. 
Conn.  Philadelphia:  W.  B.  Saunders  Company,  1970.  Pp.  222-24. 

(With  H.  R.  Roberts,  M.  R.  Knowles,  and  T.  L.  Jones.)  Use  of 
Factor  VIII  Concentrates  in  the  Management  of  Patients  with 
Factor  VIII  Inhibitors  in  Hemophilia  and  New  Hemorrhagic  States, 
ed.,  K.  M.  Brinkhous.  Chapel  Hill :  The  University  of  North  Car- 
olina Press,  1970.  Pp.  152-63. 

"Mongolism  and  Anemia,"  Clinical  Pediatrics,  9  (September 
1970),  553-54. 

"What  Kind  of  Anemia?"  Clinical  Pediatrics,  9  (November 
1970),  688-89. 

(With  R.  B.  Raney,  Jr.)  "Simultaneous  Disparity  of  Bone 
Marrow  Specimens  in  Acute  Leukemia,"  American  Journal  of 
Diseases  of  Children,  117  (1969),  548-52. 

(With  W.  P.  Webster,  H.  R,  Roberts,  and  W.  B.  Blythe.)  "Con- 
tinuous Intravenous  Infusion  of  Factor  VIII  in  Classic  Hemo- 
philia," British  Journal  of  Haematology,  18  (1970),  659. 

Judson  John  van  Wyk 

(With  A.  L.  Strickland,  J.  A.  Macfie,  and  F.  S.  French)  "Ec- 
topic Thyroids  Simulating  Thyroglossal  Duct  Cysts:  Hypothyroid- 
ism Following  Excision,"  Journal  of  the  American  Medical  As- 
sociation, 208  (1969),  307-10. 

(With  G.  J.  Antony,  F.  S.  French,  R.  P.  Weaver,  G.  S.  Dugger, 
R.  L.  Timmons,  and  J.  F.  Newsome.)  "The  Influence  of  Pituitary 
Stalk  Section  on  Growth  Hormone,  Insulin  and  TSH  Secretion  in 
Women  with  Metastatic  Breast  Cancer,"  Journal  of  Clinical  Endo- 
crinology and  Metabolism,  29  (1969),  1238-50. 

(With  F.  S.  French,  J.  A.  Macfie,  B.  Baggett,  and  R.  F.  Wil- 
liams.) "Cushing's  Disease  with  a  Paradoxical  Response  to  Dexa- 
methasone,"  The  American  Journal  of  Medicine,  47  (1969),  619-24. 

(With  K.  Hall  and  R.  P.  Weaver.)  "Partial  Purification  of 



Sulphation  Factor  and  Thymidine  Factor  from  Plasma,"  Bio- 
chemica  et  Biophysica  Acta,  192  (1969),  560-62. 

"Disorders  of  the  Ovary,"  in  Current  Pediatric  Therapy,  eds., 
S.  Grellis  and  B.  Kagan.  4th  edition.  Philadelphia :  W.  B.  Saunders 
Company,  1970.  Pp.  477-80. 

Division  of  Physical  Therapy 

Maejoey  Wilson  Johnson 

Review  of  Florence  McKeown,  Pathology  of  the  Aged  (Wash- 
ington: Butterworth  and  Company,  Ltd.,  1966),  in  Physical  Ther- 
apy, 49  (January  1969),  106. 

Review  of  Doris  J.  Johnson  and  Helmer  R.  Myklebust,  Learning 
Disabilities  (New  York:  Grune  and  Stratton,  1967),  in  Physical 
Therapy,  49  (February  1969),  214. 

Review  of  Irving  E.  Sigel  and  Frank  H.  Hooper,  Logical  Think- 
ing in  Children:  Research  Based  on  Piaget's  Theory  (New  York: 
Holt,  Rinehart  and  Winston,  Inc.,  1968),  in  Physical  Therapy,  50 
(January  1970),  135-36. 

Sakah  Ann  Millee 

"Public  Health  in  the  Prysical  Therapy  Curriculum  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  North  Carolina,"  in  Institute  on  Community  Health 
Aspects  of  Physical  Therapy  Education,  ed.,  Nancy  Laszlo.  Coun- 
cil of  Physical  Therapy  School  Directors,  Department  of  Public 
Health  Administration,  School  of  Public  Health,  University  of 
North  Carolina,  February  1969.  Pp.  74-83. 

Maegaeet  Lee  Mooee 

"The  Fallacy  of  Peaceful  Change,"  Physical  Therapy,  49  (Feb- 
ruary 1969),  133-38. 

"The  Legal  Status  of  Students  of  Health  Sciences  in  Clinical 
Education,"  Physical  Therapy,  49  (June  1969),  573-81. 

Review  of  J.  Harold  Rudd  and  Rubin  Margolin,  eds.,  Main- 
tenance Therapy  for  the  Geriatric  Patient  (Springfield,  Illinois: 
Charles  C.  Thomas,  1968),  in  Physical  Therapy,  49  (July  1969), 

Chaelene  M.  Nelson 

Review  of  Sidney  Licht,  ed.,  Rehabilitation  and  Medicine  (New 
Haven,  Connecticut:  Elizabeth  Licht),  in  Physical  Therapy,  50 
(March  1970),  449. 



Mary  Clyde  Singleton 

Review  of  Jerzy  Konorski,  Integrated  Activity  of  the  Brain:  An 
Interdisciplinary  Approach  ( Chicago :  University  of  Chicago  Press, 

1967)  ,  in  Physical  Therapy,  49  (January  1969),  107. 

Review  of  Jerzy  Chorobski,  Neurological  Proolems  (New  York: 
Pergamon  Press,  1967),  in  Physical  Therapy,  49  (January  1969), 

Review  of  Joseph  C.  Chusid  and  Joseph  J.  McDonald,  Correla- 
tive Neuroanatomy  and  Functional  Neurology,  13th  Edition  (Los 
Altos,  California:  Lange  Medical  Publications,  1967),  in  Physical 
Therapy,  49  (May  1969),  539-40. 

Review  of  Francis  0.  Schmidtt  and  Theodore  Melnechus,  eds., 
Neurosciences  Research  Symposium  Summaries  (Cambridge:  The 
Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  Press,  1966),  in  Physical 
Therapy,  49  (February  1969),  218. 

Review  of  E.  A.  Asratyan,  ed.,  Brain  Reflexes,  Progress  in  Brain 
Research,  Volume  22  (New  York:  Elsevier  Publishing  Company, 

1968)  ,  in  Physical  Therapy,  50  (June  1970),  931-32. 

Department  of  Psychiatry 

Joseph  F.  Aponte 

(With  A.  J.  Lott,  B.  E.  Lott,  and  W.  H.  McGinley. )"  f heEf- 
fect  of  Delayed  Reward  on  the  Development  of  Positive  Attitudes 
Toward  Persons,"  Journal  of  Experimental  Social  Psychology,  5 
(January  1969),  101-13. 

(With  D.  R.  Offord  and  L.  A.  Cross.)  " Presenting  Symptomatol- 
ogy of  Adopted  Children,"  Archives  of  General  Psychiatry,  20 
(January  1969),  110-16. 

(With  R.  M.  Doctor,  A.  Burry,  and  R.  Welsh.)  "Group  Coun- 
seling Versus  Behavior  Therapy  in  Treatment  of  College  Under- 
aehievement, "  Behavior  Research  and  Therapy,  8  (February 
1970),  87-89. 

William  E.  Bake  well,  Jr. 

(With  John  A.  Ewing.)  "Therapy  of  Non-Narcotic  Psycho- 
active Drug  Dependence,"  in  Current  Psychiatric  Therapies,  9, 
ed.,  Jules  H.  Masserman,  New  York:  Grune  and  Stratton,  1969. 
Pp.  136-43. 

Lenore  Balsam  Behar 

(With  Roger  Spencer.)  "The  Relationship  Between  Psycho- 



social  Adjustment  and  Perception  of  Maternal  Attitude, ' '  J ournal 
of  Abnormal  Psychology,  74  (August  1969),  471-73. 

(With  Roger  Spencer.)  " Adaptation  in  Hemophiliac  Ado- 
lescents," Psychosomatics,  10  (September-October  1969),  304-9. 

Review  of  Paul  Henry  Mussen,  John  J.  Conger,  and  Jerome 
Kagan,  Child  Development  and  Personality  (New  York:  Harper, 
1956),  in  Child  Development  Abstracts  and  Bibliography,  44  (Sum- 
mer 1970),  71-72. 


(With  J.  W.  Edgerton.)  "Attitudes  and  Opinions  of  Rural 
People  About  Mental  Illness  and  Program  Services,"  American 
Journal  of  Public  Health,  59  (March  1969),  470-77. 

(With  J.  W.  Edgerton  and  Marget  Kherlopian.)  "Perceptions 
of  Mental  Illness  Among  People  in  a  Rural  Area, ' '  Mental  Hygiene, 
53  (July  1969),  459-65. 

(With  F.  T.  Miller  and  J.  W.  Edgerton.)  "Perceptions  of  Men- 
tal Illness  Among  Public  School  Teachers,"  Sociology  of  Education, 
42  (Fall  1969),  400-6. 

"The  Clergyman's  Role  in  Community  Mental  Health,"  Journal 
of  Religion  and  Health,  9  (January  1970),  7-15. 

(With  W.  G.  Hollister  and  J.  W.  Edgerton.)  "Perceptions  of 
Mental  Illness  Among  Leaders  in  Two  Rural  North  Carolina  Com- 
munities," North  Carolina  Journal  of  Mental  Health,  4  (February 
1970),  19-25. 

(With  W.  G.  Hollister  and  Margaret  Kherlopian.)  "A  Com- 
parison Between  Teachers  and  the  General  Public  Regarding  At- 
titudes of  Social  Responsibility  for  Mental  Illness  and  Social  Dis- 
tance From  the  Mentally  111,"  Psychology  in  the  Schools,  7  (April 
1970),  198-203. 

(With  J.  W.  Edgerton.)  "Consensus  Between  Leaders  and  the 
Public  Regarding  Attitudes  Toward  Mental  Illness,"  Archives  of 
General  Psychiatry,  22  (May  1970),  468-73. 

(With  J.  W.  Edgerton  and  W.  G.  Hollister.)  "Demographic 
Factors  and  Responses  to  Stress  Among  Rural  People,"  American 
Journal  of  Public  Helth,  60  (June  1970),  1065-70. 

Geoege  E.  Beeese 

(With  T.  N.  Chase  and  I.  J.  Kopin.)  "Metabolism  of  Some 
Phenylethylamines  and  Their  B-Hydroxylated  Analogs  in  Brain," 
Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental  Therapeutics,  165 
(January  1969),  9-13. 

(With  T.  N.  Chase  and  I.  J.  Kopin.)  "Metabolism  of  Tyramine- 



H3  and  Octopamine-H3  by  Rat  Brain,"  Biochemical  Pharmacology, 
18  (April  1969),  863-69. 

(With  S.  M.  Schanberg,  J.  J.  Schildkraut,  and  I.  J.  Kopin.) 
"Effects  of  Psychoactive  Drugs  on  the  Metabolism  of  Intracis- 
ternally  Administered  Serotonin  in  Rat  Brain,"  Biochemical  Phar- 
macology, 18  (August  1969),  1971-78. 

(With  I.  J.  Kopin  and  V.  K.  Weise.)  "Effects  of  Amphet- 
amine Derivatives  on  Brain  Noradrenaline  and  Dopamine,"  British 
Journal  of  Pharmacology,  38  (March  1970),  537-48. 

(With  T.  N.  Chase  and  I.  J.  Kopin.)  "Effect  of  MAO  Inhibitors 
on  the  Disposition  of  Intracisternally  Administered  Metraminol- 
H3,"  Biochemical  Pharmacology,  19  (February  1970),  525-31. 

(With  T.  D.  Traylor.)  "Effect  of  6 -Hydroxy dopamine  on  Brain 
Norepinephrine  and  Dopamine:  Evidence  for  Selective  Degenera- 
tion of  Catecholamine  Neurons,"  Journal  of  Pharmacology  and 
Experimental  Therapeutics,  174  (September  1970),  413-20. 

(With  T.  D.  Traylor.)  "Effect  of  6-Hydroxydopamine  (6- 
OHDA)  on  Catecholamine  Systems  in  Brain,"  Pharmacologist,  12 
(Fall  1970),  269. 

Thomas  Edwin  Curtis 

(With  The  Group  for  the  Advancement  of  Psychiatry  Commit- 
tee.) "Crisis  in  Psychiatric  Hospitalization:  Controversies  and 
Perspectives."  New  York:  GAP  Publications,  March  1969.  Pp. 

(With  The  Group  for  the  Advancement  of  Psychiatry  Commit- 
tee.) "Toward  Therapeutic  Care:  A  Guide  for  Those  Who  Work 
With  the  Mentally  111."  2nd  edition.  New  York:  GAP  Publications, 
1969.  Pp.  529-636. 

Li  am  Daly 

(With  William  Clarkson  and  others.)  "Day  Hospital  Task 
Force  Report."  Raleigh:  North  Carolina  Department  of  Mental 
Health,  February  1970.  Pp.  20. 

William  Faenum  Eastman 

(With  Clifford  B.  Reiner  and  Myron  B.  Liptzin.)  "He  Loves 
Me,  He  Loves  Me  Not:  Student  Marital  Decisions,"  The  Journal 
of  the  American  College  Health  Association,  17  (February  1969), 

(With  Clifford  B.  Leifler.)  "Marriage  Counseling  in  the  Stu- 
dent Health  Service,"  The  Journal  of  the  American  College  Health 
Association,  17  (April  1969),  289-95. 



(With  Michael  V.  Fromhart  and  Mary  Susan  K.  Fulghum.) 
"Sexual  Problems  and  Personality  Adjustment  of  College  Women," 
The  Journal  of  the  American  College  Health  Association,  18  (De- 
cember 1969),  144-47. 

"Marriage  and  Senior  Citizens,"  North  Carolina  Journal  of 
Mental  Health,  4  (Spring  1970),  17-26. 

Jesse  Wilbert  Edgerton 

(With  W.  K.  Bentz.)  "Attitudes  and  Opinions  of  Rural  People 
about  Mental  Illness  and  Program  Services,"  American  Journal 
of  Public  Health,  59  (March  1969),  470-77. 

(With  Charles  M.  Culver,  Frances  Dunham,  and  Marianna 
Edgerton.)  "Community  Service  Workers  and  Recipients :  A  Com- 
bined Middle  Class-Lower  Class  Workshop,"  Journal  of  Applied 
Behavioral  Science,  5  (October /November/December  1969),  519-35. 

(With  W.  K.  Bentz  and  M.  Kerlopian.)  "Perceptions  of  Mental 
Illness  Among  People  in  a  Rural  Area,"  Mental  Hygiene,  53  (July 
1969),  459-65. 

(With  W.  K.  Bentz  and  F.  T.  Miller.)  "Perceptions  of  Mental 
Illness  Among  Public  School  Teachers,"  Sociology  of  Education,  42 
(Fall  1969),  400-6. 

(With  William  Gray  Hollister  and  Willard  Kenneth  Bentz.) 
"Perceptions  of  Mental  Illness  Among  Leaders  in  Two  Rural  North 
Carolina  Communities,"  North  Carolina  Journal  of  Mental  Health, 
4  (February  1970),  19-25. 

(With  W.  K.  Bentz.)  "Consensus  on  Attitudes  Toward  Mental 
Illness  Between  Leaders  and  the  General  Public  in  a  Rural  Com- 
munity," Archives  of  General  Psychiatry,  22  (May  1970),  468-73. 

(With  W.  G.  Hollister  and  W.  K.  Bentz.)  "Demographic  Fac- 
tors and  Responses  to  Stress  Among  Rural  People,"  American 
Journal  of  Public  Health,  60  (June  1970),  1065-71. 

' '  Stabilizing  Support  of  Mental  Health  Center  Programs :  Testi- 
mony on  Community  Mental  Health  Centers  Amendments  of  1969, ' ' 
American  Psychologist,  25  (October  1970),  976-79. 

Marilyn  T.  Erickson 

"MMPI  Profiles  of  Parents  of  Young  Retarded  Children," 
American  Journal  of  Mental  Deficiency,  73  (March  1969),  728-32. 

(With  N.  Johnson  and  F.  Campbell.)  "Relationships  Among 
Scores  on  Infant  Tests  for  Preschool  Children  with  Developmental 
Problems,"  American  Journal  of  Mental  Deficiency,  75  (July- 
August  1970),  102-4. 



John"  Alexander  Ewing 

(With  William  E.  Bakewell,  Jr.)  "Therapy  of  Non-Narcotic 
Psychoactive  Drug  Dependence,  Current  Psychiatric  Therapies,  9, 
ed.  Jules  H.  Masserman.  New  York:  Grune  &  Stratton,  1969.  Pp. 

(With  F.  J.  Kane  and  C.  E.  Treadway.)  "Emotional  Change 
Associated  with  Oral  Contraceptives  in  Female  Psychiatric  Pa- 
tients," Comprehensive  Psychiatry,  10:  1  (January  1969),  16-30. 

(With  M.  A.  Lipton  and  F.  J.  Kane,  Jr.)  "Hormonal  Influences 
in  Female  Sexual  "Response,"  Archives  of  General  Psychiatry,  20 
(February  1969),  202-8. 

(With  A.  Jarrahi-Zadeh,  F.  J.  Kane,  Jr.,  R.  L.  Van  de  Castle, 
and  P.  A.  Lachenbruch.)  "Emotional  and  Cognitive  Changes  in 
Pregnancy  and  Early  Puerperium,"  The  British  Journal  of  Psy- 
chiatry, 115:  524  (July  1969),  797-805. 

"Theoretical  and  Practical  Aspects  of  Family  Therapy  for  Al- 
coholism," North  Carolina  Journal  of  Mental  Health,  3  (Fall 
1969),  37-43. 

(With  Ruth  Fox,  G.  M.  Carstairs,  and  M.  H.  Beaubrun.) 
"Roundtable:  Alcohol,  Drugs  and  Sex,"  Medical  Aspects  of  Human 
Sexuality,  4  (Februaryl970),  18-34. 

"Notes  on  Quantity  Frequency  Studies  of  Alcohol  Intake," 
The  Drinking  and  Drug  Practices  Surveyor,  1:1  (Spring  1970), 

"The  Phenomenon  of  Agitation — With  Special  Comment  upon 
Handwringing, "  The  Psychiatric  Forum,  1:2  (Summer  1970), 

Review  of  John  G.  Howells,  Theory  and  Practice  of  Family  Psy- 
chiatry (Edinburgh:  Oliver  and  Boyd,  1968),  in  Psychiatry  Digest 
(June  1969),  65-66. 

Review  of  Ida  Macalpine  and  Richard  Hunter,  George  III  and 
the  Mad-Business  (New  York:  Pantheon  Books,  1970),  in  Amer- 
ican Journal  of  Psychiatry,  127  (November  1970),  5. 

Michael  V.  Fromhart 

(With  W.  F.  Eastman  and  M.  S.  K.  Fulghum.)  "Sexual  Prob- 
lems and  Personality  Adjustment  of  College  Women,"  Journal  of 
the  American  College  Health  Association,  18  (December  1969), 

William  Gray  Hollister 

"The  Service  Guide,"  American  Journal  of  Public  Health, 
(March  1970),  428-29. 



(With  W.  K.  Bentz  and  M.  Kherlopian.)  "Attitudes  of  Social 
Distance  and  Social  Responsibility  for  Mental  Illness :  A  Compari- 
son of  Teachers  and  the  General  Public,"  Psychology  in  the  Schools, 
7  (April  1970),  198-203. 

(With  J.  W.  Edgerton  and  W.  K.  Bentz.)  ' ' Demographic  Fac- 
tors and  Responses  to  Stress  Among  Rural  People,"  American 
Journal  of  Public  Health,  60  (June  1970),  1065-71. 

(With  J.  W.  Edgerton  and  W.  K.  Bentz.)  "Perceptions  of 
Mental  Illness  Among  Leaders  in  Two  Rural  North  Carolina  Com- 
munities," North  Carolina  Journal  of  Mental  Health,  4c  (February 
1970),  19-25. 

(With  F.  T.  Miller  and  R.  Pinkerton.)  "An  Action  Facilitation 
Entry  Pattern  of  Mental  Health  Consultation,"  Professional  Psy- 
chology (August  1970),  359-62. 

James  L.  Howard 

(With  M.  B.  Liptzin  and  C.  B.  Reiner.)  Invited  Testimony  be- 
fore the  Subcommittee  on  Postal  Operations  of  the  Committee  on 
Post  Office  and  Civil  Service  of  the  U.  S.  House  of  Representatives. 
Congressional  Record,  1970,  Serial  No.  91-33,  U.S.  Government 
Printing  Office,  Washington,  45-62. 

(With  C.  B.  Reiner  and  M.  B.  Liptzin.)  "Effects  of  Exposure 
to  Pornography,"  Technical  Reports  of  the  Commission  on  Ob- 
scenity and  Pornography.  Washington:  U.  S.  Printing  Office,  8 
(October  1970).  Pp.  40. 

(With  P.  A.  Obrist,  R.  A.  Webb,  and  J.  B.  Sutterer.)  "The 
Cardiacsomatic  Relationship  :  Some  Reformulations, ' '  Psychophys- 
iology,  6  (March  1970),  569-87. 

(With  P.  A.  Obrist,  R.  A.  Webb,  and  J.  R,  Sutterer.)  "Cardiac 
Deceleration  and  Reaction  Time:  An  Evaluation  of  Two  Hy- 
potheses," Psychophysiology,  6  (May  1970),  695-706. 

Review  of  Ernst  Schmidhofer,  Cerebral  Training:  An  Applica- 
tion of  Clinical  Neurophysiology,  3  (New  York:  Hafner,  1969),  in 
Social  Science  and  Medicine,  2  (November  1970),  386-87. 

Francis  Joseph  Kane,  Jr. 

"Psychosis  Associated  with  the  Use  of  Oral  Contraceptive 
Agents,"  Southern  Medical  Journal,  62  (February  1969),  190-92. 

"Addiction  to  Proposyphene, "  Journal  of  the  American  Medical 
Association,  211  (January  1970),  300. 

"Treatment  of  Mania  with  Cinaserin,"  American  Journal  of 
Psychiatry,  126  (January  1970),  144-46. 

"Current  Use  of  Hypnotic  Drugs,"  Southern  Medical  Journal, 
63  (April  1970),  376-80. 



' '  Carbon  Disulfide  Intoxication  from  Overdosage  of  Disulfiram, ' ' 
American  Journal  of  Psychiatry,  127  (November  1970),  690. 

(With  M.  Keeler,  M.  Liptzin,  and  C.  Reifler.)  " Hallucination  of 
Geometric  Forms  Associated  With  the  Use  of  Sympathomimetic 
Agents, "  Diseases  of  the  Nervous  System,  30  (January  1969),  28-30. 

(With  M.  Lipton  and  J.  Ewing.)  "Hormonal  Influences  in  Fe- 
male Sexual  Response,"  Archives  of  General  Psychiatry,  20  (Feb- 
ruary 1969),  202-9. 

(With  C.  Treadway,  A.  Jarrahi-Zadeh,  and  M.  Lipton.)  "A 
Psychoendocrine  Study  of  Pregnancy  and  Puerperium, 1 7  American 
Journal  of  Psychiatry,  125  (April  1969),  86-92. 

(With  A.  Jarrahi-Zadeh,  L.  Van  de  Castle,  J.  Ewing,  and 
P.  Lachenbruch.)  "Emotional  and  Cognitive  Changes  in  Preg- 
nancy and  Early  Puerperium,"  British  Journal  of  Psychiatry,  115 
(July  1969),  797-805. 

(With  M.  Keeler  and  C.  Reifler.)  "Neurological  Crises  Follow- 
ing Methamphetamine  Use,"  Journal  of  the  American  Medical  As- 
sociation, 210  (October  1969),  556. 

(With  D.  Marcotte,  P.  Obrist,  and  M.  Lipton.)  "Psychophysiol- 
ogic Changes  Accompanying  Oral  Contraceptive  Use,"  British 
Journal  of  Psychiatry,  116  (February  1970),  165-67. 

(With  M.  Lipton.)  "Folic  Acid  and  Mental  Illness,"  Southern 
Medical  Journal,  63  (May  1970),  603-7. 

(With  M.  Lipton,  A.  Krall,  and  P.  Obrist.)  "Psychoendocrine 
Study  of  Oral  Contraceptive  Agents,"  American  Journal  of  Psy- 
chiatry, 127  (October  1970),  85-92. 

Moreis  A.  Lipton 

"A  Consideration  of  Biological  Factors  in  Schizophrenia,"  in 
Neurobiological  Aspects  of  Psychopathology,  eds.,  J.  Zubin  and 
C.  Shogass.  New  York:  Grune  and  Stratton,  Inc.,  1969.  Pp.  310-30. 

"Some  Implications  to  the  Clinician  of  New  Neurochemical 
Research,"  in  Psycho  chemical  Research  in  Man,  eds.,  A.  J.  and 
Mary  P.  Mandell.  New  York:  Academic  Press,  1969.  Pp.  405-16. 

"The  Relevance  of  Chemically-Induced  Psychoses  to  Schizo- 
phrenia," in  Psychotomimetic  Drugs,  ed.,  Daniel  H.  Efron.  New 
York:  Raven  Press,  1970.  Pp.  231-46. 

(With  Sydney  Udenfriend.)  "Catecholamines:  Synthesis  and 
Synthesis  Inhibitors,"  in  Psychopharmacology :  A  Review  of  Pro- 
gress, 1957-1967,  eds.,  D.  H.  Efron,  J.  O.  Cole,  J.  Levine,  and  J.  R. 
Wittenborn.  Washington,  D.  C. :  American  College  of  Psycho- 
pharmacology  and  U.  S.  Public  Health  Service,  1969.  Pp.  7-12. 

(With  F.  J.  Kane,  Jr.,  and  J.  A.  Ewing.)  "Hormonal  In- 



fluences  in  Female  Sexual  Response,"  Archives  of  General  Psy- 
chiatry, 20  (February  1969),  202-9. 

(With  J.  R.  Treadway,  F.  J.  Kane,  Jr.,  A.  Jarrahi-Zadeh,  and 
R.  B.  Duke.)  "A  Psychoendocrine  Study  of  Pregnancy  and  the 
Puerperium, "  American  Journal  of  Psychiatry,  125  (April  1969), 

(With  A.  J.  Prange,  Jr.,  I.  C.  Wilson,  and  A.  M.  Rabon.)  "En- 
hancement of  Imipramine  Antidepressant  Activity  by  Thyroid 
Hormone,"  American  Journal  of  Psychiatry,  126  A  (October  1969), 

(With  D.  B.  Marcotte,  F.  J.  Kane,  Jr.,  and  P.  A.  Obrist.)  "Psy- 
chophysiologic Changes  Accompanying  Oral  Contraceptive  Use," 
British  Journal  of  Psychiatry,  116  (February  1970),  165-67. 

(With  F.  J.  Kane,  Jr.)  "Folic  Acid  and  Mental  Illness," 
Southern  Medical  Journal,  63  (May  1970),  603-7. 

(With  A.  J.  Prange,  Jr.,  T.  K.  McClane,  and  A.  M.  Rabon.) 
"Thyroid  Hormone  Enhancement  of  Imipramine  in  Non-Retarded 
Depressions,"  New  England  Journal  of  Medicine,  282  (May  1970), 

(With  A.  J.  Prange,  Jr.,  and  J.  L.  Meek.)  "Catecholamines: 
Diminished  Rate  of  Synthesis  in  Rat  Brain  and  Heart  after 
Thyroxine  Pretreatment, "  Life  Sciences,  9  (August  1970),  901-7. 

(With  I.  C.  Wilson,  A.  Knox,  T.  K.  McClane,  and  A.  J.  Prange, 
Jr.)  "Enhancement  of  Imipramine  by  Thyroid  Stimulating  Hor- 
mone :  Clinical  and  Theoretical  Implication, ' '  American  Journal  of 
Psychiatry,  127  (August  1970),  191-99. 

(With  I.  C.  Wilson,  A.  J.  Prange,  Jr.,  A.  M.  Rabon,  T.  K.  Mc- 
Clane, and  A.  E.  Knox.)  "Use  of  a  Thyroid  Hormone  to  Accelerate 
the  Action  of  Imipramine,"  Psychosomatics,  11  (September  1970), 

(With  F.  J.  Kane,  Jr.,  A.  Krall,  and  P.  A.  Obrist.)  "Psycho- 
endocrine  Study  of  Oral  Contraceptive  Agents, ' '  American  Journal 
of  Psychiatry,  127  (October  1970),  85-92. 

(With  J.  L.  Meek  and  A.  R.  Krall.)  "Psychotropic  Drugs  and 
the  Metabolism  of  Intracerebrally  Injected  Tryptamine  5-Hy- 
droxyptamine  and  Norepinephrine,"  Journal  of  Neurochemistry, 
17  (December  1970),  1627-35. 

Myron  Bennett  Liptzin 

(With  F.  J.  Kane,  Jr.,  M.  H.  Keeler,  and  C.  B.  Reiner.)  "Hal- 
lucination of  Geometric  Forms  Associated  with  the  Use  of  Sym- 
patho-Mimetic  Agents,"  Diseases  of  the  Nervous  System,  30  (Jan- 
uary 1969),  28-30. 

(With  W.  F.  Eastman  and  C.  B.  Reiner.)  "He  Loves  Me,  He 



Loves  Me  Not :  Student  Marital  Decision, ' '  Journal  of  the  American 
College  Health  Association,  17  (February  1969),  230-37. 

(With  C.  B.  Eeifler.)  ' ' Epidemiological  Studies  of  College 
Mental  Health,"  Archives  of  General  Psychiatry,  20  (May  1969), 

(With  C.  B.  Eeifler.)  "Entering  College  With  A  Psychiatric 
History,"  American  Journal  of  Psychiatry,  125  (June  1969),  1625- 

(With  C.  B.  Eeifler.)  "Sensitivity  Training  and  the  University," 
Journal  of  the  American  College  Health  Association,  19  (December 
1970),  136-39. 

Francis  Terr  an  ce  Miller 

(With  W.  Kenneth  Bentz  and  J.  Wilbert  Edgerton.)  "Percep- 
tions of  Mental  Illness  Among  Public  School  Teachers,"  Sociology 
of  Education,  42  (Fall  1969),  400-6. 

(With  Eolffs  Pinkerton  and  William  G.  Hollister.)  "An  'Ac- 
tion-Facilitation' Entry  Pattern  of  Mental  Health  Consultation," 
Professional  Psychology,  1  (Spring  1970),  359-62. 

Milton  Leonard  Miller 

Eeview  of  Erik  H.  Erikson,  Young  Man  Luther,  A  Study  in  Psy- 
choanalysis and  History  (New  York:  Norton,  1958),  in  The  Psy- 
chiatric Forum,  1  (Winter  1969),  104. 

Eeview  of  Bertram  D.  Lewin,  The  Image  and  the  Past  (New 
York:  International  Universities  Press,  1968),  in  The  Psychiatric 
Forum,  1  (Summer  1970),  29,  30. 

(With  Mark  Kanzer  and  Susanne  H.  Eudolph.)  Eeview  of  Erik 
H.  Erikson,  Gandhi's  Truth:  On  the  Origins  of  Militant  Nonvio- 
lence (New  York:  Norton,  1969),  in  The  Journal  of  Contemporary 
Psychology  15  (August  1970),  481-86. 

Paul  Arnold  Obrist 

" Psychophysiology  of  Children,"  in  Encyclopedia  of  Educa- 
tion— Section  on  Child  Growth  and  Development,  ed.,  L.  C.  Deigh- 
ton.  New  York :  Macmillan,  1970. 

(With  E.  A.  Webb  and  J.  E.  Sutterer.)  "Heart  Eate  and 
Somatic  Changes  During  Aversive  Conditioning  and  a  Simple  Ee- 
action  Time  Task,"  Psychophysiology,  5  (May  1969),  696-723. 

(With  E.  A.  Webb.)  "The  Cardiac-Somatic  Eelationship :  Some 
Eef ormulations, "  Psychophysiology,  6  (March  1970),  569-87. 

(With  E.  A.  Webb.)  "The  Physiological  Concomitants  of  Ee- 
action  Time  Perormance  as  a  Function  of  Preparatory  Interval  and 



Preparatory  Interval  Nerves,"  Psychophysiologic,  6  (May  1970), 

(With  K.  A.  Webb,  J.  R.  Sutterer,  and  J.  L.  Howard.)  "  Cardiac 
Deceleration  and  Reaction  Time:  An  Evaluation  of  Two  Hy- 
potheses," Psychophysiology,  6  (May  1970),  695-706. 

Bolffs  Steuart  Pinkerton 

(With  Francis  Miller  and  W.  G.  Hollister.)  "An  ' Action- 
Facilitation'  Entry  Pattern  of  Mental  Health  Consultation,"  Pro- 
fessional Psychology,  1  (Spring  1970),  ) 359-62. 

Arthur  Jergen-  Praistge,  Jr. 

(With  P.  C.  Whybrow  and  C.  R.  Treadway.)  "Mental  Changes 
Accompanying  Thyroid  Gland  Dysfunction,"  Archives  of  General 
Psychiatry,  20  (January  1969),  48-63. 

(With  A.  J.  Coppen,  P.  C.  Whybrow,  R.  Noguera,  and  J.  M. 
Paez.)  "Methysergide  in  Mania,"  The  Lancet,  1  (August  1969), 

(With  I.  C.  Wilson,  T.  K.  McClane,  A.  M.  Rabon,  and  M.  A. 
Lip  ton.)  "Thyroid  Hormone  Enhancement  of  Imipramine  in  Non- 
Retarded  Depressions,"  New  England  Journal  of  Medicine,  282 
(May  1970),  1063-67. 

(With  I.  C.  Wilson,  A.  M.  Rabon,  and  M.  A.  Lipton.)  "En- 
hancement of  Imipramine  Antidepressant  Activity  by  Thyroid 
Hormone,"  American  Journal  of  Psychiatry,  126  (October  1969), 

(With  I.  C.  Wilson,  A.  Knox,  T.  K.  McClane,  and  M.  A.  Lipton.) 
1 1  Enhancement  of  Imipramine  by  Thyroid  Stimulating  Hormone : 
Clinical  and  Theoretical  Implication,"  American  Journal  of  Psy- 
chiatry, 127  (August  1970),  191-99. 

(With  J.  L.  Meek  and  M.  A.  Lipton.)  "Catecholamines:  Dimin- 
ished Rate  of  Synthesis  in  Rat  Brain  and  Heart  after  Thyroxine 
Pretreatment, "  Life  Science,  9  (August  1970),  901-7. 

(With  I.  C.  Wilson,  M.  A.  Lipton,  A.  M.  Rabon,  T.  K.  McClane, 
and  A.  E.  Knox.)  "Use  of  a  Thyroid  Hormone  to  Accelerate  the 
Action  of  Imipramine,"  Psychosomatics,  11  (September  1970), 

(With  G.  A.  Robison,  A.  J.  Coppen,  and  P.  C.  Whybrow.) 
"Cyclic  A.M.P.  in  Affective  Disorders,"  The  Lancet,  2  (Novem- 
ber 1970),  1028-29. 

Robert  Jay  Reichler 

(With  Eric  Schopler.)  Film,  "Developmental  Progress  in  the 
Treatment  of  a  Psychotic  Child  Over  a  12-Month  Period."  1969. 



(With  Eric  Schopler.)  ''Psyche-biological  Referents  for  the 
Treatment  of  Autism,"  in  Proceedings  of  the  Indiana  University 
Colloquium  on  Infantile  Autism,  eds.,  Don  W.  Churchill,  G.  D.  Al- 
pern,  and  Marian  K.  DeMeyer.  Springfield,  Illinois:  Charles  C. 
Thomas,  1970.  Pp.  243-64. 

Eric  Schopler 

(With  R.  J.  Reichler.)  Film,  "Developmental  Progress  in  the 
Treatment  of  a  Psychotic  Child  Over  a  12-Month  Period."  1969. 

"The  Tensions  Between  Research  and  Treatment  with  Child- 
hood Schizophrenia  in  Childhood  and  Adolescence,"  in  Science  and 
Psychoanalysis,  14,  ed.,  Jules  H.  Masserman.  New  York:  Grune  and 
Stratton,  1969.  Pp.  162-68. 

(With  Julie  Loftin.)  "Thought  Disorders  in  Parents  of  Psy- 
chotic Children,"  in  Annual  Progress  in  Child  Psychiatry  and 
Child  Development,  eds.,  S.  Chess  and  A.  Thomas.  New  York: 
Brunner/Mazel,  1970.  Pp.  472-86. 

(With  Julie  Loftin.)  "Thought  Disorder  in  Parents  of  Psychotic 
Children  as  a  Function  of  Test  Anxiety, ' '  Archives  of  General  Psy- 
chiatry, 20  (February  1969),  174-81. 

"Thinking  Disorders  in  Parents  of  Psychotic  Children,"  Jour- 
nal of  Abnormal  Psychology,  74  (June  1969),  281-87. 

1 1  The  Strains  of  Historical  Change :  A  Review  of  the  Handbook 
of  Child  Psychoanalysis,"  Contemporary  Phychology,  14  (October 
1969),  336-38. 

"Parents  of  Psychotic  Children  as  Scapegoats,"  Pediatric 
World  News,  3  (October  1969),  1. 

Charles  Edward  Smith 

"Presentence  Diagnostic  Procedures  in  North  Carolina."  Chapel 
Hill:  Institute  of  Government,  December,  1969.  P.  8. 

Review  of  C.  R.  Jeffery,  Criminal  Responsibility  and  Mental 
Disease  (Springfield,  Illinois:  Charles  C.  Thomas,  1967),  in  Federal 
Probation  Quarterly,  33  (September  1969),  51-52. 

Review  of  Charles  W.  Wahl,  Sexual  Problems:  Diagnosis  and 
Treatment  in  Medical  Practice  (New  York:  The  Free  Press,  1967), 
in  Federal  Probation  Quarterly,  34  (June  1970),  78-79. 

Roger  F.  Spencer 

"  Neurocirculatory  Asthenia,  Method  of  Roger  F.  Spencer, 
M.D.,"  in  Current  Therapy,  ed.,  Howard  F.  Conn,  M.D.  Phila- 
delphia, London,  and  Toronto:  W.  B.  Saunders  Company.  1969. 
Pp.  211-12. 

(With  Peter  Whybrow.)  "Changing  Characteristics  of  Psy- 



chiatric  Consultation  in  a  University  Hospital:  A  Study  of  Out- 
come," Canadian  Psychiatric  Association  Journal,  14  (June  1969), 

(With  Lenore  Behar.)  "The  Relationship  Between  Psychosocial 
Adjustment  and  Perception  of  Maternal  Attitudes  (In  26  Male 
Hemophiliacs),"  Journal  of  Abnormal  Psychology,  74  (August 
1969),  471-73. 

(With  Lenore  Behar.)  "Adaptation  in  Hemophiliac  Ado- 
lescents," Psychosomatics,  10  (September-October  1969),  304-9. 


The  following  doctoral  dissertation  was  completed  under  the  direc- 
tion of  the  department: 

James  Bonald  Sutterer 

Alterations  of  Heart  Kate  and  General  Activity  during  Several 
Aversive  Conditioning  Procedures.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Paul  Arnold  Obrist.) 

Department  of  Radiology 

Orlando  F.  Gabriele 

(With  G.  Johnson,  N.  A.  Womack,  and  R.  M.  Peters.)  "Con- 
trol of  the  Hyperdynamic  Circulation  in  Patients  with  Bleeding 
Esophageal  Varices,"  Annals  of  Surgery,  169  (May  1969),  661. 

' '  Post-operative  Radiology  of  Aortic  Valve  Prostheses, ' '  Journal 
of  Thoracic  and  Cardiovascular  Surgery,  58  (August  1969),  248. 

(With  C.  0.  Suberman,  R.  I.  Suberman,  and  F.  G.  Dalldorf.) 
"Radiographic  Visualization  of  Coronary  Arteries  in  Post-mortem 
Hearts,"  American  Journal  of  Clinical  Pathology,  53  (February 
1970),  254-57. 

"Progressive  Obstruction  of  Pulmonary  Blood  Flow  in  Tricus- 
pid Atresia,"  Journal  of  Thoracic  Surgery,  59  (March  1970),  447- 

"Atrial  Supply  to  the  Lung  Via  the  Celiac  Axis,"  American 
Journal  of  Roentgenology,  Nuclear  Medicine  and  Radiation  Ther- 
apy, 109  (July  1970),  522-27. 

(With  E.  L.  Walker  and  P.  Hutchin.)  "Evaluation  of  the 
Transplanted  Lung  with  Angiography  and  Xenon-133  Scanning," 
Archives  of  Surgery,  101  (July  1970),  56-61. 

(With  J.  H.  Scatliff.)  "Pulmonary  Valve  Calcification," 
American  Heart  Journal,  80  (September  1970),  299-302. 



(With  E.  L.  Walker  and  P.  Hutchin.)  "Pulmonary  Angiog- 
raphy— Sequential  Changes  During  Acute  Kejection  of  Canine 
Lung  Allografts,"  Journal  of  Surgery  Research,  10  (September 
1970),  405-11. 

(With  W.  P.  Hood.)  "Aneurysm  of  Left  Atrium,"  Radiology, 
97  (November  1970),  397-98. 

Faustino  C.  G-uinto,  Jr. 

(With  W.  B.  Radcliffe.)  "Radiologic  Studies  of  the  Skull  and 
Cranial  Contents,"  in  T  ice's  Practice  of  Medicine,  Volume  2. 
Hagerstown,  Maryland :  Harper  and  Row,  1970. 

Gerald  E.  Hanks 

(With  J.  H.  Scatliff  and  W.  B.  Radcliffe.)  "Trailer-Park  Radiol- 
ogy," Radiology  (1969),  1109-12. 

"Mega voltage  Radiation  Therapy  and  Lymphangiography  in 
Ovarian  Cancer,"  Radiology,  93  (1969),  649-54. 

(With  M.  A.  Bagshaw  and  H.  S.  Kaplan.)  "The  Management 
of  Cervical  Lymph  Node  Metastasis  by  Mega  voltage  Radiotherapy, ' ' 
American  Journal  of  Roentgenology,  Nuclear  Medicine  and  Radi- 
ation Therapy,  105  (1969),  74-82. 

(With  J.  F.  Newsome.)  "Evaluation  of  the  Patient  with 
Lymphoma,  Including  Diagnostic  Laparotomy,"  North  Carolina 
Medical  Journal,  31  (1970),  419-22. 

(With  G.  F.  Friedland  and  R.  McMason.)  "The  Radiological 
Manifestations  of  Radiation  Enteritis,"  Clinical  Radiology,  21 
(1970),  232-47. 

William  B.  Radcliffe 

(With  Faustino  C.  Guinto.)  "Radiologic  Studies  of  the  Skull 
and  Cranial  Contents,"  in  Tice's  Practice  of  Medicine,  Volume  2. 
Hagerstown,  Maryland:  Harper  and  Row,  1970. 

(With  William  B.  Radcliffe,  Harris  H.  Pittman,  and  Chan  H. 
Park.)  "Vascular  Structure  of  Glioblastomas,"  American  Journal 
of  Roentgenology,  Nuclear  Medicine  and  Radiation  Therapy,  105 
(April  1969),  795. 

(With  J.  H.  Scatliff  and  Gerald  E.  Hanks.)  "Trailer  Park 
Radiology,"  Radiology,  93  (November  1969),  1109-12. 

"William  L.  Saylor 

"The  X-ray  Spectrum  from  a  2  MVp  Alternating  Potential 
Generator,"  Physics  of  Medical  Biology,  14  (1969),  87-91. 

(With  B.  L.  Adams.)  "The  Patient  Equivalence  of  the  Rando 
Phantom  for  Cobalt  Gamma  Rays,"  Radiology,  92  (1969),  165. 



James  H.  Scatliff 

(With  W.  B.  Radcliffe,  H.  H.  Pittman,  and  C.  H.  Park.)  " Vas- 
cular Structure  of  Glioblastomas,"  American  Journal  of  Roent- 
genology, Nuclear  Medicine  and  Radiation  Therapy,  104  (April 
1969),  795-805. 

(With  G.  E.  Hanks  and  W.  B.  Radcliffe.)  " Trailer-Park 
Radiology,"  Radiology,  93  (November  1969),  1109-12. 

(With  J.  T.  Cuttino,  H.  G.  Winfield,  and  J.  H.  Capps.)  "Angio- 
graphic Evaluation  of  Renal  Infarction:  A  Laboratory  Study  and 
Clinical  Correlation,"  American  Journal  of  Roentgenology,  Nuclear 
Medicine  and  Radiation  Therapy,  108  (April  1970),  674-90. 

(With  Orlando  F.  Gabriele.)  "Pulmonary  Valve  Calcification," 
American  Heart  Journal,  80  (September  1970),  299-302. 

Lewis  N.  Teeey 

(With  M.  M.  Kligerman.)  "Pericardial  and  Myocardial  In- 
volvement by  Lymphomas  and  Leukemias:  The  Role  of  Radio- 
therapy," Cancer,  25  (May  1970),  1003-8. 

Department  of  Surgery 

Abnee  Geiswold  Bevin" 

(With  J.  W.  Madden.)  "Localization  of  Collagen  Synthesis  in 
Healing  Wounds,"  Surgical  Forum,  20  (1969).  65-66. 

(With  P.  M.  Gertman,  J.  W.  Madden,  and  H.  C.  Smith.)  "He- 
patic Collagen  Metabolism  in  Dimethylnitrosamine-Induced  Cir- 
rhosis," Surgical  Forum,  21  (1970),  363-67. 

"Hand  Trauma,"  North  Carolina  Medical  Journal,  31  (1970), 

(With  J.  M.  Carter.)  "Frostbite  of  the  Extremities,"  North 
Carolina  Medical  Journal,  31  (December  1970),  447-50. 

Noeman  Aethue  Coultee,  Je. 

(With  B.  R.  Wilcox,  C.  E.  Rackley,  and  R,  D.  Croom.)  "The 
Effect  of  Changing  Heart  Rate  on  Blood  Flow,  Power  Dissipation, 
and  Resistance  in  the  Common  Carotid  Artery  of  Man, ' '  Annals  of 
Surgery,  171  (January  1970),  24-30. 

(With  J.  C.  West.)  "Parameterization  in  Quantitative  Muscle 
Mechanics,"  Federation  Proceedings,  29  (March- April  1970),  957. 

(With  B.  R.  Wilcox  and  R.  D.  Croom.)  "Changes  in  Pul- 
monary Vascular  Dynamics  Following  Closure  of  Atrial  Septal 



Defects  in  Man,"  Annals  of  Thoracic  Surgery,  9  (May  1970),  411- 

(With  M.  Singh.)  " Equivalent  Viscosity  of  Oscillating  Blood," 
Twenty-Third  Annual  Conference  on  Engineering  in  Medicine  and 
Biology  (November  1970),  22. 

(With  R.  D.  Croom,  B.  R.  Wilcox,  and  F.  P.  Avis.)  "Power 
Dissipation  and  Pulsatile  Hemodynamic  Changes  Following  Right 
Pulmonary  Artery  Occlusion  in  Dogs,"  Current  Topics  in  Surgical 
Research,  2  (1970),  421-31. 

Gordon  Shelton  Dugger 

(With  R.  L.  Timmons.)  "Water  and  Salt  Metabolism  Following 
Pituitary  Stalk  Section,"  Neurology,  19  (August  1969),  790-800. 

Michael  Douglas  Feezor 

"A  Real-Time  Waveform  Analyzer  for  PVC  Detection,"  Cir- 
culation, 40,  Supplement  3  (1969),  78. 

"Analog  Preprocessing  of  ECG  Data  in  a  Computer  Monitor- 
ing System, ' '  Proceedings  of  the  San  Diego  Biomedical  Symposium, 
(April  1970),  129-31. 

(With  A.  G.  Wallace  and  R.  W.  Stacy.)  "A  Real  Time  Wave- 
Form  Analyzer  for  Detection  of  Ventricular  Premature  Beats," 
Journal  of  Applied  Physiology,  29  (October  1970),  541-45. 

Floyd  Alan  Fried 

(With  R.  J.  Wong.)  "Etiology  of  Pyelonephritis:  Intraductal 
crystallinization  as  a  Co-Factor,"  Journal  of  Urology,  101  (June 
1969),  786-90. 

George  Johnson,  Jr. 

(With  J.  H.  Meredith.)  "Training  of  Ambulance  Personnel," 
Southern  Medical  Journal,  62  (March  1969),  336-38. 

(With  N.  A.  Womack,  O.  F.  Gabriele,  and  R.  M.  Peters.)  "Con- 
trol of  the  Hyperdynamic  Circulation  in  Patients  with  Bleeding 
Esophageal  Varices,"  Annals  of  Surgery,  169  (May  1969),  661-71. 

(With  P.  Hutchin,  R.  G.  Terzi,  L.  Hollandsworth,  and  R.  M. 
Peters.)  "The  Influence  of  Intravenous  Fluid  Administration  on 
Postoperative  Urinary  Water  and  Electrolyte  Excretion  in  Thoracic 
Surgical  Patients,"  Annals  of  Surgery,  170  (November  1969), 

(With  P.  Hutchin,  R.  G.  Terzi,  L.  A.  Hollandsworth,  and  R.  M. 
Peters.)  "Pulmonary  Congestion  Following  Infusion  of  Large 
Fluid  Loads  in  Thoracic  Surgical  Patients,"  Annals  of  Thoracic 
Surgery,  8  (October  1969),  339-47. 



(With  W.  J.  McDaniel.)  "A  Method  of  Salvaging  the  Bifur- 
cated Saphenous  Vein  for  Use  in  Femoral-to-Popliteal  Bypass 
Grafts,"  Surgery,  67  (February  1970),  394-95. 

' '  Training  in  Transportation  of  the  Injured  in  North  Carolina, ' ' 
North  Carolina  Medical  Journal,  31  (January  1970),  22-23. 

(With  P.  Hutchin,  E.  0.  Terino,  and  W.  B.  Blythe.)  "Manage- 
ment of  Fluids  and  Electrolytes  in  Surgical  Patients,"  Review  of 
Surgery,  27  (March-April  1970),  87-94. 

(With  W.  B.  Blythe.)  "Hemodynamic  Effects  of  Arteriovenous 
Shunts  Used  for  Hemodialysis,"  Annals  of  Surgery,  171  (May 
1970),  715-23. 

(With  C.  F.  Frey,  A.  R.  Dimick,  J.  R.  MacKenzie,  R.  E. 
Mathews,  and  R.  B.  Rutherford.)  "Organizing  to  Improve  Emer- 
gency Medical  Services:  Birth  of  the  University  Association  for 
Emergency  Medical  Services,"  Journal  of  Trauma,  10  (September 
1970),  806-10. 

James  Frederick  Newsome 

(With  G.  J.  Antony,  G.  S.  Dugger,  F.  S.  French,  R.  L.  Timmons, 
J.  J.  Van  Wyk,  and  R.  P.  Weaver.  )"  Influence  of  Pituitary  Stalk 
Section  on  Growth  Hormone,  Insulin  and  TSH  Secretion  in  Women 
with  Metastatic  Breast  Cancer,"  Journal  of  Clinical  Endocrinology 
and  Metabolism,  29  (1969),  1238-50. 

(With  Gerald  E.  Hanks.)  "Evaluation  of  the  Patient  with 
Lymphoma,  Including  Diagnostic  Laparotomy,"  North  Carolina 
Medical  Journal,  31  (December  1970),  419-22. 

Hubert  Clifton"  Patterson 

"Congenital  Hypertrophied  Pyloric  Stenosis,"  Surgery,  Gyne- 
cology, and  Obstetrics,  128  (April  1969),  828. 

"The  'Changing  Epidemiology'  of  Mortality  in  Duodenal  Ulcer 
Hemorrhage,"  American  Surgeon,  35  (November  1969),  828-32. 

"Open  Aspiration  for  Solitary  Liver  Abscess,"  The  American 
Journal  of  Surgery,  119  (March  1970),  326-29. 

Jiri  Prazma 

"Active  Ion  Transport  for  the  Scala  Vestibuli  into  the  Scala 
Media,"  Acta  Otolaryngology  (Stockholm)  67  (1969),  631. 

"Passive  Ion  Transport  Through  the  Reissner  Membrane," 
Acta  Otolaryngology  (Stockholm),  68  (1969),  53. 

Mack  Preslar 

(With  W.  G.  Thomas.)  "A  Calibration  Study  of  100  Audi- 
ometers Currently  Employed  in  Hearing  Conservation  Programs," 
Public  Health  Reports,  84  (1969),  311-27. 



Herbert  Jennings  Proctor 

(With  G.  S.  Moss,  L.  D.  Homer,  and  B.  D.  Litt.)  "Changes 
In  Lung  Compliance  in  Experimental  Hemorrhagic  Shock  and 
Resuscitation,"  Annals  of  Surgery,  169  (January  1969),  82-92. 

(With  N.  D.  Broussard  and  T.  V.  N.  Ballantine.)  "Alterations 
in  Pulmonary  Function  in  Massively  Injured  Battle  Casualties: 
Implications  and  Recommendations  for  Treatment,  Proceedings 
CINPAC  Third  Conference  on  War  Surgery  (January  1969),  20- 

(With  G.  S.  Moss,  L.  D.  Homer,  and  C.  M.  Herman.)  "Right 
Atrial  and  Pulmonary  Artery  Pressure  as  Indicators  of  Left  Atrial 
Pressure  During  Fluid  Therapy  Following  Hemorrhagic  Shock  in 
the  Baboon,"  Annals  of  Surgery,  170  (November  1969),  801-12. 

(With  G.  S.  Moss,  L.  D.  Homer,  C.  M.  Herman,  and  B.  D.  Litt.) 
"A  Comparison  of  Asanguineous  Fluids  and  Whole  Blood  in  the 
Treatment  of  Hemorrhagic  Shock,"  Surgery,  Obstetrics  and  Gyne- 
cology, 129  (December  1969),  1247-57. 

(With  T.  V.  N.  Ballantine  and  N.  D.  Broussard.)  "An  Analysis 
of  Pulmonary  Function  Following  Non-Thoracic  Trauma,  With 
Recommendations  for  Therapy,"  Annals  of  Surgery,  172  (August 
1970),  180-89. 

(With  T.  V.  N.  Ballantine,  N.  D.  Broussard,  and  E.  Hirsch.) 
"An  Analysis  of  Pulmonary  Function  Following  Penetrating  Pul- 
monary Injury  With  Recommendations  For  Therapy,"  Surgery, 
92  (July  1970),  92-98. 

Charles  Franklin  Starmer,  Jr. 

(With  J.  E.  Grizzle  and  G.  G.  Koch.)  "Analysis  of  Categorical 
Data  Linear  Models,"  Biometrics,  25  (1969),  489-504. 

(With  R.  N.  Forthofer  and  J.  E.  Grizzle.)  "A  Program  for  the 
Analysis  of  Categorical  Data  by  Linear  Models,"  University  of 
North  Carolina  Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series,  604  (1969), 

(With  A.  Harley  and  J.  C.  Greenfield.)  "Pressure-flow  Studies 
in  Man :  "An  Evaluation  of  the  Duration  of  the  Phases  of  Systole," 
Journal  of  Clinical  Investigation,  48  (1969),  895-905. 

(With  D.  O.  Clark.)  "Computer  Computations  of  Cardiac  Out- 
put using  the  Gamma  Function,"  Journal  of  Applied  Physiology, 
28  (1970),  219. 

(With  B.  W.  Ramo,  N.  Myers,  A.  G.  Wallace,  D.  O.  Clark,  and 
R.  E.  Whalen.)  "Hemodynamic  Findings  in  123  Patients  with 
Acute  Myocardial  Infarction  on  Admission,"  Circulation,  42 
(1970),  567. 



Colin  Gordon"  Thomas,  Jr. 

"Results  of  the  Posterior  Approach  in  the  Repair  of  Rectal 
Prolapse — An  Overview,"  in  Modem  Surgery,  ed.,  R.  D.  Edgahl. 
New  York:  Grune  and  Stratton,  1970.  Pp.  529-31. 

(With  F.  D.  Pepper  and  J.  Owen.)  "Differentiation  of  Malig- 
nant from  Benign  Lesions  of  the  Thyroid  Gland  Using  Complemen- 
tary Scanning  with  ^Selenomethionine  and  Radioiodide, "  Annals 
of  Surgery,  170  (September  1970),  396-408. 

(With  A.  Davidson  and  J.  Owen.)  "Effect  of  Surgical  Trauma 
on  7,  12-Dimethyl  Benzanthracene  Induced  Breast  Cancer  in 
Sprague-Dawley  Rat,"  Surgical  Forum,  20  (1969),  105-6. 

(With  A.  Davidson  and  J.  Owen.)  "Further  Studies  in  the  Role 
of  Altered  Thyroid  Function  on  Experimentally  Induced  Breast 
Cancer  in  the  Sprague-Dawley  Rat,"  Proceedings  of  the  American 
Association  for  Cancer  Research,  10  (March  1969),  17. 

"  Je junoplasty  for  the  Correction  of  Jejunal  Atresia,"  Surgery, 
Gynecology  and  Obstetrics,  129  (September  1969),  545-46. 

(With  C.  A.  Bream  and  Peter  DeConinck.)  "Posterior  Sphinc- 
terotomy and  Rectal  Myotomy  in  the  Management  of  Hirsch- 
sprung's Disease,"  Annals  of  Surgery,  171  (May  1970),  796-810. 

(With  Harold  Cameron  and  J.  Owen.)  "Further  Studies  of  the 
Effect  of  Hypothyroidism  on  the  Incidence  of  DMBA  Induced 
Breast  Cancer  in  the  Sprague-Dawley  Rat,"  Proceedings  of  the 
American  Association  for  Cancer  Research,  11  (March  1970),  14. 

(With  R.  D.  Croom  III.)  "A  Method  of  Temporary  Gastro- 
stoma,"  Surgery,  Gynecology  and  Obstetrics,  131  (August  1970), 

"A  Comparative  Study  of  Choledochoenterostomy  and  Trans- 
duodenal Sphincterotomy  in  the  Management  of  Benign  Extra- 
hepatic  Biliary  Tract  Obstruction,"  Bulletin  de  la  Societe  Inter- 
nationale de  Chirurgie,  2  (1970),  1-6. 

(With  F.  C.  Heaton  and  J.  Owen.)  "The  Use  of  Umbilical  Cord 
for  Reconstruction  of  Abdominal  Wall  Defects,"  Surgical  Forum, 
21  (1970),  56-57. 

(With  L.  M.  Talbert,  W.  A.  Holt,  and  P.  Rankin.)  "Hyper- 
thyroidism During  Pregnancy,"  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  36 
(November  1970),  779-85. 

William  Grady  Thomas 

(With  M.  J.  Preslar.)  "A  Calibration  Study  of  100  Audiometers 
Currently  Employed  in  Hearing  Conservation  Programs,"  Public 
Health  Reports,  84  (1969),  311-27. 

(With  R.  Mathog  and  W.  R.  Hudson.)  "The  Ototoxic  Effects 



of  New  and  Potent  Diuretics,"  Archives  of  Otolaryngology,  92 
(1970),  7. 

Robert  Lansing  Timmons 

(With  G.  S.  Dugger.)  "Water  and  Salt  Metabolism  Following 
Pituitary  Stalk  Section,"  Neurology,  19  (August  1969),  790-800. 

Warner  Lee  Wells 

"Science  and  War,"  in  William  Osier,  The  Continuing  Educa- 
tion, eds.,  John  P.  McGovern  and  Charles  G.  Roland.  Springfield: 
Charles  C.  Thomas,  1969.  Pp.  317-48. 

Review  of  Douglas  Robb,  Medical  Odyssey:  An  Autobiography 
(Springfield:  Charles  C.  Thomas,  1968),  in  Bulletin  of  the  History 
of  Medicine,  44  (1970),  289. 

Benson  Reid  Wilcox 

(With  R.  D.  Croom.)  "Effects  of  Maintaining  Adequate  Pul- 
monary Perfusion  on  the  Lung  in  Hemorrhagic  Shock  in  Dogs," 
Current  Topics  in  Surgical  Research,  1  (January  1969),  375-86. 

(With  N.  A.  Coulter,  Jr.,  C.  E.  Rackley,  and  R.  D.  Croom.) 
' '  The  Effect  of  Changing  Heart  Rate  on  Blood  Flow,  Power  Dissi- 
pation, and  Resistance  in  the  Common  Carotid  Artery  of  Man," 
Annals  of  Surgery,  171  (January  1970),  24-30. 

(With  R.  C.  Croom  and  N.  A.  Coulter,  Jr.)  "Changes  in  Pul- 
monary Vascular  Dynamics  Following  Closure  of  Atrial  Septal 
Defects  in  Man,"  The  Annals  of  Thoracic  Surgery,  9  (May  1970), 

Review  of  R.  M.  Berne  and  M.  N.  Levy,  Cardiovascular  Physiol- 
ogy (St.  Louis:  Mosby,  1967),  in  Annals  of  Thoracic  Surgery,  7 
(January  1969),  89-91. 

Frank  Crane  Wilson 

Associate  Editor,  A  National  Health  Program  for  Ortho- 
paedics. The  American  Academy  of  Orthopaedic  Surgeons,  1969. 
P.  227. 

"Visit  of  North  American  Traveling  Fellows  to  England — 1969," 
Journal  of  Bone  and  Join  Surgery,  51-A  (October  1969),  1434-44. 

"Radial  Perilunar  Dislocation,"  Journal  of  Bone  and  Joint  Sur- 
gery, 52-A  (April  1970),  556-58. 

"Orthopaedic  Education  in  England,"  Bulletin  of  American 
College  of  Surgeons,  55  (April  1970),  17-18. 

Louie  Cecil  Wilson 

(With  W.  L.  Sugg,  Benson  R.  Wilcox,  and  Richard  M.  Peters.) 



"Valvar  Regurgitation  In  Acute  Infective  Endocarditis:  Early 
Replacement,"  Archives  of  Surgery,  101  (December  1970),  756-59. 

Nathan  Anthony  Womack 

(With  Robert  W.  Linker.)  Translator,  Dix  Limes  (Ten  Books 
of  Surgery)  by  Ambroise  Pare.  Athens:  University  of  Georgia 
Press,  1969.  Pp.  xvi,  264. 

"Gastric  Arteriovenous  Communications  and  Their  Significance," 
in  Surgery  of  the  Stomach  and  Duodenum,  2nd  edition,  eds.,  H.  W. 
Harkins  and  L.  M.  Nyhus.  Boston:  Little,  Brown  and  Company, 
1969.  Pp.  45-48. 

"A  Brief  Background  of  Surgery,"  in  Textbook  of  Surgery,  9th 
edition,  eds.,  W.  H.  Cole  and  R.  M.  Zollinger.  New  York :  Appleton- 
Century-Crofts,  1970.  Pp.  1-27. 

"Blood  Flow  Through  the  Stomach  and  Duodenum:  Clinical 
Aspects,"  American  Journal  of  Surgery,  117  (June  1969),  771-80. 


The  following  doctoral  dissertation  was  completed  under  the  direc- 
tion of  the  department : 

Dudley  Woodeow  Benson,  Je. 

A  Relationship  Between  Ascending  Aortic  Pressure  and  Flow. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Norman  Arthur  Coulter,  Jr.) 


Calvin  M.  Bower 

"A  Choral  Catalog  for  the  Twentieth  Century,"  Music  Edu- 
cators Journal,  26  (April  1970),  71-72. 

Review  of  Francois  Dagincour,  Pieces  de  Clavecin,  ed.,  Howard 
Ferguson  (Paris:  Heugel,  1969),  in  Notes:  The  Quarterly  Journal 
of  the  Music  Library  Association,  26  (1970),  835-36. 

Jane  Meeedith  Bowees 

Review  of  Georg  P.  Telemann,  Pariser  Quartetten  1-3,  ed.,  Wal- 
ter Bergmann  (Kassel:  Barenreiter,  1968),  in  Notes:  The  Quar- 
terly Journal  of  the  Music  Library  Association,  26  (1970),  606-7. 


Marshall's  Medium  Message  (Improvization  for  Five  Perform- 
ers). Champaign:  Media  Press,  1970.  Performance  score,  p.  8,  and 



Elegy — Peace  for  Dawn  (For  Viola  and  Electronic  Sounds). 
Champaign:  Media  Press,  1970.  Score,  p.  7,  and  electronic  tape. 

Conductor,  The  North  Carolina  Governor's  School  Orchestra, 
1970:  Samuel  Barber,  "Essay  for  Orchestra;"  Serge  Prokofief, 
"Concerto  No.  3  for  Piano  and  Orchestra:  Andante-Allegro;" 
Charles  Ives,  "Fourth  of  July."  Charlotte:  Century  Records,  1970. 

Conductor,  The  North  Carolina  Governor's  School  Orchestra, 
1969:  Roger  Hannay,  "Sonorous  Image."  Charlotte:  Century 
Records,  1970. 

Three  Shakespeare  Songs.  Performed  by  the  University  of 
North  Carolina  Men's  Glee  Club,  Robert  Porco,  Director.  Char- 
lotte :  Century  Records,  1970. 

Lara  G.  Hoggard 

Editor,  The  Light  in  the  Wilderness,  by  Dave  Brubeck.  Dela- 
ware Water  Gap :  Shawnee  Press,  1969.  Pp.  65. 

Choral  editor,  Man  and  His  Arts.  New  York:  Holt,  Rinehart 
and  Winston,  1969.  Pp.  312. 

Conductor,  Benjamin  Britten,  "Rejoice  in  the  Lamb,"  and 
other  works,  with  program  notes.  Saugus,  California:  Century 
Records,  1970. 

Rudolph  Joseph  Kremer 

Editor,  The  North  Carolina  Music  Teacher. 
Organist,  Benjamin  Britten,  "Rejoice  in  the  Lamb."  Saugus, 
California:  Century  Records,  1970. 

Wilton  Mason" 

"The  Architecture  of  St.  Mark's  Cathedral  and  the  Venetian 
Polychoral  Style:  A  Clarification,"  in  Studies  in  Musicology  .  .  . 
In  Memory  of  Glen  Hay  don,  ed.,  J.  W.  Pruett.  Chapel  Hill :  The 
University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1969.  Pp.  163-78. 

Review  of  Jack  Beeson,  Lizzie  Borden  (New  York :  Boosey  and 
Hawkes,  1967),  Geoffrey  Bush,  The  Equation  (X  —  0)  (London: 
Elkin,  1967),  and  Lee  Hoiby,  Natalia  Petrovna  (New  York:  Boosey 
and  Hawkes,  1967),  in  Notes:  The  Quarterly  Journal  of  the  Music 
Library  Association,  25  (1969),  818-20. 

William  S.  Newman 

Contributing  editor,  The  Piano  Quarterly. 
The  Sonata  Since  Beethoven.  Chapel  Hill:  The  University  of 
North  Carolina  Press,  1969.  Pp.  xxvi,  854. 

"The  Duo  Texture  of  Mozart's  K.  526:  An  Essay  in  Classic 



Instrumental  Style,"  in  Essays:  Musicology  in  Honor  of  Dragan 
Plamenac,  eds.,  G.  Reese  and  R.  Snow.  Pittsburgh:  University  of 
Pittsburgh  Press,  1969.  Pp.  191-206. 

"Is  There  a  Rationale  for  the  Articulation  of  J.  S.  Bach's 
String  and  Wind  Music?"  in  Studies  in  Musicology  .  .  .  In  Mem- 
ory of  Glen  Haydon,  ed.,  J.  W.  Pruett.  Chapel  Hill :  The  University 
of  North  Carolina  Press,  1969.  Pp.  229-44. 

"Beethoven's  Pianos  Versus  His  Piano  Ideals,"  Journal  of  the 
American  Musicological  Society,  23  (Fall  1970),  484-504. 

"Some  19th-century  Consequences  of  Beethoven's  "Ham- 
merklavier'  Sonata,  Opus  106,"  The  Piano  Quarterly,  67  (Spring 
1969),  12-18,  and  68  (Summer  1969),  12-17. 

Review  of  Willi  Apel,  Geschichte  der  Orgel-  und  Klaviermusik 
(Kassel:  Barenreiter,  1967),  in  Journal  of  the  American  Musicolog- 
ical Society,  22  (Spring  1969),  129-33. 

Review  of  Hugh  Ottaway  and  A.  J.  B.  Hutchings,  Classical  and 
Romantic  Music  (Baltimore:  Penguin  Books,  1968),  in  Notes:  The 
Quarterly  Journal  of  the  Music  Library  Association,  26  (1970), 

Review  of  piano  music  by  Schubert,  Liszt,  E.  T.  A.  Hoffmann, 
and  others,  in  Notes:  The  Quarterly  Journal  of  the  Music  Library 
Association,  27  (1970),  156-57. 

James  Worrell  Pruett 

(See  entries  under  Library  Staff.) 

Howard  E.  Smither 

"Narrative  and  Dramatic  Elements  in  the  laude  fillippine,  1563- 
1600,"  Acta  musicologica,  41  (1969),  186-99. 

Review  of  Claudio  Monteverdi,  Tirsi  e  Clori,  ed.,  Kenneth  Coop- 
er (University  Park:  Pennsylvania  State  University  Press,  1968), 
in  Notes:  The  Quarterly  Journal  of  the  Music  Library  Association, 
25  (1969),  814-15. 

Thomas  Warburton 

Review  of  Samuel  Adler,  Violin  Sonata  No.  2  (New  York: 
Oxford  University  Press)  and  Franz  Reizenstein,  Concert  Fantasy 
for  Viola  and  Piano  (London:  Hinrichsen  Ed.,  1967),  in  Notes: 
The  Quarterly  Journal  of  the  Music  Library  Association,  26  (1969), 

Review  of  Joseph  Schmidt-Gorg,  History  of  the  Mass  (Koln: 
Arno  Volk,  1968),  in  Notes:  The  Quarterly  Journal  of  the  Music 
Library  Association,  27  (1970),  145. 




Violist,  Music  of  the  Middle  Ages:  The  Ars  Nova,  Alejandro 
Planchart,  Director  (Phonodisc).  New  York:  Experiences  Anon- 
ymes,  1969. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department: 

Jerrold  C.  Baab 

The  Sacred  Latin  Works  of  Kaspar  Forster  (1616-73).  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Howard  E.  Smither.) 

John  Hendrik  Calmeyer 

The  Life,  Times  and  Works  of  Pietro  Antonio  Locatelli.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Edgar  Alden.) 

Betsy  Clifford  Farlow 

Thematic  Unity  in  Selected  Non-Programmatic  Symphonies  of 
the  19th  Century.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  William  S.  New- 

Jackson  Hill 

The  Music  of  Kees  van  Baaren :  A  Study  of  Transition  in  the 
Music  of  the  Netherlands  in  the  Second  Third  of  the  Twentieth 
Century.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Harold  L.  Andrews.) 

Henry  Louis  Schmidt  III 

The  First  Printed  Lute  Books:  Francesco  Spinacino's  In- 
tabulatura  de  Lauto,  Libro  Primo  and  Libro  Secundo  (Venice: 
Petrucci,  1507).  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  James  W.  Pruett.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 

Jeanne  Holland 

Selected  Binary  Sonatas  of  Domenico  Scarlatti  and  Antonio 
Soler:  A  Structural  Comparison.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
William  S.  Newman.) 



Lyitda  G  ay  Houghland 

Unity  in  the  Solo  Vocal  Song  Cycles  of  Benjamin  Britten. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Edgar  Alden.) 

Makgaret  Ann  Smith 

The  String  Duos  of  Carl  Stamitz.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Edgar  Alden.) 

William  B.  Stacy 

Style  and  Register  as  Correlated  Factors  in  the  Horn  Parts  of 
Selected  Symphonies  by  Joseph  Haydn.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Harold  L.  Andrews.) 

Robert  Franklin  Steelman 

Harmony  in  the  Early  English  Carols:  A  Comparison  with 
Continental  Practices.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  William  S. 

Marlene  Smyth  Taylor 

A  Style  Analysis  of  Selected  Works  from  Symphoniae  Sacrae 
II  and  III  by  Heinrich  Schiitz.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Wil- 
ton Mason.) 

Mary  Ruth  Wong 

A  Survey  of  Eeferences  to  Folk  and  Traditional  Music  in  the 
National  Geographic  Magazine.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Wil- 
ton Mason.) 


Lucy  Houghton  Conant 

"Preparation  for  the  Functional  Specialist  in  Education  and/or 
Service  at  the  Master's  Level,"  Extending  the  Boundaries  of 
Nursing  Education — The  Preparation  and  Holes  of  the  Functional 
Specialist,  National  League  for  Nursing,  1970.  Pp.  6-11. 

' '  What  Helps  Mothers  Speak  Out, ' '  American  Journal  of  Nurs- 
ing (December  1969),  2650-53. 

"One  Step  Beyond— What  It  Means  to  Be  Involved,"  (New 
York:  Appleton-Century-Crofts,  1970),  in  American  Nurses'  As- 
sociation Clinical  Conferences,  pp.  56-62. 



Bonnie  Keaton  Hensley 

Keview  of  Barbara  King  Redman,  The  Process  of  Patient  Teach- 
ing in  Nursing  (St.  Louis:  C.  V.  Mosby  Company,  1968),  in  Amer- 
ican Journal  of  Nursing,  69  (June  1969),  1307. 

Betty  Sue  Johnson 

(With  Grace  Neilson  Bullock.)  "A  Study  of  Cognitive  Causal- 
ity— Differences  Between  Psychotic  and  Non-Psychotic  Psychiatric 
Patients,"  Nursing  Research  (May  1970),  129-34. 

Review  of  Joyce  Travelbee,  Intervention  in  Psychiatric  Nurs- 
ing— Process  In  the  One  to  One  Relationship  (Philadelphia:  F.  A. 
Davis  Company,  1969),  in  Nursing  Outlook  (August  1970),  16. 

Sally  Winn  Nicholson 

(With  Jana  Mossey.)  Non-Physician  Personnel  in  Ambulatory 
Child  Health  Care:  A  Review.  Health  Services  Research  Center, 
University  of  North  Carolina  at  Chapel  Hill,  March  1970.  Pp.  1-99. 


The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  school : 

Janet  Askew 

The  Effectiveness  of  a  Programmed  Instruction  Unit  for  Nurs- 
ing as  Utilized  in  the  Community  College.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Pauline  Wayne  McCaskill.) 

Margaret  Eleanor  Campbell 

A  Study  of  the  Attitudes  of  Nursing  Personnel  Toward  the 
Geriatric  Patient.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Faye  D.  Pickard.) 

Doris  Cole 

Knowledge  of  Human  Sexuality:  A  Neglected  Aspect  of  Nurs- 
ing Education.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Marie  J.  McIntyre.) 

Frances  B.  Dixon 

A  Study  of  Changes  in  the  Occurrence  of  Stereotypical  Behavior 
During  Nurse-Patient  Interactions  with  Two  Chronically  111  Psy- 
chiatric Patients.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Betty  Sue  John- 

C.  Jo  Ann  Foust 

Implications  of  a  Study  of  Levels  of  Causality  in  Cognitive 
Functions  in  Psychiatric  Patients.  (1970,  under  the  leadership  of 
Betty  Sue  Johnson.) 



Nancy  Matthews  Hall 

A  Study  of  the  Utilization  of  Associate  Degree  Nursing  Grad- 
uates in  General  Hospitals  in  North  Carolina.  (1970,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Faustena  Blaisdell.) 

Ann  Maeie  Hamberger 

Descriptive  Study  of  the  Status  of  Patient  Information  Book- 
lets in  a  Selected  Hospital.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Pauline 
"Wayne  McCaskill.) 

Doris  Marguerite  Haase 

The  Effects  of  Self-Feeding  and  Nurse-Feeding  on  the  Pulse 
Rate  in  Patients  Hospitalized  with  Myocardial  Infarction.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Pauline  Wayne  McCaskill.) 

Marjorie  Huitt  Hawkins 

Attitudes  of  Women  Toward  Being  on  a  Diet  During  Pregnancy. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Pauline  Wayne  McCaskill.) 

Patsy  Lee  Littlejohn  Hawkins 

A  Correlational  Study  of  a  Selected  Sample  of  Nursing  Stu- 
dents' Scores  on  the  Guilford-Zimmerman  Temperament  Survey 
and  Their  Scores  on  the  National  League  for  Nursing  Achievement 
Test  in  Psychiatric  Nursing.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Betty 
Sue  Johnson.) 

Jane  Mitchell  Hayward 

A  Descriptive  Study  of  Skin  Care  of  Selected  Patients  with  an 
Acute  Exacerbation  of  Chronic  Renal  Disease.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Faye  D.  Pickard.) 

Betty  Rose  Johnson 

How  the  Preadolescent  Perceives  Hospitalization.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Pauline  Wayne  McCaskill.) 

Elizabeth  Scovil  Johnson 

A  Study  of  the  Relationship  Between  the  Parent's  Attitudes 
Toward  His  Adolescent's  Hospitalization  and  The  Adolescent's  At- 
titudes Toward  His  Hospitalization.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Pauline  Wayne  McCaskill.) 

Sister  Evon  Kruse 

A  Descriptive  and  Exploratory  Study  of  Fifty  Collegiate  Stu- 
dents' Satisfaction  or  Dissatisfaction  with  Their  Public  Health  Ex- 
perience. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Marion  E.  Highriter.) 



Juanita  Long 

A  Descriptive  Study  of  the  Amount  of  Information  Heard  by 
Patients  in  The  Interpretative  Conference  in  the  Division  of  Dis- 
orders of  Development  and  Learning,  University  of  North  Carolina 
at  Chapel  Hill.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Marie  J.  McIntyre.) 

Nancy  Chaeles  Ray  Long 

An  Exploration  and  Description  of  Selected  Conditions  of  the 
Use  of  Foley  Catheters.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Pauline 
Wayne  McCaskill.) 

J oan  Miller  Martin 

An  Exploratory  Study  of  the  Eelationship  of  Success  in  Life 
Situations  to  the  Diabetics'  Ability  to  Adhere  to  the  Prescribed 
Therapeutic  Regimen.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Pauline 
Wayne  McCaskill.) 

Jean  M.  Migliorino 

A  Study  of  Intrapsychic  and  Interpersonal  Inferences  of  Sym- 
bolic Verbal  Language  with  Three  Psychiatric  Patients.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Betty  Sue  Johnson.) 

Barbara  Marie  Paffido  Nelson 

The  Stress  of  Clinical  Isolation  in  Hospitalized  Patients.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Pauline  Wayne  McCasklil.) 

Margaeet  Lynn  Perry 

The  Role  of  the  Clinical  Nursing  Specialist  as  Perceived  by 
Herself  and  Allied  Workers  with  Implications  for  Job  Satisfaction. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Fa  ye  D.  Pickard.) 

Frances  Pfau 

A  Study  of  Variables  Related  to  Perception  of  Personnel  Policies 
and  Job  Satisfaction.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Faustena 

Leota  Lovina  Eolls 

A  Study  to  Determine  the  Beliefs  of  Selected  Faculty  Members 
of  Baccalaureate,  Diploma,  and  Associate  Degree  Schools  of  Nurs- 
ing about  the  Clinical  Evaluation  Process.  (1969,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Faustena  Blaisdell.) 

Paulette  Yvonne  Russell 

Self-identified  Sleep  Patterns  in  a  Selected  Population  of  Nor- 
mal, Aged  Persons.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Faye  D.  Pickard.) 



Gwendolyn  Dorminey  Sherwood 

A  Comparison  of  Two  Nursing  Approaches  as  Related  to  Pa- 
tient Satisfaction  with  Nursing  Care.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Faye  D.  Pickaed.) 

Sandra  Cross  Smith 

Levels  of  Depression  and  Some  Expressed  Concerns  of  Patients 
Following  Amputation.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Faustena 
Blaisdell.  ) 

Carol  Thompson 

A  Descriptive  Study  of  Nurses'  Perceived  Understanding  of  the 
Minimally  Brain-Injured  Child.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Ma- 
rie J.  McIntyre.) 

Vivian  Harris  Varner 

Socialization  to  the  Role  of  Disability :  Nursing  Assessment  of  a 
Lower  Extremity  Amputee.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Pauline 
Wayne  McCaskill.) 

Elaine  Wishart 

A  Descriptive  Study  of  Pre-Discharge  Instruction  for  Myo- 
cardial Infarction  Patients.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Marie 
J.  McIntyre.) 


Emily  M.  Stacy  Barrow 

(With  J.  B.  Graham.)  ''The  Dissociation  of  Plasma  Anti- 
hemophilic Factor  by  Succinic  Anhydride,"  Federation  Proceed- 
ings, 28  (March-April  1969),  746. 

(With  I.  I.  Dejanov,  G.I.C.  Ingram,  and  S.  I.  Knights.)  "The 
Rise  in  Factor  VIII  After  Administration  of  Adrenaline,"  Coagu- 
lation, 2  (September  1969),  203-11. 

Kenneth  Merle  Brinkhous 

Editor,  Thrombosis  et  Diathesis  Haemorrhagica. 

Editor,  Hemophilia  and  New  Hemorrhagic  States.  Chapel  Hill : 
University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1970.  Pp.  xvii,  296. 

Editor,  Accident  Pathology.  Proceedings  of  an  International 
Conference,  1968.  Washington:  U.S.  Government  Printing  Office, 
1970.  Pp.  xii,  249. 



(With  H.  R.  Roberts,  A.  J.  Johnson,  and  S.  Hinnom.)  Editor, 
Plasma  Fractions  for  the  Treatment  of  Hemophilia.  Anticoagulant 
Therapy:  Standardization  of  Tests.  Thrombosis  et  Diathesis  Haem- 
orrhagica, Supplement  35,  Stuttgart :  F.  K.  Schattauer  Verlag,  1969. 
P.  289. 

(With  H.  R.  Roberts,  S.  Hinnom,  and  T.  H.  Kiesselbach. )  Edi- 
tor, Fibrinogen:  Structural,  Metabolic  and  Pathophysiologic  As- 
pects. Thrombosis  et  Diathesis  Haemorrhagica,  Supplement  39. 
Stuttgart :  F.  K.  Schattauer  Verlag,  1970.  P.  464. 

(With  N.  F.  Rodman  and  S.  Hinnom.)  Editor,  Vascular  Factors 
and  Thrombosis.  Thrombosis  et  Diathesis  Haemorrhagica,  Supple- 
ment 40.  Stuttgart :  F.  R.  Schattauer  Verlag,  1970.  P.  404. 

"Development  and  Use  of  High-Potency  Glycine-Precipitated 
Antihemophilic  Factor  (Factor  VIII)  Fractions,"  in  Hemophilia 
and  New  Hemorrhagic  States,  ed.,  K.  M.  Brinkhous.  Chapel  Hill: 
University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1970.  Pp.  57-66. 

"Some  Mechanisms  of  Thrombus  Formation  and  Hemorrhage 
Following  Trauma,"  in  Accident  Pathology,  ed.,  K.  M.  Brinkhous. 
Washington:  U.S.  Government  Printing  Office,  1970.  Pp.  126-30. 

(With  D.  E.  Scarborough,  R.  G.  Mason,  and  F.  G.  Dalldorf.) 
"Morphologic  Manifestations  of  Blood-Solid  Interfacial  Reactions. 
A  Scanning  and  Transmission  Electron  Microscopic  Study,"  Lab- 
oratory Investigation,  20  (February  1969),  164-69. 

(With  M.  S.  Read,  N.  F.  Rodman,  and  R.  G.  Mason.)  "Need  of 
Fibrinogen  for  Thrombin-Induced  Aggregation  of  Porcine  Plate- 
lets," Journal  of  Laboratory  and  Clinical  Medicine,  73  (June 
1969),  1000-1010. 

(With  D.  E.  Scarborough.)  "Some  Mechanisms  of  Thrombus 
Formation  and  Hemorrhage  Following  Trauma,"  Journal  of 
Trauma,  9  (August  1969),  684-91. 

(With  R.  G.  Mason,  D.  E.  Scarborough,  S.  R.  Saba,  L.  D.  Iken- 
berry,  J.  J.  Kearney,  and  H.  G.  Clark.)  " Thrombogenicity  of  Some 
Biomedical  Materials:  Platelet-Interface  Reactions,"  Journal  of 
Biomedical  Materials  Research,  3  (December  1969),  615-44. 

(With  W.  D.  McLester  and  P.  D.  Davis.)  "Double  Hemophilia 
(Hemophilia  AB)  in  a  Male  Dog,"  Federation  Proceedings,  29 
(March-April  1970),  710. 

"Report  of  the  Subcommittee  on  Human  Factor  VIII  and  IX 
Preparations,  Plasma  Fractions  for  the  Treatment  of  Hemophilia, ' ' 
Thrombosis  et  Diathesis  Haemorrhagica,  Supplement  35  (1969), 

"Report  of  the  Subcommittee  on  Human  Factor  VIII  and  IX 
Preparations,"  Thrombosis  et  Diathesis  Haemorrhagica,  Supple- 
ment 39  (1970),  413-15. 



"Changing  Prospects  for  Children  with  Hemophilia,"  Chil- 
dren, 17  (November-December  1970),  222-27. 

"Keport  of  the  Subcommittee  on  Human  Factor  VIII  (AHF) 
and  Factor  IX  (PTC)  Preparations,"  Thrombosis  et  Diathesis 
Haemorrhagica,  Supplement  40  (1970),  375-76. 

Frederic  Gilbert  Dalldorf 

(With  F.  A.  Beall,  M.  R.  Krigman,  R.  A.  Goyer,  and  H.  L. 
Livingston.)  " Transcellular  Permeability  and  Thrombosis  of  Capil- 
laries in  Anthrax  Toxemia.  An  Electron  Microscopic  and  Biochem- 
ical Study,"  Laboratory  Investigation,  21  (July  1969),  42-51. 

(With  G.  T.  Keusch  and  H.  L.  Livingston.)  "Transcellular 
Permeability  of  Capillaries  in  Experimental  Cholera,"  American 
Journal  of  Pathology,  57  (October  1969),  153-69. 

(With  C.  0.  Suberman,  R.  I.  Suberman,  and  0.  F.  Gabrielle.) 
"Radiographic  Visualization  of  Coronary  Arteries  in  Postmortem 
Hearts:  A  Simple  Technique,"  American  Journal  of  Clinical 
Pathology,  53  (February  1970),  254-57. 

(With  C.  E.  Rackley,  W.  P.  Hood,  Jr.,  and  B.  R.  Wilcox.) 
"Sarcomere  Length  and  Left  Ventricular  Function  in  Chronic 
Heart  Disease,"  The  American  Journal  of  the  Medical  Sciences, 
259  (February  1970),  90-96. 

Abdullah  Fatteh 

"Cannibalism  and  the  New  Milestones  in  Medicine,"  Virginia 
Medical  Monthly,  97  (November  1970),  715-17. 

"Pathology  of  Hypothermia,"  Medico-legal  Bulletin,  19  (Feb- 
ruary 1970),  1-3. 

"Rupture  of  Pulmonary  Artery  in  Pulmonary  Hypertension," 
Virginia  Medical  Monthly,  96  (February  1969),  526-29. 

(With  G.  T.  Mann.)  "The  Role  of  Radiology  in  Forensic 
Pathology,"  Medicine,  Science  and  the  Law,  9  (January  1969), 

(With  W.  Galbraith  and  G.  T.  Mann.)  "Drink,  Drive  and  Die," 
Virginia  Medical  Monthly,  96  (June  1969),  309-11. 

(With  C.  Stahl  and  A.  Domingez.)  " Trichlorethane  Poisoning: 
Pathologic  and  Toxicologic  Observations,"  Journal  of  Forensic 
Sciences,  14  (July  1969),  393-95. 

Joachim  Dieter  Geratz 

"Secretory  Stimulation  of  the  Rat  Pancreas  by  p-aminoben- 
zamidine,"  American  Journal  of  Physiology,  216  (April  1969), 

"Synthetic  Inhibitors  and  Ester  Substrates  of  Pancreatic  Kal- 
likrein,"  Experientia,  25  (May  1969),  483-84. 



"  Inhibitory  Effect  of  Aromatic  Diamidines  on  Trypsin  and 
Enterokinase, "  Experientia,  25  (December  1969),  1254-55. 

4 'Inhibition  of  Thrombin,  Plasmin  and  Plasminogen  Activation 
by  Amidino  Compounds,"  Thrombosis  et  Diathesis  Haemorrhagica, 
23  (June  1970),  486-99. 

(With  J.  P.  Hurt.)  "Regulation  of  Pancreatic  Enzyme  Levels 
by  Trypsin  Inhibitors,"  American  Journal  of  Physiology,  219  (Sep- 
tember 1970),  705-11. 

Robert  Andrew  Goyer 

(With  J.  R.  Reynolds,  Jr.,  and  R.  C.  Elston.)  "Characteristics 
of  the  Aminoaciduria  Resulting  from  Cycloleucine  in  Pair-fed 
Rats,"  Proceedings  of  the  Society  for  Experimental  Biology  and 
Medicine,  130  (March  1969),  860-63. 

(With  A.  R.  Krall.)  "Further  Observations  on  the  Morphology 
and  Biochemistry  of  Mitochondria  From  Kidneys  of  Normal  and 
Lead  Intoxicated  Rats,"  Federation  Proceedings,  28  (March- April 
1969),  619. 

(With  R.  C.  Krall.)  " Ultrastructural  Transformation  in  Mito- 
chondria Isolated  from  Kidneys  of  Normal  and  Lead  Intoxicated 
Rats,"  Journal  of  Cell  Biology,  41  (May  1969),  393-400. 

(With  B.  J.  Mitchell  and  D.  L.  Leonard.)  "Dietary  Reduction 
of  Hyperprolinemia, "  Journal  of  Laboratory  and  Clinical  Med- 
icine, 73  (May  1969),  819-24. 

(With  M.  C.  Krall.)  "Effect  of  Lead  Poisoning  on  the  Ability 
of  Kidney  Mitochondria  to  Undergo  Condensed  to  Orthodox  Ultra- 
structural  Transformation  During  Incubation  With  Pyruvate- 
malate  Substrate  (State  IV),"  American  Journal  of  Pathology,  55 
(June  1969),  74a. 

(With  L.  A.  Muro.)  "Chromosome  Damage  in  Experimental 
Lead  Poisoning,"  Archives  of  Pathology,  87  (June  1969),  660-63. 

(With  F.  G.  Dalldorf,  F.  A.  Beall,  M.  R.  Krigman,  and  H.  L. 
Livingston.)  " Transcellular  Permeability  and  Thrombosis  of  Capil- 
laries in  Anthrax  Toxemia.  An  Electron  Microscopic  and  Biochem- 
ical Study,"  Laboratory  Investigation,  21  (July  1969),  42-51. 

" Pathobiology  of  the  Kidney  in  Lead  Poisoning,"  in  Proceed- 
ings of  the  Fourth  Symposium  on  Trace  Substances  in  Environ- 
mental Health,  ed.,  D.  D.  Hemphill.  Columbia :  University  of  Mis- 
souri, 1970.  Pp.  342-51. 

(With  P.  May,  M.  M.  Cates,  and  M.  R.  Krigman.)  "Lead  and 
Protein  Content  of  Isolated  Intranuclear  Inclusion  Bodies  From 
Kidneys  of  Lead-poisoned  Rats,"  Laboratory  Investigation,  22 
(March  1970),  245-51. 

(With  K.  M.  Six.)  "Enhancement  of  Subclinical  Lead  Toxicity 



by  Low  Calcium  Diet/'  Federation  Proceedings,  29  (March- April 
1970),  568. 

"Studies  in  the  Composition  and  Significance  of  the  Intra- 
nuclear Inclusion  Body  in  Lead  Poisoning,"  American  Journal  of 
Pathology,  59  (June  1970),  103a. 

(With  M.  R.  Krigman  and  H.  Shearin.)  "Distribution  of  Se- 
lective Enzymes  in  Lead  Nephropathy,"  American  Journal  of 
Pathology,  59  (June  1970),  56a. 

(With  D.  L.  Leonard  and  H.  Stowe.)  "The  Natural  History  of 
Experimental  Lead  Nephropathy,"  American  Journal  of  Pathol- 
ogy, 59  (June  1970),  22a. 

(With  D.  L.  Leonard,  J.  F.  Moore,  B.  Rhyne,  and  M.  R.  Krig- 
man.) "Lead  Dosage  and  the  Role  of  the  Intranuclear  Inclusion 
Body,"  Archives  of  Environmental  Health,  20  (June  1970),  705-11. 

(With  K.  G.  Carroll  and  F.  R.  Spinelli.)  "Electron  Probe 
Microanalyser  Localization  of  Lead  in  Kidney  Tissue  of  Poisoned 
Rats,"  Nature,  227  (September  1970),  1056." 

(With  D.  L.  Leonard.)  "Aminoaciduria  in  Lead  Poisoning," 
Proceedings  of  the  Society  for  Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine, 
135  (December  1970),  767-71. 

(With  K.  M.  Six.)  "Experimental  Enhancement  of  Lead  Tox- 
icity by  Low  Dietary  Calcium,"  Journal  of  Laboratory  and  Clinical 
Medicine,  76  (December  1970),  933-42. 

Review  of  Mihaly  Bartalos,  ed.,  Genetics  in  Medical  Practice 
(Philadelphia:  J.  B.  Lippincott  Company,  1968),  in  Journal  of  the 
American  Medical  Association,  207  (March  1969),  1920. 

Review  of  Lytt  I.  Gardner,  Endocrine  and  Genetic  Diseases  of 
Childhood  (Philadelphia:  W.  B.  Saunders  Company,  1969),  in 
Archives  of  Pathology,  88  (July  1969),  97. 

Review  of  Victor  A.  McKusick,  Human  Genetics,  2nd  edition 
(Englewood  Cliffs:  Prentice-Hall,  1969),  in  Journal  of  the  Amer- 
ican Medical  Association,  211  (January  1970),  664. 

Review  of  David  W.  Smith,  Recognizable  Patterns  of  Human 
Malformation:  Genetic,  Embryologic  and  Clinical  Aspects  (Phila- 
delphia: W.  B.  Saunders  Company,  1970),  and  of  G.  H.  Valentine, 
The  Chromosome  Disorders:  An  Introduction  for  Clinicians,  2nd 
edition  (Philadelphia:  J.  B.  Lippincott  Company,  1970),  in  Journal 
of  the  American  Medical  Association,  213  (September  1970),  2274. 


Editorial  Board,  Human  Genetics  Abstracts. 

(With  E.  M.  Barrow.)  "The  Dissociation  of  Plasma  Anti- 
hemophilic Factor  by  Succinic  Anhydride,"  Federation  Proceed- 
ings, 28  (March- April  1969),  746. 



"Population  Studies:  A  Paradigm  of  Biomedical  Research  in 
the  Coming  Age,"  Alabama  Journal  of  Medical  Sciences,  6  (July 

1969)  ,  298-307. 

Martin-  Ross  Krigmaet 

(With  F.  G.  Dalldorf,  F.  A.  BeaU,  R.  A.  Goyer,  and  H.  L. 
Livingston.)  " Transcellular  Permeability  and  Thrombosis  of  Capil- 
laries in  Anthrax  Toxemia.  An  Electron  Microscopic  and  Bio- 
chemical Study,"  Laboratory  Investigation,  21  (July  1969),  42-51. 

(With  B.  E.  Kahan,  J.  E.  Wilson,  and  E.  Glassman.)  "Brain 
Function  and  Macromolecules  VI.  Autoradiographic  Analysis  and 
Effect  of  a  Brief  Training  Experience  on  the  Incorporation  of 
Urine  into  Mouse  Brain, ' '  Proceedings  of  the  National  Academy  of 
Science,  65  (February  1970),  300-303. 

(With  J.  P.  Hurt.)  "A  Study  of  Selected  Procoagulants  in 
Guinea  Pigs,"  American  Journal  of  Physiology,  218  (March  1970), 

(With  R.  A.  Goyer,  P.  May,  and  M.  M.  Cates.)  "Lead  and  Pro- 
tein Content  of  Isolated  Intranuclear  Inclusion  Bodies  From  Kid- 
neys of  Lead-poisoned  Rats,"  Laboratory  Investigation,  22  (March 

1970)  ,  245-51. 

(With  J.  P.  Hurt.)  "Na-K-ATPase  Activity  in  Focal  Cerebral 
Edema  Associated  With  an  Experiment  Glioma  in  Guinea  Pigs," 
Journal  of  Neuropathology  and  Experimental  Neurology,  29  (April 
1970),  285-95. 

(With  R.  A.  Goyer,  D.  L.  Leonard,  J.  F.  Moore,  and  B.  Rhyne.) 
"Lead  Dosage  and  the  Role  of  the  Intranuclear  Inclusion  Body," 
Archives  of  Environmental  Health,  20  (June  1970),  705-11. 

(With  R.  A.  Goyer  and  H.  Shearin.)  "Distribution  of  Selective 
Enzymes  in  Lead  Nephropathy,"  American  Journal  of  Pathology, 
59  (June  1970),  56a. 

(With  J.  P.  Hurt,  J.  Perlmutt,  and  H.  Odom.)  "Blood  Clot- 
ting Changes  in  Guinea  Pigs  With  Heterologous  Intracranial  Neo- 
plasm," Laboratory  Investigation,  23  (November  1970),  179-83. 

Robert  Dana  Langdell 

"Coagulation  and  Hemostasis,"  in  Todd  and  Sanford,  Clinical 
Diagnosis  by  Laboratory  Methods,  14th  Edition,  eds.,  I.  Davidsohn 
and  J.  B.  Henry.  Philadelphia:  W.  B.  Saunders,  1969.  Pp.  394-428. 

"Recent  Advances  in  Diagnosis  and  Treatment  of  Hemophilia 
and  Related  Diseases,"  in  CRC  Critical  Reviews  in  Clinical  Lab- 
oratory Sciences,  eds.,  J.  W.  King  and  W.  R.  Faulkner.  Cleveland: 
The  Chemical  Rubber  Company,  1970.  Pp.  585-98. 

(With  F.  Q.  Graybeal,  Jr.,  and  D.  E.  Mooreside.)  "Clotting 



Factor  Activity  in  Cryoprecipitates  and  Supernatant  Plasma  Pre- 
pared From  Blood  Collected  into  ACD,  ACD-Adenine,  CPD  and 
CPD-Adenine  and  From  Plasma  Collected  by  Plasmapheresis," 
Transfusion,  9  (May-Jnne  1969),  135-40. 

(With  M.  Kazama.)  "  Purification  of  Fibrin  Stabilizing  Factor 
(FSF),"  Federation  Proceedings,  28  (March-April  1969),  746. 

(With  D.  B.  Mooreside  and  F.  Q.  Graybeal.)  "Effects  of  Adenine 
on  Clotting  Factors  in  Fresh  Blood,  Stored  Blood,  and  Stored  Fresh 
Frozen  Plasma,"  Transfusion,  9  (July- August  1969),  191. 

Reginald  Gladstone  Mason 

(With  H.  G.  Clark  and  L.  D.  Ikenberry.)  "Blood  Synthetic 
Polymer  Interface  Behavior,"  in  Clean  Surfaces,  ed.,  G.  Goldfinger. 
New  York:  Marcel  Dekker,  1970.  Pp.  45-63. 

(With  D.  E.  Scarborough,  F.  G.  Dalldorf,  and  K.  M.  Brink- 
hous.)  "Morphologic  Manifestations  of  Blood-Solid  Interfacial 
Reactions — a  Scanning  and  Transmission  Electron  Microscopic 
Study,"  Laboratory  Investigation,  20  (February  1969),  164-69. 

(With  D.  E.  Scarborough,  S.  R.  Saba,  K.  M.  Brinkhous,  L.  D. 
Ikenberry,  J.  J.  Kearney,  and  H.  G.  Clark.)  " Thrombogenicity  of 
Some  Biomedical  Materials:  Platelet-interface  Reactions,"  Journal 
of  Biomedical  Materials  Research,  3  (December  1969),  615-44. 

(With  S.  R.  Saba.)  "Platelet  ATPase  Activities.  I.  Ecto- 
ATPase  of  Intact  Platelets  and  Their  Possible  Role  in  Aggrega- 
tion," American  Journal  of  Pathology,  55  (May  1969),  215-23. 

(With  S.  R.  Saba  and  N.  F.  Rodman.)  "Platelet  ATPase  Ac- 
tivities. II.  ATPase  Activities  of  Isolated  Platelet  Membrane  Frac- 
tions," American  Journal  of  Pathology,  55  (May  1969),  225-33. 

(With  K.  M.  Brinkhous,  M.  S.  Read,  and  N.  F.  Rodman.)  "Need 
of  Fibrinogen  for  Thrombin-induced  Aggregation  of  Porcine  Plate- 
lets," Journal  of  Laboratory  and  Clinical  Medicine,  73  (June  1969), 

(With  S.  R.  Saba.)  "Acetylcholine,  Cholinesterase  Activity, 
and  the  Aggregability  of  Human  Platelets,"  Proceedings  of  the  So- 
ciety of  Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine,  135  (October  1970), 

Douglas  Edwaed  Mooeeside 

(With  R.  D.  Langdell.)  "Clotting  Factor  Activity  in  Cryo- 
precipitates and  Supernatant  Plasma  Prepared  from  Blood  Col- 
lected into  ACD,  ACD-Adenine,  CPD  and  CPD-Adenine  and  from 
Plasma  Collected  by  Plasmapheresis,"  Transfusion,  9  (May- June 
1969),  135-40. 



(With  R.  D.  Langdell.)  "Effects  of  Adenine  on  Clotting  Factors 
in  Fresh  Blood,  Stored  Blood,  and  Stored  Fresh  Frozen  Plasma," 
Transfusion,  9  (July- August  1969),  191-97. 

Sylvanus  William  Nye 

(With  P.  Tangchai,  S.  Sundarakiti,  and  S.  Punyagupta.) 
"Lesions  of  the  Brain  in  Eosinophilia  Meningitis,"  Archives  of 
Pathology,  89  (January  1970),  9-19. 

(With  Nisalak,  S.  B.  Halstead,  P.  Singharaj,  S.  Udomsakde,  and 
K.  Vinijchaikul.)  "Observations  related  to  Pathogenesis  of  Dengue 
Hemorrhagic  Fever.  III.  Virologic  Studies  of  Fatal  Disease,"  Yale 
Journal  of  Biology  and  Medicine,  42  (April  1970),  293-310. 

Kathryn  Mahaffey  Six 

(With  T.-C.  Peng  and  P.  L.  Munson.)  "Effects  of  Prostagladin 
Ei  on  the  Hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenal  Cortical  Axis  of 
Rats,"  Federation  Proceedings,  28  (March- April  1969),  437. 

(With  T.-C.  Peng  and  P.  L.  Munson.)  "Effects  of  Prostaglandin 
Ei  on  the  Hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenalcortical  Axis  in  Rats," 
Endocrinology,  86  (February  1970),  202-6. 

(With  R.  A.  Goyer.)  "Enhancement  of  Subclinical  Lead  Tox- 
icity by  Low  Calcium  Diet,"  Federation  Proceedings,  29  (March- 
April  1970),  568. 

(With  R.  A.  Goyer.)  "Experimental  Enhancement  of  Lead  Tox- 
icity by  Low  Dietary  Calcium,"  Journal  of  Laboratory  and  Clin- 
ical Medicine,  76  (December  1970),  933-42. 

Howard  Denisox  Stowe 

"Composition  of  a  Complete  Purified  Equine  Diet,"  Journal  of 
Nutrition,  98  (July  1969),  330-34. 

Kobert  Howard  Wagner 

"Amino  Acids  in  Factor  VIII  Purification,"  in  Hemophilia 
and  New  Hemorrhagic  States,  ed.,  K.  M.  Brinkhous.  Chapel  Hill: 
University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1970.  Pp.  83-87. 

"Hepatitis  in  Hemophilia,"  Thrombosis  et  Diathesis  Haem- 
orrhagica,  Supplement  40  (1970),  377-80. 

(With  K.  M.  Brinkhous,  H.  R.  Roberts,  E.  Shanbrom,  and  W.  P. 
Webster.)  " Glycine-Precipitated  Antihemophilic  Factor  Concen- 
trates and  Their  Clinical  Use,"  Thrombosis  et  Diathesis  Haem- 
orrhagica,  Supplement  35  (1969),  40-48. 



(With  T.  H.  Kiesselbach  and  J.  McDonagh.)  "Factor  XIII 
and  Antiplasmin  Activity  in  Human  Platelets, ' '  American  J ournal 
of  Physiology,  216  (January-March  1969),  508-13. 

(With  T.  H.  Kiesselbach  and  J.  McDonagh.)  "Origin  of  Plate- 
let Factor  XIII  (Fibrin-Stabilizing  Factor),"  Federation  Pro- 
ceedings, 27  (March- April  1969),  745. 

(With  J.  M.  Delage,  J.  McDonagh,  and  R.  P.  McDonagh.) 
' '  Factor  XIII  in  Human  Plasma  and  Platelets, ' '  J  ournal  of  Clinical 
Investigation,  48  (May  1969),  940-46. 

(With  J.  McDonagh.)  "Studies  of  Plasma  and  Platelet  Factor 
XIII,"  in  Proceedings  of  the  Thirteenth  International  Hematologic 
Congress,  Munich,  1970. 

(With  J.  McDonagh.)  "Separation  of  Plasma  and  Platelet  Fac- 
tor XIII),  by  Gel  Filtration,"  American  Journal  of  Physiology,  219 
(December  1970),  1555-58. 

"Tentative  Nomenclature  for  Blood  Coagulation  Factors,"  in 
Handbook  of  Biochemistry,  2nd  edition,  ed.,  Herbert  A.  Solur. 
Cleveland:  Chemical  Rubber  Company,  1970.  P.  A-100. 

William  Phillip  Webster 

(With  G.  D.  Penick,  E.  E.  Peacock,  P.  Hutchin,  and  C.  F.  Zu- 
koski.)  "Organ  Transplantation  in  Animal  Hemophilia,"  in  Hemo- 
philia and  New  Hemorrhagic  States,  ed.,  Kenneth  M.  Brinkhous. 
Chapel  Hill :  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1970.  Pp.  97-105. 

(With  Erie  E.  Peacock,  Jr.,  G.  D.  Penick,  John  W.  Madden,  and 
Peter  Hutchin.)  "Transplantation  of  the  Spleen,"  Transplanta- 
tion Proceedings,  1  (March  1969),  239-45. 

(With  H.  R.  Roberts.)  "Dental  Treatment  of  Patients  with 
Hemorrhagic  Disorders,"  Bibliotheca  Haematologica,  34  (1970), 

(With  Campbell  W.  McMillan,  Harold  R.  Roberts,  and  Wil- 
liam B.  Blythe.)  "Continuous  Intravenous  Infusion  of  Factor  VIII 
in  Classic  Hemophilia,"  British  Journal  of  Haematology,  18  (1970), 

(With  Charles  F.  Zukoski,  Peter  Hutchin,  and  G.  Penick.) 
"Synthesis  and  Control  of  Antihemophilic  Globulin  (Plasma 
Factor  VIII),"  Surgical  Forum,  21  (1970),  370-71. 

(With  Campbell  W.  McMillan,  Harold  R,  Roberts,  and  William 
B.  Blythe.)  "Continuous  Intravenous  Infusion  of  Factor  VIII  in 
Classic  Hemophilia,"  Proceedings  of  Thirty-ninth  Annual  Meeting 
of  the  Society  for  Pediatric  Research,  1969,  158. 

(With  C.  F.  Zukoski  and  P.  Hutchin.)  " Multivisceral  Control 
of  Factor  VIII,"  Federation  Proceedings,  29  (1970),  624. 



(With  C.  F.  Zukoski.  P.  Hutehin.  and  G.  D.  Penick.)  '-Hepatic 
and  Extrahepatie  Synthesis  of  Factor  Till."  Proceedings  of  Thir- 
teenth International  Congress  of  Hematology.  Munich.  Germany, 
August  1970.  222. 

Dissertations  axd  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertation  was  completed  under  the  direc- 
tion of  the  department : 

Theodore  Hyde  Kee$selbach 

Coagulation  Factor  XIII :  A  Thrombin-labile  protein  in  plasma, 
platelets,  and  bone  marrow  megakaryocytes.  (1969.  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Robert  Howard  Wagner.) 

The  following  master's  thesis  was  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 

Mohammad  Aga  Xadjem 

A  Study  of  the  Anatomical  Pathology  of  Liver  Fluke  Infestation 
{Opi-sth  orchis  viverrini)  in  Thai.  (1969.  under  the  direction  of 
Sylvaxts  William  Xye.) 


Caey  Wayne  Cooper 

With  P.  V.  Talmage  and  H.  Z.  Park.)  "Regulation  of  Calcium 
Transport  in  Bone  by  Parathyroid  Hormone." '  Vitamins  and  Hor- 
mones. 2$  (1970; .  10442. 

'With  A.  D.  Care.  L.  L.  Anderson.  S.  L.  Oxenreider.  and  M. 
Phillippo.)  "Effect  of  Hypophysectomy  on  Secretion  of  Porcine 
Thyrocalcitonin  in  vivo.''  Journal  of  Endocrinology.  43  (April 
1969).  679-SO. 

(With  A.  D.  Care  and  H.  J.  G-itelnianO  "Effects  of  Cyclo- 
heximide  on  Calcitonin  Release  and  Activity."  Acta  Endocrinolog- 
ica.  Supplement  13S  (June  1969),  182. 

(With  L.  J.  Deftos  and  J.  T.  Potts.  Jr.)  "Measurement  of  in 
vivo  Secretion  of  Pig  Thyrocalcitonin  (TC)  by  Radioimmunoas- 
say."' Abstracts  of  the  Fifty-First  Meeting  of  the  Endocrine  So- 
ciety (June  1969).  101. 

With  P.  F.  Hirsch  and  P.  L.  Munson."  "Importance  of  En- 
dogenous Thyrocalcitonin  for  Protection  Against  Hypercalcemia  in 
the  Rat."  Endocrinology.  86  (February  1970V  406-15. 



(With  L.  J.  Deftos.)  "Elevation  of  Thyrocalcitonin  (TC)  in 
Pig  Thyroid  Vein  Blood  Following  Oral  Administration  of  Cal- 
cium," Federation  Proceedings,  29  (March- April  1970),  253. 

(With  L.  K.  Dufresne  and  H.  J.  Gitelman.)  ilIn  vivo  Suppres- 
sion Parathyroid  Gland  ATP  Content  by  Hypercalcemia, ' '  Clinical 
Research,  18  (April  1970),  358. 

(With  T.-C.  Peng.)  "The  Hypocalcemic  Effect  of  Ethanol  in 
Rats  and  Dogs,"  Pharmacologist,  12  (Fall  1970),  277. 

With  D.  M.  Biddulph,  P.  F.  Hirsch,  and  P.  L.  Munson.)  "Ef- 
fect of  Thyroparathyroidectomy  and  Parathyroid  Hormone  on 
Urinary  Excretion  of  Calcium  and  Phosphate  in  the  Golden  Ham- 
ster," Endocrinology,  87  (December  1970),  1346-50. 

Review  of  L.  Bolis  and  B.  A.  Pethica,  eds.,  Membrane  Models 
and  the  Formation  of  Biological  Membranes,  Proceedings  1967 
Meeting  International  Conference  on  Biological  Membranes  (Am- 
sterdam: North  Holland  Publishing  Company,  1968),  in  BIOS,  40 
(May  1969),  87. 

William  Leo  Dewey 

(With  L.  S.  Harris,  J.  F.  Howes,  J.  W.  Snyder,  and  O.  T. 
Kirk.)  "The  Mouse  Tail-Flick  Test,"  Committee  on  Problems  of 
Drug  Dependence  (February  1969),  5812-18. 

(With  L.  S.  Harris,  J.  F.  Howes,  C.  Voyda,  J.  S.  Kennedy, 
J.  A.  Nuite,  and  J.  F.  Porter,  Jr.)  "Studies  of  Narcotic-Antagonist 
Analgesics,"  Committee  on  Problems  of  Drug  Dependence  (Feb- 
ruary 1969),  5827-34. 

(With  R.  K.  Razdan,  V.  V.  Kane,  H.  G.  Pars,  J.  L.  Kucera, 
L.  S.  Harris,  and  J.  F.  Howes.)  "Studies  on  Cannabis  Constituents 
and  Synthetic  Analogs,"  Committee  on  Problems  of  Drug  Depen- 
dence (February  1969),  6135-41. 

(With  J.  F.  Howes  and  L.  S.  Harris.)  "Acetylcholine  Turnover 
in  Brain  Slices:  Effect  of  Narcotics  and  Narcotic  Antagonists," 
Federation  Proceedings,  28  (March- April  1969),  261. 

(With  T.-C.  Peng,  L.  S.  Harris,  and  P.  L.  Munson.)  "Pen- 
tazocine in  the  Adrenal  Cortical  Stress  Response  of  Rats,"  Free 
Communications,  Fourth  International  Congress  of  Pharmacology, 
Basel,  Switzerland  (July  1969),  428. 

(With  J.  W.  Snyder,  L.  S.  Harris,  and  J.  F.  Howes.)  "The 
Effects  of  Narcotics  and  Narcotic  Antagonists  on  the  Tail-Flick 
Response  in  Spinal  Mice,"  Journal  of  Pharmacy  and  Pharmacol- 
ogy, 21  (August  1969),  548-50. 

(With  L.  S.  Harris,  J.  F.  Howes,  J.  S.  Kennedy,  and  H.  Pars.) 
"Narcotic-Antagonist  Analgesics,  Interactions  with  Cholinergic 



Systems,"  Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental  Therapeu- 
tics, 169  (September  1969),  17-22. 

(With  J.  F.  Howes,  L.  S.  Harris,  and  C.  A.  Voyda.)  "Brain 
Acetylcholine  Levels  and  Inhibition  of  the  Tail-Flick  Reflex  in 
Mice,"  Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental  Therapeutics, 
169  (September  1969),  23-28. 

(With  L.  S.  Harris,  J.  F.  Howes,  and  J.  S.  Kennedy.)  "Phar- 
macological Effects  of  Some  Active  Constituents  of  Marihuana," 
Pharmacologist,  11  (Fall  1969),  278. 

(With  L.  S.  Harris,  J.  F.  Howes,  J.  S.  Kennedy,  J.  A.  Nuite,  and 
V.  Hayhurst.)  "The  Effects  of  Narcotic- Antagonist  Analgesics  on 
Rat  Brain  Cholinesterases, "  Archives  Internationales  de  Pharma- 
codynamic et  de  Therapie,  182  (December  1969),  471-80. 

(With  L.  S.  Harris,  J.  F.  Howes,  J.  S.  Kennedy,  and  R.  N.  An- 
dersen.) "A  Pharmacological  Investigation  of  Some  of  the  Periph- 
eral Effects  of  the  Constituents  of  Marihuana, ' '  Committee  on  Prob- 
lems of  Drug  Dependence,  (February  1970),  6818-26. 

(With  R.  J.  Razdan,  G.  R.  Handrick,  H.  Pars,  A.  J.  Pattick. 
K.  K.  Weinhardt,  J.  F.  Howes,  and  L.  S.  Harris.)  "Cannabis: 
Studies  on  A8-  and  A9-Tetrahydrocannabinol,  Their  Preparation, 
Stability,  and  Water  Soluble  Derivatives, ' '  Committee  on  Problems 
of  Drug  Dependence  (February  1970),  6860-67. 

(With  L.  S.  Harris,  T.-C.  Peng,  J.  F.  Howes,  and  J.  A.  Nuite.) 
" Narcotic- Antagonist  Analgesics,"  Committee  on  Problems  of 
Drug  Dependence  (February  1970),  6883-89. 

(With  G.  C.  Cocolas  and  E.  C.  Robinson.)  "A  Comparison  of 
Some  Stereochemical  Requirements  of  the  Acetylcholinesterase  and 
Muscarinic  Receptor  Areas,"  Journal  of  Medicinal  Chemistry,  13 
(March  1970),  299-301. 

(With  J.  S.  Kennedy  and  J.  F.  Howes.)  "Some  Autonomic, 
Gastrointestinal  and  Metabolic  Effects  of  Two  Constituents  of 
Marihuana,"  Federation  Proceedings,  29  (March-April  1970),  650. 

(With  J.  F.  Howes  and  L.  S.  Harris.)  "The  Effect  of  Mor- 
phine, Nalorphine,  Naloxone,  Pentazocine,  Cyclazocine,  and  Oxo- 
tremorine  on  the  Synthesis  of  Acetylcholine  by  Mouse  Cerebral 
Cortex  Slices  in  vitro."  Archives  Internationales  de  Pharmaco- 
dynamic et  de  Therapie,  184  (April  1970),  267-76. 

(With  L.  S.  Harris,  J.  F.  Howes,  J.  S.  Kennedy,  F.  E.  Gran- 
chelli,  H.  G.  Pars,  and  R.  J.  Razdan.)  "Pharmacology  of  Some 
Marihuana  Constituents  and  Two  Heterocyclic  Analogues,"  Nature, 
226  (June  27,  1970),  1265-67. 

(With  L.  S.  Harris.)  "Agonistic  Activity  of  the  Narcotic-An- 
tagonist Analgesics,"  Pharmacologist,  12  (Fall  1970),  211. 

(With  L.  R.  Yonce,  L.  S.  Harris,  W.  M.  Reavis,  E.  D.  Griffin, 



Jr.,  and  V.  E.  Newby.)  ' '  Some  Cardiovascular  Effects  of  Trans- 
A9-Tetrahydrocannabinol,"  Pharmacologist,  12  (Fall  1970),  259. 

(With  L.  S.  Harris,  J.  F.  Howes,  and  J.  A.  Nuite.)  "The  Effect 
of  Various  Neurohumoral  Modulators  on  the  Activity  of  Morphine 
and  the  Narcotic  Antagonists  in  the  Tail-Flick  and  Phenylquinone 
Tests,"  Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental  Therapeutics, 
175  (November  1970),  435-42. 

(With  T.-C.  Peng  and  L.  S.  Harris.)  "The  Effect  of  1-Trans- 
A9-Tetrahydrocannabinol  on  the  Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal- Adre- 
nal Axis  of  Rats,"  European  Journal  of  Pharmacology,  12  (No- 
vember 1970),  382-84. 

Feed  Wilson  Ellis 

(With  J.  B.  Hill.)  "Use  of  the  Autoanalyzer  in  the  Teaching  of 
Pharmacology,"  in  Advances  in  Automated  Analysis,  No.  2,  eds., 
Editorial  Publication  Board  for  Technicon.  White  Plains :  Mediad 
Incorporated,  1970.  Pp.  329-32. 

(With  J.  B.  Hill.)  "An  Automated  Fluorometric  Procedure 
for  the  Enzymatic  Determination  of  Ethanol  in  Fingertip  Blood," 
Clinical  Chemistry,  15  (February  1969),  91-101. 

(With  J.  R.  Pick.)  "Ethanol-Induced  Withdrawal  Reactions 
in  Rhesus  Monkeys,"  Pharmacologist,  11  (Fall  1969),  256. 

(With  J.  R.  Pick.)  "Experimentally  Induced  Ethanol  De- 
pendence in  Rhesus  Monkeys,"  Committee  on  Problems  of  Drug 
Dependence  (February  1970),  6606-12. 

(With  J.  R.  Pick.)  "Evidence  of  Ethanol  Dependence  in  Dogs," 
Federation  Proceedings,  29  (March-April  1970),  649. 

"Experimentally  Induced  Ethanol  Dependence  in  Rhesus  Mon- 
keys," Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental  Therapeutics, 
175  (October  1970),  88-93. 

Jean  Leon  Gueriguian 

(With  P.  Leymarie.)  "Etude  de  la  liaison  de  la  progesterone  et 
du  Cortisol  par  la  fraction  cellulaire  soluble  du  corps  jaune  de 
vache  gravide, "  Comptes  Rendus  de  VAcademie  des  Sciences 
(Paris),  269  (October  1969),  1342-45. 

(With  O.  Crepy.)  "Methode  de  dosage  de  la  proteine  serique 
liant  la  testosterone,"  Comptes  Rendus  de  VAcademie  des  Sciences 
(Paris),  269  (October  1969),  1457-59. 

(With  O.  Crepy.)  "Transport  of  Steroids  by  Proteins,"  Fourth 
Meeting  of  the  International  Study  Group  for  Steroid  Hormones, 
Rome,  Italy  (December  1969),  19. 

(With  P.  Leymarie.)  "Progesterone  Binding  by  the  Soluble 
Fraction  of  Corpus  Luteum  from  the  Pregnant  Cow,"  Fourth 



Meeting  of  the  International  Study  Group  for  Steroid  Hormones, 
Rome,  Italy  (December  1969),  39. 

(With  P.  Leymarie  and  0.  Crepy.)"Les  recepteurs  circulants 
et  tissulaires  de  l'oestradiol  et  de  la  progesterone,"  Annates  d'En- 
docrinologie  (Paris),  31  (May-June  1970),  445-52. 

Louis  Selig  Harris 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey,  J.  F.  Howes,  J.  W.  Snyder,  and  0.  T. 
Kirk.)  "The  Mouse  Tail-Flick  Test,"  Committee  on  Problems  of 
Drug  Dependence  (February  1969),  5812-18. 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey,  J.  F.  Howes,  C.  A.  Voyda,  J.  S.  Kennedy, 
J.  A.  Nuite,  and  J.  F.  Porter,  Jr.)  "Studies  of  Narcotic- Antagonist 
Analgesics,"  Committee  on  Problems  of  Drug  Dependence  (Feb- 
ruary 1969),  5827-34. 

(With  R.  K.  Razdan,  V.  V.  Kane,  H.  G.  Pars,  J.  L.  Kucera, 
W.  L.  Dewey,  and  J.  F.  Howes.)  "Studies  on  Cannabic  Constituents 
and  Synthetic  Analogs,"  Committee  on  Problems  of  Drug  Depen- 
dence (February  1969),  6135-41. 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey,  T.-C.  Peng,  and  P.  L.  Munson.)  "Pen- 
tazocine in  the  Adrenal  Cortical  Stress  Response  of  Rats,"  Free 
Communications,  Fourth  International  Congress  of  Pharmacology, 
Basel,  Switzerland  (July  1969),  428. 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey,  J.  W.  Snyder,  and  J.  F.  Howes.)  "The 
Effects  of  Narcotics  and  Narcotic  Antagonists  on  the  Tail-Flick 
Response  in  Spinal  Mice, ' ?  J ournal  of  Pharmacy  and  Pharmacology, 
21  (August  1969),  548-50  . 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey,  J.  F.  Howes,  J.  S.  Kennedy,  and  H.  G. 
Pars.)  "Narcotic-Antagonist  Analgesics,  Interactions  with  Cholin- 
ergic Systems, ' '  Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental  Thera- 
peutics, 169  (September  1969),  17-22. 

(With  J.  F.  Howes,  W.  L.  Dewey,  and  C.  A.  Voyda.)  "Brain 
Acetylcholine  Levels  and  Inhibition  of  the  Tail-Flick  Reflex  in 
Mice,"  Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental  Therapeutics, 
169  (September  1969),  23-28. 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey,  J.  F.  Howes,  and  J.  S.  Kennedy.)  "Phar- 
macological Effects  of  Some  Active  Constituents  of  Marihuana," 
Pharmacologist,  11  (Fall  1969),  278. 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey,  J.  F.  Howes,  J.  S.  Kennedy,  J.  A.  Nuite, 
and  V.  Hayhurst.)  "The  Effects  of  Narcotic-Antagonist  Anal- 
gesics on  Rat  Brain  Cholinesterases, "  Archives  Internationales  de 
Pharmacodynamic  et  de  Therapie,  182  (December  1969),  471-80. 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey,  J.  F.  Howes,  J.  S.  Kennedy,  and  R.  N. 
Andersen.)   "A  Pharmacological  Investigation  of  Some  of  the 



Peripheral  Effects  of  the  Constituents  of  Marihuana,"  Committee 
on  Problems  of  Drug  Dependence  (February  1970),  6818-26. 

(With  R.  K.  Razdan,  G.  R.  Handrick,  H.  Pars,  A.  J.  Pattick, 
K.  K.  Weinhardt,  J.  F.  Howes,  and  W.  L.  Dewey.)  '  'Cannabis 
Studies  on  A8-A9-Tetrahydrocannabinol,  Their  Preparation,  Stabil- 
ity, and  Water  Soluble  Derivates,',  Committee  on  Problems  of 
Drug  Dependence  (February  1970),  6860-67. 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey,  T.-C.  Peng,  J.  F.  Howes,  and  J.  A.  Nuite.) 
" Narcotic- Antagonist  Analgesics,"  Committee  on  Problems  of 
Drug  Dependence  (February  1970),  6883-89. 

"  Central  Neurohumoral  Systems  Involved  with  Narcotic  Ago- 
nists and  Antagonists,"  Federations  Proceedings,  29  (March- April 
1970),  28-32. 

(With  J.  M.  Frankenheim  and  D.  E.  McMillan.)  '  'Effects  of 
2-A9-  and  i-A8-Traws-Tetrahydrocannabinol  on  Schedule-Controlled 
Behavior  of  the  Pigeon,"  Federation  Proceedings,  29  (March- 
April  1970),  619. 

(With  J.  F.  Howes  and  W.  L.  Dewey.)  "The  Effect  of  Mor- 
phine, Nalorphine,  Naloxone,  Pentazocine,  Cyclazocine  and  Oxo- 
tremorine  on  the  Synthesis  and  Release  of  Acetylcholine  by  Mouse 
Cerebral  Cortex  Slices  in  vitro,"  Archives  Internationales  de 
Pharmacodynamic  et  de  Therapie,  184  (April  1970),  267-76. 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey,  J.  F.  Howes,  J.  S.  Kennedy,  F.  E.  Gran- 
chelli,  H.  G.  Pars,  and  R.  J.  Razdan.)  "Pharmacology  of  Some  Mari- 
huana Constituents  and  Two  Heterocyclic  Analogues, ' '  Nature,  226 
(June  27,  1970),  1265-67. 

(With  D.  E.  McMillan  and  J.  M.  Frankenheim.)  11  l-tf-Trans- 
Tetrahydrocannabinol  in  Pigeons :  Tolerance  to  the  Behavioral  Ef- 
fects," Science,  169  (July  31,  1970),  501-03. 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey.)  "Agonistic  Activity  of  the  Narcotic- 
Antagonist  Analgesics,"  Pharmacologist,  12   (Fall  1970),  211. 

(With  D.  E.  McMillan,  R.  F.  Turk,  and  J.  S.  Kennedy.  ){ 'De- 
velopment of  Marked  Behavioral  Tolerance  to  i ^-Tetrahydrocan- 
nabinol (A9-THC)  and  Cross  Tolerance  to  i ^-Tetrahydrocan- 
nabinol (A8-THC)  in  the  Pigeon,"  Pharmacologist,  12  (Fall  1970), 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey,  L.  R.  Yonce,  W.  M.  Reavis,  E.  D.  Griffin, 
Jr.,  and  V.  E.  Newby.)  "Some  Cardiovascular  Effects  of  Trans- 
A9-Tetrahydrocannabinol  (A9-THC),"  Pharmacologist,  12  (Fall 
1970),  259. 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey  and  T.-C.  Peng.)  "The  Effect  of  1-Trans- 
A9-Tetrahydrocannabinol  on  the  Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal-Adre- 
nal  Axis  of  Rats,"  European  Journal  of  Pharmacology,  12  (Novem- 
ber 1970),  382-84. 



(With  W.  L.  Dewey,  J.  F.  Howes,  and  J.  A.  Nuite.)  "The  Ef- 
fect of  Various  Neurohumoral  Modulators  on  the  Activity  of  Mor- 
phine and  the  Narcotic  Antagonists  in  the  Tail-Flick  and  Phenyl- 
quinone  Tests,"  Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental  Thera- 
peutics, 175  (November  1970),  435-42. 

Philip  Francis  Hirsch 

(With  D.  M.  Biddulph  and  P.  L.  Munson.)  ' ' Thyrocalcitonin 
and  Parathyroid  Hormone  in  the  Hamster,"  in  Calcitonin,  eds., 
S.  Taylor  and  G.  Foster.  New  York:  Springer  Verlag.  London: 
Heinemann,  1970.  Pp.  392-99. 

(With  P.  L.  Munson.)  " Thyrocalcitonin, "  Physiological  Re- 
views, 49  (July  1969),  548-622. 

(With  C.  W.  Cooper  and  P.  L.  Munson.)  "Importance  of  En- 
dogenous Thyrocalcitonin  for  Protection  Against  Hypercalcemia 
in  the  Rat,"  Endocrinology,  86  (February  1970),  406-15. 

(With  D.  M.  Biddulph,  C.  W.  Cooper,  and  P.  L.  Munson.) 
"Effect  of  Thyroparathyroidectomy  and  Parathyroid  Hormone  on 
Urinary  Excretion  of  Calcium  and  Phosphate  in  the  Golden  Ham- 
ster," Endocrinology,  87  (December  1970),  1346-50. 

Donald  Edgar  McMillan 

' '  Reinf orcement  Contingencies  Maintaining  Collateral  Respond- 
ing Under  a  DRL  Schedule, ' '  in  Festschrift  for  B.  F.  Skinner,  ed., 
P.  B.  Dews.  New  York :  Appleton-Century-Crofts,  1970.  Pp.  103-12. 

"Interactions  Between  the  Stimulus  Control  of  Behavior  and 
Ethyl  Alcohol  in  Man,"  Committee  on  Problems  of  Drug  Depen- 
dence (February  1970),  6545-49. 

"The  Effects  of  Ethyl  Alcohol  on  Temporally  Spaced  Respond- 
ing in  Humans,"  Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experimental 
Therapeutics,  171  (February  1970),  159-65. 

(With  J.  M.  Frankenheim  and  L.  S.  Harris.)  "Effects  of  1-A9- 
and  i-A8-Traws-Tetrahydrocannabinol  on  Schedule-Controlled  Be- 
havior of  the  Pigeon,"  Federation  Proceedings,  29  (March-April 
1970),  619. 

(With  J.  M.  Frankenheim.)  "Behavioral  Effects  of  Halothane  in 
Pigeons,"  European  Journal  of  Pharmacology,  10  (May  1970), 

(With  J.  M.  Frankenheim.)  "Effects  of  ^-Tetrahydrocan- 
nabinol on  Spaced  Responding  in  Pigeons,"  Proceedings  41st  An- 
nual Meeting,  Eastern  Psychological  Association  (1970),  18. 

(With  L.  S.  Harris,  J.  M.  Frankenheim,  and  J.  S.  Kennedy.) 
' 1  i-A9-Tmws-Tetrahydrocannabinol  in  Pigeons:  Tolerance  to  the 
Behavioral  Effects,"  Science,  169  (July  31,  1970),  501-3. 



(With  R.  J.  Campbell.)  "Effects  of  d- Amphetamine  and  Chlor- 
diazepoxide  on  Spaced  Responding  in  Pigeons, ' '  Journal  of  the  Ex- 
perimental Analysis  of  Behavior,  14  (September  1970),  177-84. 

(With  L.  S.  Harris,  R.  F.  Turk,  and  J.  S.  Kennedy.)  "Develop- 
ment of  Marked  Behavioral  Tolerance  to  ^^-Tetrahydrocannabinol 
(A9-THC)  and  Cross  Tolerance  to  ^^-Tetrahydrocannabinol 
(A8-THC)  in  the  Pigeon,"  Pharmacologist,  12  (Fall  1970),  258. 

(With  P.  S.  Wolf  and  P.  S.  Carchman.)  "Antagonism  of  the 
Behavioral  Effects  of  Morphine  and  Methadone  by  Narcotic  An- 
tagonists in  the  Pigeon,"  Journal  of  Pharmacology  and  Experi- 
mental Therapeutics,  175  (November  1970),  443-58. 

Paul  Lewis  Mtjnson 

Co-Editor,  Vitamins  and  Hormones. 

(With  G.  L.  Coppoc.)  "Identification  and  Quantification  of 
Ci90217-Ketosteroids  in  Rhesus  Monkey  Urine,"  in  Use  of  Sub- 
human Primates  in  Drug  Evaluation,  ed.,  H.  Vagtborg.  Austin: 
University  of  Texas  Press,  1969.  Pp.  34-50. 

(With  D.  M.  Biddulph  and  P.  F.  Hirsch.)  "  Thyrocalcitonin  and 
Parathyroid  Hormones  in  the  Hamster,"  in  Calcitonin,  eds.,  S.  Tay- 
lor and  G.  Foster.  New  York :  Springer  Verlag.  London :  Heine- 
mann,  1970.  Pp.  392-99. 

(With  T.-C.  Peng.)  "Bioassay  of  the  Hypophysiotropic  Hor- 
mones: in  vivo  Systems,"  in  Bioassay  and  Chemistry  of  the  Hypo- 
physiotropic Hormones  of  the  Hypothalamus:  A  Critical  Eval- 
uation, ed.,  J.  Meites.  Baltimore:  Williams  and  Wilkins,  1970.  Pp. 

(With  K.  Nishino.)  "Interrelations  Between  the  Adrenal  Cor- 
tex, Parathyroid  Hormone,  and  Thyrocalcitonin  in  Rats,"  Federa- 
tion Proceedings,  28  (March- April  1969),  384. 

(With  P.  F.  Hirsch.)  "  Thyrocalcitonin, "  Physiological  Reviews, 
49  (July  1969),  548-622. 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey,  T.-C.  Peng,  and  L.  S.  Harris.)  "Pen- 
tazocine in  the  Adrenal  Cortical  Stress  Response  of  Rats,"  Free 
Communications,  Fourth  International  Congress  of  Pharmacology, 
Basel,  Switzerland  (July  1969),  428. 

(With  T.  K.  Gray.)  "Thyrocalcitonin:  Evidence  for  Physiolog- 
ical Function,"  Science,  166  (October  24,  1969),  512-13. 

(With  T.-C.  Peng  and  K.  M.  Six.)  "Effect  of  Prostaglandin  Ei 
on  the  Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal-Adrenocortical  Axis  in  Rats," 
Endocrinology,  86  (February  1970),  202-6. 

(With  C.  W.  Cooper  and  P.  F.  Hirsch.)  "Importance  of  En- 
dogenous Thyrocalcitonin  for  Protection  Against  Hypercalcemia  in 
the  Rat,"  Endocrinology,  86  (February  1970),  406-15. 



(With  T.  K.  Gray.)  "Protection  by  Thyrocalcitonin  Against 
Hypercalcemia  During  Intestinal  Adsorption  of  Calcium,"  Fed- 
eration Proceedings,  29  (March- April  1970),  254. 

(With  T.  K.  Gray.)  "Function  of  Thyrocalcitonin  in  Normal 
Physiology,"  Federation  Proceedings,  29  (May-June  1970),  1206-8. 

(With  D.  M.  Biddulph,  P.  F.  Hirsch,  and  C.  W.  Cooper.)  "Ef- 
fect of  Thyroparathyroidectomy  and  Parathyroid  Hormone  in 
Urinary  Excretion  of  Calcium  and  Phosphate  in  the  Golden  Ham- 
ster," Endocrinology,  87  (December  1970),  1346-50. 

William  Henry  Pearlman 

"Measurement  of  Testosterone  Binding  Sites,"  in  Karolinska 
Symposia  on  Research  Methods  in  Reproductive  Endocrinology, 
2nd  Symposium:  Steroid  Assay  by  Protein  Binding,  ed.,  E.  Dicz- 
falusy.  Copenhagen:  Bogtrykkeriet  Forum,  1970.  Pp.  225-38. 

(With  R.  De  Hertogh,  K.  R.  Laumas,  and  M.  R.  J.  Pearlman.) 
"Metabolism  and  Tissue  Uptake  of  Estrogen  in  Women  with  Ad- 
vanced Carcinoma  of  the  Breast,"  Journal  of  Clinical  Endocrinol- 
ogy and  Metabolism,  29  (May  1969),  707-20. 

(With  I.  F.-F.  Fong  and  Jen-Sie  Tou.)  "A  Further  Study  of 
a  Testosterone-Binding  Component  of  Human  Pregnancy  Serum," 
Journal  of  Biological  Chemistry,  244  (March  10,  1969),  1373-80. 

Review  of  R.  B.  Clayton,  ed.,  Methods  in  Enzymology,  Volume 
15,  Steroids  and  Terpenoids  (New  York:  Academic  Press,  Inc., 
1969),  in  Bioscience,  20  (September  15,  1970),  1027. 

Tai-Chan  Peng 

(With  P.  L.  Munson.)  "Bioassay  of  the  Hypophysiotropic  Hor- 
mones: in  vivo  Systems,"  in  Bioassay  and  Chemistry  of  the  Hypo- 
physiotropic Hormones  of  the  Hypothalamus :  A  Critical  Evalua- 
tion, ed.,  J.  Meites.  Baltimore:  Williams  and  Wilkins,  1970.  Pp. 

(With  W.  L.  Dewey,  L.  S.  Harris,  and  P.  L.  Munson.)  "Pen- 
tazocine in  the  Adrenal  Cortical  Stress  Response  of  Rats,"  Free 
Communications,  Fourth  International  Congress  of  Pharmacology, 
Basel,  Switzerland  (1969),  428. 

(With  L.  S.  Harris,  W.  L.  Dewey,  J.  F.  Howes,  and  J.  A.  Nuite.) 
"Narcotic-Antagonist  Analgesics,"  Committee  on  Problems  of 
Drug  Dependence,  (February  1970),  6883-89. 

"The  Hypocalcemic  Effect  of  Urethane  in  Rats,"  Federation 
Proceedings,  29  (March-April  1970),  782. 

(With  K.  M.  Six  and  P.  L.  Munson.)  "Effect  of  Prostaglandin 
Ei  on  the  Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal- Adrenocortical  Axis  in  Rats," 
Endocrinology,  86  (February  1970),  202-6. 



(With  W.  L.  Dewey  and  L.  S.  Harris.)  "The  Effect  of  1-Trans- 
A9-Tetrahydrocannabinol  on  the  Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal-Adre- 
nal  Axis  of  Rats,"  European  Journal  of  Pharmacology,  12  (No- 
vember 1970),  382-84. 

(With  C.  W.  Cooper.)  "The  Hypocalcemic  Effect  of  Ethanol 
in  Eats  and  Dogs,"  Pharmacologist,  12  (Fall  1970),  277. 

Betsy  Jones  Stover 

(With  H.  Eyring.)  "The  Dynamics  of  Life.  I.  Death  from  In- 
ternal Irradiation  by  239Pu  and  226Ra,  Aging,  Cancer  and  Other 
Diseases,"  Proceedings  of  the  National  Academy  of  Sciences,  66 
(May  1970),  132-39. 

(With  H.  Eyring.)  "Dynamics  of  Life.  II.  The  Steady  State 
Theory  of  Mutation  Rates,"  Proceedings  of  the  National  Academy 
of  Sciences,  66  (June  1970),  441-44. 

(With  H.  Eyring.)  "The  Dynamics  of  Life.  III.  Mechanisms  of 
Non-Survival  and  the  Relation  of  Dose  Size,"  Proceedings  of  the 
National  Academy  of  Sciences,  66  (July  1970),  672-76. 

(With  F.  W.  Bruenger  and  W.  Stevens.)  "Association  of 
Americium  with  Ferritin  in  the  Canine  Liver, ' '  Radiation  Research, 
43  (July  1970),  173-86. 

(With  H.  Eyring.)  "The  Dynamics  of  Life.  IV.  The  Steady 
State  Theory  of  Mutations  Causing  Cancer  and  Other  Degenerative 
Diseases,"  160th  National  Meeting  of  the  American  Chemical  So- 
ciety (September  1970),  No.  24,  Division  of  Physical  Chemistry. 

Svein  Utheim  Toverud 

(With  R.  Oledzka.)  "Bone  Mineral  Dissolution  in  vitro :  Effects 
of  Cell  Destruction  Methods,"  Journal  of  Dental  Research,  49 
(March  1970),  68. 

With  J.  S.  Hanker  and  L.  E.  Hammarstrom.)  "Anabolic  Acid 
Phosphatase  Isoenzymes,"  Journal  of  Histochemistry  and  Cyto- 
chemistry, 18  (September  1970),  67. 


Leonard  Berlow 

You're  Too  Sweet.  New  York:  Astor-Honor,  1969.  Pp.  61. 
"Of  Mice  and  Hospitals,"  Southern  Hospitals  (April  1969), 

1 '  How  to  Recruit  Military  Personnel  for  Health  Careers, ' '  Hos- 
pitals, 43  (July  16,  1969),  80-81. 



1 1  Housekeepers  Often  Scapegoats  for  Patients'  Irritation," 
Hospital  Topics,  47  (August  1969),  51-52. 

" Housekeeping  Has  Important  Role  in  Disaster  Planning," 
Hospital  Topics  (November  1969),  47. 

"  Today's  Pharmacist— More  than  a  Pill  Vender,"  The  Health 
Bulletin  (October  1970),  4-5. 

Review  of  Fred  E.  Fiedler,  A  Theory  of  Leadership  Effectiveness 
(New  York:  McGraw-Hill  Book  Company,  1967),  in  Hospital  Ad- 
ministration, 14  (Summer  1969),  115-16. 

George  Harry  Cocolas 

(With  E.  Robinson  and  W.  L.  Dewey.)  "A  Comparison  of  Some 
Stereochemical  Requirements  of  the  Acetylcholinesterase  and 
Muscarinic  Receptor  Areas,"  Journal  of  Medicinal  Chemistry,  13 
(1970),  299-301. 

Review  of  William  G.  Daubner,  ed.,  Organic  Reactions  (New 
York,  John  Wiley  and  Sons,  1969),  in  American  Journal  of  Phar- 
maceutical Education,  33  (1969),  675. 

Frederick  Monroe  Eckel 

(With  D.  C.  McLeod.)  "Relationship  Between  Method  of  Reim- 
bursement and  Scope  of  Pharmacy  Service  in  Nursing  Homes," 
Journal  of  the  American  Pharmaceutical  Association,  NS9  (Feb- 
ruary 1969),  62. 

(With  D.  C.  McLeod.)  "Groups  Cooperate  on  Plan  to  Recruit, 
Train  Pharmacists  for  Hospitals,"  Hospital  Topics,  47  (April 
1969),  81. 

(With  H.  Majette.)  "A  Program  for  Pharmacy  Interns  who 
Serve  as  Medication  Assistants,"  Hospital  Management,  107  (No- 
vember 1969),  74,  and  107  (December  1969),  34. 

George  Philip  Hager 

"Report — School  of  Pharmacy,  UNC,"  Carolina  Journal  of 
Pharmacy,  50  (September  1969),  25-31. 

"The  Value  of  Pharmaceutical  Services,"  Meeting  Health  Care 
Costs — National  Pharmaceutical  Council,  (November  1969),  26-32. 

' 1  Report  on  the  School  of  Pharmacy, ' '  Carolina  Journal  of  Phar- 
macy, 51  (October  1970),  26-31. 

"Current  Trends  and  Changes  in  Pharmaceutical  Education — 
How  They  Influence  the  Profession  of  Pharmacy,"  Proceedings  of 
the  National  Association  of  Boards  of  Pharmacy  and  American  As- 
sociation of  Colleges  of  Pharmacy,  Third  District  (August  1970), 
25,  31. 



William  Earl  Hall 

"Some  Applications  of  Osmometry  to  Pharmacy,"  American 
Journal  of  Pharmaceutical  Education,  34  (1970),  204. 

"Rapid  Analytical  Methods  of  Use  in  State  Board  Examina- 
tions," Proceedings  of  National  Association  of  Boards  of  Pharmacy 
and  American  Association  of  Colleges  of  Pharmacy,  Third  District 
(August  1970),  46. 

Kuo-Hsiung  Lee 

(With  T.  0.  Soine.)  "The  Coumarins  of  Sphenosciadktm  capitel- 
latum  A.  Gray,"  Journal  of  Pharmaceutical  Sciences,  58  (June 
1969),  675-81. 

(With  T.  O.  Soine.)  "Spectral  Studies  on  Some  Linear  Furano- 
coumarins,"  Journal  of  Pharmaceutical  Sciences,  58  (June  1969), 

(With  T.  A.  Geissman  and  R.  F.  Simpson.)  "Sesquiterpene 
Lactones  of  Artemisia.  Constituents  of  A.  cana  Pursh.  ssp.  cana. 
The  Structure  of  Canin,"  Phytochemistry,  8  (1969),  1515-21. 

(With  T.  A.  Geissman,  M.  A.  Irwin,  and  R.  F.  Simpson.)  "Ses- 
quiterpene Lactones  of  Artemisia.  Ridentin,"  Phytochemistry,  8 

(1969)  ,  2009-12. 

(With  T.  A.  Geissman.)  "Sesquiterpene  Lactones  of  Artemisia. 
Constituents  of  A.  ludoviciana  ssp.  mexicana,"  Phytochemistry,  9 

(1970)  ,  403-8. 

(With  C,  H.  Chen  and  T.  O.  Soine.)  "Total  Synthesis  of  (±)- 
Bisnorargemonine, "  Journal  of  Pharmaceutical  Sciences,  59  (Oc- 
tober 1970),  1529. 

Albert  McLean  Mattocks 

"Accelerated  Removal  of  Salicylate  by  Additives  in  Peritoneal 
Dialysis  Fluid,"  Journal  of  Pharmaceutical  Sciences,  58:  5  (May 
1969),  595-98. 

Claude  U.  Paoloni 

"Procedures  for  Handling  Intravenous  Additives — The  Nursing 
Team  Approach,"  Hospital  Management,  108  (September  1969), 

"Guidelines  for  Administration  of  Intravenous  Additives  by- 
Nurses  on  the  Intravenous  Therapy  Team, ' '  Hospital  Management „ 
108  (October  1969),  46-51. 

' '  Medication  Assistants  :  A  Ramification  of  Clinical  Pharmacy, ' ' 
Pharmacy  Times  (October  1969),  26-30. 



Claude  Piantadosi 

(With  F.  Snyder  and  R.  Wood.)  "Synthesis  of  35S  and  14C- 
Labeled  Glyceryl  Thioethers, "  Journal  of  Pharmaceutical  Sciences, 
58  (August  1969),  1028-29. 

(With  S.  C.  Kim  and  J.  L.  Irvin.)  "Potential  Anticancer  Agents 
V:  The  Synthesis  and  Biochemical  Studies  of  5-nuorinated  Py- 
rimidine-6-carboxaldehydes, "  Journal  of  Pharmaceutical  Sciences, 
58  (July  1969),  821-26. 

(With  F.  Snyder  and  R.  Wood.)  "The  Metabolism  of  Glyceryl 
Thioethers,"  Proceedings  of  the  Society  for  Experimental  Biology 
and  Medicine,  130  (September  1969),  1170-74. 

(With  R.  Wood  and  F.  Snyder.)  "Quantitative  Analysis  and 
Comparison  of  the  Physical  Properties  of  O-alkyl  and  S-alkyl 
Monoethers,"  Journal  of  Lipid  Research,  10  (March  1969),  370-73. 

(With  F.  Snyder  and  G.  Malone.)  "The  Participation  of  1-  and 
2-Isomers  of  O-Alkylglycerols  as  Acyl  Acceptors  in  Cell-Free  Sys- 
tems," Biochimica  et  Biophysica  Acta,  202  (March  1969),  244-46. 

(With  K.  S.  Ishaq  and  F.  Snyder.)  "Synthesis  of  O-Alkylde- 
hydroxyacetone  and  Derivatives,"  Journal  of  Pharmaceutical  Sci- 
ences, 59  (August  1970),  1201-2. 

(With  C.-B.  Chae,  A.  Williams,  H.  Krasny,  and  J.  L.  Irvin.) 
"Inhibition  of  Thymidine  Phosphorylation  and  DNA  and  Histone 
Synthesis  in  Ehrlich  Ascites  Carcinoma,"  Cancer  Research,  30 
(November  1970),  2652-60. 

(With  M.  L.  Blank,  R.  L.  Wykle,  and  F.  Snyder.)  "The  Bio- 
synthesis of  Plasmalogens  from  Labeled  O-Alkylglycerols  in  Ehrlich 
Ascites  Cells,"  Biochimica  et  Biophysica  Acta,  210  (March  1970), 

(With  C.  II.  Hong  and  J.  L.  Irvin.)  "Potential  Anticancer 
Agents.  VI  5-Substituted  Pyrimidine-6-carboxaldehydes, "  Journal 
of  Pharmaceutical  Sciences,  59  (November  1970),  1637-45. 

(With  J.  F.  Soodsma  and  F.  Snyder.)  "The  Biocleavage  of 
Alkyl  Glyceryl  Ethers  in  Morris  Hepatomas  and  Other  Transplant- 
able Neoplasms,"  Cancer  Research,  30  (February  1970),  309-11. 

(With  F.  Snyder.)  "A  Review  of  Plasmalogens  and  Related 
Derivatives:  Their  Chemistry  and  Metabolism,"  Journal  of  Phar- 
maceutical Sciences,  59  (March  1970),  283-97. 

Davis  R.  Reese 

(With  S.  G.  Pathak.)  "Use  of  Dyes  for  Better  Reliability  in  a 
Microbiological  Assay,"  Journal  of  Pharmaceutical  Sciences,  58 
{April  1969),  505. 



Feed  Theodor  Semeniuk 

"  Turbidimetry ;  Nephelometry ;  Colloidimetry, "  in  Pharma- 
ceutical Chemistry,  Volume  2,  ed.,  L.  G.  Chatten.  New  York :  Mar- 
cel Dekker,  Inc.,  1969.  Pp.  277-336. 

Edward  John  Triggs 

(With  H.  W.  Jun.)  "Blood  Levels  of  Chlorphentermine  in 
Man/'  Journal  of  Pharmaceutical  Sciences,  59  (March  1970),  306-9. 

(With  J.  N.  Hlynka  and  H.  W.  Jun.)  "The  Pharmacokinetics 
of  Chlorphentermine  in  Man — 1.  Urinary  Excretion  Studies," 
Canadian  Journal  of  Pharmaceutical  Sciences,  4  (November  2, 
1969),  27-32. 

David  Roger  Work 

"Prescription  Discounts  and  Insurance  Benefits,"  The  Carolina 
Journal  of  Pharmacy,  51  (July  1970),  7. 

"Continuing  Education:  An  Obligation  or  a  Luxury?"  The 
Carolina  Journal  of  Pharmacy,  51  (December  1970),  20. 

Leroy  D.  Werley,  Jr. 

"Is  Pharmacy's  Mortar  Crumbling?"  The  Carolina  Journal  of 
Pharmacy,  8  (August  1970),  24-27. 


Elie  Maynard  Adams 

' 1  Ethics  and  the  Aims  of  Education, ' '  in  Education  and  Ethics, 
eds.,  William  T.  Blackstone  and  George  L.  Newsome.  Athens :  The 
University  of  Georgia  Press,  1969.  Pp.  33-47. 

"A  Changing  America:  Morale  and  Morality,"  reprinted  in 
Aspects  of  Composition,  Billie  Jo  Inman  and  Ruth  Gardner.  New 
York:  Harcourt,  Brace,  and  World,  1970.  Pp.  335-48. 

"The  Future  of  the  Philosophy  of  Mind,"  reprinted  in  Per- 
sons, Privacy,  and  Feeling,  ed.,  Dwight  Van  de  Vate,  Jr.  Mem- 
phis: Memphis  State  University  Press,  1970.  Pp.  1-13. 

"The  Academic  Revolution,"  Modern  Age,  13  (Summer  1969), 

"Philosophical  Grounds  of  the  Present  Crisis  of  Authority," 
The  Southern  Journal  of  Philosophy,  8  (Summer  and  Fall  1970), 

"Value  Theory,"  Dictionary  of  World  Literary  Terms,  1970, 
pp.  353-54. 



Vikgil  Charles  Aldrich 

"Logically  Necessary  a  posteriori  Propositions,"  Analysis,  29 
(March  1969),  140-42. 

"The  Pineal  Gland  Up-Dated,"  Journal  of  Philosophy,  67 
(October  8,  1970),  700-710. 

"Fred  I.  Dretske  On  Seeing  and  Knowing,"  Journal  of  Phil- 
osophy, 67  (December  10,  1970),  994-1006. 

Werner  David  Falk 

"Goading  and  Guiding,"  in  Readings  in  Contemporary  Ethical 
Theory,  eds.,  Kenneth  Pahel  and  Marvin  Schiller.  Englewood  Cliffs, 
New  Jersey:  Prentice-Hall,  Inc.,  1970.  Pp.  60-83. 

"Morality,  Self,  and  Others,"  in  Readings  in  Contemporary 
Ethical  Theory,  eds.,  Kenneth  Pahel  and  Marvin  Schiller.  Engle- 
wood Cliffs,  New  Jersey:  Prentice-Hall,  Inc.,  1970.  Pp.  360-90. 

"Prudence,  Temperance,  and  Courage,"  in  Moral  Concepts, 
ed.,  Joel  Feinberg.  New  York:  Oxford  University  Press,  1970. 
Pp.  114-19. 

Douglas  Clark  Long 

"Particulars  and  Their  Qualities,"  in  Universals  and  Par- 
ticulars: Readings  in  Ontology,  ed.,  Michael  Loux.  New  York: 
Doubleday,  1970.  Pp.  264-84. 

"The  Philosophical  Concept  of  A  Human  Body,"  in  The 
Philosophy  of  the  Body,  ed.,  Stuart  F.  Spicker.  Chicago:  Quad- 
rangle Books,  1970.  Pp.  121-36. 

"Descartes'  Argument  for  Mind-Body  Dualism,"  The  Philo- 
sophical Forum,  1  (Spring  1969),  259-73. 

Michael  David  Resnik 

Elementary  Logic.  New  York:  McGraw-Hill  Book  Company, 
1970.  Pp.  457. 

"A  Set  Theoretic  Approach  to  the  Simple  Theory  of  Types," 
Theoria,  35  (1969),  239-58. 

"More  on  Skolem's  Paradox,"  NOUS,  3  (May  1969),  185-96. 

"The  Frege-Hilbert  Controversy,"  The  Journal  of  Symbolic 
Logic,  35  (March  1970),  182. 

Jay  Frank  Rosenberg 

"Notes  on  Goodman's  Nominalism,"  Philosophical  Studies,  21 
(January-February  1970),  19-24. 

"Wittgenstein's  Self-Criticisms  or  1  "Whatever  Happened  to  the 
Picture  Theory?'  "  NOUS,  4  (September  1970),  209-23. 



"The  Problem  of  Evil  Revisited — A  Reply  to  Schlesinger, " 
Journal  of  Value  Inquiry,  4  (Fall  1970),  212-18. 

Geoege  Schlesinger 

"The  Passage  of  Time/'  in  Contemporary  Philosophy  in  Aus- 
tralia, eds.,  Robert  Brown  and  C.  D.  Rollins.  London:  George 
Unwin,  1969.  Pp.  204-13. 

"The  Two  Notions  of  the  Passage  of  Time,"  NOUS,  3  (Feb- 
ruary 1969),  1-16. 

"Eliminating  Self -Reference  Once  More,"  Analysis,  29  (March 

1969)  ,  135-36. 

"Change  and  Time,"  Journal  of  Philosophy,  67  (May  7,  1970). 

"On  Irrelevant  Criteria  of  Confirmation,"  British  Journal  for 
the  Philosophy  of  Science,  21  (August  1970),  282-87. 

' '  On  the  Possibility  of  the  Best  of  All  Possible  Worlds, ' '  Journal 
of  Value  Inquiry,  4  (Fall  1970),  229-32. 

William  Winslow  Shea 

"God,  Evil,  and  Professor  Schlesinger, "  Journal  of  Value 
Inquiry,  4  (Fall  1970),  219-28. 

Kichard  Andrew  Smyth 

"A  Note  on  'The  Space-Time  World,'  "  Mind,  79  (January 

1970)  ,  144. 

Eobert  Dale  Vance 

"On  Being  Earlier  Than,"  NOUS,  4  (May  1970),  153-73. 

Richard  Harold  Zaffron 

Review  of  Herbert  C.  Kelman,  A  Time  To  Speak:  On  Human 
Values  and  Social  Research  (San  Francisco:  Jossey-Bass,  1968),  in 
Contemporary  Psychology,  14  (November  1969),  570-71. 

Review  of  Michael  Polanyi,  Knowing  and  Being,  ed.,  Marjorie 
Grene  (Chicago:  University  of  Chicago  Press,  1969),  in  Science, 
19  (June  1970),  1440-42. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department: 

Robert  Martin  Brier 

The  Problem  of  Backward  Causation.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  George  Schlesinger.) 



William  Van  Grimes,  Jr. 

The  Language  of  Practical  Discourse.  (1969,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Elie  Maynard  Adams.) 

Eleanore  Walkowski  Holveck 

Edmund  Husserl's  Concept  of  the  Ego  in  the  Cartesian  Medita- 
tions. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  William  Winslow  Shea.) 

Gene  Gray  James 

Kalph  Barton  Perry's  Theory  of  Value:  A  Critical  Analysis. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Elie  Maynard  Adams.) 

Joseph  Leonard  Poetker 

A  Theory  of  Epistemic  Appraisal  Terms.  (1970,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Elie  Maynard  Adams.) 

Robert  Bruce  Redmon,  Jr. 

The  Ontological  Significance  of  Semantical  Methods.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  John  William  Heintz.) 

Ronald  Edward  Roblin 

R.  G.  Collingwood 's  Philosophy  of  History.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Elie  Maynard  Adams.) 

Marvin  Schiller 

The  Alienable  and  the  Inalienable :  A  Study  in  Political  Phil- 
osophy. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Werner  David  Falk.) 

William  Kenneth  Warmbrod 

The  Relevance  of  Linguistic  Studies  to  Philosophy.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Richard  Andrew  Smyth.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department: 

Sandra  Coe  Booth 

The  Problem  of  Illusion  in  Representational  Art.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Virgil  Charles  Aldrich.) 

Salvatore  Edward  De  Simone 

Alienation,  Kierkegaard  and  Buber's  Philosophy  of  Dialogue. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Elie  Maynard  Adams.) 



William  Norwood  Hicks  III 

The  Descriptivist/Revisionary  Controversy:  The  Structure  of 
a  Contemporary  Dispute.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  John 
William  Heintz.) 

Deryl  Johnson  Howard 

The  Mach  Principle.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  George 

James  McCormick  McClure 

Roger  Fry:  Aesthetic  Purity  and  Plastic  Form.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  William  Winslow  Shea.) 

Donnie  Jordan  Self 

The  Basic  Misinterpretation  of  Utilitarianism.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Elie  Maynard  Adams.) 

Clayton  Lee  Stalnaker 

The  Availability  of  Religious  Language.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Elie  Maynard  Adams.) 

Crawford  Logan  Taylor,  Jr. 

A  Study  of  the  Value  Realism  of  E.  M.  Adams.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Elie  Maynard  Adams.) 

Timothy  Hatton  Taylor 

Sartre's  Ontology:  A  Sympathetic  Look.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  William  Winslow  Shea.) 

James  Harold  Von  Frank 

Plato  on  Words:  The  Cratylus.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Edward  Michael  Galligan.) 


Wayne  Alexander  Bowers 

Computer-generated  films  in  Quantum  Physics  Series.  Newton, 
Mass.:  Education  Development  Center,  November  1970. 
"Packets  in  a  Perfect  Crystal,"  QP-6. 
' 'Packets  Incident  on  a  Crystal,"  QP-7. 
"Scattering  from  Impurities,"  QP-8. 



Charles  Victoe  Briscoe 

(With  J.  Legg,  A.  T.  Stewart,  and  W.  Triftshauser.)  "Zero- 
Point  Bubbles  in  Liquid  and  Solid  Helium, ' '  in  Proceedings  of  the 
Eleventh  International  Conference  on  Low  Temperature  Physics. 
St.  Andrews,  Scotland:  St.  Andrews  Printing  Department,  1969. 
Pp.  304-7. 

(With  S.  L.  Lehoczky.)  "Fluctuation  Effects  in  the  ac  Con- 
ductivity of  Thin  Lead  Films  above  the  Superconducting  Transition 
Temperature,"  Physical  Review  Letters,  23  (1969),  695-97. 

(With  S.  L.  Lehoczky.)  "Fluctuation  Effects  in  the  ac  Conduc- 
tivity of  Thin  Lead  Films  below  the  Superconducting  Transition 
Temperature,"  Physical  Review  Letters,  24  (1970),  880-82. 

Sang-Il  Choi 

(With  J.  Hernandez.)  "Optical  Absorption  by  Charge  Trans- 
fer Excitons  in  Linear  Molecular  Crystals,"  Journal  of  Chemical 
Physics,  50  (1969),  1524-32. 

(With  J.  Hernandez.)  "Positronium  Bubbles  in  Liquid  and 
Solid  Helium-4,"  The  Physical  Review,  188  (1969),  340-48. 

(With  Warren  Pollans.)  "Exciton  States  and  Optical  Spectra 
in  Linear  Molecular  Crystals,"  Journal  of  Chemical  Physics,  52 
(1970),  3691-702. 

(With  P.  S.  Julienne.)  "The  Electronic  States  of  a  Disordered 
Polymer,"  Journal  of  Chemical  Physics,  53  (1970),  2726-35. 

(With  M.  Silver  and  P.  Smejtek.)  "Transient  Space  Charge 
Limited  Currents  by  Injection  into  Organic  Liquids  from  a  Tun- 
nel Cathode,"  in  Phenomenes  De  Conduction  Dans  Les  Liquides 
Isolants,  Centre  National  De  La  Recherche  Scientifique,  1970.  Pp. 

Thomas  Boykin  Clegg 

(With  J.  M.  Joyce,  E.  J.  Ludwig,  W.  S.  McEver,  and  R.  L. 
Walter.)  "Polarization  of  3He  Scattered  from  12C,"  Physical  Re- 
view Letters,  24  (1970),  1123-26. 

(With  J.  M.  Joyce,  E.  J.  Ludwig,  W.  S.  McEver,  and  R.  L. 
Walter.)  "An  Analyzer  for  the  Polarization  of  3He  Particles," 
Physics  Letters,  31B  (1970),  560-62. 

James  Homee  Ceawfoed,  Je. 

(With  A.  Hiraki  and  J.  W.  Cleland.)  "Annealing  of  Defects 
Produced  in  n-Type  Ge  by  Electron  Irradiation  at  30°K,"  The 
Physical  Review,  111  (1969),  1203-7. 

(With  W.   C.  Mallard.)    " Thermostimulated  Currents  and 



Thermoelectric  Power  in  Irradiated  MgO,"  Solid  State  Communi- 
cations, 7  (1969),  1767-70. 

"Aggregation  of  Divalent  Metal  Impurity  in  Alkali  Halide 
Crystals,"  Journal  of  Physics  and  Chemistry  of  Solids,  31  (1970), 

(With  J.  W.  Cleland.)  "Radiation  Effects  in  Tellurium-Doped 
Germanium,"  The  Physical  Review,  Bl  (1970),  713-17. 

"The  Vi  Center  and  Vacancy- Impurity  Complexes  in  Mag- 
nesium," Crystal  Lattice  Defects,  1  (1970),  357-60. 

"  Impurity-Divacancy  Complexes  and  Transition  Metal  Im- 
purity in  Alkali  Halides,"  Crystal  Lattice  Defects,  1  (1970),  363-65. 

Eeyce  Seligman  DeWitt 

Editor,  Lectures  on  Electrodynamics  by  J.  R.  Oppenheimer. 
New  York:  Gordon  and  Breach  Science  Publishers,  1970.  P.  164. 

Associate  editor,  Journal  of  Mathematical  Physics. 

"Spacetime  as  a  Sheaf  Geodesies  in  Superspace,"  in  Relativity: 
Proceedings  of  the  Relativity  Conference  in  the  Midwest,  eds., 
M.  Carmeli,  S.  I.  Fickler,  and  L.  Witten.  New  York:  Plenum  Press, 
1970.  Pp.  359-74. 

"Quantum  Mechanics  and  Reality,"  Physics  Today,  23  (1970), 

"Quantum  Theories  of  Gravity,"  General  Relativity  and  Gravi- 
tation, 1  (1970),  181-89. 

Cecile  Mokette  DeWitt 

(With  V.  Gillet.)  Editor,  Nuclear  Physics,  1968  Les  Houches 
Lectures.  New  York:  Gordon  and  Breach  Science  Publishers,  1969. 
P.  816. 

(With  J.  Matricon.)  Editor,  Physical  Problems  in  Biological 
Systems,  1969  Les  Houches  Lectures.  New  York :  Gordon  and  Breach 
Science  Publishers,  1970.  P.  448. 

1 '  Le  Principe  d  'equivalence  dans  la  theorie  du  champ  de  gravi- 
tation quantifie,"  Collogue  International  du  CNRS — Fluides  et 
Champ  Gravitational  en  Relativite  Generale,  170  (1969),  205-8. 

"L 'integrale  fonctionnelle  de  Feynman,"  Annates  de  VInstitut 
Poincare,  40  (1969),  153-206. 

"Some  Progress  in  the  Covariant  Formalism  in  Particular  for 
Fields  Invariant  Under  a  Nonabelian  Gauge  Group,"  Proceedings 
of  the  Renormalization  Conference,  ICTP  Trieste  (1969),  84-89. 

Kian  Seng  Dy 

(With  C.  J.  Pethick.)  "Transport  Coefficients  of  a  Normal  Fermi 
Liquid,  Application  to  Liquid  He3,"  The  Physical  Review,  185 
(1969),  373-84. 



John  Petee  Hebxandez 

(With  S.  I.  Choi.)  " Optical  Absorption  by  Charge  Transfer 
Excitons  in  Linear  Molecular  Crystals,"  Journal  of  Chemical 
Physics,  50  (1969),  1524-32. 

(With  S.  I.  Choi.)  " Positronium  Bubbles  in  Liquid  and  Solid 
Helium-4,"  The  Physical  Review,  188  (1969),  340-48. 

(With  D.  G.  Onn  and  M.  Silver.)  "Role  of  Electron  Bubbles 
on  Laser  Induced  Breakdown  in  Liquid  He4,"  The  Physical  Re- 
view, Al  (1970),  1268-70. 

(With  M.  Silver.)  "Dynamics  of  Electron-Bubble  Formation 
in  Helium,"  The  Physical  Review,  A2  (1970),  1949-54. 

Paul  Staxcyl  Hubbaed 

"Some  Properties  of  Correlation  Functions  of  Irreducible 
Tensor  Operators,"  The  Physical  Review,  180  (1969),  319-26. 

"Nonexponential  Relaxation  of  Three-Spin  Systems  in  Non- 
spherical  Molecules,"  Journal  of  Chemical  Physics,  51  (1969), 

"Nonexponential  Relaxation  of  Rotating  Three-Spin  Systems 
in  Molecules  of  a  Liquid,"  Journal  of  Chemical  Physics,  52  (1970), 

"Nonexponential  Nuclear  Magnetic  Relaxation  by  Quadrupole 
Interactions,"  Journal  of  Chemical  Physics,  53  (1970),  985-87. 

Edwaed  James  Ludwig 

(With  S.  Fiarman,  L.  S.  Michelman,  and  A.  B.  Robbins.)  "Study 
of  The  Zr90  (d,p)  Zr91  Reaction,"  The  Physical  Review,  180  (1969), 

(With  S.  Fiarman,  L.  S.  Michelman,  and  A.  B.  Robbins.)  "Pro- 
ton Polarization  Measurements  Near  Isobaric  Analogue  Res- 
onances in  145Eu,"  Nuclear  Physics,  A131  (1969),  267-72. 

(With  J.  M.  Joyce  and  J.  E.  McQueen.)  "30Si(3He,a)29Si  Re- 
action at  8.0  and  7.0  Mev,"  Nuclear  Physics,  A147  (1970).  81-93. 

(With  G.  A.  Bissinger,  J.  M.  Joyce,  W.  McEver,  and  S.  M. 
Shafroth.)  "A  Study  of  the  Production  of  K  X-Rays  in  Ca,  Ti  and 
Ni  by  2-28  Mev  Protons,"  The  Physical  Review,  Al  (1970),  841-47. 

(With  J.  M.  Joyce  and  J.  W.  McQueen.)  "The  (3He,a)  Reac- 
tion with  Nuclei  in  the  S-d  Shell,"  Nuclear  Physics,  A151  (1970), 

(With  T.  B.  Clegg,  J.  M.  Joyce,  W.  S.  McEver,  and  R.  L.  Wal- 
ter.) "Polarization  of  3He  Scattered  from  12C,"  Physical  Review 
Letters,  24  (1970),  1123-26. 



(With  T.  B.  Clegg,  J.  M.  Joyce,  W.  S.  MeEver,  and  E.  L.  Wal- 
ter.) "An  Analyzer  for  the  Polarization  of  3He  Particles,"  Physics 
Letters,  31B  (1970),  560-62. 

(With  T.  Dzubay,  F.  Everling,  A.  A.  Jaffe,  D.  Miller,  D.  Out- 
law, and  T.  White.)  "States  of  36K,"  Physics  Letters,  33B  (1970), 

(With  H.  Coleman,  M.  Divandeenam,  J.  M.  Joyce,  W.  McEver, 
and  S.  M.  Shafroth.)  "A  Multi-Exit  Channel  Study  of  Analog 
Resonances  in  the  51V  -f-  P  Reaction,"  in  The  Conference  on  Nu- 
clear Isospin.  New  York:  Academic  Press,  1969.  Pp.  103-8. 


Quantum  Mechanics.  2nd  edition.  New  York:  John  Wiley  and 
Sons,  Inc.,  1970.  P.  631. 

(With  B.  H.  Choi.)  "Energy  and  Angular  Momentum  Dis- 
tribution of  Fast  Electrons  Emitted  from  K  and  L  Shells  by  Pro- 
ton Impact,"  The  Physical  Review,  111  (1969),  233-39. 

(With  B.  H.  Choi.)  "Angular  Distribution  of  Fast  Electrons 
Ejected  from  K  and  L  Shells  by  Proton  Impact,"  The  Physical 
Review,  Al  (1970),  299-304. 

Review  of  M.  L.  Mehta,  Random  Matrices  and  the  Statistical 
Theory  of  Energy  Levels  (New  York:  Academic  Press,  1967),  in 
Physics  Today,  22  (April  1969),  101-3. 

Eakl  Nelson  Mitchell 

(With  A.  von  Bassewitz.)  "Resistivity  Studies  of  Single 
Crystal  and  Polycrystal  Films  of  Aluminum,"  The  Physical  Re- 
view, 182  (1969),  712-16. 

"New  Single-Crystal  Orientations  in  Epitaxial  Aluminum 
Films,"  Journal  of  Applied  Physics,  40  (1969),  3400-3402. 

(With  S.  B.  Bailey  and  R.  T.  Richard.)  "Evaporated  Silver- 
Aluminum  Thermocouples  for  Low  Temperature  Measurement," 
Review  of  Scientific  Instruments,  40  (1969),  1237-38. 

(With  S.  B.  Bailey,  T.  M.  Peterlin,  and  R.  T.  Richard.)  "Uni- 
directional Anisotropy  in  Permalloy  Films  at  4.2°,"  Journal  of  Ap- 
plied Physics,  41  (1970),  194-96. 

(With  J.  E.  Jackson  and  G.  L.  Wells.)  "Superconducting  Tun- 
neling in  Single  Crystal  and  Polycrystal  Films  of  Aluminum," 
The  Physical  Review,  Bl  (1970),  3636-44. 

(With  A.  L.  Geiger  and  G.  I.  Lykken.)  "Measurement  of  the 
Fermi  Velocity  in  Single-Crystal  Films  of  Lead  by  Electron  Tun- 
neling," Physical  Review  Letters,  25  (1970),  1578-80. 



Louis  Douglas  Boberts 

(With  T.  A.  Carlson,  F.  B.  Malik,  C.  W.  Nestor,  and  T.  C. 
Tucker.)  " Relativistic  Self-Consistent-Field  Calculation  of  the 
Wave  Functions,  Eigenvalues,  Isotope  Shifts,  and  the  6s  Hyper- 
fine-Structure  Coupling  Constant  as  a  Function  of  Pressure  for 
Metallic  Gold  in  the  Wigner-Seitz  Model,"  The  Physical  Review, 
178  (1969),  998-1008. 

(With  R.  P.  Levy,  D.  0.  Patterson,  and  J.  0.  Thompson.)  "Solid 
State  and  Nuclear  Results  from  a  Measurement  of  the  Pressure  De- 
pendence of  the  Energy  of  the  Resonance  Gamma  Ray  of  197Au," 
The  Physical  Review,  179  (1969),  656-62. 

(With  P.  G.  Huray,  D.  O.  Patterson,  and  J.  0.  Thompson.) 
' '  A  Study  of  the  Intermetallic  Compounds  of  Gold  and  Manganese 
through  the  Use  of  the  197Au  Mossbauer  Effect  at  4.2°K  and  as  a 
Function  of  Pressure,"  The  Physical  Review,  B2  (1970),  2440-48. 

Dietrich  Schroeer 

"The  Mossbauer  Effect  in  Microcrystals, "  in  Mossbauer  Effect 
Methodology,  Volume  5,  ed.,  I.  J.  Gruverman.  New  York :  Plenum 
Press,  1969.  Pp.  141-62. 

(With  J.  E.  McQueen  and  S.  Sylvester.)  "Coulomb  Excitation 
Mossbauer  Effect  of  the  43.8-keV  State  of  161Dy,"  Solid  State  Com- 
munications, 7  (1969),  673-75. 

(With  W.  Triftshauser.)  "Investigations  of  Charge  States  in 
Co57-Doped  Oxides  Using  the  Mossbauer  Effect  and  Delayed-Coin- 
cidence  Techniques,"  The  Physical  Review,  187  (1969),  491-98. 

(With  D.  J.  Erickson,  S.  W.  Marshall,  R.  F.  Marzke,  and  R.  M. 
Wilenzick. )  1 1  The  Mossbauer  Isomer  Shift  in  Gold  Microcrystals, ' ' 
The  Physical  Review,  B2  (1970),  4414-20. 

Stephen-  Morrison  Shafroth 

(With  H.  Coleman,  M.  Divadeenam,  J.  M.  Joyce,  E.  J.  Ludwig, 
and  W.  McEver.)  "A  Multi-Exit  Channel  Study  of  Analog  Res- 
onances in  the  51V -f- P  Reaction,"  in  Proceedings  of  the  Second 
Conference  on  Nuclear  Isospin,  eds.,  Anderson,  Bloom,  Carny,  and 
Trve.  New  York:  Academic  Press,  1969.  Pp.  103-8. 

(With  G.  A.  Bissinger,  J.  M.  Joyce,  E.  J.  Ludwig,  and  W.  Mc- 
Ever.) "A  Study  of  the  Production  of  K  X-Rays  in  Ca,  Ti  and  Ni 
by  2-28  MeV  Protons,"  The  Physical  Review,  Al  (1970),  841-47. 

(With  A.  A.  Jaffe  and  W.  J.  Thompson.)  "Coulomb  Energies  in 
Nuclei,"  Science,  169  (1970),  505-6. 

Marvin  Silver 

(With  D.  G.  Onn  and  P.  Smejtek.)  "Steady  State  and  Transient 



Space  Charge  Limited  Currents  in  Organic  Liquids  by  Injection 
from  a  Tunnel  Cathode,"  Journal  of  Applied  Physics,  40  (1969), 

(With  R.  Morris.)  "Direct  Electron-Hole  Recombination  in 
Anthracene,"  Journal  of  Chemical  Physics,  50  (1969),  2969-73. 

(With  D.  G.  Onn.)  "The  Attenuation  and  Lifetime  of  Hot 
Electrons  Injected  into  Liquid  Helium,"  The  Physical  Review, 
183  (1969),  295-307. 

(With  P.  Kumbhare,  D.  G.  Onn,  and  P.  Smejtek.)  "Hot  Elec- 
tron Injection  into  Liquid  Argon  from  a  Tunnel  Cathode,"  Journal 
of  Chemical  Physics,  52  (1970),  5195-99. 

Lawrence  Myee  Sliekln- 

"The  Physics  of  the  Photographic  Process,"  in  Solid  State 
Dosimetry,  ed.,  S.  Amelinckx.  New  York:  Gordon  and  Breach 
Science  Publishers,  1969.  Pp.  241-59. 

(With  A.  Batra,  G.  Brebec,  and  A.  Laskar.)  "Impurity  Tracer 
Diffusion  in  Silver  Halides,"  in  Diffusion  Processes,  ed.,  J.  Sher- 
wood. New  York:  Gordon  and  Breach  Science  Publishers,  1970.  Pp. 

(With  A.  Batra.)  "Impurity  Halide  Diffusion  in  AgCl  and 
AgBr,"  Journal  of  Physics  and  Chemistry  of  Solids,  30  (1969), 

(With  A.  Batra  and  A.  Laskar.)  "Low  Temperatures  Suppres- 
sion by  Chlorine  of  Diffusion  of  Gold  in  Silver  Chloride,"  Journal 
of  Physics  and  Chemistry  of  Solids,  30  (1969),  2053-59. 

(With  A.  Batra  and  A.  Laskar.)  "Diffusion  of  Strontium  Ion  in 
Silver  Chloride,"  Journal  of  Physics  and  Chemistry  of  Solids,  30 
(1969),  2061-64. 

(With  W.  Alexander.)  "Diffusion  of  Solutes  in  Aluminum  and 
Dilute  Aluminum  Alloys,"  The  Physical  Review,  Bl  (1970),  3274- 

(With  A.  Batra,  G.  Brebec,  and  A.  Laskar.)  "New  Model  for 
Impurity  Tracer  Diffusion  in  Silver  Halides,"  Irradiation  Ef- 
fects, 4  (1970),  257-59. 

"Payoff  from  Liaison,"  European  Scientific  Notes,  23  (1969), 

"Billiards  Within  Crystals,"  European  Scientific  Notes,  23 
(1969),  281-84. 

"Wandering  Atoms  and  Molecules,"  European  Scientific  Notes, 
23  (1969),  284-87. 

"Hi-Fi  Flames,"  European  Scientific  Notes,  23  (1969),  321-23. 

"Cheap  Photography,"  European  Scientific  Notes,  23  (1969), 



"The  Year  of  the  Point  Defect,"  European  Scientific  Notes,  24 
(1970),  8-9. 

"Carbon  Fibres  or  Carbon  Fibers?"  European  Scientific  Notes, 
24  (1970),  13. 

"New  Physics  in  Old  Pots,"  European  Scientific  Notes,  24 
(1970),  28-30. 

"European  Nuclear  Cooperation,"  European  Scientific  Notes, 
24  (1970),  30-31. 

"On  Producing  Useful  Scientists,"  European  Scientific  Notes, 
24  (1970),  47-49. 

"British  Solid  State  Physics  Conference,"  European  Scientific 
Notes,  24  (1970),  49-50. 

"The  Iceman  Cometh,"  European  Scientific  Notes,  24  (1970), 

"Confrontation  in  Britain,"  European  Scientific  Notes,  24 
(1970),  122-24. 

"Materials  Science  in  Ljubljana,"  European  Scientific  Notes, 
24  (1970),  141-43. 

"In  Search  of  the  Good  Old  Days,"  European  Scientific  Notes, 
24  (1970),  212-15. 

"Point  Defects  by  the  Zurich  See,"  European  Scientific  Notes, 
24  (1970),  270-71. 

"Making  Science  Pay,"  European  Scientific  Notes,  24  (1970), 

"Symposium  on  Diffusion  Processes,  Strathclyde, "  Office  of 
Naval  Research — London  Report  C-6,  1970.  P.  18. 

"Symposium  on  Non-Silver  Photographic  Processes,"  Office  of 
Naval  Research — London  Report  C-7,  1970.  P.  10. 

"Solute  Interactions  on  Point  Defects  and  Dislocations,"  Office 
of  Naval  Research — London  Report  C-8,  1970.  P.  9. 

"Transport  Processes  in  Oxides,"  Office  of  Naval  Research — 
London  Report  C-9,  1970.  P.  8. 

"Mass  Transport  in  Non-Metallic  Solids,"  Office  of  Naval  Re- 
search—London Report  C-10,  1970.  P.  11. 

"Imperial  College  Meeting  on  Ion  Transport  in  Insulators," 
Office  of  Naval  Research — London  Report  C-12,  1970.  P.  6. 

' '  Symposium  on  Point  Defects  in  Non-Metals, ' '  Office  of  Naval 
Research — London  Report  C-17,  1970.  P.  7. 

"Conference  on  Trends  in  Diffusion,"  Office  of  Naval  Re- 
search—London Report  C-18,  1970.  P.  12. 

"Marstrand  Conference  on  Atomic  Diffusion,"  Office  of  Naval 
Research— London  Report  C-19,  1970.  P.  21. 

' '  Some  Belgian  Research  on  Crystalline  Solids, ' '  Office  of  Naval 
Research — London  Report  R-33,  1970.  P.  7. 



"  Experiments  on  Solids  at  Several  Italian  Non-Academic  Lab- 
oratories," Office  of  Naval  Research — London  Report  R-34,  1970. 
P.  9. 

"Solid  State  Physics  at  Five  Italian  Universities,"  Office  of 
Naval  Research — London  Report  R-37,  1970.  P.  13. 

"Some  Research  on  Solids  in  the  Vicinity  of  Paris,"  Office  of 
Naval  Research — London  Report  R-38,  1970.  P.  10. 

' '  Some  Research  on  Solids  in  the  Netherlands, ' '  Office  of  Naval 
Research — London  Report  R-40,  1970.  P.  10. 

"Some  Materials  Research  in  Norway,  Sweden,  and  Finland," 
Office  of  Naval  Research — London  Report  R-46,  1970.  P.  9. 

"Some  German  Solid  State  and  Metallurgical  Research,"  Of- 
fice of  Naval  Research — London  Report  R-48,  1970.  P.  16. 

"Research  on  Solids  at  Four  New  English  Universities,"  Of- 
fice of  Naval  Research — London  Report  R-49,  1970.  P.  10. 

"Some  European  Research  on  the  Photographic  Process,"  Of- 
fice of  Naval  Research — London  Report  R-50,  1970.  P.  12. 

"Some  Solid  State  and  Materials  Research  in  Southern  Eng- 
land," Office  of  Naval  Research — London  Report  R-54,  1970.  P.  15. 

"Solid  State  and  Materials  Research  in  Mid-England,"  Of- 
fice of  Naval  Research — London  Report  R-55,  1970.  P.  11. 

Charles  Sydney  Smith,  Jr. 

(With  R.  W.  Roberts.)  "Ultrasonic  Parameters  in  the  Born 
Model  of  the  Sodium  and  Potassium  Halides,"  Journal  of  Physics 
and  Chemistry  of  Solids,  31  (1970),  619-34. 

(With  R.  W.  Roberts.)  "Ultrasonic  Parameters  in  the  Born 
Model  of  the  Rubidium  Halides,"  Journal  of  Physics  and  Chemistry 
of  Solids,  31  (1970),  2397-400. 

William  Jackson  Thompson 

"Penetration  Factors  and  Resonance  Mixing  Phases  for  Iso- 
baric  Analogue  States,"  Nuclear  Data,  A6  (1969),  129-40. 

(With  J.  S.  Eck.)  "The  Shape  of  24Mg  by  Scattering  of  36-MeV 
160,"  in  Nuclear  Reactions  Induced  by  Heavy  Ions,  eds.,  R.  Bock 
and  W.  R.  Hering.  Amsterdam:  North-Holland  Publishing  Com- 
pany, 1970.  Pp.  85-88. 

(With  W.  R.  Hering.)  "Normalization  Factors  for  Stripping 
Reactions,"  Physical  Review  Letters,  24  (1970),  272-73. 

(With  H.  Becker,  W.  R.  Hering,  and  C.  A.  Wiedner.)  "Experi- 
mental Determination  of  the  Normalization  for  (a,t)  Reactions  and 
Comparison  with  the  Theoretical  Normalizaton  Factor,"  Nuclear 
Physics,  A151  (1970),  33-55. 



Hendrik  Van  Dam 

(With  M.  Veltman.)  ' ' Massive  and  Mass-less  Yang-Mills  and 
Gravitational  Fields,'7  Nuclear  Physics,  B22  (1970),  397-411. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department  : 

William  Bryan  Alexander 

Studies  on  Atomic  Diffusion  in  Metals :  I.  Self -Diffusion  in  the 
Volume  and  Along  the  Dislocations  of  CU3AU;  II.  Impurity  Dif- 
fusion in  Aluminum  and  Dilute  Aluminum  Alloys.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Lawrence  Myer  Slifkin.) 

George  James  Basbas 

The  Born  Approximation  in  Collisions  of  Heavy  Charged  Par- 
ticles with  Inner  Shell  Electrons.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 


George  Maeston  Beardsley 

Positron  Annihilation  in  Single  Crystal  Rubidium  and  Cesium 
at  High  Pressure.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Alec  Thompson 
Stewart.  ) 

Edith  Frances  Borie 

The  S  Matrix  in  the  Heisenberg  Representation.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Bryce  Seligman  DeWitt.) 

Byung-Ho  Choi 

Angular  Distribution  of  Fast  Electrons  Emitted  from  the  Inner 
Atomic  Shells  by  Proton  Impact.  (1969.  under  the  direction  of 
Eugene  Merzbacher.) 

Lawrence  Arnold  Coleman 

Atomic  Perturbations  in  Nuclear  Reactions.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Eugen  Merzbacher.) 

John  David  Fowler 

Superconducting  Tunneling  in  Single  Crystal  and  Polycrystal- 
line  Thin  Films  of  Tin.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Earl  Nelson 

Marvin  Hill  Greene 

Activity  Coefficient  and  Vacancy  Flow  Effects  on  Tracer  Dif- 



fusion  in  Silver-Gold  Alloys.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Law- 
rence Myer  Slifkin.) 

James  Waitus  Harrell,  Jr. 

Nuclear  Magnetic  Relaxation  in  Liquid  CDF3.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Paul  Stancyl  Hubbard,  Jr.) 

Waldo  Stephen  Hinshaw 

Nuclear  Magnetic  Relaxation  in  Boron  Trifluoride  Gas.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Paul  Stancyl  Hubbard,  Jr.) 

Paul  Sebastian  Julienne 

A  Theoretical  Study  of  Excited  Electronic  States  in  Dilute  and 
Concentrated  Mixed  Molecular  Crystals.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Sang-Il  Choi.) 

John  Edmund  McQueen,  Jr. 

A  Study  of  the  (8He,a)  Reaction  with  Several  S-D  Shell  Nuclei 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Edward  James  Ludwig.) 


Study  of  Some  Higher-Dimensional  Unified  Field  Theories. 
(1969;  under  the  direction  of  Bryce  Seligman  DeWitt.) 

Won-Kyu  Rhim 

Nuclear  Magnetic  Relaxation  in  the  Rotating  Frame.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Horst  Kessemeier.) 

Eichard  Lenoir  Sanders 

Spin-Lattice  Relaxation  of  V4+  Paramagnetic  Impurities  in 
Ti02.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Lawrence  Gilbert  Rowan.) 

Angelaurelio  Soldi 

A  Study  of  Decay  in  Quantum  Mechanics.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Eugen  Merzbacher.) 

Gene  Landis  Wells 

Superconducting  Tunneling  in  Single  Crystal  and  Polycrystal 
Thin  Films  of  Aluminum.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Earl  Nel- 
son Mitchell.) 

Walter  Glen  Wesley 

Quantum  Falling  Charges.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Cecile  Morette  DeWitt.) 



The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 

J ames  Smith  Legg,  Jk. 

Examination  of  Zero-Point  Bubbles  in  Liquid  and  Solid  Helium 
by  Positron  Annihilation.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Alec 
Thompson  Stewart.) 

Robert  Earnshaw  Morris 

The  Temperature  Dependence  of  the  Recombination  Coefficient 
of  Holes  and  Electrons  in  Anthracene.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Marvin  Silver.) 

Kenneth  Isidore  Werner 

Positronium  Annihilation  in  Zeolites.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Alec  Thompson  Stewart.) 


Ella  Gray  Wilson  Ennis 

(With  J.  H.  Ferguson,  S.  Hitsumoto,  and  N.  B.  White.)  " Fac- 
tor V  and  Thrombin  in  the  Extrinsic  Clotting  System,"  Proceed- 
ings of  the  Society  for  Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine,  130 
(February  1969),  440-45. 

(With  J.  H.  Ferguson.)  " One-Stage  'Factor  V  Bioassays:  Spe- 
cific and  Other  Determinants  in  Blood- Clotting  Test  Systems," 
Proceedings  of  the  Society  for  Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine, 
130  (February  1969),  486-90. 

(With  J.  H.  Ferguson,  S.  Hitsumoto,  and  N.  B.  White.)  ' ' Fac- 
tor V  and  Thrombin  in  the  Intrinsic  Clotting  System,"  Thrombosis 
et  Diathesis  Haemorrhagica,  21  (April  1969),  181-95. 

Robert  Gilbert  Faust 

(With  M.  G.  Leadbetter  and  E.  F.  Therrien.)  "The  Effects  of 
Cations  and  Adenine  Nucleotides  on  the  Dissociation  of  D-glucose 
from  Tris-disrupted  Brush  Borders,"  Federation  Proceedings,  28 
(April  1969),  652. 

(With  M.  J.  Burns.)  "Preferential  Binding  of  Amino  Acids  to 
Isolated  Mucosal  Brush  Borders  from  Hamster  Jejunum,"  Bio- 
chimica  et  Biophysica  Acta,  183  (August  1969),  642-45. 

(With  W.  Mitchell,  C.  Heaton,  and  R.  Little.)  "Comparative 
Aspects  of  Sugar  Penetration  into  Blood  Platelets,"  Comparative 
Biochemistry  and  Physiology,  32  (October  1970),  813-15. 



(With  M.  J.  Burns.)  "A  Na+  Eequirement  for  the  Binding  of 
an  Actively  Transported  Amino  Acid  to  a  Fraction  of  Disrupted 
Intestinal  Brush  Borders,"  The  Physiologist,  13  (August  1970), 

(With  M.  G.  Leadbetter  and  E.  F.  Therrien.)  1  'Effects  of  Ca- 
tions on  D-Glucose  Dissociation  from  Tris-Disrupted  Brush  Bor- 
ders Prepared  from  Hamster  Jejunum,"  Life  Sciences,  9  (Novem- 
ber 1970),  1227-31. 

(With  M.  J.  Burns  and  D.  W.  Misch.)  "  Sodium  Dependent 
Binding  of  L-Histadine  to  a  Fraction  of  Intestinal  Brush  Borders, ' ' 
Biochimica  et  Biophysica  Acta,  219  (December  1970),  507-11. 

John  Howakd  Ferguson 

(With  S.  Hitsumoto,  E.  G.  W.  Ennis,  and  N.  B.  White.)  "Factor 
V  and  Thrombin  in  the  Extrinsic  Clotting  System,"  Proceedings 
of  the  Society  for  Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine,  130  (Feb- 
ruary 1969),  440-47. 

(With  E.  G.  W.  Ennis.)  "One-Stage  'Factor  V  Biossays:  Spe- 
cific and  Other  Determinants  in  Blood-Clotting  Test  Systems, ' '  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  Society  for  Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine,  130 
(February  1969),  486-90. 

(With  E.  G.  W.  Ennis,  S.  Hitsumoto,  and  N.  B.  White.)  "Fac- 
tor V  and  Thrombin  in  the  Intrinsic  Clotting  System,"  Thrombosis 
et  Diathesis  Haemorrhagica,  21  (April  1969),  181-95. 

"Roles  of  Factor  V  in  the  Blood-Clotting  Mechanism,"  Vox 
Sanguinis,  17  (November  1969),  65. 

"Bioassays  of  Blood  Clotting  Mechanisms:  Basic  Biochemical 
and  Clinical  Significance,"  Hematologic  Review,  2  (1970),  79-110. 

(With  R.  P.  McDonagh,  Jr.)  "Studies  on  the  Participation  of 
Hageman  Factor  in  Fibrinolysis,"  Thrombosis  et  Diathesis  Haem- 
orrhagica, 24  (October  1970),  1-9. 

(With  S.  G.  Iatridis  and  P.  G.  Iatridis.)  "Intestinal  Alkaline 
Phosphatase  as  a  Thrombogenic  and  Platelet-Altering  Factor  in 
Rabbits,"  Thrombosis  et  Diathesis  Haemorrhagica,  24  (October 
1970),  191-202. 

Richard  Lee  Glasser 

(With  W.  M.  St.  John.)  "Respiratory  Rhythm-Making  Func- 
tion of  the  Pneumotaxic  Center,"  American  Zoologist,  9  (August 
1969),  571. 

(With  R.  A.  King  and  S.  A.  Sutterer.)  "Experimental  Dis- 
ruption of  Memory  Consolidation, ' '  Journal  of  the  Elisha  Mitchell 
Scientific  Society,  85  (Winter  1969),  114. 

(With  W.  M.  St.  John.)  "Pneumotaxic  Center  and  the  Neuro- 



genesis  of  Ehythmie  Respiration,"  Journal  of  the  Elisha  Mitchell 
Scientific  Society,  85  (Winter  1969),  114-15. 

(With  R.  A.  King.)  "Duration  of  Electroconvulsive  Shock- 
Induced  Retrograde  Amnesia  in  Rats,"  Physiology  and  Behavior, 
5  (March  1970),  335-39. 

(With  W.  M.  St.  John  and  R.  A.  King.)  "Respiratory  Activity 
in  Cats  With  Chronic  Lesions  in  the  Pontile  Pneumotaxic  Areas," 
Federation  Proceedings,  29  (April  1970),  850. 

(With  W.  M.  St.  John  and  R.  A.  King.)  "Respiratory  Activity 
in  Awake  Cats  with  Chronic  Pontile  Pneumotaxic  Lesions  and  Sec- 
tioned Vagi,"  The  Physiologist,  13  (August  1970),  207. 

(With  R.  A.  King  and  R.  Flanagan.)  "Retrograde  Amnesia 
Following  Anterior  Limbic  System  Stimulation,"  Proceedings  of 
the  American  Psychological  Association,  78  (September  1970), 

Paistayotis  George  Iatkidis 

(With  H.  N.  Antoniades,  S.  N.  Gershoff,  and  E.  A.  Sweeney.) 
"  Thrombohemorrhagic  Effects  in  Fasted  Rats  Produced  by  the 
Injection  of  Partially  Purified  Human  Serum  Concentrates,"  Vox 
Sanguinis,  17  (July  1969),  66. 

(With  S.  G.  Iatridis  and  J.  H.  Ferguson.)  "Intestinal  Alkaline 
Phosphatase  as  a  Thrombogenic  and  Platelet-Altering  Factor  in 
Rabbits,"  Thrombosis  et  Diathesis  Haemorrhagica,  24  (October 
1970),  191. 

Eszter  Balint  Kokas 

(With  W.  D.  Brunson,  Jr.  "Gastric  Secretion  Inhibition  in 
Chickens,"  The  Physiologist,  12  (August  1969). 

(With  H.  A.  Gordon  and  J.  Magyary-Kossa. )  "Recent  Progress 
in  Studies  on  a  Bioactive  Pigment  ('Alpha  Pigment')  Isolated  from 
Cecal  Contents  of  Germfree  Rodents,"  Germ-Free  Biology,  1 
(1969),  171. 

(With  L.  Pesti  and  H.  A.  Gordon.)  "Effects  of  Clostridium 
Difficile,  Lactobacillus  Casei,  Bacillus  Subtilis  and  Lactobacillus 
Sp.  as  Mono-  and  Dicontaminants  on  the  Cecum  of  Germfree  Mice," 
Germ-Free  Biology,  1  (1969),  179. 

Augustus  Taylor  Miller,  Jr. 

(With  Zehava  Gottesfeld.)  "Metabolic  Response  of  the  Rat 
Brain  to  Acute  Hypoxia  :  Effects  of  Polycythemia  and  Hypercap- 
nia,"  American  Journal  of  Physiology,  216  (June  1969),  1374-79. 

(With  D.  M.  Hale.)  "The  Effect  of  Cobalt  on  the  Oxygen  Con- 



sumption  of  Rats  at  Various  Ambient  Temperatures,"  Archives 
Internationales  de  Physiologie  et  de  Biochimie,  78  (August  1970), 

(With  D.  M.  Hale.)  "Increased  Vascularity  of  Brain,  Heart  and 
Skeletal  Muscle  of  Polycythemic  Rats,"  American  Journal  of 
Physiology,  219  (September  1970),  702-4. 

(With  K.  E.  Curtin,  A.  L.  Shen,  and  C.  K.  Suiter.)  "Brain 
Oxygenation  in  the  Rat  During  Hyperventilation  with  Air  and 
with  Low  02  Mixtures,"  American  Journal  of  Physiology,  219  (Sep- 
tember 1970),  798-801. 

Joseph  Hektz  Peklmutt 

(With  L.  Yelinek  and  R.  Zander.)  "Influence  of  Partial  Hepa- 
tectomy  on  Renal  Response  to  Isotonic  Saline  Loads  in  Conscious 
Rats,"  Federation  Proceedings,  29  (March- April  1970),  459. 

Lloyd  Robert  Yonce 

(With  A.  M.  Djojosugito  and  B.  Folkow.)  "Neurogenic  Adjust- 
ments of  Muscle  Blood  Flow,  Cutaneous  A-V  Shunt  Flow  and  of 
Venous  Tone  During  'Diving'  in  Ducks,"  Acta  Physiologica  scan- 
danavica,  75  (January  1969),  377-86. 

(With  B.  Folkow.)  "The  Integration  of  the  Cardiovascular 
Response  to  Diving,"  American  Heart  Journal,  79  (January  1970), 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department: 

Richard  Patrick  McDonagh,  Jr. 

Surface  Blood  Coagulation  and  Fibrinolysis.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  John  Howard  Ferguson.) 

Frederick  Milton  Parkins 

Mechanism  of  Active  Fluoride  Transport.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Robert  Gilbert  Faust.) 

Walter  McCoy  St.  John 

Pneumotaxic  Center  and  the  Neurogenesis  of  Normal  Respira- 
tory Rhythmicity.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  Lee 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 



Ckaig  Hakcort  Cole 

The  Hole  of  ATPase  in  Eenal  Sodium  Reabsorption.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Louis  Gordon  Welt.) 

Begieta  Kornblith  Plenge 

Function  of  Isolated  Rat  Hearts.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Lloyd  Robert  Yonce.) 

Elizabeth  Powell  Eosenberg 

A  Review  of  Creatine  Phosphate  and  Creatine  Kinase.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Augustus  Taylor  Miller,  Jr.) 


Thad  L.  Beyle 

(With  George  T.  Lathrop.)  Editor,  Planning  and  Politics. 
Indianapolis :  The  Odyssey  Press  of  Bobbs-Merrill  Book  Company, 
1970.  P.  271. 

(With  Deil  S.  Wright.)  State  Planning  and  Intergovernmental 
Relations:  A  Report  to  the  Department  of  Transportation.  Chapel 
Hill,  1970.  P.  50. 

"  Introduction, "  in  Identification  and  Analysis  of  Attribute- 
Cluster -Blocs,  ed.,  Herman  Carey  Beyle.  New  York:  Johnson  Re- 
print Company,  1970.  Pp.  v-x. 

' '  The  Governor 's  Formal  Powers :  A  View  from  the  Governor 's 
Chair,"  Public  Administration  Review,  28  (November/December 
1968),  540-45.  Reprinted  in  Donald  P.  Sprengel,  Comparative 
State  Politics.  Columbus:  Charles  E.  Merrill  Publishing  Com- 
pany, 1970.  Pp.  292-99. 

"State  Executives,"  in  Compacts  of  Antiquity:  The  State  Con- 
stitutions, ed.,  Richard  H.  Leach.  Atlanta:  Southern  Newspaper 
Publishers  Association,  1969.  Pp.  27-34. 

(With  George  T.  Lathrop.)  "Planning  and  Politics:  On  the 
Grounds  of  Incompatibility,"  in  Planning  and  Politics,  eds.,  Thad 
L.  Beyle  and  George  T.  Lathrop.  Indiauapolis :  The  Odyssey  Press 
of  Bobbs-Merrill  Book  Company,  1970.  Pp.  1-12. 

(With  Sureva  Seligson  and  Deil  S.  Wright.)  "New  Directions 
in  State  Planning,"  in  Planning  and  Politics,  eds.,  Thad  L.  Beyle 
and  George  T.  Lathrop.  Indianapolis:  The  Odyssey  Press  of  Bobbs- 
Merrill  Book  Company,  1970.  Pp.  14-35. 

(With  J.  E.  Wickman.)  "Gubernatorial  Transition  in  a  One- 



Party  State,"  Public  Administration  Review,  30  (January/Feb- 
ruary 1970),  71-88. 

(With  J.  Oliver  Williams.)  "Policy  Advice  to  State  Govern- 
ments," Popular  Government,  36  (May  1970),  12-16. 

(With  Sureva  Seligson  and  Deil  S.  Wright.)  "New  Directions 
in  State  Planning,"  Journal  of  the  American  Institute  of  Plan- 
ning, 35  (September  1969),  334-39. 

Robert  Theodore  Daland 

Book  review  editor,  Public  Administration  Review.  From  Sep- 
tember 1969. 

Editor,  Comparative  Urban  Research:  The  Administration  and 
Politics  of  Cities.  Beverly  Hills:  Sage  Publications,  1969.  P.  361. 

Estrategia  e  Estilo  do  Plane jamento  Brasileiro.  Rio  de  Janeiro: 
Editora  Lidador  Ltda.,  1969.  Pp.  xii,  215. 

Planificacion  Nacional:  El  Caso  de  Brasil.  Mexico  City:  Edi- 
torial Roble,  1970.  Pp.  ix,  226. 

"Comparative  Perspectives  of  Urban  Systems,"  in  Comparative 
Urban  Research,  ed.,  Robert  T.  Daland.  Beverly  Hills:  Sage  Pub- 
lications, 1969.  Pp.  15-59. 

"A  Administracao  Publica  como  Uma  Ciencia  Politica  no 
Contexto  Brasileiro,"  Revista  De  Administracao  Publica,  3  (2nd 
semestre,  1969),  73-94. 

"Urbanization  Policy  and  Political  Development  in  Latin 
America,"  American  Behavioral  Scientist,  12  (May-June  1969), 

Review  of  Nathaniel  H.  Leff,  Economic  Development  and  Policy- 
Making  in  Brazil,  1947-1964  (New  York:  John  Wiley  and  Sons, 
1968),  in  International  Development  Review,  23  (March  1969), 

Federico  Guillermo  Gil 

Editor,  Latin  American  Politics  Series,  Allyn  and  Bacon. 

"Antecedents  of  the  Cuban  Revolution,"  in  Reform  or  Revolu- 
tion: Readings  in  Latin  American  Politics,  eds.,  Robert  Kauffman 
and  Arpad  von  Lazar.  Boston:  Allyn  and  Bacon,  Inc.,  1969.  Pp. 

"Chile:  History,  People,  Society,  Government  and  Politics," 
Collier's  Encyclopedia,  1969. 

"The  Chilean  Political  Process,"  in  The  Overall  Development 
of  Chile,  eds.,  Mario  Zanartu  and  John  J.  Kennedy.  Notre  Dame: 
University  of  Notre  Dame  Press,  1969.  Pp.  171-85. 

"Ideology  and  Pragmatism:  The  Crisis  in  Chilean  Christian 



Democracy, ' 9  in  Artists  and  Writers  in  the  Evolution  of  Latin 
America,  ed.,  Edward  D.  Terry.  University:  University  of  Ala- 
bama Press,  1969.  Pp.  155-69. 

" Latin  America,"  in  The  New  Communisms,  ed.,  Dan  Jacobs. 
New  York:  Harper  and  Row,  1969.  Pp.  184-210. 

Samuel  Shephaed  Jones 

The  Scandinavian  States  and  the  League  of  Nations,  repub- 
lished. New  York:  Greenwood  Press,  1969.  Pp.  xiii,  298. 

"The  Status  of  Jerusalem:  Some  National  and  International 
Aspects,"  in  The  Middle  East  Crisis:  Test  of  International  Law, 
ed.,  John  W.  Halderman.  Dobbs  Ferry,  New  York:  Oceana  Publi- 
cations, Inc.,  1969.  Pp.  307-20. 

Paul  Feedeeick  Keess 

Social  Science  and  the  Idea  of  Process:  The  Ambiguous  Legacy 
of  Arthur  F.  Bentley.  Urbana:  University  of  Illinois  Press,  1970. 
P.  326. 

"Politics  and  Science:  A  Contemporary  View  of  an  Ancient 
Association,"  Polity,  2  (Fall  1969),  1-13. 

"The  "Web  and  the  Tree:  Metaphors  of  Reason  and  Value," 
Midwest  Journal  of  Political  Science,  13  (August  1969),  395-414. 

Bobeet  G.  Lehnen 

(With  J.  Oliver  Williams.)  The  Distribution,  Detection,  and 
Disposition  of  Criminal  Offenses  in  North  Carolina.  Raleigh, 
North  Carolina :  Governor 's  Committee  on  Law  and  Order,  Depart- 
ment of  Local  Affairs,  1970.  P.  47. 

"Stability  of  Presidential  Choice  in  1968:  The  Case  of  Two 
Southern  States,"  Social  Science  Quarterly,  51  (June  1970),  138-47. 

Lewis  Lipsitz 

"Forgotten  Roots,"  in  Frontiers  of  Democratic  Theory,  ed., 
Henry  Kariel.  New  York:  Random  House,  1970.  Pp.  394-403. 

"The  Night  Before  the  Election,  1968,"  P.S.,  2  (Fall  1969), 

"On  Political  Belief,"  in  Power  and  Community,  eds.,  Philip 
Green  and  Sanford  Levinson.  New  York:  Pantheon,  1970.  Pp. 

"Vulture,  Mantis  &  Seal,"  in  Polity,  3  (Fall  1970),  3-21. 

"Why  I  Became  A  Social  Scientist,"  in  An  End  to  Political 
Science,  eds.,  Alan  Wolfe  and  Martin  Surkin.  New  York:  Basic 
Books,  1970.  P.  2. 



John  Danhouse  Maetz  III 

Colombia:  un  estudio  de  politico,  contemporanea.  Bogota:  Di- 
reccion  de  Divulgacion  Cultural,  Universidad  Nacional  de  Colom- 
bia, 1969.  P.  453. 

(With  Miguel  Jorrin.)  Latin  American  Political  Thought  and 
Ideology.  Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1970. 
Pp.  xiii,  453. 

''Colombia:  Qualified  Democracy,"  in  Political  Systems  of 
Latin  America,  ed.,  Martin  C.  Needier.  Princeton:  D.  Van  Nos- 
trand,  1970.  Pp.  230-62. 

"Guatemala:  The  Search  for  Political  Identity,"  in  Political 
Systems  of  Latin  America,  ed.,  Martin  C.  Needier.  Princeton:  D. 
Van  Nostrand,  1970.  Pp.  48-70. 

"Latin  America:  Problems  of  Research  and  Analysis,"  in  Basic 
Courses  in  Comparative  Politics,  eds.,  Ted  R.  Gurr  and  F.  J.  Mo- 
reno. Beverly  Hills :  Sage  Publications,  1970.  Pp.  90-97. 

"Venezuela,"  in  Political  Forces  in  Latin  America,  eds.,  Ben 
Burnett  and  Kenneth  Johnson.  Belmont,  California:  Wadsworth 
Publishing  Company,  Inc.,  1970.  Pp.  273-311. 

"Colombia,"  Encyclopedia  Americana,  1969,  pp.  278-88. 

"Doctrine  and  Dilemmas  of  the  Latin  American  'New  Left,'  " 
World  Politics,  22  (January  1970),  171-97. 

"Guerrilla  Warfare  and  Violence  in  Contemporary  Latin 
America,"  Secolas  Annals,  1  (March  1970),  141-65. 

Eeview  of  Robert  H.  Dix,  Dimensions  of  Political  Change  in 
Colombia  (New  Haven:  Yale  University  Press,  1967),  in  Journal 
of  Politics,  31  (May  1970),  561. 

Review  of  Philip  B.  Taylor,  The  Venezuelan  Golpe  de  Estado  of 
1958  (Washington:  ICOPS,  1968),  in  Hispanic  American  His- 
torical Review,  49  (May  1969),  367-68. 

Review  of  James  L.  Payne,  Patterns  of  Conflict  in  Colombia 
(New  Haven:  Yale  University  Press,  1968),  in  Hispanic  American 
Historical  Review,  49  (August  1969),  576-77. 

Review  of  Talton  Ray,  The  Politics  of  the  Barrios  of  Venezuela 
(Berkeley:  University  of  California  Press,  1968),  in  Hispanic 
American  Historical  Review,  49  (November  1969),  798-99. 

Review  of  Victor  Alba,  Politics  and  the  Labor  Movement  in 
Latin  America  (Stanford:  Stanford  University  Press,  1968), 
and  Jacques  Lambert,  Latin  America  (Berkeley:  University  of 
California  Press,  1965),  in  Mid-West  Journal  of  Political  Science, 
16  (May  1969),  323-25. 

Review  of  Jaime  Suchlicki,  University  Students  and  Revolution 
in  Cuba,  1920-68  (Coral  Gables:  University  of  Miami  Press,  1969), 



in  Journal  of  Inter-American  Studies  and  World  Affairs,  12  (July 
1969),  465-67. 

Review  of  Romulo  Betancourt,  La  revolucion  democratice  en 
Venezuela,  1959-64  (Caracas:  Irnprenta  Nacional,  1969),  in  His- 
panic American  Historical  Review,  50  (May  1970),  388-89. 

Review  of  J.  E.  Rivera  Ovideo,  Historia  e  Ideologia  de  los  demo- 
cratas  cristianos  venezolanos  (Caracas:  n.p.,  1969),  in  Hispanic 
American  Historical  Review,  50  (November  1970),  798-99. 

Richard  J.  Richardson 

(With  Kenneth  N.  Vines.)  The  Politics  of  Federal  Courts. 
Boston :  Little,  Brown,  1970.  P.  180. 

Trial  of  Traffic  Cases  in  Hawaii.  Honolulu:  Legislative  Refer- 
ence Bureau,  1970.  P.  53. 

Review  of  Herbert  Jacob,  Debtors  in  Court:  The  Consumption 
of  Government  Services  (Chicago :  Rand  McNally,  1969),  in  Journal 
of  Politics,  32  (August  1970),  731-32. 

Review  of  Stuart  Nagel,  The  Legal  Process  from  a  Behavioral 
Perspective  (Homewood:  Dorsey  Press,  1969),  in  Journal  of  Poli- 
tics, 32  (May  1970),  734. 

Charles  Baskervtlle  Robson 

Contributing  editor,  author  of  annotated  list  of  articles  relating 
to  central  and  eastern  Germany  published  in  English  language 
journals  in  1968  for  publication  in  the  Jahrbuch  Fuer  die  Geschichte 
Mittel-und  Ostdeutschlands,  Band  19,  1970. 

Robert  Arthur  Rupex 

" Peking  and  the  National  Minorities,"  in  Communist  China, 
1949-1969,  eds.,  Frank  N.  Trager  and  K.  M.  Henderson.  New  York : 
New  York  University  Press,  1970.  Pp.  243-58. 

1 '  Tsedenbal, "  in  Leaders  of  the  Communist  World,  ed.,  Roger 
Swearingen.  New  York :  The  Free  Press,  1970.  P.  30. 

"Mongolia,"  Encyclopedia  Americana  Yearbook,  1969,  2  pages. 

"Mongolia,"  Encyclopedia  Americana  Yearbook,  1970,  2  pages. 

Andrew  Mack  ay  Scott 

(With  Donald  Clark,  Bruce  Ehrnman,  John  Salmon,  Harold 
Shill,  and  Frank  Trapnell.)  Insurgency.  Chapel  Hill:  University 
of  North  Carolina  Press,  1970.  P.  271. 

"Military  Intervention  by  the  Great  Powers:  The  Rules  of  the 
Game,"  in  Czechoslovakia:  Intervention  and  Impact,  ed.,  William 
Zartman.  New  York :  New  York  University  Press,  1970.  Pp.  85-101. 



''Environmental  Change  and  Organizational  Adaptation:  The 
Problem  of  the  State  Department/'  International  Studies  Quar- 
terly, 14  (March  1970),  85-94.  Reprinted  in  the  Foreign  Service 
Journal,  June,  1970.  Permission  granted  to  reprint  in  volume  en- 
titled Bureaucratic  Power  in  National  Politics  by  Francis  E. 
Fourke  (Boston:  Little,  Brown).  Permission  granted  to  reprint  in 
volume  entitled  The  Politics  of  U.  S.  Foreign  Policy-Making  by 
Douglas  Fox,  to  be  published  by  the  Goodyear  Publishing  Company. 

"Comparative  Foreign  Policy  Perspectives:  The  Uses  of  Or- 
ganization Theory  and  Communication  Theory,"  in  New  Research 
on  American  Foreign  Policy,  ed.,  Vincent  Davis.  Denver :  Graduate 
School  of  International  Studies,  1970.  Pp.  39-41. 

' '  The  Department  of  State :  Formal  Organization  and  Informal 
Culture,"  reprinted  in  the  Foreign  Service  Journal  (August  1969), 
14-18;  44. 

' i  Comments  on  Raymond  Tanter's  'Foreign  Affairs  Analysis: 
An  Activist  vs.  A  Hippie/  "  International  Studies  Quarterly,  14' 
(June  1970),  227-28. 


Buerger  und  PolitiJc.  Empirisch-theoretische  Befunde  ueoer  die 
poliiische  Partizipation  der  Buerger  in  Demokratien  unter  beson- 
derer  Beruecksichtigung  der  Schweiz  und  der  Bundesrepublik 
Deutschland.  Meisenheim,  1969.  P.  292. 

Gewaltlose  Politik  und  kulturelle  Vielfalt.  Eypothesen  ent- 
wickelt  am  Beispiel  der  Schweiz.  Bern-Stuttgart,  1970.  P.  365. 

"Aspekte  des  Ref erendums, "  Schweizer  Monatshefte  (Maerz, 

' '  Typologie  des  schweizerischen  Parteiensystems, ' '  Jahrbuch  der 
Schweizerischen  Vereinigung  fuer  Politische  Wissenschaft,  9 
(Jahrgang,  1969). 

"Die  Bedeutung  der  Geschichte  fuer  die  Theorienbildung  in 
der  Politisehen  Wissenschaft,"  Wirtschaft  und  Becht,  21  (1969). 

"Nonviolent  Conflict  Resolution  in  Democratic  Systems:  Swit- 
zerland," The  Journal  of  Conflict  Resolution,  23  (September  1969), 

' '  Conflict  Resolution  and  Democratic  Stability  in  Subculturally 
Segmented  Political  Systems,"  Res  Publica,  11  (1969),  775-98. 

' '  Teilnehmende  Beobachtung  des  Entscheidungsprozesses  in  der 
Freisinning-demokratischen  Partei  des  Katons  Bern,"  Wirtschaft 
und  Recht,  22  (1970),  162-74. 

"Majorz  und  Proporz,"  Politische  Vierteljahresschrift,  11 
(1970),  139-46. 



James  W.  White 

The  Sokagakkai  and  Mass  Society.  Stanford:  Stanford  Uni- 
versity Press,  1970.  Pp.  xii,  376. 

Deil  Spencer  Weight 

Book  review  editor,  Public  Administration  Review,  term  ending 
September  1,  1969. 

"The  City  Manager  as  a  Development  Administrator, ' '  Com- 
parative Urban  Research:  The  Administration  and  Politics  of  Cities, 
ed.,  Robert  T.  Daland.  Beverly  Hills:  Sage  Publications,  1969.  Pp. 

1 1  Governmental  Forms  and  Planning  Functions :  The  Relations 
of  Organizational  Structures  to  Planning  Practice,"  in  Politics  and 
Planning,  eds.,  Thad  L.  Beyle  and  George  T.  Lathrop.  New  York: 
Odyssey  Press,  1970.  Pp.  68-105. 

(With  Thad  L.  Beyle  and  Sureva  Seligson.)  "New  Directions 
in  State  Planning,"  in  Politics  and  Planning,  eds.,  Thad  L.  Beyle 
and  George  T.  Lathrop.  New  York:  Odyssey  Press,  1970.  Pp.  14-36. 

"The  Politics  and  Economics  of  Intergovernmental  Fiscal  Re- 
lations: Federal  Grants,  Tax  Credits,  and  Revenue  Sharing,"  in 
State  and  Local  Tax  Problems,  ed.,  Harry  L.  Johnson.  Knoxville: 
University  of  Tennessee  Press,  1969.  Pp.  63-87. 

(With  David  E.  Stephenson.)  "Inflexible  Finances,"  National 
Civic  Review,  59  (December  1970),  578-85. 

(With  Robert  P.  Boynton.)  "The  Media,  The  Masses,  and 
Urban  Management,"  Journalism  Quarterly,  47  (Spring  1970), 

(With  Thad  L.  Beyle  and  Sureva  Seligson.)  "New  Directions  in 
State  Planning, ' '  Journal  of  the  American  Institute  of  Planners,  35 
(September  1969),  334-39. 

"Political  Economy,  Fiscal  Outcomes,  and  Intergovernmental 
Relations,  Popular  Government,  37  (November  1970),  9-13. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department  : 

Gayle  Eoyce  Avant 

Planning  Political  Influences  in  Uruguay.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Federico  Guillermo  Gil.) 

Philip  Lane  Beardsley 

Determinance  of  Public  Policies  in  the  American  States.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Deil  Spencer  Wright.) 



Gary  Cecil  Byrne 

The  Balance  Model  of  Student  Protest  Behavior.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  William  Robertson  Keech.) 

Paul  James  Cassidy 

West  German  Political  Cultures :  A  Test  of  the  Substantive  and 
Methodological  Utility  of  the  Political  Culture  Approach.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Charles  Baskerville  Robson.) 

James  Hodson  Clotfelter,  Jr. 

The  Garrison  State  and  the  American  Military  Public  Attitudes 
and  Expectations.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Raymond  Howard 

Charles  Ray  Coble 

Social  Action  Programs  in  the  Department  of  Defense.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Raymond  Howard  Dawson.) 

Kenneth  M.  Coleman 

Public  Opinion  and  Elections  in  a  One  Party  System:  The 
Case  of  Mexico.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Danhouse 
Martz  III.) 

Lawrence  Flood 

Voting  in  Primary  Elections :  The  Case  of  Hillsborough,  North 
Carolina.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  James  Warren  Prothro.) 

Edmund  P.  Fowler  III 

Government  Spending  as  Response  and  Initiative.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  William  Robertson  Keech.) 

Richard  Lee  Hoffman 

Community  Action:  Innovative  and  Coordinative  Strategies  in 
the  War  on  Poverty.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  S.  Kenneth 

Clyde  Vernon  House 

Politics  of  County  Welfare:  A  Comparative  Analysis  of  Local 
Welfare  Policy  and  Administration  in  Florida.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Gordon  Baylor  Cleaveland.) 

Abdul  Latif 

Rights  and  Duties  of  States  in  International  Law.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Keener  Chapman  Frazer.) 



Robert  Leon  Lineberry 

Political  Structures  and  Public  Policies  in  American  Cities. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Deil  Spencer  Wright.) 

Charles  Herbert  Longley 

Politics  in  the  Pentagon:  A  Study  of  Contemporary  Civil- 
Military  Relations.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Raymond  Howard 

Trudi  Miller  Lucas 

Socialization  of  Mobilization:  The  Persuasive  Impact  of  Polit- 
ical Symbols.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  James  Warren 

Anne  Murphey 

Involving  the  Poor  in  the  War  Against  Poverty.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Donald  Rowe  Matthews.) 

Steven  Francis  Bedburn 

Protest  and  Policy  in  Durham,  North  Carolina.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Lewis  Lipsitz.) 

Thomas  Edgar  Scism 

Behavior  in  the  House  of  Commons :  A  Content- Analysis  of  the 
House  of  Commons  Debates.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Charles 
Baskervtlle  Robson.) 

Ronald  Cecil  Semone 

The  Negro  Middle  Class  in  the  South :  A  Study  of  Race,  Class, 
and  Political  Behavior.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  James  War- 
ren Prothro.) 

Allen  Matthew  Shinn 

The  Application  of  Psychol ophy si cal  Scaling  Techniques  to 
Measurement  of  Political  Variables.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
James  Warren  Prothro.) 

William  Phillip  Shively 

Voting  in  the  Western  Democracies.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Donald  Rowe  Matthews.) 

Steven  W.  Sinding 

Political  Participation,  Public  Expenditures  and  Economic 
Growth  in  Chile.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Federico  Guiller- 
mo  Gil.) 



Frank  Melvin  Smith 

Factors  Influencing  the  Administrative  Process  in  Mexico. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Federico  Guillermo  Gil.) 

James  Allen  Stimson 

The  Diffusion  of  Evaluations:  Patterns  of  Cue  Taking  in  the 
United  States  House  of  Representatives.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Donald  Rowe  Matthews.) 

James  Charles  Strouse 

Politics,  Economics,  Elite  Attitudes,  and  Public  Policies.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Deil  Spencer  Wright.) 

John  Lawrence  Sullivan 

Linkage  Models  of  the  Political  System.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  James  Warren  Prothro.) 

David  Hirsh  Tabb 

Economic  Equality:  Political  Ideology  of  the  Poor.  (1969,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Lewis  Lipsitz.) 

David  James  Vogler 

Conference  Committees  in  the  United  States  Congress.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Donald  Kowe  Matthews.) 

Paul  David  Wellstone 

Black  Militants  in  the  Ghetto :  Why  They  Believe  in  Violence. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  William  Robertson  Keech.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department: 

Macy  Bank  Alexander 

United  States  Policy  Toward  the  Middle  East  Continuity  and 
Change,  1957-67.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Samuel  Shepard 

Thomas  Eamon 

The  Relationship  of  Religion  and  School  Class  to  Voting  in  the 
1960  Presidential  Election.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Lewis 

Nyle  Cortland  Frank 

An  Analysis  of  the  March  1968  East  Los  Angeles  High  School 
Walkouts.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Andrew  Mackay  Scott.) 



John  Steven  Gitiltz 

Peruvian  Christian  Democracy.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Federico  G-uillermo  Gil.) 

Gloria  Anne  Grizzle 

The  PPBS  Project  in  Dade  County:  An  Analysis  of  Planned 
Organizational  Change.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  S.  Kenneth 

Richard  Allen  Hays 

Urban  Referendum  Voting:  The  Case  of  Raleigh.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Thad  L.  Beyle.) 

Gregory  L.  Higgins 

Economic  Theory,  Policy  and  Reality  in  Latin  America:  The  Al- 
liance for  Progress  and  the  Latin  American  Free  Trade  Association. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Danhouse  Martz  III.) 


Political  Aspects  of  Migratory  Movements  in  U.  S.  Europe  Since 
World  War  II.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  G.  Lehnen.) 

Richard  Walton  Lacy 

The  Use  of  the  Concept  "Peaceful  Coexistence"  in  Soviet 
Politics:  Lenin-Khrushchev.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Robert 
Arthur  Rupen.) 

Donald  Walter  Lojek 

The  Roman  Catholic  Church  in  Latin  America:  A  Change 
Orientation  Towards  Its  World.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Federico  Guillermo  Gil.) 

David  Malvin  Parker 

Metropolitics  in  Chattanooga.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Robert  Theodore  Daland.) 

Aaron  Dean  Thrush 

Party-Military  Relations  in  the  Soviet  Union.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Raymond  Howard  Dawson.) 

Frank  "Walters  Trapnell 

East-West  Relations  and  the  Berlin  Game.  (1969.  under  the 
direction  of  Samuel  Shepard  Jones.) 



Anne  Walker  White 

A  Description  of  the  Wallace  Voter  in  North  Carolina  in  Pres- 
idential Election  1968.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Thad  L. 


Mark  Irwin  Appelbaum 

(See  entries  under  Psychometric  Laboratory.) 

E.  Earl  Baughman 

Review  of  Perspectives  on  Human  Deprivation:  Biological, 
Psychological,  and  Sociological  (Bethesda,  Maryland:  U.  S.  Depart- 
ment of  Health,  Education,  and  Welfare,  1968),  in  Contemporary 
Psychology,  15  (August  1970),  513-14. 

Jay  Spencer  Blrnbrauer 

(With  John  D.  and  Sara  Burchard.)  "Wanted:  Behavior 
Analysts,"  in  Behavior  Modification:  The  Human  Effort,  ed.,  R. 
Bradfield.  San  Rafael:  Dimensions,  1970.  Pp.  19-76. 

(With  M.  M.  Wolf,  T.  Williams,  and  J.  Lawler.)  "The  Operant 
Extinction,  Reinstatement  and  Re-extinction  of  Vomiting  Behavior 
in  a  Retarded  Child,"  in  Control  of  Human  Behavior,  eds.,  R.  Ul- 
rich,  T.  Stachnik,  and  J.  Mabry.  Volume  2.  Glenview,  Illinois: 
Scott-Foresman,  1970.  Pp.  146-49. 

(With  W.  H.  Redd.)  "Adults  as  Discriminative  Stimuli  for 
Different  Reinforcement  Contingencies  with  Retarded  Children," 
Journal  of  Experimental  Child  Psychology,  7  (June  1969),  440-47. 
Reprinted  in  Control  of  Human  Behavior,  eds.,  R.  Ulrich,  T.  Stach- 
nik, and  J.  Mabry.  Volume  2.  Glenview,  Illinois :  Scott-Foresman, 
1970.  Pp.  149-53. 

(With  Richard  P.  Toister.)  "Facilitation  of  Repeated  Free 
Operant  Discrimination  Reversals,"  Journal  of  Experimental  Child 
Psychology,  7  (June  1969),  492-513. 

William  Victor  Burlingame 

"The  Youth  Culture,"  in  Adolescents:  Readings  in  Behavior 
and  Development,  ed.,  Ellis  D.  Evans.  Hinsdale,  Illinois :  Dryden, 
1970.  Pp.  132-49. 

Fogle  Chandler  Clark 

"Effects  of  Chlorpromazine  on  Behavior  Maintained  by  a 



Multiple  Schedule  of  Reinforcement,"  Journal  of  Pharmacology 
and  Experimental  Therapeutics,  166  (August  1969),  179-88. 

(With  W.  L.  Martin,  K.  0.  Lange,  and  R.  E.  Belleville.) 
1  'Avoidance  and  Escape  Behavior  Controlled  by  Artificial  Grav- 
ity," Aerospace  Medicine,  40  (August  1969),  850-54. 

' '  Effects  of  d-amphetamine  on  Observing  Behavior  in  the  Squir- 
rel Monkey,"  Journal  of  the  Experimental  Analysis  of  Behavior, 
12  (November  1969),  977-87. 

Brian  Coates 

(With  Willard  W.  Hartup.)  "The  Role  of  Imitation  in  Child- 
hood Socialization,"  in  Early  Experiences  and  the  Processes  of 
Socialization,  eds.,  R.  A.  Hoppe,  G.  A.  Milton,  and  E.  C.  Simmel. 
New  York :  Academic  Press,  1970.  Pp.  109-42. 

(With  Alan  R.  Moffit.)  "Problem-solving  Strategies  and  Per- 
formance of  Severely  Retarded  Children,"  American  Journal  of 
Mental  Deficiency,  73  (March  1969),  774-84. 

(With  Willard  W.  Hartup.)  "Age  and  Verbalization  in  Ob- 
servational Learning,"  Developmental  Psychology,  1  (September 

1969)  ,  556-62. 

Review  of  S.  J.  and  Corinne  Hutt,  Direct  Observation  and 
Measurement  of  Behavior  (Springfield,  Illinois:  Charles  Thomas, 

1970)  ,  in  Contemporary  Psychology,  15  (November  1970),  665-66. 

Anthony  Joseph  Conger 

(See  entries  under  Psychometric  Laboratory.) 

Elliot  M.  Cramer 

(See  entries  under  Psychometric  Laboratory.) 

William  Grant  Dahlstrom 

"Personality,"  in  Annual  Review  of  Psychology,  eds.,  P.  H. 
Mussen  and  M.  R.  Rosenzweig.  Palo  Alto :  Annual  Reviews,  1970. 
Pp.  1-48. 

"Invasion  of  Privacy:  How  Legitimate  Is  the  Current  Concern 
over  This  Issue?"  in  MMPI:  Research  Developments  and  Clinical 
Applications,  ed.,  J.  N.  Butcher.  New  York:  McGraw-Hill,  1969. 
Pp.  263-72. 

"Recurrent  Issues  in  the  Development  of  the  MMPI,"  in 
MMPI:  Research  Developments  and  Clinical  Applications,  ed.,  J.  N. 
Butcher.  New  York:  McGraw-Hill,  1969.  Pp.  1-40. 

Review  of  Richard  I.  Lanyon,  A  Handbook  of  MMPI  Group 
Profiles  (Minneapolis:  University  of  Minnesota  Press,  1968),  in 
.Contemporary  Psychology,  15  (February  1970),  153-54. 



David  Alan  Eckerman 

"  Generalization  and  Response  Mediation  of  a  Conditional 
Discrimination,"  Journal  of  the  Experimental  Analysis  of  Be- 
havior, 13  (May  1970),  301-16. 

(With  D.  P.  McGourty.)  "Varying  Temporal  Placement  of  a 
Response-produced  Stimulus  in  a  Fixed-interval  Schedule,"  Psy- 
chonomic  Science,  15  (April  1969),  225-27. 

(With  R.  N.  Lanson.)  "Variability  of  Response  Location  for 
Pigeons  Responding  under  Continuous  Reinforcement,  Intermittent 
Reinforcement,  and  Extinction,"  Journal  of  the  Experimental 
Analysis  of  Behavior,  12  (January  1969),  73-80. 

William  J.  Eichman 

(With  Ali  Jarrahi-Zedeh.)  "The  Impact  of  Sociocultural  Fac- 
tors on  Middle-Eastern  Students  in  the  United  States,"  Interna- 
tional Educational  and  Cultural  Exchange  (Winter  1970),  82-94. 

(With  Jesse  N.  McNeil  and  H.  S.  Wang.)  "Evaluation  of 
Treatment  Outcomes  in  the  Elderly,"  North  Carolina  Journal  of 
Mental  Health,  4:  1  (1970),  57-63. 

Marilyn  T.  Erickson 

(See  entries  under  Psychiatry.) 

Samuel  Fillenbaum 

' '  Words  as  Feature  Complexes :  False  Recognition  of  Synonyms 
and  Antonyms,"  Journal  of  Experimental  Psychology,  82  (De- 
cember 1969),  400-402. 

(With  R.  Frey.)  "More  on  the  'Faithful'  Behavior  of  Sus- 
picious Subjects,"  Journal  of  Personality,  38  (March  1970),  43-51. 

' '  On  the  Use  of  Memorial  Techniques  to  Assess  Syntactic  Struc- 
tures," Psychological  Bulletin,  73  (April  1970),  231-37. 

"A  Note  on  the  'Search  after  meaning':  Sensibleness  of  Para- 
phrases of  Well  Formed  and  Malformed  Expressions, ' '  Psychonomic 
Science,  18  (1970),  67-68. 

M.  David  Galinsky 

(With  I.  Fast.)  "Use  of  the  SVIB  with  Identity  Problems," 
Journal  of  College  Student  Personnel,  10  (May  1969),  177-81. 

Chester  Arthur  Insko 

Associate  editor,  Journal  of  Experimental  Social  Psychology. 
(With  R.  Blake,  R.  B.  Cialdini,  and  A.  L.  Chaikin.)  "A  Study  of 
Beliefs  and  Attitudes  Regarding  Contraception  among  Poor  Peo- 



pie,"  Carolina  Population  Center  Monograph,  No.  5  (August 
1969).  Pp.  38. 

(With  R.  B.  Cialdini.)  " Attitudinal  Verbal  Reinforcement  as  a 
Function  of  Informational  Consistency :  A  Further  Test  of  the  Two- 
Factor  Theory,"  Journal  of  Personality  and  Social  Psychology,  12 
(October  1969),  342-49. 

(With  R.  B.  Cialdini.)  "A  Test  of  Three  Interpretations  of 
Attitudinal  Verbal  Reinforcement,"  Journal  of  Personality  and 
Social  Psychology,  12  (October  1969),  333-41. 

(With  W.  H.  Melson.)  " Verbal  Reinforcement  of  Attitude  in 
Laboratory  and  Nonlaboratory  Contexts,"  Journal  of  Personality, 
37  (June  1969),  25-40. 

(With  W.  H.  Melson,  and  B.  J.  Calder.)  "The  Social  Psycholog- 
ical Status  of  Reward,"  Psychonomic  Science,  17  (July  1969), 

(With  J.  E.  Robinson.)  "Attributed  Belief  Similarity-dissim- 
ilarity Versus  Race  as  Determinants  of  Prejudice :  A  Further  Test 
of  Rokeach's  Theory,"  Journal  of  Experimental  Research  in  Per- 
sonality, 4  (May  1969),  72-77. 

(With  R.  R.  Blake,  R.  B.  Cialdini,  and  S.  A.  Mulaik.)  "Atti- 
tude Toward  Birth  Control  and  Cognitive  Consistency :  Theoretical 
and  Practical  Implications  of  Survey  Data, ' '  J ournal  of  Personality 
and  Social  Psychology,  16  (October  1970),  228-37. 

(With  W.  Stroebe,  V.  D.  Thompson,  and  S.  R.  Reisman.)  "Bal- 
ance and  Differentiation  in  the  Evaluation  of  Linked  Attitude  Ob- 
jects," Journal  of  Personality  and  Social  Psychology,  16  (Sep- 
tember 1970),  38-47. 

"With  S.  Reisman,  and  S.  Valins.)  "Triadic  Consistency  and 
False  Heart-Rate  Feedback,"  Journal  of  Personality,  38  (Novem- 
ber 1970),  629-40. 

Edwaed  Stokes  Johnson 

(See  entries  under  Psychometric  Laboratory.) 

Lyle  Vincent  Jones 

(See  entries  under  Psychometric  Laboratory.) 

Kenneth  Jay  Lessler 

Patients  View  Their  Psychotherapy.  Baltimore,  Maryland :  Johns 
Hopkins  Press,  1969.  Pp.  xx,  220. 

1 1  An  Evaluation  of  a  Head  Start  Program  in  a  Low  Population 
Area,"  Journal  of  Negro  Education,  38  (1969),  46-54. 

"Prediction  of  First  Grade  Performance,"  Perceptual  and 
Motor  Skills,  31  (1970),  751-56. 



Vincent  Mark  Lolordo 

"Positive  Conditioned  Reinforcement  from  Aversive  Situa- 
tions," Psychological  Bulletin,  72  (July  1969),  193-203. 

(With  A.  H.  Katcher,  J.  B.  Overmier,  E.  A.  Rescorla,  R.  L. 
Solomon,  and  L.  H.  Turner.)  "Concomitant  Heart  Rate  and  Blood 
Pressure  Responses  to  Shock  in  Curarized  Dogs :  Effects  of  Cardiac 
Sympathectomy  and  Signalled  Versus  Unsignalled  Shocks,"  Jour- 
nal of  Comparative  and  Physiological  Psychology,  68  (April  1969), 

(With  M.  B.  Cantor.)  "Rats  Prefer  Signalled  Reinforcing 
Brain  Stimulation  to  Unsignalled  ESB,"  Journal  of  Comparative 
and  Physiological  Psychology,  71  (May  1970),  183-91. 

(With  D.  D.  Foree.)  "Signalled  and  Unsignalled  Free-operant 
Avoidance  in  the  Pigeon,"  Journal  of  the  Experimental  Analysis 
of  Behavior,  13  (May  1970),  283-90. 

Stanley  Allen  Mulaik 

(See  entries  under  Psychometric  Laboratory.) 

Amnon  Eapoport 

(See  entries  under  Psychometric  Laboratory.) 

Harriet  Lange  Rheingold 

"The  Effect  of  a  Strange  Environment  on  the  Behavior  of  In- 
fants," in  Determinants  of  Infant  Behavior  TV,  ed.,  B.  M.  Foss. 
London:  Methuen,  1969.  Pp.  123-66. 

"The  Social  and  Socializing  Infant,"  in  Handbook  of  Socializa- 
tion Theory  and  Research,  ed.,  D.  A.  G-oslin.  New  York :  Rand  Mc- 
Nally,  1969.  Pp.  779-90. 

(With  H.  R.  Samuels.)  "Maintaining  the  Positive  Behavior 
in  Infants  by  Increased  Stimulation,"  Developmental  Psychology, 
1  (September  1969),  520-27. 

(With  C.  O.  Eckerman.)  "The  Infant's  Free  Entry  into  a  New 
Environment,"  Journal  of  Experiment  Child  Psychology,  8  (Oc- 
tober 1969),  271-83. 

(With  C.  O.  Eckerman.)  "The  Infant  Separates  Himself  from 
His  Mother,"  Science,  168  (April  1970),  78-83. 

David  Price  Rogers 

(With  James  C.  Carpenter.)  "The  Decline  of  Variance  of  ESP 
Scores  Within  a  Testing  Session,"  in  Extrasensory  Perception, 
ed.,  Gertrude  Schmeidler.  New  York:  Atherton  Press,  1969.  Pp. 



John  Schopler 

Associate  editor,  Journal  of  Experimental  Social  Psychology. 

"An  Attribution  Analysis  of  Some  Determinants  of  Recipro- 
cating a  Benefit,"  in  Altrtiism  and  Helping,  eds.,  Macauley  and 
Berkowitz.  New  York:  Academic  Press,  1970.  Pp.  231-38. 

Stephen  Eobekt  Schroeder 

"An  Automated  Pneumatic  Shutter  Release  for  Time-Lapse 
Photograph,"  Journal  of  the  Experimental  Analysis  of  Behavior, 
12  (July  1969),  560. 

"Reinforcement  of  Eye  Movements  with  Concurrent  Sched- 
ules," Journal  of  the  Experimental  Analysis  of  Behavior,  12  (No- 
vember 1969),  897-903. 

"Effects  of  Luminance  on  Selective  Eye  Movements  to  Simul- 
taneously Presented  Stimuli  during  Discrimination,"  Perception 
and  Psychophysics,  7  (January  1970),  121-24. 

"Effects  of  Cue  Factors  on  Selective  Eye-Movement  Patterns 
during  Successive  Discrimination,"  Perceptual  and  Motor  Skills,  29 
(December  1969),  991-98. 

' 1  Fixation  and  Choice  Preference  during  Discrimination  Trans- 
fer," Psychonomic  Science,  17  (November  1969),  325. 

"Usage  of  Stereotypy  as  a  Descriptive  Term,"  The  Psycholog- 
ical Record,  20  (Summer  1970),  337-42. 

(With  C.  S.  Schroeder.)  "Decision  Conflict  in  Children  in  a 
Risk  Situation,"  The  Psychological  Record,  20  (Fall  1970),  443-50. 

Paul  Glanvill  Shinkman 

(With  A.  Denti,  J.  L.  McGaugh,  and  P.  W.  Landfield.)  "Effects 
of  Posttrial  Electrical  Stimulation  of  the  Mesencephalic  Reticular 
Formation  on  Avoidance  Learning  in  Rats,"  Physiology  and  Be- 
havior, 5  (May  1970),  659-62. 

(With  K.  P.  Kaufman.)  "Time-Dependent  Disruption  of  CER 
Formation  by  Posttrial  Hippocampal  Seizure,"  Proceedings  of  the 
American  Psychological  Association,  78  (August  1970),  217-18. 

John  Thibaut 

Editor,  Journal  of  Experimental  Social  Psychology. 

(With  Harold  H.  Kelley.)  "Group  Problem  Solving,"  in 
Handbook  of  Social  Psychology,  Volume  4,  eds.,  Gardner  Lindzey 
and  Elliot  Aronson.  Cambridge:  Addison-Wesley,  1969.  Pp.  1-103. 

Contributor,  Psychology,  eds.,  Kenneth  E.  Clark  and  George  A. 
Miller.  Englewood  Cliffs :  Prentice-Hall,  1970.  Pp.  ix,  146. 



(With  Charles  L.  Gruder.)  "The  Formation  of  Contractual 
Agreements  between  Parties  of  Unequal  Power,"  Journal  of  Per- 
sonality and  Social  Psychology,  11  (January  1969),  59-65. 

(With  Michael  Ross.)  "Commitment  and  Experience  as  Deter- 
minants of  Assimilation  and  Contrast,"  Journal  of  Personality 
and  Social  Psychology,  13  (December  1969),  322-29. 

(With  H.  H.  Kelley,  G.  H.  Shure,  M.  Deutsch,  C.  Faucheux, 
J.  T.  Lanzetta,  S.  Moscovici,  J.  M.  Nuttin,  Jr.,  and  J.  M.  Rabbie.) 
"A  Comparative  Experimental  Study  of  Negotiation  Behavior," 
Journal  of  Personality  and  Social  Psychology,  16  (November  1970), 

Vaida  Diller  Thompson 

(With  W.  Stroebe,  C.  Insko,  and  S.  Reisman.)  "Balance  and 
Differentiation  in  the  Evaluation  of  Linked  Attitude  Objects," 
Journal  of  Personality  and  Social  Psychology,  16  (September  1970), 

Thomas  S.  Wallsten 

(See  entries  under  Psychometric  Laboratory.) 

George  Schlager  Welsh 

Gifted  Adolescents:  A  Handbook  of  Test  Results.  Greensboro, 
North  Carolina:  Prediction  Press,  1969.  Pp.  ii,  103. 

"Preferences  for  Basic  Geometric  Shapes  by  American  and 
Egyptian  Subjects,"  International  Journal  of  Symbology,  1  (Au- 
gust 1969),  58-66. 

Forrest  Wesley  Young 

(See  entries  under  Psychometric  Laboratory.) 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department: 

Brenda  Combs  Ball 

Some  Kelationships  among  Infant  Preference  for  Tactile  Stimu- 
lation, Infant  Developmental  Level,  and  Maternal  Behaviors. 
(1968,  under  the  direction  of  Marilyn  T.  Erickson.) 

Henri  Charles  Barik 

A  Study  of  Simultaneous  Interpretation.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Samuel  Fillenbaum.) 



Richard  E.  Bridgette 

Self-esteem  in  Negro  and  White  Southern  Adolescents.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  E.  Earl  Baughman.) 

Bobby  James  Calder 

The  Effects  of  Cognitive  Constraints  on  Attitudes.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Chester  Arthur  Insko.) 

Alan  L.  Chaikin 

The  Effects  of  Four  Outcome  Schedules  on  Persistence,  Liking 
for  the  Task,  and  Attribution  of  Locus  of  Causality.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  John  Henry  Schopler.) 

Robert  Beno  Cialdini 

The  Effects  of  Attitudinal  Verbal  Reinforcement  upon  the  Atti- 
tudes of  the  Verbal  Reinforeer.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Chester  Arthur  Insko.) 

Robert  Marcus  Dick 

Screening  Identification  of  First  Grade  Problems  in  an  Amer- 
ican Indian  Population.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  George 
Schlager  Welsh.) 

Nancy  S.  Duvall 

Field  Articulation  and  the  Repression-Sensitization  Dimension 
in  Perception  and  Retention.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  M. 
David  Galinsky.) 

James  Gates  Ferguson,  Jr. 

Stimulus  Judgment:  An  Inquiry  into  the  Effects  of  Motion, 
Commitment,  and  Attribution.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  John 

Thomas  S.  Friedrichs 

Prediction  of  first  grade  teachers'  ratings  and  objective  achieve- 
ment from  ability  and  biographical  data.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Kenneth  Jay  Lessler.) 

Michael  D.  Kahn 

Verbal  Mediation  and  the  Cognitive  Control  of  Impulsivity 
in  a  Group  of  Negro  Delinquent  Adolescents.  (1970,  under  the  di- 
rection of  William  J.  Eichman.) 



Dennis  Lawrence  Kennedy 

An  Exploratory  Study  of  the  Relationship  of  Alcoholics  and 
their  Spouses  in  a  Simulated  Game  Situation.  (1970,  under  the  di- 
rection of  William  J.  Eichman.) 


Prediction  of  Contraceptive  Behavior:  A  Three  Dimensional 
Approach.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Vaida  Diller  Thompson.) 

Joseph  C.  Lowman 

Development  and  Field-testing  of  a  Self-administered  Measure 
of  Family  Functioning.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  William 
Grant  Dahlstrom.) 

James  Emory  Eobinson  Luginbuhl 

The  Effects  of  Choice  and  Outcome  on  Feelings  of  Success, 
Competence,  and  Desire  for  Originship.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  John  Henry  Schopler.) 

Kenneth  Foed  Maech 

Interdependence  of  Self-Concepts  in  Marital  Dyads.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  John  Alfred  Gorman.) 

John  E.  May 

An  Exploration  of  Family  Systems  in  Kelation  to  Children's 
School  Performance.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  M.  David  Galin- 

David  Phillip  McGourty 

The  Effects  of  Discrimination  Training  on  Multidimensional 
Stimulus  Control  in  Humans.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  David 
Alan  Eckerman.) 

William  Heney  Melson 

Attentional  Responses  of  Five-Month  Infants  to  Discrepant 
Auditory  Stimuli.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Chester  Arthur 

Augustus  Young  Napiee 

Patterns  of  Growth  and  Stasis  in  Marriage  Over  Several  Gen- 
erations. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Alfred  Gorman.) 

William  H.  Redd 

Adults  as  Discriminative  Stimuli  with  Retarded  Children. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Jay  Spencer  Birnbrauer.) 



Stephan  Robert  Reisman 

An  Expansion  of  Heider's  Theory  of  Attribution  Processes 
and  its  Eelation  to  Responsibility.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
John  Henry  Schopler.) 

Russell  E.  Walls 

The  Effects  of  Partial  Reinforcement  on  Reversal  Learning  in 
the  Pigeon.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Marcus  Bishop  Waller.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department: 

Kent  W.  Butzine 

Individual  and  Group  Decisions  Involving  Risk.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  John  Thibaut.) 

Bobby  James  Calder 

An  Investigation  of  the  Relation  of  Cognitive  and  Memorial 
Processes  to  Attitudes.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Chester 
Arthur  Insko.) 

Alan  L.  Chaikin 

The  Effects  of  Prior  Information  and  Positive  and  Negative 
Role  and  Content  Reward  on  Attitude  Change  Following  Counter- 
Attitudinal  Advocacy.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  John  Henry 

James  Gates  Ferguson,  Jr. 

Friendship  Selection:  An  Analysis  of  Social  Interaction.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  John  Thibaut.) 

Kenneth  Phillip  Kaufman 

Effects  of  Posttrial  Hippocampal  Stimulation  on  Short-Term 
Memory.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Paul  Glanvill  Shink- 

Louis  Douglas  King 

Personality  and  Aesthetic :  Two  Studies  of  Poetic  Communica- 
tion. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  George  Schlager  Welsh.) 

Martin  Lee  Krovetz 

Race  and  Status  as  Determinants  of  Rapport,  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  John  Henry  Schopler.) 




Jerry  A.  Martin 

Discriminative  Properties  of  Timeout  From  Reinforcement. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  David  Alan  Eckerman.) 

Alice  Allen  Ray 

The  Attribution  of  Responsibility.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  John  Thibaut.) 

Marilyn  Louise  Eall 

Recipients '  Attributions  about  a  Donor 's  Motives  for  Providing 
a  Favor.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Henry  Schopler.) 

Stephan  Robert  Reisman 

Perceived  Behavior  and  Triadic  Consistency.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  John  Henry  Schopler.) 

Michael  Arthur  Ross 

Security,  Conformity  and  Attribution  of  Causality:  A  Study 
of  Leaders  and  Their  Groups.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  John 


The  following  publications  and  papers  were  completed  in  the 
L.  L.  Thurstone  Psychometric  Laboratory  of  the  Department  of 
Psychology.  (See  also  Research  Organizations  for  additional  list- 

Mark  Irwin  Applebaum 

"RANDOM  SAMPLER— A  Generalized  Sampling  Simulator," 
University  of  North  Carolina  L.  L.  Thurstone  Psychometric  Labora- 
tory Research  Memorandum  No.  32  (October  1969),  13. 

(With  D.  Guthrie.)  "Use  of  Computers  in  Undergraduate 
Statistics  Instruction,"  Proceedings  of  the  University  of  Iowa 
Conference  on  Computers  in  the  Undergraduate  Curricula  (1970), 

Anthony  Joseph  Conger 

"Internal  Consistency  of  Verbal  Response  Classes,"  Psycho- 
logical Reports,  26  (1970),  777-78. 

Elliot  M.  Cramer 

(With  F.  P.  Gendre.)  "Actuarial  Versus  Clinical  Methods  in 
Vocational  Counseling:  A  Reconsideration,"  University  of  North 



Carolina  L.  L.  Thurstone  Psychometric  Laboratory  Report  No.  87 
(October  1970),  11. 

' '  On  Oblique  Procrustes  Rotation  From  an  Oblique  Structure, ' ' 
University  of  North  Carolina  L.  L.  Thurstone  Psychometric  Lab- 
oratory Report  No.  88  (November  1970),  8. 

Edwaed  Stokes  Johnson" 

"SLIP — A  Symmetric  List  Processor,"  University  of  North 
Carolina  Tj.  L.  Thurstone  Psychometric  Laboratory  Research  Mem- 
orandum No.  31  (October  1969),  48. 

(With  L.  V.  Jones  and  F.  W.  Young.)  "Computer  Control  of 
Psychological  Experiments,"  University  of  North  Carolina  L.  L. 
Thurstone  Psychometric  Laboratory  Report  No.  80  (November 
1969),  29. 

"Strategy  in  a  Concept  Learning  Task  Employing  Minimum 
Feedback, ' '  University  of  North  Carolina  L.  L.  Thurstone  Psycho- 
metric Laboratory  Report  No.  86  (September  1970),  67. 

Lyle  Vincent  Jones 

(With  E.  S.  Johnson  and  F.  W.  Young.)  "Computer  Control 
of  Psychological  Experiments,"  University  of  North  Carolina  L.  L. 
Thurstone  Psychometric  Laboratory  Report  No.  80  (November 
1969),  29. 

(With  A.  Rapoport  and  J.  P.  Kahan.)  "Gambling  Behavior  in 
Multiple-Choice  Multistage  Betting  Games,"  Journal  of  Math- 
ematical Psychology,  7  (February  1970),  12-36. 

(With  A.  Rapoport.)  "Gambling  Behavior  in  Two-Outcome 
Multistage  Betting  Games,"  Journal  of  Mathematical  Psychol- 
ogy, 7  (February  1970),  163-87. 

Stanley  Allen  Mulaik 

"Oblique  Procrustean  Transformations  to  Fit  an  Incompletely 
Specified  Target  Matrix,"  Proceedings  of  the  77th  Annual  Con- 
vention of  the  American  Psychological  Association,  3  (1969), 

"An  Oblique  Procrustean  Transformation  to  Approximate  a 
Hypothetical  Factor  Pattern  Matrix,"  University  of  North  Car- 
olina L.  L.  Thurstone  Psychometric  Laboratory  Report  No.  78 
(September  1969),  12. 

"A  Note  on  the  Second  Derivative  of  the  Goodness  of  Fit  Func- 
tion of  Confirmatory  Maximum  Likelihood  Factor  Analysis,"  Uni- 
versity of  North  Carolina  L.  L.  Thurstone  Psychometric  Laboratory 
Report  No.  79  (October  1969),  7. 



Amnon  Kapopokt 

1  'Effects  of  Observation  Cost  on  Sequential  Search  Behavior," 
Perception  and  Psychophysics,  6  (April  1969),  234-40. 

"Effect  of  Payoff  Information  in  Multistage  Mixed-Motive 
Games,"  Behavioral  Science,  14  (May  1969),  204-15. 

"Multistage  Betting  Games  With  an  Exponential  Utility  Func- 
tion," University  of  North  Carolina  L.  L.  Thur stone  Psychometric 
Laboratory  Report  No.  75  (May  1969),  18. 

"Optimal  and  Suboptimal  Decisions  in  Perceptual  Problem- 
Solving  Tasks,"  Behavioral  Science,  14  (November  1969),  453-66. 

(With  L.  V.  Jones.)  "Gambling  Behavior  in  Two-Outcome 
Multistage  Betting  Games,"  Journal  of  Mathematical  Psychology,  7 
(February  1970),  163-87. 

(With  L.  V.  Jones  and  J.  P.  Kahan.)  "Gambling  Behavior  in 
Multiple-Choice  Multistage  Betting  Games,"  Journal  of  Math- 
ematical Psychology,  7  (February  1970),  12-36. 

(With  A.  Tversky.)  "Choice  Behavior  in  an  Optional  Stopping 
Task,"  Organizational  Behavior  and  Human  Performance,  5  (April 
1970),  105-20. 

(With  G.  J.  Burkheimer.)  "Sequential  Decision  Making:  De- 
scriptive Models,  Sensitivity  Analysis,  and  Numerical  Results," 
University  of  North  Carolina  L.  L.  Thurstone  Psychometric  Lab- 
oratory Report  No.  83  (July  1970),  51. 

"Proportional  Markov  Betting  Policies  for  Multistage  Betting 
Games,"  University  of  North  Carolina  L.  L.  Thurstone  Psycho- 
metric Laboratory  Report  No.  84  (July  1970),  23. 

"Minimization  of  Risk  and  Maximization  of  Expected  Utility 
in  Multistage  Betting  Games,"  Acta  Psychologica,  34  (December 
1970),  375-86. 

(With  R.  W.  Lissitz  and  H.  A.  McAllister.)  "Search  Behavior 
With  and  Without  Optional  Stopping,"  University  of  North  Car- 
olina L.  L.  Thurstone  Psychometric  Laboratory  Report  No.  89 
(November  1970),  25. 

Review  of  David  J.  Bartholomew,  Stochastic  Models  for  Social 
Processes  (New  York:  John  Wiley  and  Sons,  Inc.,  1967).  in  Sci- 
ence, 164  (April  1969),  59-60. 

Review  of  Jan  Pfanzagl,  Theory  of  Measurement  (New  York: 
John  Wiley  and  Sons,  Inc.,  1968),  in  Educational  and  Psychological 
Measurement,  30  (Spring  1970),  198-200. 

Thomas  S.  Wallsten 

"Subjects'  Probability  Estimates  and  Subjectively  Expected 
Utility  Theory:  Their  Relationship  and  Some  Limitations,"  Uni- 



versity  of  North  Carolina  L.  L.  Thurstone  Psychometric  Laboratory 
Report  No.  85  (September  1970),  34. 

Forrest  Wesley  Young 

"Polynomial  Conjoint  Analysis  of  Similarities:  A  Model  for 
Constructing  Polynomial  Conjoint  Measurement  Algorithms," 
University  of  North  Carolina  L.  L.  Thurstone  Psychometric  Lab- 
oratory Report  No.  74  (April  1969),  22. 

' '  Polynomial  Conjoint  Analysis  of  Similarities :  Definitions  for 
a  Specific  Algorithm,"  University  of  North  Carolina  L.  L.  Thurs- 
tone Psychometric  Laboratory  Report  No.  76  (May  1969),  21. 

"Polynomial  Conjoint  Analysis  of  Similarities:  Operations 
of  a  Specific  Algorithm,"  University  of  North  Carolina  L.  L. 
Thurstone  Psychometric  Laboratory  Report  No.  77  (May  1969),  23. 

(With  L.  V.  Jones  and  E.  S.  Johnson.)  "Computer  Control  of 
Psychological  Experiments,"  University  of  North  Carolina  L.  L. 
Thurstone  Psychometric  Laboratory  Report  No.  80  (November 
1969),  29. 

"Nonmetric  Scaling  of  Line  Length  Using  Latencies,  Similar- 
ity and  Same-Different  Judgments,"  University  of  North  Carolina 
L.  L.  Thurstone  Psychometric  Laboratory  Report  No.  81  (Feb- 
ruary 1970),  25. 

"Nonmetric  Scaling  of  Line  Length  Using  Latencies,  Similar- 
ity and  Same-Different  Judgments, ' '  Perception  and  Psychophysics, 
8  (November  1970),  363-69. 

"Nonmetric  Multidimensional  Scaling:  Kecovery  of  Metric 
Information,"  Psychometrika,  35  (December  1970),  455-74. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department  and  the  Psychometric  Laboratory: 

Lawrence  Russell  Gordon 

Effects  of  Capital  Size  in  Computer-Controlled  Multi-Stage 
Betting  Games.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Lyle  Vincent 

Edward  Arthur  Youngs 

Error-Proneness  in  Programming.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Lyle  Vincent  Jones.) 

The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department  and  the  Psychometric  Laboratory: 



Chakles  Roger  Sherman 

Nonmetric  Multidimensional  Scaling:  The  Role  of  the  Minkow- 
ski Metric.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Lyle  Vincent  Jones.) 

Susan  Whitford  Sherman 

Perception  of  Rectangles:  Scaling  of  Cognitive  Space.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Forrest  Wesley  Young.) 


Department  of  Biostatistics 

James  Ralph  Abernathy 

(With  C.  M.  Kunin  and  R.  C.  McCormack.)  "Oral  Contracep- 
tives and  Blood  Pressure,"  Archives  of  Internal  Medicine,  123 
(April  1969),  362-65. 

(With  T.  D.  Scurletis  and  K.  B.  Surles.)  "Trends  in  Illegitimacy 
and  Associated  Mortality  in  North  Carolina,  1957-1966,"  North 
Carolina  Medical  Journal,  30  (June  1969),  214-21. 

(With  A.  Li.  Gould  and  B.  V.  Shah.)  "Unrelated  Question  Ran- 
domized Response  Technique  with  Two  Trials  per  Respondent," 
American  Statistical  Association  Proceedings  of  the  Social  Statis- 
tics Section,  1969,  351-59. 

(With  B.  G.  Greenberg  and  Daniel  G.  Horvitz.)  "Application 
of  the  Randomized  Response  Technique  in  Obtaining  Quantitative 
Data,"  American  Statistical  Association  Proceedings  of  the  Social 
Statistics  Section,  1969,  40-43. 

(With  B.  G.  Greenberg  and  Daniel  G.  Horvitz.)  "A  Method  for 
Estimating  the  Incidence  of  Abortion  in  an  Open  Population," 
Contributed  Papers,  International  Statistical  Institute,  37th  Ses- 
sion, 1969,  216-18. 

(With  B.  G.  Greenberg  and  Daniel  G.  Horvitz.)  "Estimates  of 
Induced  Abortion  in  Urban  North  Carolina,"  Demography,  7  (Feb- 
ruary 1970),  19-29. 

(With  T.  D.  Scurletis  and  K.  B.  Surles.)  "Trends  in  Post- 
neonatal  Mortality  in  North  Carolina,  1959-67,"  North  Carolina 
Medical  Journal,  31  (April  1970),  125-31. 

(With  T.  D.  Scurletis,  J.  T.  King,  and  K.  B.  Surles.)  "Perinatal 
Mortality — Past,  Present  and  Future,"  North  Carolina  Medical 
Journal,  31  (September  1970),  331-38. 

(With  B.  G.  Greenberg  and  D.  G.  Horvitz.)  "A  New  Survey 
Technique  and  Its  Application  in  the  Field  of  Public  Health,"  Mil- 
bank  Memorial  Fund  Quarterly,  48  (October  1970),  39-55. 



Review  of  Neville  R.  Butler  and  Eva  D.  Aberman,  eds.,  Peri- 
natal Problems:  The  Second  Report  of  the  British  Perinatal  Mor- 
tality Study.  (Baltimore:  Williams  and  Wilkins,  1969),  in  Family 
Planning  Perspectives,  2  (June  1970),  51. 

Donna  Buhl  Brogan 

"  Predicted  Resource  Utilization  of  Patients  upon  Admission 
to  the  Adult  Psychiatric  Division  of  Fort  Logan  Mental  Health 
Center,"  in  Demonstrations  of  Statistical  Techniques,  ed.,  Paul 
McCullough.  Boulder,  Colorado:  "Western  Interstate  Commission 
for  Higher  Education,  1969.  Pp.  35-61. 

(With  P.  A.  Lachenbruch.)  "Some  Distributions  on  the  Positive 
Real  Line  Which  Have  No  Moments."  Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo 
Series  No.  700,  July  1970.  P.  8. 

Elizabeth  Jackson  Coulter 

(With  Earl  Siegel,  Robert  Tuthill,  Sidney  Chipman,  and  Donald 
Thomas.)  "Measurement  of  Need  and  Utilization  Rates  for  a  Public 
Family  Planning  Program,"  American  Journal  of  Public  Health, 
59  (August  1969),  1322-30. 

(With  Earl  Siegel,  Donald  Thomas,  Robert  Tuthill,  and  Sidney 
Chipman.)  "Factors  Associated  with  Involvement  of  Low-Income 
Women  in  a  Public  Family  Planning  Program, ' '  American  Journal 
of  Public  Health,  60  (August  1970),  1382-94. 

Review  of  Clyde  V.  Kiser,  Wilson  H.  Grabill,  and  Arthur  A. 
Campbell,  Trends  and  Variations  in  Fertility  in  the  United  States 
(Cambridge:  Harvard  University  Press,  1968),  in  Rural  Sociology, 
34  (December  1969),  586-87. 

Herbert  Aron  David 
Editor,  Biometrics. 

Order  Statistics.  New  York:  John  Wiley  and  Sons,  1970.  Pp.  xi, 

(With  J.  E.  Norman.)  "Restricted  Ranking,"  Psychometrika, 
34  (March  1969),  85-110. 

"On  Chiang's  Proportionality  Assumption  in  the  Theory  of 
Competing  Risks,"  Biometrics,  26  (June  1970),  336-39. 

Review  of  D.  J.  Finney,  Statistics  for  Mathematicians :  An  In- 
troduction (Edinburgh:  Oliver  and  Boyd,  1968),  in  Review  of  the 
International  Statistical  Institute,  37  (March  1969),  106-7. 

Arthur  William  Davis 

(With  W.  B.  Hall.)  "Cyclic  Change-over  Designs,"  Biometrika, 
56  (August  1969),  283-93. 



"Exact  Distribution  of  Hotelling's  Generalized  T02,"  Bio- 
metrika,  57  (April  1970),  187-91. 

Thomas  George  Donnelly 

"Some  Techniques  for  Using  Pseudorandom  Numbers  in  Com- 
puter Simulation,"  Communications  of  the  Association  for  Com- 
puter Machinery,  12  (July  1969),  392-94. 

Regina  Cecylia  Elandt-Johnson 

"Estimation  of  the  Number  of  Histocompatibility  Loci  in  Lab- 
oratory Animals,  Experimental  Designs  and  Statistical  Analysis," 
Transplantation,  7  (January  1969),  12-40. 

"Applications  of  the  Mixed  Leukocyte  Culture  Test  to  Estima- 
tion of  the  Number  of  Alleles  or  Loci  in  the  'Major'  Histocom- 
patibility Systems  in  Man,"  Transplantation,  1  (January  1969), 

"Application  of  Occupancy  and  Ordering  Theory  in  Genetics 
of  Autopolyploids, "  Zastosowania  Mathematyki  (Applicationes 
Mathematicae),  10  (March  1969),  193-204. 

"Survey  of  Histocompatibility  Testing.  Biological  Background, 
Probabilities  and  Statistical  Models  and  Problems, ' '  Biometrics,  25 
(June  1969),  207-83. 

"Estimation  of  the  Number  of  Histocompatibility  Loci  from 
Grafts  Exchanged  among  Sibs  of  Two  Incomplete  Inbred  Strains, ' 7 
Transplantation,  9  (March  1970),  203-6. 

"Segregation  Analysis  for  Complex  Modes  of  Inheritance," 
American  Journal  of  Human  Genetics,  22  (March  1970),  129-44. 

Robert  Claude  Elston 
Associate  editor,  Biometrics. 

"An  Analogue  to  Fieller's  Theorem  Using  SchefrVs  Solution  to 
the  Fisher-Behrens  Problem,"  The  American  Statistician,  23  (Feb- 
ruary 1969),  26-28. 

(With  R.  A.  Goyer  and  J.  O.  Reynolds,  Jr.)  "Characteristics 
of  the  Aminoacidivia  Resulting  from  Cyclolencine  Administration 
in  Pair-fed  Rats,"  Proceedings  for  the  Society  for  Experimental 
Biology  and  Medicine,  130  (March  1969),  860-64. 

(With  R.  E.  Gaines.)  "On  the  Probability  that  a  Twin  Pair 
is  Monozygotic,"  American  Journal  of  Human  Genetics,  21  (Sep- 
tember 1969),  457-65. 

(With  W.  S.  Pollitzer,  D.  Rucknagel,  R.  Tashian,  D.  C.  Shreffler, 
W.  C.  Leyshon,  and  K.  Namboodiri.)  "The  Seminole  Indians  of 
Florida:  Morphology  and  Serology,"  Journal  of  Physical  An- 
thropology, 32  (January  1970),  65-81. 



(With  J.  K.  Haseman.)  "The  Estimation  of  Genetic  Variance 
from  Twin  Data,"  Behavior  Genetics,  1  (February  1970),  11-19. 

(With  M.  A.  Campbell.)  "Schizophrenia:  Evidence  for  the  Ma- 
jor Gene  Hypothesis,"  Behavior  Genetics,  1  (February  1970),  3-10. 

(With  J.  Stewart.)  "A  New  Test  of  Association  for  Continuous 
Variables,"  Biometrics,  25  (June  1970),  305-14. 

"Blood  Bank  Inventories,"  CRC  Critical  Reviews  in  Clinical 
Laboratory  Sciences,  3  (June  1970),  527-48. 

(With  W.  S.  Pollitzer,  K.  K.  Namboodiri,  W.  H.  Brown,  and 
W.  C.  Leyshon.)  "The  Seminole  Indians  of  Oklahoma:  Morphology 
and  Serology,"  American  Journal  of  Physical  Anthropology.  33 
(July  1970),  15-29. 

(With  N.  E.  Morton,  S.  Yee,  and  R.  Lew.)  "Discontinuity  and 
Quasicontinuity :  Alternative  Hypotheses  of  Multifactorial  In- 
heritance," Clinical  Genetics,  1  (November  1970),  81-94. 

"Computer  Applications  to  Blood  Banking,"  in  Technical 
Methods  and  Procedures,  5th  edition.  Chicago:  American  Associ- 
ation of  Blood  Banks,  1970.  Pp.  266-71. 

Nader  Abd-Elmaksoud  Fergany 

"On  the  Macro-Dynamic  Stochastic  Treatment  of  the  Size 
and  Age  Structure  of  a  Human  Population."  Institute  of  Statis- 
tics Mimeo  Series  No.  666,  February  1970.  P.  94. 

Bernard  George  Greenberg 

(With  James  E.  Grizzle.)  "Effective  Statistical  Consultation 
for  Clinical  Study  Groups,"  Cancer  Chemotherapy  Reports,  53 
(February  1969),  1-2. 

(With  Richard  M.  Peters  and  Edward  McG.  Hedgpeth.  Jr.) 
"The  Effect  of  Alterations  in  Acid-Base  Balance  on  Pulmonary 
Mechanics,"  Journal  of  Thoracic  and  Cardiovascular  Surgery,  57 
(March  1969),  303-11. 

(With  A.  E.  Sarhan.)  "Linear  Estimates  for  Doubly  Censored 
Samples  from  the  Exponential  Distribution  with  Observations  Also 
Missing  from  the  Middle,"  Bulletin  of  the  International  Statistical 
Institute,  Proceedings  of  the  36th  Session,  Volume  42,  Book  2 
(1969),  1195-1204. 

(With  Abdel-Latif  A.  Abul-Ela,  Walt  R.  Simons,  and  Daniel 
G.  Horvitz.)  "The  Unrelated  Question  Randomized  Response 
Model:  Theoretical  Framework,"  Journal  of  the  American  Sta- 
tistical Association,  64  (June  1969),  520-39. 

"Problems  of  Statistical  Inference  in  Health  with  Special  Ref- 
erence to  the  Cigarette  Smoking  and  Lung  Cancer  Controversy," 



Journal  of  the  American  Statistical  Association,  64  (September 
1969),  739-58. 

(With  James  R.  Abernathy  and  Daniel  G.  Horvitz.)  "  Appli- 
cation of  the  Randomized  Response  Technique  in  Obtaining  Quanti- 
tative Data/'  American  Statistical  Association  Proceedings  of  the 
Social  Statistics  Section,  1969,  40-43. 

(With  James  R.  Abernathy  and  Daniel  G.  Horvitz.)  "A 
Method  for  Estimating  the  Incidence  of  Abortion  in  an  Open  Popu- 
lation," Contributed  Papers,  International  Statistical  Institute, 
37th  Session,  1969,  216-18. 

(With  James  R.  Abernathy  and  Daniel  G.  Horvitz.)  "Estimates 
of  Induced  Abortion  in  Urban  North  Carolina,"  Demography,  7 
(February  1970),  19-29. 

(With  James  R.  Abernathy  and  Daniel  G.  Horvitz.)  "A  New 
Survey  Technique  and  Its  Application  in  the  Field  of  Public 
Health,"  Milbank  Memorial  Fund  Quarterly,  48  (October  1970), 

James  Ennis  Grizzle 

Associate  editor,  Journal  of  the  American  Statistical  Associa- 

Consulting  editor,  Psychophysiology. 

(With  Ronald  N.  Forthofer  and  C.  Frank  Starmer.)  "A  Pro- 
gram for  the  Analysis  of  Categorical  Data  by  Linear  Models."  In- 
stitute of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series  No.  604,  January  1969.  P.  65. 

(With  B.  G.  Greenberg.)  "Effective  Statistical  Consultation 
for  Clinical  Study  Groups,"  Cancer  Chemotherapy  Reports,  53 
(February  1969),  1-2. 

(With  David  M.  Allen.)  "Analysis  of  Growth  and  Dose  Re- 
sponse Curves,"  Biometrics,  25  (June  1969),  357-81. 

(With  J.  M.  Ruffin,  N.  C.  Hightower,  G.  McHardy,  H.  Shull, 
and  J.  B.  Kirsner.)  "A  Cooperative  Double-Blind  Evaluation  of 
Gastric  'Freezing'  in  the  Treatment  of  Duodenal  Ulcer,"  New 
England  Journal  of  Medicine,  281  (July  1969),  16-19. 

(With  G.  G.  Koch  and  C.  F.  Starmer.)  "Analysis  of  Categorical 
Data  for  Linear  Models,"  Biometrics,  25  (September  1969),  489- 

(With  O.  Dale  Williams.)  "Analysis  of  Categorical  Data  with 
More  Than  One  Response  Variable  by  Linear  Models."  Institute 
of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series  No.  715,  January  1970.  P.  112. 

(With  W.  E.  Price,  R.  W.  Postlethwait,  W.  D.  Johnson,  and 
P.  Grabicki.)  "Results  of  Operation  for  Duodenal  Ulcer,"  Surgery, 
Gynecology,  and  Obstetrics,  131  (August  1970),  233-44. 



(With  William  D.  Johnson  and  Raymond  W.  Postlethwait.) 
"  Veterans  Administration  Cooperative  Study  of  Surgery  for  Duo- 
denal Ulcer.  I.  Description  and  Evaluation  of  Method  of  Randomiza- 
tion/' Archives  of  Surgery,  101  (September  1970),  391-95. 

Chaeles  Hokace  Hamilton 

The  USA  South:  lis  Changing  Population  Characteristics. 
Chapel  Hill:  Carolina  Population  Center,  1970.  P.  191. 

(With  Therese  H.  Ramsey.)  "Estimates  of  the  Population  of 
North  Carolina  Counties  1967  and  1968."  Demographic  Report  H-2. 
Carolina  Population  Center,  University  of  North  Carolina  at 
Chapel  Hill,  April  1969.  P.  19. 

(With  Therese  H.  Ramsey.)  "Estimates  of  the  Population  of 
North  Carolina  Counties  1968  and  1969."  Demographic  Report  H-3. 
Published  jointly  by  Carolina  Population  Center  and  the  North 
Carolina  Department  of  Administration,  March  1970.  P.  18. 

William  Davis  Johnson 

(With  William  E.  Price,  James  E.  Grizzle,  R.  W.  Postlethwait, 
and  Peter  Grabicki.)  "Results  of  Operation  for  Duodenal  Ulcer," 
Surgery,  Gynecology,  and  Obstetrics,  131  (August  1970),  233-44. 

(With  James  E.  Grizzle,  and  R.  W.  Postlethwait.)  "Veterans 
Administration  Cooperative  Study  of  Surgery  for  Duodenal  Ulcer. 
I.  Description  and  Evaluation  of  Method  Randomization,"  Archives 
of  Surgery,  101  (September  1970),  391-95. 

(With  Catalino  B.  Mendoza,  Jr.,  and  R.  W.  Postlethwait.)  "Vet- 
erans Administration  Cooperative  Study  of  Surgery  for  Duodenal 
Ulcer.  II.  Incidence  of  Wound  Disruption  Following  Operation," 
Archives  of  Surgery,  101  (September  1970),  396-98. 

Prakash  Candra  Joshi 

' 1  Bounds  and  Approximations  for  the  Moments  of  Order  Statis- 
tics," Journal  of  the  American  Statistical  Association,  64  (Decem- 
ber 1969),  1617-24. 

"Efficient  Estimation  of  the  Mean  of  an  Exponential  Distribu- 
tion when  an  Outlier  is  Present."  Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo 
Series  No.  655,  January  1970.  P.  18. 

Ellen  Bratter  Kaplan- 

(With  Linda  S.  Ridgway.)  "A  Generalized  Computer  Program 
for  the  Tabulation  of  Data."  Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series 
No.  670,  February  1970.  P.  162. 



David  Geoege  Kleinbatjm 

(With  S.  John.)  "A  Table  of  Percentage  Points  of  the  Smallest 
Latent  Root  of  a  2x2  Wishart  Matrix."  Institute  of  Statistics 
Mimeo  Series  No.  619,  January  1969.  P.  5. 

(With  S.  John.)  "A  Central  Tolerance  Reg-ion  for  the  Multi- 
variate Normal  Distribution  II."  Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo 
Series  No.  620,  January  1969.  P.  8. 

"  Estimation  and  Hypothesis  Testing  for  Generalized  Multi- 
variate Linear  Models."  Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series  No. 
696,  February  1970.  P.  165. 

(With  L.  L.  Kupper.)  "On  Testing  Hypotheses  Concerning 
Standardized  Mortality  Ratios  and/or  Indirect  Adjusted  Rates." 
Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series  No.  709,  September  1970.  P.  13. 

Gary  Koch 

(With  D.  G.  Horvitz.)  "The  Effect  of  Response  Errors  on 
Measures  of  Association,"  in  New  Developments  in  Survey  Samp- 
ling, eds.,  Norman  L.  Johnson  and  Harry  Smith,  Jr.  New  York: 
John  Wiley  and  Sons,  1969.  Pp.  247-82. 

"The  Design  of  Combinatorial  Filing  System  for  Efficient  In- 
formation Retrieval,"  in  The  Information  Bazaar:  Proceedings  of 
the  Sixth  Annual  National  Colloquium  on  Information  Retrieval, 
ed.  Louise  Schultz.  Philadelphia:  Medical  Documentation  Service, 
College  of  Physicians,  1969.  Pp.  327-44. 

"Some  Aspects  of  the  Statistical  Analysis  of  'Split-plot'  Ex- 
periments in  Completely  Randomized  Layouts,"  Journal  of  the 
American  Statistical  Association,  64  (June  1969),  485-505. 

(With  J.  E.  Grizzle  and  C.  F.  Starmer.)  "Analysis  of  Categor- 
ical Data  for  Linear  Models,"  Biometrics,  25  (September  1969), 

1 1  The  Effect  of  Nonsampling  Errors  on  Measures  of  Association 
in  2x2  Contingency  Tables,"  Journal  of  the  American  Statistical 
Association,  65  (September  1969),  851-64. 

"A  Useful  Lemma  for  Proving  the  Equality  of  Two  Matrices 
with  Applications  to  Least  Squares  Type  Quadratic  Forms, ' '  Jour- 
nal of  the  American  Statistical  Association,  65  (September  1969), 

"A  Class  of  Covers  for  Finite  Projective  Geometries  Which  Are 
Related  to  the  Design  of  Combinatorial  Filing  Systems,"  Journal 
of  Combinatorial  Theory,  7  (November  1969),  215-20. 

1 1  The  Use  of  Non-parametric  Methods  in  the  Statistical  Analysis 
of  a  Complex  Split-plot  Experiment,"  Biometrics,  26  (March 
1970),  105-28. 



(With  Hugh  M.  Shingleton,  Wesley  C.  Fowler,  and  Leonard 
Palumbo,  Jr.)  "Carcinoma  of  the  Vulva  Influence  of  Kadical  Op- 
eration on  Cure  Kate,"  Obstetrics  Gynecology,  35  (January  1970), 

(With  Leonard  Palumbo,  Jr.,  Hugh  M.  Shingleton,  John  I.  Fish- 
burne,  Jr.,  and  F.  D.  Pepper,  Jr.)  "Primary  Carcinoma  of  the 
Vagina,"  Journal  of  Southern  Medical  Association,  62  (September 
1969),  1048-53. 

Lawrence  Louis  Kupper 

"The  Admissibility  of  a  Response  Surface  Design."  Institute  of 
Statistics  Mimeo  Series  No.  660,  January  1970.  P.  10. 

"Optimal  Response  Surface  Techniques  Using  Fourier  Series 
and  Spherical  Harmonics."  Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series 
No.  678,  May  1970.  P.  85. 

(With  D.  G.  Kleinbaum.)  "On  Testing  Hypotheses  Concerning 
Standardized  Mortality  Ratios  and/or  Indirect  Adjusted  Rates." 
Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series  No.  709,  September  1970.  P.  13. 

Peter  Anthony  Lachenbruch 

(With  A.  Jarrihi,  F.  Kane,  R.  L.  Van  de  Castle,  and  J.  A. 
Ewing.)  "Emotional  and  Cognitive  Changes  in  Pregnancy  and 
Early  Pueperium,"  British  Journal  of  Psychiatry,  115  (July  1969), 

' '  Tables  of  Simultaneous  Confidence  Limits  for  the  Binomial  and 
Poisson  Distributions,"  Biometrika,  56  (August  1969),  452. 

(With  K.  R.  Gabriel.)  "Non-parametric  ANOVA  in  Small 
Samples :  A  Monte  Carlo  Study  of  the  Adequacy  of  the  Asymptotic 
Approximation,"  Biometrics,  25  (September  1969),  593-96. 

(With  D.  G.  Horvitz,  F.  Giesbrecht,  and  B.  Shah.)  "POPSIM: 
A  Demographic  Micro  Simulation  Model, ' '  Proceedings  of  the  Gen- 
eral Conference,  International  Union  for  the  Scientific  Study  of 
Population,  1969.  P.  12. 

(With  C.  Sneeringer  and  L.  T.  Revo.)  "On  Robustness  of  the 
Linear  Discriminant  Function  to  Certain  Non-normal  Distribu- 
tions." Contributed  Papers,  International  Statistical  Institute, 
37th  Session,  1969,  159-61. 

(With  D.  R.  Brogan.)  "Some  Distributions  on  the  Positive  Real 
Line  Which  Have  No  Moments."  Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Se- 
ries No.  700,  July  1970.  P.  8. 

Forrest  E.  Linder 

(With  Robert  J.  Myers.)  "Centers  For  Population  Statistics: 
A  Research  Plan  Appropriate  for  the  Countries  of  Tropical  Africa. '  \ 



International  Program  of  Laboratories  for  Population  Statistics, 
The  University  of  North  Carolina  at  Chapel  Hill  (September 
1970).  P.  20. 

"Measurement  of  Population  Control  Programs:  Design  Prob- 
lems of  Sample  Registration  Systems,"  Contributed  Papers,  Inter- 
national Statistical  Institute,  37th  Session,  1969,  50-52. 

"A  Proposed  New  Vital  Event  Numeration  Unitary  System  for 
Developed  Countries,"  Milbank  Memorial  Fund  Quarterly,  48 
(October  1970),  77-85. 

1 1  Statistics  and  Indexes  for  Health  Planning  General  Considera- 
tions. ' '  Paper  prepared  for  Expert  Committee  on  Health  Statistics, 
World  Health  Organization,  Geneva,  December  1-7,  1970.  P.  8. 

"Needed  Research  in  the  Development  of  Statistics  for  Health 
Planning."  Paper  prepared  for  Expert  Committee  on  Health 
Statistics,  World  Health  Organization,  Geneva,  December  1-7, 
1970.  P.  5.  DHSS/WP/70.16. 

Robeet  J.  Myers 

(With  C.  Greenfield  and  M.  Veitch.)  Zambian  Manpower. 
Lusaka:  Zambian  Government  Printer,  1969.  Pp.  vi,  122. 

(With  Forrest  E.  Linder.)  "Centers  For  Population  Statistics: 
A  Research  Plan  Appropriate  for  the  Countries  of  Tropical  Afri- 
ca."  International  Program  of  Laboratories  for  Population  Sta- 
tistics, The  University  of  North  Carolina  at  Chapel  Hill,  Septem- 
ber 1970.  P.  20. 

"Rural  Manpower  Planning  in  Zambia,"  International  Labour 
Review,  102  (July  1970),  15-28. 

Dana  Quade 

(With  C.  E.  Davis.)  "Some  Measures  of  Skewness."  Institute 
of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series  No.  663,  January  1970.  P.  94. 

(With  P.  S.  Spiers.)  "On  the  Question  of  an  Infectious  Process 
in  the  Origin  of  Childhood  Leukemia,"  Biometrics,  26  (Decem- 
ber 1970),  723-37. 

Linda  Sewell  Ridgway 

(With  Ellen  B.  Kaplan.)  "A  Generalized  Computer  Program 
for  the  Tabulation  of  Data."  Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series. 
No.  670,  February  1970.  P.  162. 

Alistaie  John  Scott 

(With  T.  M.  F.  Smith.)  "Estimation  for  Multi-stage  Surveys," 
Journal  of  the  American  Statistical  Association,  64  (September 
1969),  830-40. 



Peanab  Kumar  Sen 

(With  M.  L.  Puri.)  "On  Robust  Nonparametrie  Estimation  in 
Some  Multivariate  Linear  Models,"  in  Multivariate  Analysis — II, 
ed.,  P.  R.  Krishnaiah.  New  York:  Academic  Press,  1969.  Pp.  33-52. 

* '  On  the  Distribution  of  the  One  Sample  Rank  Order  Statistics, ' 7 
in  Nonparametrie  Techniques  in  Statistical  Inference,  ed.,  M.  L. 
Puri.  Cambridge:  Cambridge  University  Press,  1970.  Pp.  53-72. 

(With  M.  L.  Puri.)  "On  the  Asymptotic  Normality  of  One 
Sample  Rank  Order  Test  Statistics,"  Teoria  Veroiatnastei  i  ee 
Primenenia,  14  (February  1969),  167-72. 

(With  M.  L.  Puri.)  "On  a  Class  of  Rank  Order  Test  for  the 
Identity  of  Two  Multiple  Regression  Surfaces,"  Zeitschrift  fur 
Wahrscheinlich  Keitstheorie,  12  (February  1969),  1-8. 

"A  Generalization  of  the  T-method  of  Multiple  Comparisons 
for  Interactions,"  Journal  of  the  American  Statistical  Association, 
64  (March  1969),  290-95. 

(With  M.  L.  Puri.)  "Analysis  of  Covariance  Based  on  General 
Rank  Scores,"  Annals  of  Mathematical  Statistics,  40  (April  1969), 

(With  K.  L.  Mehra.)  "On  a  Class  of  Conditionally  Distribu- 
tion-Free Tests  for  Interactions  in  Factorial  Experiments, ' '  Annals 
of  Mathematical  Statistics,  40  (April  1969),  658-64. 

"Nonparametrie  Tests  for  Multivariate  Interchangeability. 
Part  Two.  The  Problem  of  MANOVA  in  Two-way  Layouts,"  San- 
khya,  Series  A,  31  (June  1969),  145-56. 

"On  a  Robustness  Property  of  a  Class  Nonparametrie  Tests 
Based  on  U-statistics, "  Calcutta  Statistical  Association  Bulletin, 
18  (June  1969),  51-60. 

(With  M.  L.  Puri.)  "A  Class  of  Rank  Order  Tests  for  a  Gen- 
eral Linear  Hypothesis,"  Annals  of  Mathematical  Statistics,  40 
(August  1969),  1325-43. 

"  On  a  Class  of  Rank  Order  Tests  for  the  Parallelism  of  Several 
Regression  Lines,"  Annals  of  Mathematical  Statistics,  40  (October 
1969),  1668-83. 

(With  M.  Ghosh.)  "On  Bounded  Length  Sequential  Confidence 
Intervals  Based  on  One-sample  Rank-order  Statistics."  Institute 
of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series,  No.  648,  November  1969.  Pp.  24. 

"Robust  Statistical  Procedures  in  Quantitative  Bio-assays,  I." 
Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series  No.  659,  January  1970.  P.  28. 

(With  M.  Ghosh.)  "Sequential  Confidence  Interval  for  the  Re- 
gression Coefficient  Based  on  Kendall's  tau."  Institute  of  Statistics 
Mimeo  Series  No.  658,  January  1970.  Pp.  18. 

(With  M.  L.  Puri.)  "Asymptotic  Theory  of  Likelihood  Ratio 



and  Rank  Order  Tests  in  Some  Multivariate  Linear  Models,"  An- 
nals of  Mathematical  Statistics,  41  (February  1970),  87-100. 

(With  Malay  Ghosh.)  "On  the  Almost  Sure  Convergence  of 
Von  Mises'  Differentiate  Statistical  Functions,"  Calcutta  Statis- 
tical Association  Bulletin,  19  (March  1970),  41-44. 

"Asymptotic  Distribution  of  a  Class  of  Multivariate  Rank 
Order  Statistics,"  Calcutta  Statistical  Association  Bulletin,  19 
(March  1970),  22-32. 

(With  M.  Ghosh.)  "On  Bounded  Length  Confidence  Interval 
for  the  Regression  Coefficient  Based  on  a  Class  of  Rank  Statistics. ' ' 
Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series  No.  680,  April  1970.  Pp.  31. 

(With  M.  L.  Puri.)  "On  the  Theory  of  Rank  Order  Estimates 
of  Location  in  the  Multivariate  One  Sample  and  Two  Sample  Prob- 
lems," Mitrika,  16  (June  1970),  58-73. 

' '  The  Hajek-Renyi  Inequality  for  Sampling  from  a  Finite  Pop- 
ulation," Sankhya,  Series  A,  32  (June  1970),  181-88. 

(With  M.  L.  Puri  and  D.  V.  Gokhale.)  "On  a  Class  of  Rank 
Order  Tests  for  Independence  in  Multivariate  Distributions," 
Sankhya,  Series  A,  32  (September  1970),  271-98. 

"On  the  Robust  Efficiency  of  the  Combination  of  Independent 
Nonparametric  Tests,"  Annals  of  the  Institute  of  Statistical  Math- 
ematics, 22  (October  1970),  277-80. 

"Nonparametric  Inference  in  n  Replicated  2m  Factorial  Ex- 
periments," Annals  of  the  Institute  of  Statistical  Mathematics,  22 
(October  1970),  281-94. 

"A  Note  on  Order  Statistics  for  Heterogenous  Distributions," 
Annals  of  Mathematical  Statistics,  41  (December  1970),  2137-39. 

' 1  On  Some  Convergence  Properties  of  One  Sample  Rank  Order 
Statistics,"  Annals  of  Mathematical  Statistics,  41  (December 
1970),  2140-42. 


(With  J.  C.  Ridley,  J.  W.  Lingner,  and  J.  A.  Menken.)  "On  the 
Apparent  Subfecundity  of  Non-family  Planners,"  Social  Biology, 
16  (March  1969),  24-28. 

(With  J.  A.  Menken  and  A.  P.  Radick.)  "Probability  Models 
for  Family  Building;  An  Analytic  Review,"  Demography,  6  (May 
1969),  161-83. 

(With  D.  P.  Doolittle  and  M.  L.  New.)  "Mammalian  Repro- 
ductive Data  Fitted  to  a  Mathematical  Model,"  Biometrics,  24 
(September  1969),  529-35. 

(With  I.  W.  Gabrielson,  C.  S.  Shultz,  and  L.  G.  Reader.)  "Cur- 
rent Status  of  Population  Research  in  Schools  of  Public  Health," 
American  Journal  of  Public  Health,  60  (May  1970),  913-18. 


(With  J.  A.  Menken,  J.  C.  Ridley,  and  J.  W.  Lindner.)  ''The 
Truncation  Effect  in  Closed  and  Open  Birth  Interval  Data/'  /ottr- 
ti/zZ  0/  f/»e  Amen'can  Statistical  Association.  65  (June  1970).  678- 

(With  J.  A.  Menken.;  !!On  Relationships  between  Longitudinal 
Characteristics  and  Cross-seetional  Data/'"  Journal  of  American 
Public  Health  Association,  60  'August  1970),  1506-14.' 

(With  H.  Majurndar.;  1 :  Estimators  of  a  Type  I  Geometric 
Distribution  from  Observations  on  Conception  Times.''  Demog- 
raphy, 7  f  August  1970),  349-60. 

Harry  Smith,  Jr. 

Editor.  Tech nometrics. 

(With  W.  B.  Whiston.)  ''Statistical  Methods  in  Cost-Re- 
duction Projects,"  Journal  of  Quality  Technology.  1  ^January 
1969,.  53-57. 

Michael  Joseph  Symons 

(With  A.  J.  Scott.;  "On  the  Edwards  and  Cavalli-Sforza 
Method  of  Cluster  Analysis/'"  Biometrics,  27  (March  1970),  217-19. 

"Bayesian  Partitioning  Analysis  with  Two  Component  Mix- 
tures." Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series  Xo.  691,  July  1970. 
Pp.  28. 

(With  A.  J.  Scott.;  "Prediction  Intervals  for  Log-Linear  Re- 
gression."  Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series  Xo.  714.  October 
1970.  Pp.  15. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 

Xaler  A.  Fergany 

On  the  Macro-Dynamic  Stochastic  Treatment  of  the  Size  and 
Age  Structure  of  a  Human  Population.  (1969.  under  the  direction 
of  Henry  Bradley  Wells.) 

Ronald  Nobman  Forthofer 

Generalizing  Koch's  Estimates  of  Variance  Components.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Gary  Koch.)  Elizabeth  Gaines 

Some  Multivariate  Methods  in  Human  Genetics  with  Special 
Consideration  of  the  Problems  of  Separation  into  Genetically  Dis- 


tinct  Groups  and  Twin  Discrimination.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  Robert  Claude  Elston.) 

Joseph  Kyd  Haseman 

The  Genetic  Analysis  of  Quantitative  Traits  Using  Twin  and 
Sib  Data.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Robert  Claude  Elston.) 

Michael  Denis  Hogan 

Comparison  of  Duodenal  Ulcer  Surgical  Procedures.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  James  Ennis  Grizzle.) 

Peem  Prasad  Talwar 

Age  Patterns  of  Fertility.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Peter 

Anthony  Lachenbruch.  ) 

The  following  master 's  thesis  was  completed  under  the  direction  of 
the  department: 

Douglas  Allan  Alexander 

Investigations  of  Approximations  to  the  Kruskal-Wallis  H  Sta- 
tistics. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Dana  Quade.) 

Department  of  Environmental  Sciences  and  Engineering 

Mario  G.  Battigelli 

Particulates:  Air  Quality  Criteria  Based  on  Health  Effects. 
Air  Quality  Monograph  No.  69-2.  New  York :  American  Petroleum 
Institute,  1969.  Pp.  15. 

Facts  and  Opinions  on  the  Role  of  Sulfur  Dioxide  in  Causing 
Injury.  Air  Quality  Monograph  No.  69-10.  New  York:  American 
Petroleum  Institute,  1969.  P.  20. 

(With  H.  M.  Cole,  D.  A.  Fraser,  and  R.  A.  Mah.)  "Long  Term 
Effects  of  Sulfur  Dioxide  and  Graphite  Dust  on  Rats,"  American 
Medical  Association  Archives  of  Environmental  Health,  18  (April 
1969),  602-8. 

' '  Experimental  Studies  on  the  Mechanism  of  Pulmonary  Injury 
from  Air  Pollutants,"  Journal  of  Environmental  Sciences,  12 
(March- April  1970),  25-27. 

James  Clement  Brown 

(With  F.  E.  McJunkin  and  D.  A.  Okun.)  "Diseno  de  Sistemas 
de  Alcantarillado  para  Centro  America,"  Ingenieria  Sanitaria,  22 
(Enero  1969),  49-63. 



Emil  Theodore  Chanlett 

1  'Public  Health  Engineering,"  Encyclopedia  Brittanica  Book  of 
the  Tear,  1969,  pp.  507-8. 

" Public  Health  Environmental  Services,"  Encyclopedia  Brit- 
tanica Book  of  the  Year,  1970,  pp.  514-15. 

David  Allisox  Fraser 

(With  M.  C.  Battigelli,  H.  M.  Cole,  and  R.  A.  Mah.)  ''Long 
Term  Effects  of  Sulfur  Dioxide  and  Graphite  Dust  on  Rats," 
American  Medical  Association  Archives  of  Environmental  Health, 
18  (April  1969),  602-8. 

James  Donald  Johnson,  Jr. 

(With  R.  Overby.)  "  Stabilized  Neutral  Orthototidine,  SNORT, 
Colorimetric  Method  for  Chlorine,"  Analytical  Chemistry,  41  (No- 
vember 1969),  1744-50. 

(With  D.  A.  Dobbins  and  P.  C.  Ragland.)  " Water-Clay  In- 
teractions in  North  Carolina's  Pamlico  Estuary,"  Environmental 
Science  and  Technology,  4  (September  1970),  743-48. 

(With  G.  H.  Toenniessen.)  "Heat  Shocked  Bacillus  subtilis 
Spores  as  an  Indicator  of  Virus  Disinfection,"  Journal  of  the 
American  Water  Works  Association,  62  (September  1970),  589-93. 

Edward  J.  Kuenzler 

(With  L.  R.  Pomeroy.)  "Phosphorus  Turnover  by  Coral  Reef 
Animals,"  in  Symposium  on  Radio ecology,  eds.,  D.  J.  Nelson  and 
F.  C.  Evans,  USAEC  CONF-670503.  Springfield,  Virginia:  U.  S. 
Department  of  Commerce,  1969.  Pp.  474-82. 

"Elimination  of  Iodine,  Cobalt,  Iron,  and  Zinc  by  Marine  Zoo- 
plankton,"  in  Symposium  on  Radioecology,  eds.,  D.  J.  Nelson  and 
F.  C.  Evans,  USAEC  CONF-670503.  Springfield,  Virginia:  U.  S. 
Department  of  Commerce,  1969.  Pp.  462-73. 

"Elimination  and  Transport  of  Cobalt  by  Marine  Zoop lank- 
ton,"  in  Symposium  on  Radioecology,  eds.,  D.  J.  Nelson  and  F.  C. 
Evans,  USAEC  CONF-670503.  Springfield,  Virginia:  U.  S.  De- 
partment of  Commerce,  1969.  Pp.  483-92. 

"Dissolved  Organic  Phosphorus  Excretion  by  Marine  Phyto- 
plankton,"  Journal  of  Phycology,  6  (January  1970),  7-13. 

James  Christian  Lamb  III 

"Status  of  Advanced  Wastewater  Treatment,"  Public  Works, 
100  (February  1969),  96-100. 

"A  Plan  for  Ending  Lake  Eric  Pollution,"  Public  Works,  100 
(June  1969),  79-82. 


"Disposal  of  Wastes  from  Water  Treatment  Plants — Confer- 
ence Concluding  Statement,"  Journal  of  the  American  Water 
Works  Association,  62  (1970),  68-69. 

Monthly  column  on  research  in  water  and  wastewater  fields, 
Public  Works,  1969-70. 

John  Lyman 

"Oceanography,"  Collier's  Year  Book,  1970,  pp.  391-92. 

"Naviface,  Oxyty,  and  Epichthon:  Words  Versus  Terms," 
Journal  of  Marine  Research,  27  (1969),  367-68. 

"Redefinition  of  Salinity  and  Chlorinity,"  Limnology  and 
Oceanography,  14  (November  1969),  928-29. 

"Sea  Grant  College  Program  Projections  in  the  Multi-uni- 
versity State  of  North  Carolina,"  Proceedings  of  the  Second  Sea 
Grant  Conference,  Newport,  Rhode  Island  (1969),  75. 

"Earth  Science  in  1969:  Oceonography, "  Geotimes,  15  (Jan- 
uary 1970),  19-20. 

"Brigantine  Into  Barquentine :  A  Paradox,"  Mariner's  Mirror, 
56  (January  1970),  2. 

"The  Cutter  Brig,"  Mariner's  Mirror,  55  (January  1969), 

"Earth  Science  in  1968:  Oceanography,"  Geotimes,  14  (Jan- 
uary 1969),  17-19. 

"Tuna,"  Romance  Notes,  12  (Autumn  1970),  225-29. 

"Rigs  of  American  Yachts  in  1902,"  American  Neptune,  30 
(July  1970),  194-99. 

"When  Did  Alice  Carry  a  Spinnaker?"  American  Neptune,  30 
(July  1970),  199. 

"Pole-masted  Rigs,"  Mariner's  Mirror,  56  (May  1970),  161-67. 

"Club  Topsail  or  Jackyard  Topsail,"  Mariner's  Mirror,  56 
(May  1970),  198. 

"Windjammer,"  Mariner's  Mirror,  56  (May  1970),  218. 

"Pole-topmast  Rigs,"  Mariner's  Mirror,  56  (November  1970), 

Review  of  P.  E.  Segditsa,  Oi  Koinoi  Naftikoi  Mas  Oroi  Kai  ai 
Romanikai  Glossai  (Athens:  Idruma  Efgenidou,  1967),  in  Mar- 
iner's Mirror,  55  (May  1969),  215. 

Frederick  Eugene  McJtjnkin 

Community  Water  Supply  in  Developing  Countries.  Wash- 
ington, D.  C:  Agency  for  International  Development,  1969.  Pp. 
x,  95. 

(With  P.  A.  Vesilind.)  Flow  Measurement  In  Small  Water  Sys- 



terns.  Washington,  D.  C:  Agency  for  International  Development, 
1970.  Pp.  iv,  110. 

(With  C.  S.  Pineo.)  The  Role  of  Plastic  Pipe  in  Community 
Water  Supplies  in  Developing  Countries.  Washington,  D.  C. :  Agen- 
cy for  International  Development,  1970.  Pp.  iv,  250. 

(With  P.  A.  Vesilind.)  Practical  Hydraulics  for  the  Public 
Works  Engineer.  Ridgewood,  New  Jersey:  Public  Works  Journal 
Publishing  Company,  1969.  P.  25. 

" Bamboo  Water  System,"  Peace  Corps  Tech  Notes,  2  (January 
1969),  4-6. 

(With  A.  H.  Holloway.)  "The  Global  Community  Water  Sup- 
ply Program,"  War  on  Hunger,  3  (February  1969),  12-15. 

"A  Review  of  the  Literature  of  1968  on  Wastewater  and  Water 
Pollution  Control:  Economics  and  Law,"  Journal  of  the  Water 
Pollution  Control  Federation,  41  (June  1969),  1116-21. 

"Jetting  Small  Tubewells  by  Hand,"  Water  Well  Journal,  23 
(October  1969),  22-23. 

(With  J.  C.  Brown  and  D.  A.  Okun.)  "Diseno  de  Sistemas  de 
Alcantarillado  para  Centro  America,"  Ingenieria  Sanitaria,  22 
(Enero  1969),  49-63. 

Robert  Anthony  Mah 

(With  S.  A.  Morse  and  W.  J.  Dobrogosy.)  "Regulation  of 
Staphlococcal  Enterotoxin  B,"  Journal  of  Bacteriology,  98  (April 
1969),  4-9. 

(With  Linda  W.  Little.)  "Amonia  Production  in  Urea-grown 
Cultures  of  Chlorella  ellipsoidea"  Journal  of  Phychology,  6  (Sep- 
tember 1970),  277-80. 

(With  R.  J.  Drye,  Jr.)  "Stimulation  of  the  Differential  Rate  of 
Enterotoxin  B.  Synthesis  in  Staphylococcus  Aureus  S-6  by  Com- 
ponents of  Casein  Hydrolysate, "  Proceedings  of  the  American  So- 
ciety for  Microbiology,  1969,  10. 

(With  S.  A.  Morse.)  "Effects  of  pH  on  Glucose  Metabolism 
and  Enterotoxin  Synthesis  in  Staphylococcus  Aureus  S-6,"  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  American  Society  for  Microbiology,  1969,  10. 

(With  D.  P.  Chynoweth.)  "Acetate  Production  During  the 
Sludge  Methane  Fermentation,"  Proceedings  of  the  American 
Society  for  Microbiology,  1969,  16. 

(With  D.  E.  Francisco.)  " Epifluorescence  Technique  for  Di- 
rect Counts  of  Bacteria  in  Natural  Waters,"  Proceedings  of  the 
American  Society  for  Microbiology,  1969,  26. 

(With  M.  C.  Battigelli,  H.  M.  Cole,  and  D.  A.  Fraser.)  "Long 
Term  Effects  of  Sulfur  Dioxide  and  Graphite  Dust  on  Rats," 


American  Association  Archives  of  Environmental  Health,  18  (April 
1969),  602-8. 

Daniel  Alexander  Okun 

"A  Water  Quality  Hierarchy  for  Arid  Lands,"  in  Arid  Lands 
in  Perspective.  Tucson:  University  of  Arizona  Press,  1969.  Pp.  291- 

" Advanced  Treatment  of  Wastewater:  Research  Needs,"  in 
Problems  in  Community  Wastes  Management,  Public  Health  Pa- 
pers No.  38.  Geneva :  World  Health  Organization,  1969.  Pp.  61-75. 

"New  Development  of  Urban  Water  Supply,"  Journal,  Japan 
Water  Works  Association,  414  (March  1969),  54-57. 

"Alternatives  in  Water  Supply,"  Journal  of  the  American 
Water  Works  Association,  61  (May  1969),  215-24. 

"Managing  the  Great  Lakes  Water  Resource,"  Journal  of  the 
Water  Pollution  Control  Federation,  41  (November  1969),  1859- 

(With  F.  E.  McJunkin  and  J.  C.  Brown.)  "Diseno  de  Sistemas 
de  Alcantarillado  para  Centro  America,"  Ingenieria  Sanitaria,  22 
(Enero  1969),  49-63. 

(With  S.  J.  Weidenkopf.)  "Man  and  His  Urban  Environ- 
ment," Improving  the  Physical  Environment  of  the  South,  The 
Agricultural  Policy  Institute,  North  Carolina  State  University, 
25-42  (1969)  in  Agricultural  Policy  Review,  North  Carolina  State 
University,  9  (1969),  18-19. 

Charles  Eichard  0  'Melia 

' '  Coagulation  in  Water  and  Wastewater  Treatment, 9 '  in  Water 
Quality  Improvement  by  Physical  and  Chemical  Processes,  eds., 
E.  F.  Gloyna  and  W.  W.  Eckenfelder,  Jr.  Austin:  University  of 
Texas  Press,  1970.  Pp.  219-36. 

"A  Review  of  the  Coagulation  Process,"  Public  Works,  100 
(May  1969),  87-98. 

"Oxygenation  of  Iron (II)  in  Continuous  Reactors,"  Water  Re- 
sources Research  Institute  of  North  Carolina,  Report  No.  23  (1969). 
P.  53. 

Lyman  Alonzo  Ripperton 

(With  J.  J.  B.  Worth  and  L.  Kornreich.)  "Nitrogen  Dioxide 
and  Nitric  Oxide  in  Non-Urban  Air, 9  9  Journal  of  the  Air  Pollution 
Control  Association,  20  (September  1970),  589-92. 

Morris  A.  Shiffman 

(With  E.  W.  Mood  and  D.  C.  Leighton.)  "Environmental  Health 



and  Mental  Health,"  in  Mental  Health  Considerations  in  Public 
Health,  Publication  No.  1898,  ed.,  S.  E.  Goldston.  Washington, 
D.  C. :  Public  Health  Service,  1969.  Pp.  181-203. 

"The  Teaching  of  Food  Hygiene — Curriculum  Objectives,"  in 
Symposium  on  Education  in  Veterinary  Public  Health  and  Preven- 
tive Medicine,  Publication  No.  189.  Washington,  D.  C. :  Pan  Amer- 
ican Health  Organization,  1969.  Pp.  50-54. 

"Systems  Approach  Applications  in  Kegulatory  Veterinary 
Medicine,"  Proceedings  of  the  72nd  Annual  Meeting  of  the  United 
States  Livestock  Sanitary  Association,  New  Orleans,  Louisiana, 
1968  (1969),  262-70. 

* 1  The  Use  of  Standards  in  the  Administration  of  Environmental 
Pollution  Control  Programs,"  American  Journal  of  Public  Health, 
60  (February  1970),  255-65. 

(With  Caroline  Becker.)  "Current  Status  of  Food  Handler 
Examinations  in  State  and  Local  Health  Departments,"  Journal 
of  Milk  and  Food  Technology,  33  (July  1970),  285-89. 

James  T.  Stale y 

(With  J.  A.  M.  de  Bont  and  H.  S.  Pankratz.)  "Isolation  and 
Description  of  a  Non-motile,  Fusiform,  Stalked  Bacterium,  a  Repre- 
sentative of  a  New  Genus,"  Antonie  van  Leeuwenhoek  Journal  of 
Microbiology  and  Serology,  36  (Fall  1970),  397-407. 

(With  J.  M.  Krul  and  P.  Hirsch.)  "  Toxothrix  trichogenes 
(chol.)  Berger  et  Bringmann:  The  Organism  and  its  Biology,"  An- 
tonie van  Leeuwenhoek  Journal  of  Microbiology  and  Serology,  36 
(Fall  1970),  409-20. 

Arthur  Cecil  Stern 

Editor,  Proceedings  of  Symposium  of  Multiple  Source  Urban 
Diffusion  Models,  October  1969,  Air  Pollution  Control  Office,  En- 
vironmental Protection  Agency  Publication  AP  86,  1970.  P.  461. 

"Means  for  Selection  of  Emission  Control  Measures,"  in  Na- 
tional Emission  Standards  Study — Report  of  the  Secretary  of 
Health,  Education  and  Welfare  to  the  United  States  Congress 
Senate,  91st  Congress,  2nd  Session,  Document  No.  91-63.  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. :  Government  Printing  Office,  March  1970.  Pp.  98-111. 

"The  Systems  Approach  to  Air  Pollution  Control,  Part  1," 
Clean  Air,  4  (July  1970),  27-33. 

"A  Geography  Lesson,"  Journal  of  the  Air  Pollution  Control 
Association,  19  (October  1969),  756. 

"National  Emission  Standards  for  Stationary  Sources,"  Jour- 
nal of  the  Air  Pollution  Control  Association,  20  (August  1970), 


"  Introduction  Technical  Program,  Second  International  Clean 
Air  Congress,"  Journal  of  the  Air  Pollution  Control  Association, 
20  (November  1970),  729. 

(With  H.  J.  Hall  and  H.  I.  Fuller.)  "Foreign  Profiles  in  Air 
Pollution  Control  Activities:  Special  Sources  of  Information," 
Journal  of  the  Air  Pollution  Control  Association,  20  (November 
1970),  753-55. 

"  Intersociety  Committee  Methods  for  Ambient  Air  Sampling 
and  Analysis — Preface,"  Health  Laboratory  Science,  7  Supple- 
ment (January  1970),  1-3;  (July  1970),  128-29;  (October  1970), 

"Air  Pollution  Control  in  the  United  States,"  Proceedings  of 
the  Workshop  on  Computer  Control  Systems  for  Preventing  Air 
Pollution  of  the  International  Federation  of  Automatic  Control, 
Kyoto,  Japan,  Symposium,  Osaka,  Japan  (1970).  P.  37. 

"Profile  Study  of  Air  Pollution  Control  Activities  in  Foreign 
Countries,"  in  First  Year  Report  National  Air  Pollution  Control 
Administration  Publication  APTD-0601,  Office  of  Technical  In- 
formation and  Publications,  National  Air  Pollution  Control  Ad- 
ministration, U.S.  Department  of  Health,  Education  and  Welfare, 
Research  Triangle  Park,  North  Carolina  (November  1970),  90-106, 
155-70,  443-617,  679-801. 

Newton  Undebwood 

' '  Energy  Loss  of  Heavy  Charged  Particles, ' '  Health  Physics,  18 
(May  1970),  561-65. 

Stanley  John  Weidenkopf 

(With  D.  A.  Okun.)  "Man  and  His  Urban  Environment,"  Im- 
proving the  Physical  Environment  of  the  South,  The  Agricultural 
Policy  Institute,  North  Carolina  State  University,  25-42  (1969), 
in  Agricultural  Policy  Review,  North  Carolina  State  University,  9 
(1969),  18-19. 

Chakles  Manuel  Weiss 

Editor,  "A  Review  of  the  Literature  of  1968  on  Wastewater 
and  Water  Pollution  Control,"  Journal  of  the  Water  Pollution 
Federation,  42  (June  1969).  P.  376. 

Editor,  "A  Review  of  the  1969  Literature  on  Wastewater  and 
Water  Pollution  Control,"  Journal  of  the  Water  Pollution  Control 
Federation,  43  (June  1970).  P.  404. 

"  The  Relative  Significance  of  Phosphorus  and  Nitrogen  as  Al- 
gal Nutrients."  Water  Resources  Research  Institute  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  North  Carolina,  Report  No.  34,  (June  1970).  P.  27. 



' '  The  Use  of  Chemostats  for  the  Study  of  Algal  Dynamics, ' '  in 
Modeling  the  Eutrophication  Process,  Proceedings  of  a  Workshop 
at  St.  Petersburg,  Florida,  November  19-21,  1969.  Department  of 
Environmental  Engineering,  University  of  Florida.  Pp.  255-58. 

"Relation  of  Phosphates  to  Eutrophication, "  Journal  of  the 
American  Water  Works  Association,  61  (August  1969),  387-91. 

(With  W.  R.  Hartley.)  "Light  Intensity  and  the  Vertical 
Distribution  of  Algae  in  Tertiary  Oxidation  Ponds,"  Water  Re- 
search, 4  (1970),  751-63. 

"Reviewing  the  Literature,"  Journal  of  the  Water  Pollution 
Control  Federation,  42  (June  1970),  1268. 

Donald  Gillmor  Willhoit 

"Radiation  Quantities  and  Units  and  Significance  of  Recorded 
Measurements,"  in  Medical  Radiation  Information  for  Litigation, 
eds.,  S.  C.  Bushong,  et  al,  DMRE  69-3,  CFTS1.  Springfield,  Vir- 
ginia, 1969.  P.  82-90. 

(With  W.  C.  McArthur.)  "Neutron  and  Gamma  Radiation 
Dosimetry  Studies  at  the  North  Carolina  State  University  Re- 
actor," Journal  of  the  Elisha  Mitchell  Scientific  Society,  85  (Sum- 
mer 1969),  49-56. 

(With  T.  D.  Jones.)  "Dose  and  LET  Distribution  in  Small- 
Animal  Sized  Cylinders  for  a  Fission  Neutron  Spectrum,"  Radia- 
tion Research,  44  (November  1970),  263-72. 

(With  R.  H.  Smith.)  "Dose  Reduction  Factors  of  a  Lead-Line 
Girdle,"  Health  Physics,  19  (December  1970),  830-32. 

"Comparative  Effects  of  Daily  Fractionated  and  Continuous 
Gamma  Exposure  on  the  Survival  Time  of  Mice,"  Radiation  Re- 
search, 39  (August  1969),  466. 

(With  J.  J.  Clement.)  "Comparison  of  Recovery  Kinetics  for 
Two-  and  Three-Dose  Fractionation  Regimes,"  Health  Physics,  19 
(August  1970),  346. 

Review  of  ICRU  Report  11,  Radiation  Quantities  and  Units,  in 
Journal  of  Nuclear  Energy,  23  (December  1969),  185. 


The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 

Stephen  Allen  Morse 

Regulation  of  Staphylococcal  Enterotoxin  B.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  Robert  Anthony  Mah.) 



David  Paul  Chyfoweth 

Acetate  Production  of  Pure  Culture  of  Bacteria  Isolated  from 
Anaerobic  Sewage  Sludge.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Robert 
Anthony  Mah.) 

Donald  Thomas  Lattria 

The  Location,  Timing  and  Scale  of  Water  Supply  Investments 
in  Developing  Countries.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Daniel 
Alexander  Okun.) 

Daniel  Lillian 

The  Effect  of  Water  Vapor  on  the  Photochemical  System 
N02  +  a-Pinene  +  hv.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Lyman  Alon- 
zo  Ripperton.) 

Henry  Tyrus  Miller 

The  Adsorption  of  Sulfur  Dioxide  on  Airborne  Particulate 
Matter.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  David  Allison  Fraser.) 

Donald  Wayne  Peak 

Thermal  Neutron  Capture  Gamma  Rays  in  Cd  and  CI.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Newton  Underwood.) 

Alvis  Greely  Turner,  Jr. 

The  Environmental  Epidemiology  of  Klebsiella  Infections  in 
a  Thoracic  Surgery  Intensive  Care  Unit.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Mario  G.  Battigelli.) 

James  Edward  Watson,  Jr. 

Thermoluminescence  of  Ruby.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Newton  Underwood.) 

Department  of  Epidemiology 

Caroline  Becker 

(With  M.  A.  Shiftman.)  "  Current  Status  of  Food  Handler 
Examinations  in  State  and  Local  Health  Departments,"  Journal 
of  Milk  and  Food  Technology,  33  (July  1970),  285-89. 

John  Charles  Cassel 

(With  R.  Cheradame,  J.  R.  Goldsmith,  J.  M.  Ham,  J.  J.  Har- 
rington, E.  J.  Holstein,  B.  Kesic,  J.  A.  Logan,  and  F.  Malz.)  "The 
Epidemiological  Study  of  Noncommunicable  Diseases,"  in  The 



Education  and  Training  of  Engineers  for  Environmental  Health. 
World  Health  Organization,  1970.  Pp.  90-96. 

"Physical  Illness  in  Response  to  Stress,"  in  Social  Stress,  eds., 
Sol  Levine  and  N.  A.  Scotch.  Chicago :  Aldine  Press,  1970.  Pp. 

(With  L.  H.  Knller,  A.  Bolker,  M.  S.  Saslaw,  B.  L.  Paegel, 
C.  Sisk,  J.  A.  Borhani,  J.  A.  Wray,  H.  Anderson,  D.  Peterson, 
W.  Winkelstein,  Jr.,  P.  S.  Spiers,  A.  G.  Robinson,  H.  Curry,  A.  M. 
Lilienfeld,  and  R.  Seltser.)  "Nationwide  Cerebrovascular  Disease 
Mortality  Study:  I.  Methods  and  Analysis  of  Death  Certificates, 
II.  Comparison  of  Clinical  Records  and  Death  Certificates,  III.  Ac- 
curacy of  the  Clinical  Diagnosis  of  Cerebrovascular  Disease,  IV. 
Comparison  of  the  Different  Clinical  Types  of  Cerebrovascular 
Disease,"  American  Journal  of  Epidemiology,  90  (1969),  536-78. 

(With  J.  P.  Henry.)  "Psychosocial  Factors  in  Essential  Hyper- 
tension— Recent  Epidemiologic  and  Animal  Experimental  Ev- 
idence," American  Journal  of  Epidemiology,  90:3  (1969),  171-200. 

(With  B.  Hulka,  S.  J.  Zyzanski,  and  S.  J.  Thompson.)  "Scale 
for  Measurement  of  Attitudes  toward  Physicians  and  Primary 
Medical  Care,"  Medical  Care,  8  (September-October  1970),  429-36. 

Joan  Claire  Cornoni 

(With  W.  S.  Pollitzer,  E.  Boyle,  Jr.,  and  K.  K.  Namboodiri.) 
"Physical  Anthropology  of  the  Negroes  of  Charleston,  South  Car- 
olina," Human  Biology,  42  (May  1970),  265-79. 

Claud  Wallace  Drake 

"The  Dental  Needs  of  the  Chronically  111  and  Aged,"  Journal 
of  Public  Health  Dentistry,  (Fall  1970),  239-43. 

' '  Service  and  Cost  Analysis  of  a  Head  Start  Dental  Program  in 
a  Public  Clinic,"  Journal  of  North  Carolina  Dental  Society,  53  (Au- 
gust 1970),  19-21. 

Barbara  Sorensoit  Hulka 

"Screening  for  Cervical  Cancer  in  Occupational  Health  Pro- 
grams," Archives  of  Environmental  Health,  20  (March  1970),  297- 

' '  The  Implication  of  Punch  Biopsy  and  Conization  in  Diagnostic 
Procedure  Following  Abnormal  Cervical  Smears,"  Obstetrics  and 
Gynecology,  36  (July  1970),  54-61. 

(With  A.  W.  Voors.)  "Quantitative  Evaluation  of  a  Cervical 
Cytology  Screening  Program,"  American  Journal  of  Epidemiology, 
90  (September  1969),  214-23. 

(With  S.  J.  Zyzanski,  J.  C.  Cassel,  and  S.  J.  Thompson.)  "Scale 



for  the  Measurement  of  Attitudes  Toward  Physicians  and  Primary 
Medical  Care,"  Medical  Care,  8  (September-October  1970),  429-36. 

Carlyle  David  Jenkins 

(With  C.  G.  Hames,  S.  J.  Zyzanski,  R.  H.  Rosenman,  and  M. 
Friedman.)  " Psychological  Traits  and  Serum  Lipids:  I.  Findings 
from  the  California  Psychological  Inventory,"  Psychosomatic  Med- 
icine, 31  (March  1969),  115-28. 

(With  A.  W.  Voors,  G.  T.  Stewart,  R.  R.  Gutekunst,  and  C.  F. 
Moldow.)  "  Prediction  of  Sickness  in  Naval  Recruits  by  Minnesota 
Multiphasic  Personality  Inventory  Scores,"  American  Review  of 
Respiratory  Disease,  99  (1969),  420-25. 

"The  Epidemiology  of  Public  Response,"  Proceedings  of  the 
Sixtieth  Annual  Immunization  Conference,  U.  S.  Public  Health 
Service,  National  Communicable  Disease  Center,  Atlanta,  Georgia, 
(March  1969),  115-18. 

(With  S.  J.  Zyzanski.)  "Basic  Dimensions  Within  the  Coronary- 
Prone  Behavior  Pattern,"  Journal  of  Chronic  Diseases,  22  (1969), 

(With  R.  H.  Rosenman,  M.  Friedman,  R.  Strauss,  S.  J.  Zyzan- 
ski, and  M.  Wurm.)  "Coronary  Heart  Disease  in  the  Western  Col- 
laborative Group  Study:  A  Follow-Up  Experience  of  4%  Years," 
Journal  of  Chronic  Diseases,  23  (1970),  173-90. 

David  G.  Kleinbaum 

(With  S.  John.)  "A  Table  of  Percentage  Points  of  the  Smallest 
Latent  Root  of  a  2x2  Wishart  Matrix. ' '  Institute  of  Statistics 
Mimeo  Series  No.  619,  January  1969.  Pp.  5. 

(With  S.  John.)  "A  Central  Tolerance  Region  for  the  Multi- 
variate Normal  Distribution  II."  Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo 
Series  No.  620,  January  1969.  Pp.  8. 

"Estimation  and  Testing  Hypotheses  for  Generalized  Multi- 
variate Linear  Models."  Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series  No. 
696,  February  1970.  Pp.  165. 

(With  L.  L.  Kupper.)  "On  Testing  Hypotheses  Concerning 
Standardized  Mortality  Ratios  and/or  Indirect  Adjusted  Rates." 
Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series  No.  709,  September  1970.  Pp.  13. 

Laweence  L.  Kuppeb 

"The  Admissibility  of  a  Response  Surface  Design."  Institute 
of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series,  No.  660,  January  1970.  Pp.  10. 

"Optimal  Response  Surface  Techniques  Using  Fourier  Series 
and  Spherical  Harmonics."  Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series  No. 
678,  April  1970.  Pp.  85. 



(With  D.  G.  Kleinbaum.)  "On  Testing  Hypotheses  Concerning 
Standardized  Mortality  Ratios  and/or  Indirect  Adjusted  Rates." 
Institute  of  Statistics  Mimeo  Series  No.  709,  September  1970.  Pp.  13. 

Abdel  Rahim  Omran 

' '  Epidemiological  Aspects  of  Health  and  Population  Dynamics. ' ' 
Proceedings  of  a  Faculty  Seminar  in  India,  published  as  two  special 
issues  of  The  Bulletin  (Gandhigram  Institute  of  Rural  Health  and 
Family  Planning),  IV :1  and  2  (March-April  1969).  Pp.  1-191  and 
(2)  Pp.  1-92. 

Cecil  Slome 

"The  Epidemiological  Approach  to  School  Nursing,"  in  New 
Dimensions  in  School  Nursing  Leadership.  Washington:  National 
Education  Association,  1969.  Pp.  24-32. 

(With  D.  E.  Roberts,  D.  Basco,  J.  H.  Glasser,  and  G.  Handy.) 
"Epidemiologic  Analysis  in  School  Populations  as  a  Basis  for 
Change  in  School  Nursing  Practice,"  American  Journal  of  Public 
Health,  59  (1969),  2157-67. 

Review  of  Helen  M.  Simon,  The  Management  of  Health  Prob- 
lems of  Secondary  School  Students  (New  York:  Teacher's  Col- 
lege Press,  Teacher's  College — Columbia,  1968),  in  American 
Journal  of  Nursing,  69  (1969),  377. 

Philip  S.  Spiers 

"Hodgkin's  Disease  in  Workers  in  the  Wood  Industry,"  Pub- 
lic Health  Reports,  84  (1969),  385-88. 

(With  L.  H.  Kuller,  A.  Bolker,  M.  S.  Saslaw,  B.  L.  Paegel,  C. 
Sisk,  J.  A.  Borhani,  J.  A.  Wray,  H.  Anderson,  D.  Peterson,  W.  Win- 
kelstein,  Jr.,  J.  Cassel,  A.  G.  Robinson,  H.  Curry,  A.  M.  Lilienfeld, 
and  R.  Seltser.)  "Nationwide  Cerebrovascular  Disease  Mortality 
Study:  I.  Methods  and  Analysis  of  Death  Certificates,  II.  Com- 
parison of  Clinical  Records  and  Death  Certificates,  III.  Accuracy 
of  the  Clinical  Diagnosis  of  Cerebrovascular  Disease,  IV.  Compari- 
son of  the  Different  Clinical  Types  of  Cerebrovascular  Disease," 
American  Journal  of  Epidemiology,  90  (1969),  536-78. 

(With  D.  Quade.)  "On  the  Question  of  an  Infectious  Process 
in  the  Origin  of  Childhood  Leukemia,"  Biometrics,  26  (1970),  723- 

(With  L.  H.  Kuller,  A.  Bolker,  M.  S.  Saslaw,  B.  L.  Paegel, 
C.  Sisk,  J.  A.  Borhani,  J.  A.  Wray,  H.  Anderson,  D.  Peterson, 
W.  Winkelstein,  Jr.,  J.  Cassel,  A.  G.  Robinson,  H.  Curry,  A.  M. 
Lilienfeld,  and  R.  Seltser.)  "Nationwide  Cerebrovascular  Disease 
Morbidity  Study,"  Stroke,  1  (1970),  86-99. 



Herman  Alfred  Tyroler 

"Epidemiologic  Studies  of  Cardiovascular  Diseases  in  South- 
eastern Communities:  Evans  County,  Georgia,  Charleston,  South 
Carolina,  and  the  State  of  North  Carolina,"  in  The  Community 
as  an  Epidemiologic  Laboratory:  A  Casebook  of  Community 
Studies,  eds.,  Irving  I.  Kessler  and  Morton  L.  Levin.  Baltimore, 
Maryland:  Johns  Hopkins  University  Press,  1970.  Pp.  100-122. 

"The  Classification  of  Disease,"  Proceedings  of  a  Conference 
on  Conceptual  Issues  in  the  Analysis  of  Medical  Care  Utilization 
Behavior,  held  in  October  1969  in  Portland,  Oregon.  Pp.  33-57. 

Antonie  Wotjter  Voors 

(With  R.  K.  Gutekunst,  C.  D.  Jenkins,  C.  F.  Moldow,  and 
G.  T.  Stewart.)  "Determinants  of  Sickness  in  Marine  Recruits," 
American  Journal  of  Epidemiology,  89  (March  1969),  254-63. 

(With  C.  D.  Jenkins,  W.  E.  Pierce,  M.  W.  Rytel,  and  G.  T. 
Stewart.)  "Prediction  of  Sickness  by  MMPI  Scores  in  Naval 
Recruits,"  American  Review  of  Respiratory  Diseases,  99  (March 
1969),  415-20. 

(With  B.  S.  Hulka.)  "Quantitative  Evaluation  of  a  Cervical 
Cytology  Screening  Program,"  American  Journal  of  Epidemiology, 
90  (September  1969),  214-23. 

"Does  Lithium  Depletion  Cause  Atherosclerotic  Heart  Disease?" 
Lancet,  2  (December  1969),  1337-39. 

(With  M.  E.  Fogel,  E.  L.  Hill,  and  D.  R.  Johnston.)  Postattack 
Prevention  and  Control  of  Enteric  Diseases.  Research  Triangle  In- 
stitute Final  Report  R-OU-406.  Research  Triangle  Park,  North 
Carolina  (September  1969).  Pp.  114. 

(With  G.  T.  Stewart.)  "Is  Disability  in  Marine  Recruits  As- 
sociated with  the  Instructing  Personnel?"  American  Journal  of 
Epidemiology,  91  (March  1970),  273-77. 

"Lithium  in  the  Drinking  Water  and  Atherosclerotic  Heart 
Death:  Epidemiologic  Argument  for  Protective  Effect,"  American 
Journal  of  Epidemiology,  92  (September  1970),  164-71. 

"Lithium  Depletion  and  Atherosclerotic  Heart  Disease,"  Lan- 
cet, (September  1970),  670. 

(With  H.  S.  Anderson,  G.  M.  Botkin,  J.  B.  Hallan,  E.  L.  Hill, 
R.  O.  Lyday,  and  J.  N.  Pyecha.)  Alternative  Designs  for  Systems 
for  Providing  Postattack  Medical  Care.  Research  Triangle  Institute 
Final  Report  R-OU-407,  Volume  1,  Research  Triangle  Park,  North 
Carolina  (October  1970).  Pp.  732. 

(With  B.  S.  H.  Harris.)  Postattack  Communicable  Respiratory 



Diseases.  Research  Triangle  Institute  Final  Report  R-OU-493,  Re- 
search Triangle  Park,  North  Carolina  (November  1970).  Pp.  140. 

Stephen-  Jerome  Zyzanski 

(With  C.  D.  Jenkins,  C.  Gr.  Hames,  R.  H.  Rosenman,  and  M. 
Friedman.)  "Psychological  Traits  and  Serum  Lipids:  Findings 
from  the  California  Psychological  Inventory, ' '  Psychosomatic  Med- 
icine, 31  (1969),  115-28. 

(With  B.  Hulka,  J.  C.  Cassel,  and  S.  J.  Thompson.)  "Scale  for 
the  Measurement  of  Attitudes  Toward  Physicians  and  Primary 
Medical  Care,"  Medical  Care,  8  (September-October  1970),  429-36. 

(With  C.  D.  Jenkins.)  "Basic  Dimensions  Within  the  Coronary- 
Prone  Behavior  Pattern,"  Journal  of  Chronic  Diseases,  22  (1970), 

(With  R.  H.  Rosenman,  M.  Friedman,  R.  Straus,  C.  D.  Jen- 
kins, and  M.  Wurm.)  "Coronary  Heart  Disease  in  the  Western 
Collaborative  Group  Study:  A  Follow-Up  Experience  of  4% 
Years,"  Journal  of  Chronic  Diseases,  23  (1970),  173-90. 

Department  of  Maternal  and  Child  Health 

Karl  E.  Batjman 

e<  Selected  Aspects  of  the  Contraceptive  Practices  of  Unmarried 
University  Students,"  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and  Gyne- 
cology, 108  (September  1970),  203-09. 

(With  Naomi  Morris,  Charles  Chase,  and  J.  Richard  Udry.) 
"Social  Class,  Social  Mobility  and  Prematurity:  A  Test  of  the 
Childhood  Environment  Hypothesis  for  Negro  Women,"  Journal 
of  Health  and  Social  Behavior,  11  (September  1970),  190-95. 

Jaroslav  Fabian  Hulka 

"Other  Methods  of  Conception  Control,"  in  Family  Planning 
Today,  ed.,  Alan  Rubin.  Philadelphia :  F.  A.  Davis  and  Company, 
1969.  Pp.  73-86. 

(With  C.  F.  Shaffer.)  "Ovarian  Transplantation:  Graft-Host 
Interactions  in  Corneal  Encapsulated  Homographs,"  American 
Journal  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  103  (1969),  78. 

"A  Mathematical  Model  Study  of  Contraceptives  Efficiency  and 
Unplanned  Pregnancies,"  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and 
Gynecology,  104  (June  1,  1969),  443. 

(With  K.  F.  Omran.)  "The  Uterine  Cervix  as  a  Potential  Local 
Antibody  Secretor,"  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecol- 
ogy, 104  (June  1,  1969),  440. 



(With  K.  Mohr.)  "Placental  Hormones  and  Graft  Rejection," 
American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  104  (July  15, 

1969)  ,  889. 

(With  T.  Lippitt  and  K.  Ranganathan.)  "Tubal  Ligation  as 
Part  of  Family  Planning  in  India,"  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics 
and  Gynecology,  105  (October  1,  1969),  434. 

(With  T.  Crist.)  "The  Influence  of  Maternal  Epinephrine  on 
Fertility,  Newborn  Weight  and  Behavior  of  the  Offspring,"  Amer- 
ican Journal  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  106  (March  1,  1970), 

(With  J.  Davis.)  "Elective  Vasectomy  by  American  Urologists 
in  1967,"  Fertility  and  Sterility,  21  (August  1970),  615-21. 

C.  Arden  Miller 

"Minimal  Brain  Disfunction — National  Project  on  Learning 
Disabilities  in  Children,"  Report  of  Committee  on  Medical  and 
Health  Related  Services,  Public  Health  Service  Publication  No. 
2015.  1969.  Pp.  51-81. 

"Aquarians  and  Antiquarians,"  Journal  of  the  Kansas  Medical 
Society,  71:  10  (1970),  383-90. 

"Prepaid  Group  Practice  Alternatives  for  Organizing  Personal 
Health  Care  Delivery."  New  York:  National  Health  Council,  Inc., 
1970.  Pp.  16-19. 

Naomi  Mixner  Morris 

(With  Earl  Siegel.)  "The  Epidemiology  of  Human  Reproduc- 
tive Casualties,  with  Emphasis  on  the  Role  of  Nutrition,"  in  Ma- 
ternal Nutrition  and  the  Course  of  Pregnancy.  Washington,  D.C. : 
National  Academy  of  Sciences,  1970.  Pp.  5-40. 

(With  J.  Richard  Udry.)  "Behavioral  Effects  of  Contracep- 
tion," The  Journal  of  Medical  Education,  Part  2  (November  1969), 

(With  J.  Richard  Udry.)  "Variations  in  Pedometer  Activity  in 
the  Menstrual  Cycle,"  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  35  (February 

1970)  ,  199-201. 

(With  J.  Richard  Udry.)  "Oral  Contraceptives  Affect  Distri- 
bution of  Sexual  Activity  in  the  Menstrual  Cycle,"  Nature,  227 
(August  1,  1970),  502. 

Robert  W.  Notes 

"Physiology  of  Ovarian  Aging,"  Annals  of  the  New  York 
Academy  of  Science,  171  (1970),  517-25. 



Earl  Siegel 

(With  Xaomi  Morris.)  *'The  Epidemiology  of  Human  Repro- 
ductive Casualties,  with  Emphasis  on  the  Role  of  Nutrition,"  in 
Maternal  Nutrition  and  the  Course  of  Pregnancy.  Washington, 
D.C.:  National  Academy  of  Sciences,  1970.  Pp.  5-40. 

" Pediatric  Allied  Health  Workers  in  North  Carolina."  North 
Carolina  Medical  Journal,  30  (July  1969),  265-69. 

"Measurement  of  Need  and  Utilization  Rates  for  a  Public 
Family  Planning  Program,"  American  Journal  of  Public  Health, 
59  (August  1969),  1322-30. 

"Preventive  Pediatrics:  The  Potential  of  Family  Planning," 
The  Journal  of  Medical  Education,  44  (November  1970),  74-80. 

"Factors  Associated  with  Involvement  of  Low  Income  Women 
in  a  Public  Family  Planning  Program,"  American  Journal  of  Pub- 
lic Health,  60  (1970),  1382-94. 

J.  Richard  Udry 

(With  Naomi  Morris.)  "Behavioral  Effects  of  Contraception," 
The  Journal  of  Medical  Education,  Part  2  (November  1969),  83-87. 

(With  Naomi  Morris.)  "Variations  in  Pedometer  Activity  in 
the  Menstrual  Cycle,"  American  Journal  of  Obstetrics  and  Gyne- 
cology, 35  (February  1970),  199-201. 

(With  Naomi  Morris.)  "Oral  Contraceptives  Affect  Distribu- 
tion of  Sexual  Activity  in  the  Menstrual  Cycle,"  Nature,  227  (Au- 
gust 1,  1970),  502. 

"The  Effect  of  the  Great  Blackout  of  1965  on  Births  in  New 
York  City,"  Demography,  7  (August  1970),  325-27. 

Department  of  Mental  Health 

Dorothea  Cross  Leighton 

(With  Eric  AY.  Mood  and  Morris  Schiffman.)  "Environmental 
Health,"  in  Mental  Health  Considerations  in  Public  Health,  ed., 
Stephen  E.  Goldston.  Washington,  D.C. :  United  States  Department 
of  Health,  Education,  and  Welfare,  National  Institute  of  Mental 
Health,  1969.  Pp.  181-204. 

1 '  A  Contribution  of  Population  Studies :  Ameliorative  Measures 
for  the  Disadvantaged,"  Studies  Dedicated  to  Eric  Essen-Moller, 
Acta  Psychiatrica  Scandinavica,  46  Supplement  219  (1970),  103-8. 

Review  of  Bruce  and  Barbara  Dohrenwend,  Social  Status  and 
Psychological  Disorder  (New  York:  John  Wiley  and  Sons,  1969),  in 
American  Journal  of  Psychiatry,  127  (July  1970),  149-50. 



Eobekt  Neal  Wilson 

The  Sociology  of  Health:  An  Introduction.  New  York:  Random 
House,  1970.  P.  128. 

(With  Guy  M.  Steuart.)  " Health  Education  and  Mental 
Health,"  in  Mental  Health  Considerations  in  Public  Health,  ed., 
Stephen  E.  Goldston.  Washington,  D.C. :  United  States  Depart- 
ment of  Health,  Education,  and  Welfare,  National  Institute  of 
Mental  Health,  1969.  Pp.  51-66. 

"A  Social  Scientist's  View  of  Surgeons,  Surgical  Depart- 
ments, and  Surgical  Patients,"  in  The  Role  of  the  Surgeon  in 
Medical  School  Education,  ed.,  Harold  G-.  Barker.  Springfield,  Il- 
linois: Charles  C.  Thomas,  1970.  Pp.  108-14. 

Review  of  Jay  Schulman,  Remaking  an  Organization  (Albany: 
State  University  of  New  York  Press,  1969),  in  Inquiry,  7  :  4  (1970), 

Review  of  Vytautas  Kavolis,  Artistic  Expression:  A  Sociolog- 
ical Analysis  (Ithaca:  Cornell  University  Press,  1968),  in  Journal 
of  Aesthetics  and  Art  Criticism,  29  (1970),  273. 

Review  of  Calvin  S.  Hall  and  Richard  E.  Lind,  Dreams,  Life, 
and  Literature:  A  Study  of  Franz  Kafka  (Chapel  Hill:  The  Uni- 
versity of  North  Carolina  Press,  1970),  in  Contemporary  Psy- 
chology, 10  (October  1970),  596-97. 

Review  of  Gerald  Green,  The  Artists  of  Terezin  (New  York: 
Hawthorne  Books,  1969),  in  American  Journal  of  Sociology,  75:  6 
(May  1970),  1060-61. 

Review  of  David  Mechanic,  Mental  Health  and  Social  Policy 
(Englewood  Cliffs:  Prentice-Hall,  1969),  in  Social  Forces,  48:  4 
(June  1970),  554-55. 

Department  of  Parasitology  and  Laboratory  Practice 

Darrell  William  Brock 

(With  L.  K.  Georg.)  "Determination  and  Analysis  of  Actino- 
myces israelii  Serotypes  by  Fluorescent- Antibody  Procedures, ' ' 
The  Journal  of  Bacteriology,  97  (February  1969),  581-88. 

(With  L.  K.  Georg.)  "Characterization  of  Actinomyces  israelii 
Serotypes  1  and  2,"  The  Journal  of  Bacteriology,  97  (February 
1969),  589-93. 

Raymond  Cypress 

"Demonstration  of  Immunity  to  Nematospiroides  dubius  in 
Recipient  Mice  Given  Spleen  Cells,"  The  Journal  of  Parasitology, 
56  (February  1970),  199-200. 



"Artificial  Production  of  Acquired  Immunity  in  Mice  by  Foot- 
pad Injections  of  a  Crude  Larval  Extract  of  Nematospiroides  du- 
&ms,"  The  Journal  of  Parasitology,  56  (April  1970),  230. 

(With  John  E.  Larsh.)  "The  Macrophage  Inhibition  Assay 
(MIA)  as  an  in  vitro  Correlate  of  Delayed  Hypersensitivity  (DE) 
in  Mice  Sensitized  to  Tricliinella  spiralis  Antigens.''  The  Journal 
of  Parasitology,  56  (August  1970),  64-65. 

Elmer  F.  Chaffee 

(With  J.  E.  Larsh.  N.  F.  Weatherly,  and  H.  T.  Goulson.) 
Studies  on  Delayed  (Cellular)  Hypersensitivity  in  Mice  Infected 
with  Tricliinella  spiralis.  IV.  Artificial  Sensitization  of  Donors," 
The  Journal  of  Parasitology,  55  (August  1969),  726-29. 

(With  J.  E.  Larsh.  H.  T.  Goulson,  and  X.  F.  Weatherly.) 
"Studies  on  Delayed  (Cellular)  Hypersensitivity  in  Mice  Infected 
with  Tricliinella  spiralis.  V.  Tests  in  Recipients  Injected  with  Donor 
Spleen  Cells  1,  3,  7,  14,  or  21  Days  Before  Infection,"  The  Journal 
of  Parasitology,  56  (October  1970),  978-81. 

(With  J.  E.  Larsh,  H.  T.  Goulson,  and  X.  F.  Weatherly.) 
"Studies  on  Delayed  (Cellular)  Hypersensitivity  in  Mice  Infected 
with  Tricliinella  spiralis.  YI.  Results  in  Recipients  Injected  with 
Antiserum  or  ' Freeze-Thaw'  Spleen  Cells,"  The  Journal  of  Para- 
sitology. 56  (December  1970),  1206-9. 

Hlltox  Thomas  Goulsox 

(With  J.  E.  Larsh,  X.  F.  Weatherly,  and  E.  F.  Chaffee.) 
"Studies  on  Delayed  (Cellular)  Hypersensitivity  in  Mice  Infected 
with  Tricliinella  spiralis.  IV.  Artificial  Sensitization  of  Donors," 
The  Journal  of  Parasitology,  55  (August  1969),  726-29. 

(With  J.  E.  Larsh,  X.  F.  Weatherly.  and  E.  F.  Chaffee.) 
"Studies  on  Delayed  (Cellular)  Hypersensitivity  in  Mice  In- 
fected with  Tricliinella  spiralis.  V.  Tests  in  Recipients  Injected 
with  Donor  Spleen  Cells  1,  3,  7,  14,  or  21  Days  Before  Infection," 
The  Journal  of  Parasitology,  5b  (October  1970).  978-81. 

(With  J.  E.  Larsh,  X.  F.  Weatherly,  and  E.  F.  Chaffee.) 
"Studies  on  Delayed  (Cellular)  Hypersensitivity  in  Mice  Infected 
with  Tricliinella  spiralis.  VI.  Results  in  Recipients  Injected  with 
Antiserum  or  'Freeze-Thaw'  Spleen  Cells."  The  Journal  of  Para- 
sitology. 56  (December  1970),  1206-9. 

Herbert  Donald  Hochsteix 

(With  J.  C.  Feeley  and  S.  H.  Richardson.)  "Titration  of 
Cholera  Antitoxin  Levels  by  Passive  Haemagglutination  Tests  Us- 
ing Fresh  and  Formalinized  Sheep  Erythrocytes,"  Proceedings  of 



the  Society  for  Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine,  133  (January 
1970),  120-24. 

Eobeet  Teacy  Howell 

(With  C.  W.  Moss,  D.  C.  Farshy,  V.  R.  Dowell,  and  J.  B. 
Brooks.)  "Volatile  Acid  Production  by  Clostridium  botnlinum 
Type  F,"  Canadian  Journal  of  Microbiology,  16  (June  1970), 

Valgaaed  Jonsson 

"Proposal  of  a  New  Species  Pseudomonas  Jcingii,"  International 
Journal  of  Systematic  Bacteriology,  20  (July  1970),  255-57. 

Geoege  Edwaed  Killgoee 

(With  W.  R.  Dowdle.)  "Antigenic  Characterization  of  Parain- 
fluenza 4A  and  4B  by  the  Haemagglutination-Inhibition  Test  and 
Distribution  of  HI  Antibody  in  Human  Sera,"  The  American 
Journal  of  Epidemiology,  91  (March  1970),  308-16. 

John  Edgae  Laesh 

"Immunology,"  in  Trichinosis  in  Man  and  Animals,  ed.,  S.  E. 
Gould.  Springfield,  Illinois:  Charles  C.  Thomas  Company,  1970. 
Pp.  129-46. 

"Delayed  (Cellular)  Hypersensitivity  in  Certain  Experimental 
Nematode  Infections,"  H.  D.  Srivastava  Commemorative  Volume, 
1  (September  1969),  133-38. 

"Immunologic  Responses  of  the  Mouse  to  Trichinella  spiralis,' !' 
The  Journal  of  Parasitology,  56  (August  1970),  200-201. 

(With  Raymond  Cypess.)  "The  Macrophage  Inhibition  Assay 
(MIA)  as  an  in  vitro  Correlate  of  Delayed  Hypersensitivity  (DH) 
in  Mice  Sensitized  to  Trichinella  spiralis  Antigens,"  The  Journal 
of  Parasitology,  56  (August  1970),  64-65. 

(With  G.  J.  Race,  J.  H.  Martin,  and  R.  Michaels.)  "Scanning 
and  Transmission  Electron  Microscopy  (EM)  of  Schistosoma  man- 
soni  Ova,  Structure  and  Topography  of  Shell  Pores,"  The  Journal 
of  Parasitology,  56  (August  1970),  276-77. 

(With  G.  J.  Race,  R.  M.  Michaels,  J.  H.  Martin,  and  J.  L. 
Matthews.)  "Schistosoma  mansoni  Eggs:  An  Electron  Microscopic 
Study  of  Shell  Pores  and  Mierobarbs, "  Proceedings  of  the  Society 
for  Experimental  Biology  and  Medicine,  130  (September  1969), 

(With  H.  T.  Goulson,  N.  F.  Weatherly,  and  E.  F.  Chaffee.) 
"Studies  on  Delayed  (Cellular)  Hypersensitivity  in  Mice  Infected 



with  Trichinella  spiralis.  IV.  Artificial  Sensitization  of  Donors," 
The  Journal  of  Parasitology,  55  (August  1969),  726-29. 

(With  H.  T.  Goulson,  N.  F.  Weatherly,  and  E.  P.  Chaffee.) 
" Studies  on  Delayed  (Cellular)  Hypersensitivity  in  Mice  Infected 
with  Trichinella  spiralis.  V.  Tests  in  Recipients  Injected  with 
Donor  Spleen  Cells,  1,  3,  7,  14,  or  21  Days  Before  Infection,"  The 
Journal  of  Parasitology,  56  (October  1970),  978-81. 

(With  H.  T.  Goulson,  N.  F.  Weatherly,  and  E.  F.  Chaffee.) 
" Studies  on  Delayed  (Cellular)  Hypersensitivity  in  Mice  Infected 
with  Trichinella  spiralis.  VI.  Results  in  Recipients  Injected  with 
Antiserum  or  'Freeze-Thaw'  Spleen  Cells,"  The  Journal  of  Para- 
sitology, 56  (December  1970),  1206-9. 

Robert  Walker  Miliner 

(With  K.  D.  Stottmeier  and  G.  P.  Kubica.)  "Formaldehyde: 
A  Prothermal  Activated  Toxic  Substance  Produced  in  Middle- 
brook  7H10  Medium,"  The  American  Review  of  Respiratory 
Diseases,  99  (April  1969),  603-7. 

Fred  W.  Kachford 

"The  Hamster  as  a  Laboratory  Host  for  Plagiorchis  proximus 
(Barker,  1915),"  The  Journal  of  Parasitology,  56  (December 
1970),  1137. 

(With  B.  Z.  Lang  and  L.  N.  Gleason.)  "Effects  of  Metagoni- 
moides  oregonensis  Price,  1931  (Trematoda:  Heterophyidae)  and 
Mosesia  chordeilesia  McMullen,  1936  (Trematoda:  Lecithodendri- 
idae)  on  Goniobasis  proxima  (Say)  (Gastropoda:  Pleuroceridae) 
in  North  Carolina,"  The  Journal  of  Parasitology,  56  (August 
1970),  836-38. 

Charles  Edward  Sweet 

(With  L.  Kaufman.)  "Application  of  Agglutinins  for  the 
Rapid  and  Accurate  Identification  of  Medically  Important  Candida 
Species,"  Applied  Microbiology,  19  (May  1970),  830-36. 

Robert  Briggs  Watson 

Editor,  The  American  Journal  of  Tropical  Medicine  and  Hy- 

Norman  Fred  Weatherly 

"Increased  Survival  of  Swiss  Mice  Given  Sublethal  Infections 
of  Trichinella  spiralis,'1  The  Journal  of  Parasitology,  56  (Au- 
gust 1970),  748-52. 

(With  J.  E.  Larsh,  H.  T.  Goulson,  and  E.  F.  Chaffee.)  "Studies 



on  Delayed  (Cellular)  Hypersensitivity  in  Mice  Infected  with 
Trichinella  spiralis.  IV.  Artificial  Sensitization  of  Donors,"  The 
Journal  of  Parasitology,  55  (August  1969),  726-29. 

(With  J.  B.  Larsh,  H.  T.  Goulson,  and  E  .F.  Chaffee.)  "Studies 
on  Delayed  (Cellular)  Hypersensitivity  in  Mice  Infected  with 
Trichinella  spiralis.  V.  Tests  in  Eecipients  Injected  with  Donor 
Spleen  Cells  1,  3,  7,  14,  or  21  Days  Before  Infection, ' '  The  Journal 
of  Parasitology,  56  (October  1970),  978-81. 

(With  J.  E.  Larsh,  H.  T.  Goulson,  and  E.  F.  Chaffee.)  "Studies 
on  Delayed  (Cellular)  Hypersensitivity  in  Mice  Infected  with 
Trichinella  spiralis.  VI.  Results  in  Recipients  Injected  with  Anti- 
serum or  'Freeze-Thaw'  Spleen  Cells,"  The  Journal  of  Parasitology, 
56  (December  1970),  1206-9. 

Review  of  David  Catty,  Monographs  in  Allergy,  Volume  5.  The 
Immunology  of  Nematode  Infections:  Trichinosis  in  Guinea  Pigs 
as  a  Model  (Basel,  Switzerland :  S.  Karger  AG,  1969) ,  in  The  Amer- 
ican Journal  of  Tropical  Medicine  and  Hygiene,  19  (July  1970), 


The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 


Comparative  Antigenic  Studies  of  Strains  of  Trypanosoma 
eruzi  at  Various  Stages  of  Development.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  John  Edgar  Larsh  and  Kenneth  W.  Walls.) 

Larry  Neil  Gleason 

Concurrent  Infections  of  the  White  Mouse  with  Fasciola  he- 
patica  and  Hymenolepis  microstoma.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
James  R.  Hendricks.) 

Robert  Tracy  Howell 

The  Evaluation  of  Cultural  and  Biochemical  Methods  for  the 
Differentiation  of  Clostridium  botulinum  and  Clostridium  sporo- 
genes.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  John  Edgar  Larsh  and  Vulus 
R.  Dowell,  Jr.) 

George  Edward  Killgore 

Further  Characterization  of  Parainfluenza  Types  4A  and  4B 
and  Serologic  Evaluation  of  Their  Role  in  Human  Disease.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  John  Edgar  Larsh  and  Walter  R.  Dowdle.) 



Kenneth  Darwin  Mtjrrell 

The  Effects  of  Immunity  on  the  Physiology  of  Taenia  crassiceps 
(Zeder,  1800)  Cysticerci.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Norman 
Fred  Weatherly.) 

Charles  Edward  Sweet 

Studies  on  the  Use  of  Agglutinins  for  the  Identification  of  Can- 
dida Species.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  John  Edgar  Larsh  and 
Leo  Kaufman.) 

James  Cecil  Coefey,  Jr. 

The  Incorporation  of  Tritiated  Estradiol  by  Moniliformis  du- 
oius  Following  Its  Administration  to  the  OYariectomized  Eat  Host. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Norman  Fred  Weatherly  and  Billy 
Baggett.  ) 

Herbert  Donald  Hochstein 

In  vitro  Titration  of  Cholera  Antitoxin.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  John  Edgar  Larsh  and  John  C.  Feeley,  III.) 

David  Thomas  John 

The  Biology  of  Angiostrongylus  cantonensis  in  the  White  Mouse. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Hilton  Thomas  Goulson.) 

George  Thomas  Moore,  Jr. 

Characterization  of  Toxoplasma  gondii  Strains  by  Antigenic 
Analysis.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Edgar  Larsh  and 
Kenneth  W.  Walls.) 

Bryan  Eufus  Eeep 

The  Effect  of  Newer  Tubercle  Bacillus  Digestion  and  Decon- 
tamination Procedures  on  Fungi  Causing  Pulmonary  Diseases. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  Edgar  Larsh  and  William 

Muriel  Arlene  Thompson 

A  Comparison  of  Five  Serological  Tests  and  Several  Antigens 
in  the  Detection  of  Antibodies  to  Neisseria  gonorrhoeae.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  John  Edgar  Larsh  and  John  E.  Schmale.) 

Department  of  Health  Administration 

James  Allen 

"Training  for  Family  Planning  Counseling,"  Journal  of  Educa- 
tion Counseling  and  Services,  18:  1  (January  1969),  70-75. 



"How  Catholics  are  Making  Up  Their  Minds  on  Birth  Control," 
The  Christian  Century,  87:  30  (July  29,  1970),  915-18. 

"With  the  Best  of  Intentions,"  Engage,  2:  19  (August  1-15, 
1970),  12-14. 

Mo  ye  Wicks  Fkeymann- 

Cr aching  the  World  Population  Problem:  A  U.S.  Goal  for  the 
'70 's.  Prepared  for  the  Presidential  Task  Force  on  International 
Development.  Chapel  Hill :  Carolina  Population  Center,  University 
of  North  Carolina,  1969.  Pp.  143. 

"India's  Population  Program,"  in  Transition  in  South  Asia, 
Problems  of  Modernization,  ed.,  Robert  I.  Crane.  Durham:  Duke 
University,  1970.  Pp.  155-78. 

(With  Sagar  C.  Jain.)  "Population,  Family  Planning  and  Con- 
traception Teaching  in  Schools  of  Public  Health,"  in  Manual  of 
Family  Planning  and  Contraceptive  Practice,  ed.,  Mary  S.  Cal- 
derone.  2nd  edition.  Baltimore:  Williams  and  Wilkins  Company, 
1969.  Pp.  206-8. 

John  T.  Gentry 

(With  Morris  Schaefer.)  "The  Impact  of  State  and  Federal 
Policy  Planning  Decisions  on  the  Implementation  and  Functional 
Adequacy  of  Title  XIX  Health  Care  Programs,"  Medical  Care,  7 : 
2  (March- April  1969),  92-104. 

(With  Arnold  D.  Kaluzny,  Jay  H.  Glasser,  and  Susan  Russell.) 
"Perceptual  Differences  of  Administrators  Regarding  the  Impor- 
tance of  Health  Service  Programs:  Implications  for  Education  for 
Health  Services  Administration,"  American  Journal  of  Public 
Health,  60:  6  (June  1970),  1006-17. 

(With  Arnold  D.  Kaluzny,  Jay  H.  Glasser,  and  Jane  Sprague.) 
"Diffusion  of  Innovative  Health  Care  Services  in  the  United 
States:  Study  of  Hospitals,"  Medical  Care,  8:  6  (November-De- 
cember 1970),  474-87. 

Beview  of  David  Mechanic,  Medical  Sociology:  A  Selective  View 
(New  York:  The  Free  Press,  1968),  in  Inquiry,  6:  3  (September 
1969),  80. 

William  Theodore  Herzog 

Survey  of  Continuing  Education  Interests  in  Comprehensive 
Health  Planning  Among  Southeastern  Health  Organizations,  U.S. 
Public  Health  Service,  Office  of  Comprehensive  Health  Planning. 
Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North  Carolina,  1969.  Pp.  27. 



Lydia  Say  Holley 

(With  Nancy  Laszlo  and  Barbara  White.)  Proceedings  of  In- 
stitute on  Community  Health  Aspects  of  Physical  Therapy  Educa- 
tion. Chapel  Hill :  Department  of  Health  Administration,  University 
of  North  Carolina,  1969.  P.  204. 

"The  Physical  Therapist:  Who,  What  and  How,"  American 
Journal  of  Nursing,  70:  7  (July  1970),  1521-24. 

John  T.  Hughes 

"A  Pre-Fluoridation  Survey  in  Asheville,  North  Carolina,"  The 
Journal  of  the  North  Carolina  Dental  Society,  52  (August  1969), 

"Dental  Health  Status  of  Students  at  the  North  Carolina  Ad- 
vancement School:  By  Race,  Region  of  Residence,  and  Length  of 
Exposure  to  Fluoridated  Water,"  Journal  of  the  American  As- 
sociation of  Public  Health  Dentistry  (Fall  1970),  234-38. 

Sagar  C.  Jain 

(With  Moye  Wicks  Freymann.)  "Population,  Family  Planning 
and  Contraception  Teaching  in  Schools  of  Public  Health,"  in 
Manual  of  Family  Planning  and  Contraceptive  Practice,  ed.,  Mary 
S.  Calderone.  2nd  edition.  Baltimore:  Williams  and  Wilkins  Com- 
pany, 1969.  Pp.  206-8. 

(With  Steven  W.  Sinding.)  North  Carolina  Abortion  Law  1967 : 
A  Study  in  Legislative  Process.  Chapel  Hill:  Carolina  Population 
Center,  Monograph  Series  No.  2,  January  1969.  Pp.  74. 

Albert  L.  Johnson 

11  Multidisciplinary  Perspectives  on  Interdependencies  Among 
the  Elements  in  One  Type  of  Outpatient  System. ' '  Mimeo  progress 
report  prepared  for  the  National  Tuberculosis  and  Respiratory 
Disease  Association.  Part  1,  August  1969.  Pp.  144. 

"Multidisciplinary  Perspectives  on  Interdependencies  Among 
the  Elements  in  One  Type  of  Outpatient  System."  A  Progress  Re- 
port on  a  Study  of  Ten  Outpatient  Tuberculosis  Clinics  in  Three 
Metropolitan  Areas.  Prepared  for  the  National  Tuberculosis  and 
Respiratory  Disease  Association.  Part  II,  1970.  Pp.  100. 

Arnold  Daniel  Kaluzny 

(With  Sol  Levine.)  "The  Social  Scientist's  View  of  the  Neigh- 
borhood Health  Center  as  a  New  Social  Institution,"  Medical  Care, 
3:2  (March-April  1970),  95-96. 

(With  Charles  A.  Metzner.)  "Cognitive  Balance  in  a  Choice 



Situation  Involving  Two  Health  Care  Plans,"  Journal  of  Health 
and  Social  Behavior,  11 :  2  (June  1970),  104-15. 

(With  John  T.  Gentry,  Jay  H.  Glasser,  and  Jane  B.  Sprague.) 
"Perceptual  Differences  of  Administrators  Regarding  the  Impor- 
tance of  Health  Service  Programs,"  American  Journal  of  Public 
Health,  60:  6  (June  1970),  1006-17. 

(With  Jay  H.  Glasser,  John  T.  Gentry,  and  Jane  B.  Sprague.) 
"Diffusion  of  Innovative  Health  Care  Services  in  the  United 
States:  A  Study  of  Hospitals,"  Medical  Care,  8:  6  (November- 
December  1970),  474-87. 

Harry  T.  Phillips 

1 1  Public  Health  Aspects  of  Geriatrics, ' '  in  Depth  and  Extent  of 
the  Geriatric  Problem,  ed.,  Minna  Field.  Springfield,  Illinois: 
Charles  C.  Thomas,  1970.  Pp.  197-212. 

"First  Year's  Report — Massachusetts  Kidney  Disease  Planning 
Project,"  Project  Director,  H.  T.  Phillips.  Under  contract  with 
Kidney  Disease  Control  Program,  Health  Services  and  Mental 
Health  Administration,  Department  of  Health,  Education  and 
Welfare  (1969).  PHS  Publication  No.  1918.  Pp.  74. 

Morris  Schaefer 

A  Systems  Approach  to  Management  Information  in  the  World 
Health  Organization.  Working  Paper  for  Feasibility  Study  of  In- 
tegrated Management  Information  System,  Geneva:  World  Health 
Organization,  July  1969.  P.  71. 

The  Conundrum  of  Country  Programming.  Working  Paper  for 
Project  Systems  Analysis,  Geneva:  World  Health  Organization, 
June  1970.  Pp.  61. 

"Adapting  Education  for  Health  Administration  in  a  School 
of  Public  Health,"  American  Journal  of  Public  Health,  60:  6 
(June  1970),  1007-22. 

(With  John  T.  Gentry.)  "The  Impact  of  State  and  Federal 
Policy  Planning  Decisions  on  the  Implementation  and  Functional 
Adequacy  of  Title  XIX  Health  Care  Programs,"  Medical  Care,  7 :  2 
(March-April  1969),  92-104. 

Jane  B.  Sprague 

(With  John  T.  Gentry,  Arnold  D.  Kaluzny,  and  Jay  H.  Glasser.) 
"Perceptual  Differences  of  Administrators  Regarding  the  Impor- 
tance of  Health  Service  Programs,"  American  Journal  of  Public 
Health,  60:  6  (June  1970),  1006-17. 

(With  Arnold  D.  Kaluzny,  Jay  H.  Glasser,  and  John  T.  Gen- 
try.) "Diffusion  of  Innovative  Health  Care  Services  in  the  United 



States:  A  Study  of  Hospitals,"  Medical  Care,  8:  6  (November-De- 
cember 1970),  474-87. 

Disk  J.  Spruyt 

"Promoting  Effective  Consumer  Participation  in  Comprehensive 
Health  Planning-New  Role  Possibilities  for  the  University  of  North 
Carolina."  Chapel  Hill:  Department  of  Health  Administration. 
University  of  North  Carolina.  X69.  Pp.  12. 

James  E.  Veney 

Editor,  Inquiry:  A  Journal  of  Medical  Care  Organization,  Pro- 
vision, and  Financing. 

"The  Role  of  Medical  Care  in  a  Changing  Social  System,"  So- 
ciological Focus,  3:  2  (Winter  1969),  51-61. 

(With  Daniel  B.  Hill.)  "Kansas  Blue  Cross/Blue  Shield  Out- 
patients Benefits  Experiment,"  Medical  Care,  8:  2  (March- April 
1970),  143-58. 

Janice  Euth  Westaby 

(With  Darla  Strouse.)  Falls.  Accident  Research  Bibliographical 
Series,  Volume  2.  Chapel  Hill :  University  of  North  Carolina,  1969. 
P.  321. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 

Anthony  R.  Measham 

Policy  Process:  Family  Planning  in  North  Carolina.  (1970,  un- 
der the  direction  of  Robert  Wilson.) 

W.  Allen  Smith,  Jr. 

A  Study  of  General  Hospital  Use :  Analysis  of  Utilization  Data. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  John  T.  Gentry.) 

Department  of  Health  Education 

Harriet  Hylton  Barr 

(With  E.  L.  McMahon  and  H.  B.  Walker.)  Editor,  Health  Edu- 
cators At  Work,  Volume  20,  June  1969 ;  Volume  21,  July  1970. 

Lee  Holder 

"Some  Theoretical  and  Practical  Considerations  in  Influencing 
Health  Behavior,"  Strategies  for  Planning  and  Evaluating  Cancer 
Education,  Health  Education  Monographs  No.  30  (1970),  49-69. 



"A  Concept  of  Health  Planning,"  Texas  Public  Health  As- 
sociation Journal,  21:  6  (November-December  1969),  204-7. 

" Education  for  Health  in  a  Changing  Society,"  American 
Journal  of  PubUc  Health,  60:  12  (December  1970),  2307-13. 

Rosemary  May  Kent 

" Public  Health  Educators:  Manpower  Today  and  the  Chang- 
ing Scene,"  American  Journal  of  Public  Health,  59 :  6  (June  1969) , 

Review  of  B.  K.  Sladen  and  P.  B.  Bang,  Biology  of  Population: 
The  Biological  Basis  of  Public  Health  (New  York:  American  El- 
sevier Publishing  Company,  Inc.,  1969),  in  The  American  Journal 
of  Tropical  Medicine  and  Hygiene,  19 :  4  (July  1970),  736-38. 

Elizabeth  Lovell  McMahait 

(With  H.  H.  Barr  and  H.  B.  Walker.)  Editor,  Health  Educators 
at  Work,  Volume  20,  June  1969 ;  Volume  21,  July  1970. 

Hiawatha  Brown  Walker 

(With  H.  H.  Barr  and  E.  L.  McMahan.)  Editor,  Health  Edu- 
cators at  Work,  Volume  20,  June  1969 ;  Volume  21,  July  1970. 

Department  of  Public  Health  Nursing 

Margaret  Baggett  Dolan 

1 1  Preface  to  the  Dover  Edition,"  in  Notes  on  Nursing:  What  It 
is  and  What  It  Is  Not  by  Florence  Nightingale.  New  York :  Dover 
Publications,  Inc.,  1969.  Pp.  5-9. 

1 1  More  Nurses :  Better  Nursing, ' '  International  Nursing  Review, 
17:  4  (1970),  337-44. 

"Partnership  in  Health,"  The  Health  Bulletin,  North  Car- 
olina State  Board  of  Health,  84  (December  1969),  3-5. 

Elizabeth  Merrill  Edmands 

Editor,  First  National  Family  Planning  Conference  for  Nurse 
Educators  in  Baccalaureate  Schools  of  Nursing.  Chapel  Hill:  Car- 
olina Population  Center,  1970.  Pp.  205. 

"Nursing  in  Family  Planning,"  in  Manual  of  Contraceptive 
Practice,  ed.,  M.  Calderone.  Baltimore :  The  Williams  and  Wilkins 
Company,  1970.  Pp.  53-61. 

"Nursing  Education  in  Family  Planning,"  in  Manual  of  Con- 
traceptive Practice,  ed.,  M.  Calderone,  Baltimore :  The  Williams  and 
Wilkins  Company,  1970.  Pp.  188-92. 



(With  C.  A.  Houser  and  J.  W.  Eliot.)  "The  Teaching  of  Fer- 
tility Regulation  in  Basic  U.S.  Schools  of  Nursing,"  American  Jour- 
nal of  Public  Health,  59  (June  1969),  982-995. 

Ann  Caton  Hansen 

(With  D.  B.  Thomas.)  "Multiple  Discriminant  Analysis  of  Pub- 
lic Health  Nursing  Decision  Responses,"  Nursing  Research,  18 
(March-April  1969),  145-53. 

(With  D.  B.  Thomas.)  "Differences  and  Changes  in  Decision 
Judgments  Within  Two  Role  Groups,"  Nursing  Research,  18  (July- 
August  1969),  333-38. 

(With  D.  B.  Thomas.)  " Prof essionalization  of  Priority  De- 
cision Judgment,"  Nursing  Research,  19  (July-August  1970), 

Marion  Elizabeth  Highriter 

"Nurse  Characteristics  and  Patient  Progress,"  Nursing  Re- 
search, 18  (November-December  1969),  484-501. 

"Performance  Evaluation:  Implications  for  Education  and 
Utilization  of  Public  Health  Nurses,"  American  Journal  of  Public 
Health,  60  (November  1970),  2079-85. 

Marie  Louise  Lowe 

"Effectiveness  of  Teaching  as  Measured  by  Compliance  with 
Medical  Recommendations,"  Nursing  Research,  19  (January-Feb- 
ruary 1970),  59-63. 

Julia  Day  Watkins 

(With  R.  Bressler,  V.  C.  Coyle,  J.  Feldman,  F.  T.  Moss,  C.  Wat- 
son, and  T.  F.  Williams.)  Diabetes  Mellitus:  A  Reference  for 
Nurses.  Diabetes  Consultation  and  Education  Service  of  The 
Association  for  the  North  Carolina  Regional  Medical  Program, 
1969.  Pp.  77. 

(With  F.  T.  Moss.)  "Confusion  in  the  Management  of  Di- 
abetes," American  Journal  of  Nursing,  69  (March  1969),  521-24. 


The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department: 

Doris  Marie  Cole 

Knowledge  of  Human  Sexuality:  A  Neglected  Aspect  of  Nurs- 
ing Education.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Marie  Justin  Mc- 



Sister  Evon  Kruse 

A  Descriptive  and  Exploratory  Study  of  Fifty  Collegiate  Stu- 
dents '  Satisfaction  or  Dissatisfaction  With  Their  Public  Health  Ex- 
perience. (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Marion  Elizabeth  High- 
riter.  ) 

J uanita  Lee  Long 

A  Descriptive  Study  of  the  Amount  of  Information  Heard  by 
Patients  in  the  Interpretative  Conference  in  the  Division  of  Dis- 
orders of  Development  and  Learning,  University  of  North  Car- 
olina at  Chapel  Hill.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Marie  Justin 

Sandra  Cross  Smith 

Levels  of  Depression  and  Some  Expressed  Concerns  of  Patients 
Following  Amputation.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Faustena 

Carol  Ann  Thompson 

A  Descriptive  Study  of  Nurses '  Perceived  Understanding  of  the 
Minimally  Brain-injured  Child.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Ma- 
rie Justin  McIntyre.) 

Marjene  Ethel  White 

A  Descriptive  Study  of  the  Availability  of  Resource  Persons 
and  Materials  for  the  Management  of  the  Problems  that  Face  the 
Nascent  Nurse  in  Her  Early  Work  Experience.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Rose  George.) 

Elaine  Florence  Wishart 

A  Descriptive  Study  of  Pre-discharge  Instruction  for  Myocar- 
dial Infarction  Patients.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Marie  Justin 


Robert  Joseph  Gwyn 

1  'Some  Reflections  on  Television  and  Symbolic  Speech,"  Tele- 
vision Quarterly,  8:  2  (Spring  1969),  57-65. 

"  Education  for  Consumption:  A  Perspective  on  Commercial 
Broadcasting, "  Today's  Speech,  18:  2  (Spring  1970),  23-26. 



"Proposal  for  Action:  Satellite  to  Home  Radio,"  Educational 
Broadcasting  Review,  4:  2  (April  1970),  15-18. 

"'Opinion  Advertising  and  the  Free  Market  of  Ideas,"  Public 
Opinion  Quarterly,  34:  2  (Summer  1970),  246-55. 

"William  Maeiox  Hardy 

100  Years  of  Service.  A  Television  documentary  script  written 
for  the  Xorth  Carolina  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Company  and 
produced  in  the  studios  of  WKDU-TV  in  Durham.  Xorth  Carolina, 
October,  1970. 

"William  Hexrt  Melsox 

(With  Bobby  J.  Calder  and  Chester  Insko.)  '"The  Social  Psy- 
chological Status  of  Reward,"  Psychonomic  Science,  17  (1969), 

(With  Robert  B.  McCall.)  "Attentional  Responses  of  Five 
Month  Girls  to  Discrepant  Auditorv  Stimuli,"  Child  Development. 
41  (1970),  1159-71. 

(With  Chester  Insko.)  "Verbal  Reinforcement  of  Attitude  in 
Laboratory  and  Xonlaboratory  Contexts,"  Journal  of  Personality, 
37  (1969)*  25-40.' 

(With  Robert  B.  McCall.)  "Attention  in  Infants  as  a  Function 
of  Magnitude  of  Discrepancy  and  Habituation  Rate,"  Psycho- 
nomic Science,  17  (1969),  317-19. 

(With  Robert  B.  McCall.)  "Amount  of  Short-Term  Familiariza- 
tion and  the  Response  to  Auditory  Discrepancies."'  Child  Develop- 
ment, 41  (1970),  861-69. 

(With  Robert  B.  McCall.)  "Complexity,  Contour,  and  Area  as 
Determinants  of  Attention  in  Infants."  Developmental  Psychology, 
3  (1970),  343-49. 

John  Paul  Xickell 

The  Lion  in  Winter.  Direction  of  a  television  drama  produced 
in  the  studios  of  the  Department  of  Radio,  Television  and  Motion 
Pictures  of  the  University  of  Xorth  Carolina,  Chapel  Hill,  Xorth 
Carolina,  March,  1970. 

100  Years  of  Service.  Direction  of  a  television  documentary  pro- 
duced in  the  studios  of  WRDL'-TV  in  Durham,  Xorth  Carolina, 
October,  1970. 


The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 



Dadney  M.  Coddington,  Jr. 

The  South  to  San  Francisco:  A  Screenplay.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Ralph  Gary  Dennis.) 

Vera  E.  David 

The  Image  of  the  Jew  in  Some  Elements  of  American  Mass 
Culture  in  the  Late  1960 's.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Wesley 
Herndon  Wallace.) 

Elizabeth  Dunkel  Edwards 

Which  Locally  Produced  Examples  of  Six  Popular  Educational 
and  Commercial  Television  Production  Techniques  Seem  to  Result 
in  the  Greatest  Learning  Gain  and  Retention  for  Preschool  Audi- 
ences! (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Ralph  Gary  Dennis.) 

William  Allen  Guth 

Mental  Health  Information-Seeking  and  the  Need  to  Know. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Maxwell  E.  McCombs.) 

Eufrossyni  Philippides  Mueller 

Atlantis:  A  Screenplay.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Ralph 
Gary  Dennis.) 

Horst  Mueller 

Structures:  A  Screenplay.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Ralph 
Gary  Dennis.) 


John  Wesley  Dixon,  Jr. 

"Art  and  Pornography,"  Theology  Today,  25  (January  1969), 

' '  The  Matter  of  Theology :  The  Consequences  of  Art  for  Theolog- 
ical Method,''  The  Journal  of  Religion,  49  (April  1969),  160-79. 

"Fresco  as  Theology,"  Theology  Today,  26  (July  1969),  194- 

Review  of  Rolfe  Lanier  Hunt,  ed.,  Revolution,  Place  and  Sym- 
bol (New  York:  International  Congress  on  Religion,  Architecture, 
and  the  Visual  Arts,  1969),  in  Theology  Today,  27  (July  1970), 

Review  of  Ray  L.  Hart,  Unfinished  Man  and  the  Imagination 
(New  York:  Herder  and  Herder,  1968),  in  Soundings,  53  (Fall 
1970),  323-38. 

Review  of  Roland  Delattre,  Beauty  and  Sensibility  in  the 



Thought  of  Jonathan  Edwards  (New  Haven :  Yale  University  Press, 

1968)  ,  in  Journal  of  Aesthetics  and  Art  Criticism,  28  (Summer 
1970),  546-47. 

Samuel  Smythe  Hill,  Je. 

Review  of  Willard  B.  Gatewood,  Jr.,  ed.,  Controversy  in  the 
Twenties:  Fundamentalism,  Modernism,  and  Evolution  (Nash- 
ville: Vanderbilt  University  Press,  1969),  in  Journal  for  the 
Scientific  Study  of  Religion,  9  (Fall  1970),  161-63. 

"A  Theologian's  Response,"  Review  of  Religious  Research,  11 
(Winter  1970),  143-45. 

Aenold  Samuel  Nash 

Editor,  The  Choice  Before  the  Humanities.  Durham:  Regional 
Education  Laboratory  for  the  Carolinas  and  Virginia,  1970.  Pp. 
xxi,  153. 

"The  Humanities  and  Research  in  Higher  Education,"  in  The 
Choice  Before  the  Humanities,  ed.,  A.  S.  Nash.  Durham:  Regional 
Education  Laboratory  for  the  Carolinas  and  Virginia,  1970.  Pp. 

(With  Marion  B.  Smith.)  "The  Natural  Sciences,  Criticism, 
and  the  Humanities,"  Journal  of  Aesthetic  Education,  3  (April 

1969)  ,  59-68. 

Review  of  David  Martin,  A  Sociology  of  English  Religion  (New 
York:  Basic  Books,  1967),  in  American  Sociological  Review,  34 
(October  1969),  788-89. 

Jack  M.  Sasson 

The  Military  Establishments  at  Mari.  Studia  Pohl,  No.  3.  Rome : 
Pontifical  Biblical  Institute,  1969.  Pp.  xiii,  102. 

Review  of  T.  Dothan,  Hap-pelistim  wetarbutam  ha-homerit  (The 
Philistines  and  Their  Material  Culture — in  Hebrew)  (Jerusalem: 
Bialik  Institute  and  Israel  Exploration  Society,  1967),  in  Journal 
of  the  American  Oriental  Society,  89  (January-March  1969), 

John  H.  Schutz 

Editor,  Bulletin  of  the  Council  on  the  Study  of  Religion. 

11  Apostolic  Authority  and  the  Control  of  Tradition:  I  Cor. 
XV,"  New  Testament  Studies,  15  (1969),  439-57. 

Review  of  Hans  von  Campenhausen,  Tradition  and  Life  in  the 
Church:  Essays  and  Lectures  in  Church  History  (Philadelphia: 
Fortress  Press,  1968),  in  Theology  Today,  26  (October  1969), 



Euel  W.  Tyson,  Jr. 

"Confusions  of  Culture  in  the  University,"  in  Identity  Crisis 
in  Higher  Education,  eds.,  Harold  L.  Hodgkinson  and  Myron  B. 
Bloy,  Jr.  San  Francisco :  Jossey-Bass,  1970.  Pp.  27-48. 


Juan  Bautista  Avalle-Arce 

El  Persiles  de  Cervantes.  Madrid:  Editorial  Castalia,  1969.  Pp. 

Los  entremeses  de  Cervantes.  Englewood  Cliffs,  New  Jersey: 
Prentice-Hall,  1970.  Pp.  210. 

Don  Juan  Valera:  Morsamor.  Barcelona:  Editorial  Labor,  1970. 
Pp.  338. 

El  Inca  Oarcilaso  en  sus  Comentarios.  2nd  edition.  Madrid: 
Editorial  Gredos,  1970.  Pp.  282. 

"Dos  Relaciones  ineditos  de  Ruy  Diaz  de  Guzman,"  Filologia, 
12  (1966-1967)  [publ.  1969],  25-76. 

' '  Don  Quijote  o  la  vida  como  obra  de  arte, ' '  Cuadernos  Hispano- 
americanos,  242  (February  1970),  247-80. 

"Bucolismo,"  "Egloga,"  "Idilio,"  ' ' Montemayor,  Jorge  de," 
"Pastoril,  Novela,"  "Gil  Polo,  Gaspar,"  "Sannazaro,  Jacopo," 
Diccionario  Enciclopedico  Salvat  Universal,  1969. 

Review  of  Maria  Rosa  Lida  de  Malkiel,  EstudAos  de  literatura 
espanola  y  comparada  (Buenos  Aires,  1966),  in  Hispanic  Review, 
37  (1969),  394. 

Review  of  Edward  Glaser,  ed.,  The  Cancionero  Manuel  de  Faria 
(Minister,  1968),  in  Renaissance  Quarterly,  22  (1969),  387-88. 

Review  of  Dana  B.  Drake,  Cervantes:  A  Critical  Bibliography, 
I,  The  Novelas  Ejemplares  (Blacksburg:  Virginia  Polytechnic 
Institute,  1968),  in  Modern  Language  Notes,  85  (1970),  303-4. 

Pablo  Gil  Casado 

Review  of  Eduardo  Neale-Silva  and  Dana  A.  Nelson,  Lengua 
hispdnica  moderna  (New  York:  Holt,  Rinehart  and  Winston, 
1967),  in  Modern  Language  Journal,  54  (January  1970),  36-37. 

Review  of  Gustavo  Correa,  Realidad,  fiction,  y  simbolo  en  las 
novelas  de  Perez  Galdos  (Bogota:  Instituto  Caro  y  Cuervo,  1967), 
in  Hispanofila,  40  (1970),  69. 

Fred  M.  Clark 

11  Objective  Tests  of  Authenticity  and  the  Attribution  of  El 
toledano  vengado  to  Lope  de  Vega/'  Hispanofila,  38  (1969),  13-18. 



"A  Note  on  the  Authorship  of  a  Comedia  Attributed  to  Lope: 
Alejandro  el  segundo,"  Romance  Notes,  11 :  1  (1969),  144-47. 

"A  Lost  Sonnet  of  Lope  De  Vega?"  Romance  Notes.  11:  3 
(1970),  604-6. 

Review  of  Salvador  Garcia  Boudano,  Ao  pe  de  cada  hora  (Vigo : 
Galaxia  Coleicion  Salnes,  1967),  in  Books  Abroad,  43:  4  (Autumn 
1969),  585. 

Review  of  Jose  Agustm,  Abolition  de  la  propiedad  (Mexico : 
Joaquin  Mortiz,  1969),  in  Books  Abroad,  44:  2  (Spring  1970),  274. 

Review  of  Carlos  Drummond  de  Andrade,  Reuniao :  10  livros  de 
poesia  (Rio  de  Janeiro:  Olympio,  1969),  in  Books  Abroad,  44:  3 
(Summer  1970),  463. 

Review  of  Mario  Beirao,  Ausente  (Porto :  Tavares  Martins, 

1969)  ,  in  Books  Abroad,  44:  3  (Summer  1970),  462-63. 

Review  of  XIL  Franco  Grande,  Entre  o  si  e  o  non  (Vigo: 
Galaxia  Colecion  Salnes,  1967),  in  Books  Abroad,  44:  1  (Winter 

1970)  ,  100-101. 

Review  of  Lope  de  Vega,  El  sufrimiento  premiado,  ed..  V.  F. 
Dixon  (London:  Grant  and  Cutler  Ltd.,  1967),  in  Hispanofila,  39 
(1970),  55-56. 

Julio  Cortes 

Revision  of  Hebraic  quotations  in  Ludwig  Milichius,  Zauber- 
teufel,  Schrapteufel,  ed.,  Ria  Stambaugh  (Berlin:  "Walter  de  Gruy- 
ter,  1970). 

Review  of  James  A.  Bellamy,  Ernest  N.  McCarus,  and  Adil  I. 
Yacoub,  eds.,  Contemporary  Arabic  Readers,  TV  Short  Stories 
(Ann  Arbor:  The  University  of  Michigan  Press,  1967),  in  Boletin 
de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de  Orientalist  as,  6  (1970),  284. 

Review  of  Daud  Atiyeh  Abdo,  A  Course  in  Modern  Standard 
Arabic  (Beirut  :  Khayats,  1962-64),  in  Boletin  de  la  Asociacion 
Espanola  de  Orientalist  as,  5  (1969),  276. 

Review  of  Daud  A.  Abdo  and  Salwa  H.  Abdo,  Modern  Standard 
Arabic,  Elementary  Level  (Urbana:  LTniversity  of  Illinois.  1967), 
in  Boletin  de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de  Orientalistas,  5  (1969). 

Review  of  A.  J.  Arberry,  Aspects  of  Islamic  Civilization,  As 
Depicted  in  the  Original  Texts  (Ann  Arbor:  The  LTniversity  of 
Michigan  Press,  1967),  in  Boletin  de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de 
Orientalistas,  5  (1969),  266-67. 

Review  of  A.  F.  L.  Beeston,  Written  Arabic:  An  Approach  to 
the  basic  structures  (Cambridge:  University  Press.  1968),  in 
Boletin  de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de  Orientalistas,  6  (1970).  282. 



Review  of  A.  G.  Chejne,  The  Arabic  Language,  Its  Bole  in  His- 
tory (Minneapolis:  University  of  Minnesota  Press,  1969),  in  Boletin 
de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de  Orientalist  as,  6  (1970),  283. 

Review  of  J.  Hans,  Dynamik  und  Dogma  im  Islam  (Leiden : 
E.  J.  Brill,  1968),  in  Boletin  de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de  Orien- 
talistas,  5  (1969),  266. 

Review  of  Mohand-ou-Mhand,  Les  isefra,  Poemes  de  Si  Mohand- 
ou-Mhand,  tr.,  Mouloud  Mammeri  (Paris:  Maspero,  1969),  in  Books 
Abroad  (Autumn  1970),  707. 

Review  of  Haim  B.  Rosen,  A  Textbook  of  Israeli  Hebrew,  with 
an  Introduction  to  the  Classical  Language,  2nd  Corrected  Edition 
(Chicago  and  London:  The  University  of  Chicago  Press,  1966),  in 
Boletin  de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de  Orientalist  as,  6  (1970),  269- 

Review  of  Maria  Tsiapera,  A  Descriptive  Analysis  of  Cypriot 
Maronite  Arabic  (The  Hague  and  Paris:  Mouton,  1969),  in  Boletin 
de  la  Asociacion  Espanola  de  Orientalist  as,  6  (1970),  283-84. 

George  Bernard  Daniel,  Jr. 
Associate  editor,  Romance  Notes. 

Eight  Centuries  of  French  Literature,  eds.,  R.  F.  Bradley  and 
R.  B.  Michell.  Revised  and  enlarged.  New  York:  Appleton-Century- 
Crofts,  1970.  Pp.  631. 

Review  of  B.  Munteano,  Constantes  dialectiques  en  litterature 
et  en  histoire  (Paris:  Didier,  1967),  in  Comparative  Literature,  21 
(Summer  1969),  282-83. 

Review  of  J.  C.  Ireson,  Studies  in  French  Literature  Presented 
to  H.  W.  Lawton  (Manchester:  Manchester  University  Press,  1968), 
in  Modern  Language  Journal,  54  (March  1970),  207-8. 

Review  of  C.  Savage,  Roger  Martin  die  Gard  (New  York: 
Twayne  Publishers  Inc.,  1969),  in  Studi  Francesi,  41  (May- August 
1970),  470. 

Review  of  John  Darbelnet,  Pensee  et  Structure  (New  York: 
Scribners,  1969),  in  Modern  Language  Journal,  54  (October  1970), 

William  Joseph  DeStta 

Editor,  University  of  North  Carolina  Studies  in  Comparative 

Editor,  The  Challenge  of  Comparative  Literature  and  Other  Ad- 
dresses, by  Werner  P.  Friederich.  University  of  North  Carolina 
Studies  in  Comparative  Literature,  No.  51.  Chapel  Hill :  The  Uni- 
versity of  North  Carolina  Press,  1970.  Pp.  xxiii,  152. 



Janet  Winecoff  Diaz 

The  Major  Themes  of  Existentialism  in  the  Works  of  Ortega  y 
Gasset.  Chapel  Hill :  The  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1970. 
Pp.  233. 

* '  La  commedia  dell  'arte  en  una  novela  de  Ana  Maria  Matute, ' ' 
Hispanofila,  40  (Fall  1970),  15-28. 

1 1  The  Novels  of  Ignacio  Aldecoa, ' '  Romance  Notes,  11 :  3  (Spring 
1970),  475-81. 

"Theater  and  Theories  of  Fernando  Arrabal,"  Kentucky  Ro- 
mance Quarterly,  16:  2  (1969),  143-54. 

' '  Three  New  Works  of  Dolores  Medio, ' '  Romance  Notes,  11 :  2 
(Winter  1969),  244-50. 

Review  of  Francisco  Ayala,  La  cabeza  del  cordero,  ed.,  Keith 
Ellis  (Englewood  Cliffs:  Prentice  Hall,  1968),  in  Hispania,  52:  1 
(March  1969),  170-81. 

Review  of  Ramon  Buckley,  Problemas  formales  en  la  novela 
espanola  contempordnea  (Barcelona:  Ediciones  Peninsula,  1968), 
in  Hispania,  52:  3  (September  1969),  528. 

Review  of  Ana  Maria  Matute,  Algunos  muchachos  (Barcelona: 
Ediciones  Destino,  1968),  in  Hispania,  52:  4  (December  1969), 

Review  of  Jesus  Fernandez  Santos,  El  hombre  de  los  santos 
(Barcelona :  Destino,  1969) ,  in  Hispania,  53  :  2  (May  1970) ,  340-41. 

Review  of  Miguel  Delibes,  Parabola  del  ndufrago  (Barcelona: 
Destino,  1969),  in  Hispania,  53:  4  (December  1970),  1024. 

Frank  Marion  Duffey 

Editor,  South  Atlantic  Bulletin. 

Alva  Vernon-  Ebersole,  Je. 
Editor,  Hispanofila. 
Editor,  E studios  de  Hispanofila. 

Cinco  cuentistas  contempordneos.  Englewood  Cliffs:  Prentice- 
Hall,  Inc.,  1969.  Pp.  viii,  213. 

Ed.  Calderon  de  la  Barca.  La  desdicha  de  la  voz.  2nd  edition. 
Estudios  de  Hispanofila,  3.  Madrid:  Editorial  Castalia,  1969.  Pp. 
xxiii,  139. 

Review  of  Everett  W.  Hesse,  Andlisis  e  inter pretacion  de  la 
comedia  (Madrid:  Editorial  Castalia,  1968),  in  South  Atlantic 
Bulletin,  35:  4  (November  1970),  38-39. 

Daniel  Bruce  Eisenberg 

1 '  Mas  datos  bibliograficos  sobre  libros  de  caballerias  espanoles, ' ' 
Revista  de  Liter atura,  34  (1970),  5-14. 



Alfred  Garvin  Engstrom 

"The  Man  Who  Thought  Himself  Made  of  Glass,  and  Certain 
Kelated  Images,"  Studies  in  Philology,  67:3  (July  1970),  390-405. 

"Introduction"  to  Emanuel  J.  Mickel  Jr.'s  The  Artificial 
Paradises  in  French  Literature:  I.  The  Influence  of  Opium  and 
Hashish  on  the  Literature  of  French  Romanticism  and  <(Les  Fleurs 
du  Mai."  University  of  North  Carolina  Studies  in  the  Komanee 
Languages  and  Literatures,  No.  84.  Chapel  Hill:  The  University 
of  North  Carolina  Press,  1969.  Pp.  13-17. 

Entries  on  Bertrand,  Chateaubriand,  Theophile  Gautier,  Victor 
Hugo,  Nerval  and  Nodier  in  "The  Romantic  Movement:  A  Selective 
and  Critical  Bibliography  for  1968,"  in  English  Language  Notes, 
7:  Supplement  to  No.  1  (September  1969),  60,  61-64,  69,  70-74, 

Entries  on  Ballanche,  Borel,  Chateuabriand,  Theophile  Gautier, 
Victor  Hugo,  Nerval  and  Nodier  in  "The  Romantic  Movement:  A 
Selective  and  Critical  Bibliography  for  1969,"  in  English  Language 
Notes,  8:  Supplement  to  No.  1  (September  1970),  58,  62,  63-66,  68- 
69,  70-72,  76-79. 

Review  of  Xavier  Marmier's  Journal;  etablissement  de  texte, 
presentation  et  notes  de  Eldon  Kaye  ...  (2  vol. ;  Geneve:  Librairie 
Droz,  1968),  in  The  French  Review,  43 :  3  (February  1970),  515-16. 

Eugene  Hannes  Falk 

"The  Formative  Effects  of  Romantic  Commitments,"  Sym- 
posium, 3-4  (Fall- Winter  1969),  225-34. 

"No  Exit  and  Who's  Afraid  of  Virginia  Woolf,  A  Thematic 
Comparison,"  Studies  in  Philology,  3  (July  1970),  406-17. 

I.  E.  Stirling  Haig 

Madame  de  Lafayette.  Twayne  World  Authors  Series,  No.  90. 
New  York :  Twayne  Publishers,  1970.  Pp.  164. 

"La  Fontaine's  Le  Loup  et  le  chien  as  a  Pedagogical  Instru- 
ment," The  French  Review,  42:  5  (April  1969),  701-5. 

"La  Comtesse  de  Tende  :  A  Singular  Heroine,"  Romance  Notes, 
10:  2  (Spring  1969),  311-16. 

"The  Madame  Bovary  Blues,"  The  Romance  Review,  41:  11 
(February  1970),  27-34. 

Review  of  H.  Peyre,  French  Novelists  of  Today  (New  York: 
Oxford  University  Press,  1967),  in  Studi  Francesi,  37  (January- 
April  1969),  184. 

Review  of  R.  C.  Dale,  The  Poetics  of  Prosper  Merimee  (The 
Hague  and  Paris:  Mouton,  1966),  in  L'Esprit  Createur,  9:  1 
(Spring  1969),  57. 



Review  of  M.  Adereth,  Commitment  in  Modern  French  Litera- 
ture (London:  Victor  Gollancz,  1967),  in  Studi  Francesi,  39 
(September-December  1969),  584. 

Review  of  R.  F.  Roeming,  Camus:  A  Bibliography  (Madison, 
Milwaukee,  and  London :  The  University  of  Wisconsin  Press, 
1968),  in  Studi  Francesi,  39  (September-December  1969),  594. 

Review  of  H.  Peyre,  Historical  and  Critical  Essays  (Lincoln: 
The  University  of  Nebraska  Press,  1968),  in  Studi  Francesi,  40 
(January- April  1970),  193-94. 

Review  of  Laurent  Le  Sage  et  Andre  Yon,  Dictionnaire  des 
Critiques  Litteraires:  Guide  de  la  Critique  Frangaise  du  XXe 
siecle  (University  Park  and  London:  The  Pennsylvania  State  Uni- 
versity Press,  1969),  in  Studi  Francesi,  41  (May- August  1970), 

Jacques  Hardee 

Editor-in-Chief,  The  French  Review. 

La  France  et  sa  Civilisation.  New  York :  Dodd,  Mead  and  Com- 
pany, 1969.  Pp.  592. 

Editor,  Les  Enfants  terribles,  by  Jean  Cocteau.  Waltham, 
Massachusetts :  Blaisdell  Publishing  Company,  1969.  Pp.  107. 

"Peguy  et  les  classiques, "  South  Atlantic  Bulletin,  34:  4  (No- 
vember 1969),  12-15. 

Review  of  H.  Sutton,  Marie  Noel:  Notes  for  Myself  (Ithaca, 
New  York:  Cornell  University  Press,  1968),  in  Modern  Language 
Journal,  54:  3  (March  1970),  206. 

Ueban  Tignee  Holmes 

Editor-in-Chief,  Romance  Notes. 

Editor-in-Chief,  University  of  North  Carolina  Studies  in  the 
the  Romance  Languages  and  Literatures. 

Chretien  de  Troyes.  New  York:  Twayne  Publishers  Inc.,  1970. 
Pp.  195. 

(With  Raymond  J.  Cormier.)  Editor,  Essays  in  Honor  of  Louis 
F.  Solano.  The  University  of  North  Carolina  Studies  in  the  Ro- 
mance Languages  and  Literatures,  No.  92.  Chapel  Hill:  The  Uni- 
versity of  North  Carolina  Press,  1970.  Pp.  203. 

"The  Kambriae  Descriptio  of  Gerald  the  Welshman,"  Meddi- 
evalia  et  Humanistica,  New  Series,  1  (1970),  217-31. 

Review  of  Paul  Barrette,  ed.,  Robert  de  Blois's  Floris  et 
Lyriope  (Los  Angeles:  University  of  California  Press,  1968),  in 
Speculum,  44  (October  1969),  619-20. 

Review  of  S.  J.  Borg,  ed.,  Aye  d' Avignon:  Chanson  de  geste 



anonyme  (Geneve:  Droz,  1967),  in  Speculum,  44  (October  1969), 

Review  of  Joseph  Gildea,  ed.,  Durmart  le  Gallois  (Villanova: 
Villanova  Press,  1965),  in  Speculum,  44  (October  1969),  640-42. 

Review  of  M.  D.  Lobel,  Historic  Towns  (London :  Lovel- Johns, 
1969),  in  Speculum,  45  (April  1970),  309-10. 

Review  of  G.  W.  Coopland,  ed.,  Philippe  de  Mezieres  (Cam- 
bridge: University  Press,  1969),  in  French  Review,  43  (May  1970), 

Review  of  Christopher  Storey,  ed.,  La  Vie  de  Saint  Alexis 
(Geneve:  Droz,  1968)  in  Speculum,  45  (April  1970),  327-29. 

Memoirs  (obituaries)  of  Bertram  Colgrave,  Ramon  Menendez- 
Pidal  and  Bruno  Nardi,  Speculum,  44  (July  1969),  528-530. 

Memoirs  of  Roy  J.  Deferrari  and  Alfred  Ewart,  Speculum,  45 
(July  1970),  519-20. 

Antonio  Illiano 

"A  View  of  the  Italian  Absurd  from  Pirandello  to  Eduardo  De 
Filippo,"  Proceedings  of  the  Comparative  Literature  Symposium,  3 
(Lubbock:  Texas  Technological  University,  1970),  55-76. 

' '  Per  una  visione  epica  del  paesaggio  nel  Cantar  de  Mio  Cid,  ' ' 
Romance  Notes,  11:  3  (1970),  666-69. 

Stuegis  Elleno  Leavitt 

"The  Teaching  of  Spanish  in  the  United  States,"  in  A  Hand- 
book for  Teachers  of  Spanish  and  Portuguese,  ed.,  Donald  D.  Walsh. 
New  York:  D.C.  Heath  and  Company,  1969.  Pp.  222-34. 

"The  Harvard  Council  on  Hispanic-American  Studies,"  in 
Studies  in  Honor  of  Samuel  Montefiore  Waxman,  ed.,  H.  H.  Golden. 
Boston :  Boston  University  Press,  1969.  Pp.  203-5. 

George  Mallary  Masters 

Rabelaisian  Dialectic  and  the  Platonic-Hermetic  Tradition.  Al- 
bany: State  University  of  New  York  Press,  1969.  Pp.  xi,  152. 

"Rabelais  and  Renaissance  Figure  Poems,"  Etudes  rabelai- 
siennes,  8  (1969),  51-68. 

"Thenaud  and  Dante,"  Dante  Studies,  88  (1970),  149-54. 

Maria  Antonia  Salgado 

"El  retrato  como  critica  literaria  en  Los  raros,"  Romance 
Notes,  11:  1  (Fall  1969),  30-35. 

' '  Teatro  de  ensueno  :  colaboraeion  modernista  de  Juan  Ramon 
Jimenez  y  G.  Martinez  Sierra,"  Hispanofila,  38  (January  1969), 



1 1  La  vision  humoristica  en  los  Retratos  de  Gomez  de  la  Serna, ' ' 
Papeles  de  Son  Armadans,  163  (October  1969) ,  15-25. 

"En  torno  a  una  pagina  olvidada  de  Juan  Ramon  Jimenez," 
South  Atlantic  Bulletin,  34  (November  1969),  9-11. 

1 '  Dos  caricaturas  liricas  de  Antonio  Machado, ' '  La  Torre,  17 : 
66  (October-December  1969),  90-97. 

Review  of  Weston  Flint,  Solana,  escritor  (Madrid:  Ediciones 
de  la  Revista  de  Occidente,  1967),  in  South  Atlantic  Bulletin,  34 
(November  1969),  26-27. 

Review  of  Ivan  A.  Schulman  y  Manuel  Pedro  Gonzalez,  Marti, 
Dario  y  el  Modernismo .  Prologo  de  Cintio  Vitier  (Madrid:  Editorial 
Gredos,  S.A.,  1969),  in  Hispanofila,  40  (September  1970),  69-70. 

Review  of  Jorge  Guillen,  Affirmation:  A  Bilingual  Anthology, 
1919-1966.  Translated,  with  notes,  by  Julian  Palley.  Introduction 
by  Jorge  Guillen  (Norman:  University  of  Oklahoma  Press,  1968), 
in  Modern  Language  Journal,  54:  7  (November  1970),  55. 

Aldo  Domenico  Scaglione 

Ars  Grammatical  A  Bibliographic  Survey,  Two  Essays  on  the 
Grammar  of  the  Latin  and  Italian  Subjunctive,  and  A  Note  on  the 
Ablative  Absolute.  Jannua  Linguarum,  Series  Minor,  No.  77.  The 
Hague-Paris;  Mouton,  1970.  Pp.  151. 

' '  Stile  e  pensiero  del  Barocco  f ra  arte  e  letteratura, ' '  in  Guarino 
Guarini  e  Vlnternazionalita  del  Barocco.  Volume  2.  Atti  del  Con- 
vegno  Internazionale,  Accademia  delle  Scienze  di  Torino,  1968. 
Torino:  Accademia  delle  Scienze,  1970.  Pp.  579-95. 

Review  of  C.  S.  Lewis,  The  Discarded  Image  (Cambridge  :  Cam- 
bridge University  Press,  1964),  in  Romance  Philology,  22  (1969), 

Review  of  F.  Onofri,  In  nome  del  padre  (Florence:  Vallecchi, 
1968),  in  Books  Abroad  (July  1969),  394. 

Review  of  Carlo  Dionisotti,  Gli  Umanisti  e  il  volgare  fra  Quattro 
e  Cinquecento  (Florence:  Le  Monnier,  1968),  in  Romance  Philol- 
ogy, 23  (1969),  120-23. 

Review  of  W.  Leonard  Grant,  Neo-Latin  Literature  and  the 
Pastoral  (Chapel  Hill:  University  of  North  Carolina  Press,  1965), 
in  Romance  Philology,  23  (1969),  244-46. 

Review  of  Boccaccio,  II  Corbaccio,  ed.,  T.  Nurmela  (Helsinki: 
Suomalainen  Tiedeakatemia,  1968),  in  Romance  Philology,  24:  2 
(1970),  369-70. 

Sterling  Aubrey  Stoudemire 

Translator,  Christian  Doctrine  for  the  Instruction  and  Informa- 



tion  of  the  Indians'  by  Pedro  de  Cordoba.  Coral  Gables:  University 
of  Miami  Press,  1970.  Pp.  152. 

"Refranes  que  aparecen  en  la  loteria  de  Espana  correspondi- 
entes  a  los  sorteos  de  1969,"  Hispania,  53  (May  1970),  313. 

Review  of  A.  Porqueras  Mayo,  El  prolog o  en  el  manierismo  y 
barroco  espanoles  (Madrid:  Consejo  Superior  de  Investigaciones 
Cientificas,  1968),  in  Hispania,  52  (1969),  326-27. 

Review  of  Ludger  Beauregard,  Toponymie  de  la  Region  Metro- 
politaine  de  Montreal  (Quebec:  Commission  de  Geographie,  1968), 
in  Names,  17  (September  1969),  238-39. 

Review  of  Donald  MeGrady,  Mateo  Alemdn  (New  York: 
Twayne,  Inc.,  1968),  in  Hispania,  52  (1969),  959-60. 

Feedeeick  Weight  Voglee 

Associate  editor,  The  University  of  North  Carolina  Studies  in 
the  Romance  Languages  and  Literatures. 

Review  of  Patricia  M.  Gathercole,  Laurent  de  Premierf ait's 
Des  cas  des  nobles  hommes  et  femmes  (Chapel  Hill:  University  of 
North  Carolina  Press,  1968),  in  French  Review,  43  (1970),  847-48. 

William  Leon  Wiley 

Review  of  Bernard  Quemada,  Les  Dictionnaires  du  frangais 
moderne,  1539-1863  (Etudes  Lexicologiques,  I.  Paris:  Marcel 
Didier,  1968),  in  French  Review,  43:  2  (December  1969),  394-95. 

Review  of  Andre  Stegmann,  L'Hero'isme  cornelien,  genese  et 
signification.  Tome  I:  Corneille  et  la  vie  litteraire  de  son  temps; 
Tome  II;  L'Europe  intellectuelle  et  le  theatre — signification  de 
Vheroisme  cornelien  (Paris:  Armand  Colin,  1968),  in  French  Re- 
view, 43  :6  (May  1970),  938-40. 

Dissertations  and  Theses 

The  following  doctoral  dissertations  were  completed  under  the  di- 
rection of  the  department : 

David  Latjei  Andeeson 

The  Development  of  an  Heloise  Motif  and  La  Nouvelle  Heloise. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  Lane  Frautschi.) 

Diana  Lynne  Apostolides 

Voltaire's  Lisbonne  and  Loi  Poems:  A  Quantitative  Approach 
To  The  Problem  of  the  Variants.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Richard  Lane  Frautschi.) 



Margaret  Dixon  Osborne  Bender 

Li  Torneiment  Anticrist  by  Huon  de  Meri :  A  Critical  Edition. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Urban  Tigner  Holmes,  Jr.) 

Sandra  Lou  Brown 

Tirso  de  Molina:  His  Treatment  of  Medieval  Spanish  History. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Sturgis  Elleno  Leavitt.) 

Henry  Ashton  Garrity 

Anti- Classical  Dramatic  Criticism  in  France,  1671-1736.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  William  Leon  Wiley.) 

Carol  Ann  Gorin 

Imagery  in  Cliges.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Urban  Tigner 
Holmes,  Jr.) 

Roberta  Joyce  Lieb  Thiher 

The  Quantitative  Moral  Universe  in  Six  Tales  by  the  Marquis 
de  Sade.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  Lane  Frautschi.) 

Fleming  Greene  Vinson 

A  Critical  Bibliography  of  the  Spanish  Pastoral  Novel  (1599- 
1633).  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Sterling  Aubrey  Stoude- 


The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department: 

Silvia  Gonzalez-Qttevedo  Alonso 

Enrique  Jose  Varona  y  Sus  Articulos  Literarios.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Lawrence  Albright  Sharpe.) 

Ann  Louise  Alston 

Hand  Images  in  Paul  Eluard's  Poetic  Works.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Jacques  Hardre.) 

Helen  Huntley  Aull 

The  Imagery  in  Les  Fleurs  du  Mai :  A  Study  of  Its  Nature  and 
Function.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Alfred  Garvin  Engstrom.) 

Anna  Kathryn  Baker 

An  Essay  and  a  Critical  Bibliography  Concerning  Studies  on 
Balzac's  Mystical  Novels,  Louis  Lambert  and  Seraphita.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Alfred  Garvin  Engstrom.) 



Mary  Jane  Bandy 

A  Study  of  Eyes  in  Racinian  Tragedy.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  George  Bernard  Daniel,  Jr.) 

Mary  Louise  Beasley 

Character  Relationships  in  Three  Novels  of  Marivaux.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Richard  Lane  Frautschi.) 

Charlene  Glassell  Blair 

The  Image  of  the  Child  in  the  Prose  of  Juan  Ramon  Jimenez. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Maria  Antonia  Salgado.) 

Judith  Ellen  Blumenreich 

Madrid  and  Pilares :  The  Portrayal  of  Two  Spanish  Cities  in  the 
Novels  of  Ramon  Perez  de  Ayala.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of 
Sterling  Aubrey  Stoudemire.) 

Eladio  Peter  Bolanos 

Ricardo  Palma's  Attitude  Toward  The  Clergy.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Andre  Stanislow  Michalski  and  Sturgis  Elleno 

Candis  Virginia  Boyer 

The  Salon  of  Madame  de  Rambouillet.  (1969,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  George  Bernard  Daniel,  Jr.) 

Constance  Nock  Brown 

Rhetorical  Elements  in  Two  Novels  by  Ana  Maria  Matute: 
Primera  Memoria  and  Los  Soldados  Lloran  de  Noche.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Janet  Winecoff  Diaz.) 

Nancy  Gardner  Carter 

The  Epic  Theories  of  Paul  Meyer.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Urban  Tigner  Holmes,  Jr.) 

Patricia  Elizabeth  Caver 

Critical  Opinion  on  Les  Soirees  de  Medan.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Alfred  Garvin  Engstrom.) 

Karen  Nordenhaug  Ciholas 

Andre  Gide's  Les  Faux-Monnayeurs  •  A  Thematic  Analysis. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Eugene  Hannes  Falk.) 




Similes  and  Metaphors  in  the  Rimas  of  Gustavo  Alolfo  Becquer. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Sterling  Aubrey  Stoudemire.) 

Richard  Eeid  Cristofoletti 

God,  Time,  and  the  Poet  in  Manuel  Alcantara's  La  Mitad  Del 
Tiempo.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Janet  Winecoff  Diaz.) 

Joseph  Robert  Danos 

The  William  of  Orange  Cycle  and  the  Oxford  Roland  in  Joseph 
Bedier's  Les  Legendes  Epiques.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Ur- 
ban Tigner  Holmes,  Jr.) 

David  Samuel  Diaz 

Los  Extasis  de  la  Montana  de  Julio  Herrera  y  Reissig.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Andre  Stanislow  Michalski.) 

John  Eric  Diehl 

An  Analysis  of  Form,  Language,  and  Humour  in  Luis  Martin- 
Santos'  Novel,  Tiempo  de  Silencio.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Pablo  Gil  Casado.) 

Ollie  Robert  Emory 

The  Twilight  of  an  Era  Expressed  in  Entertainment :  Dangeau 's 
Journal  (1684-1700).  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  George  Ber- 
nard Daniel,  Jr.) 

Mary  Fitts  Finch 

Research  For  a  Definition  of  the  Term  "Senecan":  The  In- 
fluence of  Senecan  Tragedy  on  Sixteenth-Century  Spanish  Tragedy. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Alva  Vernon  Ebersole,  Jr.) 

Alfred  Garrett  Fralin 

Marcel  Pagnol's  Theory  of  Laughter  in  Relation  to  His  Theater. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Eugene  Hannes  Falk.) 

Carson  McKnight  Freeman 

The  Dedications  and  Prologues  of  Miguel  de  Cervantes  Saavedra. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Sterling  Aubrey  Stoudemire.) 

Pamela  Alexander  Gill 

History  and  Legend  in  the  Plays  of  Juan  Eugenio  Hartzenbusch. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Sterling  Aubrey  Stoudemire.) 



Nelida  Romero  Gonzalez 

La  Historia  de  Espana  en  Los  Dramas  de  Eduardo  Marquina. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Maria  Antonia  Salgado  and  Wil- 
liam Albert  McKnight.) 

Arnhilda  Badia  Gonzalez-Quevedo 

Bibliografia  Critica  del  Drama  Roman tico  En  Espana.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Sterling  Aubrey  Stoudemire.) 

Benito  Bamon  Gonzalez-Quevedo 

El  Elemento  Autobiografico  y  el  Pensamiento  Politico-Social  de 
Carlos  Loveira  en  Sus  Novelas.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Law- 
rence Albright  Sharpe.) 

Walter  Franklin  Greenleaf 

Modes  of  Persuasion  in  Diderot's  La  Religieuse.  (1970,  under 
the  direction  of  Richard  Lane  Frautschi.) 

Georgia  Augherton  Gurney 

The  Vicious  Mentor  in  Three  Eighteenth  Century  French 
Novels.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  Lane  Frautschi.) 

Marie  Royce  Hayes 

The  Architecture  of  Baudelaire's  Les  Fleurs  du  Mai.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Alfred  Garvin  Engstrom.) 

Carole  Ann  Head 

Pierre  Champion's  Theories  on  Fifteenth-Century  French 
Poetry.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Urban  Tigner  Holmes,  Jr.) 

Mary  Joyner  Henry 

Francois  Villon:  A  Survey  of  Scholarly  Material  Published 
Since  1937,  A  Supplement  to  Etat  Present  des  Etudes  sur  Villon 
by  Louis  Cons,  1936.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Urban  Tigner 
Holmes,  Jr.) 

Carol  McAllister  Hoyle 

Bran  tome's  Criticism  of  His  Age.  (1969,  under  the  direction 
of  William  Leon  Wiley.) 

Kaye  Vaden  Hughes 

Contributions  of  Edward  Billings  Ham  To  Old  French  Studies. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  Urban  Tigner  Holmes,  Jr.) 



Luis  Antonio  Jimenez 

Elementos  Decadentes  en  la  Prosa  de  Julian  del  Casal.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  Maria  Antonia  Salgado.) 

Robert  Nelson  Jolley 

Men's  Literary  Circles  in  the  Seventeenth  Century.  (1969,  un- 
der the  direction  of  George  Bernard  Daniel,  Jr.) 

Beverly  Humphries  Jones 

Villiers  de  L 'Isle-Adam :  A  Review  of  Criticism  of  Axel  and  the 
Conies  Cruels.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Alfred  Garvin  Eng- 

Suzanne  Elizabeth  Jones 

Marguerite  Duras'  Moderato  Cantahile:  A  Thematic  Analysis. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Eugene  Hannes  Falk.) 

Cheryl  Kay  Kaetzel 

Symbolic  Landscape  in  the  Novels  of  Guy  de  Maupassant.  (1970, 
under  the  direction  of  Alfred  Garvin  Engstrom.) 

Marie- Cecile  Kast 

The  Crucifixion  in  Les  theor ernes  by  Jean  de  la  Ceppede.  (1969, 
under  the  direction  of  George  Bernard  Daniel,  Jr.) 

Janet  Octavia  Knight 

A  Glossary  of  Americanisms  found  in  Supplementary  Text- 
books. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Frank  Marion  Duffey.) 

Sandra  Dotson  Lawrence 

A  Critical  Survey  and  Analysis  of  Studies  on  the  French  Roman 
Noir  from  1900-1969.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Alfred  Garvin 

Deborah  Nichols  Losse 

The  Concept  of  the  Child  in  the  Works  of  Charles  Baudelaire. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Alfred  Garvin  Engstrom.) 

Mildred  Chastain  Lupton 

Analysis  of  Volume  I,  Part  I  of  Journal  Litter  aire  d'Allemagne, 
de  Suisse  et  du  Nord.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  Lane 



Richard  Bryan  Lupton 

The  comedia  de  magia  in  Spain  in  the  Eighteenth  Century. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Sterling  Aubrey  Stoudemire.) 

Sheila  Jean  McCoy 

Aspects  of  the  Baroque  in  Les  Theoremes  of  Jean  de  la  Ceppede. 
(1969,  under  the  direction  of  George  Bernard  Daniel,  Jr.) 

Mark  Daniel  McLean 

The  Use  of  Color  in  the  Poetry  of  Nicolas  Guillen.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Maria  Antonia  Salgado.) 

Salwa  Ellias  Mishriky 

Du  Cid  a  Polyeucte,  Avec  le  Heros  Cornelien.  (1969,  under  the 
direction  of  George  Bernard  Daniel,  Jr.) 

Harold  Hamilton  Norvell,  Jr. 

Maurice  Wilmotte :  The  Origins  and  Evolution  of  the  French 
Novel  to  the  Twelfth  Century.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Urban 
Tigner  Holmes,  Jr.) 

Victoria  Felicia  Thorogood  Owen 

Some  Borrowing  Techniques  in  Voltaire's  La  Vie  de  Moliere. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Richard  Lane  Fraustchi.) 

Carolyn  Woods  Owens 

Personal  Names  in  the  Quijote:  Use,  Origin,  and  Significance. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Sterling  Aubrey  Stoudemire.) 

Lola  Janet  Parker 

Narrative  Voices  in  Four  of  Diderot's  Conies.  (1970,  under  the 
direction  of  Kichard  Lane  Fraustchi.) 

Carlos  Alberto  Perez 

The  Komantic  Drama  in  Spain:  A  Critical  Bibliography  (1920- 
1940).  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Sterling  Aubrey  Stoude- 

Frances  Hubertine  Pfotenhauer 

Dostoevsky  and  Camus.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Alfred 
Garvin  Engstrom.) 

Sister  Mary  Eosalind  Picot,  R.S.M. 

The  Vocation  of  Woman  chez  Claudel  and  Teilhard:  A  Com- 
parison. (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Jacques  Hardre.) 



Elizabeth  Trapnell  Pierce 

Images  of  Modernity  in  the  Poetry  of  Guillaume  Apollinaire. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Alfred  Garvin  Engstrom.) 

Joe  Dennis  Sanchez 

A  Catalogue  of  the  Catalan  Drama  Collection  in  the  Library  of 
the  University  of  North  Carolina.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Sterling  Aubrey  Stoudemire.) 

Frances  Joan  Shamberg 

The  Farces  of  Garcia  Lorca.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Wil- 
liam Albert  McKnight.) 


Supervivencia  de  los  Komances  Tradicionales  Espanoles  en 
Cuba,  Santo  Domingo  y  Puerto  Rico.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Maria  Antonia  Salgado.) 

Susie  Snedegar 

Cervantes'  Use  of  Spanish  History  in  Don  Quijote.  (1969,  under 
the  direction  of  Sterling  Aubrey  Stoudemire.) 

Arden  Grant  Stevens 

Lyric  Poetry  of  Ramon  del  Valle-Inclan.  (1970,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Maria  Antonia  Salgado.) 

Marietta  Emilia  Tucci 

Benito  Perez  Galdos :  Novela  to  Drama,  a  Comparative  Study. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  Sterling  Aubrey  Stoudemire.) 

William  Edward  Walton  III 

The  French  Poetry  of  Jacques  Vallee,  Sieur  des  Barreaux, 
Prince  des  Libertins.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  George  Bernard 
Daniel,  Jr.) 

Marjolijn  Benee  Werman 

Religion,  Education,  The  Court  and  Private  Life  as  Seen 
Through  the  Correspondence  (from  1665-1701)  of  Madame  de 
Main  tenon.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  George  Bernard  Daniel, 

Ulrich  Klaus  Wesche 

The  Paradox  in  the  Drama  of  Giraudoux.  (1969,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Eugene  Hannes  Falk.) 



Richard  Franklin  Williams 

A  Criticism  of  the  Translations  Rendered  into  English  from  the 
Poetry  of  Antonio  Machado.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of  Janet 
Winecoff  Diaz.) 

Trela  Charles  Wilson 

Some  Quantitative  Components  In  a  Tentative  Listing  of  French 
Prose  Fiction  From  1760  through  1765.  (1970,  under  the  direction 
of  Richard  Lane  Frautschi.) 

Alexander  Walker  Worth 

Illusion  in  Charles  Sorel's  Histoire  Comique  de  Francion. 
(1970,  under  the  direction  of  George  Bernard  Daniel,  Jr.) 


Paul  Debreczeny 

(With  Jesse  Zeldin.)  Translator  and  editor,  Literature  and  Na- 
tional Identity:  Nineteenth-Century  Russian  Critical  Essays.  Lin- 
coln :  The  University  of  Nebraska  Press,  1970.  Pp.  XXIII,  188. 

4 4 The  Reception  of  Pushkin's  Poetic  Works  in  the  1820s :  A 
Study  of  the  Critic's  Role,"  Slavic  Review,  28 :  3  (September  1969), 

Review  of  Nina  Christesen,  ed.,  Melbourne  Slavonic  Studies 
(Melbourne,  Australia:  The  University  of  Melbourne,  1967),  in 
Comparative  Literature,  21:  2  (Spring  1969),  166-68. 

Review  of  Hans  Giinther,  Das  Groteske  bei  N.  V.  Gogol':  For- 
men  und  Funktionen  (Munchen:  Otto  Sagner,  1968),  in  The  Slavic 
and  East  European  Journal,  14:  1  (Spring  1970),  88. 

Review  of  Tamas  Aczel,  The  Ice  Age  (New  York:  Simon  and 
Schuster,  1965)  and  George  Gomori  and  Charles  Newman,  New 
Writing  of  East  Europe  (Chicago:  Quadrangle  Books,  1968),  in 
Slavic  Review,  29:  3  (September  1970),  560-61. 

Tadeusz  Zdzislaw  Gasinski 

' '  A  New  Look  at  the  Question  of  the  Czech  Influence  in  the  Lan- 
guage of  Sime  Budinic,"  Journal  of  Croatian  Studies,  9-10  (1969), 

' '  Existentialist  Tendencies  in  Recent  Polish  Poetry, ' '  The  Slavic 
and  East  European  Journal,  15:  1  (March  1970),  348-57. 

''A  Croatian  Poetic  Echo  of  King  John  III  Sobieski's  Victory 
at  Vienna,"  The  Polish  Review,  15:  1  (1970),  46-52. 



Vasa  D.  Mihailovich 

Editor,  the  Soviet  Number  of  The  Literary  Review,  13:  3 
(1970).  P.  144. 

Co-editor,  The  Contemporary  Croatian  Poetry  Number  of  The 
Bridge  (Zagreb),  19-20  (1970),  p.  111. 

"Vasko  Popa:  The  Poetry  of  Things  in  a  Void,"  Books  Abroad, 
43:  1  (1969),  24-29. 

1 1  The  Critical  Reception  of  Anna  Akhmatova, ' '  Papers  on  Lan- 
guage and  Literature,  5:  1  (1969),  95-111. 

"Milovan  Djilas, "  Encyclopedia  Americana,  1969,  p.  220. 

"Half  a  Century  of  Soviet  Literature :  A  Balance  Sheet,"  South- 
ern Humanities  Review,  3:  3  (1969),  271-87. 

"Classical  Myth  in  Contemporary  Serbian  Drama,"  Modern 
Drama,  12:  3  (1969),  254-59.  Translated  into  Serbo-Croatian  as 
"Klasican  mit  u  savremenoj  srpskoj  prozi,"  Scena  (Belgrade), 
6:  3  (1970),  17-22. 

"Contemporary  Serbian  Drama:  Several  Layers  of  Reality," 
Modern  Drama,  12:  4  (1970),  370-76.  Translated  into  Serbo-Cro- 
atian as  "Savremena  srpska  drama:  Nekoliko  slojeva  realnosti," 
Scena  (Belgrade),  6:  3  (1970),  23-28. 

"Soviet  Literature  Today:  The  Struggle  Between  David  and 
Goliath,"  The  Literary  Review,  13:  3  (1970),  277-86. 

"Osip  Mandelshtam  and  His  Critics,"  Papers  on  Language 
and  Literature,  6:  3  (1970),  323-35. 

Review  of  Dmitrij  Tschizevskij,  Vergleichende  Geschichte  der 
slavischen  Literaturen  (Berlin:  Walter  de  Gruyter,  1968),  in  The 
Slavic  and  East  European  Journal,  13 :  1  (1969),  95-96. 

Review  of  Horst  Lampl,  Das  Fruhwerk  Michail  Prisvins:  Stu- 
dien  zur  Erzahltechnik  (Wien,  1968),  in  The  Slavic  and  East 
European  Journal,  13:  2  (1969),  246. 

Review  of  Dragoslava  Perisic,  Goethe  bei  den  Serben  (Miin- 
chen:  Otto  Sagner,  1968),  in  The  Slavic  and  East  European  Jour- 
nal, 13:  3  (1969),  399-400. 

Review  of  Anton  Hiersche  and  Edward  Kowalski,  eds.,  Kon- 
turen  und  Perspektiven:  Zum  Menschenbild  in  der  Gegenwartslit- 
eratur  der  Sovjetunion  und  der  Deutschen  Demokratischen  Re- 
publik  (Berlin:  Akademie-Verlag,  1969),  in  The  Slavic  and  East 
European  Journal,  14:  3  (1970),  369-70. 

Review  of  Miroslav  Krleza,  The  Return  of  Philip  Latinovicz 
(New  York:  Vanguard,  1969),  in  Saturday  Review,  (November  15r 
1969),  48. 

Review  of  Milan  Kundera,  The  Joke  (New  York:  Coward- 
McCann,  1969),  in  Saturday  Review  (December  20,  1969),  31-32. 



Keview  of  Witold  Gombrowicz,  Cosmos  (New  York:  Grove, 

1969)  ,  in  Saturday  Review  (February  28,  1970),  43. 

Review  of  Leopold  Buczkowski,  Black  Torrent;  Tadeusz  Kon- 
wicki,  A  Dreambook  for  Our  Time ;  Stanislaw  Dygat,  Cloak  of  Il- 
lusion (Cambridge:  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology  Press, 

1970)  ,  in  Saturday  Review  (June  20,  1970),  43-44. 

Review  of  Milivoj  Slavicek,  Soneti,  pjesme  o  ljubavi  i  ostale 
pjesme  (Cakovec:  Ogranak  Matice  hrvatske,  1967),  in  Books 
Abroad,  43:  1  (1969),  137-38. 

Eeview  of  Radovan  Pavlovski,  Visoko  pladne  (Skopje:  Koco 
Racin,  1967),  in  Books  Abroad,  43  :  1  (1969),  138. 

Review  of  Erih  Kos,  Mrese  (Novi  Sad:  Matica  Srpska,  1967),  in 
Books  Abroad,  43 :  1  (1969),  138-39. 

Review  of  Mihailo  Lalic,  Posljednje  brdo  (Beograd:  Nolit, 
1967),  in  Books  Abroad,  43:  1  (1969),  139. 

Review  of  Andrej  Hieng,  Gozd  in  Pecina  (Ljubljana:  Slovenska 
matica,  1966),  in  Books  Abroad,  43:  1  (1969),  139-40. 

Review  of  Pavle  Zidar,  Oce  nas  (Maribor:  Zalozba  Obzorja, 

1967)  ,  in  Books  Abroad,  43:  1  (1969),  140. 

Review  of  Sveta  Lukic,  Savremena  jugoslovenska  literatura 
1945-1965  (Beograd:  Prosveta,  1968),  in  Books  Abroad,  43:  2 
(1969),  287. 

Review  of  Milivoje  Perovic,  Dan  osmi  (Beograd:  The  Author, 

1968)  ,  in  Books  Abroad,  43:  2  (1969),  287. 

Review  of  Pavle  Zidar,  Marija  Magdalena  (Maribor:  Zalozba 
Obzorja,  1968),  in  Books  Abroad,  43:  2  (1969),  288. 

Review  of  Predrag  Palavestra,  Novi  Jevandjelisti  (Sarajevo: 
Svjetlost,  1968),  in  Books  Abroad,  43:  3  (1969),  443. 

Review  of  Pavle  Zidar,  Barakarji  (Maribor :  Zalozba  Obzorja, 
1968),  in  Books  Abroad,  43:  3  (1969),  445. 

Review  of  Risto  Trifkovic,  Savremena  knjizevnost  u  Bosni  i 
Hercegovini  (Sarajevo:  Svjetlost,  1968),  in  Books  Abroad,  43:  4 
(1969),  627. 

Review  of  Ciril  Zlobec,  Pesme  jezi  in  ljubezni  (Koper :  Lipa, 

1968)  ,  in  Books  Abroad,  43:4  (1969),  627-28. 

Review  of  Ante  Stamac,  Smjer  (Zagreb  :  Razlog,  1968),  in  Books 
Abroad,  44:  1  (1970),  152-53. 

Review  of  Vlada  Urosevik,  Znaci  (Skopje:  Misla,  1969),  in 
Books  Abroad,  44:  1  (1970),  153. 

Review  of  Blaze  Koneski,  Reke/Reki  (Beograd/Skopje :  Pros- 
veta/Kultura,  1968),  in  Books  Abroad,  44:  1  (1970),  153. 

Review  of  Pavle  Zidar,  Stanja  (Ljubljana:  Cankarjeva  zalozba, 

1969)  ,  in  Books  Abroad,  44:  1  (1970),  155-56. 



Review  of  Drago  Ivanisevic,  Glasine  (Zagreb:  Naprijed,  1969), 
in  Books  Abroad,  44:  2  (1970),  336. 

Review  of  Miodrag  Drugovac,  Sovremenici  (Skopje:  Misla, 
1969),  in  Books  Abroad,  44:  2  (1970),  336. 

Review  of  Mateja  Matejic,  ed.,  Na  stazama  izbeglickim  (Mel- 
bourne: Sprpska  Misao,  1969),  in  Books  Abroad,  44:  2  (1970),  337. 

Review  of  Pavle  Zidar,  Jugo  (Maribor,  Zalozba  Obzorja,  1969), 
in  Books  Abroad,  44:  2  (1970),  337-38. 

Review  of  Milivoj  Slavicek,  Purpurna  pepeljara,  naime  to  i  to 
(Zagreb:  Naprijed,  1969),  in  Books  Abroad,  44:  3  (1970),  508-9. 

Review  of  Milan  Gurcinov,  Makedonski  pisateli  (Skopje:  Misla, 
1969),  in  Books  Abroad,  44:  3  (1970),  509. 

Review  of  Lojze  Kovacic,  Decek  in  smrt  (Ljubljana:  Drzavna 
zalozba  Solvenije,  1969),  in  Books  Abroad,  44:  3  (1970),  511-12. 

Review  of  Ante  Kadic,  From  Croatian  Renaissance  to  Yugo- 
slav Socialism  (The  Hague:  Mouton,  1969),  in  Books  Abroad,  44:  4 
(1970),  689. 

Review  of  Paul  L.  Horecky,  ed.,  Southeastern  Europe:  A  Guide 
to  Basic  Publications  (Chicago:  University  of  Chicago  Press, 
1969),  in  College  and  Research  Libraries,  31:  6  (1970),  418-19. 

(With  Ronald  Moran  and  Charles  David  Wright.)  Translator 
of  89  poems  included  in  The  Bridge:  Postwar  Croatian  Poetry, 
19-20  (Zagreb,  Yugoslavia,  1970). 

Translator  of  4  poems  in  the  Russian  Number  of  The  Literary 
Review,  13:  3  (1970). 

Translator  of  3  poems  in  Four  Yugoslav  Poets,  Charles  Simic, 
ed.  Northwood  Narrows:  Lillabulero  Press,  1970. 

Walter  Neef  Vickeey 

An  XVIIIth  Century  Russian  Reader,  introd.  ed.  with  C.  L. 
Drage.  London :  Oxford  University  Press,  1969.  P.  346. 

Alexander  Pushkin.  New  York :  Twayne  Publishers,  1970.  P.  211. 

" Recent  Soviet  Research  on  the  Events  Leading  to  Pushkin's 
Death,"  Slavic  and  East  European  Journal,  14:  4  (Winter  1970), 
488-502.  (Review  Article). 

Review  of  Alexander  Steininger,  Literatur  TJnd  Politik  in  Der 
Sowjetunion  Nach  Statins  Tod  (Wiesbaden;  Otto  Harrassowitz, 
1965),  in  Slavic  Review,  29:  1  (March  1970),  144-45. 


The  following  masters'  theses  were  completed  under  the  direction 
of  the  department : 



Curtis  A.  McMichael 

Leontiev's  Aesthetic  Kealism.  (1969,  under  the  direction  of  Paul 

Martin  Hammond  Yiolette 

The  Poetry  of  Mikhail  Kuzmin.  (1970,  under  the  direction  of 
Vasa  D.  Mihailovich.) 


Eugene  D.  Anderson 

" Hypnosis:  Some  Clinical  Implications  for  Social  Workers,'' 
The  Journal  of  the  American  Institute  of  Hypnosis,  2:  2  1970, 

Arthur  Emil  Fink 

"Authority  in  the  Correctional  Process,"  in  Probation  and 
Parole:  Selected  Readings,  eds.,  R.  M.  Carter  and  L.  T.  Wilkins. 
New  York:  John  Wiley  and  Sons,  1970.  Pp.  353-63. 

' 1  The  Development  of  Social  Services  in  Child  Care  Institutions 
in  North  Carolina  and  South  Carolina  1790-1950,"  University  of 
North  Carolina  Newsletter  (June  1969). 

Review  of  F.  H.  McClintock  and  N.  Howard  Avison,  Crime  in 
England  and  Wales  (New  York:  Humanities  Press,  1968),  in 
Federal  Probation,  33:  4  (December  1969),  65. 

Review  of  Alvin  Schorr,  Explorations  in  Social  Policy  (New 
York:  Basic  Books,  1968),  in  Annals  of  the  American  Academy  of 
Political  and  Social  Science,  383  (May  1969),  208-9. 

Samuel  H.  Fudge 

Living  with  Today 9 s  Teenager.  Durham:  Moore  Publishing 
Company,  1970.  Pp.  109. 

Paula  Goldsmid 

Review  of  Nicholas  Alex,  Black  in  Blue:  A  Study  of  the  Negro 
Policeman  (New  York:  Appleton-Century-Crofts,  1969),  in  Social 
Forces,  49 :  2  (December  1970),  325. 

H.  Carlisle  Henley,  Jr. 

(With  A.  L.  Johnson.)  Multidisciplinary  Perspectives  on  Inter- 
dependences Among  the  Elements  in  One  Type  of  Outpatient  Sys- 



tern.  Progress  Report  on  a  Study  of  Ten  Outpatient  Tuberculosis 
Clinics  in  Three  Metropolitan  Areas,  submitted  to  the  National 
Tuberculosis  and  Respiratory  Disease  Association.  Copyright  1969 
by  Albert  L.  Johnson.  Pp.  144. 

Albekt  L.  Johnson 

(With  H.  Carlisle  Henley,  Jr.)  Multidisciplinary  Perspectives 
on  Inter  dependencies  Among  the  Elements  in  One  Type  of  Out- 
patient System.  Progress  Report  on  a  Study  of  Ten  Outpatient 
Tuberculosis  Clinics  in  Three  Metropolitan  Areas,  submitted  to  the 
National  Tuberculosis  and  Respiratory  Disease  Association.  Copy- 
right 1969  by  Albert  L.  Johnson.  Pp.  144. 

Alan  Keith-Lucas 

Editor,  Chapel  Hill  Workshop  Reports,  1969  and  1970. 

"  Structures  in  Traditional  Agencies  for  Crisis-Intervention  to 
Aid  the  Dependent  Child  in  Trouble,"  Child  Welfare,  48:  7  (July 
1969),  420-22,  431. 

" Suffering  and  Intercessory  Prayer  in  the  Helping  Process," 
Crucible,  5:  3  (March  1970),  45-50. 

"The  Chapel  Hill  Workshops:  The  First  Twenty-five  Years," 
Chapel  Hill  Workshop  Reports,  Part  II  (1969),  53-61. 

"The  Church  Children's  Home  in  a  Changing  World,"  Ten- 
nessee Welfare  Record,  33:  4  (August  1970),  84-88. 

Final  Professional  Papers 

The  following  Studies  in  Social  Work  Process  were  completed  and 
are  bound  in  volumes  indicated  by  master's  degree  candidates 
under  the  direction  of  the  school: 

Mary  Alice  Adams 

Social  Group  Work  With  Parents  of  Emotionally  Disturbed  Pre- 
schoolers: An  Attempt  To  Change  Parent-Child  Interaction 
Through  A  Synthesized  Model  of  Intervention.  (1970,  Vol.  I,  under 
the  direction  of  Hansel  H.  Hollingsworth.  ) 

Rufus  Agnew 

The  Use  Of  Indigenous  Personnel  In  Social  Work.  (1970,  Vol.  I, 
under  the  direction  of  Morris  H.  Cohen.) 

George  Alan  Appleby 

The  Application  Of  The  Behavior  Modification  Techniques  Rein- 
forcement And  Modeling  To  Social  Work  Practice.  (1970,  Vol.  I, 
under  the  direction  of  Janice  H.  Schopler.) 



Jeannetta  Dickey  Arnette 

The  Child  Guidance  Clinic  And  The  Multi-Problem  Family. 
(1969,  Vol.  I,  under  the  direction  of  Barbara  H.  Cleaveland.) 

Jean  E.  Avera 

Cotherapy:  An  Application  To  Therapeutic  And  Training  Sit- 
uations. (1970,  Vol.  I,  under  the  direction  of  Maeda  J.  Galinsky.) 

Grace  Mewborn  Aycock 

Comprehensive  Services  For  The  Adolescent  Unwed  Mother 
Who  Keeps  Her  Child.  (1969,  Vol.  I,  under  the  direction  of  Gerald 
A.  Southerland.) 

Melvin  B.  Baker 

What  Happens  To  People  In  An  Urban  Eedevelopment  Area 
And  The  Role  Of  A  Community  Development  Center.  (1970,  Vol. 
I,  under  the  direction  of  Georgie  P.  Hughes.) 

Victor  S.  Batchelor 

Containing  The  Will  To  Help  In  Offering  Casework  Help  To 
An  Alcoholic.  (1969,  Vol.  I,  under  the  direction  of  Ellen  E. 
Power.  ) 

Dorothy  Beamon 

Clarification  And  Behavior  Therapy  In  Marriage  Counseling. 
(1970,  Vol.  I,  under  the  direction  of  Jane  C.  Parker.) 

Jeane  R.  Bibb 

The  Impact  Of  The  Speech  Or  Hearing  Impaired  Child  On  The 
Family  And  The  Application  Of  Social  Work  Strategies  .(1970, 
Vol.  I,  under  the  direction  of  Philip  W.  Cooke.) 

Mary  Ann  E.  Black 

School  Desegregation  And  The  Black  Social  Worker.  (1970, 
Vol.  I,  under  the  direction  of  Andrew  W.  Dobelstein.) 

Bobby  K.  Boyd 

The  Utilization  Of  Games  As  A  Creative  Component  Of  The 
Casework  Process  With  Children.  (1969,  Vol.  I,  under  the  direction 
of  Barbara  H.  Cleaveland.) 

Catherine  Davis  Bridwell 

Co-Therapy  In  Social  Work.  (1970,  Vol.  II,  nnder  the  direction 
of  Frederic  a  Harrison.) 



Everett  R.  Burnette  and  Virginia  Deal 

Teaching  Paraprofessionals  Socio-Behavioral  Techniques.  (1970, 
Vol.  II,  under  the  directtion  of  Philip  W.  Cooke.) 

Lee  E.  Cage 

Social  Work  And  The  Use  of  Authority  In  Prison.  (1970,  Vol. 
II,  under  the  direction  of  Sylvia  K.  Polgar.) 

Hope  Harrison  Cain 

Time  As  An  Element  And  Timing  As  A  Preventive  Measure 
In  Short-Term  Casework.  (1969,  Vol.  I,  under  the  direction  of 
Alsi  R.  McKinnon.) 

Linda  Sue  Cannon 

A  Comparison  Of  Thomas  Burns'  And  G.  M.  Stalker's  Or- 
ganizational Model  For  Concerns  Dealing  "With  Unfamiliar  Solu- 
tions And  Unstable  Conditions  And  The  Organizational  Structure 
Of  The  Community  Action  Agencies.  (1970,  Vol.  II,  under  the  di- 
rection of  Weston  A.  Hare.) 

Susan  Carithers 

Interorganizational  Corporation.  (1969,  Vol.  IV,  under  the 
direction  of  Andrew  W.  Dobelstein.) 

Narviar  Clemencta  Cathcart 

Analysis  Of  A  Rehabilitation  Center  For  Alcoholics  Focusing 
On  The  "Treatment  Staff"  And  Its  Relation  To  Achieving  The 
Goal  Of  Rehabilitation  For  The  Inmates.  (1970,  Vol.  II,  under  the 
direction  of  Janice  H.  Schopler.) 

Glenina  H.  Chesnut 

Dependency  As  A  Factor  In  Physical  Illness :  Implications  For 
Social  Work.  (1970,  Vol.  II,  under  the  direction  of  Arthur  Emil 
Fink.  ) 

Harold  L.  Cook 

The  Nature  Of  Investigation  In  Social  Work  And  Social  Strati- 
fication Theory.  (1970,  Vol.  II,  under  the  direction  of  Gerald  M. 

Louise  T.  Copeland 

Chronic  Inebriacy :  A  Problem  For  The  Police  Courts  Or  Public 
Health  Department?  (1969,  Vol.  I,  under  the  direction  of  Albert 
W.  King.) 



Kozella  Diane  Copeland 

The  Use  of  Relationships  In  Short-Term  Groups.  (1969,  Vol.  IV, 
under  the  direction  of  Janice  B.  Hough.) 

Bonnie  Lee  Noles  Cox 

Learning  Theory  And  Programming  In  Social  Group  Work. 
(1969,  Vol.  IV,  under  the  direction  of  Hansel.  H.  Hollingsworth.  ) 

Sarah  Millicent  Crumpler 

The  Social  Worker's  Role  In  Working  With  Long-Term  Hos- 
pitalized Schizophrenic  Patients.  (1970,  Vol.  Ill,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Mary  Edna  Porter.) 

Julia  Speas  Davis 

Crisis  Theory :  Its  Use  In  A  Family  Court  Setting.  (1969,  Vol.  I, 
under  the  direction  of  Paula  Goldsmid.) 

Lavinia  Ann  Putnam  Davis 

Community  Organization :  A  Developing  Method  of  Prevention 
In  Programs  Of  Comprehensive  Community  Health  Centers.  (1969, 
Vol.  IV,  under  the  direction  of  Morris  H.  Cohen.) 

Miriam  Delores  Davis 

What  Relationdship  Factors  Facilitate  Or  Hinder  Communica- 
tion With  Children.  (1969,  Vol.  I,  under  the  direction  of  Alan 

William  David  Devine 

The  Integrative  Role  Of  The  Social  Worker  In  A  Residential 
Setting.  (1969,  Vol.  I,  under  the  direction  of  Alsi  R.  McKinnon.) 

Janice  Dowdy 

Listening — A  Factor  In  The  Therapeutic  Relationship.  (1970, 
Vol.  Ill,  under  the  direction  of  Hortense  K.  McClinton.) 

William  Edward  Downey 

Psychopharmacological  Treatment  And  The  Family:  Social 
Work  Intervention.  (1969,  Vol.  I,  under  the  direction  of  Barbara 
H.  Cleaveland.) 

Billie  L.  Elmore 

The  Modifying  Treatment  Method:  Its  Strengths  And  Limita- 
tions For  Casework  Practice.  (1970,  Vol.  Ill,  under  the  direction 
of  Hortense  K.  McClinton.) 



Helen  Feagans 

The  Development  Of  The  Profession  Of  Marriage  Counseling 
And  Implications  For  Social  Work  Practice.  (1970,  Vol.  III.  under 
the  direction  of  Paula  Goldsmid.) 

John  F.  Flemming 

The  Family:  An  Integral  Part  Of  The  Client-System  In  The 
Treatment  Of  The  Mentally  III.  (1969,  Vol.  I,  under  the  direction 
of  Gerald  A.  Southerland.) 

Katherine  C.  Flinn 

The  Use  Of  Informality  In  Working  With  The  "  Captive ,r 
Client.  (1970,  Vol.  Ill,  under  the  direction  of  Alsi  R.  McKinnon.) 

Louise  F.  Folger  and  Pamela  P.  Kirkpatrick 

A  Conceptual  Framework  For  Evaluating  The  Functioning  Of 
Families  With  A  Mentally  Retarded  Child.  (1970,  Vol.  Ill,  under 
the  direction  of  Albert  W.  King.) 

Sarah  L.  Foss 

The  Potential  For  A  Family-Centered  Approach  In  Medical 
Settings.  (1970,  Vol.  Ill,  under  the  direction  of  Alsi  R,  McKin- 


A  Catalyst  Model  For  Social  Work.  (1970,  Vol.  Ill,  under  the 
direction  of  Janice  H.  Schopler.) 

Judith  G.  Fulk 

Please  Do  Not  Preach  To  Me:  Conflict  In  Value  Systems.  (1970y 
Vol.  Ill,  under  the  direction  of  Alsi  R.  McKinnon.) 

Anne  J.  Funderburk 

Behavior  Rehearsal  Programming:  An  Application  To  School 
Settings.  (1969,  Vol.  IV,  under  the  direction  of  Maeda  J.  Galinsky 
and  Janice  E.  Hough.) 

Richard  B.  Gerrish 

Behavior  Modification  Techniques  With  A  Child  In  A  Foster 
Home  Setting.  (1970,  Vol.  Ill,  under  the  direc